Lebanon Express. H. Y. K1RKPATR1CK, Editor - and - Proprietor 4T TBE COXTEXTIOX. The Chicago convention has nominated a very good ticket. This convention was a combiuution of all shades of opinions on the money question. There were man; very intelligent men, tout the con vention had its share of fools. IC was decidedly a free silver conven tion. There was alarge attendance of populists and free silver repub licans as visitors. Many cham pions of Teller were on hand to urge his nomination. Teller is fine man, but he is still a republi can and had no right to expect nomination at the hands of a dem ocratic national convention. Such a course would have beer but a confession of weakness aud would have insured defeat The nomination of Bryan will give the free silver element a good chance of victory. He is an able eloquent and conscientious advocate of silver. i He has a clean record. His name will instil great enthusiasm 'in the masses. He will give McKinley lard fight. What looked like sure victory for McKinley a few week? ago, is now full of harrassing doubts to the republicans. The populistic element has always loudly proclaimed its willingness to rote for a Btraight free silver man, if the democrats would only give them the chance by making such a nomination. This will test the sincerity of our populist breth ren. The "middle of the road" populists, who are mostly republi cans, may refuse to support Bryan Their action in the election will test the sincerity of their assertions. By nominating another ticket, they insure ilclunley g election on gold platform. By supporting Bryan, who is as good a silver man as any of them, they will have a fair chance of insuring the success of silver and of bringing to the coun try that prosperity which, we are told by the populists, would surely come. Now is the test If they have meant what they said, they will vote for Bryan. If they are better republicans than they are free silver men, then they will put out a third ticket and insure the election of McKinley on a gold platform. The result rests largely with the populists and will proie their sincerity or insincerity. We will see how many of our great free silver populists have been "talking through their hate." - Tec Dalles Mountaineer relates an incident where a small boat in crossing the Columbia was caught in a calm and drifted under the bow of a wood scow that was beisg towed tip the river. There were several persons in the small boat who were rescued before the little boat was socked under the scow, except one, a very fleshy woman weighing over 200 pounds. She parsed under the scow its full length and when she came out a pkiff was lowered to take bet aboard, but ber great weight prevented the men from taking her in the skiff, so they had to tow her to the shore, - and saved her from drowning in that way. , A Texas paper tars: Cyclone Davis, who has -been stumping in Oregon and Missouri, writes to a friend in Sulphur Springs a letter in which he says: "Many times from score to a hundred demo crats and republicans would come to the triage at the close of my speeches and with tears in their eyes give me their hands and pledged themselves to vote the populist ticket from this on." We think Cyclone Davis must have drawn heavily on his imagination when he wrote the ahnve ne ml ! a much, better impression else where than he did in Lebanon. While bis speech here was fine, it did riot bring any tears that we could discern. According to fire statistics in this country gasoline has caused in the last eighteen months the de struction of no lest than 4,445 tciiiicjii tu.i4 t u,mm The records of the Cincinnati fire department eliow thut 10 per rent of the fires there are due to tunc line or coal'ml. '-"-'A few years ago fourteen girls were burned to death in a Cincinnati factory by a sudden gasoline -conflagration. Thus the two worst fire calamities in that city were the result of the leakage of gasoline vapor. No man's property is safe, and no man's welfare is assured, where justice is denied to the poor, or where crime goes unpunished; no state can prosper, however rich the land or varied the resources, where human rights are not respected. If states cannot "or do nut govern themselves justly, and accord an equal chance to all their citizeno, their influence in the councils of the nation must be small indeed. David A. Wells. Counting in clerk hi.-e, mileage incidentals, a member of congress now receives a 'total of about $ 12, 650 for his two years' service, Bays the St Louis Globe Democrat. Daniel Wedster used to get for the same period $3,328. The expan sion in the pay has tit least kept up with that in the statesmanship. Vacation is fully upon us now. The boys and girls of the commun ity have it to speed in some form. The prevailing opinion seems to be that it is to throw awav. That is poor notion. Better spend it judiciously. Don't fritter it away. Many a boy has laid the founda tion of his future life during vaca tion. Ex. Thbee cay uses were sold on the streets of Weston recently, one for five cents, another for twenty five cents, and another for thirty-five centB, at poondmaster's sale.. The Indian who used to reckon his horses on a hundred hills as evi dences of wealth, and grunt with content, is no longer rich. For lorn is the fate of the red man. Weston Leader. These is one thing in the Chi cago convention that brings hope to the country. The socialistic and nihilistic Tillman, from South Carolina, received but little encour agement. He is a dangerous man for the country. The people of the United States are too honest, intel ligent and law-abiding to follow the lead of so rank a nihilist. A ki'mbeb of populist leaders at Chicago issued an address Monday declaring their party would endorse no democratic nominee for presi dent except Senator Teller. Among the signers are H. F. Taubeneck, of Illinois. J. B. Weaver, of Iowa and Martin Qninn, of Oregon. The national flag now has 45 stars. The T3ld ones are legal, how ever, as tbe government has a whole lot of the old sort on band and don't want to be "Mowed" for a little state like Utuh, while there is a flattering prospect for two or three more of tbe same kind com ing in with these hard times. The leg'slature of Massachusetts baa appropriated $60,000 to be used for the betterment of the public roads of that state. It has been proven beyond a donbt that there is money gained in going ahead with theimpovement of the roads. The Oregonian and a few of the leading gold men of the republican party seem determined to kick Jonathan Bourne out of the secre taryship of the state central com mittee and also out of tbe party, because be believes in the free sil ver idea. Ex. Jult and August are two very i discouraging months in business circles, and it will be more so than lever this summer, owing to the light crops of the country. But we must take the bitter witb the sweet. It will come our way bye andbve. The Salem Journal, republican, is out flat-footed for W. J. Bryan for president. Mr. flofer believes silver to be the great question of the day and he will thus show his consistency by supporting Mr. BUSINESS LOCALS. When yu want bargain go to 111' rack t store. Gel your pirtun taken now I Tinkle at Boyd's Gallery: New sulwrlptlons for tbe Week I J Orcgonian taken at this office. Drees Goods, flue quality for a little luoney, at Read, Peacock 4 Co. 'a. If the photos you" have made by Tinkle at Bt-yd's Gallery are not satis factory you need not pay for them. I have money to loan at 8 per oen Interest on good farm or persona! security, J. M. Ralston, MaJtou Block, Albany, Or We make photos from 50 eta. to ' per dox-ii and guanine? tbe beat work (."all and ate our samples. Tiukli Photo Co., at Boyd's Gallery. Money to loan. A limited aniouui if motley to Item ou (nod farm security.- Call upon or write to 8. V Steele A Co., Albany, Oregon. Pleasure your rooms accurately and bring slxe in feet and inches with you It costs you nothing to have your car pets tewed by band by the Albany Furniture Co., Albany, Oregnu. Ladies, I Invite your attention to my new and extensive line of floweret fancy straws and beautiful ribbons., Opening day about tbe first of April. Hiss A. DiU'im Tbe Ladies' Baiaar, of Albany, Or., will send a fsshiou plate, of tbe latest styles, to all penxms who write to them mentioning the Express. Their stock of goods is better tbau ever Ibis year. CU on them wheu in Albany. Young man, you are thinking some thing about your sweetheart, aud you will want to look nice when In her presence, so buy the latest styles of clothing at Baker's. He has the priceiJ way down to suit your reedy cash. Ladies, Miss Dumond offers you better bargains in bats than ever be fore. Trimmed hats from fl to 15. Bailors, 20e and np. Look iu at tbe windows as you pass by. Tbe Ladies' Progressive Outing Club of Lebanon, gave another one of tbeir picnics at Waterloo today In honor of Mrs. C. B. Montague, before her depar ture for Albany. About thirty ladies left here for that place with diauers, etc. A lull account of tbe affair will be given next week. The Salem tile and brick factory, located on the west side of tbe state fair grounds, was burned yesterday. Tbe sheds, 75,000 green tiles, 150 cords of wood and tbe tools were lost Tbe total lose is about 15,000. The property was owned by John Morphy, am) be was badly burned on the left arm and ear, fighting tbe fire. Work b still progressing on the motor line. The right of way baa been secured clear through to Waterloo with the exception of one man, and in most instances the company already holds the deeds. We have been in formed by .one who claims to know that it is sure to go and that work will commence on the grading within two weeks. The same parties informed na . . .. ,- that work would commence on the survey next Monday. Tbe Benton County Flooring Mills; rw.. M ft.nr.ni. fW. i ' ""i"j o-"i articles of incorporation with the secre tary of state yeeterdiy. Tbe capital stock is given at (32,000, divided Into 640 sliuree of !o0 each. John Bickard, P. Avery, Alien Wilson and B. E. Gibson are the incorporators. The corporation succeeds to the business of the firm which has for a number of years conducted tbe mill at that place. the incorporators having been mem bers of tbe firm heretofore. Stales- man. Bow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewsrri Iftr anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall 9 Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo.O. We. tbe undersigned, have known F.J. Chener for the lam 15 veers, and believe bim pertectly honorable tn all business iransuciione snd hnsncially able to carry out anv obligations maue by their firm. West fe Truux. Wholesale UrngirjsOi.Toledo Waging, Kinnan It Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure i taken intemallr. acting directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Price, 73c per bottle Bold bj ail druggists, iestimomals Ires. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. (Changed Kverv Week.) Wheat 40c. , Oata 18 to 20c Hay 14 to $5 perton. Flour-tO BOfttKl. per sack Chop 10 80 per cwt . Bran 75c per cwt Middlings 10 75 per cwt Potatoes 20c Apples Dried, 3c per lb Plums Dried, 2c Onions 2c. Beef Dressed, 4 to 6c. Veal-Sjfajfc. Pork Dressed, 8j. Lard-7J. Hams 8 per lb. Shoulders 6c Bides 7c per lb. Geese 13 60 15 per doz. Ducks 14 5 per dot. Cnickens-tl 606,8 00. Turkeys 8c per lb. . Eggs 10c -rer dot. Butter 10 0 16c per lb. Hlile-rB,lat firy, It. Cj o i fo It seeded by poor, tired mothers, ore, worked and burdened with out, doblU tated and n down bene use of poor, Ihla and lmportrtobtd blood. Help to seeded by the nacrous sutterer, the m ul woman tort and with rheumatism, neo xalgk, dyspepsia, eorotala, oatarrh. Help Comes Quickly Wins Hood1! BanapuiUa begins to en rich, parity and vitalise tha blood, and sends it in a heeling, aoorlehing, tneif arattaf stream to tha noma, nwaclet and organs ol the body. Hood's Banenarilla builds ud the weak and broken down are tarn, and omen all blood dieeaiei, became Hood's Sarsaparilla IstkeOns True Blood furtler. Andrutrctsts. It, Prepared only by &L Hood COh Lowell. Naaa. u ji n'li are the only pills to take HOOd 5 FlllS wttbllood'a8aiiauUla. DR.J.A. LAMBERSON Is better prepared to treat chronic dis eases man any utuerpnysician in ieDaiKm, he having a tin outHt of inHtnimenta and the essentials to treat tliew disease mio eesslullj, and his apei ial readme on this line ha made him well qua 1 1 lieu to treat these special mseasea. rerwHm at dis tances can be aeronimtvlated with good rooms, board, lodging and experienced nuree ii aesirea. umce opposite utiu rei lows hall. Main street. Lebaiiou, Onuton. Charges reasonable. All partial Indebted to me will take notice, that 1 hare placed mjr octet and tocounu, for collec tion. wlthSam'IM. Grlnfl,ad bnve imrtnicted my attorney to collect tbe tame without delay. J, C. lUYta. Rucceaa to Mayer A Kunbnxigh. My ixutroctiooa are porisire. and no onrcuon- ble time can be lirea. Haji'l at. Gauuh. M. RALSTON, BROKER, Mae to a Block:, Albany. Or Money to loan on farm wcurity, also small loan made on personal security. City, county and school warrant bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of tlie largest comjranies in the world, at the low eat rates. Notice for iullloatlon. Land Office at Orefron City, Or.,l May 13, 1. t Notice in hereby given that the fbllowing nanted nettler has tiled notice ot his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the conntv clerk of Linn county, at ( Aioanv, nr.. on juir 'm. ihw, vu: Benja min W hite, H. E. No. 84. for the 8. W. of Sec. 2i, Tp. 11 6., R, 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous ujion, ana cultivation ot, said tana, viz J,TTi.f;ii',"i1?ru7!r.V."i'lf j Oregon, fiOBBBT A, afiM.es. Bifruter. jVotloe Tor PuUlluavtlon. Lsn h Office at Oreiron City, Or.i Mv 23. IMjR. Kotice if hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intcn- rlaim. and that said proof will be made , before the counly clerk of Linn county, at Albany, (iregon, on Juir 2U. rii: j,,vi( g,.),ml(.ri M. E. jj0. mx ror,,e 8. E. ii of 8. . Y. of Sec. 2, Tp. 12 8.. K. l I W. He names the followine witness to prove his continuous resilience upon and) cultivation of. said land, vii: J. B. Kits.! , water, John hnor, J. K. Cha harlton. ot Leb anon, and J. C. Hardin, of lComb, Or. KosKjrr A. Mimkr, Kegisier. Bread Makers, Attention! . . If you want A Big White Loaf TJ8e ...Lebanon Flour Every Sack Guaranteed First-Class For sale by all the lead ing grocers of the city. Call for it Price- 80 Cents per Sack Cheapest the Best. The and J. W. CUSICK & C0., Bankers, ALBANY, OREGON. Transact a geueral Banking business Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Drafts drawn on New York, San Francisco, Portland, Salem, Eugene, and Corvallls, and all points in Eu rope. Business sect by mall will receive New Model -e rVrcteerU era Otvc-i J H- 4 Styles. ' j money Short W- 'yweeks' Lengths. Beat Ma' Feather-bone Corset C Sole Maaulaeuirera. KALAMAZOO, MICHIQAN. re aau HIRAM BAKER, The Leading Dealer in DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, ETC. Lebanon, St. Charles Hotel jLebauon, Oiecon. Tlie only firFt-class bouse in i the city. Rates $1 & $2 per day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention given to commercial travelers. J. B. Thompson. Proprietor. POPULAR SCIENCE Katar. HTt(oO, II ft TO ft Botany, KlMttrlclty, fltJWS hf-milrjr, Mrd.c.uc Hyffleoe fall! Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry Enlarged and Improved Contains a lari irge number or tfhnrt, Easy, Practical, Interesting and Pop , Jin ular, Hcientinc article, that can lie I Appreciated and enjoyed by any Intel ligent reader, even though be kuew little or nothing of Science. Profusely Illustrated and from Technicalities. Free Kewedealem, 10 eenta. 91.00 per year eVUenlton this janier for a sample copjv Largest Circulation of any Solentlflo Paper In tha World n'BUMlED MONTHLY BY BenJ. Lillard, New York. I Fire Insnrance. Insure Your Property with ( GEORGE RICE ) g IN Royal, (L J Hartford, V ( Phoenix, ) ) Ilnmburg.Iireinen, ( (t) Fireman's Fund, ) 0 Western, (9 ft) Reliable old line companies be represents. All business (L placed with him will tie at- V tended to promptly. Ofllee ) on Main St., LEBANON, Or. (i 1 trial R aot V"""" """"N Sattolac BOOTS. SHOES. Oregon Thus. F. (takes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C Kouse, Receivers. NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. R U N Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars M lnuialU Gtmnd Fork Craltitoa THROUGH TICKETS-f TO PiiinU Emit and South j-m iii.uiiiiuiiuii, 11 1 uc uuru!, ninv una tickets, call on or write W. C. PETERSOM, Agent, LEBANON, - - OREGON. OR ID. CE1RLT0I, AssL Genl. Pass. At., Portland, Oregon, Rlpans Tabules. Rlpans Tabules cure nausea. Rlpans Tabules: at druggists, Ripans Tabules cure headache. Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief. Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath. Rlpans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules eure torpid liver. Jtipau Takulesi M1 eatkattlt, ftstfTssalM M MMliHilM,