The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 02, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
The gold standard men, to bol
ster up tbiB argument to t porson
not well acquainted with the mon
ey .question, is forever saying
"Silver Btandard countries like
Japan and Mexico are put to a dis
advantage in their trade with fore
ign countries on a gold standard
in which the latter countries are
able to use silver which costs nearly
fifty per cent less than it did in
1873 in payment for the products
of silver standard countries practic
ally paying only half as much in
their money for the products of
silver standard countries as they
paid in 1873." The purpose of this
is of course to show that countries
on a gold standard have an advant
age in dealing with countries on t
silver standard.
The moment a product is in ex
cess of the demand of the country
in which it is raised, the market to
, which it goes to be sold fixes its
price. The home demand hae
nothing to do with it then. To
illustrate: The price of Oregon
jrheatiB determined by the con
sumption abroad for we have as
excess of wbeat oer home con
sumption and it goes to Liverpool
for a market. There a price is fixed
and it is sold. Its value is measured
in gold, that being the standard of
the market in which it is sold.
The wheat can purchase any other
commodity but the seller prefer
to exchange it for gold. He brings
his gold to Oregon and pays his
debts with it on the gold basis.
-The Jap or Mexican does exactly
the same thing but when he pays
his debts he has just 12 to do it
with where the Oregonian had tl
If the statement of the gold stand
ard man quoted above, is correct.
The difference is simply the ap
preciation of gold due to ita selec
tion ae the sole debt paying power.
Measured in products, it has, as
ta .stated, appreciated about 100
per cent McMinnville T.-B.
' While. William Mc Kinnley has
always retained a warm spot in
the hearts of his 'countrymen on
account of his tariff views which
are eminently American, it is to be
feared that his attempt to stand on
the latest Republican platform so
far as it relates to the financial
question will act in the nature of a
wet cloth to his pretentions. His
popularities more nearly conform
to that of James ii. Blaine than
any -other man now within the
public eye. But unlike Mr. Blaine,
Mr. McKinley lacks much of our
dead statesman's political sagacity
and masterly understanding of all
pubEcuestions. Were James G.
Blaine alive today his voice would
be raised in the interest of the peo
ple. It was he who spoke more
pronouncedly than any of the rest
who participated in the demonetiza
tion of the silver act ot 18i3, and
be would not today be found stand
ing in an attitude approving the
acts of a conspiracy whose mission
of sorrow has only juet began. It
needs no pessimist to detect and
picture the ravages thus far made
by the despicabla piece of legisla
tion here alluded . to, for the
straightened circumstances and
abject poverty of the millions speak
louder than words. In the hearts
of Americans every feeling akin to
sympathy should be banished
when it comes to voting for a man
who represents or stands for the
single gold standard Tomahawk.
The silver imprint of June 24
gays: When the Imprint de
termines to do a thing, it knows
no such word as fiiL Pursuant to
request of the Imprint, about 20
8ilet Indians were in Albany
during the week for the purpose of
being interviewed upon tbe late
election, and ascertaining if fraud
was lurking in tbe ballot box in
the reservation precinct. An in
terpreter and two attorneys were
ent for, and the "Boston men,"
nd Indians got right down to
business. Each Indian was armed
iiaitpWtyrWtiMBWi fi
claiming his right to vote. It was
learned from the Indians that there
were 125 Indian voters in the Si-
lets reservation precinct. Out of
this number 96 were avowedly for
Vanderburg, while the remaining
56 stood upon doubtful grounds.
The official returns show that just
two Iudians voted for Vanderburg.
Does this savor of fraud? Does it
bear the earmarks of a free and
honest election? The Indians are
ready to swear that they wanted to,
and believe they did vote for Van
derburg and Yaquina Bay, but
where are the votes to show it?
Two Indian votes out of 125, for
Vanderburg, when 69 openly anti-
Tongue. The Imprint will con
tinue its investigation, and there
may be some fun yet.
Kemekbeb tins, says an ex
change. No peddler does any
thing to help the town. He gives
nothing to schools or churches, or
public enternrises. He pays no
taxes. He has nothing in common
with the people. He can swindle
you often does, and you can't
help yourself. He has no store
down the street to which you can
return goods that are not up to the
new sample. The itinerant mer
chant has no reputation to sustain
He can cheat you with impunity.
The home merchant is and does
different. He bears his share of
the expenses of good government.
When a subscription paper is passed
he is the first approached. He
builds a house which enhances the
value of all property. He helps
pay the church in which you wor
ship, and the school to which you
send your children. He cannot
afford to misrepresent his goods or
swindle you.
The boyB relate an excelent story
regarding a certain candidate's
speech while on an electioneering
tour. He had a large audience of
of ladies and gentlemen and in
course of his speech delivered him
self of the following: "Now, you
can buy a cow for $15, but you can
a better one for $20; you can
hire a school teacher for $15 a
month but it pays better to pay
$20 for a good -one. Your cheap
cow won't give much milk, and it
is the same . with your school
teacher." This brought the house
down. Ex.
The Albany Imprint says a peti
tion is being circulated and numer
ously signed for tbe reenactment
of the mortgage tax law. " Did not
Messrs. Smith, Monkers and Hom
ers pledge themselves before pll
the people -of Linn county that
they would give their best efforts
for the repeal of this law? Does
it question these gentlemen? If
not, why fore the petition? We
have the faith to believe that two
of our representatives-elect will do
as they agreed to the letter, and
know no particular reason why the
Third one will not.
A familiar word around the
theatre is "deadhead," and it iB
doubtful of many people know from
which the word came. A man
happened to come across the origin
in a curio store in Rome. Among
the many things of interest were a
number of small skulls, the size of
hickory nuts, and in asking what
they were, was told that in Rome,
of years ago, these smell Bkulls
were used as passes by the favored
few, and from the stately Roman
we got tbe slang word, "deadhead."
The Salem Post reports that ar
rangements have been completed
to contest the election of Thomas
H. Tongue. Mr. Vanderburg has
employed Dalrymple and 'Watson,
of Albany, to prosecute the case.
They haye alo requested any
electors knowing of crooked work
to report the same to these at
torneys. Political booms cost money. It
is estimated that the McKinley
boym cost over a" half of million
dollars. Even the Allison boom
cost the Iowa delegates over $5000.
Silver men are gathering in
Chicago preparatory to making a
toiled fight
There will be a 4lli of July pk-iil
for the "stay-at-homes" In the Acad
emy grounds Saturday the 4th. Ever)
bod' bring well-filled banket. Exer
cine to begin at 10 A. at.
1. Music, vocal.
2. Prayer by Rev. Harmon.
8, Music
4. Reading Declaration by Nelllt
Randle. ; ,
5. Music
6. Oration by Albert Wright.
T. Music
8. Recitation by Sr. E. H. Reed.
ust or PRIZES.
Prettiest baby under 8 months old
rubber rattle.
Prettiest baby under 2 yean, celluloid
ball., V
Boys egg race, 1st prlie knife, 2n!
Girls font race under 16, let prin
Upper pin ousUioii,2iid Initial pin.
Girls foot race under 12. let prin
bottle perfume, 2nd Trlby pin.
Potato race, boys under 12, 1st prise,
puree, 2nd cuS buttons.
Wheelborrow race, girbj uuder 18,
1st ptiie, eyrup pitober, 2nd, knife.
Tug-of-war between boys and girls,
Boys foot race under ton, let prixe,
tie, 2ud pin.
Boye race uuder 12, let priie, book,
2nd, knife.
Beet looking young lady under 25,
celluloid fisnie, 2nd priie, slipper
cushion. .
Foot race for girb under 6, pin and
beads, 2nd priie, beads.
Oldest lady on ground, hunker-
chief. -
Prizes on exhibition at N. W,
Smith's drug store.
A special train will leave Lebanon
at 6:30 a. h. the morning of July 4th,
and will reach Portland at 10 a. u.
Returning will leave Portland after
the fire works, about 11 JO P. M. Fare
fur the round trip $2.50; children be
tween 5 and 12, half-fare. The excur
sion will be accompanied by the Leba
non Firemen's Band.
This will be the event of the Reason
in tbe way of excursions. The grand
est day Portland has ever bad. The
programme will consist of all kinds of
sport during the day.
Grand street parade at 1:80 P. M.
Tbe Lebanon Firemen's Band will
take part in the parade. . Illuminated
river parade iu the evening, to con
elude with the grandest pyrotechnic
display ever attempted on tbe coast.
Tickets on sale at the Southern Pa
cific ticket office. Tbe compauy will
only allow 50 paassengers in each
coach, allowing eacb one a seat. Se
cure your tickets as soon as possible,
as arrangements will have to be made
tor cars.
Changed Ever; Week.
Wheat 47c
Oats 13 to 15c
Hay S3 to $5 per ton.
Flour $0 8090. per sack
Chop $0 80 per cwt.
Bran 75c per cwt
Middlings ft) 75 per cwt
Potatoes 20c.
Apples Dried, 8c per It
, Plums Dried, 2c.
Onions 2u.
Beef Dressed, 4 to 5c
Veal 3J4c.
Pork Dressed, 8.
Hams per lb.
Shoulders 6c.
Bides 7c per lb.
Geese $3 60 $5 per doi.
Ducks $4 to per doz.
Chickens $2 503 00.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
Eggs 8c per doz.
Butter 6 10c per lb.
Hides Green, 8c; dry, 6c.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers in Linn
county like to take the Weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangement
whereby we can furnish it at a reduc
tion from tbe regular price to those
who want both tbe Expkhw and tin
Oregonian. The regular price of tht
Oregonian Is $1.50 per year, and of the
Express $1.60 when in advance. W.
will furnish both t $2. per year in
advance, a saving of oue dollar to tli.
subscriber.. The Oregonian gives all
tbe general news of the country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent neas service
for the moderate sum of $2. per year.
Tboee who are at preseut subscriber
ef tbe Express must pay in all arrear
ages and one year iu advance to obtain
tots special price.
For Sale at
Rich Red
l!lod Is absolutely essential to health.
It Is wound easily ud naturally by
taking Hood Baraaparlua, bat la ia
ponibletoget It (rom weaned "sen
tonics," and opiate compounds, ab
surdly advertised M "blood puri
fiers." They have temporary, sleeping
Sect, bnt do not CURE!. To have pun
and good health, tt Hood's 9mpn rills,
which has first, last, and tl! the time,
beensdvertiiedu J ait wlist It Is tbe
best DHdloute lor the blood ever pro
duced, lis sueoese In eurhig 8crctula,
Bait Rheum, Rhenmstism, CiUrrh,
Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration and
That Tired Feeling, have made
TseOne Tree Blood Purl (tor. All dnifgl'ts. tt,
. , n,. are purely ngetsMs. re.
nOOa I fills IIissj and beneficial.
Is hotter prepared to treat chronic (lis-
eases man any outer pnysician in ijunanan,
lie having a tine outfit of instrument and
the essential to treat these il incases tute-
ceasfuiU-, and his Btiet-iul ranlitiR on thi
line hoe made him well qualified to treat
weae gpeenu diseases, rensona at a ins
tances can be accommodated with good
rooms, board, Inrisiiig and experienced
mine if desired. Otlie opposite Odd Fel
lows hall. Main street. Lebanon. Oretton,
Uijarge reasonable.
All parties Indebted to me will take notice, that
I have placed my note ami accounts, for collec
tion, with Horn. M Uarlaml, and have Instructed
my attorney to collect the name without delay.
J. C. Mayer,
Kucceasor to Mayer & Kimbruugh.
My Instructions are positive, and no unreasona
ble time can bt firon. Ham'l M. Garumd.
Maaton Itlocrk, Albany, Or
Money to loon oo farm security, also
small loans made on personal security.
City, county and school warrants bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Fire insurance written in three or the
largest companies iu the world, nt the low
est rates.
Notlt for Publication.
Land Oftce at Orejron City,
-M:a -: matt
Notice is herebv civen that the following-
named settler has riled notice ot his inten
tion to make final prool in summit of hi
uttiuii, unu Hint saui prom tvui ue mane
before the county clerk ol Linn count v. at
Albany. Or. on Jiilv a). ltflfl. viz: lienia-
min hite, H. E. No. W20. for the 8. W. y
of Bee. 22, Tp. 11 S., It. 1 K. He names the
(ollowmg witness to prove his continiiouf
unon. and cultivation of. said land, vir-
Joseph F. Garland, iJavui I. ilyreu, Orville
uregon, jkobekt A, Millrr.
, agister.
Notloe for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.)
May 28, f
Notice is herein' riven that the fullowinir-
named settler lias tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
'laim. and that said nroof will be niath
before the county clerk of Linn county, at
lYiitany. uregon, on juiy hj, is,, viz:
David Svlvester. H. K. No. 9713. for the
H.E.UofS. tt . Wof Her. S, Tp. 12 8., K. 1
YY. He names the following witness to
prove his continuous residence unoii and
cultivation of, said land, viz: J. fi. Fitz
water.John Prior, J. K. Charlton, of Leh-
auon, and J. C. Hardin, of LoComb, Or.
Bread Makers,
Attention! . .
If you want
A Big White Loaf
...Lebanon Flour
Every Sack Guaranteed
For sale by all the lead
ing grocers of the city.
Call for it
80 Cents per Sack
the Best.
J. I. CUSICK4C0, Bankers,
Tranwict a general Bunking Wuti ueHti
Collections made at all points on
favorable terms.
Drafts drawn on New York, Snn
Francisco, Portland, Salem, Eugene,
and Corvallis, and all points iu Eu
rope. Business sent by mail will receive
prompt attention,
U 11
4 Styles. I.? ' money
Short TjS-Vj 1 IWJ wMks'
LM(th. i 1 trtal If not
Beat s,tl,c"
Featherbone Corset C
Sola HaauJaeturars.
ran uii
The Leading Dealer in
St Charles Hotel
Lebanon, Oregon.
The only firet-class house iu
the city.
Rates $1 & $2 per day.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Special attention given to
commercial travelers.
J. B. Thompson.
Nature, Invention,
But4ny, fclftfltrlcitjr,
Vhfiiuintry, MtHtleiufls
Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry
Enlarged and Improved
Contains large number of 8hnrt.
Easy, l'ruotii'ul, Interniting and Pop
ular, ncieuunc article, mat can iw
Appreciated and enjoyed by any intel
ligent reader, even though he knew
Htle or ootlilug or science.
'rofnsely Illustrated and Free
From Technicalities.
Newadeftlem. 10 cent. 1.00 per jenr
affafMoDlion thiif piifier Tor lamplc copy.'t
Largest Circulation of any
Scientific Paper In the World
Hen J. Lillnrd, BTew York.
? Fire Insurance.
Insure Your Property with
bos r . 40 (
Flremuu'w Fund,
Reliable old line companies
he represents. All business
placed with hi in will be at
tended to promptly. Otllce
pn Muin St., LEBANON, Or.
ilerchants are
W i
F. (Jukes, Henry C. I'ayne, Henry C
House, Receivers.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Urftud Forka
Heln wid
New Vork
BoatuD and all
Pitlnti Kat and Sooth
For Mifurmatioii, time cards, miips and
tickets, call on or write
ff. C. PETERSOB, Agent,
ID. CHARLTON, Asst. Cenl. Ptss. Iff,,,
Portland, Oregon.
Klpans Tabules. .
Rlpans Tabules cure nausea.
Rlpans Tabules: at druggists.
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
Rlpans Tubules cure flatulence.
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Rlpans Tabules assist dlgestloa.
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief.
Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness.
Ripans Tabules cure Indigestion.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules: gentle eathartle.