tfft-w a(MiiKBN;!.i.'. MWhKV- ' &--. 4'i ,4' v - Lebanon Express. THUB8DAY, MAY 7, 18(16. Huir ornaments, Belt buckles, Rubber belting, Iridescent trimming, Bustle lining, Beurre lace collars, Collar points, ; Chiffon, are a few of the novelties now on sale at 8. E. Young's, ALBANY, OH. Sailor halt at 20c at Mies Duniond'a. All goods as represented at Vagh A Muncy's. Good olotbliiR at a low price at Bach ft Buhl's. fiats from $1 up at Miss Duniond'a millinery store. Lebanon will celebrate the 4th of y July tills year, Groceries quality excellent prices low-at liuch ft Bubl'i. UuikIb away down, at Read, Peacock ft Co. 's for cash or produce, Hee the ad of the L. E. Illaln Cloth ing company on anolher page. Be sure and hear the "gold" Tongue orator at the Band hall toulijlit. Dress Goods, flue quality for a little money, at Bead, Peacock ft Co.'s. B. ft B. are the Initials of Baoh ft Buhl but their groeeries are A. 1, We solicit lhare of your patron age. Pooh ft MitNCY. Gen. Weaver speaks at the Opera bouse lu Lebanou next Monday at 1 P.M. A. E. Davis has received a new drink nailed "oooa cola." It Is fine, try It. The finest line of dress patterns in the city Is to be found at the Backet store, Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price, at Fugh ft Muncy's. A Degree of Honor Lodge of the A. 0. U. W. will toon be organised In 'Lebanon. - - The democratic candidates have gone to Lyons, where they will speak tonight. If you think we are Joking, come snid see. We mean business. Bead, Peacock ft Co. . Read, Peaooek ft Co. are dosing out their stook of goods at bath Albany and Lebanon. Died, at Bodavllle, May 8, Olive, only daughter of 8. W.Millard, aged 12 years and 4 months. Frank Clevinger returned from Portland Tuesduy, where he has been tot treatment in the hospital. Bon. Tboe. H. Tongue will speak at the Opera bouse tonight. The "gold" Tongue orator. Hear bini. G. F. Knowles, the Raoket Store man, invites you to call aud see his goods and get his prioes. SlL fin In I,a Pit.. n.,b.i. nllrl n.nru..u for your bread, cakes, pies and grocer ies. They always carry the best. Are you looking for au engagement or wedding ring? French the Jeweler, Albany, has some handBouie ones. v Columbia bicycles are fully guaran teed. Yon see them everywhere. Price 100 to all alike. N.W.Smith. Hon. M. A. Miller Is in Portlund this week attending a meeting of the democratic state central committee. Get you a new pair of shoes quick, While they still have a good assort ment left at Read, Peacock ft Co.'s. One-half wool dress goods reduced to lOnts., and bleached, all linen table oloth for 86 cts. a yard, at the Racket store. Both Vanderburg and Meyers refuse to withdraw from the Congressional contest aud each will make an active fight. Men's first grade, oil grain, plow hoes reduced to (11.60 at the Racket store. Many other shoes are reduced i; In price. I' Gen Weaver will address the citizens i of Lebanon and vicinity iu the Opera bouse iu (tils city next Monday at 1 o'clock p. u. All the new and pretty shapes In hats are to be found at Miss Dumond's. Ladies, call and be convinced. Hard time prices. The little 2-year-old child of A. E Heller died at the home of Mrs. Hcl- ler's parents, A. P. Blackburn, near Bock hill, yesterday. ThreA norraflnnnrlfintJi wore Unavnld. 0zMy orowded out this week. , One from Vr:V,nterloo, one from Sweet Home aud one Tom Happy Home, attrition feUM Mrs, Foul, of Mora, arrived In Lebanon last Thurday, on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. The best dressed men in Linn county are those who buy their clothing from Bach ft Buhl. Good suits for low prices. Call and sue the new patterns of wall paper ut Dalglelsh ft Everett's. They have some elegant styles at about hull the price of lust year, . Money to loan. A limited amount of money to loan on good farm secur ity. Call upon or write to 8. N. Steele ft Co., Albany, Oregon. Overalls with aprons or without, 60o a pulr at the Racket Store. Also huve Just received a large amount of new calico.' Don't full to see them, Htraw hatsl straw huts!! from 5 to SOoattbe RuuketHtore. Lucecurtulns 70 ots., (II, and 1.25 per pair. Eight spools of best thread for Sic, 8 fur 10c. Get our prices and quality of slock before buying your groceries, boots, shoes or gents furnishing goods else where. Pikih ft MU8EV. When In need of men's gloves go to the Bucket Store, where they huve a large assortment and sell them for the lowest possible cush price- from 60c up. Mr. Harry R. Armstrong, chief of polioeof Duluth, Minn., who lies been visiting his sisters in this city for some time, left Monduy for his home. Rev. I. A. Guither, of Visulla, Cal., will preach 1.1 the Cumberland Presby terian church next Sabbath Ail members uud friends of the church are asked to be present. Pahtor, Read Hon. Tongue's letter in this issue of the Ex rums and go out and hear him tell you what made him flo wonder how much there will be iu it for him. W. J, Hawkins, pf Albany, was in the oily yesterday to see about open ing a bowling alley at this pluce, but thought the city license was too high, so he gave It up. Johny McGowan left Monday for Sun Francisco aud Patsy Martin left at the same time for Anaconda. Mont. They have made many warm friends In Lebanou who regret! si very inuob to see them leave. ' Mr. G, T.Cotton and wife returned from Portland Tuesday, where tbey had been to consult the hospital pbyslclaus In regard to performing an operation on Mrs. Cotton. Two young couple of this city were out Tuesduy night piling stone on porches, currying off umbrellas aud having a time lu general. They thought no oue was on to them but they were. Mrs. Jennie Chusher accompanied tile reuiulus of her mother to this city for burial from Buckley, Wash. She expects to leave tomorrow for her home. She reports all of their family iu poor health. Hon. C. B. Montague bos been quite sick for something over a week with lu grippe, but we are glad to report him aide to be out sguiu. Mr. Mou tague bus a lurge circle of friends iu Lebanou who will be pleased to see him honored with a lurge vote which lie will surely get the first of June. Married, iu Talluinu, April 29, 1896, Miss Kute Clymer, of Tallman, to Mr, A, D. McQueen, of Foster, Rev, Silas Williams officiating, A few relatives and friends witnessed the tylug of the nuptial knutut the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clymer, after which a sumptuous wedding supper was served, Joseph Urcenbaum, who lived two miles this side of Lower Soda, died at the St. Charles hotel, In tills city, lust night at 8 o'clock, of consumption, at the age of 46 years, Mr. Greenbaum bus been lu poor health all winter, but remained at bis home until yesterday morning when John Atkinson brought him In this city, It was Mr. Green buum's intention to go to Portland and enter n ho pilal, but died about au hour ufter reaching Lebanon and will be burled here today. He has no rela tives lu this country, Mr. Atkinson requests us to say that he feels very grateful for the assistance the kind people of Lebanou rendered him while here. Obituary. Mrs. Duloena Rldgway, nee Fletcher was bern in Montgomery eouuty, Ky. June 28. 1820, and died lu Buckley, Washington, May 2, 1896, attaining tile good old age of 7(1 years. W lieu 8 years old, she moved with her parents to III. On Feb. 16, 1S36, she was happily married to James Kldgwuy, wuo tor many years was an honorable member of this community. She oume with her husband to Oregon in 1862 and settled In this vicinity. Here the greater part of her life was spent, sue was esteemed and loved by everyone who knew her, and her memory is mill saored and fragrant. When only 18 yeaia old while in the bloom of young womanhood she gave Her heart to Goo and joined the Meth odist church. Her consecration and devotion were sublime, her faith was vigorous, aud tier lite was pure. When the angel of death came, she was ready. She died in great triumph. Her funeral service were held lu the Methodist chureli, lu this city, In the presence of a large number of old friends and acquaintances. After few brief remarks by the paster, all that was mortal of Sister Duleena Kldgwuy was borne to the silent tomb and laid by the side of her husband, them to await the resurrection inoru, V. 9, HAMUH REPUBLICAN RALLY. The Tariff, and Not the Money Question, Is the Issue. A well attended and interesting meeting was held Monday night under the mangement of the Republican olub. Messrs, Hartmus, Duncan and Somen, were the speakers. Mr. Hart mus spoke briefly on the political issues, but dwelt upon the tariff, and labored to prove that hard times had always been and is now the result of a low tariff. He didn't think the money question had much to do with it. The gentleman showed some feel ing because he had been charged with being a carpet-bagger, He went into a lengthy and tedious account of the republican primary at Lyons to show that a disgruntled citizen of that vicinity had made the charge because the son of the citizen of Lyons hud not been nominated for constable by the republicans. He claimed to have been a resident of this county for several years, That he sometimes spent a month or two In Salem and Portland, being a widower and bis children being away, and had been postmaster under Harrison In Marlon county, but with all of these temporary changes of residence he had always considered himself a voter at Lyons, an'' that be paid taxes on land In Linn county, and was therefore not a carpet-bagger. He was not particularly anxious toga to the legislature, but was anxious to have the repullcan ticket elected in order to Instil hope and energy iu the hearts and minds of the St. Louis coj veution. Judge Duncan followed Mr. Hart mus. He wes in favor of protection and was a devout believer In McKi'i- leyisui. He thought the principles of protection should be narrowed down to even the towns we live n. : That we should patronise our home merchants, lawyers aud doctors. That if he was caught In Portland in a shabby suit of clothes, be would wait until here- turned to Albany to buy one. In fact, he was a great friend of bis own town and believed In protecting Its Interests against the world, so great was his faith In protection. After giving his views on these principles ofrepublU canism the speaker rend the figures he had prepared from the county records and claimed that the administration had nothing lo lose by comparison with former administrations. That be had been fair, honest aid economical. He stoutly defended the present offi cials and wes quite certain that no future administration could do any better. He thought that his official household was worthy of re-election and could not imagine why bis oppon ents should thiuk that the people's money had been too liberally spent. The officials were entitled to their money as he naturally supposed that they bad not Idled their time away although he had not thought It neces sary to keep a strict watch over their movements. He had probably made mistakes, but anybody was liable to do that. He did not wish to take up too much time by going any further Into the alleged extravagances of county officials. His addres was well received and he took his seat amidst the cheers of the audience. Mr. Somers made a forcible speech and Indignantly denied that be had slandered the populist members of the legislature. He quoted freely - from the records of the legislature, to show that the populist members, In propor tion to their numbers, had cast more votes lu favor of obnoxious measures and fewer votes for their repeal than the republicans had doue. That the populists, and not the republicans, favored big appropriation, aud were deserving of a share of the "cussing" to be given. The speaker said he wished to be fair with the populists, but that their record was very bad, even worse than the republicans'. He solemnly declared he would not vote forDolpb, but was a Mitchell man. He said there were two kinds of silver men,, the republicans, who had an tioncst faith In silver, the other, the populist, who abouted for silver as a step toward flat money, and were really no friend to the white metal. The speaker seemed to be sincere in his quotations and offered to verify them by the books. His argument made a strong impressiou on the audience aDd he has put the populists In a very unenviable position. The Express never dreamed that the populists were guilty of one half of all these things. Surely their speakers are able to suc cessfully explain these matters. If not, then Mr. Somers has got Mr. Smith where the wool Is short. Sealed Bids Wanted. The contract to build a new Cumber laud Presbyterian ohuroh at Bodavllle will be let Junel, 1896, at 1 o'clock p. H, to the lowest responsible bidder, the committee reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Building to be built according to plans aud specifi cations now open to the public at the residence of D. M. Jones, at Bodavllle, Oregon, Bids to be sealed and mailed to Dr, D. M. Joues at Bodavllle, Oregon. Lost. In this city, a chlttem wood caue with silver head. Any oue finding it Will be suitably rewarded. Leave it at the Exvkbhb offlw or my office, , Si Ik, luMtlMMK DEMOCRATS AT SCIO. The Town Was Out in Full Force to Hearths Speaking. Hcio, Or., May 4, 1896V ';' To tub Editok or the Hirams:- There was democratic speaking here ou Saturday. The rain came down in torrents, but the people came by the dozens, foot, horseback, and In wagons and the town was out In full force. Mr. T. J. Munkers presided with dig nity. Mr. McElmurry spoke first and made a fine Impression as an honest advocate of the people. Mr. Garland wus then Introduced and was received with much enthusiasm. Le spoke about thirty minutes and gave a plain, unprejudiced and polite statement of county affairs, criticising In a gentle manly way the official acts of the present administration. Mr. Garland, who was not previously well known In In this community, Impressed the audience as a fair and Impartial man. well qualified to attend the affairs of the county. He made a flue Impree- sion and won many friends. Mr. M. A. Miller was next Intro duced and soon had the undivided attention of the audience. He showed the) insincerity of the republican speaker who tried to cover up the main Issues by yelling tariff. He proved that the money question was the Issue. That the democrats had declared for free silver in unmistakable words. He showed that the republi cans had openly or seorctly aided and abetted the oorporatlous. trusts and monopolies for thirty years, while the democratic leaders, with hut few ex ceptions, had always stood firm for the Basses. He showed concluslvelv that the issue of bonds was the secret aim of the republican bosses. Mr. Miller has risen rapidly as-a clear and eloquent advocate of the people and is recognised as a leading democrat of the state. Mr. Watson, the democratic nominee for the legislature, defined his views and as in perfect accord with the democratic county platform. He showed that the republican leaders of the state were tied to the Portland riug, That the people were powerless Iq their bauds. That the republican voter; were as honest as any other, but their leaders in this and other counties could not loosen the hold of the ring bosses. He was in favor of striot economy and would guard the inter ests of the people with a ceaseless vigitflSoe. .. . Mr. Watson impressed his hearers with bis integrity and ability. . He will poll a very large vote here irres pective of party. The democrats have awakened to their duty and Scio will return its old time vote. Democrat. SODA.VILLE HILLS. Ed. Express: The oppressive storms in this locality have to a great extent suppressed public operations. Vegetable, producers are still lying on the shelf awaiting the anticipated sunshine. Should it fail to show its shining face a few days longer, beans, eoru etc., will be pretty scarce la tills region, i Occasionally a gold bug up from Albany hunting for office and trying to apologize for the McFeron-Need- ham combination, presents himself upon the rostrum. The old stand by republicans are not In favor of monop oly and cannot, nor will not be hood winked Into the parade witli these flue haired would be leaders of the repuplicuu party. Their highest am bition is to feed their own gluttonous and craving appetites regardless of people or party Interests. Their free cigars aud other campaign funds will no doubt be liberally lavished upon the voters of Linn eouuty until the first Monday iu June, at which time they will see the folly of their ways. Last but not least. The thing that created the most wonderful surprise of all; Judge Duncan, after being tailed off by the combination maoliino and perchance a man, Dr. Cole, of Scio, whose honor aud dignity would not permit him to thus be branded with such political trickery being the? pro duct of the machine for county judge, withdrew his name as the nominee. To the bellgereut this was a shock of no small momentum. The machine was readjusted and turned once around and put the tall onto Judge Duncan aud now he is a full Hedged candidate for county judge of Linn county at the tail end of the McFcrou-Needham combination ticket where fate is as certain and where prospects for office are as hopeless as theirs. Observkr. (Our Bodavllle . correspondent has taken a hand iu- politics. This Is on his own hook and not ours. Editor.) Kotloe of FhuU Aovouut. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed administrator oftlie statu of John U. Eaton, deceased, has tiled his final ac count, in the above-named estate, with the county clerk of the county of Linu, State of Oregon; and the county eoitrt has flpiwin ted Ttiesdoy, the M day of June, 1896. at 2 O'clock p. m., at the county court room at Albany, Linn .county, Oregon, ns the time aud place for bearing objections, if any, to sum account auu uie seiuenieuc 01 saiu estate. B, Ui;htenkhaw, Administrator of the estate of John Q. Eaton, deceased. , Bah'i M. UahlakiJ, Attorney lor Adutiu-taiMtor. We don't blame them for kicking. It's a trifle hard on our competitors, but it's a What? Why that Closing Ort Sale at Read, Peacock & Co.'s, Lebanon or Albany. Terms, Cash -. ........... . ... M. , Nothing succeeds like it. The principal aim of our life in business is to study the wants of bur customers which is the principle of success in business, We have the largest and best selected stock in our line ever brought to this city and at prices never before made in Lebanon. Below is a partial list of what we carry in stock: READ IT CAREFULLY, , Wall paper and window shades, carpets and mattings, linoleums and oil cloth, curtain poles, mould ing add picture frames, complete stock of furniture, washing ma-chines,-tubs, and buckets, Masury's pure paints, guaranteed the best in the market,', stains and varnishes, Yours for Dalgleish D. ANDREWS, DEALER IN ! DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Shoes and Notions. Having again opened up a general merchandise store in Lebanon, I respectfully solicit the patronage of my friends and former customers and the public in general. r Terms strictly cash or produce. odd pkMjOws nmrniiNO, liBUANON, OltlOCJON. 100 Reward (100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science haa been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the only positive euro now known to the medloal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, ac ting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its oura tive -powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHJiNEY & CO., Tulcdo, 0. IWSold by druggists, 75c. Ladles cloth, all wool, 86 inches wide, 29 cts. per yard oaeh, at Read, Fea-iwekftlVi, reat thing for the buyers. or Produce. lead and oil, all kinds of brushes, windows, doors and glaBs, hard ware, stoves and tinware, pumps and pipe, Myres force and spray pumps, plows, cultivators and har rows, mowers, binders and rakes, wool sacks and bindingtwine, seeds of all kinds, plain, and barbed wire. Business, & Everett. Notice of Flnul Account, Nonet Is hereby given that the under signed administratrix of the estate of W. A. Bishop, deceased, has tiled her final ac count in the above-named estate, with the county clerk of the county of Linn, Oregon, and the countv court has lUed Tuesday, the 3d day of June, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. h., at the county court room, at Albany, Unn county, Oregon, as the time and place fo hearing objections, if any, to said account and the settlement of said estate. Hannah It. Bishop. Administratrix Estate VV. A. Bishop, Sab'i M. Gaelabd, Attorney forAdm'i. Executor'a Notice. . Notice Is hereby given, that, by an order of the Couuty Court of Linn eouuty. Oregon, the under signed hu been duly appointed, and now li, the duly quahttat aud anting Eiccutor of the estate of John Settle, deceuwjd. Al, parties having claims agamst sold estate are hereby required to pieseut tlie same, properly verlned, within ill uionllis rroni the 30th aay ot February, IBM, tho date oftlie tat iiublicitioii lu-reof, to the uuder slgued at the office of SauVl M. Uarlaud, Leb anon, Lhm eouuty, Oregou. j. at. Smu, swuter. tall H. trtUHK Ml), tW laMutaf.