The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 02, 1896, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
Ligntwcighi for upring and
' aiimnier. Black and colored.
J.utuBl at yk'H. Medium irlrta.
Shirt Waists.
1-ots and lots of them. Many
different grades and prices.
New styles.
Summer Goods.
Stock now complete. 1 drgost
ever brought to i.lnn county.
' All new goods and priced very
roaxoiiable. Bcndfomamples.
S. 13. Young,',
Sailor hats at 20c at Miss Dumond's.
Cloning out Bale ut Read, Peacock &
Hat from $1 up at Mlm Dumond'i
millinery store.
Groceries quality excellent pi loot
low at Raeh 4 Buhl't.
Get your pictures taken now at
Do.vd'e at reduced prices.
(jo to A. E. Bavin for aoda water,
oooo cola, and milk shakes.
Cabinet photos still going at 11.50
per dozen at Boyd's gallery.
New aubanrlptiona for the Weekly
Oregoulun taken at tliia office.
B. ft I), are the Initials of Bach ft
Buhl but their grooerlea are A. 1.
On not bring bark until you get
further notice. Dn. Lambkrson.
Mr. Ed. O'Nell returned from a
biulneaa trip to Calitoruia this week.
Prof. G. H. Wilkes la lu Chicago
spending bis vacation lu a law office.
The finest line of dress patterns In
the city Is to be found at the Racket
mure. .
Mr, T. 0. Maxwell, of Springfield, ia
vlaitiug bis sister, Mm, E. B. Davis, of
this city.
There will be a grand 4th of July ex
cursion from Lebanon to Portland,
July 4, 18t. -
Trof. R. N. Wright, of Astoria,
panned through Lebuuan last week on
bla bicycle.
' J. M. Ralston, wife and little toy,
Bella, apent last Bunday In Lebanon
with relativea.
You can buy a nice, large arm, hand
carved rocker of the Albany Furniture
Company for $2.63.
Dr. B. Dudley has returned from a
vialt to. Hilvertau, The Br. la much
improved in health,
Call at Boyd'a photo gallery and aee
the eleguut work beiug done by Tinkle
the artist, at reduced rates.
Five thousand rolls 1896 styles of
wall paper cheap foj cash at Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregou.
Bound trip tickils to Portland and
return, good fur the 4tb only, for only
12.50. Cheaper than ever before.
Are you looking fur an engagement
or wedding ring? French the jeweler,
Albauy, baa aome handsome ones.
Preachlug at the Baptist church
next Sunday at 11 A. at. and 8 P. M.
A cordial Invitation extended to all.
Your are missing a whole lot by not
having your photoe made now while
they are so cheap at Boyd'a gallery.
Shaving 10c. and hair cut 15c. at the
new barbershop in the old bank build
ing. W. H. LUTZ, Prop.
Now la the beat cbanoe you will ever
bave of getting fine photoe so cheap.
Bstlsfuctiou guaranteed ut Boyd's gal
lery. ' . '
The excursion from this city to
Portland on the 4th will be well
patronized. , Round trip tickets only
The best dressed men lu Linn county
are those who buy their clothing
rou) Bucb ft Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
All the new and pretty shapes in
hats are to be found at Miss Duuiond'e.
Ladies, call and be convinced. Hard
time prices.
The Express ia terribly iu need of
money and if our subscribers could
pay in a little just now it would be ap
preciated. Prof. W. W. Alllngham und sister,
Miss Lola Alllngham, of Coburg, wcte
vlxitlng In Lebanon a couple of days
this week. -
The coutraot for supplying wood for
tlie public sehoids was let to Geo. Till'
man fur oak at $2.10, and to James
Wheeler for tl r at $1.64 per cord.
Misa Pearl Hlnton who has been
visiting lu Lebanon for some time,
left yesterday for a vialt witli lies slater
in Btaytou.
Dr. F. T. Matchett, who lias been
-visiting Ills parents near this place,
left for his borne lu Warduer, Idaho
Jail Saturday.
Overalls with aprons or without, 50c
pair at the Racket More. Also have
Just received a large amount of new
oalieo. Don't fail to aee tliem,
Mr. Vfcl Watt led TttktdV
Anaconda Mont, where ehe haa ac
cepted a position. Her many friends
In Lebanon w ish her auccesa in her
new homo.
All goods as represented at Pugli &
It ia aald Portland will hare the
biggest celebration this year it has ever
Mr. Frank Connovcr.ex-edltorof the
Corvallla Gazett,e made this office n
fraternal vialt today.
Mrs. Johns, of Portland, was visit
ing relatives in and near Lebanon
thia week.
Miss Sarah West who has been slop
ing in Portland for aome time ia visit-
lug relativea In Lebanon.
Good clothing at a low price at
Bach ft Buhl's.'
Misses Ada and Nona Miller left
yesterday for Portland on a visit and
to attend the big celebration. .
Mrs. Ji'S. Mayer and daugliler,Masel,
left ye-ti-r lay for Portland where they
will remain until after the 4th.
We relurn many thanks to Mr. T.
C. PeeMer for a mess of fine fish caught
from Fish Lake. Mr. Peeblor expects
to relurn to the mountains in a week
or so.
Postmaster Chas. A. Smith returned
from Portland last Saturday. His
brother-in-law Jack Howard of Port
land accompanied him home.
Mrs. B, V. Kirk who has been visit
ing her parents near Corvullis and aUo
attending the commencement at the
0. A. 0. returned home Tuesday.
T. C. Peebler and Alvlu Williams
returned Monday from a trip to Fish
Lake, They report fishing poor when
they left on auoouut of high water.
The genial countenance of Phil
Smith ! ugulu a.en on the streets. He
has been at work with a squad of men
slashing some of bis Hue bottom laud.
Mr. Willie Donaca who has been at
tending the 0. A. 0. at t'orvallis for
the past year, has returned to his
home lu Lebanon to spend his vaca
tion. Excursion to Portland will leave
Lebanon at 6:30 A. M. the moruing of
the 4th, and return will leave Portland
after the fire works. Round trip only
Rey. A. Melvin Williams left yester
day for Pomona, California where Ue
lias accepted ;all ns pastor of a church.
Melvin leaves a iiost of friends in Leb
anon, Mrs. Nettie Heard who lias been
visiting her eister.Mi-e. W. B. Harden,
left yesterday for her home In San
Francisco. Mrs. Harden accompanied
her as fur aa Albany. . -
County courlis in session for the
purpose of approving the bonds of the
newly-elected officers and settling up
with the outgoing officers. The new
officers will take their seats on Monday,
July 6.
Rev. and Mrs. Callander, nee Miss
Winnie Marks, were lu Lebanon the
first of the week virltlng Mrs. Callan
der's old friends. They expect to leave
iu about a month for I'orea where tbey
bave accepted a call in the missionary
work of the Presbyterian church.
(J. H. Taylor, exeursio'i agent for the
S. P. Co., has been In Lebanon a couple
of days this week working up the ex
cursion from this city to Portland on
the fourth. Mr. Taylor made it a go
and the excursion will leave Lebanon
the morning of the 4th at 6:30.
Mr. Moss Walker returned to Leba
non last Saturday from Wiuslow,
Arizona where he has been for the
post eight mouths cooking in a board
ing house for Mrs. Urubb. Moss says
Mrs. Grubb and eon Willie are well
and doing well. He reports times
hard buck there. Moss haa again gone
to work in the St. Charles hotel of
this city. ,'
N. W. Smith went to Portland last
week on his bicycle where he met bis
brother, Dr. Irwin Smith from Morn,
and they both rode their bicycles from
Portland to Lebanon Saturday, being
about twelve hours on the road. Dr.
Smith after visiting a few days with
hie parents of this place went on to
Philomath where he will visit with
his wife's people a while before return
ing to his home iu Moro.
The McMinnville Transcript aaya of
the new principal ot the Lchanou
schools. Prof. L. H. Baker will have
charge of the schools at Lebanon, Linn
county, the coming school year.
Lebanon la to be congratulated upon
securing the service of so pioflcieut
an instructor as Prof. Baker. We have
known him for the past twenty-four
years; during which time he has al
ways ranked as an able scholar and
his capabilities for handling any
school have never beeti questioned.
We arc sorry to lose him from
Yamhill, however. .
Card of Thanks.
En. Hxpbbss: Please let us say
through your paper that we feel very
grateful to our many friends for their
aaslstanno and expressions ofsyuipat I iy
during the lute sickness of our sou and
brot her.
Mks. L. M. Wheelkr and Bons.
A large and appreciative audience
attended the annual commencement
exercises of the Snntluin Academy, on
last Friday evening. The. bull was
lovely decorated will) flowers and the
stage was furnished with a beautiful
new piano. The exercises was opened
by prayer by Rev. A. T. Alibett, and
was Interperscd with beautiful piano
selections by a representative of the
fit-in that sold the Instrument. A
quartet, composed of Misses Addle
Simpson, Calla Warner and Messrs
Aldrlch and Wiley, sang two selec
tions that greatly pleased the audi
ence. Miss Ilda Elkins, a graduate of
'95, read the interesting "annals'1 of
the class. Mr. Geo. H. Handle, grad
uate of '90, delivered au oration, telling
in an instructive and pleasing manner
of ''The Cruise of the Alabama." Mr.
Will H. Rosa, a graduate of '95 read a
poem entitled, "Dream on Nature,"
which showed considerable poetic
talent and thought. Miss Mabel Car
eon, graduate of '90, read an essay en
titled "The Young Live, Forward in
Hope; the Old live Backward in Mem
ory," this essay contained much of
real wit and was well written. Misses
Myrtle Caraon and Kate Miller sang
very sweetly "Wandering In the May
time." Mr. 8. M. Garland delivered
an interesting and instructive address
to the giaduatiug class. Mr, Abbott
delivered the diplomas to Mis3 Carson
and Mr. Handle, and made them a
short but pleasing talk.
The exercises were highly gratifying
to the citizens, all of whom tuke an in
telligent Interest In the welfare of the
Academy. The graduates and pupils
at large have received careful training
and have made marked improvement.
Prof. Handle deservea the patronage of
the community. -WEDDING
Married, at the borne ot the bride's
parents in Sodnville, Sunday, June
29th, 1S96, Prof. G. L Calavan and Ida
M. Jackson, both of Linn county, by
Rev. E. E. WcVlcker.
After the moruing services at Soda
ville I drove to the home of Mr.
Martin Jackson where we found the
bride and groom with some of their
relatives and friends to participate in
the wedding of the esteemed young
couple. When all was in readiness
the friends gathered In the parlor with
the minister, then the young people
presented themselves to be united in
holy matrimony. After the cermony
and the congratulation by friends we
proceeded to the dining room where
we found the table sumptuously spread
with the things which are tempting to
the appetite. After enjoying the lux
uries and a pieasaut hour together we
bid them good bye wishing them God's
Bpecd. Mr. Calavan is a school teacher,
was professor of the Sodavllle school
lust year', where he woe highly re
spected; Is now teaching at Scio and is
successful in his profession. Miss
Jackson lias spent the larger part of
her short life in the vicinity of Soda
vllle and is highly esteemed and re
spected by all. The young people will
make their home at Scio.
E. E. McVickkb.
Card of Thanks.
We thank the friends for their kind
ness during the long Illness and death
ef our wife and mother.
The county court lias approved the
bonds if the newly elected county
officers as follows:
Bond of M. C. Gamce as sheriff ap
proved in the sum of $10,000 with J. L.
Miller, T J Muukers, 8 M Daniel A M
Shelton, J J Barnes, A C Gaines, J P
Crabtree, J W Gaines, T M Downiug,
Win May, T M Holt, H H Quigley, B.
F. Darby and J A. Bilyeu aa sureties.
Buud of C B Montague, as clerk ap
proved in the sum of $10,000 with J W
Cusiek, WF Read, L Foley, John
Nichols and Albert Humphrey as
Bond of D F Hurdman as recorder,
approved in the aura of $3,000 with F
H Porter, Samuel E Young aud R H
Sliultz as sureties.
Bond of P G Morris as treasures, ap
proved in the aura of $o0,000, with P
G Morris, J W Cusick, A B Griggs,
Pres B Marshal, LFIlnu.S E Young
and A G Marshall as sureties,
Bond of ET T Fisher as surveyor,
approved in the sum of $3,000 with S A
Dawson and Strouder Fromaii as sure
ties. Bonds of B A Stafford as assessor,
and C F Wright aa coroner, satis
factory, but returned for correction of
error In making out.
Lucy Dobklns Bcanluud was born in
Clnyhorn Co., Tennessee, March 6,
1837, died June 29, 1896. She and J.
W. Hcandland were married June 10,
1859. She was the mother of ten chil
dren, four who died in infancy await
her in the heavenly home. A husband,
five daughters, a sou and eleven grand
children survive her. She with her
husband and family came to Oregon
lu 18K4, locatiui: in the vicinity of
Lebanon where they have since re
sided. Rev. Thos. Clark, pastor of the
M. E. church, South, oouducted the
funeral servioes, which were held In
the family residence. Mrs. Scandland
had been a member of the Methodist
church for many years.
There is no death,
Wliat seems o is but change.
Death is an angel anowv while,
Into every household comes
To lead to realms supernal and bright,
WnTawsU tb lofta lUlr (jjsjt
The Results and the Majorities in the
Oregon State Election.
Governor Lord has proclaimed the
following persons elected to their re
spective ofllces, at the recent state
election, and certificates have been
Issued accordingly. The figures given
are majorities or puralitles received,
according (o the official canvass of the
Congressman First district, Thos H
Tongue, 63; second district W R Ellie,
Judge supreme court B 8 Bean,
Cirouit ludges Fourth district, A F
Sears Jr, 683; alxth-S A Loveall, 612;
eight Robert Eakin,"524.
Prosecuting attorueysi-First dis
trict, J A Jeffrey, 48; tocond-W E
Yatea,1070; tblrd-S L Hayden ,1,451;
fourth-Cbua F Lord, 999; Ofth T J
Cleeton. 831; alxtb-H J Bean, 706;
Seventh A A Jayne, 499; eighth -H
E Courtney, 611; uinth-Cbas W
Parrish, 376.
Members state board of equillzation
Second district, Bobt Walker, 329;
fourth-D P Thampson, 4348; sixth
Chas Johnson, 238; eighth O P
Goodall, 424; ninth I H Holland,
Probate Court.
In estate of Ira stroud, report of sale
of partnership property approved.
In estate of H A McCartney, $150
appropriated for a monument. .-
In estate of John Finley, Sarah B
Redford wasappoiuted administratrix.
Bond $4,000.
In estate of J. B, Morgan, petition
to erect monument granted.
In estate of Ella B Wirt, guardian
appointed and bond set at $100.
In estate of Warren South,- ap
praisers appointed.
Iu estate of Fortmiller ft Irving and
J M Irving, C C Aogue was appointed
administrator. Bond $16,000. Bond
approved aud F E Allen, N H Allen
and John Althouse appointed apprais
ers. In estate of J M Irving, bond placed
ut $2,000. Same appraisers as above.
Iu estate of Loyd and Susie Duncan,
final account approved and guardian
Coming to Oregon.
Last week Mr. David Myers closed
a aalc of 200 acres of bis old borne farm
three milts east of Scio, to an Ohio
mun, whose name is withheld at this
timeby request. Consideration $5,000.
The buyer states that there will be five
or six more families from his locality
emigrate to tills state and will probably
buy farm's In "'bis locality, on the
strength of his purchase. They are all
good citizens and will make valuable
acquisitions to our community. Scio
Residence Burned.
On Tuesday the farm resideuce and
all of Its contents, belonging to and oc
cupied by B. F. Darby, northwest of
Scio, says the Scio Press, was des
troyed by fire. Mr. Darby was absent
at the time at,d no one was at home
save the children, who, not having the
judgment of older per sous, failed to
save any of the household ' goods.
There was no insurance on the build
ing. Obituary.
Geo F. Wheeto was born in Scio,
Oregon, May 17, 1856, died iu Lebanon,
Oregon, June 28, 1896. Age, 40 years 1
month and 11 days. He with his
parents moved to Lebanon in 1890.
Soon after comlug to Lebanon be pro
fessed faith in Christ, aud joined the
M. E. church, For over 20 years he
has been a constant sufferer. For
several months his suffering has been
intense, but he endured tbeut with a
Christian fortitude. The funeral
servioes were conducted in the M. E.
church by tbe pastor. After which his
remains were taken to tbe Masoulo
cemetery and laid to rest until tbe
reserreotion morn.
Then let our sorrows ceast to flow,
Got has recalled bis o wn ;
We would not bid our love i one come
From his eternal home. -t
Then when our race like his ia run,
We hope to meet again ;
Where Go I, the everlasting Hon,
And where there is no pain.
C. H. L.
Rlpana Tabules: pleasant laxative.
. Ripana Tabules cure liver troubles.
Rlpans Tabules: tor aourstomaek.
Highest HonorsWorld's Pair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Mad.
We don't blame
them for kicking.
It's a trifle hard on our
competitors, but it's a
great thing for the buyers.
Why that Closing Or t
Sale at Read, Peacock &
Co.'s, Lebanon or Albany.
Terms, Cash or Produce.
Shoes and, Notions.
Having again opened up a general merchandise store in Lebanon,
I respectfully solicit the patronage of my friends and former customers
and the public in general. .V
Terms strictly cask or produce.
w w w 9 ej fjsw
To Buy Your :
? Where the Best are Sold
If you carry out this idea
trfiii tiMll Kim f
Jrvu win vujr vi
g Tbe L E. Blain Clothing Co, g
Osborne Mowers, Binders and
Hay Rakes.
Extras for Osborne and Deering
Hopkins Bros,