Lebanon Express. H. Y. KiRKPATRICK. Editor - and - Proprietor AFALSXCHASOS. The hopes of the common people ot the conutry are fast centering . upon Bryan. They see no light heed in following the lead of Cleveland democrats or McKinley , republican. Both tend toward monopolies, trusts aud combines, in which the people have no inter est except to crush. It is squarely a fight between grinding monopolies 'and down-trodden masses. Cleve land democrats would force' the gold, standard upon an unwilling people, and McKinley republicans would do all of this and then add to it all the misery of a high tariff. There is no hope for the people between these two evils. They are between the Egyptians and the Red Sea. ' Bryan is the leader that a merciful providence has raised up todeliver the people from the hands of their oppressors. The people believe in him and they will em phasize their belief with the ballot. They tee' in -him their only safety. The gold-bug press are frantic with fear. To stem the tide and turn it toward McKinley, the press is try ing to spread the belief that Bryan is a mere socialist, an anarchist, who would revolutionise the gov-! eminent and confiscate the wealth I of the rich. This is a base and wilful slander. They do not be- ' lieve it nor will the people for one j moment listen to such nonsense.! Bryan has a stainless life, private and public. His poverty indicates bit honesty. He has no sympathy : with the money power of the land. j He is the people's friend and their champion. Vail street, the hot bed of trusts, is denouncing him. This proves his friendship for the! masses. Wall street is hurrahing - for McKinley. They never hurrah for a man who is opposed to their interests, They nominated Mc : Kinley long before the St Louis convention and their ill-gotten wealth is now flowing into his cam paign fund. These trusts have always robbed the people, and this tame money is being lavishly used to fasten McKinkyism upon' the people. These plutocrats of Wall street are yelling ithat Bryan is full . of populistic principles, in order to turn the sober thinking element against him. This is untrue, in the tense in which it is meant. But even if Bryan has populistii ideas, there, are worse things than the ideas of populists. We do not endorse many things that the rad ical element of the party supports, but we fail to see wherein their worst ideas are any moredangerous than Mark Hanna and his unscrup ulous corporations, trusts and com' bines. The very existence of the populist party was brought about by the over-reaching dishonesty and beartless oppression maintained by Hunna's friends and McKinley 's supporters. The republican ticket has no hope for the masses. Their only salvation is in Bryan. after November first, but then Then the same power that stopped it can again start it, and the bond sale, with its splendid profits to the conspirators, will come. Corvallis Times. ' The Sacramento Bee, a republi can paper of forty yerra standing writes its valedictory to the modern republican party. Among other good things, it says: Standing thus as a republican paper proud of its past and conscientious of its present The Bee declares that it will not fallow the republican party into its house of bondage, into its land of captivity, into its slavery to the kings of Wall Btreet It will not sacrifice its manhood and de grade its honor it will not bastard ise its republicanism by bowing (he knee to Mammon and accepting as an article of faith a declaration of princiciple antagonistic to every interest of the people, destructive of the welfare and corroding to the progress of the nation, and bene ficial only to those who fatten and thrive upon the very life blood of the masses. It will not it cannot remain silent during the coming campaign, and not point out the base use to which the glorious republican party has been put an organisation at whose birth liberty herself smiled, transformed into a mere capper, for the money j ugglers and the gold gamblers. the growers, who, with hardly an exception, lost money last year, will insist on a lower price for pick ing. Guard. So the loss of the treasury gold reserve is to be stopped, and the New York bankers are to do it. Thirteen million dollars of reserve went Englandward in ten short days, tad it came to the pass where it was either a bond sale, or aid from the New England and New York banks. A bond sale now the bankers reasoned, would bring the attention of the country to defect in the single gold standard system, and show the people how the perpetuation of that standard was fastening an ever-increasing bonded debt upon the country. It wonld be poison to the chances of a gold standard victory at the polls in November, and it had to be -averted. So the. bankers held a meeting, and J. P. Morgan presided. Mr. Morgan was a member of that Anglo-American syndicate that made ten million dollars ont of a .sixty million dollar bond sale a few bort months ago. Of course the ineeting agreed hat the present oss of gold reserve must be checked And tfaey tvolved plan to do it. l-iUOtiat. distill POPULIST COJfVEXTIOJf. By a decisive majority, 1042 to 321, the populists nominated Bryan for president They put up Wat son as his running mate and left Sewall out in the cold. This was done to appease the middle-of-the-road - populists. The executive committee was given full powers, which means that they can with draw Watson if they see fit. The wisdom of nominating a populist with Bryan is doubted. It is to be hoped that Watson will withdraw, as his presence in the field mixes up matters considerrbly. There is some talk of Bryan's refusing the populist nomination. The heads of the executive committee are conferring to decide upon the wisest course. It is to be hoped that the silver strength will not be scattered. The chances of success should not be endangered by any false' pride on the part of the populists: By helping the democrats thef can. insure the election of a free-silver president. Afterwards they can get back in the middle of the.road and work for the other pknks in their platform. Let the silver forces now remain strongly united for victory. Thi Oregoniau and other gold bug papers, in their wrath and dismay, are stooping to do very mean little things to turn the minds of the people against Bryan and Sewall. They have published what they claim to be the list of articles upon which Bryan pays taxes, and they seem to take a sneering delight in the poverty of the. democratic nominee for presi dent. They forget the disastrous financial met 4 in which McKinley got and the handsome sums con tributed by his friends and those who wanted to place a possible president under obligations to them. McKinley was probably blameless but this unfortunate financial muddle ought to silence any carp ing criticism of Bryan's poverty. This is a poor man's country snd this a poor man's election. There is no disgrace in poverty, and the honest, toiling voter will resent so base and shameless attempts of republican goldbugs to sneer stthe people's candidate W. J. Bryan. The gold-bug newspapers predict that the adoption of free silver would tumble the country into pa nit ruin anj calamity. Three years ago the same papers predicted that the repeal of the Sherman law would bring prosperity. The coun try took their advice and repealed the Sherman law. Did prosperity follow? Did the prices of farm products leap upward, and did labor find speedy and remunerative em ployment? ,. There is one think at least in the political situation to be thank ful for; all th talk this fall wont be tariff, tariff, tariff. BUSINESS LOCALS. When jnu want bargains go to the rackt store. Get your pictures taken now by Tinkle at Boyd's Gallery. Go to A. E. Davis for aoda water, oooocola, and milk shakes. Kew subscriptions for the Weekly Oregonian taken at this office. Areas Goods, floe quality for a little money, at Bead, Peacock A Co.'s. If the photos yon have made by Tinkle at Boyd's Gallery are not satis factory you need not pay for them. Sow is the best ohanoe you will ever have of getting fine photos so cheap. Satisfaction guaranteed at Boyd's gal lery. All the new and pretty shapes In hats are to be (bund at M in Dumond's. Ladles, call and be convinced. Hard time prices. The beat dressed men in Liun county are those who boy their clothing from Bach A Buhl. Good suite for low prices. The Express Is terribly In need of money and If our anbaerlbera could pay in a little just now it would be ap preciated. I have money to loan at I per oeo interest on good farm or personal security. J. M. JEUlston, Maiton Block, Albany, Or. Tbe public are most respectfully re quested to shut off the water at eight o'clock r. at. as it endangers the city from fire. The request wss made by the city council last Tuesday evening The Ladies' Baaaar, of Albany, Or. will send a fashion plate, of the latest styles, to all pernios who write to them mentioning tbe Express. Their stoos of goods Is better than ever this year. Call on them when in Albany. You run no-risk. All druggist guarantee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlt to do all that tbe manufacturers claim for it. Warranted, no cure, no pay There are many imitations. To gel the genuine ask for Grove's. For ask by K. W. Smith, Lebanon, Oregon. Stw'lTkUf We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewenl for anv caw of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Citarrh Cure. r. I. I'nGnKi at uo., props., joieao.u. We. the underaumed. have known F.J Cheney for tbe last 16 vears. and foeiievi him pertectir honorable in all businet transactions ana nuanciauy ante to can-) out any onujpuions maae oy ineir nrm. West S. Trou. Wholesale Ihniioiists.Toledi Welding, Kinnan 4 Merviu, Wbolesalt lists, ioieuo, unio. Scrofula Makes lift misery to thousands of people. It manifests itself In many different ways, like goitre, swellings, running sons, boils, salt rheum and pimples and other eruptions. Scares, ly a man is wholly tree from It, la some form. It clings tenaciously until ttotaatveaugeot scrofulous poison is eradicated by Hood's Sarsaparula, tba One True MewsJ Nirtffa', Ttassands of voluntary testimonials tell of suffering tram scrofula, often Inherited and most tenacious, positive ly, perfectly and permanently cured by Hood's . SarsapariHa - rnparaaairaTaLgseOsLeaa.)laea S Km r 1 oca's aa air Boob's. Hood' mr2ZL Druttgisu flail's I Catarrh Cure if taken internally acting directly on tbe blood and mucumw surtaeea 01 tne system, mce, 7oe per noun bold toy all druggists, lesmnonuus tree. From present indications the bop yield in this section will not be over half the average crop. Some yards were plowed up, others were entirely neglected and many but partially and cheaply cultivated. The heated spell will shorten the yield on yards that have received tbe best of attention. There is some consolation in the fact that tbe hot weather has about exter minated the lice. This shortage will work s hardship on many poor people who have depenJed upon bop picking to procure their winter LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Every Week.) Wheet-40c. Oats 18 to 20c Hay St to 15 perton. Flour SO 8090. per sack Chop SO 80 per ewt. Bran 75c per CWL Middlings-) 76 per owt Potatoes 20c. Apples Dried, 8c per lb Plums Dried, 2c. Onions 2c Beef Dressed, 4j to 5c Veal-aj4c. Pork Dressed, 3J. Lard". Hams 8 per lb. Shoulders 6c. Bides 7c per lb. Geese S3 50 $5 per doi. Ducks ti 15 per doc. Chiekens-tl 60 00. Turkeys ee per lb. Eggs 12c nerdos. . Biitter-10lficperlb. H idea-Green, ac: dry, as. J. I. CDSICI4C9, Baiters, ALBANY, OREGON. Transact a general Banking business Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Drafts drawn on Kew York, Sao Franclseo, Portland, Salem, Eugene, and Corvallis, and all points lu Eu rope. 'Badness sent by tuall will restive DR. J. A. LAMBERSON Is better prepared to treat chronic dis eases than any otner pnvsician in iiwnoit. he having a fine outiit of instruments and the essentials to treat tlieee diseases suc cessfully, and bis special reading on this line has made him well qualilieil to treat these special diseases, persons at a ais unices can be accommodated with good rooms, board, lodging and einerionced nurse if desired. Office oppneiie Odd Fel lows hall, Main street, Lebanon, Oregon. Charges reasonable. J. M. RALSTON, BROKER, Mauaton Bloolt, A.nuny, Or Money to loan on farm security, also email loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Firs Insurance written in three of the largest companies in the world, at the low est rates. Notice for Publication. lnd Office at Oregon City, Or., I July 13th. 18SB. f Notice is heieby given Uiat the following named settler has bled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Linn county, at Albany. Or., on September 7th. 1H86. vis: W. H. Vail. H. E. 815 for the 8. W. W of bee. 22, Tp. 12 8., K, 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis: K. J. Hudelson, Will. Todd, t). A. Hudelson and B. St. Bnrrell, of Water loo, Or, Kobbkt A. MiLLie. HeKister. Ripaoa Tabules cure liver troubles. Rlpans Tabules cure dizziness. Bread Haters, Attention! . . If you want - A Big White Loaf Use ...Lebanon Flour Every Sack Guaranteed First-ClaBB. , For sale by all the lead ing grocers of the city. Call for it. New Model. jV KBais are Olv-w J ? ejittaftseel Car- f ' 4 Styles. J I ptoeay Short ""weeks' Ustas. trUsts Best AU-sv" SstMn-tseiatt-KE WU. Fcatherbone Corset C. Sots MaaaJaotura. KALAMAZOO, MICMOAN. res mu HIRAM BAKER, The Leading Dealer in DRY. GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC. Lebanon, Oregon Price The and 80 Cents per Sack Cheapest the Best. TA5TELE55 CMILLl TDNICi St; Charles Hotel . Lebtnion, Oregron, The only first-class house in the city. Rates $1 & $2 per day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention given to commercial travelers. J. B. Thompson. Proprietor. POPULAR SCIENCE Natara, Invaatltsa, Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry Enlarged and Improved Contains a large number of Bhort, Easy. Practical. Inierestinf and Pop ular, Hcleotlflc articles, tbat can lie Appreciated and enjoyed by any Intel ligent reader, even though, he kuew little or nothing of Science. Thoe. F. (lakes, Henry C. Fayne, Henry C House, Receivers. I ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U N Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars - Profusely Illustrated and From Technicalities. Free MftwsdaaUra, IS easts. SU.oe par yaai 4e-jfeDtloo this paper for a sample co-fes Largest Circulation of any Soientiflo Paper in the World PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Ben J. Lillard, New York. me Fire Insurance. IS JUSTMCOOD COR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SO eta. hollnai:-wi sold last rear. SD bottles of 1 OBOVE'S TaSTBUSXS CHILL TONIC ami bare sonabtlatMSKMi aimer UUarsar. 1 all par ex mtmom uf M ran. la tbe drus buslosM, aavS , aaver sou an articla tbstaavs mcfi nnlTiissi asaa (tae ee rw y eajtrulr. j ) Insure Your Property with GEORGE RICE t) -IN ( lio.val, (L Hartford, Ptsoeuix, a) Hamburgr.Iiremeu, (a firemun'ss Fund, )) Western, fm Reliable old line companies a) be rfprenenta. All huslnws si placed with liitii will Ik- at- v trnded to promptly. Office ti) Vj . .. u. I r ij i Vnv ' A vu jnaiu UkUaKVH, via Mlaaaaaalla Dululk Sarg SrsaS 1-arks Crsftkstea WlBBliMrf Helena and THROUGH TICKETS-p TO Clikaro nraahlnaluu Philadelphia Sew Work ttostdp and all rlnu East and Sioth For iiifuriiistioii, lime cards, maps snd ticket, call on or write W. G. PETEESOR, Igent, LEBANON, - - OREGON. OK i.D. CHARLTOM, Asst. Genl. Pass. Igt., Portland. Oregon. Rlpans Tabules. Rlpans Tabules cure nausea. Rlpans Tabules: at druggists. Rlpans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Rlpans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Rlpans Tabules assist digestion. Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabulos cure bad breath. Rlpans Tabules cure blliousnssi Rlpans Tabules cdre Indigestion. Rlpans Tabules sure torpid liver, JtiSMi Crabs); MafssiWM VWVfVwvfWf