VOL. X. LEBANON, OREGON, AUGUST 13, 1896. NO. 23. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ine y iar ...12 on tlf paid In advance., SI ou per year.) 4tx mouths ,. H I on r' r rurtH! months.,....,, ,. , 5li Single million , J STATE nmcEIIB. John H. Mitchell.! ......Senator. Dinner Hermann congressman William l i.ord, ... ..Governor " H. It. Kim-aid, Secretary of Stale Phil Mntsclian Treasurer H. M. Irwin, Supt. Public Instruction H. W Leeds State Printer R.BIIeaii, I V. A. Moore, I- Supreme Judges. 0. E. Woolverton.l 'WHVt OFFICERS. luiljie,. G. D. Barron Recorder,,. I). F.'Hardnian Clerk C. B, Montague Hlierilf, M. C. Gaines School Superintendent, Kk-limo .d Wheeler Treasurer , p. 0. Morris V j Assessor, 1). A. Stafford Surveyor, E. T. T. Kinder Coroner C.F. Wright Commissioners, j il. L Cur! CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR P. IS. ruOH ItKCOUDEU W. W. DROWN CITY ATTOltNEY 8. M. OAKLAND ritKAHUUKH J.F, HYDE MUtHHAL i). W. TAYLolt fN. 8. DALGLEISH, ' 8. 0. WALLACE, .'(IHNCI1 MifK u- BAKKIt, tll.M 1LSII1R A MpHKsy 'j. It, SMITH, VK. It. 11EAMAN. City Council imietseu 'lie first ami third Tuesday evenings of each mouth. Saoret Societies. I.INN TEST. X,i. 1. K. 0. T, M.-Meet In U. A. H. Hall uu Tlntr-day ei-eiilns of each week. Transient Sir Knnrlits are cordially Invited to visit Che Tent meeting. C. W. Riuin, Ooni, Olo. W. liir.e.R. K. HONCIlt LODOE, No. !W. A. 0. 1). W.-Ucetn avury Tuesday evening-at Q. A. &. Hall. H. Y. KlItRTATBlCK., M. W. J. F. Hvjik, Rec. LlCDANON LOIXfK, NO. 47. I. O. 0. F.-MerU every Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, at o'clock p. ni. A. E. DAVIB, N. G. W. C. PETERSON, Beefy. ., PEARLRKIIECCA L0D08, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F. Moots at I. 0. 0. F Hall Arst and third Wednes day evenings of eaoh month. HA RAH SALTMAKSH, JJ. G. BATTIE A.CRU80N, Beefy. f LEIIANON I.ODGK No, U A. F. 4 A. M.-Meets Saturday evening, on or before the full mono In each month, at Masonic Hall, Cor. Main and Grant sts. Sojourning bretberu corufally Invited o attend. J. Wassos, W. H, E. E. Hamhack, Sec. JOHN F. MILLER AV. K. C. No. 15, meets 1st and 3rd Fridays of em-h month it 2:90 p. m. A.vme B, Keeh, DOLLIE E. SALTHAHnU, Pros. Soc'ty. . ' UEN'L MEIGOB CAMP, No. 1H.. Division of Ore gon, Sons of Veteruans Meet In G. A. R. Hall, every Saturday evening, except tho third Saturday of caeh month, meeting the third Fri day Instead. All brothers of the Sous of Vet erans and comrades of the G. A. R. are cordially Invlicd to meot with the Camp. A. Bosun, Capt. it, 0. STt'KM, First Segt. BINA M. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M. Meets on the 2d, 4tb and fith Friday ovening of each month at 7;M r. u. at 0. A. R. Hall. Tran sient Lady Maccabeus are cordially invited to attend. Huldah 8. MILI.KB, Lady Com. Dolue 8AT.THA1WK, Lady R. K. PROFESSIONAL. Sam'l, M. Garland. ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANON. OREGON. ... Weather-ford ft Wyatt, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, ALBANY. OREGON. W.R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W. M, BROWN, Attorney-at-Law. PURELY VEGETABLE. Th Cheapest, PiirBHt and Buit Family Med icine in the World! AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for all diseases of the Llvor, Stomach and Spleen. Herniate the Liver and prevent CHll.14 SND FEVSB, MA1.ABI- gun Fkveks, bowel Complaihts. Rest. LtBSNEsa, JAUNDICS Au nAUSEA. BAD BREATH! Nothing In an unpleasant, nothing so common en had breath, und in nearly every esse it cornea from theittomftch, and can be socasiiy corrected if voll will o,f kiuktaB l.vt-n uuun .-.. Do not neplect to aecure a remedy for this re pulsive disorder, It will also Improve your appetite, complexion and general health. PILES I How many suffer torture day after day, mat. lag life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing to the aeoret auflering from Piles. Yet relief is ready to the hand of almost any one who will line systematically the remedy that haa permanently cured thousands. Sim mons Livkk Kkoolatok 1 no drastic, violent purge, but a gentle assistant to nature. CONSTIPATION SHOULD not be regarded as a trilling ailment in facL nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It it quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the bowels as il is to eat or sleep, and 110 health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails, SICK HEADACHE! This distressing affliction occurs most fre quently. The disturbance of the stomach, aris ing from the imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain In the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what Is popularly known hs Sick Headache; for the relief of which Take blMUUNa LIVE Regulator. manufactured only bv i. H. ZEILIN 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa Albany Steam Laundry RICHARDS ft PHILLIPS, Proprs, -A-lbniiy, Orogron All Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Special Rates for . . Family Washings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. J. F. HYDE, Agent, lbanoii, - Oreiron. East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE- Southern Pacific Co. Expreas trains leave Portland daily : Tfftu p. i. , l,v... Portland Ar. 8:10 a. m 12:10 A. t. Lv...Allmiiy.. ,.Ar. 4:60 a. 10:45 A. M. Ar.Kun FrnneiscoLv I 7:00 p. M Ths above Irul'ie stop at East Port laud, Oregon City, Woodburu, Baleio, Turner, 1arioii, Jell'ersou, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent, Sheda, Hulsey, Harrieburg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Crtwell, Drains and all stations from H.oseburg south to and including Ash land. RoselmrR mail daily : 8:80 a. M. I LvrFbrtiand ...Ar. 4:40p7m. 12:25 p. . Lv... Albany Ar. 1:16 p. at. 6:60 P. M. Ar...ltosnburg..Lv. 8:00 a.m. Local Sunday. passenger trains duily (except 8:20 a. m. 0:10 A. M, 4:110 P. at. 6:20 r. M. Lv... Albany. Ar. Ar...Lehauon....Lv. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar... Lebanon ...Lv. 10:40 A.M. 9:40 a.m. 6:46 p.m. 6:60 P. m. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Pullman Bupfst Sleepers AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trains. Went Side IMvisloil. Between Portland and fJonvAT.us. Mail train daily (except Sunday): 7:H0 A. M.'TLv.T.PoriTa'nd .Tr. f fi:20 A. M. 12:16 p. m. I Ar...("orvullis. .Lv. I 1:SS p. m. At Albanv and Corvnllts connect with trains of 0. C. & E. railroad. Express train dally (except Sunday): 4:40 p. m. 7:S6P.M. Lv...Portlnnd ...Ar. j 8:25 A. M. Ar.McMinnville Lv I 6:60 a.m. THROUGH TICKETS Toal1 "oi"t8 in the . Eastern States. Can ada and Europo can be obtained at lowest rates from F. U. Hickok, agent, Lebanon. R. KOEHLER, Manager. X. f. jmKWL . . VM. All STATE AND COAST. Clipped from our Exchanges Throughout the West. A kiln of 150,000 brick Is ready to be burned In La Orande. Ground squirrels are becoming so numerous in Curty county that in several places the gardens are being baly damaged. Harney rounly la said to have in vested $26,000 In bicycles this year $5000 In cash and the balance on the Installment plan, The four fingers and thumb of Peler Anderson's right hand were cut off by a saw iu Watson & Luhr's planing mill in Pendleton, Tuesday. 1 he run of 24 tons of ore from the Tom Paine mine in the Rachael mill, in Baber City, was finished yesterday, and a clean-up resulted in a yield of JW14.49, . The Marshfield Bun says that Re ceivor Hutltheson has received orders from the court to sell the five stamp mill at the Divllblixs mine, and will Boon post notices of the sale, Joseph Dufl'ron, who was slabbed by a Chinaman at. The Dulles the other day, is having a serious time and is re covering slowly. His physician recently discovered an internal wound after the wound had healed outwardly. George Riddle, of linker City, went flshinc and tied ills buggy horse ou a sidehill. When he came back the horse hud slipjied and rolled down the hill in such a way that the holler around his neck had choaked him to donth, Judte Halms' overruled nil demurers in the Hanmiemly lien cases, and set Iht in for trinl at the Heptcmher term of oourl in Josephine county. Jm es & Otieo huve. settled some of the pre ferred liens, and can continue to work the mine. ...... The Lafayette Journal has succumed to the stress of the times and suspended pulilieallnu Editor Derby , has de-. rfded that there Is uiore honor than cavli In running a paper. He will con tinue to operate his job printing office at that place. The Itosehurg Daily Plaindealer sus pended publication last Saturday, after an existence of oue year, one month and fifteen days. There was not enough money In the veuture to justify its continuance. The publish ers will, however, continue to issue the twice-a-week Plaindealer. Jerry Collins came near sharing the fate of Absalom last week, while out horseback-riding over the hills after sheep in Curry coutity. He was riding along at dusk, and In passing through a clump of brush in a hurry, a forked limb caught him just under the chin. He was unbolted Mid left hanging by the neck, from which predicament he was rescued by A. Roberts, who was along with him. Judge Burt died at Toledo last Mon day, and already there is a scramble for the position thus made vacant. Six months ago a petition was presented Governor Lord for the appointment of a successor before Judge Burt's death, and be was appointed before it was known Judge Burt was alive. This was all the result of a joke on J. O. Htearns, the applicant. Now, several others want the job. Archie Mason, a 6alem contractor, finds that men who desire work are scarce. Tuesday he made an offer of $1 25 per day to a fellow who has several times during the current sea son approached him for a Job, but it was declined with that "It was not enough wages." Mr. Mason wanted additional help is making the extended improvements to the Salem Con solidated street railway track. The Dalles Fishing Company will ship a lot of salmon from the lower river, where they cannot be cared for, to its caunery at The Dalles. The malinger says that, if the Ash won't swim up to The Dalles, he will send them up by express. A lot of fish were shipped from the Lower Cascades down the river a short time ago. Now , the canneries at the Cascades are nearly idle, and could lake hack as many as they sent down. Last week the 6 year-old daughter of William Oshorn, who lives two miles east of Hcio, was severely scalded. She Is practically a cripple, aud was at tempting to crawl up some steps upon which had beeu placed a bucket of scalding water. 8he grasped hold of the bucket to assist her in mounting the steps and the bucket was over turned, badly scalding her ueck and shoulders. In 1872 the Albany College was pre. hated with m Mft? ef.laod It tUt foot of Mary's peak by the wagon road company having the grant of a strip to me Day. No attention had been paid toil until Wednesday when Vice-President Howland and Director J. P. Gal liraith paid It a visit. They found the land there, also a man on 180 acres of II, having homesleaded It several Jears ago. The land It tint of any great value. The dead bady of a man was found on Wolf creek, near the railroad statlou last week, The coronor found that the deceased was a stranger and had evi dently fallen oft a moving train the night before. The skull was badly fractured by the fall. The man was alaiut medium built, about 35 years of age, and from a letter in his possession addressed to "Stephen Kitchen" it was thought that was bis name. No valu ables whstever were found on his per son. He was buried near by at the et pense of the county. A liew specialty company has been organizing in Eugene, for some time, and Is soon to be launched upon the theatrical world, says the Guard, The troupe consists of the Cotton children and .their mother, who have been spending the summer in Eugene, strengthened by A Dillard, who will accompany them as musieiau; Fred Mummy, who will have comedy and basso profundo, and Ralph Brumley, who will also have comedy. Georae Gill will join the troupe laler as mana ger. The company makes its first ap yearance at Riseburg, Bobert Linebarger has told the Mal heur Gazette of a monster rattlesnake that was killed by his wife a,t their rueh near Vale last month. One of the children discovered it in the sagebrush near the house, aud, their being no men folks on the plaee.MisLinebaifrer very courageously made the . attack single-handed. Bommonitig all her courage and a little pitchfork, she nmde an onslaught upon the formid able reptile, breaking the pitchfork handle the first blow she dealt him. Then, with the remaining portion of the handle, she completed the killing. The suake was as largaarnund and as long as a fence post, and had a large number of rattles. Killed a Black Bear. For a Jong time past the sheep own ere residing in King's Valley have been grately troubled from a black bear. Every known trick was resorted to in order tbat bruin might be de stroyed, but all attempts at capture availed nothing until last Thursday. George Neithamer, a son-in-law of Woods Jackson, concluded be would try his haud aud see if he could locate bis bearehip, so, armed with a rifle and followed by a couple of terrier dogs, Mr. Neithamer took to the woods. Ere long the dogs were ou the track of the bear, aud after a season of running, followed by a little more nipping of heels than the bear could stand, bruin took to a tree. The bear was shot and proved to be a very large one, weigh ing 400 pounds. The neighbors of Mr. Neithamer were so elated over the destruction of the bear that they each and all presented the hunter with a sheep apiece, and he is now possessed of about 14 head. Sometimes it pays to kill bear.Corvallis Times. A Very Economical County, It is Benton aud hereafter all of ficials must pay their own deputy hire. The county court at its recent session determined not to make at) allowance for regular deputy hire.but to allow the clerk two dollars a day for one deputy for each day that the circuit and com missioners court be in session, and to also allow said clerk two dollars per day for each deputy in making up the tax and delinquent rolls, and to allow the sheriff $250 per day for two deputies while the jury is in attendance on the circuit court. This will be hard on the sheriff and clerk as they cannot do the work alone. The Times has Investi gated the matter of deputies forsheriffs In the different counties Willi the following result: Baker aud Union each one at $12(10 and one at $900; Wasco and Grant each one nt $1200; Douglas, Malheur and Morrow each one at $1000; Clatsop oue at $1260, sue at $000; Jackson one at $1500; Harney one at $060; Linn, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Yamhill, each one at $750 and one at $6(10; Marlon two for $.1500; Washington oue at $500, Multnomah 33 at $74 to $160. Nearly nil of them extra deputies as required. Corvallls Times. Measure your rooms accurately and bring size in feet and inches with you. It costs you nothing to have your car pets sewed by haud by the Albany Furniture Co., Albany, Oregnu. j Bead, Peacock & Co. has sleevelets ar vstmfor iidjN (tun to if M. Highest of all in Levening BasBBsnaas II IV1I JBr f t"'J 911 CTtt. '(' i?,ill-ai,nWW; COUNTY COURT. Kill of Nellie McDonald for keeninir J H Lowis dissalowed, also bill of D C Swan, roads, $20. " 1 Petition of R W Hutchins for county roaa granted ou payment of damages. H C Chance resigned as J P of dis trict 7, accepted. Petition for appoint ment of J H Glass continued. Matter of aid to John Foult lett to county judge. Commissioners to extirpate Canada thistles, J W Compton for dlst 6, L Pomeroy for dist 6, J W Richardson for dist 7, Henry Propst for dist 9. ,, i ' Supervision of district 26 was ordered to opeu road full width. Bill of C H Dalryntple $5 as dist otty In case of Carl Zimmerman disallowed. A 8 Hart was appointed constable of district 1. In application of ON Bass et, al for county road the following viewers were appointed: J WBurkhart, Frank Blodget and Elbert Keebler, to meet Aug21,at8AM. Application of W F Deakins for ex tention of time to complete tax roll of 1806 was disavowed. ,., The following bills were allowed: CB Montague ; .iofi 56 M O Oaiues., 166 66 DFHardraaii., .WOO!) Judge Barton 100 00 PG Morris 3335 K "ecler .50 no R B Montague 50 Asa Lewelltng jq qq G C Cooley aid Mrs Clark 5 00 W K Savage, aid Cox family 7 on Jl White, aid Ken worth family.,.,.;;. '8 00 V L Coon, aid. Alberts..... 0 qo 0 T Lubker ,m fttnin v an... g 00 Sarah Hines g KobertOilock.id sell. . g oO MrsGFJmikey.aid goo P M Smith, aid Watson 5 no Geo Wertz, aid Powers family 10 00 Henry Meyers, aid 4 00 JasLarew, aid " 4 00 L Piper, aid j 00 Mrs Christeneen, house rent 6 00 Phoebe Hendricson.aid . 5 00 Mrs Adams, aid g qq John Usher, janitor.-, jg yo 8 E Becker, sect poor 2 00 J C Hardin, ' " q , N 8 Wasnburn, sect poor 6 00 8 W Moore, deputy, sheriff, bill j, 13 95 G Granty, lumber 54 55 T J Stites, postage 10 00 Oregon vs Samuel Thomas 45 30 " "JKPearl 10 00 Clara M Davidson, ex insana 5 00 G P Stlres, bridges 5 00 A FGooch, roads n 25 Jos Crabb, roads..., 2 00 It J Hendricks, miscellaneous 94) A H Unison, roads 3 so C G Wtisliburn, roads 26 H J Jones, stationary 1 50 C F Wright, cornor 20 40 Thos Brink, acct C H 50 Mrs B Goan, acct poor, bill $10 6 00 Pugh at Muncey, acct poor 5 (10 L E Blain Co, acct poor 4 76 C B Montague, fees filing petition JT McAllister 10 00 H C Watson, acct poor g 00 Drs Beers, aid Lizzie Edelman 37 60 Oregon vs Jessie Winkle 43 80 " " Samuel Thomas 82 70 F L nolmes, acct poor 5 06 Fred Dawson 10 15 P 3 Smiley, printing 7 eo Mary E Davis, acct poor 8 00 S E Becker, " " 1 on T F Aliingham, C 11 2 60 P W Spinks lumber 41 01 F L Lamed acct poor 2 00 E T Fisher acct poor. 8 00 " surveying. 7 00 11 From roads 14 00 StoperiV Lofton roads 2111 49 2 49 2 fO S00 33 09 4 75 4 30 4 60 2 60 93 06 200 8 00 9 50 1 O 6 00 20 00 315 IX) 20 10 15 00 6 40 0 SO 4 00 84 25 336 60 Win Cliristenson rnndq O P Posliow acct elections W w Walters roads Irwin Hodson Co books, bill $40 Hopkins Bros roads (Jeo Lowry roads Kd Jackson roads (jilison A Meyers roads Oregon vs I'.d Cree Tangent Grange election C h Daliymple district atty Or Tel Co (.' h It Clement roads M J W ltichardsonremovingCanada thistles Indigent soldier fund W K Deakins, assessor M F Taylor acct poor Electric Light Co bill $23 J A Coimniiig acct poor L F Patterson A Co 0 H W H Davis acct poor Peter Hiley wood C u E T T Fsher stirvevor Silver Imprint job nrintiua 80 00 uarrisbiirg Lumber Company bill S-JKl vn. ill owed 85 67 J M Waters aect-roads 10 00 In Watsn Ss oowmissionajr V sow fs wnnuttAMi Power - Latet U. S. Gov't Report atdit! The 8alem-Mchama Motor. -Linn county people will watch with Interest the effort of toe laboring men of Salem to build a motor line to the Santiam country at a time when it is adlffl cult thing to inaugurate extenaive movements. The Journal says! The work of soliciting subscriptions for the motor railway, the Construction of which is contemplated by the Salem Labor Exchange, is moving along nicely, with most satisfactory results to those at the bead of the movement.' IMoetinga have been held throughout !the valley the past weeki and liberal lOontrlbuiions have been received from ithc difterert valley towns. The Ex Change has been assured pledges of llabor and material sufficient to com Iplete the road to Mehama- within- ninety days, after work commence.' Work begins when arrangements can be made whereby iron material neces sary for the construction of the road, teau be provided for. Salem people will oe expected to subscribe for this part of the material, for the road, and we should do all we can to promote such a (valuable enterprise. With Salem the ceutral market for all products of the waldo hills and the Sautiam country. times will lie improved not a little. At ptaylon last evening nearly $1000 iu' 'labor, material, cattle, etc, was sub scribed, besides grain and other horse feed. A Clubbing Oder. A great many of our readers in Liu 11 county like to take the Weekly Oregon ian. Wo have made arrangements whereby we can furnish It at a reduc tion from the regular price to those who want both the Express and the Oregonian. The regular price of the Oregonian is $1.50 per year, and of the Expbess $1) when iu advance. We will famish both for $2. per year in advance, a saving of oue dollar to the subscriber. The Oregonian . gives all the general news of the country once a week, and the Express gives all the local news once a week, which will iuake a most excellent news service for the moderate sum of $2. per year. Those who are at present subscribers of the Express must pay in all arrear ages and one year in advance to obtain pis special price. The Game Law. Here Is Oregon's game law in a out Shell. Past It in your hat: Game and flab can be killed during the following seasons: Grouse, Mongolian pheasant and quail, September 1 to December I. Prarle chickens, July 1 to Oetober 1. Wild duoka and water fowls from September 1 to March 15. Deer, mountain sheep, etc., August 1 to Deo ember 1. Killing for hides or part of carcass only is prohibited. Killing spotted fawn is prohibited. East of Cascades it is unlawful to kill at any time, Chinese pheasants, quail or Bob White. Trout, April 1 to November 1. Salmon, December 15 to November 1. explosives to kill fish, nets, seines, obstructions to free passage of flsh.cte., prohibited. Overalls witli aprons or without, 50o a pair at the Racket Store. Also have just received a largo amount of uew Calico. Don't fail to see them, During our closing out sale no goods will be sold except for spot oash. 1 Rbad, Puacock&Co. Full-size cabinet photographs $1.50 to $2 per t'ozeii for 30 davs otily at Boyd's Gullery. ? Up-To-Date j niious S 7 J ust arrived in points for Misses ;l I V and children, both tap and black, J I New York Cash Store, ? Albany, Oregon, f We can save you money. V