The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 30, 1896, Image 2

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Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
In ardor to "hold the silver vote,"
Bttye the Oregonian, "the republican
Btaie convention was made to vote
down a resolution deolaring against
free coinage of silver. But every
silver man knows, or ehould know,
that to look to the republican party
for free coinage of silver is to
entortain a delusive hope. . This
shabby deception therefore employ
ed to "hold tbe silver vote," should
hold nobody. If you are silver
men and want silver men to repre
sent you, and desire to associate
with a party that will carry out
your views, you should go to the
populists or demounts. The poli
ticians of the republican party who
hold out expectations of free coin
age to you are fooling you. All
they want is your votes,and through
your votes political ascendency for
the mauner of Duncan's nomina
tion, together with a growing
doubt in the minds of the
mosses at to the economy of his
administration. They question the
wisdom of again putting him at
thr head of county affairs for four
more years. ";
A county judge should be a irood
lawyer of sound judgment. While
some of the business of tiie office
may make little difference thore is
a line of county court business that
demands this. Such a man is S.
M. Garland, a careful, reliable
attorney, prompt aud economical
and appreciating the weds of the
county. Albany Democrat.
The Astoria depot site has been
settled and the site secured in a
splendid location. The Budget
eavB: The first work to be started
will he that between Tongue point
,and Warrenton, which will cost in
.the neighborhood of $300,000. This
with the completed contract ot
Cory Bros., ten miles east from
Tongue point, will be completed
this summer and the rails can be
laid as soon as they arrive, which
will be about the middle of June
next. There are now fifty miles of
road to be built, which will be
finished this year. The entire
batch of contracts of all kinds are
to be let befo Mr. Hammond
leaves ugain for the east, possibly
within a week or two.
Tb printer's dollars, where are
they? A dollar here and a dollar
there scattered over numerous
small towns all over the country
miles and miles apart. Hon shall
they be gathered in? Come home;
you are anted. Come in single
file that we may send you again to
battle for our credit. Reader, are
you sure you have not one of the
printer's dollars sticking to your
trousers? Feel down and see if we
are not right. Ex.
Leading populists make them
selves rediculous by their absurd
nretension and predictions. Here
General Weaver, for example,
claiming that the populists will
cafry Oregon. Nobody can respect
tbe opinion of .a tnsn who makes
such a statement. Weaver is either
a fool or does not mean to tell the
truth. Welcome. Stranger things
than this have happened.
The Scio Press says Dr. J. W
Cole received the nomination for
county judge fairly, and was, ac
cording to all political tuagee
entitled to the support of the
entire party, including candidates
that he defeated for the nomina
tion. Judge Duncan's friends have
been kicking so vigorously since
his defeat that Dr. Cole preferred
to resign rather than make the
race where was being assailed by
members of his party that ought to
support him. Dr. Cole nor his
friends will feel under any oblige
tionsto support Judge Duncan who
is not the choice of his party for
the office he now holds.
The Lane county democrats in
their platform condemn the last
legislature for its extravagance
favor tbe re-enactment of the
mortgage tax law and the restric
tion of the deduction of the indebt
edness for assessment; reduction of
the salaries of officers; a law to pay
tax on personal property in the city
and state in the fall; oppose the
expenditure of money for sectarian
institution; and favor electing
United Siites senators by direct
vote ot the people and favor the 16
to 1 idea. A full ticket was nominated.
Dear Slrt
You are titled to receive
tftE from your wholesale dealer,
ElaekwelTs Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of soap Free with each pound,
whether 16 ox., 6 o., 4 ox., or
s ox,, packages.
We have notified every whole
ale dealer In the United Statu
that we wlO supply them with soap
to five you FR EE. Order a good
, supply of QENUlfft DURHAM at
ana uwwi on getting your
woe oar 01 soap FREE
oap 1
1 order
Yours very truly,
soap. vwbarolSoap free wit
each pound you buy. Soap
ottered tor a limited time, ee ord
If ym Ifcw my tttaHy la pracrtai jit iihiiiii
, art Uu. mMm and wnd It vita
Victors Are Best.
It baa been generally reported
that Dr. Cole resigned because be
could not defend Duncan's admin
istration. If this is true, it shows
that Dr. Cole is a man of high
honor and sound judgment, deserv
ing far better treatment than he
has received at tbe bands of hie
Ohio has exacted a law to pro
hibit women from wearing high
hats in places of amusement, where
an admission fee is charged. The
women propose to retaliate by
introducing a bill to punish men
for spitting on the floor, and going
out of the theaters and perfuming
their breath between acts.
Victor Non Puncturable Tire, No. 103, is the lightest
running wheel on earth. The best is the cheapest in the
Burl Larsest stock of Becond-httnd wheels on the coast,
Everything as represented. Write for list.
Headquarters for sundries and athletic goods, 130 Sixth
Street and 311 Alder Street, Portland, Oregon.
. W. B. Kernan, Manager
H. Y. Kirkpatrick,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Mb. Henry Blakely is the dem
ocratic nominee for sheriff. Every
body likes him and nobody doubts
his fitness for sheriff. He ie young
active, brave, honest, and thorough
ly qualified in every wf.y. Linn
county will be admirably served by
Blakely s sheriff.
The supreme court of Massachu
setts has decided that a school
teacher has no right to require a
scholar to tell taleson a companion.
Such A decision is certainly in the
interest of honor and morality,
whatever the teachers who try to
promote treachery among their
pupils think about it.
The A. P. A. is taking a b.ind in
the political fight in Linn and Ben
ton counties. They are said to
have several candidates on the
populist ticket in the former coun
ty and are said to have nominated
Dr. Cole for county judge, with
whose removal they are very much
dissatisfied. It was a
scurvy sort of a trick that the Linn
county republicans served Dr. Cole.
It was hardly right to nominate a
man and then force him to resign.
-Jefferson Review.
Mb. M. Peery, the democratic
nominee for recorder, is a first-class
business man. He stands high
where be lives and makes friends
wherever he goes. He is thoroughly
reliable, capable and obliging.
There is no better man on any
Notice of Sale.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Linn County.
In the Matter of the Eatate
Alonzo Ames, deceased.
NoTioEiahereby riven, that, by authority
ofsn order-issued out of the above-entitled
court, in the above-entitled cause, on April
tbe 8th, 1886, 1, as administratrix of the
above-named estate, will, on the 16th day
of May, 1896, at the hour of two o'clock r.
,, of said day, at the premises, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand the following-described real property,
Beginning in the north-east quarter of
Section 81. Tp. 13 S K.1JS., Will. Mcr
(223) two hundred and twenty-three feet
west of the south-east corner 01 Lowell
Ames, Jr., Donation Land Claim, Not. No.
7618, and Claim No. 47, in said Tp., and
running thence west 81 feet; thence south,
16 degrees east, 6 96-100 chains; thence
north, 74 degrees east, 60 feet ; thence north,
degrees west, direct to the place of be
ginning, containing M acre, more or lesa,
situated in Lmn county. vregon;anu
Also beginning 79M feet north, H degrees
E., of the south-west comer of a piece of
land sold and conveyed unto M. O. Moss
by Hugh Harris, and running thence N.,
80 degrees E., 70 feet; thence N., 10 degrees
W., 126 feet; thence 8., 80 degrees W., 70
feet; thence 8., 10 degrees E., 126 fecit to the
place of beginning, containing i ai re more
or less, all situate in 8ection 32, Tp. 13 8.,
R. 1. E., Will. Mer in Linn County, Ore-
) . T IP
Fire Insurance.
Insure Your Property with
Fireman's Fund,
Reliable old line conipnnlet
be represents. All business
placed witli liim will he at
tended to promptly. Office
on Main tit., LEBANON, Or.
Boots and Shoes, and Dry Goods
; . Is still going on. Come while these
O refit Harg-aiiiia
I want to call your attention to my
That has just arrived. The suits aro hcautius and pricos'
away down. GOOD MEN'S SUITS for
$1.80, $5.80, $7.00, $9.00.
The $9.00 suits are equal to many that you buy from
other places and pay $10.00 or $12.00. You are bound to
save money by buying from me.
A bill is now before congress to
purchase tbe birth place of Abra
ham Lincoln, in Kentucky, and
establish a soldiers' home. It pro
vides for tbe accommodation of
ex-Confederate and ez Federal sol
diers on the same terms.
While drilling for artesian
watar at his brewery in The Dalles,
A. Buchler made a discovery that
is liable to prove of greater value
than half a dozen artesian wells.
At the depth of seventy feet a vein
of coal was discovered. The coal
lies under a solid formation and
bolowitis granite. At the point
where the drill passed through it
the vein was seven feot in thickness
and the coal is of good quulity.
The voters of tbe county are
coming to the conclusion that Gar
land is the safest man to elect s
the next county judge. There seems
to be ft general tiisWtUfaetion frith
Sam'l M. Garland, democratic
nominee for the county judge, is a
young, ambitious attorney, and is
said to possess an unblemished
character. Brownsville Times.
Kn- .. ..
Sale tone in Sweet Home, unn coumy,
Oreiron, on the premises.
Administratrix of Alonio Ames, dee'd.
Sam'l. M. Oakland.
Att'y lor Administratrix.
In nearly every county in the
state the republicans are split wide
open. r ".
Notice blieiebv given, Uia.'byuyrder,of the
Oountr Court of Linn county. Gre.wn, the under
stoned has been duly appointed, and uow Is, the
duly qualified and acting Executor of the estate
of John Settle, deceased, Alt parties having
clalmi against, ssM estate are hereby required bt
Hccaeiittbe wne, properly verified, within tlx
months from the 20th day of 'February, lew, the
data of tbe ftrst publication hereof, to the under
timed at the olhse of Sam'l M. Oerlaud, Let
anon, Unncoahtv, Oregon U-
. ' i. H. Smtj. Ejuoulor, .
IOO Reward tlOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure In
all its stages and that is catarrh, Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
atreneth bv building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing Its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in itscura
Uve powers, that they offer one hundred
dollars for any case that it falls to cure.
Bend for list of testimonials. Address, F,
J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. -r-Sol.lbydrugrists,76c.
Instantly Believed
and Permanently
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks,
Omois : Rooms 700-707, Marquam Building
.j.TVotiU.c iVnel Awfount.
-NericiMs hereby given that tbfi under
signed administrator of the estate of John
(I Eaton, deceased, has tiled his linal ac
count! in tiie above-named estate, with the
oonnsy clerk of the county of Linn, State of
Ureaort; and the county court has iivpomll
Tiiesdoy, the 2d tray Of June, ISM, at 2
o'clock t, at the county court room at
Albany, Utin county, Oregon, as tiie time
and place for hearing objections, if any, to
said account and the settlement of said
estate B- UMUWi
Administrator ol the estate of John 0.
Eaton, deceased; - " ' f
, Hik lM. Gru, .Wrui for AdtuUl-
Changed Every Week.)
Wbeat ISJ.r.
OaUs-13 to lGe
Huy-$3 to$fi porton,
Four-$0 8090. per Back
Chop (0 80 por cwt.
Bran 76o per owt.
Middlings-) 75 per owt
Apples Dried, 8c por lb
Plums Dried, 2c.
Onions 2c.
Beef-nDrajned, 4j to 8c.
Veal 3J4e,
Pork Dressed, 3j,
Hams 8 per lb.
Shoulders 6o.
Bides 7c per lb.
Geese $8 50 $4 per doz".
Ducks-US $4 per doz.
Chickei)s-$2 50(5)8 00,
' Turkeys-Bc .per lb.
Eggt 8c w doz. ' t ' ,
Butter .jo 15c per lb! !
tttoa-Gnt t dry, fc, i '"
Days till spring". Have you
thought of what you'll wear!
Every one answers "clothes"
of course.
Then you will appreciate
the masterpieces of the tailors'
art which we have had made
especially for our customers.
Ready-made suits with all
the marks of style and worth
about them
The prices,
$5.00, $6.00, $8.00,
get choice of lines worth
But the real BREAD-AND-MEAT
part of them
are the many lines at
You'll think they're worth
more, but they go at that.
Albany Mills Suits, Worsted Dress Suits,
Fancy Checks and Corduroys.
We won't say more about
them-they show up best
when seen and worn.
Albany Oregon.