The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 07, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
LEBANON, OREGON, . MAY, 7, 1896.
NO. 10.
One yoar -
(If paid lu advance, II Bo per year.)
Blx months 1 JJ
Three months .,.,.
lngliijpleii............. . "''':'!--!?
V'?' ' ilW'n'f Senators
John H. Mitchell,!
lilnuer Hermann Congressman
Wllllum F. Lord Onvoroor
H. It. Klncaid, Secretary of State
J'hll Metnolmti Treasurer
G. M. Irwin, Snpt. Pulillc Instruction
H. YY Imtle State Printer
R. 8 Mean, . '
P. A, Moore, f Supreme JMkcs.
C. IS. Woolverton.l
.'; JnilRe,. J. K. Duncan
lluoorder II. P. llimlman
Clerk, N. Necdliam
'.; Sheriff, J. A. McPeron
School Superintendent, A. K. Kutherford
Treasurer, P. O. Morris
isessor, W. F. Pcakine
nwunym .. . T. T. Fisher
Jjoronor It. A. Juvnc
, , 1 John PiirIi
Commissioners j j filters
(V. S. DAUiLIilSH,
COUNOU.MEN j a'' 'mph'ii'hv, '
J. It. SMITH, '
City Council meets en the first end third
Tuosday eveningH ul'cuch month.
Seoret Societies.
J.IN'N TENT, No. 7, K. 0. T, M.-Mucts In 0. A.
R. Hall en Thursday evening of eeeh.week.
Transient Mr KingliU are oonllally Invited to
visit the Tent meeting.
HONOR LODGE, No. 88, A. 0. II. W,
every Tiday evening at S. A. K. JU1I.
J. F. IfvriK, Kec.
LEBANON I.ODGK, NO. 47, 1, 0. 0. F.-Mcett
every Haturdny evening at Odd Fellows Hall, al
o'clock p.m. A. K. DAVIS, N. Q.
V C. I'KTKIWON, Soot'y.
I'KAItt.HKllKCCA I.OIKIE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.
Ueels at 1. 0. 0. F Hall Unit and third Wodiios
day evenings of each mouth.
HATTIG A.CBU80N, Bebt'y. . ,
LKIIANO!I1.01)OENo,44 A. F. & A. M. Meets
Saturday evening, on or befure the full moon In
eauh mouth, at Mosouic Hall, Cor. Main aud
(Irautsts. Sojourning brotliern eornlelly Invited
a attend.
J. Washom, W. M,
2. E. Hahuack, See.
JOHN F. MILLER W. R. C, tin. 1C,
iiiuott 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at
2:110 p. m. Awiia B. Raisn,
Douik E. Baltmaiwh, Pros.
OEN'L MEUIU8 CAMP, No. 19, DIvlslou of Ore
gon. Sons of Veteraans Meet in U. A. K. Hall,
ovory Balurday evening, coopt the third
Saturday of each month, mooting the third Fri
day instead. All brothers of the Sons of Vet
erans and comradesof the G, A. R. arc cordially
Invited to meet with the Camp. -'
E. 0. Cabk, Capt.
A. TfcNNBY, First Segt,
BINA M. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, U 0. T, M.
Meets on the2d, 4th and 6th Friday ovenlng of
eaoh month at 7::k p, M. at G. A. R. Hall. Trau
lont Lady Maenalieea are cordially Invited to
IIuuiau S. Miunt, Lady Com.
Dom.hi Sawhaksh, Lady R. K. ,
Sam'l M. Garland.
Weatherford ft Wyatt, ,
Attorney. at-Law.
Cabot W muslin, 18 yards, $1. Cabot
A musHii, 17 yiirda, $1. Hope muslin,
blenched, 12 yards, $1. Otlier goods In
proportion, nt Rend, Foaoook & Co.'s.
t During our closing out sale no goods
wlU be sold except for spot cash.
Rhau, FkaoooK A Co,
Simmon s
It Simmons liver regulator dont
iforeet to take it The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like ill nature,
end the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator to do it it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
Work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body Invigorated,
"y ou get THE BE81 BLOOD when
your system Is in k condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active,
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator it is Simmons
LIVER REGULATOR which makes the
difference. Take It in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LiVER REGU
LATOR, You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it,
J. U. Zellin Co. Philadelphia , Pe,
Albany Steam Laundry
-A-lbany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
Xitsbanon. - Oregon.
East and South .
, i - OF THE-
Sontbern Pacific Co.
ftxpross trains loave Portland daily:
8:60 p. V. Lv... Portland.
8:10 A. H
l.tOA, M
7:00 p. M
12:1(1. .
Lv... Albany.. ,.Ar.
Ar.Htui Fruncisoo Lv
10:46 A. N.
The above trul nH Htop nt East Port
land, Oregon City, Woodburu, Salem,
Turner, Marion, Jpfl'ereon, Albany,
Albany Junction, Tangent, Shedd,
Halsey, Harrisburg, Junotion City,
Irving, Eugene, (Jrexwell, Brains and
all malleus from Komburg south to
aud Including Ashland,
Koacliurg mail daily :
:,HOa. m.
1S:Ip. H.
6:60 P. M.
Lv.,. Portland ...Ar.
4 :40 p. kt.
1:16 P. K.
8:00 A.M.
Lv... Albany Ar.
Local passenger trains doily (except
"8:20 a. M, Lv...Aibany Ar. 10:40 A. H.
8:10 A. M. Ar.,.Lnl)anon,...Lv. 9:40 a. m.
4:80 p. m. Lv... Albany Ar. 6:46 p.m.
6:20 p.m. Ar.. . Lebanon ...Lv. 6:60p.m.
Dining Can on Ogden Route.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Seoond-Class' Sleeping CarB At
tached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
Pctwrbn Pobtlanb and Cobvallib.
MalHrain-dally (except Sunday) ;
7:80 A. i. LvM.Portiaii(r.'..Ar.T 8:20 A. M.
12:16 r. M. Ar...Uorvaliis. .Lv. I 1:86 p. m.
At Albany and Corvallia connect ttitb
trains of 0. C. & IS. railroad.
Express train daily (except Sunday) :
1:40p.m. I Lv.,. Portland ...Ar, 8:26a, m.
7:86 p.m. I Ar.McMiiinvilleLv 6:60 a, m.
, Eastern States. Can
ado and Europe can be obtainod at lowest
rates from P. TJ. Hickok, agont, Lebanon.
R.KOEHLEU, Manager.
E, P, ROGERS, Asst. (1. F. k Pass. Agt.
You oan buy a nloe, large arm, hand
carved rocker of the Albany Furniture
ilottlpaliy forH.M.
Closing out sale at Read, Peacock &
Co. '8. ( . . ; . .;
Clipped .from, our Exchanges
Throughout the West. i
TlieHood River box factory is very
busy making pound boxes and crates
for the coming strawberry crop.
It Is estimated that 27,180 white
ballots will tie required for the 36 pre
cincts of Marlon county at the coming
election, ; , :
The Gypsy has stopped running to
Eugene for the present on account of
too many enngs In the river. The snag
boat Is needed badly.
The oapltal slock of the Albany Iron
Works has been increased to $30,(100.
Tills Is one of the most successful works
of the kind in the state.
The Monro Bros., of Moro, Sherman
oounly, have sold their entire stock of
merchandise to R. C. Craven, of Polk
county, a merchant of 16 years stand
ing. ;, I
The Eugene Guards suggests that a
popular subscription be taken up to
procure a musician who can teach the
Salvation Army cornetist a new tune
or two. ,
I. H. Veatch, populist nominee for
sheriff in Lane county, has declined
the n (mil nation, aud will probably
work for the democratic candidate, says
the Eugene Guard,
A. H.Moore recently brought into
Myrtle Point 800 iu gold dust that he
had taken from Iiib Salmon Mountain
mines in a 10-days' run with three
men. The last of February he brought
down BbO from the same mine.
The Eugene Guard says the name's
of Mrs. E. Conser, aud H. C. Owen, of
Eugene, should be added to the Ore
gonlan's list of pioneers who have been
lu Oregon SO years or more, as I hey
came to the state In 1844.
Grants Pass enjoys tbe distinction of
having 'a. delegate to each of the
national conventions. Abe Axtell has
beeu selected to represent Oregon .n
the populist convention, J. W. Howard
iu tUdeurUcanil E, A. Bcnjth lu
the republican. All expect to be pres
ent in person.
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer says
it is rumored that tbe J)ufur flouring
mills have been sold to a resident of
of Portland. It is stated that the price
paid for tbe mills was f 10,000, aud the
wheat stored in tbe warehouse, amount
ing to about 12,000 bushels was sold at
50 cents biiebel,
E. A. Beelejj of the Astoria Land &
Investment Company, is busily en
gaged iu working up a syndicate to
build a $12,000 depot for the railroad lu
Uppertowu. Mr. Hammond has agreed
to maintain and operate tbe station if
It Is built. Astorian.
J. W, Soolt attempted to drive a
baud of sheep over the mountains from
Clover Flat to Lakeview last week,
but they got snowed in, and 250 of
tbe animuis perished. Those that
were left were afterwaid driven back,
and will be fed until they can be
brought over.
Twenty years ago the University ol
Oregon opeued its doors to students,
aud now, ou Its 20th anniversary year.
It will graduate tbe largest class that
will have ever gone from the Institu
tion, aud there are just 20 iu the class.
The next largest clasi was that of 1880,
having 19 members.
The largest ruu of salmon at The'
Dalles so far this season was last Mon
day. Every fisherman bad plenty of
fish to sell and several wagon loads
were delivered. Since Tuesday morn
lug the catch has been light. If tbe
strike at Astoria continues for another
mouth, it is thought there will be as
large a catch as that of two years ago
at least says tbe Chronicle,
Dick Braden, who by accident was
blinded in oue eye last June, aud who
has since that time submitted to medi
cal treatment without avail, awoke
yesterday morning delighted to find
bis eyesight fully restored. The day
and age of miracles being long past,
this is a case that somewhat puzzles
Mr. Braden aud his friends, says the
Myrtle Point Enterprise,
The wife of L, Monicle, while cross
lug the river last Saturday at Wheeler's
near Pittsburg, lu Columbia county,
was drowned. She attempted to cross
tbe river ou horseback, aud it Is sup
posed that the horse slipped aud fell
or went beyond its depth. At auy
rate, the horse was found near Wheel
er's gate with water diipplng from its
sides aud belly and from tbe saddle.
Search was made for the rider, aud her
body was found on a sandbar in the
river about a mile or mote below where
she had tried to cross.
Five thousand rolls 1896 styles of
wall paper cheap for cash at Albauy
Furulliira Co., Albany, Oregon, ,
A REPLY to m'qinty'$ ghost.
Some of the Ghost's Statements re Cor
. rected by McGinty Himself. .?
'-" j r.-tirt i
To t Editor r fmjSxniwniteS $
Will you kindly grant me space in
your, columns to correct a few of the
statements juadv by your Waterloo
oorrrsgoideiit, Mc0pts'S)lir)8t.j
He stales that Joseph Mlsnec was
ai rested on suspicion, the suspicion
not .'proven, tried, found guilty, fined
$15 and costs, etc., etc. ;
The above statement, and in fact,
the majority of his communications
to your paper In which be. has assailed
the characters and motives of the best
citizens of Waterloo from time to time,
are simply a tissue of malicious lies.
Mr., Misner was arrested for violating
a town ordinance, legally tried, found
guilty and fined as the recorder's
docket will "show. " He was given two
days lime in which to employ an attor
ney to defend his ease, but failed to
avail himself cf the opportunity, as he
had perfect confidence in Mr. Rice's
legal ability to clear him of any oharge,
Losing his case so aroused his ire that
he Immediately invoked the aid of
McGiuty's Ghost who seut In a com
munication to your paper, charging
the recorder, attorney aud town coun
cil as being a set of ignorant fools.
Why you have allowed uim to use
your paper as a weapon to vent his
spleen upon any of our citizens be
happens to take a dislike to, is a ques
tion. You surely cannot expect to
gain the good will and patronage of
this town by such a course. When
ever any one of us has tbe temerity to
do something that don't suit him, he
proceeds to roast us in tbe next issue
of your paper, and when asked if be
wrote (lie article, simply lies out of it.
ft is strongly suspected here that
this is the same slippery ghost that
vanished so suddenly from Southern
Oregon, leaving creditors to mourn his
departure, and also slipped through
tbe fingers of a certain Salem physician
while be was trying to collect his pay
for attending him through a serious
llluesseome years ago."
At any rale this ghost is a cowardly
sneak that dare not come out openly
and make these charges, but chooses
to .attacs in the dark, by malicious
insinuations aud slurs about their mo
tfves and characters, people that scorn
both him and his methods.
Of late he has taken a pious turn aud
attends church and Bahbatt) soboo,
sociables, etc., but judging from the
past, about the first fine Sunday we
have he will shed his wiugs, grab bis
fish pole and hie himself away to gather
in another batch of suckers.
Our people don't particularly object
to his abuse. We are used to it, and
know he inherited that disposition, but
they do object to having It published
abroad, as it has a tendency to Injure
the reputation of our towu. A man
like him, burdened with all the brains
aud intelligence of an entire commun
ity, when so disposed, can do us an
irreparable injury if you continue to
furnish printer's iuk for him free ot
charge. ' This is from
The Olo Man M'Ginty.
W. H, Cook, of Tygh Valley, is in
Tbe Dalles circulating a petition for a
free road to Prlneville. Two toll roads
now exist. It necessitates about 19
miles of new road comn encing at a
point three miles north of the Deschutes
river, connecting the two county roads.
Tbe expense is estimated at between
$4,000 aud $5,000. Wasco and Crook
counties will be asked to assist in the
work, and private subscriptons will be
taken. George Johnson, of Dufur,
assured Mr. Cook that Dufur would
contribute $500. .
' A Clubbing Ofar,
A great many of our readers In Linn
couuly like to take the Weekly Oregon
Ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduc
tion from the regular price to those
who want both tbe Express and the
Oregonian. Tbe regular price of the
Oregonlan Is $1.50 per year, and of the
Express $1.50 when iu advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance, a saving of oue dollar to the
subscriber, The Oregonlan gives all
the general news of the oountry once a
week, and the Exprkss gives all the
local news once a week, which will
nni ke a most excellent news service
for the moderate sum of $2. per year.
Those who are at present subscribers
ef tbe Express must pay in all arrear
ages and one year in advance to obtain
this special price.
Leather of AH Kinds,
Consisting of liarnessaud line leather
tug aud belting leather, sole, kip and
lace leather. One mile east of Water
loo, and one-half mile west of Sham
mis' sawmill. David Ayers,
Will sell cheap for cash or approved
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A sasssssat
How a Fathful Dog Saved a Family
From Being Burned to Death.
. (From the AlbAny ncrald, Saturday, May 2.)
Mr. H. H. White Is in from tbe San
tiatu mines and reports times of un
ceasing activity there. Tbe Lawler
mines and stamp mill employ about 60
men, and the mill is in constant action.
A very rich deposit has been struck In
One of the tunnels being run, assaying
from $60 to $80 per ton. The work
being done on the Albany mine had
also struck rlcii eroppiugs in portions
of the claim not before prospected.
The mining camp is a busy place and
the outlook for the season's work is
extremely bright.
Mr. White saya the foreman of the
day shift at the Lawler mines, Mr.
Mears, and hi wife had a narrow
escape from being burned to death a
few nights ago. Mrs. Mears, who Is
alone iu the house a good portion of
the day, has made a great pet of a dog,
which is allowed to sleep In the bouse,
and the dog became very much at
tached to her. A few nights sinoe Mr.
Mears upon retiring spread his wet
clothing in front of the fire aud the
household retired. They occupied
rooms baok of the sitting room with no
egress save through the single door.
In the night Mrs. Mears was awakened
by the dog tugging at the bedclothes.
She slapped the dog and tried to drive
him away, but the faithful canine
scratched and pulled at tbe bed iu auct)
an excited, way .that she arose, and
following the dog Into the aittingroom
found that tbe clothes bad Ignited and
had set the house on fire.' In a few
moments mora they would have been
imprisoned wd duobtless burned to
death. Mr. Mears hastened to help
put out the fire, which was soon ex
tinguished without much loss. That
dog now Uvea on tenderloin.,
A Peculiar Accident.
A curious accident was one thatover
tookiflBS Nona Smith Friday after
noon. 'She was riding a btcyole up the
walk leadlug to the college, when
suddenly a friend behind her noticed
the wheel sway, aud the rider fall.
Miss Nona quick ly plcked!herseirup,re
mounted tbe wheel andjrode to the dor
mitory. There her friends noticed that
she was apparently out of her head,
and that there were bruises about her
temple and chin. She was brought to
the Smith home, and until the next
afternoon her conversation was flighty,
She was unable then and Isstiil power
less to remember anything about her
fall, or anything of the incidents Im
mediately before or after it, a condition
in which William Sklpton found him
self after a fall from a horse a year or
so ago. It is supposed that while
riding along she became dizzy and
that the fall accouuta for the mental
trouble. Corvallis Times. .
i A Petrified Skeleton,
Woods Carter, while digging a well
at his place at Monument lat week,
disclosed a curiosity 30 feet under the
ground. It was no more than the
petrified skeleton of an animal about
the size of a coyote or a fo. The
skeleton was discovered in solid rock,
where the animal bad probably been
encased centuries ago. The only por
tion of the skeleton that is a rare curi
osity is the petrified brain of the
animal. By being exposed to the
minerals of the earth, tbe skull had
decayed, but each lobe of the brain s
preserved, and is as qatnrai In appear?
ance as if it had Just beeu taken from
the skull of the animal. Mr, Carter
was able to find the major portion of
the animal, and has several nice sam
ples of the petrified skeleton. Long
Creek Eagle,
Mine Guigon, of the French laundry
left Saturday for San Franeisoo, having
sold her property to a Mrs. Goodman,
says the Grants Pass Courier. M.
Guigon left Grants Pass last fall for
France, having six poundsof $20 pieces
sewed up in each leg of bis drawers,
the partial result of five years' laundry
business In Grants Pass. . He evidently
had no faith in banks or express com
panies, and very little iu Uncle Sam,
or he might exchange his 12 pounds of
gold for $3840 iu Greenbacks. His
wife expects to join him in the land of
Gaul era many weeks.
IT IJwiflllltfi
: May 2, 1896.
"May Is here, the happy birds
Slug the chorus without words.
Do you hear it children, dear?
May Is here, May U here!"
Author, i -
Yes, and with It comes the amuse
ments of the May evenings, hanging
"May baskets." So wateh each and
every one, and do not let someone
catch you a-napping.
We are patiently waiting for I ho
story "Clarence," by Bret Hurt, to
appear In the columns of the Express,
James Blaoklaw expects to erect a
fine residence building on his place iu
this vicinity soon. J. D. Fronk will
be managing carpenter. "Hold on"
aiiok, Tennessee lias iieen on tbe verge
of ciyil war for some time, causinir
some oommotion in the school, viz:
several pupils being absent from its
cause. We hone the trouble will ho
settled at an early date.
Annie Blaoklaw was at Knox Rntio
Sunday visiting friends.
School is still progressing nicely, but
has had a smaller attendance this
month. The second monthlv rennrt, la
as follows:
Tennessee School District, No. 102,
for month endina Mav 1. 1896. No. of
scholars enrolled 34. Average attend
ance 25. The names ot those nresent
during the month were: Clarence
-OSS, Chester Myers, Bertha Davis,
lorn McKnight and Marv Baltimore.
Those absent but one day were: Maud
uavts, uanie Davis and Lula Davis.
No. of visitors 20.
Annie Blaoklaw,
'" " Teacher.
; The New Steamer "Albany."
. In the desire to meet the demands of
the travelling public the OC&E have
placed on the Portlaud and Corvallis
route their new and fast steamer,
"Albany," elegantly furnished, includ
ing a new piano. The "Albany"
makes the trin from Corvallis to Port-
laud in 11 hours without layover in
saiera. leaves' Corvallis down rlyer
Mondays, Tuesdays and FrldavaatT
A. M., Albany 8 a. m., Salem U A. M.
aua arrives in Portland at 6 p. M. Up
river leaves Portlaud Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays from Taylor street
dook at 0 A. m., Salem 3 P. M., Albany
8:30 p. M. aud arrives in Corvlllis at
10:30 p. m. Fare from Corvallis or
Albany to Portland $1 25; round trip
2- Edwin Stone,
All parties ludebted lo me will take notioe, that
I have placed my notes and accounts, for colled
Hon. with Sam'l M. Oarland, and have instructed
my attorney to collect the same without delay,
J, C. Mayxb,
Successor to Mayer Kimbrough.
My instructions are positive, and no unreasona
ble time can be given. sam'l M. Garland.
Ladies, Miss Dumond offers you
better bargains in hats than ever be
fore. Trimmed hats from $1 to $5,
Sailors, 20c aud up. Look iu at the
windows as you pass by, '
NO. 900
loitjjfutpabt tlotr-
No, 900 Black made of English
Sateen (1,33,
New York Cash Store,