The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 11, 1896, Image 4

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    a Sim
Pale Checks and Nerveless Hands are no Longer
Admired. To be Strictly Correct you must
have Rosy Cheeks..and Good Health.
Men Admire Wholesome-looking Womcn and now
Seek their Wives from that Class;
Pun blood k Um weenH of hetlth and;
bfuty. The fctarc nmy be regular, U-t
form perfot, but no woman can be beautiful
in the full kdw of Uw word while suffering
from any of the pcouliarailmmts of herm. '
Iimase dectroys the complexion, it produc
tive of w riii klci and premature old age.
Befralar monthly uterine action n aeeenary i
to Tery woman1! health, and if this func
tion of life if checked, disease, a pale and
allow complexion, ana a feeline of exhaus
tion, are the result. The monthly secretion
must continue from puberty to the turn of
life without unnatural obstruction. Any
hmfh of th law of Nature will result in
the distrewnjf symptoms which make the
lirea of seven-tenths of the women of this
country miserable, almost unbearable. A
few of these symptoms an severe headache,
loss of appetite, pale or sallow complexion,
palpitation of the heart, swollen ankles or
Imi mrvMinM oftVnY breath, etc. etc
The sufferer may exhibit one or more ef
these symptoms, or may nare an. mey
imply indicate the ravages disease hasmaite
upon the system, and the more of the symp
toms the patient shows the greater the neces
sity for prompt and persistent treatment,
until they have been banished and the
bloom of health is restored. To accomplish
this end Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the
nly unfiuling remedy. They positively
care til suppressions and irregularities,
which, if neglected, inevitably entail sick
Bess and trouble. By taking these pills for
a week or ten days before the expected re
turn of each period, the prompt appearance
of " the visitor " is insured. For suppre
tons, the pills most be taken steadily until
the re-appearanee takes place generally in
a month's time, sometimes less. Follow the
directions on the pamphlet about each box.
ft urno women will una weir nun im
proved in quality and quantity by taking
these pills, and also obtain relief from pain
in the back and general dragged-out feeling.
All displacements from weakness of the
nterine ligaments are speedily relieved and
ultimately cured by the use of these pills.
Leucorrhcoa, bearing down, weight in the
pelvis, and all female weakness, find speedy
relief and cure in the administration of the
Pink Pills for Pale People.
The most critical period in the life of a
woman is that attending the cessation of
menstruation, or, as it is most generally
termed, the change or turn of life. The
symptoms attending this period are feinting
pelts or attacks of feintness or diirinen,
beadaehe. general debility, exhaustion, a
reeling of melancholy, hysteria, pain in the
loins or limbs, hypochondria, etc. The
change is a gradual one for better or worse
for the former if the patient is wise enough
to fortify the system against the ravages of
the symptoms attending the change. For
- this purpose no remedy ever discovered
equals Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They
purify the blood by acting directly upon the
exual system, lessen the seventy of this
critical period, and finally leave the patient
in the enjoyment of robust health. All
ladies appoaching this critical period should
take Dr. WUlliams' Pink PUla.
What can be more distressing than to see
girl drooping and fading in the springtime
youth? Instead of bright eyes, glowing,
rosy cheesB, and an -elastic step, there are
dull eyes, pale, sallow, or greenish complex
ion, and a languidness of step that bespeaks
disease and an early death if proper treat
meat is not pronplty resorted to and per
luted in until the impoverished blood is en
riched, and Uw functions of life become regu
lar. Upon parents rests a peat responsi
bility at the time their danehters are bud
4mg into WMUaJmdr . .If TW daughfcr
Oregon Central
& Eastern,
R. JR. CO..
Yaquina'B "Route.
Connecting at Yamuna Bay with tbe Ban
Francisco and Yaquiua Bay Steamship
(Company. L
Steamship "Farallon"
Sails from Taquina Bay every eight days
for Ban Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford,
Trinidad aud Humboldt Bay.
Passenger Accommoda
tions Unsurpassed.
Shortest Route Between the Willamette
Valley and California.
Fare tram Albany and Points West to Ban
Cabin .6 00
Steerage 4 00
To Coos Bay and Port Orford :
Cabin $ e 00
To Humboldt Bay:
Cabin 4 8 oo
Round Trip Good for 60 Days Special.
Steamers "ALBANY" and "WM. JI.
HOAU," newly furnished, leave Albany
daily, except Saturdays, at 8 a. h., arriving
at Portland the same day at 15 p. M.
Reluming, boata leave Portland same'
days as above at 6 a. a., arriving at Albany
at 7:46 r. u. J. C. Mayo,
Edwis Stoke, Bup't River Division.
Manager. H. B.Bacbt,
H. Tu. Waldbm, Art Opp Revere House
Agent, Depot Albany,
To The Mothers.
You have nice children, you know,
and iiotbiug pleases them better than
a nice nobby ault of clothes that keeps
them warm and healthy. Baker has
them and for but little money. Can
you aland 91.00 for a ault of clothes, or
up to $4,007 All these low price you
will find at Hiram Baker 'a.
pale, complains of weakness, is "tired out"
upon the slightest exertion; if .she in trou
bled with headache or backache, pain in tue
side; if her temper is fitful and her uiHiie
poor, she is in a condition of extreme peril,
a fit subject for the development or th:ii
most dreadful of all diseases consumption.
If you notice any of these symptoms low no
time in procuring Dr. Williams' Pink IMits.
They will assist the patient to develop prop
erly and regularly ; they will enrich the
blood and restore health's roses to the
cheeks, bright eyes and a lightness of step
will surely follow their use, and all danger
of consumption and premature death will lie
averted. Wise and prudent mothers will
insist upon their daughters taking Dr. Wil
iams' Pink Pills upon the approach of the
period of puberty, and thus avoid all chance
of disease and early decay.
A Thankful Girl.
Pnm On Bxanintr, Am Francisco, Oat.
Visa Lottie Denell lives with her parents
at 70S Hatoma Street, San Francisco, the
is a young lady' nineteen years of age, and of
prepossessing appearance. Ever since she
was ten years old Hiss Donell has been a
sufferer from rheumatic affection of the
wrist, and since she was thirteen years of
age she has been subject to various female
weaknesses which have kept her physical
vitality at a very low stage. Thus, as she
says, she has been a victim of disease ever
since she can remember. When she was
a little girl at school she was always placed
at a disadvantage with her playmates on ac
count of her frailty of body and timidity of
manner. She could never join in any of the
more boisterous games, although she always
longed to do so.
But the embarrassing conditions of Miss
Donell's life have all been eliminated with
in the past year, and the change is wholly
due to the effective work of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
'It mast be remembered," said Miss
Donell in telling of the great relief that Dr.
Williams' Pills had afforded her, "that at
the time I began taking the pills I had been
for years a confirmed invalid. My wrist was
swollen out of all proportion by the chronic
rheumatism that had long since settled in it.
The female complaints from which I had so
long suffered bad wasted my body away until
I was but a mere shadow of mv former self
and I had really come to think that the
briffhtneea and happiness of life was not
meant for me. I had not the energy to per
form even the most simple of my household
duties, and, in a word I was completely 'run
down.' I began to take Dr. Williams' Pills
while I was in this condition and before I
had taken half a box of them I realised thai
they were doing me good. I began to feel
lively again and to lose the lax feeling in
my i mi os. i ien so nappy over tne momen
tary relief that had been afforded me that I
resolved to continue takinsr the nills. After
taking several more boxes I waa more than
convinced of the high merits of the pills, for
I waa then wholly relieved from the rheu
matic pains in my wrist and I had so for re
gained my vitality of body that I really
believed I had never experienced the ener-
vatine effectsof those wasting diseases which
are so peculiar to women. It is a very great
Itieasnre ioqkio oe aoie u leu my young
ady friends of the relief that has been af
forded me by Dr. Williams' Pills and I will
surely continue to recommend their use to
all who are afflicted with the complainsi
from which 1 suffered."
Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be
sent post paid on receipt of price, 60 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.60 (they are never
sold in bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr.
Best Shaves. HaJrCs&iH Shampoo
B. P. KIRK'S .
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
8oktatltlo American
Aginoy W
TAana aflAttiffl.
For Information KttA frt Handbook write to
MUNN ft CO.. m Bkoadwat. New Yob.
Oldelt bureau for eeuriag patent Id America.
Every patent taken out by us la brouiibt befor
Um pubUo by ft uoUo given free ot ciianf Lu lb
Inrest drmUlioa of any dratiflo par fn ths
no. el
Cian ahoiil
Splendidly iiluHr&ted. No iut-tl)eat
mid bo witiwut It. Weekly. fa, OO 4
,tfjix month. Aldi, H'JN.'T ).,
cVLtiututtitt, SiOk fcatttlnsy & York Oiiy.
Ripann Tabu lea: pleasant laxative.
Ripana Tabulw cure liver trouble,
ftipani Tibaiut tor mut itomaobt
in v k -t w -mr
I aJf '!-
ISM Bret hi
ConrMOKT, h. mr tun Hon. U if
Clarence had started slightly at his
wife's roice and the information itcon
Teyed. Ilia fellow-passenger and the
confidant of MacNiel was the man they
were expecting. If they had recognized
him (Clarence), would they not warn
the company of bis proximity ?
Be held his breath aa the sound of
voices came from the outer (rate of the
courtyard. Mrs. Brant rose but at the
tun moment the gate swung opeii
and man entered. It was the Mis-
aourian. . - -
He turned with an old-fashioned
courtesy to the tingle woman standing
on the balcony. .''My fair corre
spondent, I beltera! I am Judge Dee
swinger. Your agent, MacNiel, passed
me through our guards at the gate,
but I did not deem it advisable to bring
him into tills assembly of gentlemen
without your further consideration. I
trust I was right!"
The quiet dignity, and self-possession,
the quaint, old-fashioned colonial
precision of speech, inodilled by a soft
Virginian intonation, and, above all,
some singular individuality in the man
himself, produced a profound sensa
tion, and seemed to suddenly give this
gathering an impressiveness it had
lacked before.
For an instant Clarence forgot him
self and his personal wrongs in the
shock of indignation he felt at this po
tent addition to the ranks of his
enemies. He saw his wife's eyes sparkle
with pride over her acquisition, and no
ticed that Finckney cast a disturbed
glance at the newcomer.
The stranger ascended the few steps
to the balcony and took Mrs. Brant's
hand with profound courtesy.
"Introduce me to my colleagues dis
tinctly and separately. It behooves a
man at such moment to know to whom
he intrusts his life and honor, and the
life and honor of hie cause."
It waa evidently no mere formal cour
tesy of the stranger. As he stepped
forward along the balcony, and under
Mrs. Brant's graceful guidance, was
introduced to each of the members, he
not only listened with scrupulous care
and attention to the name and profes
sion of each man, but bent upon him a
clear, searching glance that seemed to
photograph him in his memory, with
two exceptions. ' "
He passed Col. Star bottle's expanding
shirt frill with a bow of elaborate pre
cision, and said: "Col. Starbottle's
fame requires neither introduction nor
explanation." He stopped before Capt,
Pickney and paused.
"An officer of the United States army,
I believe, sirT"
"Educated at West Point, I think, by
the government to whom you have
taken the oath of allegiance?"
"Very good, sir," said the stranger,
turning away.
"You have forgotten one other fact,
sir," said Pinckney, with a slightly
supercilious air.
"Indeed, what Is itr '
"I am, first of all, a native of the
state of South Carolina."
A murmur of applause and approval
ran round the balcony. Capt, Pinck
ney smiled and exchanged glances with
Mrs. Brant, but the stranger quietly re
turned to the central table j9Kf4c"Cbr.
"I am not only an unexpected dele
gate to this august assembly, gentle
men," he began, gravely, "but I am the
bearer of, perhaps, equally unexpected
news. By my position in the southern
district I am in possession of dispatches
received only this morning by pony ex
press. Fort Sumter has been besieged.
The United States flag, carrying relief
to the beleaguered garrison, has been
fired upon by the state of South Caro
lina!" A bunt of almost hysteric applause
and enthusiasm broke from the assem
bly and made the dim vault-like pas
sages and corridors of the casa ring.
Cheer after cheer went up to the veiled
gallery and the misty sky beyond; men
mounted on the tables and waved their
hands frantically, and in the midst of
this bewildering turbulence of sound
and motion, Clarence saw his wife
mounted on a chair.with burningcheeks
and flashing eyes, waving her handker
chief like an inspired priestess.
Only the stranger, still standing be
side Col. Starbottle, remained unmoved
and impassive. Then with an impera
tive gesture be demanded a sudden si
lence, f
"Convincing and unanimous as this
demonstration is, gentlemen," he began,
quietly, "it is my duty, nevertheless, to
ask you .if you have seriously consid
ered the meaning of tbe news I have
brought. It is my duty to tell you that
It means, civil war. It means the clash
of arms between ;two sections of a
mighty country, it means the disrup
tion of friends, the breaking ot family
ties, the separation of fathers and tons,
of brothers and sisters even perhaps
to the dissevennent of husband and
"it means the sovereignty of the
south and the breaking of a covenant
with low-born traders and abolition
itts," said Capt. Finckney.
"If there are any gentlemen present,"
continued the stranger, without heed
ing the interruption, "who have pledged
this state to the support of tbo south
in this emergency, or to the establish
ment HI i'MilU ttfUUl ialualMsi
n,yuialhy with it, whose uuiuesuiron
this paper," he lifted a sheet ot puper
lying before Col. Starbottle, "but who
now feel that tho gravity of the news
demands a more serious consideration
A mr sm snai har Ills a. sk. raoassUM aim.
of the purpose, they are at liberty to
withdraw from the meeting giving
their honor as southern gentlemen to
keep the secret intact."
"riot if I know it," interrupted a stal
wart Eontuckian as he rose to his feet
and strode down the steps to the patio.
"For," he added, placing his back
against the gateway, "I'll shoot the first
coward that backs out now."
A roar of laughter and approval fol
lowed, but was silenced again by the
quiet, uuimpasaioned voice of the stran
ger. "If, on the other hand," he went on.
calmly, "you all feel that this news if
the fitting culmination aud conseeia
tion of the hopes, wishes aud plans of
this meeting, you will assert it agaiii.
on your own signatures, to Col. Btni
battle r.t this table."
Wheu the Kentticklnn had risen Clin -once
Imd started from his concealment,
when ho now saw the eager figures
pressing forward to the table he hesi
tated no longer.
Slipping ulong the passage he reached
the staiieaae which led to the corridor
in the rear of the balcony. Descending
this rapidly he not only came upon the
backs of the excited crowd around the
table, but even elbowed one of the con
spirators aside without being noticed.
His wife, who had risen from her
chair at the end of the balcony, was al
ready moving toward the table. With
a quick movement he seized her wrisl
and threw her back into the chair aguin
A cry broke from her lips as she rre
ognized him, but still holding her wrist
he stepped quickly between her and the
astonished crowd.
There was a moment of silence, tlu i
the cry of "Spy" and "Seize him" rosr
quickly, but above all the voice nn.l
figure of the Missourlan was heaul
commanding them to stand bm-!.
Turning to Clarence, he said, quicl'lv
"I should know your face, sir. Wlio
are you?"
"The husband of this woman and the
master of this house," said Clarence, us
quickly, but in a voice he hardly recog
nized as hit own.
"Stand aside from her, then, unless
you are hoping that her danger mny
protect you," tajd the Ka.liickian, ig'
niScantty drawing his revolver.
But Mrs. Brant sprang suddenly to
her feet beside Clarence. "We are
neither of us cowards, Mr. Brooks
though he speaks the truth and, more
shame to me," the added, with a look
of savage acorn at Clarence "is my
"But what is your purpose In coming
here?" continued Judge Beeswinger,
with his eyes fixed on Clarence.
"I have given you all the Informa
tion," said Clarence, quietly, "that is
necessary to make you, as a gentleman,
Leave this house at once and that is
my purpose. It is all the information
you will get from me as long as you
and your friends insult my wife with
your uninvited presence. What I may
have to say to you, and each of you
hereafter what I may chooae to de
mand of you, according to your own
code of honor," he fixed his eyes on
Capt. Plnckney's "is another quw
tion and one not usually discussed be
fore a lady."
"Pardon me. A moment a single
It was the voice of Col. Starbottle;
it was the frilled shirt front, the light
ly buttoned blue coat with its expand
ing lapels, like bursting petals, and
the smiling mask of that gentleman
rising above the table and bowing to
Clarence Brant and his wife with in
finite courtesy.
"The er humiliating situation in
which we find ourselves, gentlemen
the reluctant witnesses of er what
we trust is only a temporary disagree
ment between our charming hostess
and the er gentleman whom she had
recognized under the highest title to
our consideration is distressing to us
ull, and would seem to amply justify
that gentleman's claims to a personul
satisfaction, which I know we would
nil delight to give. But that situation
rests upon the supposition that our
gathering here was of a purely social
or festive nature!
"It may be," continued the colonel,
with a blandly reflective air, "that the
spectacle of these decanters mill
glasses, and the nectur furnished us
by our Uebelilto hostess," he lifted b
llasi i wBliliy lad wltM to lill llbl
whllo he bowed to Mrs. Brunt grace
fully, "Iiiih led the gentleman to such
;i deduction. Ilut when 1 suggo-l to
him that our meeting wus ul it busi
ness, of private nature, it strikes me
that the question of intrusion inuy be
fulrly divided between him anil our
selves. Wo may be even jimtilleil in
view of that privacy in asking him
If ills er entrance to the house wus
er coincident with his nppeunuicc
among us."
"With my front door In posstwdon
of strangers?" said Clarence, more in
reply to u sudden contempt nous gluncc
from his wife than Starbottle's iusiiiii
iltion. "I entered the house through
the window"
"Of my boudoir, where another In
truder once broke his neck," Inter
rupted his wife with a mocking lniigh.
"Where I once helied this lady to re
gain possession of her bouse win d It
was held by another party of illegal
trespaaBcrs, who, however, were con
tent to call themselves 'jumpers' and
did not claim the privacy of gentle
men." "Do you mean to Imply, tlr," began
Col. Starbottle, haughtily, "that"
"I mean to imply," said Clarence, with
quiet scorn, '.'that I have neither the
wish to know nor the slightest concern
in any purpose that brought you here,
and that when you quit the house you
take your seorets and your privacy w Ith
you intact, without let or hindrance
from me."
"Do you mean to say, Mr. Brunt,"
said J udge Beeswinger, suppressing the
angry interruption of his fellows with
a dominant wave of bis hand, as he
fixed his eyes on Clarence keenly, "that
you have no symithy with your wife's
political sentiments?" '
"I have already given you the Infor
mation necessary to make you quit this
house, and that is all you have a right
to know," returned Clarence, with fold
ed arms.
(To be continued .)
We ruuke photon from CO els. to $0
per dozen and guarantee the best work.
Cull and ste our samples. Tinkle
Photo Co., at Boyd's Oullcry.
Ripans Tubules cure dizziness.
m 11 a
i Mymmmmm
Victors Are Best,
Victor Non Puncturable Tire, No. 103, is the lightest;
running wheel on earth. The best is the cheapest in the
end. Largest stock of second-hand wheels on the coast.
Everything as represented. Write for list.
Headquarters for sundries and athletic goods, 130 Sixth t
Street and 311 Alder Street, Portland, Oregon.
W. B. Kernan, Manager.
H. Y. Kirkpatrick,
Local Agent, Lebanon, Oregon.
Albany Furniture Co,
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpots, Linoleums, matting, otc.
Pictures and Picture molding,
Undertaking a Specialty .
I have money to loan at 8 per oen
interest, on K""1 ""'ti or personal
security, J. M. Balhton,
MttJton Block, Albany, Or.
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring size In feet and Inches with you,
It costs you nothing to have your oar
pets sewed by hand by the Albany
Furniture Cu., Albany, Oregon.
Ladles, I Invite your attention to
my new and extensive line of flowcrst
fancy straws and beautiful ribbons,,
Opening day about the first of April.
Miss A, Dumond.
Ladles cloth, all wool, 80 Inches wide,
29 eta. per yard cash, at Bead, Pea
cook & t'o.'s.
Wo have the latest stylet in shoes
and sell them at burd-tlme prices.
Puok & Munoy.
During our closing out sale tin goods
will he sold except for spot cash.
Bkaii, Phacook & Co.
Ladles, Miss Suiuond offers you
better bargains in hats than ever be
fore. Trimmed huts from (1 to 15.
Bullnrs, 20c and up. Look In at the
windows as you piws by,
The Ladies' Viiziuir, of Albany, Or.,
will send a fashion plate, of the latest
styles, to ull persons who write to them
mentioning the Exphkhh. Their stncit
of goods is bettor than ever this year.
Cull on them when lu Albany.
Young man, you are thinking some
thing uhout your sweetheart, mid you
will want to look nice when in her
presence, so buy the latest styles o(r
ulntblng ut Bukei's. He has the prices
wnv down to suit your rerdy cosh.
All parttos Indebted to mc will lake notice, tliat
T have plncsd my uolen and accounts, for collec
tion, Willi Hum'l M- (inrlsnil, and havo tUHiruetfld
my attomoy to collect the tamo without delay.
Hucccsmr to Mayor A KtnibroUith.
My Instructions are poiitivo. and no unraaiioiia
blo time can tie uiven. Uah'i. M. Uarlamu.
You will find one soupon
Inside each two ounce bof
and two coupons Inside saoh
tour ounce basolBUujkw.ll'a
Durham. Boy a bat of this
celebrated tobaooo and read
Ibe coupon which fives a
Hat of valuable presents and
bow to fet then.