The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 20, 1896, Image 1

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,, .I. .iv'.- . ;w W-
NO. 25.
file f tar .. IS 00
tll iall In 'WlvuiKH!. il m (Mir roar.;
IU month. t ID'
f 'mt' month M
jj..'UlunHtlB. "ft
John H. Miloliell.i : senators
Hlnnor Hermann,...'..,.,. ...itotigrcsstnan
William P. Lr(l,.,.. ., Governor
H. 11. Jvli.cald.... Secretary of State
I'hll Melanhan , Treasurer
U. M. Irwli. dupt. iullli? Iimtructiou
H. W UmU State I'rlnlei
R. 8 Menu, i
F, A.MiHtre, i ....Supreme Judges.
0. K. Woolverton.l
fudge 0. D. Hanoi
Recorder, II. F. Hardman
Clerk C. B, Montague
Sheriff,... M.C. Humes
Bnlimil Superintendent, HieliniO'.d Wheeler
Treasurer, P. G. Morris
".assessor, ..t B. A. Stafford
Uurveyor i... E- T. T. Fisher
Ooroncr , C. F. Wright
. ' . , i J. M. Water
Goniiiuiwioiieni, H j ij, ( (;ur
iliTV OriciALS.
.nU . C. E. I'UOH
HARSH A I.. ... . W. TAYUlIi
lilt V IL.MLN A hhvhukY,
KN. It. "LAMAS'.
City Coumill nieett n 'he Hint and tliird
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Seorat Sooletlea.
LINN TKNT, Nu. 7, K. O. T, M.-Mol In 0. A.
K. Hall mi Tluirwlay evening or each week.
Trsromint Kir KiiikIim arc cordially Invited to
vNltttte Tent meeting.
T. C- PesblkR, Com,
HM. W. Bics.B.K.
llONOR I.0DUK, No. 88. A. 0. U. W.-Meotl
I'uemla)' evening at S. A. B. Hall.
H. Y. KiaitMTRicK, M. W.
J.F. U vim, Hoc.
every Saturday evenlug at Oii Fellows Hall, at
a'elook d. m.
P A. K. DAVIS, . 0.
W. C. I'KTEKHON, Buol y.
MeeU at.l. O. 0. T Ball lint and Iblrd Wednes
day evening! of oanh month. - - . -
HATTIE A.CRVJBOrl, eot'y, x
LEBANON MilKIK No, 44 A. F. 4 A. H.-Met
Saturday evening, on or before the full moon lu
each month, at Uawnuf Ball, Cor. Main and
Grant M. aojoumlug brothem comlally Invited
o attend.
J. Wamok, W.'M,
E. R. Hanxack, ace.
JOHN F. MILLER W. R. C. No. 16,
moots let and 3rd Fridays of eaob month at
!:80p. m. Aki B. Kirn, E. Saltmabsr, Free,
vMi. MvinrjurjiMP. Kn. lfi. Division of Ore
Von, Bom of Veterutu-Heet InO, A. B, Ball,
very Saturday evening, eieept the third
daturday of each month, meeting the thtra rn
day Unload, All brothem of the Horn of Vet
train and comradetof the (I. A. B. are cordially
Invited to meat with the Camp.
A. Boaua, Cftpt.
, 0. Sri tia, Flnt 8egt.
B1NAU.WEUT HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.
Moots on thead, 4th and Mr. Friday evening of
ion month at 7:Mr. a. at a. A. K. Han. Trnn.
alent Lady Maooabooi are cordially Invited to
HuuAif 8., Lady Com
Dome Sawmakbh, Lady R. K,
Sam'l M- Garland.
Veatfaerford S Wyatt,"
Tht Cheapem Ptirent
and Bent Family Aiutl
Icim Id the Woijdl
for all discMKii ot .
tht Liver, tttoirmch
.Add St) lawn.
Refulalti Tit uvir
and prvmt Chiijj
and Ftil;n. Ualahi.i
ous TKVf,Vt Bowel
;wu ,v; BAD BREATH I
NnthltiK m to nnnlaaitant, ootbiiir ao coninon
M bad breath, and in nearly avery cant it come
from tbaatomach, and can be ao euily corrected
Syou will take sihhuns Liver Reoui.ator.
u not nejflect to secure a remedy for thia re
pulilve dtaordar. U will alio Improv your
appatita, oomplaslon and general health.
How many naffer torture day altar day, mak
ing life a harden and robbing axfatence of all
Pleaaura, owing to the aecret Buffering from
ilea. Yet relief la ready to the hand ol almoit
any one who will uae aynttmatically the remedy
that hat permanently cured thouaanda. Bill
honi Liver Kboulator it no drastic, violent
purge, but a gentle auiiauuit to nature.
SHOULD not be regarded aa a
trifling ailment in tact, nature
demand the mmoit regularity of
the bowela, and any deviatioa
tram thia demand pavaihe way
often to aerioua danger. It ia .
quit aa Decenary to remove
import accuraulationi from tha
bowelt at It ia to eat or tieep, and
ao health can be expected where .
ooativa habit of body prevaila.
sick headache;
Thia diatrataing affliction oocurt moat fre
quently. The ditturbance of the atomacb, ant
ing from the imperfectly digested content,
cautcn a severe pain in the bund, accompanied
with disagreeable names, and thit coneUtntea
What ia populkrly known as Sick Headauhe; for
the relief of which Takb 13aJmuk LlVU
, -kahufactured only by
J. H. ZEILIN ft CO., Philadelphia, Pa,
Albany Steam Laundry
-A.lba.ny, Orfigon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Satisfaction Gaarntiteed or "Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
Lebanon, Oregon.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co.
Kpret tmiiiB leave Portland dally:
8:50 p. u.
12:10 a. .
l,v...rortland Ar.
8:10 a.
4:60 a.
Lv... Albany.. ..Ar.
10:46 A. K.
7:00 r.u
Tl'lie above tral'ia amp at East Purl-
laud, Oregon City, WnoSburu, Huleui,
Turner, Marlon, Jefferson,' Albany,
Albany Junction, Tangent, Hhedil,
Halaey, Harriaburg, J unci ion City,
Irving, Eugene, Creswell, frains and
all BtatlmiH from Kcweliurg soutb to
mid Indudlng AaliHuid.
Koflolmrg mail daily :
TMT7i. I l.v.rPortland ...Ar. 4 :40 p. M
12:26 P. H. Lv...Alliany Ar. 1:16 p. .
6:60 P. M. I Ar...Koiietiurg..Lv. 8:00 A.M.
, Ixinal
Iinanengor trains daily : (except
8:20 A. M.
11:10 A, H.
4:H0 P. M.
6:20 P.H.
Lv... Albany Ar. 1 10:40 A. u
Ar l.plit,mii l.v.
9:40 A. M
Lv... Albany Ar.
Ar...Ilanou ...Lv.
6:46 P. M.
6:60 P.H
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman Bufpst Sleepeks
Second-Clasa Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
Wont Bide Division.
Between Poutlasd and Uorvaims.
MnUtrainp-daily (except Sunday):
Tm a. mT I LvT..Portliiiid ...Ar. I 0:20 a. m.
12:16 P. m. I Ar...tkirvalli. .Lv. 1:116 B. M
At Albanv and Uorvalba connoct 'ith
trams of O. C. & K. railroad.
Expreab train daily (except Sunday):
4:40 p. u.
7:116 p.m.
1 Lv..rportland .!.Ar.
I Ar.McMbilivilleLv I
8:29 A. M
6:60 a.m.
THROUGH TICKETS l011"'"'"11"
ada and Europe can be obtained at loweat
ratei from F, U. Hlckok, agent, Lebanon.
R, KOEHLEK. Manager.
a; awasa m, 4 w.
Clipped frorri our Exchanges
Throughout the West
The ralm throughout the state did
imt damage the crope, -
Him. Wilfred I.awrer, Canada's hew
prime minister, is aald to be very
friendly to the i tlnitef) 8UteJ ' ,
Snow ll on the mountains ast of
Long Creek, in Orantcounly, Monday,
of last week. A rare' occurence for
The United States courts have
recently decided that "land grant" rail
roads must carry government troops at
half tare.
Last week J. Alpine, of Flainview,
killed a rattlesnake, 48 inches long,
wilb 10 rattles as Ills rudder, says the
Albany Democrat.
The Kostein residence, In Eugene,
that burned Monday, was iiiMired for
$2500, and there was $1500 insurance
on the furniture?
Oregon is rapidly becoming famoue
for Its great mines. The Quurtsrille
region is being worked day and night
with flattering prospects.
Oregon's potato crop this year Is
short. Potatoes were selling last week
lu Rnseburg for 21 cents a pound, and
in The Dalles for 1 cents.
A salmon trout was received in Eu
gene Haluiday from Louis Bean.of Sius
law, caught by himself, which weighed
80 pounds, so the Eugene Guard says.
Archbishop Gross Is quite 111. Too
much work in his high office has
broken his health. Tile bishop is a
worl by uian and a distinguished priet.
The wind-up of the flshiug unison at
The Dalles shows that the catch Ibis
seaMHi was very light '.-The scows did
betler ihun the siandiug wheels as a
The Piiciflc Coast hop crop last year
amounted to 181,0110 bales, of which
99,600 were raised iu Olegon, 53,000 in
l ai.loi-nia, 28.000 In Wiubington aud
700 iu British Columbia.
' AJucUrabbit Is not a novel' light lu
Harney county, but Hie Harney Valley
Items says that 2000 may be seen al
most any eveuiug, about suudown, Id
O. W. rJbaw's wheat field, near Har
ney. The number of pounds of bops con
tracted for iu Marion county, for tbe
yearl&KI, asBuowu by the contracts
So far recorded and on Qle In the of
fices of the couuty clerk and recorder,
is about 800,000.
A. 8. Nolan Co., of Nebraska,
bought lu April and May, 21,000 head
of Oiegou sheep. About 10 days ago
a band of 6500 were shipped from
Soda springs, Idaho, which were driven
from Hay creek, across the desert aud
The United States fish commission
has decided to establish a salmon
hatchery near Stevenson, opposite the
Cascades, on the Wasblngtou aide of
the Columbia. Experiments have
proven that the run of salmou cau be
maintained by these artiflcial means.
J. Smitb, a sheepraiser, arrived in
The Dalles, Tuesday, and says that
Ernest Sherar, who was one of the
men reported killed lu Uraut couuty
uot long ago, In a light between cattle
and sheepmeu, Is very much alive, aud
shipped 6000 sheep from Huiitiugtou
last Sunday. .
A peculiar phenomenon was wit
nessed ou tbe Columbia river, near
Lyle Mouday evenlug, by the passen
gers on the Begulator. The river was.
mvered with myriads of butterflies, so
numerous as to almost obscure the
vision. Where Ihej came from or
where they were goiug seemed uuex
plaluable. Fully half the students at the State
Normal at Mouurouth are either wholly
or partially self supporting, at least 90
per oeiiloame from thecountry. Many
teach a year and attend school a year.
The expenses are very light, from $100
tu$180 a year for living, books and'
tuition. Twenty tour oounties were1
represented last year. .
It Is tbe big wheat yields that ure1
reported. Jlere is oue from Llim'
oouuty: The I. D. Miller qrew threshed1
1751 bushels of wheat off BOO acres at
I he Ed Knox farm, owned by S. E.
Youug and rented by Thomas Cham
bers. This is an average of over Si
bushels, Oue thousand auB two hunt
dred and seveuty-slit bushels of ii
were threshed In the .forenoon.
T. W. Talbot, an. Englishman,' who
Is euroute for Australia, and who bui
walked all tbe way from New York;
taking side trips to see the sights of the
country, and swelling the miles
traveled ou foot to about 6000, passed
through Ashland Friday northward;
aU ta yetri trf tuot 0f wtB
browned from exposure but with a
gait as elastic as a youth of 20. He says
be la writing a book,
Joseph Wright, of Union, shot an
American black eagle last Thursday in
the Eagle mountains. He forwarded
the body of the bird to Fireman Fred
Ballen, of La Grande. Mr, Balleii
who is a taxidermist, will mount It,
Tbe eagle measured seven feet two
laches across the wings,1 weighed 40
pounds, and the claws aud beak are
each two Inches long. Iu life, such a
pirate of the air would carry off a lam b
with ease.
Tbe expense incurred by the state
and Clatsop couuty ou accouut of tbe
visit of the militia last June was: Total
expense for the care of the militia,
$324; cost of steamers for use of militia
in patrolling the river iu the vicinity
of Astoria, $180. The expenses of the
sheriff's posse in the vicinity of Clif
ton, Including deputies, arms, etc.', was
$375.84; the cost for services ot-steamers
iu patrolling that porliou of the
river was $455, makinga total of $820 .04
for the work done near Cliftou. The
grand-total of all the expenses at Clif
ton and Astoria is $1324.94. This, of
course, dues uot, include the pay of the
. O. C. & E. speculation
The Lincoln Couuty Leader pub
lishes tbe following railroad gossip:
Tbe solid, substantial and thorough
repairs that are being made on tbe O.
C. it seem to be a very good indi
cation that somelbiug lu the way of
exteulion is contemplated. The
bridges and roadbed are being put in
the best po-isiblc shape, tLousuuds of
ties ar-? being replaced, aud the phys
ical condition of lie road is the best it
has beeu since it was first built, if not
the best it has ever been. All this l.od
been done at an iunueitse outlay of
money, au l at an outlay Unit the
present traffic of the road would never
justify. ' Tne plansable theory then ia I
(but, the owners contemplate 'singe- j
thing moie than the local tratic,- and
that it must be the exteutioii Into
Eastern Oregon so loug looked lor iuid
so ardently hoped for. Mr. Hammond
is a man of very few words, and he is
actually doing today wiiai a great
many capitalists before him hive'
tried to do and failed he Is actually
building a railroad Into Astoria.
Eveivthing indicates that before the
first of 1897 that the Astoria & Uoble
road will be completed and cars run
ning into Astoria. After that giant
project has beeu termiuated by a suc
cessful completion we verily believe
that Mr. Hammond will immediately
turn bis atteution to the O. C. & E.
The undertaking is not so great as
of tbe Astoria cV Uoble road, ami while
there will be no great subsidy to earn
the profits and earnings would well re
pay the outlay. It would uot only
open up a vast country by railroad
connection, but it would put the
present line of the O. C. & E. lu a pay
ing, profitable condition. We nave
full faith that August, 1897, will see
the active work on the long-cherished
extention of the O. C. ft E. well under
Assaulted by Mexicans.
St, Joseph, Mo., Aug. 14 Inquiry
has been received here from tbe office
of tbe U. S. consul at Juarez, Mexico,
concerning Jus F. Howard, a youug
man well known here, wbo is reported
lying unconscious at a hospital at
Juarez, with t' bullets in his body.
Private telegrams received say that
Howard started from Juarez to the
City of Mexico. A short distance out
of Juarez lie became involved iu a
difficulty with several Mexicans, who
attempted to assail him. He shot three
of them dead aud escaped. Later ou,
the same night, he was picked up by a
Mexican Cepteral passenger train aud
takeu to J uarez.
An Oil Tank Burned.
Lima, O., Aug. 15. At 1 o'clock
this moruiug lightning struck a 86,
000 barrel oil tank ou the Kemper
farm, three miles south of here, owned
by the Standard Oil Company. The
fire communicated to llirev other
tanks. The Standard people hired 300
meu to throw-up embankments, end
are shooting the tanks to let the oil
out. The smoke from the burning oil
makes it aS dark as an eclipse. The
loss will reach $75,000.
Measure your rooms accurately, and
bring size IU feet and Inches with you.
It costs you nothing to have your car
pets Bewed by hand by the Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oiegou.
During our closing out sale no goods
will be sold except for spot cash.
Rkad, Peacock & Co.
Bead, Peacock & Co, has ileevolest
UoMt tU fcr Mis! fttaxi H 494
Albany Democrat: Last Friday a
man went to the bottling works of O.
BaeumiearM bought three bottles of
wine, claiming that they were for a
saloon he was startiug up In the hills,
and as he hud a partner he would want
a receipt, which was given him.
Yesterday the uiuu went to Mr.
Baeumle, and giving his name as John
Hurling, claimed to be a special ugeut
of tne Internal revenue office, and de
claring that Mr. Baeumle had violated
the law ,t would take $150 to settle it.
This Mr. Batimle insisted it would be
absolutely impossible to raise. The:
amount was finally cut down"to $20,
Of which -Mr. Baumle paid io and pay the balance. Marshal
Lee had been inlormed of the matter,
and finally suspecting something
wrong telephoned to U. 8. Marshal
Grady, who informed him that there
was no such agent and iluully tele
phoned him to arrest Darling foe im
personating a U, 8. officer, and that
Doputy Marshal Humphrey would be
up to-night and take him back. Darl
ing was arrested and is in the county
J-.dl, It looks like a bold confidence
game to make a haul, and there are
circumst.'iures indicating that Darling
may have a confederate in it.
Laths. Mr. O. Baeumle.the yietlni,
went to Portland and arranged the
matter with the government, by pay.
ing !0 ami costs isi,.oO in all. Darling
appeared before Juslijo Powell With
Hon, J. K. VVetitheifoirt as attorney
and will light tb miitler. The pen
ally of tile .offence, if proven is $500
tine and six mouths lo two yeuis Im
prisonment, and hence Is a very
a. rious matter. Darling is a maiiiibiu
forty years of age, wears a Prince
Albert and has a business look, The
present indications are, though, that
he was playing a sharp game to make
some money.
Seyman Myers, of this city, who re
turned from Corvallis last evening,
states that "Billy" Williams, a well
known engineer of Corvallis, com
milted suicide by shooting himself lu
the head witli a revolver.
During the afternoon Williams walk
ed Into Hodes' store aud bought a 32
calihre revolver, and also purchased
some cartridges. He paid for the
weumn aud started out of the store.
The proprietor hadj, hardly replaced
the box upon the slant' when he heard
a shot fired at the front door, Willi
ams had deliberately placed the neap
on to his temple and pulled the trigger.
When Mr, Meyers left Corvallis at 4
o'clock Williams wassteil alive, but his
life-blood was slowly ebbing from an
ugly hole In his temple, aud It was
thought he could uot possibly recover.
Williams was for many years an
engineer iu the empoly of the old Ore
gon Pacific railroad, and for some time
worked in Fisher's flouring mill In Cor
vullis. More recently he has con
ducted a little repair shop near the
ferry. He has been In poor health ami
was in straightened circumstances,
which are supposed to have beei the
cause of his rash act. He was about
60 years old and had no family.
Dragged Over a Rough Road,
Foit est Grove, Or , Aug 14 While
(Living home from the country last
evening at a late hour, Dr. O. C, Hiutt,
oue of the locul deullsts, drove off the
graded portion ot the road. The buggy
turned over and tiirew him out. Mrs.
Hiutt and her neice, who were will)
tbe doctor, stayed In the buggy, which
someway righted Itself, aud the horse
started to run. The dueler, realizing
the danger, held tenaciously to the
lines, and was drugged quite a distance
over tile crushed-rock road until the
team stopped. He sustained u broken
arm, a gash in the forehead and
numerous bruises. He is resting easy.
Klruw hats! straw huts!! from 5 to
50c at the Racket Store. Laceeuriuins
70 els., $1, aud $1.25 per pair. Eight
spools of best thread for IBo, 8 for 10c,
Full-size cabinet photographs $1.50
to $2 per own for W day! only at
But He Was Nearer to it Than Any
' Other Living Explorer.
I M aloha, Sweden, Aug. 18. The '
newspaper Dagensnyheler has recelv -ed
communications from Dr. Nansen
aud Lieut. Schottansen from the island
af Vardo. These communications stale
that they abandoned the Fran In Hie
autumn of" 1895 and resorted to the.
! The Bteamer Winward, carrying
eupples to the Jaeksjii-Wurimworth
expedition, picked them up near Franz
Josef Laud.Tbey ex peeted that f heFran '
would eventually drift to the east coast
pf Greenland. Dr. Nansen failed to
reach the pole but he touched a point
four degrees nearer than auy other
(explorer has done.
: Vboue, Nokwv, Aug. 13.-Dr.
Nansen left the Fran on March 14.
1895,iu 93 degrees of north latitude. He
traversed Polar Sea to a poiut 36 de
grees, 14 minutes iu north latitude,
situated north of New Slbejsa islands.7
No laud was sighted north of 82 de
grees of latitude or thence to Franz Josef
! Laud, where ho passed the winter sub
sisting on bear flesh and whale bubber.
1 Dr. Nansen and his companions are
in the best of health. The Fran Is ex
pected at Vardoe or' Bergan Shortly.
She stood the ice well. f There ire no
sick persons alioard.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers in Linn
counly like to take the Weekly Oregon
ian. Wo have mwle arrangements
Whereby we can furnish it1 atareduo
lion from the regular price to those
who want both the Expkess and the
Oregonian. The regular price of the
Orcijoiiian Is $1.50 per year, and of the
Exphiss $1.50 when In advance. ' We
will furnish both for $2. per year iu
advance, a saving of one dollar to the
subscriber. The Oregonian gives all
tbe general news of the country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent news service
for the moderate sum of $2. per year.
Those who are at present subscribers
f the Express must pay iu all arrear
ages and one year in advance to obtain
this special price.
Burglary at Corvallis.
The residence of I lie Hev, Mr. Plum
tuer, in Corvallis, was robbed during
the family's summer vacation;. Last
week D. Grudam noticed that the back
door was ajar, and Informed Mre.
Luford, who discovered that some one
had ransacked the house, emptying
drawers and piling the content on the
floor. From the appearance of the
bedi, some one hud laeu sleeping n
them lately. Until the family returns
the aiunuut of property stolen cannot
be ascertained. It is said there was
some money In the house that the
doctor had forgotten to take with him,
and some pieces of sliver plate, highly
prized as heirlooms.
Riot at Cleveland,
Cleveland, ()., Aug.14. Three men
were shot and one badly hurt iu a con
flict which occurred this evening be
tween a party ot the Brown company
strikers aud several nonunion men,
who were going home from their
works. Two of the wounded men are
nonuulonists, Ihe third Is a striker aud
the forth a spcatutor. Noue were
necessarily fatally hurt.
3, U and $5
for only $1.50 to $2