The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 16, 1896, Image 4

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    r 1
The Remarkable Vitality of
an Aged Californian.
Stands To-day Unscathed by Disease How He
Conquered Rheuma&sm-li's Slfflfffl .p
Interest and Benefit all Old 1 ' -J
- ' Folks. . -:t;
From Uu JScomiiwr,
Tlwre It it lnut me happy man in Bu
Fmiwiaco te-day me nun whs can enjoy,
donpite the (act of hit being sixty years of
age anil of corpulent build, the (uli and free
iue of all the fovea of mind and body.
Junta Keenan ii a prominent liquor
dealer at 356 Brannan Btnet, and It it he
ho now lauding thaw who have ratond
him rrom a bed of pain to hia former youth
ful activity. Mr. Keenan had, to within a
year ago, been bleated with the enjoyment
of almost perfect health. He had ntTtr
known what itwat to be confined for weeka
at a time upon a couch of painful ditoate,
nor even to lose the vigorous action of mind
or limb which had enabled him, through the
' many years of hit buineai life, to perform
hia dally taakt unaided and nnadnted.
It waa a yearago that Mr. Keenan flnt
tiffined lie hrriof dimn to-iakr lwHj.rfthe.wr,.mid r. Liiw.
upon him. At tbt time h im trioken mykidnyi to id alarming
down by n ggn.ttted attack of rlwuma
unm, which rbbbfd him of tim QM of hk
io-rer limbi ami of ,both hit buda. For
f ill ly six weeks he lay on his conch, help
lea Tictim of the dread diseue, cad all the
time he luffered interne pais in the ejected
portions of his body. He could not mart
himself upon hit bed, and all that ha ate
had to be fed to him by thoae in attendance.
He had about despaired of arar aafenaf re
lease from the clutches of the frightful die
ease, when one morning hia attention waa
drawn to an arirertMement in a morning
Pper, of a remedy for rheumatism. The
story of what succeeded this casual glance at
a ruetiicine adrertisementcan best be told in
the words of iir.j Keenan himself, who
when asked for an explanation of hia seem
inply miraculous cure, gave the following
f It seemed to me that after all the weeks
af terrible goffering that 1 had endured there
could not posgi'ily oe a...relief. IJiad no
faith in patent' medicines, and when I saw
in a paper the advertisement of Williams'
Pink Pills I was induced to try them only
jn sheer desperation. I did not feel any re
lief until i bearau taking the second box of
the pills, but then the pain began gradually
to leave me. my appetite became better, and
I could sleep soundly throughout the niffht
without experiencing any of the jerkutg
piint that had before kept me 'awake I
continued to take the pills and it was only a
sbort time until the rheumatism had entirely
let. niv hands, and 1 had so far recovered the
use of my legs as to be able to walk abosnV
the house without awirtaiiee. In about two
weeks more 1 was entirely free from the dis
ease, but I took two more boxes of the pills
as a precaution, against a return of the rheu
matism. From the time that the last trace
of the disease lei. me I lure not felt the least
sign of it return, and I can truthfully say
that f now enjoy as free use of my limbs as
ever A did before the rheumatism attacked
"I .have, taken the pains to recommend
'Williams' Pink Pills to a number of my
friends wh are offering from rheumatism.
I think 1 know of no other remedy that will
afforavsach quick and permanent relief from
rheumatism as do Williams' Pink Pills, and
I only hope that many others may be brought
to see ana feel the high curative powers that
i the pills possess."
The following case eras also called to the
attention of ihe Examiner, shortly after the
publication oftfahe above, and MveasT)
- vviwawu ms,oj ua gnat tpvi
.vvJil .
11 S
IS ONEf .il' I
and Incidents are
connected with Caiitornlaand
the War fit the Rebellion. '
will eeoiN SOON , J
To The Mojheriw I ( '
You liaveatice iSutfrsniotl now,
MdjiDp'-pea'aoi theu tetter than
ait nobanitpf ;ltlii;8 ibiiX (wept,
Mum witf.. healthy, jftair Jina
tam sua for' but little money. Can
you stand $1.00 for a suit f clothes, or
lie tn $4 01? All thtw lnw prlflU yini"
vfii find at lilruui IkkurV
ftm jyoaeitee, (bU
Four yean ago, at the time of the trouble
between the United States and Chili, as a
result of the killing of the sailors of the II. -S.
S. Baltimore, in the streets of a Chilian
city, many Americans were obliged to leave
t country for safety. Among them was
M. Lugg, the private detective and col
lector, whose office is in the Crocker Build
ing, Situ Franoisco, Gal. .
When Mr. Lugg left Chili he went across
the mountains into Argentine, travelling on
Mr.. Lugg says that the trip is a delightful
one in point of beautiful scenery and perfect
weather, but many people dislike to under
take it on account of the unhealthful stag
nant water which they are compelled tot
drink along the way. Many persons have ;
been stricken down with' disease from hav-.
ing drank of it, and in a number of cases '
the snacks have proven fatal. The native
Chilians drink the water without injury to
their systems, but it has a bad effect upon
those who are not used to it.
I fell a victim to the injurious qualities
" It snectea
if degree. V hen
I rot over into Argentine f thought the trou
ble would gradually leave me. but instead
of that it grew more aggravated and I suf
fered terribly from twins in the region of my
kidneys. ' I was en route to Chicago and I
determined to reach my destination before
the complaint should grow so serious as to
confine me to my bed. Upon reaching
Chicago I at once consulted a physician, who
told me my kidueys bad been affected by
drinking polluted water. He treated me for
some time for that complaint, but I grew
steadily worse and new ailments were added
to my already serious condition. I began to
have neuralgic pains in my head, my spine
was affected with shooting pains and I bad
no control over the urinary organs. It was
next to impossible for me to get any sleep.
I lay awake many a night sufteringtbe most
intense pains, s
relieve them.
the physician usable to
" But relief came at last. One day one of
my friends came to ray room and handed me
a box of Williams' Pink Pills. Of course I
laughed at bim for daring to think that any
patent medicine could aid me when my
physician had failed. I took the pills, how
ever, to oblige my friend more than for any
faith I had in them, and I was treated to the
most joyous surprise of my life when I real
ized that I was being relieved of my pains.
First the peculiar pains along my spine
ceased, ana tn
gan to grow let
then my neuralgic trouble be-
to grow less and finally left me entirely.
It took a good while to improve the con-
dition of my kidneys, but after I had taken
a number of boxec
of the pills I knew that
they had done their work successfully, for
then I had regained control of the urinary
organs and the action of my kidneys was
strong and steady.
" When I thought I was out of all danger
I quit taking the pills. Tbe relief they had
afforded was permanent, however, and I
have never since felt a recurrence of the
complaints. I hardly know how to praise
Williams' Pink Pilia as they should he
praised. They certainly are a wonderful
preparation. I have recommended them to
a number of my friends who were suffering
from kidney complaints, and they have au
been benefited by their use." t
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
are new given to the public as an unfailing
blood builder and nerve restorer, curing afl
forms of weakness arising from a watery j
condition of tbe blood or shattered nerves.
The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be
seat post paid on receipt of price 60 cents a
box, or six boxes for S2JS0 (they are never
sold in bulk of by the 100) by addressing
Dr. Will anu' MedicisW Company. Bchtae,
Nutlee of Dlmolutlon.
Notice b hierehy giveu Ihut the'orf
partnership heretofore exiting be
tween J. O. Mayer and C. H. Kim
nniuph and known a Unyer A
Kiiuurnugh, and engaged In a general
grocery business in Lebnnnu, Linn
county, Oregon, has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent. All parliea
indebted to the partnership are 'earn
estly requested to aettle at once, all
account to be paid to J. (J.-Mayeiv -.
'1 i J.-C. Mavbb, .
C. H. KuinBOiubH.j.,
Ibanoii', Or.; March 12, 1896. '
Notioeof Ulenoluuon
" Notice fa htreby given that the'eo
wr(nership heretofore existing bt
iweeoG.M. Westfa'll and A. Uiupfireyj
and known as Weitfall' f Um'phrey,'
and engaged fn . a general livery and
leed.stable bnaineas in Lebanon, Llitn,
county, Orejsoiij.baa this daw Ifvl di
solved by mutual consent. AM parties
having claims against the partnership
will present them at once to the under
signed, and all parties Indebted to the
partnership are earnestly reouested to
taetUa at ve wltji the undersigned.
u. ir. wfewxet,
i s i . A. UtPKKH'. r.
Lebanon, Or., Feb; 13, lfjftj. t
IKutioo ir JPublicuitloii .
Laud Omci at Obeoo (Iitt, Oil , " ' "
i V '. ' 1'ebruary 24, imo.
Kotwe Is hereby Riven that the following,
naraed wtller lias riled notice of bis inten-
.o..Wu)aae:nnat proof , tupport of liis
Claiui, and that said proof will be nmk U
foretbe .onty 0, .f, Wnly,
""""J I vr II" MfV 2, lBDBj-Vfri'
H. E. No.7WO.tortlieR. 15. ft w v v
.i,,K.ii;; . p ?-i-
He narnes tbe following wUnesses to prove
bttoatijiiious residence upon anil cnlHvW
lion of. said land, viz: W. ban
dcrj, Hilton W. Yeoman, Oeprge A. DuWn.
ing,nriteVblte,alIdf Ijicorl,b. Or.-''
' 'Vs' '"-l A; JIiLsra;"1''
. - " ,i ' iiegiswr, ;
Five thousand mils mag ,iy)e()0f
wall bancr1 cheiin "for . a h,
, furuh(if.(., Albany, onon,
A nose of i-roperproponiomahooll
be one-third the length ol Uie tune.
1 Ca'usanddogscannotllvcBtagieaV
cr elevation than 10,000 feet above aea
' Indifmtion hofi often been cured
by drinking every morning', half an
hour before breakfast, a glaaa of ImH
The paper mills soon to be estab
lished at Way Crease, (ia will utilise
the palmetto plant, which growa in pro
lusion in that section.
Cholera, typhus and swamp fever
are due to lack of eaose, according to
Mm iaea iifurmeHes of Pa rU, but
grippe and lnttammatory awaaes are
aggravated by Its presence. The latter
are apt to become fatal during the mag
netic s tortus coincident with the aurora
bo real ia.
M. Lowell's observations give a lit
tle larger dimensions to the satellites of
Mare than have been hitherto accepted.
Bo assigns to Phobos, the one nearest
the planet, a diameter of it miles, and
ti Uelmoa, the outer one, a diameter of
ten miles. The older estimates were
u'ven and five respectively.
The planet Mars resembles the
i.rth more closely than any other of
t:ie solar system that we know any
thing about. Mars is smaller than the
enrth, and its specific gravity ia less.
Jte -atmosphere is rarer than that on
the highest mountains. It has prob
ehly no oceans and very little free water,
or.cept in spring, when the snow melts,
.'s to Mara being inhabited, It Is not in
Fresh Columbia salmon are soon
to be shipped from British Columbia to
"r.gland and Australia in eteamsbips
iUted witb ref rigeratory: Experimental
shipments have proved a succeaa, and a
company has been formed, with British
capital, to undertake the enterprise on
a large scale,. The company in building
a large cold etorage warehouse at Van
couver for storing the fish while await,
tng Bbipment The company expects
to moke more profit than is mode by the
salmon cannera.
Last year's mackerel oatch was al
most a failure, and few of tbe many ves
sels engaged in the fishery paid ex
penses. Bad weather and fog prevented
a good catch in the early part of the
si asou, and the fish were not at all
plentiful. Later in the season the
weather was good, and large bodies of
mackerel Were seen at different points
ulnng the Atlantic coast, but for some
renson they wore wild, did not. school
sr,:d could not be taken. The came con
ditions are said also to have been
noticed abroad. The Norwejrian and
Irish mackerel catches were very poor.
Be Baa a VorabaUry Goaaldenbly Uuwar
Than Is alauasoulile.
The Times of India print the cub
joined remarltabl.v-worded petitiou
from an es-member of the Billednr
mounted police. The request which
1'ie w riter wished to convey was) that
be might be furnished with a formal
certificate of bis service in the police
force: - :' v ; . .
"The bumble petition of , late
8illedar mounted olice, , most
humbly showothThat pity my griev
ances, by trumbling steps have i!rngg.'d
nw before your honor's most Treet-'d
:cliair, my days dwindling to tbe short
est span, bleated Lord give me relic
and Heaven will bless your honor's
stores. That owing to my adverse
:utes, which had then frowned my wife
md my sister to retire out from their
public lives leaving my father and sta
ler in bed of hopeless healths, Mr.
fitber exposed out hia perishable dia--positions.
There is not a soul into my
family elder or younger than me, to at
tciul.'on the sickness as above, which
then compelled me by nolens volena,
lo tender resignation of my former
post by my own, leuviug me no time to
apply your honor for certificate. Ity
tbe messing of God and your honor,
my father and my sister restored to
their former health, bnt tbe money so
saved for future expenses. When nec
essary for has been exhausted on medi
cining them.
"When I found quite involved in pov
erty, that we endured severe fastings
from tbe flummery floor even, I came
In Bombay in search of my prey, pre
sented by circumstances to tbe commis
sioner of police, who asked me for a cer
tificate of my former post, without
which I am refused by my bread. My
humble services extended over two
years under your honor's most auspi
cious orders, during which I toiled Im--patiently
by my assiduity and atten
tion with a view to start with my fur
ther advancement : in life honestly.
Voder tbe stem ernvmgs of hunger, 1
crave your leniency will be graoiously
pleased to stretch forth your honor's
cliaritful band to - fill up my wallet
spread for a certificate for the time be
ing under your honor's august orders,
only to relieve our lives from tbe pan
ic clutobea of starvation.
"Pray let me teet the gold of my for
tune in the alembic of success, but let
not my ardent tropes () re
jection, because your honor's one word
would supply my low wants. Pray do
not blast out mv fervent hope without
.'which I am not to be taken in any kind
ofacrvice. rorwhicb boonof your hon
or's merciful philanthropy and equity
In charity, I shall jointly invoke Heav
enly choicest blessings to dwell with
yjur honor's lang")ilc In yearn and ad
vancing chair." K. Y. Times.
i wt
Theorr and Practice, '
Doctor (to brother physician) Yes,
sir, tbe sovereign remedy for all ills in
fresh air and plenty of it. l'eu pie don't
let enough nir into their houws. Well.
I must hurry off; J'uj on au errupd,
. brother Physician doing far? -'
"io, only down to the hardware store
tp get half a mile of weither strips.'
X Y. Weekly.
Frescoes of Mad -
He (wnispering) I he,ir your
father coming. Glmll I turn up the gu'l
1HW-4IB. Tar h vuWiVtt.
.. t;:, ; . - v :
s Makes ilis Blood Pure
! This Is the secret ot the mires
by Hood's tfanuparilla. Reail tliia:
to writs that I
am now in por
faotbaslthaad It ball baeauas
Hood's larsa
parllla mala
my blood pare.
My health
broke dewa
with troubles
psoaliat to I
woman, ay I
narveua ayt-
tern was ahat
tand and I
bad to take say bed. The payalotaa ssM
Uere waa little hops for ne. A aslihaer
tela ol wondarlul cunt by Bood't Sana-
Crllla and I daeldtd to try It. tThaa I
d taken I bottles, X coutaaitapaadaow
1 am parttotly wail and strong. -
Hood's SarsapaiElla
ass aona an tnis lor me." tnan, u, f.
fiDUU, ta PlatU City, Colorado.
Hn'a Oitlo enre huMtual eonttl-
liuvw m a um
' Uua. JFiluaaM. ln sua.
Thos. F. Oakes, Menty 0. Payne, Henry C
- Rouse, Receivers.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Oraud Vprk
illlihla " ,
New York
B n mill nil
P nfii ti knI aut. South
For inronnatiot); time cord a, ma wid.
tickets, cull on or write
, W. C. PETERSON, Agent,
ID, CHARLTON, Asst. Gesl. Pass, igt.,
Portland, Oregon.
Is Your Child
; Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Thourough preparation, for
all collegiate courses.
Certificates admit to the
leading Colleges on the coast.
Normal Department gradu
ates obtain State and Life di
plomas. Music, Art, Book
keeping. Specialties, health
and outdoor life, small clas
ses and instruction for the in
dividual. .. Winter term opens Sept 23.
i union $ o.ou ana $ muu per
term, eena lor catalogue,
J. W. CDSICK4C0, Bankers,
Transact a general Banking kuHiness
Cnlleotloim made: at all uoinlsoi.
fovoralile terms.
Drafts drawn on New York, San
Francisco, Portland, Sulein, Euoene,
and Cnrvallis, and all points in u-
rope. ; ; -Business
aent by mall will nc-elv.'
prompt attention. '
Vta have the latest styles in slioti.
and sell theui at bard-tiuie prices.
rWU Slt'.NCV.
Bhoes away dowu-riuiillly atruv un
at the climlng out sule of Head, Pea
cock A Co.
Ladles cloth, all wool, 38 Indira wide.
J9ots..ner yard-cash, at Read, l'c.
Conno(it nt Yaqulna Bay with Hie
Kun Fruuolscn aid Yaquina Bay elteain
ablp Conipuny
SteajEship "Farallon"
Aland HntttuH(i In evely resp! I.
Balls from Yaquina for Sun f'rnuttitia)
-about every 8 days.
Passenger accommodations uusiit-
, laaed. Hborteat route between the
Willamette Valley and California.
' Fare' from Albany or poluts west to
Ban Frutivlasn:
.$12 00
... ,8 00
Cabiu,roundtrip,60dsi 18 00
ForaallliitluySairply to
H. LI WaLdkn,- Agent,
Kdwin 8tonr Ma'ger.', t Albany,
, Cnrvallis, . Oregon.
, , , Oregon, , . '
. Chas. Ci.a'kk, Supt.,
' Oresrmi
ana aaaanra.
MaiOH Mnna
ftaforauunaaaadfrM RaaaaMk wrtwia
Munn w, ni aaoADWAT, naw viiac.
OkUM batwui tor aawirlat paaaia la Awrtee
BTtrv paunt ukae out by no U broiulit bmtttm
a paaue m a aouaa ainn aaa at aama ta urn
Lanr drm!Moo oT u,j tcHuWh prr tn tN
world. 6plnUliilT lllnTM4. Ho luwlllfvnt
nor aar Mitait
Jr liioiirMMU,
irlthout It, W
yciuiMtM. tttA Urowtwaj, Haw ifodt Wtf.
4 ' toitatne JtaMriou
S - .. . '1j
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc.
Pictures and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Some Men
Try Advertising
As the Indian tried feathwg. He took one
.-. fttntlinr laid it nn a 1. ...J i i . .. ..
' - auu bicjjii Ull n ail
" niEh' 'In the morning he remaiked,: "White
man say feathm heap soft; white man d-
. fooi," . ; ' , ,
You may start in a small way (most of the large adver-
tisere have), but by keeping persistently before the public
you cannot fail of success. , An article of merit advertised
in the Lebanon Express is sure to find plenty of customers
among the many people who
Headquarters : 'mmmmmm
for, Sweet Peas
! -....THE ONLY
51 NEW DOUBLE SWEET PEA Brido of Nlara
i True to name. Packet 25 cents, .half pintS h&
J w'ondartui Crimson Rambler Rose
?1 SFiSil"65 WtVl 16M
-, the rionEEB BEED OAYALOOUfi. -
H ChromQ:litliirapla of Double Sweat
;) Iea.' KlMetl Fllcluin Wliil Pl,n-.
t IWv ''I M Tomato, ViclcV JT -aim. In!
i Leader roaiato, Vcgcwblet. ... . (Cli,nw .ly j... . M
() Filled with good things old and new. . - WhttT '
Foil list of Flowers, Vegetablet, SnsiU HaUataA ' . ht&
wj tree witkaa order fctaai of Ihastevt. .cud fno itu onUr-ntllf 2
Biat Sliavaa, Hair Out or Hliauipooat
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
U(!ien Hair DrMntti; n Spei iulty.
Fomwly Boston Jonrnil ot Chemistry
Enlai-gail are) Imoroved
lloiitaius Ihtj.1 niniilk,r "f Pliort,
Kasy, rnictlMl, liiurtiirir and l'i.
lilar, Kelei.tllli-: ar id,., rlmt etiv He
Appreciated antl enj i-l . m v Intel,
limuit nawli-r, -vi. Hi uyli tie kni'tv
Huh' cr no hiii,.i'iJ('iii t,
frofasjl, IllDstn.tiil ni Free
; ' Proji Tcrt n'c tilths.
tta-tl..tlM nirl, M tit f, j-inl,
a-St.'nUir !i. ji.ii'rfi-i cin."tj
In-cmt i; .i-m. lat'lur una
' tilert In I nil In tin- World
i'm; ji i-sv iiv
BKHJ l.U .1 V.U Iltw York.
R E L I-'E F.
read these "columns regularly.
Tried and True 1W''
8 WW
. 7
uouDlewl' .! Mlai. VS
Blackburn Thm Ik..- ,tnomn.l iffH