Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK, Editor - and - Proprietor wsrt wett vrmr The organs of Wall street opin ions and interests are still loud in their praises of Mr. Fierpont Mor gan and his associates fur "coming to the relief of the treasury" in re storing and agreeing to protect the gold reserve. This action is praisworthy, The World has said, although prudent and selfish as any "patri otic" deed that haB been performed since the war. Mr. Morgan and the money magnates that bow when he nods and shut- their eyes when he winks know perfectly well that another issue of bonds thit- summer to protect the gold reserve would render the election of Bryan so certain that no amount "hustling and howling" thougl backed by the biggest campaigt fund ever raised, could prevent It is therefore very enlightened selfishness, not interested patriot ism, that leads the bankers syndi cate to render a bond issue unnec essary and to stop the export gold. But their ability to do this raise the auestion. which thus far hai 1 ' had no answer: Why did not M Morgan and biB associates go to the rescue nnd relief of the treasury in the same way in 1895, and again Jrtst winter? They had or could easily have commanded as much then as now. They had then -no more use for gold (aside from fore ine a premium or bond issue,) thai they now have. The World urged them to do then what they have done now. It would have beei far less risky then than it is now for the country was not then con fronted with the serious menace ot descent to the silver basis. But the great financiers would not heed. Instead of organizing syndicate to fill up the'grdd reserve , from their vaults in exchange foi greenbacks, they frightened Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle into the belief that a panic was imminent and that the only way to prevent it and to protect the treasury wat to sell them bonds for greatly Jlenf than the market price. And ihui by taking the government by the throat they made a profit of-mil lions within a few days, at no risk and at little trouble. No incident or circumstances the past ten years has done much to invite the popular upris ing which has overwhelmed one party and which menaces the other as did the secret bond sale of 1895 and the grudging and partial re sponse to The World's demand for a popular loan last winter. They were as sparks to .a fuse. The present guardianship of the treas ury by the power that once "held it up" in a very different way is perfect vindication of the WorlJ's position. N. Y. World. Perhaps no discovery of late yearB has created so wide an in terest and commands so quick and practicable an application as has the X ray business. Says the Elec trical Engineer: ' So thoroughly practical are Ronton rays con sidered by the medical department of the English war-office that two seta of Rontgen-ray apparatus, it is reported have been sent up the Nile to be used by the army surgeons in locating bullets and in determining the extent of bone fracture. of The railroads leading into New York City have refused to give re duced rates to parties desiring to attend the Bryan ratification meet ing. This is unusual. . Railroadf are always anxious to have excurs ions on their lines. This action is in keeping with the general policy of boycotting Bryan, inaugurated by the trusts -and combines of which Hanna is the acknowledged champion. The people will treas ure up all such things and will vote against McRinley, knowing that they will thus vote against the corporations and trusts. Who are the "calamity howlers" now? The populist used to have first mortgage on the business, but the republicans are now out-howl ing the pops. The populists howled because of hard times and they had Bome excuse. Now the republicans are howling in antici pation of absolute ruin upon Bryan's election. Hanna has "howled1' several hundred thousand dollars mit of Wall street for a corruption fund. Never again call the pop' "calamity howlers." The republi cans have proven a better claim t lilies, J J. The Albany Democrat says the following is one of the current fi nancial jokes now going the rouiule of; the press: "Some of our ex changes are telling about a fellow who h so radical on the silver question that he digs up all the golden rod and marigold, raises white corn, and won't speak to his wife because she has golded hair, is forever denouncing the gold cure, won't keep the golden rule nnd does not want to enter the gulden gates. If Pennoyer is turning the office and powers of mayor into a political boycott, he is unfit to be mayor, We don't believe in such politics- Honest citizens will recoil from such doings. But Pennoyer is doing for Bryan only what the ireat corporations are doing for McKinley. He is fighting the devil with fire and the devil is rebuking sin. A pretty mess. The. county court has refused to grant further time to the assessor in which to complete tax roll for 1896. If further time is really needed to allow the assessor to do his work properly, then the time should have been allowed. The tjiving of a little more time is pre ferable to a faulty tax roll gotten up in a hurry. We should make haste slewlv. The McKinleyites have already acknowledged that Oregon is lost to the cold cause. No part of Mark Banna's bar'l will find its way to this section of the country. Judge Northrup's vote, last June, -tettled the financial dispute so far as this state figures. Bryan will have at least 8 of every 10 votes in Oregon. Mercury. Ai.BANrSilver Imprint, job print- ng $80, allowed. Albany Demo crat. . To the victor belong the spoils. The populist believe in this good ild democratic-republican idea. The Imprint boys deserve recogni tion, for they did good work for the populist ticket. An editor wrote a ball room puff, saying: "Jier dainty feet were en cased in shoes that might have been taken for fairy boots," but the blundering compositor mode it i: "Her dirty feet were encased shoes that might have been taken for ferry bouts." Ex. BUSINESS LOCALS. Sailor hats at 20c at Miss Duruond'e. When you want bargains go to the racket store. Oet your pictures taken now by Tinkle at Boyd's Gallery. Go to A. E. Davts for soda water, onOQ cola, and milk hakes. New aubsnrlptlone for tbe Weekly Oregonlan taken at this office. Special sale at Read, Peacock & Co. '8 of all summer goods Lawns, Dimities, India muslins. Chain 25 yards for $1. Now is the time to buy a cool wrapper at Read Peacock & Co. 's If the photos you have made by Tinkle at Bi.yd's Gallery are not satis factory you need not pay for them. Now is tbe best eliunc you will ever have of getting fine photos so cheap. Satisfaction guaranteed at Boyd's gal lery. The best dressed men in Linn county are those who buy their clothlug from Bach & Buhl. Good suits for low prices. I have money to loan at 8 per oen interest ou good farm or personal security, J. M. Raloton, Maston Block, Albany, Or. Young man, you are thinking some thing about your sweetheart, and you will want to look nice when in her presence, so buy the latest styles of clothing at Baker's. He hoe the price way down to suit your rerdy cash. You run no risk. All drugoists guarantee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it Warranted, no cure, no pay, There are many Imitations. To get the genuine ask for Glove's. For sale by N. V. Smith, Lebanon, Oregon. New Drug Finn, At Miller's old stand we are adding new'goods, and hope by fair dealing, and close attention to business, to merit tbe confidence of the Lebanon trade. Our specialty will be pure drugs and prescription won. Lowest prices on paints, oils, books, stationery, etc. 0. C. McFarland. 81UO REWARD, ftlOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn thai there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to core in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity, uatarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hails Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directlr up on the blood and mucuotie surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength bv building up the constitution and assisting nature in its work- The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they otfer One Hundred Dol lars tor anv case ttiat it tans to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. "Bold by Druggista, 76c. Hon. W. J. Bryan writes the ecretary of the Washington state commute that he will visit the Pacific coast during the compaign nd apeak at Portland, Taconie, Spokane aA other Northwest cities. He proposes to address the voters in every state in the union. SENATOR MITCHELL Will be in Oregon by the 15th of the present month, and it is said, will do all in iis power to keep Oregon in the republican column. The bicycle craze has caused the horses to be slaughtered, and now all the buggy factories are failing. Going to Newport. The final preparations for the militia encampment at Newport, have been made, a camp flleepy Hollow, n.ear the Ocean House selected. And the hoys will go over next Saturday, Aug. and return on Monday Aug. 24. here will be 25 from Albany, 26 from Eugene, 27 from Salem and 10 from Wooduuru, and the camp will be under the command of Col. Yoran, of Eugene. The Salem and Woodburn boya will go as members of F Co. The services of Hr. Moore, who runs the lormit'iry of tbe Agricultural college, lave been secured to look after tbe com lteary department. The boya will tidoubtedly hava a pWaseut time. tWitW, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon Citv, Or.,1 August 4. 18B6. I Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Inten n'on to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be nude before the county clerk of Linn county, Ore gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Oct. 12, 1896, John K. Carlton, H. E. No. 10741, (or the W, H 8. E. ii, 8. W. y, tt. E A 4 8 E N. W. H ot Bee. 21, Tp. 10, 8. U. 6 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his contiauoiis residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Wm. Kriesel, R. C. Krienl, Thomas Kiley, Simpson Fear son, all of Detroit, Marion Co., Oregon. Kobibi A. MlLlM, Begisler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,1 Aug. 4. 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his inter. tiou to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Clerk of Linn county, Ore gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Oct. 12, 1890 rii: Thomas Kiley, H. E. No. 10740, for tin W. H 8. W. , bee. 23 and W. H,N Wj,8ec. W, Top. 10, 8. It. 6 E., W. M. He names tin following witnesses to prove his continuout- residence upon and cultivation of, sau. land, viz: J E Carlton, K O Kriesel, Wn, Kriesel, 8 Pearson, allof Detroit, Marion Co.: Oregon, Hobskt A. Mums, Register. Rich Red Blood la absolutely essential to health. It is secured easily and naturally by taking Hood's BanaparlUa, but Is Im possible to get tt from so-called" nam tonics," and opiate compounds, ab surdly advertised aa u blood purl Sera," They have temporary, stepping enact, but do not CURE. To have pun BIdod And good health, talcaHood'aSarsapnrllla, which has first, last, and aU tho time, beenadvertlsedas lust what it Is- the beat medicine tor tho blood over pro duced. Its success in curing BcrnCula, Bait Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Nervous 1'rontrnlioa aud That Tired Feeling, have made 000 s $arsaparii!a TbeOne Tru Blood Purifier. All arirlila. St. . . aropnrely vec. -i.iM. n. iiOOU 8 PUIS liable and lieucScliil. t DR.J. A. LAMBERSON Ts better prepared to treat chronic dis eases than any other physician in U'banon, lie having a fine outfit of instruments and the essentials to treat tln?ae dineitaes tmc cessfully, and his serial reading on this line has made him well )ualitied to treat these special diseases, t'urtinns at a dis tances can be ncronimotiitled with (rood rooms, board, lodging and exerieiiml nurse if desired. Oltioe opposite Odd Fol lows hall, Main afreet, l-ebanon. Oregon. Charges reasonable. M. RALSTON, B H O K E II , Maeton Block, Alhnny, Or Money to loan on farm security, also small loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of the largest companies in the world, at the low est rates. lint Model nerchaiit am authorizes) jm. ftlvnu E 1 'Ct fflfflffl&r " Form.!I Wlllfff tht 94 Style. I money Short T9'; weeks)'' Unjths. II trial if not Beit fa-Jrm SatUfac- 4T- saw,. H Vai'V-:- t , Mritorv. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oreiron City, Or.,1 July 16th. 1N i Notice is hereby aiven that the followinir- named settler lias Hied notice of his in tention to make tinal proof in tuimwrt of hiscluim, and that said proof will lie made before the countv clerk of l.inn county, at Albany. Or., on Beptembcr 7th, 18H0, viz: W. H. Vail, H. E. 8141 for the 8. W. W of oec. 23, i p. iz h., k, i r,. lie names tne following witneases to prove his continu ous resiuence upon ana cultivation 01, said land, viz: N. J. Hiulnlson, Wm. Todd. 8 A. Hudelson and 11. M. Hurrell, of Water loo, Or. Kobrbt A. J( lima. Kegister.' teriala. Featherbone Corset Co.. Sol Uaauiaoiume, KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. ton Awc at HIRAM BAKER, The Leading Dealer in DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC. ; The Cbampion Mills, . DO A... AUHINIHTBATOK'H NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of A. V Garoutte, deceased, has filed with the clerl of Linn county, Oregon, his tinal account it the above named estate,and that the count) court of said county lias fixed the 11th dai of September. 1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. K. of said day at the court bouse thereof for hearing objections, if any there be, U said accaunt and for the settlement of sail, estate. All persons haying any objection, to said Anal account are hereby notified u Hie the same on or before the 11th day o September, 1890. Dated, this 8th day of August, 1886. Phil Kir, W. M.Baowa, Adminissralor. Atty. for Admr. Notice of Appointment of Administrate Notice is herehv aiven that the under signed has been duly appointed admini trator of the estate of J. T. MeCallisier deceased, late of Linn county. Oregon. Al persons having claims against the sai estate are hereby notified to present them with the proper vouchers, within six month, from the dale of this-notice, to the under signed, at Albany, Oregon. Dated, this 1st day of August, 1896. v . rYs, sVltuUtlMnfiA General Exchange and Mill Business. Flowr aud All Klndm of Mill Feed For Mule at the Lowest Prices. We are prepared at all to pay Albany prices ior wheat to those who store with us. Call and get sacks and learn further particulars. Very Truly, G. W. Aldkich. Lebanon, Oregon . St. Charles Hotel Lebanon, Oregon, The only firet-class house in the city. Rates $! & $2 per day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention given to commercial travelers. J. B. Thompson. Proprietor. POPULAR SCIENCE '. Heal TASTELESS CHILL T0t!l Nnturo. Invention Wmn )tttny, fcjfmtrtfllty, Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry Enlarged and Improved Contains a lurire iiuiulier of Hliorl. Easy. Practical, Interesting nnd Pou- ulur, Kcienlillc article", that can lie Aiirciiuli (l nnd enjoyed by any niti'l- llgvtit reader, even though he know little or nothing uf Hciencc, Profusely Illustrated and Free From Technicalities, Thos. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C Rouse, Receivers. N: ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U N Pullman Elegant Tourist ' Sleeping Cars Dining Cars -a Sleeping Cars ' at. rani Newsdealers, 10 cents. SI. 00 per year Menlion thin paper fora sample eopy.1t Largeat Circulation of any Scientific Paper In the World IT1II.ISHKD MONTHLY BV UciiJ. Lillurd, New York. CI I Fire Insurance. 18 JUST A8 COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 eta. OatATiA, lue., sov. is, w. , Bl.LouU.ldo. Gentlemen: wo sold lost roar, 000 bottles of Paris Medlolne Co., St. Louis, Mo, Gentlemen: wo sold lost yei OBOVKK TABTBLEH6 CHILL TONIC sod bare bought ttireo Bros, already Ibis jresr. laajltmrei says ii TfstinHruIr, perlsuce ot U yarn, la tbe sever sold an article toat. (aetaa) e rev eow ffti -us builnee, ba icb uoivemsiesue. Ineiiie Your Property with GEORGE RICE --1N- ltoyal, Ilurtfbrd, Phoenix, Ilaiitburtf.Iii-eineu, fireman's Fund, Western, Reliable old line companies he renreaenle. All liualneaa placed with him will U at tended to promptly. Office on Main tit., LEBANON, Or. MlnHaaitolls llalutb Grand Porks (Iraokstna Winnipeg Helena and THROUGH TICKETS-P TO Chicago Washington rhlMdllila NewYork Huston nnd all rolnts Knal and Huuth For information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write W. C. PETERSON, Agent, LEBANON, - - OREGON. or A.D. CHARLTON, Asst. Genl.Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon. Rlpana Tabulea. Rlpans Tabules cure uauaea. Rlpans Tabulea: at druggists. Rlpans Tabulea cure headache. Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence. Rlpans Tabules cure dyspepsia, Rlpans Tabules assist digestion. Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief. Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath. Rlpans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure Indigestion. Rlpans Tabul cure torpid llvar. I nytis i wvns mmmnumM)m ,