The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 14, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Light wolghi for spring and
summer. Jilack and oiHorail,
liulost itylos. Medium prim.
Shirt Waists.
Lots and lots of them. Many
dillenint grades and irif.
New styles.
Summer Goods.
. Stouk now ooniplote. Largest
ever brought to i.inn county.
All now Roods and prices very
reasonable. Hcndforsamples.
8. E. Young's,
A. 0. V. W. social Muy 28. .
Mrs. J. Nixon la at! 1 1 quite HI.
Election two weeks from Monday.
Bailor hula at 20c at Miss Dumond's.
All goods as represented at Pwrb A
Good clothing-nit a low price at & Jiulil's.
Huts from $1 up at Miss Dumond's
millinery store.
MIbb Lydla Bliarp left Monday for
tiulem on a visit.
Mr. J. C. Muyer la now located at
Dubuque, Iowa.
Groceries quality excellent prloei
low at Bach & Buhl'i.
Goods away down, at Bead, Peucook
it Co.' for cash or produce.
L. G. MsCollum Is htudyls? medi
cine under Dr. J. A. Lamberaon.
Dress Goods, fine quality for a little
money, at Bead, Peacock & Co.'i.
Preaching at the Buptist cuuroh
next Huuday eveulng at 8 o'clock.
A. E. Davis lias received a new
drink nulled "coca oola." It is fine,
try it.
The finest line of dress patterns In
the city Is to be found at the Backet
The A. 0. U. W. lodge will give an
other social a week from Saturday,
May 23.
Country produce of all kinds taken
at the highest market price, at Pugli &
If you think we are Joking, come
and see. We uieun business. Bead,
.Peacock & Co.
Bead, Peacock A Co. are closing out
their stock of goods at both Albany
and Lebanon.
Geo. Wheeler Is very low with eon
sumption and Is not expected to live
but a short time.
Mr. John M. Donaca and wife re
turned home Monday from a visit to
Long Beach, Wash,
G. F. Kuowles, the Backet Store
man, Invites you to call and see his
goods and get his prices.
Quite number of Lebauon young
people are in Albany this week at
tending the teaohers examination
Mr, Jaa. Boyd moved his portable
photographic gallery to Tuugent this
-week. It took four horses to move it.
Grandpa Peobler has been quite 111
Vhls week with la grippe. Grandpa
Peeblerwlll be 08 it be llvee until
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 cits., and blcaohed, all linen table
cloth for 86 ots. a yard, at the Baoket
Men's first grade, oil grain, plow
shoes reduced to $1,60 at the Backet
store. Many other shoes are reduced
in price.
Mayor B. B. Montague left this
evening for Salem to attend the open
lug of the woolen mill at that place
The best dressed men in Linn county
are those who buy their clothing
from Buob A Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
All tiie new and pretty shapes In
.liats are to be found at Miss Dumond's.
Xodles, oall and lie convinced. Hard
time prices.
The Goun plaining mill and plain
'lug mill property will be sold Satur
day, May 16, at 1 o'clock, to the high
est bidder.
The wife of W. W. Elklnsgave birth
to twins, last Saturday, May 9, a boy
mid a girl. Mother and babies are
both doing well.
We received a reply to Old Man
McUlnty's piece la lost weeks Ex-
Fbkss, which we could not publish
this week, but will soon.
A gold telescope pen was reoently
lost In Lebanon. The finder of the
same will be suitably rewarded by
leaving It at this office.
The democratic candidates spoke at
Brownsville lost night and are to speak
At OrawfordsvIHe tonight and Har
rlsburg Saturday ulght.
Mrs. Ella Wirt, wife of J, B. Wirt, of
Waterloo, was touud insane yesterday
and taken to the state Insane asylum
by Deputy BUeritt j. A. Wilson
Mr. Wilton in rlu.ti Miliar-
Ity. . His ability as a lawyer and his
high reputation as a man is becoming
known. His election Is practically
Overalls with aprons or without, 60e
a pair at the Backet Store. Also have
just received a large amount of new
calico. Don't full to see them,
Bev. I. A. Gulther, ofVlsalla, Cul
preached in the C. P. church at this
place last Sunday morning and even
ing, and also every evening this week
to good congregations.
Mrs. B. n. Miller left this morning
for Portland, where she intends visit
ing with hor daughter, Mrs. O. D.
Montague. She also intends visiting
her son Charles, at Porost Grove be
fore she returns home.
Bev. I. A. Galther will preach In
the Cumberland Presbyterian church
at this place, every evening this week,
and also Sunday evening, and at
Sodaville Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Thlrly school teachers arc undergo
ing public examination for toucher's
certificates before Soln..-;! Superintend
ent A. R. Rutherford and the board of
examiners. There are five aiiDlicanls
for state diplomas.
Preaching at the Presbyterian
church next Sunday at 11 a. m. The
Y. P. S. 0. E. will render an Interest
ing programme In the evening com
mencing at 7:80. A hearty welcome
to these services,
Mark Peery Is winning (he friend
ship of people all over the county.
His home people give him a good
name, and want hi in elected. He is a
young man witli a clean ruoord and a
promising future.
Henry Blakely has been In the city
for Severn! days. Ho lias made many
friends and will poll a large vote,
Blakely Is a sober, capable and Indus
trious man He is very popular ut
home, and has the confidence and
esteem of the people without regard
to parties.
Mrs. C. B, Montague left yesterday
for Bulem to attend the celebration of
the completion of the woolen mills at
that place, tomorrow. Hou, C. B.
Montague, who has been out on the
canvass, met Mrs. Montague lu Alba
ny aud they went down together.
Au important question to be voted
upoi at the Juue election, is whether
or not we will let stock run at
large in Linn county, The vote will
be yes or no. We will publish the law
that governs this In our next issue.
We believe that stock should be kept
A gentleman from Peoria neighbor
hood, who was in this city Monday
to hear Gen. Weaver, Informs us that
Mr. Garlaud's speech at that place on
Saturday was a very plain and forci
ble criticism of the oounty manage
ment. That he has made many
friends aud many votes In that neigh
borhood. General Weaver had a vast crowd
to heur him Monday. They came
from all over the county. His line of
argument was the same us that given
In hie other speeches throughout the
county. He is for silver and says this
is the Important Issue of the day Mr.
Weuver's speech was a fine one from
a populist standpoint, but did not meet
the approval of the republicans. He
Is a pleasant man to meet and his long
experience makes him a fine cam
B. O, Keene, who was at one time
iu busluess In this city, but now a
resident of Stuytou, expects to remove
to Crawfnrdsville, in the southern
portion of Linn county, he being lu
the act of trading somo city property
for a 1100 acre ranch there. Mr.
Keene will make this much, situated
about ten miles south of Waterloo, his
home aud devolu himself to raising
live slock.. Bulem Statesman.
Hou. S. L. Hayden, of Haleni, the
democratic nominee for district at
torney, Is in the city. Mr, Haydeo is
a flue appeariug gentleman, an at
torney of recognized ability, and if
elected, which we hope he will be,
will conduct the ofllce In a uiuuuer
that will be creditable to himself and
Ills party. Mr. Dalrymple, the popu
list nominee, having withdrawn,
leaves the race between Mr, Hayden
and J, A, Carson,
Hon, Thos. H.Tongue, caudidate for
congress on the republican ticket spoke
in this city last Thursday night to a
large aud intelligent audience. His
speech was forcible and eloquent and
very strong from bis standpoint. He
spoke for about two hours and forty
minutes. He Bays the tariff and not
the money question Is the main issue
before the people. We do not agree
with Mr. Tongue on the tariff aud
money question, but we recoguizo him
to be a man of ability,
Mrs. Rlohardson, who resides five
miles east of Albany, started home
last Tuesday, lu a wagon with her
little child. On Hearing the railroad
track she saw a freight traiu approach
ing. Fearing an aocident she sprang
out of the wagon with her ohlld. The
horses started to run, and orossed the
track Just In time for the engine to
strike the wagon and knock it into
kindling wood. The horses were not
hurt. It was a narrow esoape for the
lady aud her child. She was kludly
cared for by people living near until
Ihi Muld M (tain hottti.-KsMld.
It is Decided That Women Are Ineligi
ble to County Offices,
The supreme court at Pendleton ren
dered a decision which will take Miss
Ida Maxwell and fourteen other women
candidates from the present campaign
in this and other counties in Oregon.
In the case of the stute of Oregon ex
rel Carter vs Nellie M. Stevens the
court decided that Miss Stevens was
ineligible to the office of county school
superintendent. The decision quotes
article VI, section 8 of the constitution,
which provides, "No person shall be
elected or appointed to a oounty office
who shall not be an elector of the
oounty," and section 2 of article II, of
the same Instrument, which defines an
elector as a male citizens. "Hence,"
the oourt says, "it necessarily follows
that none but male citizens can be
elected or appointed for county offices.
Now, the office of superintendent of
0 immou school?, although not so men
tioned in the constitution, was, at the
adoption of that instrument and ever
since has been and is now, unmistaka
bly a county office. It is so named
and designated In the statutes creating
the office. Therefore, it follows thai
whatever views we may entertain as
to the propriety of the constitutional
provisions prohibiting the women
from holding county offices, we have
no alternative but to declare that under
the provisions of that instrument, as It
now exists they are ineligible to the
office In question, and that the act of
1893, as fur as it conflicts with the con
stitution, is void.' The judgment of
the court below Is therefore affirmed.
The Linn oounty republican execu
tive committee will meet in Albany
today and place a name on the ticket
intbe place of Miss Maxwell. Leba
non bos two aspirants for the nomina
tion, Kceney'i Whereabouts.
It will be remembered that a few
weeks ago we published a rather sen
sational article regarding James
Keeneyand a Miss Bobiuette. It Is
thought by many that Mr. Keeney
bad taken refuge In some distant
country, but such ib not the ease. He
is in hiding' near his premises, and
we are told will appear in oourt when
it convenes. We are also Informed
that he will prosecute those who en
dcayored to hold him with Winchest
ers when they had no warrant for his
arrest. Jim Keeney has a bard name
yet those who are acquainted with
him say that be is not the mau that
would allow his bondsmen to pay
three hundred dollars for his non
appearance. Beeently there was a
school meeting held iu the district in
which he is a director, and when one
of his son's said his father desired to
tender his resignation, someone said
the proper way for Mr. Keeney to do
would he to appear In person. Mr.
Keeney'sson said: "If you want to
see him I will pall to him to come
down; be Is right up there, but they
did not care about seeing him. The
fact of the busluess is that these fel
lows who claim to be looking for him,
do not want him, or else were too big
cowards to go after him. Brownsville
Means Lots of Water,
A correspondent of tbe Eugene
Guard says: We have crossed the Cas
cude mountains twice iu the last two
months, via the military route. We
first orossed over March 20th and there
was IS feet of snow on the summit.
We crossed again May 1st and found
20 feet of snow. Five feet of new suow
had fallen between March 20tb and
May 1st aud it was still snowing. Tbe
distance across the snow was 26 miles.
Usually, at this time of year, only five
or six feet of enow Is found on this
route aud only for two or three miles.
This means that the river will be good
boating until lute lu the summer and
that Portland will have hlyu chuck
about the middle of June.
Sealed Bids Wanted.
Tbe contract to build a new Cumber
land Presbyterian church at Sodaville
will be let Junel, lew, at 1 o'clock
p. M. to the lowest responsible bidder.
the committee reserving the right to
reject any and all bids. Building to
tie built according to plans aim specifi
cations now opeu to tbe public at the
residence of D. M. Jones, at Sodaville,
Oregon, Bids to be sealed and mailed
to Dr. D. M. Jones at Sodaville,
Hon. J. H."Cycloue" Davis of Texas
will speak in Lebauon Saturday at 8
o'clock P. M.
Hons. M. A. Miller and B. L. Hay
den returned this morning from
Browsville where they had been to at
tend the democratic rally last night.
Lebanon has been honored with
two very noted and distinguished
orators within the past week. Hon.
Thos. H. Tongue aud General Weaver.
I have money to loan at 8 per cent
iutereat on good farm or personal
security, J. M. Ralston,
Maatou Block, Albany, Or.
A, W. Lundell of Albany was iu tbe
oily today making arrangements to
give a oonoert at this place lu the near
future, It will be given by pupils of
the Albauy College for the benefit of
Propositions Made to That City by Two
Different Millowneri.
(From the Albany Democrat.)
Two saw mill propositions are now
before the people of Albany. Mr. J.
H. Decue has renewed his proposition
to establish a big saw mill in Albany,
this time directly to the citizens of
our city, A meeting of business men
was held In tho office of Judge
Hewitt at 10 o'clock Tuesday when
the following committee was appoint
ed with full authority to act In the
matter. Mayor Burkhart, L. Flinn,
J, K. Weatherford, N. H. Allen, H.
Bryant, W. F. Bead, D. B. Monteith.
A meetl.ig of the committee was held
and J. K. Weatherford was elected
president and N. H. Allen secretary.
The secretary was Instructed to con
duct the necessary correspondence to
meet the provisions of Mr. Dcuc's
proposition. Decile's proposition em
braces the establishment, of a saw mill
and barrel anil stave factory at this
city with a capacity of 100,000 feet of
lumber every ten hours. He asks for
a ten years contract with the O. C. A
K.R. B.Co. by which bis logs will
be brought from the front on the road
to Albany at $1 a thousand, and the
lumber from Albany to "California
points" at $4 a thousand, for a site free
for the mill at a suitable location and
for a ten years exemption from taxa
tion. The site will be furnished and
the best proposition possible will be
obtained from Mr. Hammond; but
nothing will be attempted us to the
taxation proposition which .will be
rejected. The supreme court has al
ready decided that such exemption
contracts are unconstitutional. Such
a mill will be of great benefit to our
city and nothing will be left undone to
make the necessary arrangements to
secure it. Mr. Decue, though, has a
five or six months oontract on the
Columbia which he will complete
before beginning active operations here
In case the satisfactory arrangements
are made.
There is good reason to believe that
J. C. tioodale will move bis mill from
Springfield here, It will be a smaller
mill: but Mr.Goodale is an experienced
njillman and the mill will be a credit
to the city and an important Institution
In this city, a chittem wood cane
with Bilver bead. Any one finding it
will be suitably rewarded. Leave it
at the Expkess affix or my office.
Dr. J. A. Lamberson.
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring size iu feet aud inches with you.
It costs you nothing to have your car
pets sewed by band by tbe Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon.
Maston Block. Albany, Or.
Monevlo loan on farm security, also
small loans made on personal security.
City, county and school warrants bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Fire insurance written in three of the
largest oonipamea in the world, at the low
est rates.
100 Reward s)100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure in
all its stages and that is catarrh, Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they offer one hundred
dollars for any case that it fails to cure,
Bend for list of testimonials. Address, P.
J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
(af-Bold by d ruggists, 75c.
Notice of Final Account.
Notice is hereby given tbat the under
signed administrator of the estate of John
O. Eaton, deceased, has Hied his final ac
count, in the above-named estate, with the
comity clerk of the county of Linn, State of
Oregon: and the countv court has annointed
Tuesdoy, the 2d day of June, 1886, at
o'Ciocs p. m., at tne county oourt room at
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, as the time
and place for heariug objections, if any, to
said account aud the settlement of said
estate, li. Buktbnshaw,
Administrator of the estate of John 0.
Eaton, deceased.
Sam'i. M. Oasland, Attorney for Admin
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made
to Years til Usbatftt.
We don't blame
them for kicking.
It's a trifle hard on our
competitors, but it's a
great thing tor the buyers.
Terras, Cash
Of Many Suits
Grades of
$8.00, $9.00, $10.00, & $12.00.
Can be made with pleasure from our
No one offers the neat and
presentable suits
prices that we do.
If you desire
ily clothed in the
" call and make your selections.
The Newest Hats,
The Nicest Shirts and Neckwear,
The Latest and Best Shoes.
awvanS)' A-vrv
L E. Blain Clotting Co.
Why that Closing Ort
Sale at Read, Peacock &
Co.'s, Lebanon or Albany.
or Produce.
in the Popular
at the reasonable
to be satisfactor
new patterns of