The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 21, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1896.
Light weight for spring and
summer, iJluok and colorud.
iiateut ityteH. Medium rloH.
Shirt Waists.
lotft and lots of thorn. Muny
litkircnt grades and prims.
New stylos.
Summer Goods.
Stock now conqiloto. Largest
cvur hronght to Linn county.
Alt new goods and priuos very
rousonablo. Bond (organises.
8. 133. Young's,
Bailor hula at 20c nt Miss Dumond's.
Closing out aule ut Head, Poaoook &
Co. 'a.
All goods on represented ut Fuel) &
A. 0. IT, W. Ice cream social Satur
day night.
Good clothing at t low price at
Bach & Buhl's.
, Asa Baker bus purchased a "90"
Columbia bicyle.
B. A B. arc the Initials of Bach &
Buhl but their groceries are A. 1.
Concert at the Freshvterlun church
tomorrow night.
Groceries quality excellent prices
low at Bach & Buhl's.
Sr. S. Dudley is quite sick at the
Bt Charles hotel In this city.
Goods away down, at Rend, Peacock
ft Co. 's for cash or produce.
There will be no preaching in the
Cumberland church Sunday,
Dress Goods, flue quality for a little
money, at Read, l'eacook & Co.'s.
Gen. J. S. Coxcy will speak in
Brownsville next Wednesday.
G. M. Wcstfall Iibb returned to Leb
anon from bis farm near Feorla.
Mr. C, Patterson left Monday for
Antelope where he expects to reside.
Miss Maggie Burkhart left for Port
land lust Friday to visit with friends.
A. E. Davis hus received a new
drink called "coca cola." It is fine,
try It.
Mrs. K. K: Kriens', nee Miss Nettle
Dodge, baby died on Tuesday of pneu
ruonlu. The finest line of dress patterns in
tne cny is 10 uu luiiuu ut uie nucKei
Children's teeth examined and ex
tracted free ut Dr. G. W. Cheadle's
deutul office.
Country produce of all kinds takeu
nt the highest market price, at Pugh &
John M. Somors spoke to a orowded
house lust night at the Tennessee
If you think we are joking, come
ami sec. We mean business. Read,
Peacock ft Co.
Read, Peacock ft Co. are closing out
ihclr stock of goods at both Albany
and Lebanou,
D. D. Bhaw left lust Suturday for
Anaconda, Mont., where he expects to
find employment.
Mrs. A. E. Davis Is in Portland
visiting friends. She experts to be
gone several weeks.
- Mr. Wm. Omenhnfler died at his
.liooie on McDowell creek lust Sunday
ut the age of 74 yeurs. '
Crawford & MelCnlglit'e orchestra
will bo sure to play for the A. 0. U. W.
oclal Saturday night.
G. F. Knowles, the Rueket Store
niati, Invites you to call and see his
goods and got his prices,
Capt. A. W. Moore and Mr. Buck
are conducting meetings In tills city
on the regular army style.
Mra. Flora Bolton, who has been
visiting her parents in this city, left
Monday for her home in Moro.
Mis Fannie Griggs visited last Sat
urday and Sunday with her brother
J. L. Griggs uud wife, In the country.
All persons holding tickets for a free
drink of coca oolu at A. E. Davis' soda
fountain, must bring thorn in by May
Mrs. J. M. Ralston and little boy,
Rolla, of Albany, wete ylsltlng rela
tives in Lebanon a couple of days this
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 (its., and blenched, all linen table
olath for 80 els. a yard, nt the Racket
Mini's first grade, oil grain, plow
shoes educed to $1.60 at the Raoket
store. Many other shoes are reduoed
In price.
The best dressed men In Linn county
are thoBe who buy their clothing
from Bach ft Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
All the new and pretty Bhunes in
hats are to be found at Miss Dumond's.
Ladles, oall and be convinced. Hard
trtue prices.
of G. A. R. uniforms and Invites you
to call and lnspeot them before Decora
tion day.
Hon. H. B. Miller, an orator of con
siderable ability, will address the citi
zens of Lebanon tonight at the band
Roscoe Allen, oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Allen, of this place, left Monday
for Missouri where he will live with
liis grandfather,
Call and see the new patterns of
wall paper at Dalglelsh ft Everett's.
They have some elegant styles at about
half the price of last year,
Dr. G. W. Cheadle especially solloits
family practice. Send your children
to his dentul office and have their
teeth examined free.
Overalls with aprons or without, 50c
a pair at the Racket Store. Also have
Just received a large amount of new
calico. Don't fall to see them,
The democratic candidates will speak
at LaComb Monday, May 25, at 1 p. M,
at Sodaville, Tuesday at 1 p. M. and at
Waterloo Wednesday at 1 p. m.
Straw bats! straw hats!! from 6 to
60c at the RucketStore. Lace curtuins
70 ota., $1, and H. 25 per pair. Eight
spools of boBt thread for 25o, 8 for 10c.
Get our prices and quality of stock
before buying your groceries, boots,
shews or gents furnishing goods else
where. Pucih 4 Munsey.
Rev. I. A. Guilher, of California,
who preached in the Cumberland
Presbyterian church each evening last
week, left Tuesday for a visit at Toledo.
When In need of men's gloves go to
the Racket Store, where they have a
large assortment and sell them for the
lowest possible cash price, from 60c up
Mr, J. F. Hendrickson died at his
home In thisolty todayof consumption
aljtbc age of about 16 years. He leaves
a wife and six children to mourn bis
There will be no preaching at the
Baptist church next Sunday morning
us previously announced on account
of the memorial service. Preaching in
the evening,
Messrs. Doll Boslar and Lewis Cran
dall will leave tonight, for Helena,
Mont., where they go In hopes
of finding employment. We wish
them success.
W, H. Keeut and wife, who have
been stopping In Portland the past
winter, returned to Lebanon Monday
and went to Sweet Home Tuesday to
visit with relatives.
Little Robert Stowe, son of Atty, A.
F. Stowe, aged about eight years, died
in this city yesterday, May 20, of diph
theria. The family have the sympa
thy of the en tire community.
G. W. Cruson, Mrs. Isaac Saltmarsu
and Mr. and Mrs. !. G. Boyle are In
Astoria this week attending the grand
lodge of I. O. O. F. and the RebekaliB
ub delegates from the lodges of this
One of J. F. Hendrlckson's boys got
his finger out off lust Suturday. He
and the Cloviuger boy were playing
witli an ax when the Heudrlckson boy
got his finger under the ax aud it was
cut off. Dr. Foley dressed the fluger.
The programme for memorial day,
Muy 80th is as follows: Music, Ora
tion, Music, Reeitatiou by Grace Hurd
mati, Short address to the returned,
Music, Reoltutlou by several small
children and decorating of cross, Gen
eral decoration.
Hon, C. B. Montague aud wife re
turned yeeterduy from Salem where
they had beeu to attend the opening
of the new woolen mill at that place,
and also to visit their duughler and
family. They report having had a
most enjoyuble time.
Frank Alexander and wife, of Eu
gene, arrived in Lebanon Tuesday and
have rented rooms at Mrs, Ambler's
where they have commenced house
keeping. Flunk will assist his brother
George on the Advance. He Is as
good a printer as there is in the state.
The Albany Conservatory quartette
consisting of Miss Marguerite Aldersou
M. B., Dr. Z. M. Purviu, M. L. Akers,
and A. W. Lundell will give a concert
in the First Presbyterian church In
this city tomorrow evening, Friday,
May 22. An excellent programme
will be rendered. Be sure to attend,
Hon. J, H., "Cyclone," Davis, of
Texas, spoke to a orowded house ut the
opera house lost Suturday evening on
the political Issues of the day, aud on
the money question, almost entirely
from the free silver plank, Hon.
Davis is a fine orator and a muu of
much ability. He made many friends
for the populist utilise at Lebanon.
Mr. Alien B. Nickerson will leave
tonight for Winlock, Wash., where he
luis accepted a position in a lurge saw
mill and pinner combined, Mr. Nick
erson litis a host of friends Hi Lebanou
where he was born aud raised and will
be greatly missed, espooially iu the
fire department and In the Firemen's
Bund where he hus ulwuys taken an
active Interest aud has done more to
keep up life and interest than any
other member. We join Willi his
many friends In wishing him success
in his new Held. His estimable wife
will remain in Lebanon for the present.
The band boys gave Mr. Nickerson
u farewell reception last night at his
residence aud enjoyed a very pleaiaut
The Blakely.' Statement of That Indict
ment a Quarter of a Century Ago.
(From Albany Democrat May 18.)
We have received the following
letters one from Capialn James
Blukely, of Brownsville. Captain
Blakely has resided In Brownsville
for fifty years, and formerly represent
ed Linn county in the legislature.
The other letter Is from Mr. Henry
Blakeiy, the democratic uominee for
sheriff. The light thrown on this
indictment affair ends, Just as people
who knew Henry Blakely declared R
would do, that is in his vindication.
The letters are as follows:
Brownsville, Or., May 18, 1896,
Editor Democrat,-
I desire to state that when my son
Henry was a young man, he wa
engaged in oaring for a band of my
cattle in Un atilla county, Oregon.
There was an indictment procured
against him by false testimony. The
entile which the indictment charged
Henry with steeling turned out to be
my own cattle, branded with my own
brand. My son on hearing of the
indictment voluntarily went to Pendle
ton and gave bonds to answer the
charge. There being absolutely no
foundation in the fact for the indict
ment my son was promptly discharged.
The story being told that I paid money
to procure sis discharge Is a malicious
falsehood. I never directly or Indi
rectly paid one cent to procure his dis
charge, and never heard of such a
thing, until lately. He was discharged
because he was innocent and the
district attorney so stated in open
court. James Blakely.
Bkownbville, Or., May 18, 1896.
The herald's malicious and untruth
ful statement in its columns of the
17th Instant that I have been dodging
to keep out of the penitentiary Is a
malicious falsehood and libel. Nearly
a quarter of a century ago I was herd
ing cattle for my father, James Blake
ly, iu Umatilla county, Oregon. An
enemy, while I was absent from Uma
tilla county, managed to procure an
indictment against me, falsely alleging
thut I had stolen some cattle. The
cattle alleged to have been stolen
turned out to be my father'B cattle and
were each of them branded with my
father's brand. As soon as I beard of
the indictment and without waiting to
be arrested I voluntarily went to Pen
dleton and gave bonds to answer to the
charge. The officers were thoroughly
satisfied that the indictment was ma
licious and without any foundation in
fact, The district attorney In open
court aunounced to the court that be
had investigated the matter and that
he was satisfied that I was innocent of
the commission of any offense and
voluntarily upon bis motion in open
court the case against me was dis
missed. The man instrumental in
securing the indictment against me
was arrested for stealing, convicted
and sentenced to the penitentiary.
I was born aud raised in Brownsville
was never sued and have never Bued
any one. I was maliciously made a
party to the Indictment above referred
to, answered it without being arrested,
aud my innocence thereof vindicated.
I have never dodged any officer and
never at auy time had reason to fear
the penitentiury, nor any other pun
ishment. I have always made my
word as good as my written obligation.
I cannot believe that my friends and
acquaintances iu Linn couuty believe
in or take auy stock in the slanderous
falsehoods of those who go back a
quarter of a century to dig up a mall
clous indictment procured by perjury.
My life hus been as an open book to
hundreds of the people of Linn county
and those who know me best, my
neighbors, are my warmest supporters.
T here promise the voters of Linn
county that if elected to the office of
sheriff I will honestly and fearlessly
do my whole duty
Hknky Blakely.
Memorial Service,
The annuul memoriul seryice of the
Grund Army post will be held In the
First Presbyterian church nest Sunday
commencing at 11 A. M. All the pastors
aud churches of Lebanon are invited
to be present at that service. The
memorial sermon will be preached by
Rev. J. H. Cornwall. A hearty wel
come to all.
A. O. U. W. Social.
An ice creum social will be given at
Mrs. Miller's hall, by the A. O. U. W.
Saturday evening May 23. Muslo by
Crawford ft McKuiglit's orchestra.
Political Speaking.
Hons. Bell Hoyden, J. J. Whitney,
8. L. Hayden, and others will address
the citizens of Lebanon at Hope's hull
Friday, May 29, at 2 P. M.
Sealed Bids Wanted.
The contract to build a new Cumber
hind Presbyterian ohuroh at Soduville
will be let June 1, 1896, ut 1 o'olock
p. M. to the lowest responsible bidder,
the committee reserving the right to
reject any and all' bids. Building to
be built according to plans and specifi
cations now open to the public ut the
residence of D. M. Jones, nt Soduville,
Oreguu, Bids to be sealed and mailed
to Dr. D. M. Jones at Soduville,
Hats from $1 up at Mlsa fiumond'i
illilliiilrf Itotl,
Mr. J. Misner went to Albany Wed
nesday to get his repeating rifle re
paired. He says Cuba may need more
Strawberries are ripening now. The
reason we know this, a friend condes
cended to give us a few, and as they
were about one-third ripe, we know
they are ripening. We suppose the
warm spring rains that Oregon is
celebrated for, are helping them along.
We are glad "Trilby" found a few
ttems to write about. We would like
to see the other correspondents fill the
columns of the Express with news as
our part is about to sink Iu a Kansas
vVe would feel like hiding or leaving
for some place unknown If we were the
boys who came back from the Salem
ball Sunday afternoon In such a plight
but such is the way our town Is gener
ally represented, If not at the dance,
on the way home. They are bound
to show how cute they are. We may
be mistaken, the boys might have
been glad to get back after being away
so long, but after they got inside the
corporation they shouldn't have dis
turbed the quiet of the town by Im
proving their lungs.
We have been hanging up against
fences, stores, barns, etc, listening to
the great puzzle of "Who Will Wiu?"
or politics. The populists seem to be
getting the worst of the puzzle as betb
of the old parties seem to be fighting
like mad to get the prize and the popu
lists are going to be snowed under,
unless they Join forces with one of the
old parties. Some of the candidates
will be elected though regardless of
politics, one of them we believe, from
what the republicans, democrats and
populists say, will be S. M. Garland,
the democrutio nominee for county
Judge, as he will poll a large vote from
each party. Ab for ourselves politics
are not troubling us, it is our own
scalp we are watching.
Mr. C. E. Skinner was barn iu
Michigan, December 87, I860. United
In marriage to Miss Presy Field Nov.
28, 1885. She departed this life in 1892
in Michigan. He came to this coun
try the same year aud was united In
marriage to Miss Katy Vale, March 15,
1893. He departed this life May 17,
1896. One child preceded him to the
better laud. He leaves a wife and
three children, beside a host of friends
to mourn his loss. The funeral ser
vices were conducted by Rev. F. M.
Graham in the chapel room of the
college,' where a large crowd of people
gathered to pay the last tribute of
respect. The students will cherish his
memory for the donation of a black
board, the last work he ever did, and
his health failed before he could com
plete it. His remains were laid to rest
iu the Masonic cemetery at Lebanon,
Oregou F. M. Graham.
Mr. Dalrymple's Resignation,
Mr. C. H. Dalrymple, populist can
didate for district attorney, has filed
his resignation as nominee for that
office, as follows:
I, C. H. Dalrymple, having been
duly nominated by the people's party
at their last state convention, held at
the city of Salem, state of Oregon, for
cutes of nomination and acceptance
having beeu filed iu each of the coun
ties comprising the third Judicial dis
trict, to-wit: Marion, Linn, folk,
Yamhill, aud Tillamook, do hereby
decline the nomination for the reason
that I contemplate removing from the
said judicial district, and respectfully
demand that my name do not appear
oil the ballots to be voted by the
electors of your county, at the next
general election, to be Held on Monday
the first duy of June, 1896, as a candi
date for the office of district attorney
for the said third judicial district.
In this city, a chittem wood cane
with silver head. Any one findlnsr it
will be suitably rewarded. Leave It
at the .Express omje or my office.
Dr. J. A. Lambekson.
ij it oke n,
MuhLou 111 ot-It, Albany, Or.
Money to loan on farm security, also
sniaii loans niaae on personal security.
City, county and school warrants bought
Collections made on favorable terms.
Fire insurance written in three of the
largest companies in the world, at the low
est rates.
Highest Honprs World'i" Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Madfc.
We don't blame
them for kicking.
It's a trifle hard on our
competitors, but it's a
great thing for the buyers.
Terms, Cash
Of Many Suits in the Popular
Grades of
$8.00, $9.00, $10.00, 4 $12.00.
Can be made with pleasure from our
No one offers the neat and
presentable suits at the reasonable
prices that we do.
If you desire to be satisfactor
ily clothed in the new patterns of
"96" call and make your selections.
The Newest Hats,
The Nicest Shirts and Neckwear,
The Latest and Best Shoes.
avvss) (Sywv
L E. Blain Clothing Co.
Why that Closing Out
Sale at Read, Peacock &
Co.'s, Lebanon or Albany.
or Produce.