The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 02, 1896, Image 4

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    Pale, Thin People Usually are Diseased.
The First Step Necessary to Gain Flesh is Health,
then Proper Food for both Body and Nerves.
An Old Soldier's Cleary Straightforward Statement.
h tht Worid-Htrald, Omaha, Keb
Florence, the cozy little suburb to the
north of Omaha a agog with excitement. ;
The older generation, of which the popula
tion of Florence is mostly composed, are ap
parently geiung youue atnriit. and vie wnh
the younger generation in feats of strength
and aeility.
A World-Hemid reporter wns attracted hy
the evidence of renewed activity of mwe of
the oWw inhabitants of the viH:ciuhi en
quired the cause. Mr. Andrew F.iiki'i.ktr,
who was a member of Company II of ;le
First Iowa Volunteers duriu? tite wur, nituie
the following explanation of his wrong,
healthy appearance, when for rears tie had
been crippled or compelled to lie on a sick
bed with a complication of disorders result
ing from the hardships which he was com
Del led to endnre. He said : -
"In July, 1866, while my oomjwny(ww
on-the march through to Austin, Texas, my
leg troubled me considerably. Hut I thought
that it was nothing but a recurrence of ttie
effects of a aprain I had received during the
war by my bone failing on me, but the
pain soon increased to such a degree that I
was compelled to ask for medical treatment.
The nirgeons pronounced the cause rheu
marism, and that of the worst order. At
Alexander, Louisiana, I was in such a weak
ened condition, though I continued to march
with my company, that the excessive heat
overcame me and I was sunstruck, remain
ing unconscious several hours. As a result
of the sunstroke, I was unable and liave
ever antes been unable to remain in the
rlare of the sun, even on a moderately cool
day, and every summer I have been over
come by the heat so that I would be com
pelled to give op my wort The frelin
thai I experienced was a sort of bearing
down on my head, as though a heavy body
was resting there and at times it would
come quickly, like a blow and I would un
consciously stoop as though involuntarily
mvotdin? an obstacle presenting itself to my
Head, i nn oeanng uown gradually grew
into a steady pain which increased until it
seemed as though my head would burst.
There was also a constant ringing in my ;
ears rendering it very difficult for me to.
hear. Coupled with tliis, palpitation of
toe Heart caused me great trouble, ana this
grew so that the slightest shock to my
nerves from a slight noise or other disturb
ance would setmy hwttothumping against
my chest and I would tremble from head to
foot as though I bad St. Vitus' dance. Three
times, from slight circumstances the palpi
tation was so great that I hunted and re
mained unconscious for from seven to ten
hours, at which times my relatives de
spaired of my life. In addition to this the
rheumatism, which had been felt only in
my ankle, began to work up my right leg
until the whole right side of my body was
affected bv it, so much indeed, that my
head was drawn down to my right shoulder.
I was totally unfit for work, lost mystrength
and fteth. I tried every physician who was
Tenoned to me to have a special knowledge
of my case, but after lone trials, I only ex
veneneed temporary relief from the rain.
I was confined to my bed during the greater
part of the cold weather of each year.
" For twenty-eight years I have consulted
phvsieians and taken their prescriptions
without deriving any material benefit. My
ailments increased is intensity until I was
asm red that there was no hope for me. dur
ing hut year I went into the butcher busi
ness, but the dampness from the ice used
increased my rheumatic pains to such an
extent that I was not only compelled to
quit .the business, but was confined to my
house and bed far nearly six months.
I had gives up all faith of being a well
man again, when in November last.) roid is
the Werid-Meroid a case ol a man who had
Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Co.
Connect a' Yaquina Bay with ibe
San Francisco ai d Y&quiua Bay Steaiu
ablp Company
SteaicsMp "Farallon"
A 1 and firetclase in every respect.
Bails from Yaquina for Baa Franckco
bout every 8 days.
PasBeDger accorumodutions uimur
pawed. Hhorteat route between the
Willamette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to
Ban Francisco:
Cabins-: $12 00.
Steerage, 8 00
Cabin,rouDdtrip,G0ds. 18 00
For sailing dayeapplj to
fl. JL Walden, Agent,
Edwik Stone, Ma'ger., Albany,
Corvallis, .., Ori'gon.
: i Chas. Clark, Snpt.,
v CrvalliH,
' ' " ' ; " " Oregon.
J. W. CUSICK&CO., Bankers,
Transact a general Banking busiuewi
Collections made at all pnimscn
favorable terms., '
Drafts drawn on KW York, 6an
Francisco, Portland, Balem, Eugene,
and Corvallis, and all points in Ku-
Busioesssent by mail will receive
pompt attention. . , .. '
Bee the ad of the h. E, Bla'iii Cloth;
log company on another page. .
Shoe away down-quality away upj
rulXaie clasing out sale or Kead, ieu-
been entirely cured from the ailments from
which 1 was sntferinc.hythe use of Ir. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Though
the name did not at tins strike my fancy, on
November 2S, I purchased a box. In a week
I was astonished to kuow that I felt better
than I hitritursix mouths past, ami before
I had used half a hox 1 was sure titnt 1 had
found a cure iw my ailments. The riugiu?
in my ear Imgan to lessen in volume sua
tiiunly left me. That was the first effect I
experu um! aside from an increased appe
tite. The pain from the rheumatism grad
ually left me, so that within one week from
the time I took my first pili 1 was able to
sit up in bed. On January 1st. I was able
to go out and walk around a little. The
palpitations of my heart entirely ceated.
On Pehrurary 9, 1 was so thorouglily cured,
that I accented a position us night watch
man in the Forest Lawn Cemeterv, remain
imr niit .if doom from tiP. M. until A A. M
' 1 hare gained in weiaht from 144 pounds '
wnum i weienea m jx-veniDer last, tu 13
pounds which J weigh now.
'The rheumatism has entirely left me,
except when I have too much walking to
do during the night, my right ankle pains
me a little, but only when 1 do too much
walking. I now feel like a well mm and
am good for forty years yet. I am titty
years old and have resided in Florence nine
years, having come to Omaha in H81. I
have rernm mended the pills to nine people
in this village all of whom are taking them
and experiencing the same beneficial effects
which I have received. I used nine boxes
of the pills."
Mr. E. W. Cowan, keeper of a general
store at Florence was also seen by the re-
- porter. ir. cowan is aiso an out sonnet,
having been a member of the 144th Infitn
; try. Company C, and the latter of Company J
of the First Minnesota Cavalry. Mr. Cowan
! stated that he contracted chronic diarrhwsv
I while he was in the army and has never
j until within the post few months, received
I any relief. He stated that lie had taken
two boxes of the wonderful Pink Pills and
was now almost thoroughly cured, so much
so in met that he hns discontinued their use.
He was also paralyzed in the left side of his
face, the mouth being drawn up at the left
corner, and he was entirely unuole to move
the muscles of his forehead or to close hit
left eye. He states that he believes ft is
owing to the use of the Pink Pills that he
has recovered the use of his left eye-lid,
which, prior to his taking the pills, had
been fastened down by a physician so that
the eipht would not be destroyed from the
eye filling with dust, and ascribes the re
covery to the Pink Pills. He has gained
fifteen pounds in weight since last October,
and feels healthier and stronger that at any
time since the war. He intends to recom
mence using the pills with the expectation
of a complete recoverv from the paraJvsis.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
are considered an unfailing specific for
such diseases as -locomotor ataxia, partial
naralvsis. St. Vitus dance, sciatica, ueu-
! ralpia. rheumatism, nervou headache, the
atureaects ot la gnppe, palpitation of the
heart, pale and sillow complexions, that
tired feeling result in? from nervous pros
tration ; all diseases result ice from vi tin fed
humors in the blood, sin'h as scrofula,
chronic erysipelas etc. They are also a
specific for troubles peculiar to females
such as suppressions, irregularities, and all
forms of weakness. In men they effect a
rudical cure in , all cases arising from
mental worry, overwork, or excesses of
whatever nature. lt. AViJlitims' Pink Pilla
are sold hy all dealers, or will be sent post
paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box or
six boxes for S2..7U ithcv are never sold in
i bulk or by the 110, by aildrwii!g Dr. AVji
; liauu' Medicine Co., bcheuectady, Ji. Y. ,.
Tbos. F. Oakes, Hcnr)' C. Payne, Henry C.
Rouse, Keceivera.
. Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Grand Forks
Hnltena and
Chicngo ' ' ,
Kf lotk
BfiNtnn snd all
Pnlnt. jei.t nsd rindth ' J
For information, time cards, rua and
ticket call on or fcrtte
;, 'W, C. PJETEESOH, Agent,
' -OR ,
I..iCHARLTOK, ftssttteDlPass. Agt,
Portland, .Oregon.
We have latest styli in shoea
and sell them at hartl-time prices
It Is on a Cattaraugus Otwutty Paras, wad
InfaUtbU Foretells WMther.
There is ft curious well on the Flint
farm in the town of Ureat Volley, Cot" i
tunings county, K. T. It Is a natural j
barometer. Kobody ever passe that j
form, winter or summer, if the weather j
is settled, without asking soniothiug
like this: I
"Does the well threaten a change?" j
For everyone knows that if there is j
bad weutber coming1 the well will let
them know it sure us sure can be, anys :
the Isew York Sun. " i
They oall the well up there thel
"whistling well," although it doesn't
whistle now. Hut that isn't any fault J
of the well. This well was dup about j
fifty years ajro by the father of CoL
Flint, who now occupies the farm. He j
put it down forty-five feet, but found i
counter current sucked the air back
into the mysterious depths. It wasn't j
long before the discovery was made '
that within forty-eight hours after the j
outrushing current from the well
started the whistle to shrieking' a
storm invariably followed. When the i
tone of the whistle was changed by :
the reversing of the current, it was j
discovered that the change meant a
change and the coming of fair weather, j
These weather signals never failed, j
When the weather was settled the
whistle was silent. The whistle pot j
out of order some years ugo, and, for ;
some reason, was never repaired, but 1
the coming and going currents of air j
Btill prophesy the coming of their re- j
spective "spells of weather" with un- j
varying infallibility. j
The Most Conducive to tlw Health of Any
Vegetable Known.
New discoveries or what claim to
be discoveries of the healing virtues
of plants are continually being made.
One of the latest is that celery is a
cure for rheumatism; indeed, it is as
serted that the disease is impossible if
the vegetable be cooked and freely eat
en. The fact that it is always put
upon the table raw prevents its ther
upeutic powers from being known.
The celery should be cut into bits,
boiled in water until soft, and the
water drank by the patient Put new
milk with a little flour or nutmeg into
a sauce-pan with the boiled celery,
serve it warm, with pieces of toast, eat
It with potatoes, and the painful ail
ment will Boon yield. Such Is the dec
laration of a physician who has again
and ngatn tried the experiment, and
with uniform success. Ho adds that
cold or damp never produces butsimp'.y
develops the disease, of which acid
blood i the primary and sustaining
cause, and that while the blood is alka
line there can be neither rheumatism
nor gout
Statistics show that in one year,
lt!6ii. 2.610 persons died of rheuma
tism in this country, and every case,
it is claimed, might have been cured
or prevented by the adoption of the
rvmHly mentioned. At least two
thirds of the ciites named heart disease
a e ascribed to rheumatidm and its
agonizing fiiiy, pout. Smal!-po, so
much iircukd, is nt half so destruc
tive as rheumatism, which, it is main
tained by many physicians, n be pre
vented by obeying nature's h'.ws in diet
But if you hvo incurred it Boiled cel
ery is unhesitatingly a specific. The
proper way to ent celery is to have it
cooked as a vefjeuible after the man
ner above described.
The writer makes constant use of it
in this way. Try it once, and you
would do without any vegetable!, with
the single exception uf the potato
rather than calory. Cooked celery is
a delicious din for the table, and the
most conducive to the benlih ot any
vegetable that can be mentioned
Leeds Mercury.
Correction of Wrong lmprewloM About
the White Monjuuiua ol the Ocean.
The only two varieties that are worthy
of consideration, owing to their impor
tance, are icebergs and ice noes, says
llome and Country.
The icebergs are originally simple in
iorro just huge hunks of ice. They
are entitled to the name of 'berg," or
mountain, only because they appear as
such when floating on the flat surface
of the open sea. When seen close to
the mountainous, rock-bjund coast of
Greenland, close to where they have
been thrown off by the glaciers, they
look remarkably small and Insignifi
cant. Roughly speaking, they arc
about-as large as a house, and vary in
size about as much as houses do. To
be more accurate, few are over one
hundred and fifty to two hundred feet
in height, and icebergB reaching a
height of three hundred feet are ex
ceptions. The bergs of northern seas arc not so
broad and long as these of the Antarctic
ocean, the latter not infrequently Gov
erning a surface of Over a Kuuarc mile.
The former therefore look like huge
blocks, rather than the huge fragment
of ice plateaus of the southern polar
seas.. Futhermore, the southern ice
bergs appear to be composed of two or
more strata or layers of ice. nndare far
clearer than Uieir northern sisters, on
account of their freedom from foreign
matter and the purity of the ice which
composes them. These distinctive fea
tures are not so promiten-. in the old
bergs which have been partly melted
and brqken away by the water.
The porous glacial ice of the bergs it
about one-seventh lighter than sca
watcr, and only onc-seventhof iLi bulk
juts above the surface of the water, it
must not lie imagined, however, that
an iceberg one hundred feet high
reaches mx hundred feet below the sur
face. This would be the case if the
berg were an exact geometrical ligure,
which it in not It la oue-soventh
of its bulk that appears above the sur
face, and not of its height. The part
under the water the remaining nix
eventua may be made up in width
and tareuuiii, ru'.lnr than depth, us in
teed U guncrnUt' Q oyMt, , . t
Washington and His Mother,
General A. V Greeley, In consider
ing "The Personal Hide of Washing
ton" In April I.mliea' Home Journal,
will bring to bear Interesting light
upon him as son, husband, uelghlior,
('imincHH man, slave owner (is uire
nearly alt Virginia luud-owiicra In his
day), and Christian. With repect to
the charges Hint Washington wnsi
neither a dutiful nor loving son, Qvu-
eral Oreely will sa : '
."TlHle Ml-, i'ui't'fl to have;
Iwcn what 'u.-ty tie etill ,1 un lm,"n,iiii.
ibility of teiupcrutni lit, arising p -..-l-:
bly from their piwweaslng strong nod j
similar diameters It sinmhl lie:
remembered that Washington's train ,
log in the broad school of pnlithw and
war threw him not only In contact'
with the sturdy, rough humanity of
the frontier, hut also with cultured j
men of all profwlnn, while hhv
mother's life was practically eonlliied '
tnasingte Virj; inin -tnity. Nearly;
every letter of the lumber l a rum-;
plaint of the h: rd tiini anil the diffi
culties under which she exifted, the j
Inference Mug dnulilless ennvryed ;
that Washington wax neglectful of her. j
The determined ol ' lady cUisid-j
ered that her son was a bankr, who'
could Ik- drawn on to make good ull j
delicieni'ies resulting from tliievl-h
overseers, bad management, ntul un j
favorable crop renditions. Th-ne drafts 1
iv ..t.t, i,u,i .. ,....u.a....1..l, ! 1
,,,, .,.- .m m.i-. ,.,., -,,. pc
ly f ir years, and even then Sfiit Iut
the last mnuev he had in hand "
Notice of Dtssolution
NotWr is htrvhy irivfii iIihT ihti
purl in ivliit hrr''tlW ,xn!f -iwif
i) O. M. V(ifll hih) A. Vinph'f ,
ami btitrxut as Wtttnlt & t'lnphri,
a i h) (MurniTi'fi in h eencral liv. ry t"rt
IwhI Mliit.f h"nliif in Li'liHitnn, I.'mhi
ntuut.w Orpjjon, hut thif riny Uh-u
Mnlvcd by inuiuut itmociit A'l mr'l-a
liuvn,? ultmiiH mruiiiHt w miriiii'iNhip
w ill prwent thru. t muvttli UhfUr
fignrd. and alt indcliH-il i- the
pHrtnvrslitp are i'nriH'Htly rHticHlfrt l
xetLle til tt)( w 'ith the tinlenmni(l
ti- M. Wbptfam.
Lebunou, Or., Feb. Hi, lHHtt.
Notice for Hullifotlo .
Lanp Onia at Orroon City, t ir.,
February IWOO
Kotiee is hereby given that the tr
epon and Caltfornia It. II, Co. hut
filfii in thiH office a lint of lunri
situated in tie townslni decritel
twlow, anil bal anplied for a )a ent for "nl t
lands; that the lint is oen to t-te ftililif fur
inspection, and a copy thereof, by dewrt
tive sulMlivisions, has leen posted in a con
venient plae v. thin office, lor the fiii--tion
of all person iutereflled and the public
Part of north hali of Hec 1. All of See H.
0,7 and 9. Part of north half an t part of
south half of rtec 11. AH of Kec 1ft. IT, ID
and 21. Fart of north half of Sec 27. The
east half ami part of west half of 8ec at.
Part of north half of Her III. Pari 'f north
half of tm: 33. AUsituure in touishi; 12
south, raiisrc 3 east.
Within the next sixty (lava follnwing the
date of this notice, proiestii or
contests ngaiiisl the claim of the
company to any tract or mi t (division
within any pectimi or part of section de
scribed in the ti.t, on the ground thot the
same in more valuable for mineral than
agricultural purHsea, will be met veil and
noted for repon lo tlieUcneral Lund Ofliee
at Washington, D. V.
lioBSRT A. Miu.KE, Hegidter.
Fetbk PAMtrr, Iteceiver.
Xotice tor Publication
Land Orricg at Okkuos City, Ob.,
February . XWi.
Notice in hereby given that the following
named settler lias filed notice of hia inten
tion to muke titm! proof in siipptrrt of his
claim, and that said proof will be made lie
fore the bounty ('lerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Or., on May 2, lWJfi. viz:
H. E. Ko. 770. lor the N, E. S, E. t
Bee. 28, T. 11 U. 1 E.
He names the following wittiest to prove
his contiimouH residence ujjon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: William W. Ban
ders, Milton W. Yeoman, George A. Down
ing, Bennie White, all of Lacomb. Or.
Robert A. Millrr.
The L. . Biaiu Clothing company,
of Albany, have a largA ad lu this ia
aue. Tuey are talking about good
clothing and low price.
Is Your Child
Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Thourough preparation for
all collegiate courses.
Certificates admit to the
leading Colleges on the coast.
Normal Department gradu
ates obtain State and Life di
plomas. Music, ' Art, Book
keeping. Specialties, health
and outdoor life, small clas
ses and instruction for the in
dividual. Winter term opens Sept 23.
Tuition $G.50 and f 10.00 per
term, Send for catalogue.
8. A. RAXDLE, A. M., -
I X kiw
) I Prize Hood's
8arsaparllU more than any remedy I hat
ver taken, I have nsver beau robust and
W&8 subject to severs litadsches, and had
Soappstlta. Since taking
Mood's SarsapariSIa
and Hood's Pnis I am a well woman,
hvt a (rood appetite and ilmp well.
I cordially rscommsnd Hood' Saf
sposnllB. Una. . M. Gorham, Flilciora
li inaa,Finiora, California.
LooJ's Pii4 cu'b ,tyw u
tAOB aiaRKS.
DBBIQN patbhts, I
Tar tufonnaUnB mil ffM Handtiouk wtlu to
OJiiMt bnftan for wtirirj pwnw In AmorloL
thepuubVauotidtgtfntnaotiuwn(el&tDa !
Urmflt etmilfltlflB of anv elcntlflr ppT In the
worttL bulendnliy llliuUrmtoO. hn liiU'Illrrnt
btan ahoulil be without it. Wnklr. jU.(Ha
Vtiar; : Jli ilx monthi. AdilrMn, ML'SY UO
Vuauuuuu, al teuadwar ow lark Olir
loi Sulo at
Thiw Ollioe.
j rr r r rr j ssj.r,-,
Albany Furniture Co.
Furniture, CarpntB, Linoleums, matting, etc.
Pictures and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Some Men
Try Advertising
As the Indian tried feathers. He took one
feather, laid it on a board and slept on it all
night. In the morning he remarked: "White
man say feathers heap soft; white man d
You may start in a small way (most of the large adver
tisers have), but by keeping persistently before the public
you cannot fail of success. An article .of merit advertised
in the Lebanon Expkess is sure to find plenty of customers
among the many people who read these columns regularly.
Headquarters 33Wm3'mm')
- it-'' Mixed Varietie per pound 40 centa, v)
tor Sweet Peas Hif v t
$ ....THE ONLY , ' Quarter pound 15 cent.. . (gj
) NEW DOUBLE SWEET PEA Bride of Niagara
j True to name. Packet 25 cents, half Packet 15 cents. (j
I Tw0ndorfui Crimson Rambler Rose ,n0inu P
j) VICK'S FLOBAIi GUIDE, 1896, Tried and True Novelties. If?)
.) Chromo-Hthogrnph. of Double Sweet aouole white Phenomenal (S)
)) h, Koscs, ruclisia Wliite flicniirae-
nal, Blackberries, Kmplier
.J leader Tmnnln. VfnilalilM
-v nal. H ackhernes. Kiwil M.miv. Aenr
(3 Filled wilft good thing! old and new.
jg Full list of Flowers, Vegetables, Sm
g Full list of Flowers, Vegetables, Small Fruiw, elc., with description and prices. C5
Mailed On receillt of lO CM. Wllirh mnV lu .1i,UiIm1 fr..m dr.. rrAnr null.. v9)
(9J fRBtt or free with an order for any of
.t awnuiu, new TUKfl.
Best Shaven, Hair Cut or Shampoo at
Shaving Parlor.
XlOCi lMOKTi.Vr tHAltlJ..
HOTEL. Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
j liiitlics Hair Drawing a Sie( inlty..
j "Nat urn, liivfiitl.m,
INews Health
I Formerly Boston Jonraal of Chemistry
Enlartod and Improved
, ,,(,, i,!r., ntMtlir nf KIl'O!,
sv- ' I ' '' "tir and )
. , .i . i 1 ill t . .. 1 1
. m i n -! i J t t'V mi' itsti'l-
t i .id r ' n Ul'Ii li- Ui fW
l I M.'ltl' L' Mffl ncc
Prolusely Illustrated and Free
. From Technicalities.
wailfnlrrii, 10 rrut 00 f.wt.
Mlinllnii (his pnHT 11 imtilt' cty.-fc
Lartcest Ctrcul .t:on of arty
8c'tnti'ic appr 'n tho World
Will MM. ' '' l!V
BE:J U.., AK1 , .1 w Vorl.
xcDerry; ine Katnoun. IS
Tomatn Vilr'a T ..J..
. mmittvm, .wiuuw KQ9W0. X
the above,