The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 23, 1896, Image 1

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    LEBANON, OREGOfr,JULY23, 1896.
NO. 21.
Od.jhu .....WOO
atpa in advance, e vf-i ,
li month - - I JJ
Tbra months............-.... j
slax-le pop's . - -r:i-
?- S-J?.5H ......... LswMtoti
Jolin H. Mitchell,!
Hineor Hermann Congressman
William P. Lord -....Governor
H. R. Klncaid Secretary ol Stte
Phil Metacban, Treasurer
O. M. Irwin, jSnpt. Public Instruction
H. W. Leeds 8tte Printer
fi. 8 Bean, I
F. A. Moore, V Bupreroe Judges.
C. K. Woolverton.l
Judge, 0. D. Banon
Kocordor ! F. Hardmaii
Clerk, C.B, Montague
Sheriff.... ..M. C. Gainet
School Superintendent, Richmond Wlioeler
Troaturer, P. 0- Morrto
Attestor, B. A. Stafford
J Surveyor E. T. T. Fisher
Coroner .'. ...C. F. Wright
, . i J. hi, Watert
Commissioner!, j rj, L, ourl
,c. e. rron
RKmnriKit W. M. BltOWN
, fN. 8. DAIX3LE16H.
City.CouncUmeeUwUK first nd third
Tuesday evenings ofeacb month.
Becrt tocl-atl-at.
LINN TENT. No. 7. K. 0. T, M.-Meets in 0. A.
E. Hall on Thursday evening of each week.
Transient Blr Knights are cordially Invited to
visit the Tent meeting.
C. W. Btokbs, Com,
Geo. W. Ricg, R. K.
HONOR LODGE. Ka M. A. 0. V. W.-Meeti
very rueiday evening al 0. A. R. Ball.
H. Y. KimtrATmcs:, M- W.
2.T. Hrni, Ree.
LEBANON LODOK, SO. 47, I, 0. 0. F.-MeeU
ivory Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, st
Km. a. E. DAVIS, N. 0.
W. C. PBTKKBOfl, Sect'r.
MmU at I. 0. 0. f Ball an and third Wednea
aajevenliuji of each month.
HATTIE A. CBU80N, Boot'y.
LEBANON LOIXtE No. A. f A. M.-Moetl
Btturday evening, on or before the fuu moon in
each moolh. at Muonlc Hall, Cor. Main and
(Irani tu. Dojouminf bRlhern oornlallr Invited
o attend.
I. Wahom, W. II,
E. I. Hakmack, Bee.
JOHN F. MILLER W. R. C. No. 15.
meeti lit and 3rd Friday! ol each month at
2:10 p.m. AKiniB.Kir.ii,
UWK't WVIK11H PA11P. NO. lfi. DivillOn Of Ore-
"1.. a,.nfl nt Vi.if.nAtM-M.Bt in Q. A. K. Bail.
very Halurdaj cveninf, eicept the third
Baturday of each mgntn, moeuna lite mini in
day initead. Ail brother, of theaoua of Yet
rani and comnuloiof llieG. A. R. are cordially
Invited to meet with the Camp.
A. Boaua, Capt
m. 0. HruaH, Finrtfieal.
BIKA.H. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.
Meet! on tbeltd, lh and 6th Friday evening of
each month at 1:30 r. . at Q. A. B. Hall. Tran
lent Lady Maocalwea an cordially invited to
" Hi'Liiak t. Mnu, Lady Com.
Twuil Baltuamii, Lady R. K.
Sam'l M. Garland.
: "; Weatherlord 4 Wyatt,
The Cheapest, Piirett
and Beit Family Med
icid is uii w orm i
for all diaeaaea of
the Liver1, Stomach
and Spleen.
Regnlat the Liver
and prevent Chilli
out Fcvers, Bowel
Complaint, Rest, jauvdick
Vothlnv l k unpleasant, nothing ao common
at bad breath, and in nearly every ense it cornea
(ram the stomach, and can be ao eati ly corrected
if yua will uke Simmons Livkk Reoula tor.
Dti not neglect to secure a remedy for thii re
pulsive disorder. It will also improve your
appetita, compitxiot) and general health.
How many suffer torture day after day, mat
ter; life a burden and robbing existence of all
pleasure, owing to the secret suffering from
Piles. Yet relief ia ready to the hand of almost
any one who wilt use systematically the remedy
mat nas permanenuy curra inonsanus. dim
mons Liver Regulator is no drastic, violent
urge, but gentle assistant to nature.
SHOULD not be regarded as a
trifling ailment in tact, nature
demands the utmost regularity of
the bowels, and any deviation
from this demand pave the way
often to serious danger. It is
quite aa necessary to remove
Impure accumulations from tha
bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and
no health can be expected where
a costive habit of body prevail.
Thin distreHtnz affliction occurs most fra
fluently. The disturbance of the stomach, arts
ing from the iinperlectly digested contents.
.in in me ncaa, accooinaniea
with disagrcnable nausea, and this constitutes
what (s popularly known as Sick Headache; for
the relief of which Take biMMONS Uvu
J. H. ZEILIN CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Albany Steam Laundry
A-lbany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
JJebanon. - Oregon.
East and South
Southern Pacific Go.
Kxprcee traina leave Portland daily :
8:50 P. M.
12:10 A.M.
10:46 A. H.
l.v...l'irllaiid Ar.
Lv...Allmny.. Ar.
Ar.Ban Francisco Lv
8:10 A.
4 :&0 A. H
7 :00 l". H
The above Irai'ia stop at East Port
laud, Oregon City, Woodburti, Salem,
Turner, Marion, Jefferson, Albany,
Albany Junction, Tangent, Bhedd,
Halaey, Harrlaburg, Juuclion City,
Irving, Eugene, t'rcuwcll, Drains and
all atatloua from lioeehurg south to
and including Ashland. -
Roaeburt; mail daily ;
110 a.m. L,v.,.Portiand ...Ar. . 4 :40 P. M.
12:26 r. M. Lv... Albany Ar. 1:16 P.M.
6:60p. m. I Ar...Rortiur(f..Iv. 8:00a.m.
passenger trains daily (except
8:20 A. M.
9:10 a. M.
4: p.m.
Ia... Albany Ar. j
Lv... Albany Ar.
10 :40 A.M.
9:40 a. M.
6:60 P.M.
Dining Carton Ogden Route,
. Pullman Bukpst Sleepers
SecoDd-Class Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
We.t Hide Division.
Berwsjut Portland aks Cokvalhs.
Mail train daily (except Sunday):
Y:30 a.'m.T Xv.7Portland ...Ar. "f 6:20 A. M
12:16p. m. I Ar...Oorvallu..Lv. I l:S6p. m
At Aibnnv ar.d Corvalha connect with
traina of U. U. s h. railroad. .
Kxpresh train daily (except Sunday):
4:40 p. M. I Lv... Portland ...Ar. 8:'26a.m
7:36 p. m. I Ar.McMinnvllleLy 6:60 a. m
THROUGH TICKETS 'f"u'"ii;""1",he
Eastern States, Can
ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest
rata, from F. U. Blcxok, agent, Lebanon.
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West
Wheat harvesting will begin In
Sherman county, August 8.
The rublloation nf the Gold Hill
Miner liss been suspended, aud that
paper has been merged with the South
Oregon Monitor, at Medford.
John Wesley Barkley, 21 years of
age, has disappeared from his home In
Grant county, and his mother fears
that be has been foully dealt with.
Campers are putting in au appear-
auce lu Curry county, and deer-skin
ners are already at work throughout
the hills, says the Wedderburu Gaz
ette. The count; court of Douglas county
has poated notices of defects of the
bridge across the South Umpqua river
In Iluseburg, thus condemning the
bridge. .
J. H. Swithsou, of The Dalles, sold
his wool a few days ago for 8J cents a
pound, realizing $2,000, which he put
iu an Eliensburg bank. The next day
the bank broke.
The sale of a valuable Eagle valley
farm was consummated in La Grande
Monday, for a consideration of R000.
Thomas Pierre was the seller, and E.
A. Stephens, of La Grande, the pur
chaser. The contract for building a Catholic
church and parsonage at the Biletz
has been awarded to 8. G. McFadilen,
of Corvallis. The coj tractor expects
to complete the new building by Sep
A jury in Justice McMahan's court,
in Lane uouuty, after acquitting lh"
defendant in an assault and battery
case Wednesday, recomended that
the costs be taxed to the prosecuting
Frank Fritch, of Grant's Pass acci
dentally sent a rifle ball through bis
right forearm last Monday, while put
ting the gun into a wagon neat Kerby.
The bones of the arm were not serious
ly injured.
It is probable that the next meeting
of the State Teachers' Association will
be held at Ne port, August 18, 19 and
20. Superintendent Irwin has gone
there to ascertain what accommoda
tions may be bad.
The trustees of the Eugene divinity-
school have bought five lots in Hen.
derson's addition, In Eugene, just west
of the university campus. The land
is intended to be used for the divinity
school buildings.
William Palmer's childrea met
panther iu the woods, close to the iatu
ily residence, on South Coos river, last
week. The animal was in tbe brush,
near an old logging road, aud made no
at.'empt to attack the children.
Mrs. W. H, Caeebeer, of Roeeburg,
observing an extraordinary growth of
oak leaves, a few days ago, when out
iu the country, gathered a few leaves
and measured them. Tbey measured
16) iuches long by 9 inches wide.
Borne wretch, from whom the law
has no terrors, last Tuesday ap
propriated himself to a set of harness
belonging to Judge Fullerton, F. W.
Dillard's ci.rt aud J. W. Lauder's
horse, and with litem left Boseburg
well equipped tor traveling.
The corps of United States geologi
cal surveyors that will work in South
western Oregon this summer has ar
rived in Coos aud Is at work, Tbey
will this season make a survey of the
Sixes river njinlug belt, and make a
thorough iuvestlgatlon thereof.
They have a peculiar freak at the
farm of D. B. Kingery, near McMlnu
ville. It is a chicken with four legs
the two natural ones, one coming out
under a wing and oue coming out at
the back. The chicken Is as spry aud
healthy as any of its companions.
H. W. Ross, a newspaper man, has
purchased from E, P. Thorp, of Cottage
Grove, the Leader. Mr. Thorp will
probably turn bis attention to farming,
fruit aud hog raising, having served to
his utmost satisfaction ali the time lie
wishes behind the desk and cases.
Shermau aud Gllliuni counties will
be asked to build a free bridge across
the John Day, at tbe wreck of the old
Leonard franchise. Wool teams ford
the John Day at the wreck, but it is
risky business. An emigrant lost a
horse In fording the day after t he-
Honeyman, DeHart & Glenn, con
tractors for the railroad line to Goble,
have already let a number of subcon
tracts for the clearing of the right of
way, etc., and will omtimunce work at
Rainier. Between 700 aud 1000 men
will be employed ou the work, says the
KspofU froM lbif4 tlui) tU
tho effect that wheat is suffering from
iht continued hot weather, aud far
mers do not expect the average yield
of the county will be more than 12
bushels to the acre. A mouth ago
they expected the average yield would
be 25 bushels.
Postmaster L. Van Winkle, of Wes
ton, has been compelled by the post-
office department to put up the $100
taken from the Weston posUifflce while
Mr. Van Winkle was iu the moun
tains and George Reynolds was acting
bis deputy. Mr. Van Winkle will
attempt to have the case reconsidered
by the department
One day last week, while Hull John
son was cleaning out the medical
spring ou bit place west of Lafayette,
he found an elk's bnru imbedded in
the mud. Although the horn had
probably been there for 60 or 60 years, it
Is in a perfect state of preservation.
The horn Is a single spiko, and about
tn feet long, and it was found about
two feet under the surface.
J. J. White, a prominent pioneer
resident of Browuaville, died yesterday
afternoon, July 18, 1890. His death
was sudden. He had been out doors
the day previous, but yesterday was
attacked with terrible pains from
cancer nf the liver, with which he has
been af&ictrd. aud fallini; into a stupor
never regaining consciousness.
Charles G. Millett's loss In good!,
through the falling of the John Day
bridge, is at leust $150, and perhaps
much more, says tbe Fossil Journal,
in horsis, wagons and harnw-s. Grant
estimates his loss at $2-50. Mr. Grant
paid $3 for toll, aud thinks he Is er,
titjed to H.SOof that hack, as he was
only half way over when the bridge
went down.
Grasshoppers are said (o be doing
considerable damage on Juiilper'
Wasco county. The hoppers are so
numerous on Hampton Kelley's place
that he has found necessary to begin
cutting bis grain at once, and started
two mowers and oue header In his
fields, and. will cut n considerable
amount of his (Tain fur hay in order
to save it tiom the Utile marauders.
Miss Hughes, who is teaching the
Winona school In Whitman county,
bad a rather trying experience the
other day, says the Garfield Enterprise
Several boys conspired to frighten the
teacher. After killing a large snake
they coiled it up ou the teacher's desk.
Going to ber desk for something, she
laid ber haud ou it before she saw it,
With a Bcream of (right she ran toward
the door, but fell senseless before she
reached it, and was unable to resume
her duties from the nervous shock.
The big drive of logs for the Goodale
Lumber Compasy, of Coburg, will be
started down tbe McKeuzle river next
Monday. Tbe drive consists of be
tween 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 feet, aud
the distance tiiey will have to be run
down the river Is about SO miles. Dur
ing tbe drive fishing will be spoiled,
and fishermen who are planning trips
for next week should go above the
point where the drive is started.
The fifth aunual convention aud
tournament of the Oregon State Vol
unteer Firemen's Association will be
held in Astoria August 20, 21 and 22,
under the auspices of the Astoria fire
department. Contests of various kinds
will be held under tbe auspices of the
Astoria fire department, including
hose racing and contests between hand
engines. The rules of the Oregon
State Volunteer Firemen's Association
will govern all coutessts.
A Clubbing Oder.
A great many of our readers in Linn
county like to take the Weekly Oregon
Ian. We bavo made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it nt a reduc
tion from the regular price to those
who want both the Exi'HKSs and the
Oregoulan. The regular price of tho
Oregonian Is $1.50 per year, and of the
Exl'iii-iss $1.60 when in advance. We
will furnish both f r $2. per year in
advance, a savlug of one dollar to tho
subscriber. The Oregonlu'i gives all
the general news of ( lie country once a
week, and the K.i'HK,.-s gives all the
local news once a week, which will
umke a-most excellent nevts service
for the moderate sum of $i peryeai.
Those who are at present sutweribers
f the KxPUKim must pay In all arrear
ages and one year In advance to obtain
this special price.
Overalls with uprous or without, 60c
a pair at the Racket Store. Also have
Just received a large amount of new
calico. Don't fail to see them,
All the new and pretty shapes in
hats are to he found at Miss Dumnnd's.
Ladles, call and be convinced. Hard
time prices.
Goto At &.Daus M.4v Ur,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
One Case of Consumption they have
Apparently Saved,
"I am one of the three cases nf con
sumption on which the new remedies
were tried by Dr. Farra, and I am now
gaining flesh at the rate nf two pounds
per day," was the remark of a tall
man as he stalked down street wilh a
companion Monday morning. He was
F. D. Lamberson, well-known to many
nf the citizens of Corvallis, and yester
day he left for the mountains, where
it is expected the fresh, light air will
finally conquer the disease whose pro
gress the physician has not only ar
rested, but has apparently brought lar
on the high roud to ultimate recovery
Two of the new consumptive speci
fics were used in the case of Lamber
son, and treatment began on the 27th
of April, At that time both lungs
were affected, the air in breathing
scarcely passing through one of them
all, while the other was calculated by
his physician to be as far gone as were
the lungs of the late Frauk Fisher a
month before his death, He suffered
also with a hard cough, expectorated
continually and was subject to night
sweats. He was also so w eak that he
could scarcely walk to aud from the
doctor's office, and be was losing
flesh at an alarming rate.
The first remedy used on blm was
Aseptolyou, the same specific used
with beneficial results at first in tho
cases of the late Dr. Robert Cooper aud
Frank Fisher. Five and one-half bot
tles of these injections, daily adminis
tered, were used, and although the
patient was gradually Improving, tbe
treatment was changed to the serum
injections, given to the world last year
by a St. Louis specialist. The serum,
like all aerum specifics, Is obtained by
injection of the tubercular baccilli Into
a horse, and after the animal has be
come thoroughly immunized blood is
taken from blm aud from this blood
the serum is obtained. Four oneea of
the serum were used, with constaut
improvement apparent, and then the
patient was put ou a course of creosote
and glycerine, which treatment is still
In progress. .
Lamberson, who now walks about
like a strong mau, believes he is cured,
aud has great faith In the new remed
ies, while his physician hopes that I lie
terrible disease has been subdued,
demonstration of which time alone
can niaae. The case ia of interest, aud
for the sake of suffering humanity It is
hoped that Lamberson's health may
be completely restored and that other
cases of consumption may likewise be
conquered v Corvallis Times.
An Old Locomotive.
A locomotive that was a reminder
of the old days in the construction of
the Oregon Pacific passed over the O.
C. aud E. from Albany to Yaqulua
Monday, Site was the old engine
"Corvallis" a' d Is known to the old
timers on the road as "Billy Hoag's
engine." She was the first locamotive
to go into service on the line, and was
purchased by Col. Hogg ou his first
trip east in the Interest of the road,
with a portion of the net $35,000 that
the people of Corvallis aud Benton
county donated as a nest egg from
which the ruilroud finally hutched.
Thul was back in the seventies, and it
long time before uoustructiou
work of any Importance was done ou
the line. The little locomotive has
beet) sent to the shops at Ynquina to
be repaired uiul fitted out for actual
work, and hereto, It Is believed hangs
a tall. The engine Is light aud pe
culiarly adopted for construct Ion, aud
it in believed that she will huve some
of that Hurt of work to do in the near
future. What she is to do, however, Is
the problem. Whether it is only to
build a siding or two, or a brunch road
to Sulem or Eugene, or a continuation
of the present line to Newport, or
whether she Is being equipped for use
in running a line across the Cascades
is not known. Manager Stone is iu
Portland, where he went to meet Mr.
Hammond, who has Just returned
fiom the East. Corvallis Times.
During our closing out tale uo goods
.WiU Uta14pt for tpot Cash.' '
Department No. Before Judge Hewitt
No Jury Cases.
Department No. 2 of the Clroult
Court before Judge Hewitt disposed of
the following cases:
D B Mouteilh vs E A Parker, city
treasurer, et al, lujuncttlon suit; con
tinued. Elizabeth Nlckersou vs Hugh Nlck
erson et al, partition; demurrer and
Annie G Spinney vs C P Card et al,
foreclosure of Mortgage. Continued
for service.
Clara B Elley vs Christian FElley,
divorce. Cause dismissed for want of
H B Milloy vs Mary J Wigle ot al,
connrmation, confirmed.
J K Vveatherford admr vs CG Burk
hart et al, confirmation, couflrmed.
M Mttdy vsjas Miller et al, confir
mation, confirmed.
First National Bank of Albany vs O
P Card, eouflrmaliou, confirmed.
Mehaley Jane Chandler va Marquis
P Chandler, divorce. Tried and sub
mitted. Decree rendered dismissing
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co vs G W
Rogers etal, foreclosure of mortgage,
on trial.
Eagle Woolen Mill Co vs Linn couu
ty et al. Injunction made perpetual
against Multnomah comity and dis
solved as to Liun county, money In
haiiils ot clerk be paid on taxes, bal-
n..... ..l..l..,ia ir..i. .1
auyjn m planum, luuiinomaii county
to pity coats.
Amanda Long vs G W Rogers, fore
olosute, oontinued. .
. Assignment of C E Rockwell, con
tlnued. Milton Hale vs Wm Hunter, present
sheriff ordered to make deed.
SEYoungvsG W Luper, present
sheriff ordered to make deed to Robt
The Waterloo Motor.
Hon. Thos. Kay returned yesterday
from a Visit to Lebanon aud Waterloo.
When asked about the new motor Una
be stated that the right of way between
those two plaoes has nearly all been
secured and the construction would
commence In about ten days. Mr.
Kay Is enthusiastic over the prospects
and Is satisfied that the money put
Into it will be paying Investment If
properly handled, and that in time the
line will reach Salem, connecting with
steamers plying on I he Willamette
river. It will open up a fine territory
for tbe business houses of this city, and
will be quite a boom to the business
Interests of Salem. Statesman.
Fatally Scalded.
On last Wednesday afrernoon aa
Mrs. Harvey Bhelton, of four mile
above the Jordan stole on Thomas
creek, was oarrylng a pan of scalding
water from one room to another for
soojrlng purposes, her little four-year-old
daughter run against and over
turned the pan the contents of which
was spilled all over' the chi'd. Aa
might be supposed she was frightfully
scalded. Medical aid was secured as
soon as possible and everything was
done that the skill of the experience
could suggest to alleviate her suOerlng
but the sufferings uf (he little one wero
relieved by death on Monday. Solo
Full-size cabinet photographs 51.50
to $2 par I'ozen for 80 days only at
Boyd's Gallery.
Just arrived in points for Minxes
and children, both tun and bluck,
AT .
New York Cash Store,
Albany, Oregon.
We can save
c money,""
. i. r, Auu,r.w.riii