The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 09, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
Onoyear v-200
(If paid 111 advance, II u IHir year.)
Blx mnnl l 1 !J
Three montlw ...... ?V
Gen. W. McTlrirta Senators
John H. t?iulioll,
Binder Hermann Congressman
William P. Un- Governor
H. It. Kincaid ' Secretary of Slut
Phil Metschan Treasurer
5. M. Irwi'u, dnpt. Public Instruction
H W lo(l Bute Printer
F. A Moore, Supreme Judges.
C. K. woolvortou.l
J iiillie J.N. Duncan
Recorder, 1). F. Hardman
Clerk K. Noedhan
Slieriir, 3. A. McKeron
Bohool 8upcrmtcndciit.,...A. K. Kutherford
Treasurer P- Morris
Assessor W. F. Deakins
Surveyor E. T, T. Fisher
Coroner A. Javne
rt , . i John PurIi
Commissioners j j M Waters
!.'. E. l'l'llll,
J. 11. SMITH,
S. 11. BEAM AN.
City Count.'1 nm-u en Uie Brat and third
Tuesday evening' of each month.
Secret Societies".
LINN TEXT, No. 7. K. 0. T, M.-lU In 0. k.
K. Hull on Thursday iivoiiIiik of each week.
Tranwient Sir KniKhtft are enrdlolly Invited to
vlxll till1 J'elil nteetuia. -
C. W. Stoksr, Cora,
UKO. W. Kil l:, K. K.
rhlSol; LUIillE, No. US. A. 0. EW.-Moets
every I'litiwlny cveninir at (J. A . B. Hall.
H. V. KlHKl'ATRlCK, at. W.
,1. P. Hint:. Iter.
i tiianon IJIIHiK. ISO. 47. I. 0. 0. r.-Ueeti
,lr) Saturday evMiiur at Odd Fellows Hall, at
o'cl.rk . A. K. DAV18, N. G.
W. C. 1'l.THIiHON. Beefy.
I'EARl.Kr.nKOl.' 4 UDUK. HO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.
sieota(I. 0. O.FII,'ll lint and third Wcdiuw
MATnK A.f UIHtlB, Hot'T.
LEBANON UIWiK No. 44 A. P. A. M. Meets
Saturday cveimn;. on ortieiorc the K mooll to
each month, at Masonic Halt. Cor. Stain aud
Urnnt u. Uojoumluit bretheni corplally Invited
to attend.
J. Wawolf, IV. M,
E. E. Hakmack, Sec.
J()HN F. M1LLEB W. K. C. No. 15.
jncets 1st and 3rd Friday! ol each month at
tJO o, m. Annie B. Kki,
' 'rouui E, BALTaAKsa, P8'
i&m CAMP. No. IB, Division of Ore
i 4 .uttruaiu-jet In U. A. H. HaU,
(Oil, HOIK .
'ay .ovonliig. .eaeept the Ultra
every Hultiru
Oirth, inocung the tniro rn
Saturday of each , aKtm, , Vet.
day Instead. AU " k llordi.iu-
aranitaiidcomradt.H ,
Invited to moot. Willi .V'" 'g Cant.
A. TklWEV, Finn Bed,
uiu. u u it ..,- L L. O. T, il:
Moetaontiieal. 411. .d' A.h V, e,e"lD "
..t . . .., , . " . . . Hall. Tian
i,i i.o,i ua..UK -M n,.iun mv"0 w
attend. ' ,
Hwjiah 8., Lad T
!".t,UK Bai.thahhu, Lady K, K.
Sam'l M. Garland.
Weatheriord 4 Wyatt,
L'ulint W niualin, 18 yards, (1. Cabot
A ttiUBlin, 17 yards, $1, Hope mualln,
blenched, 12 ynrda, 11. Other goods in
proportion, at Head, PeaotKili dt Co.'s.
During our oltwlng out sale nogiwda
will be sold eiwpt for spot caalk.
lUat), f.AOW 00.
Is Simmons Liver Regulator don't
forget to take It The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism, You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator to do it it also
regulates the Liver keeps It properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body Invigorated.
You get THE BESI BLOOD when
your system Is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it In powder or In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but takeSiMMONs Liver regu
lator. You'll find the RED 2 on every
package. Look for it
i. II. Zellin & Co., Philadelphia. Fa..
Albany Steam Laundry
Albany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction (Juitranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
Lehanon, - Oreieon.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co.
Fxiref h trains leave Portland daily :
X:ftO l'. a. i I.v... Portland Ar. I S:10A. M
12:10. a. j Lv...AIIaiiy ..Ar. 4:t0A.
10:4 A. a. I Ar.Hun Kranciaio Lv 7 :00 r.
The above trai'iu atop at K8t l"rt"
laud. Ortariiii i'll.v. WrmilUuru, hulem,
Turner, Murinti, Jeft'eraou, Albany,
Albany Junilioti, Tangent, Bhcdd,
Hulaey, HttiriHl.urt!, Juueliou City
Irviuir. Eugene. Orinwell. Drains aui
all atatinna from linaeliurg south to
aud including Aslilaud.
Hoseborp: mail daily:
"sVaO . a. I lv.. . Portland ...Ar.
4:40 P. a,
1 :16 P. a.
12:'J6p. . I.v... Albany....
6:60 r. a. I Ar,
8:00 A. a.
Local passenger
tralna dally (ecpt
Lv... Albany Ar.
Lv...Albany Ar.
9:40 A. a.
6:46 P. a,
6:60 P. a,
j At... Lebanon ...l.v.
Dining Cars op Of Jen Boute.
Pullman Bcff.jt Sleepers
g'econd Class Sleeping Cars At.
tached to all Tlirough Trains.
West Wd Jlvllon.
Portland abb Corvallii.
dully (except 8unday)r
Mail train
6:20 A.
1:36 P.
I.v... .wra,",'u.
12:16 P. M.
waO,a muiiul Willi
At Albanv and Co. TtMJi
trains of 0. C, dt E. rai.
Express train-dally (exec, H 'd'y)'
T:40 p7a. I I.v...TortlamrrAr. ' SjSi'Il!
!.. Ar.McMinnvillel.v rUSUi:
ada and Europe can be obtained at lowes,
rates from F. U. Hicknk. nueiit, Ibanon.
H. KOEHLEU, Manaaer.
F.. P. ROGERH. Asst. 0. F. Pass. Atrt.
Read, Peacock Co. are closing nut
their stock of goods at both Albany
aud Lebanon. .
Dress Goods, fine quality for ft llttlt
awnev, tt Ueud, PeuetKis & Qo.'t,
f):20 A, a.
a.ji'A. a.
4:W .
6:110 p. a.
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West
There is no drug store in Oaweg al
though one Is much needed.
Halsey will entertain the Linn
county W, V. T. U. Thursday and
A number of young lambs were
killed in Grass valley by the recent
weather, .
Wasco county's roadgrader bas be
gun work for the season, starting in on
Tygh ridge.
The Eugene Guard says (bat the
seniors at thestnte university are about
to don caps and gowns,
The gross Income of the McMlnnville
postofflce for the year ended March 81,
1895, is 68 15 larger than tor the pre
vious year.
The receipts of the county clerk of
Lane county for the year ending
March 31, exceeded the expenditures
by (213 92.
Farmers around Oaksdale are taking
a great Interest In fruitgrowing and au
unusual number of fruit trees are being
planted this spring.
Dr. Edmund V. Fall has disappeared
from Heatlle, leaving behind many
creditors. The doctor was at one time
a resident of Salem, Or.
An unusual sight in The Dalles
Tburaday was a gang of Indians at
work on Filth street. The Mountain
eer says they did excellent work,
The new sawmill of the Bell Lumber
Company at Everett started up Tues
day. Il has a capaplty of 76,000 feet a
iluy, aud gives employment to 26 men,
There is a greet deal of snow on the
summit of the Blue mountains. A few
persons have tried to cross the moun
tains with teams aud have met with
Tbe fotntlam Lumbering Company,
of Mill City, has purchased 15,000,000
feet at Berry, on the North Santiam,
aud U. 8. Ileny has tbe contract of
logging. "
C. W. Bburte left Arlington Monday
with two carloads of workhorses for St.
Paul. Shurte Bros, have several car.
loads of hursts It ft, which they expect
to ship later.
A Pennsylvania syndicate, owning
6,000 acres of Timber land in Hkagit
county, has bad it surveyed, aud estab
lished a camp for the purpose of log
ging tbe laud of'.
The little town of Watervllle on the
McKensle river, has been having a
building boom lately. The sawmill
that has beeu put Id there will be fun
ning in about a week.
V, A. Wells bought 10,600 bushels
of oala from J . 0. Wilson, M. B. Wood
oock, H. F. Fisher and G. R. Hall at
Corvallls Monday. T')e price is said
to have been about 20 cents.
Tbe acreage of oats on the Silett res
ervation will be largely increased this
year over last. There will be many
acres sown by new settlers, and the
Indians are alto greatly Increasing
their fields.
Taxes collected iu Benton county
this year, up to April 1, exceeded in
amount those for any previous year.
The uumbor of receipts issued wal 716,
as oinipared with 616 for tbe same
period last year.
Duucau Berry killed afatshetjW
In Fox valley last week, while siie wa
after blm on two feet. Two cubs that
were with her escaped, but Berry tried
out one aud a half gallons of grease
from the old lady.
The A. 0. U. W. grand lodriP.
at. Taootna . l WW "r n
constitution proiwsed for the JurtoiiC:
tlon. It Is thought probable that an
eflort will be made to locate tbe grand
lodge at Beattle or Ttiooaia, Tbe sub
ject of reducing tits membership of the
grand body will also be taken.
Grant Thornburg aud 0. V. Browo,
who were In Canyon City from Gran
ite as delegates to tbujUraut county
republican convention, came from
Granite to' Austin, distance of 35
miles, on suowsboes.
The Clatskanie council baa bought
the water system owned by Mrs.
Amanda Merrill, with a sufficient plat
of ground to Insure perm aueilt posses
sion of the spring that supplies (b
water aud enough grouud ou which to
erect tanks or fencing for protection.
'Thomas H. Rogers, recorder of Mo
m 'nnvllle, will soon have published
, 'tl e JIsw York (Sportsman his latest
,., "rvvoture, entitled "A Trip to
BlgVeai " The article will have
two-fold i.'lternst from Hie fact that
Ered G. CouP. aged IB yearn, will
Illustrate the article.
The 8 or t-'Ktli daughter ut 4lr.
and driven by C. C. Taylor in Med lord
last Wednesday. The little . girl was
throwu to the ground by the horse'
feet and two of the buggy wheels
passed over her body. She was badly
bruised but uo bones were broken.
Professor Lloyd, of Forest Grove, be
fore be made bis recent trip to Tilla
mook to study the rock oyster, was of
the opinion that the mollusk bored a
bole in the solid rock, to be turned
Into bis home, by means of Ills shell,
to which a griuding motion was given
by the muscles of the oyster Inside.
After bis study he bas changed bis
theory. He finds that the oyster bores
the chamber into the rock with bis
foot, and when the bole is large enough
tbe foot drops oft or is absorbed.
' Postmaster Crocsen, of Tliu Dalles,
bas fiuUhed estimating his receipts for
the fiscal year ending March 31, and
finds that the amount is 18,200 01, or
nearly $210 In excess of tbe amount
wbicb would entitle Tbe Dalles to be
rated as a second-tlass postofflce. The
receipts for the year previous were
$0,642 46, making an increase of $1667,
46. But three other towns in the stste
are entitled to be rated second-class.
These are Salem, Astoria and Pendle
ton, lite last-named coming in only a
year ago.
Last Saturday was unlucky day for
tbe inailcarriers in Tillamook county.
The horse of George Luce, carrier be
tween Cannon Beach and Nehalem,
was mired on False Tillamook, ai d
bad to be dug out. While ; William
Russell was gong over (he Elk creek
tollroad the bauk saved off.j and his
horse rolled down into the canyon,
He was compelled to return to Elk
creek to get an ax and shovel and make
a road up the side of the canyon to get
tbe horse out. The horse was not hurt
to any extent, and the carrier arrived
ou time.
Not Pioneer Stone.
.The tig depot at the ferry in San
Fanclsco is not to be constructed of
Pioneer stone, as was reported some
time ago, and the fuel will be a disnp
pointmenfto the people of this section.
It appears that the contract for tbe use
of the stone from the Pioneer quarry
had already been signed, but it also
seems that there was along with the
contract an agreement that no stone
was to be used tbitt would not fulfill
the requirements of the depot A test
shows tbat alt of the stone offered for
the building, only that from a quarry
in Colusa county filled the bill. This
stone bad been in competibn with the
Pioneer stone wbeu tbe latter was
adopted but the price was $58,000 more
titan the amoqpt demanded for enough
of the Pioneer stone to bud Uie depot.
when the Colusa people learned that
the Pioneer Btone was not to be used,
and that instead brick aud terra cotta
was to be used, they dropped their
price to the figures named by tbe Pion
eer stone people, and secured the con
tract As a result of repudiating the
Pioneer stone contract the Lincoln
count; quarrynien, the S. F. Examiner
says, will sue tbe depot people, Cor-
vallis Times.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers In Lluu
county like to take tbe Weekly Oregon
Ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish It at a reduc
tion from the regular prioe to those
wljn want both, tbe EJSPflESH a,nd. tl(e
Oregoiilaii, The' rognlw prioe of. the
Oregonian is $1.50 per year, and of the
Exprkbs) $1.60 when in advance. We
will furnish both for $2, per year in
advance, a saving of one dollar to the
subscriber, The Oregoniq gvea all
the general news of tbe country una a
week, and the Exi'ltESo gives all the
local news 6tice a week, which will
make a most excellent neas service
for tbe moderate sum of $2. per year.
Those who r at present subscribers
ef tbe Express must pay lu all arrear
ages and one year in advance to obtain
this special price.
Ths New Steamer "Albany."
Iu the desire to meet tbe demands of
the travelling pubilo the O C $ ; E huve
placed on tbe Portland and Corvallls
route their new and fast steamer,
"Albany," elegantly furnished, includ
ing a new piano. The "Albany"
makes tbe trip from Cnrvallls to Port
land li) J hourH without layover In
Salem. Leaves Corvallls down riyer
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 7
A. ., Albany 8 A. St., Balem 11 A. 11.
and arrives In Portland at 6 p. H, Up
river leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays from Taylor street
dock at 6 A. K , Si-lea, 8 p. k., Albany
8:80 P. M. and arrives iu Corvillis at
10) p. m. Fare from Corvallls or
Albany to Portland $1 26; round trip
Thsy Oppose the Scboolbook' Monopoly
and the Oregon State Militia,
The following platform was adopted
by tbe democratic county convention
last Friday: ,..
Tbe democrat of Lluu county, Ore
gon, in convention assembled, believ
ing that the present depressed condi
tion of tbe country is largely due to
the financial system now prevailing
In tbe United States In consequence of
the bad laws on that subject passed by
congress during the lust thirty years,
and believing tbat tbe money question
Is one of the main questions of public
importance now before the country
wean therefore unalterably opposed
to the single gold standard and In
favor of Immediately returning to the
constitutional monetary system in ex
istence In this country up to the year
1873; to this end we demand the free
and unlimited coinage of silver and
gold into equal standard legal tender
money at the present legal ratio of 16
to 1, without tbe intervention of any
foreign or European conference what
ever, and upon terms of exact equality
at the mints, nnd when so coined, to
be of equal legal tender quality for all
debts, dues and demands both public
and private in any amount. ,
i. We demand tbat all paper mon
ey aball be Issued directly by the gov
ernment without the intervention of
any national or private bunk.
3. We arp utterly opposed to the
Issuing of Interest-bearing bonds in
times of peace.
4. We favor the repeal of all speclflo
contract laws both state and national
in regard to the payment of debts iu
any particular kind of money, except
the full legal tender money of the
5. We are in favor of a tariff so ad
Justed as to affect alike our agriculture,
our luhoring people, our commerce and
9. We are In favor of a prompt aud
vigorous enforcement of the Monroe
Doctrine under all proper circum
stances. I
7. We demand such legislation by
our next legislature us will guarantee
In the electors of the state tbe oppor
tunity of expressing their approval or
disapproval of all public measures.
8. We are opposed to the present
school book monopoly of this state
whereby tbe people are compelled to
pay unjust and unreasonable prices for
school books. We therefore arraign
the republican party of Oregon for en
acting such laws whereby the school
children of the state are compelled to
pay tribute (a th, book trust, and de
mand Ibat said laws be repealed at the
next session of tbe legislature.
9. We favor tbe construction of tbe
Nicaragua canal, and tbe control there
of by the government of the United
10. To the end tbat we may have
au economical administration of ths
state government, wo demand that the
salaries of all state officers shall be kept
strictly within the limits of the consti
tution, aud that al (iroyidliig extra
foes or compensation of any duty or
service imposed by law upon such offi
cer shall be repealed. "
11. We urge upon tbe next legisla
ture the unqualified repeal of all use
less commissions and especially de
mand the repeal of the laws oreating.
the tajlrqad, commission, th,e stste
board of equalisation, and. ths domes
tic animal commission, and also tbe
repeal of the laws creating and appro
priating money fir the support of the
state and county fairs, and. (lis office
of fish ootnmiwioner snd game pro
tector. 12. W demand the repeal of all
laws providing for tbe organisation
and support of tbe Oregon State Mili
tia, and also the repeal of the law
oiwttlMg the offloe of Sjttmnej -general,
18. We demand tte re-enactment
of tbe mortgage tax law, and the
amendment of our assessment laws so
that nil the J jst indebtedness of the
taxpayer within the atate may be de
ducted from his assessment,
)4. As the salaries at present paid
to our county officials render taxation
burdensome, we therefore demand that
tbe salaries of the county clerk of Lluu
county be reduced from $2,000 to $1,600
per year; the sheriff from $2,000 tq
$,600; tbe oouuty recorder from $1,800
to $1,200; the county judge from $1,200
to $D00; the county trt aaursr trotn $1000
to mu; anil we uenouuee uie extrava
gance that has prevailed in ths county
assessor's office during the adiulnistra
tion of the present republican Incuuw
16. Wa condemn tb last lszislatur
for Its willful disregard of it pledge
for eoouoiviy and it failure to repeal
the laava uroatlnar tb useless cotnmiat
sioos, and we pMg tbe candidates
nominated by tb o nventlou In favoi
reduutiuu of talari lil all dpltttsillA
mi, ti4 mum-
Disgraceful Scenes in the Republican
Portland, April 4.-When tbe re-
publican county oonveiitlou assembled
at 10 A. M. today in the A. O. U. W.
ball, Joe Simon and Jundge Charles
H. Caaey leaders of tho opposing fac
tions, each eudeavorud to-call the con
vention to order. Both were nomina
ted as temporary chairman, and both
were deolartd eieoted by their fol
lowers. A free fight followed. Canes were
waved In the air and brought down on
tbe beads of cursing, struggling men.
Blows were exchanged wherever elbow
room could be gained to deliver them.
For five minutes the battling, per
spiring crowd surged up and down and
across the stage, and then the very
shame and disgrace of the scene
reeacted upon it, and a lull such as
comes in the height of battle followed.
.. Carey insisted that his delegate
must be seated, and Simon declared
tbey should not. For two hours tbe
battles cf words and frequent blows
were waged, and at last tbe Carey fac
tion elected delegates to tbe state and
congressional conventions, adjourned
until Monday and left the hall.
The Simon faction tben elected an
other set of delegates and a full county
and municipal ticket. D. Bolls Cohen
was named for mayor.
It was the wildest scene ever wit
nessed in a political meeting in Port
laud, and resulted in au open rupture
between the two factions, whioh seem
to be nearly evenly divided.
Yamhulers Being Buncoed.
"Old Yamhill" has a new sensation,
she s fairly giddy with excitement.
It is none of your cheap John affairs
that can't get upon its bind legs and
walk across a ten-acre lot without
limping, either. It is a full-fledged
go-as-you-please and get-there-if-you-can
gold mine boom. The fever Is
spreading worse than the whooping
cough or measles, aud the sturdy old
Yamhillers are being buncoed into the
belief that the new Eldorado has been
discovered in the foothills west of
McMiuuville. The new mineral lode
is a mammoth ledge of dark conglom
erate rock which starts in on the east
sida of the coast range runs clear
through tbe mountains aud drops off
into the Pacillo ocean. McMinuvilla
Trauscrlpt. . '
Republicans in Lane.
Eugene, April 4, Following wa)
the result of the republican county
convention held here today: Benator,
I JJ unver; representatives, d G Palm,
T L Morehead, T .1 Vaugh; Judge, E O
Potter) afcerlfi:, A J Johnson; clerk, A.
O Jennings j commissioner, WT Balk
ey; assessor, D P Burtonj superintend
ent,CM Hunt; treasurer, D Glistrap;
coroner, J W Harris, congressional
delegates, J H McClung, Win Kuyken.
dali, J A Burlingame, E Baiiga, H l
Runu, Darwin BrietQW, C H Burkhol.
der, I 0shH. 1 G Stevenson, R
BHawley, jasper Wilklna, Hermann:
hoe 8 of the delegates and H B Miller
the other.
Dissolution Nstttft.
Notice la hrthy given that tbe eo
partnership heretofore existing, be
tween J, O. Mayer and C, H. KJtn
brougb and known as Mayer
Kirubrough, and engaged In a general
grocery business In Lebanon, Llna
county, Oregon, has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent. All par tie
Indebted to the partnership are earn
estly requested to settle at once, all
accounts to be paid to J. O. Mayer.
J. C. Mayer,
C. H. Kimbrouxiu.
Lebanon, Or,, March 12, 181.
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring sise in feet and Indies with yen.
It costs you nothing to have your ejus
pew sewed by band by the Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon.
Weak Ankle Shoes
For Babies,
-20th Century Shoes-
For Ladies,
For Everybody at
W York Cash Stone,