The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 30, 1896, Image 1

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    -Waf! '-fll '
NO. 9.
One year M
(If lepery.-.)
Blx mrrntha " 1 X
Thraii months,... !Jr
simtioiiupiB. . ...,.........2::
Oon. W. McBridai Senator
John H. Mitchell,!
Blngor Hermann, Oongrestmsn
William P. Lord, Governor
H. R. Kincald Secretary of Stat
l'hll Metaohan Treasurer
ii. M. Irwin iJupt, Public Instruction
H. W Lead gut Printer
R. S Hoan, 1
F. A. Mooro, SnriremeJudgcs.
C. K. Woolverton,)
Judge J.N. Dncan
Recorder D. F. Hardman
Clerk, N, Needhani
Sheriff,...; J. A.McFeron
School Superin tomluiit, A. It. Rutherford
Treasurer P. O- Morris
Aaseasor W. F. Deakbi
Surveyor E. T. T. Fisher
Coroner -...R. A. Javnt
, , I John PukIi
Cdmmlaslouera j j.m. Waters
Mayor , b. montaoue
(N. H. DALOLKlbil, '
I ::. K. I'UuH,
tilty Council moeta an the drat and third
Tuesday evonings of each mouth.
Saoret Booietlas.
LINN TENT, Nu. 7, K. 0. T, II, Mwtt In Q. A.
R. 11.11 u Thimday Rental of iw weak.
Tra.Hi.nt Mr Knwhta are .""dl"1" l3"u"1 to
vUlt the fuut meeting.
flONOR LOIKIE, No. W. A. 0. V. W,-Met
ovary ruunday evtitiliiR at 0. A. R Hull.
II. Y. Kinitl'ATKIOft, M. W.
J. F. Hyde, Rec.
oTory Httnrrtay evening ftl Odd PcIIowhH!!, it
o'clock d. m,
P A. IS. IUVIfc, N. G.
W, 0. PKTKIUKIN, Seot'y.
Ungual 1. 0. 0. F Hall Ural and third WwlnM
day evening of each month .
LKBANOl? WDUK No, 44 A. F. A. M.-Meetl
Haturdayovcn.'" . no or before the full moon In
.aoh month, at " ,M"1U J""!
Oram at, sojourn.'" beelbani oomWiy invited
o attend.
J, Wamoh, W. M,
E. i. Hammack, Sec
JOHN F. MILLER ?- ' 15'
moots tat and 3rd Fridays M1 m"th al
2:80 1. m. Asm B. H'Wi
Soc'ty. " '' "
OKN'L MK1UUS CAMP, No. 19, Drtlalim of Ore
gon, Sons of Votemana Meet In 0. A. R- Hall,
every Saturday evening, cauept the third
Saturday of each month, mooting tho third Fri
day Uistead. All brother of the bona of Vet
arana and comradeaof the 0. A. K. are cordially
Invited to meet with the Camp.
g. 0. Ciall, Capt.
A.Tanaav, FlrttSegt. '
BINA M. WK9T HIVE, NO. 1, L, 0. T, M.
I'aeta on thovd, 4th and Mil Friday evonlng of
. m.i, 7 W p. m. at G. A. K. Hall. Tran-
alent La,'' M""1""1" "o""11' ln'"ol) 10
,Uen4, ijuiuahS. Miuu, lady Coat.
Weatberford & Wyatt,
CahotW mualln, 18 yards, 1. Cahnt
A muBliti, 17 yards, $1. Hope rutwliti,
blftched, 12 yards, ? 1. Other goods in
.. . Pniiriock 4 Co.'s.
propnriniu, v -
''Darlrur ir lOwTtii' m't ' ",!
Will V'- 'll tfoept iui P t
b Simmons Liver Regulator dont
forget to tike It The Liver gets alugrhh
durlni the Winter, just like all natun,
and the system becomes choked up b
tiie accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fiver and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sura you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it it alw
regulates the Liver keeps It properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body Invigorated.
You get THE! BEST BLOOD when
your system Is In At condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active,
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator -it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes th
difference, Take It In powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of th
Cawderj but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
ATOR. You'll find the RED 2 on every
package. Look for It
Albany Steam Laundry
iLlbany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
" Attention.
Special Rates for
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
JeWanoii. . (trillion.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co.
Eziresa trains leave Portland daily:
8:50 r. M.
12:10 a. h.
10:46 a.m.
I.v...F inland Ar.
Lv... Albany.. ..Ar.
Ar.Sali Francisco Lv
8:10 A.
4:XU. II
7:00 P. K
The above tral'ia stop nt East Port
land, Oreeou City, Woodbuni, Kiilein,
Turner, Marion, Jcfl'eraou, Albany,
Albany Junction, Tatinmt, Bhedd,
Hillary, Hurriaburi;, Junction City,
Irving, Eugene, Orniwoil, Drains and
all atubioiiH from lioeehurg eoutb to
and Including Aablund.
Roaeburfr mail daily:
8:90 a
Lv... Portland ...Ar.
Lv... Albany Ar.
4:40 P.M.
1:16 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
12:2Sr. M.
6;IH)P. H, Ar...Koabur;..Lv.
Local tiaaaenger trains daily (except
Sunilay. "
8:20 a. m.
:10 A. M.
4:30 P.M.
t:X P. M.
Lv... Albany Ar.
Ar... Lebanon ...Lv.
10:40 A.M.
0:40 A.M.
6:46 r. M.
6:60 P.M.
Dining Cars on 0Aen Route.
Pullman Buffst Sleepers
Second-Class Sleeping Can At'
tched to all Through Trains,
Vet BlAo DlvlHlon.
Mall tra.'l-dallS' (oueept Sunday):
vrn rvn".'.V...Portland.Ar. I 6:20 A. M.
12 :16 p. M, I Ar..:A""-v". .. i
, .im . - ,,. I I , .OR -
Jlorvallis connect vrlth
trains of o. u, ji, y.
Expreaa train-daily (except Bunday):
"4 40 p. M. I Lv...Portiind ...Ar. 8:26 A. M.
? M t. M. j Ar-McMlnnTllbLvl 6:60 a.m.
ada and Europe carl be obtained at lowl
rates from F. IT. Hiokok, agent, kobpoii.
, - R KOEHLEK. Manawr.
E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Q. F. 4 Paaa. Aat.
... - i ' i I r .'I '
Closing out sale at Bead, Peaoook A
Co,'s. - " "
Yob oat buy nloa, law nn, hnd
oarved rooksr of th Altauy ParullnM
Cllppod from our Exchanges
TjhroMghout the Wast,
A tuotberly sow Is auokllDg a pfppy
uog wiui net; pig( at aioro,,
A plan Is on iot for the reorgantJ
(Ion of the carxlaire factory at CoTvallls.
Archblshqp Groas lectured In Eugen
last Thursday night Uion the subject
of "Amerloan Citizenship."
C. K, Huff, brought several young,
ooyotes into Moro alive recently. Tttey
were officially executed In the preaenot
or the county clerk.
The Talmadge , roller mill at Enter
prise, In Polk county, has been told by
the sheriff. Levis Helmick and Other
oredltors bid it in for 15,000.
Plans and specifications are being
drawn up for a new opera house la
Eugene. It Intended to erect a two
story brick building 80x130 feet. '
J. C. Smith, of Umatilla count;,
brought Into, Pendleton the other day
a fleece weighing 16 pounds. It was
tafcen from a 250-pound Col wold. -
Tillamook is soon to have a telephone
system. Ten telephones will be put la
at the start, and the line will be ex.
tended to Bay City and Hobsonville. ;
The Sclo Press says that the people
of that city want the telephone Una
extended to that city, and as an Induce,
ment to secure It, will furnish an agent
free of cost for one year.
Among other Improvements in Wal
lowa this year, a unioq church will be
built, the schoolliouse will be put in
belter condition, probably a new addi
tins built, and a number of dwelling
houses will be erected.
George F. Davis, a woolbtiyer well
known In Idaho, Oregon, Washington
and California, died recently in Bakers
field, Cal. Mr. Davit had personally
attended to the business of Koshland
4 Co. at Pendleton during wool sea
sons. The residence of Mrs, Annie lleajsv
hart, In the pines near The Dalles,
burned to the ground last week, and
nothing wan saved except an organ
anr sewing machine. There was-
(1060 insurance os the bouse and con
tent. A bum 100 bead of cattle and 1,000
hogs are being fed at the Grant dlnill
ery. There are 6oC bogs lu the fat
t:' dug peue, and a like number iu the
'aide lota. The company turns out
about 500 head of fat hogs every 80
days- ,
Three carloads of balm lumber and
two of hardwood, destined for the Ban
Francisco market, were shlpptd by the
Corvallls Lumber Company, over the
Oregon Central & Eastern, Friday.
Four earloada of ash and maple will
follow the shipment soon.
Carl Albrecht, who murdered b
wife In a cold-blooded manner in
Uarahfleld about two mouths ago,
escaped from the jail at Empire City
last Sunday, but was intercepted in
the , woods by John Lennon and
brought back. Albrecht had his pock-
eta full of food when naught.
J. H. Law, a detective, has gone to
Happner to look for Wolf, who is al
leged to have killed bis sweetheart
three years ago, while she was going
to church at Mount Tabor. The shot
waa instantly fatal. Wolf eactped and
there is a reward of $1,000 for his cap
ture, Not many days ago, while M. Grant
Silas Hart and D. Grant were out hunt
ing for grouse, near Dallas, in Polk
county, their dogs made a big bear run
up a tree. It took six rifle shots to
destroy bruin. He would not give up
the ghost until after be had crippled
one of Mr. Hart's fine bear dogs.
Martlq Ferguson, said to have been
the oldest man iu Umatilla county,
died recently at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Erb, on Wild Horse moun
tain. Mr. Ferguson would have been
04 years old the last of this month, bad
be1 lived. For tbo past six years he
was helpless from disease, and never
left bis mountain home. He leaves
a daughter, Mrs. Erb, and two soiib.
residing at Adams.
William Barr and Dunn Bros, have
bought the entlta Beekamp estate, in
Gilliam county, from Fred Seekamp,
for $8250, paying $250 down and get
ting six month's time on the balance.
They are to pay all debts agalnat th
estate and collect, all that Is due it.
This is considered a good bargaiu, aa
the estate was appraised at lag.OT IS",
consisting of ,W0 sheep, 180 acre of
land and notes and acoounts,1
Last Tuesday afternoon Martin Si
mon 4 a opmiwnlOB were felling
tret at th Marshland, (oggiug oamn,
In Columbia oouuty, under charga of
K, P, Kst, QM ,r, in wting,
tit, i Ian m mtmtim
wbktk oame "down .lipon Blmoiip, bit'
ting him ou the tuck Of the neck anil
killing him instantly.' Deceaaed wan
a pn.. in-law of ), 1), Nelson, of Clat
kanttu, Helea w)fe,,iut.uocbildn:i.
Toe, Barnbarti sheep,, between 7,000
and a,O0O, are. being beared ma, the
Baker ranch below Pendleton, on the
tytjsJJIla. Some very good wool is
being fcauled to, Pendleton. from , the
WWP8Im '8n. of .the J.i E.
Boiltb-; skee.p. re.ako being sheared at
at thf .same places,. Shearers jrg re
eiing5entaper tieeoe this year, the
same price paid a year ago, Al this
rate, the men are compelled to board
Henry Thompson and his brother,
Clarence Thompson, from the Willam
ette valley, have been up to the head
waters of the Umatilla river hunting
bear.' Last week they brought into
camp two. fine specimens. They cam
into Pendleton and Tuesday mad
preparations for : another, ; excursion,
which will last till June 1. Tbe snow
lies on the mountains In that locality
at a depth, of about five feet, with a
heavy crust, over which tbe hunters
can travel with ease.
Th Work of Inhuman Wretches.
A man giving the tiame of Jerry C.
Emmett was found in a shack in th
eud of Spokane Friday in a pitiful con
dition. He had lain in the shack three
days without food or water, pnable to
move and too weak to call for help.
He was found by Mr. Johnson, who
Informed tbe police, and Coroner New.
man and Lieutenant Lavery went out
and brought hira to tbe hospital
emmett said he was brought down
from the Couer d'Alenes a few days
ago through the kindness of tbe rail
road boya, He had recently received
an injury to his spine by a load of
lumber falling on him, and when he
got off the train at the crossing of the
tracks east of town he was unable to
walk.' He managed to crawl to the
shack, where he was found by John
son, bo happened to pass near tbe
sbaek and heard him groaning. Em
mett nays tltat Thursday two men
found him there and said they would
bjing him assistance. After dark they
return-id add robbed him of all the
money he bad, (28, with which he hail ;
expectxl to secure medical treatment.
He begged tbe men to bring him a
drink of water, but they told him thny
would tee him ill h-l first. Emmett
It iu a critical condition,
Bilked Prinanll.
The Prlneviile Review writes up a
young uau well known in Albany, in
Hie following live maimer: "Kid"
Moore who has been "visiting" here
fur the peat two or three months, sud
denly jumped the town on last Sunday
moruiug't stag. If ever a brnte need
ed a coat of tar and feathers it was
Ibis excuse for human being. The
evening previous to b departure be
succeeded. In getting 30 from au old
gray beaded woman of this place by
working upon her feelings, statiug
that he was in destitute eircumstances
and a whole lot of other trash, eveq
weeping like a babe to accomplish bis
eud. This good old lady could not
withstand bis entreaties, little dreamed
he was tbe rascal that he is, so she let
bim bave 120 for a short time, His
next act was to quit the town, and
none too soon to please the oitiaens of
this place. Such men as "Kid" Moore
are a disgrace to tbe human race and
the sooner people are acquainted with
this morphine fjend the better off they
Will be, We yarp all people to shun
this sleek gentleman)?) as you would a
A Clubbing Offer,
A great many of our reader in Liuu
county like to take tbe Weekly Oregon
Ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish It at a reduc
tion front the regular price to those
who snt both the Ejpbhh3 and the
Oregouian. The regular price of the
Oregonlan is fl.50 per year, . and of the
Express. $1.60 when in advance. We
will furnish both fir $2. per year in
advance, a saving of oue dollar to the
subscriber, The Oregonlan gives all
the general news of the eouutry once a
week, and the ExPRRsa gives all tbs
local news onoe a week, which will
make a most excellent was service
for tb moderate sum of 3. per year.
Those who are at prestut subscribers
f the Exfress must pay In all arrear
age and on year in advance to obtain
this apeclal price. '
Lthr of All Kindt.
Consisting of harness aud liu leather
tug aud belting leather, sole, kip and
laoa leather. One mile east of Water
(Mi M4 oim-balf oil west ftf Sham,
mis' sawmill- David Atom,
Will U Rai (or eatfi ar approved
:m : -
A Letter From W. P. Oeakln, Who
Adviaea People to Stay at Home.
Albany, Or., April 24, 1898.
I have some bnilhcra who live at
Hall broke, Alberta, Cunnda, and in a
letter to me they sii.v that several
people from Linn county have written
to them asking about the Alberta
country. My brothers write me that
there Is no finer grass found anywhere
and that the land Is of the very best
and millions of acres vacant and the
laws are good, but they advise all who
have money to stay away from there,
for a moneyed man can liud a more
congenial climate tn live iu, and all
who have no money, or but little, are
advised to shun the Alberta as they
would the Sahara desert, for they will
surely stare to death if they don't.-:
Hundreds of people are going to
leave tha country when spring opens
up. There is no work there, or but
little, and tbe wages paid when there
Is work Is from 88 tn $8 and $10 per
month. On the 14tb of this April,
winter was still on, cold, snowy and
freezing weather. They say it will be
a Hue stock country for years to oome,
but as they are so far inland grain will
not pay at ptesent prices.
Respectfully Yours,
W. F. Deakims.
p : 4
Change in Channel, '
The recent high waters have caused
the Willamette river to cut. a new
channel nearly a mile long iu the
vicinitp of tne mouth ef the McKenzie,
says the Eugene Guard. This new
channel is yet full of snags and has
never been navigated. By reason of
the change in tbe river the channel
baa been rendered un navigable and
the steamer Gypsy has not been here
since last Saturday. At that time tbe
water was high enough so the boat
could make the run through Meek's
slough. The river is now at a good
Stage, but owing to tbe lack of a snag
boat to clean out the newly formed
ohannel, boats are unable to get here.
In Darkness,
The Dalles Tinies Motmtaineer says,:
Owing to the failure of the city council
aud tho eleotrie light company to agree
upon a price forfuruisblugstreetlights.
Tbe Dalles has been in darkness since
the first of the month. This Is a con
dit(on to be deplored. After having
onoyed the luxury of street lights for
a number of years the residents of the
oity do not deBire to retrogress, and go
back to the "dark age," as it were.
The city cannot afford 1 1 pay the prices
demanded by the comp tuy and tha&e
prices are the best that ure liable to be
offered. . ... .
8tayton Starch Factory,
The searob for a site for the proposed
starch factory is occupying the atten
tion of Messrs. Lee Brown, E. Sbep-
pard and H. Borchert, a:tiug8sacon.
mittee for tbe branch, exchange, Two
or thee properties suitable for the
buildings of the plant, situated within'
easy access of an abundant water
power, bave been looked over, aud
discussed, but no further action as yet
has been taken. The committee has
asked for further time to decide the
matter. Tbe starch factory is a settled
thing. We are going to have it. One
member made a test and got about 12
pounds of starob from a bushel of
potatoes. In taste and appearance II
is equal to the best. Stayton can
compete with the world iu growing
potatoes. Tbe trust cannot down us
in tbe open market, There la a ready
market for starch at 4o per pound
wholesale. We can pay 25 cents for
potatoes and still leave it good margin.
Stayton Mafl.
What a Wild Oat Did,
Dr, Clara M, Davidson had a peculiar
surgical case on band yesterday Irs.
J. W. Carr, living on South mmer-
oial street, in this city, while eating
some canned wild berries, swallow 'd
a wild oat which had been allowed to
remain iu the fruit while it was being
canned. She did not know what the
foreign substance was, but was con
scious that It had lodged iu her throat
causing her great pain and annoyance.
Her effort to dislodge it seemed only
to make tbe matter worse. W ben she
called at the doctor' cflta,. tbe Utter
made an examination, whloh resulted
lu the discovery of tbe wild oat (tick
ing In thetOBall, being deeply -impeded
in that organ through the efforts to
swallow It Tbe beard of the pat pro.
Jeotad from tb tonsil. Dr. Davidson
finally removed the obnoalou sub
stance, using H pair of artery forceps
in tb optra'- klw Post
; H tk ad M tb IV. E. Slain Cloth
'"' April 25, 1898.
Rev. L. D. Beck, of the Cuinlerlaiid
Presbyterian church, from Seattle,
formerly of Nashville, Tennessee, held
a revival meeting here last week. He
came to this place to preach to Tennes
seans, he being a native of the state of
Tennessee. He Is one of the best
preachers f hat Tennessee has ever
listened to. Everyone regretted his
departure. ' ' ,.
Mr. and' Mrs. C. D. McKnlght, of
Knox Btitte, were at this place last
' Charles Swink. has taken the"blcy.
cle fever." A bicycle was the only '
: A petition is being circulated through
the country to form this place Into a
separate road district. This will be a
Very good plan as there has never been
a supervisor appointed from this place
and therefore, there has not been aa
much work done on our road as there
should have been. Most of the work :
having been doue on the nralrle whera
the work is least needed.
. There Is some talk of organizing a
ball team at this place, both a first and
second nine.
' ' Will Qo to England,
v Mr.. Samuel Nixon returned from
Albany yesterday where he hed been
toi pay his taxes, and also get a ticket
to! New York. Mr. Nixou is adminis
trator of the Martin (Mill. .t.t.
valued at $34,000, ai leaves for Man-
Chester, England, tomorrow to see If
he can find heirs named in the will
Who were bequeathed $10,000, and was
last heard of at that place. Mr.Nlxon
has bad the estate's affairs settled nn
fof some time, aud is making a last
emirs m ntm tne missing heirs before
their portion will have reverted to the
8inoe the above was in tvoe we h-arn
that Messrs. May & Douirlua
adininisirators of the estate and that
Al f . is ixon is executor of Mrs. Costello's
will, aud since, the entire bualni
turned over to him. Harrlsburg Ee-
f,ew, .
The New Steamer "Albany."
Ill the desire to meet thn iiemnnria nt
the travelling public the O C A E have
placed on the Portland anrl rnrooin.
roote their new and fast steamer,
''Albany," elegantly furnished, Includ
ing a new piano. ' The "Albany"
maKes tne trip rrom l orvallis to Port
land iu 11 hours without layover In
Salem. Leaves Corvallis down river
MOiiflays, Tuesdays and FriduvM r 1
A. M Albany 8 A.M., Salem 11 A. M.
ana arrives in Portland at 6 P, si. Up
river leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thurs
days and eaturduys fmm Taylor street
dock at 8 A, M.. H-Iimi. .1 p. m . A
8:30 P.M. and arrives in Oorvillisat
lO.OO n T .V.
iu.uu r. ait rare irom uorvaiiis or
Albany to Portland $1 25; round trip
'W; ' ' Edwin Stonk.
' Manager.
AU Parties ttldolitod to ma will InL-a nnllna ,h.t .
1 have placad my notes and accpnnts, for rolleo
lion, withsaai'l M, Garland, and have tastracted
at' attorney to collect tie same without delay.
j, u. BIAYES, '
successor to Mayer & Kuabroogh.
My instructions are rjositivo. and no nnrcuoiia.
ble time can be given, hah'v M. Oakland,
Ladies, Miss Dumond offers you
better bargains iu bats than ever be
fore. Trimmed hats from $1 to $5.
Sailors, 20c and up. Look In at the
windows as you pass by.
NO. 900
ONLY $1.00 IT'8 "ATY-
No. 900 Black made of English
Sateen $1.33.
':..'.' imm ,
: N?w York; Cash Stoi