The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 02, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Hair ornaments,
Belt buckles,
. Rubber belting,
Iridescent trimming,
Rustle lining,
Beurre lice collars,
Collar points,
are a few of the novelties now on
sale at
H. E. Young's,
Yesterday was all fools day.
All goods a represented at Puith &
W. A. Haynes has moved Into one
of R. C- Miller's residence.
Rev. E. A. Robs is conducting a
revival meeting in Albany.
Uooda away down, at Read, Peacock
& Co. 'a for cash or produce.
Burn, to the wife of Dr. G. W.
t'headle, oil Mureh 20, a daughter.
The old weather thia week hud done
much damage to the fiult 111 this
Marriage lioenae haa been issued lo
Mr. B. F. Muiikereind Mia. Anuinta
The fluent line of dreas patterns in
the city la to be foiiud at ihe Racket
Boru, to the wife of Q. F. Knowlea,
on Match 26, a girl. Mother and baby
doing well.
If you think we are Joking, come
and tee. We mean business. Read,
Peacock i. Co.
Chaa. M. Anderaon has aocepted a
pimition on the Express. Charles is
a good printer.
You pan buy a nice, large arm, hand
cai ved rocker of (be Albany Furniture
Company for $2 05.
M. Volk, assistant chief engineer on
'.be 8. P. R. It , was in Lebaaou Tues
day on official huslneaa.
1) J riliurp, state organizer of the
Luli'r Exchange, will lertiire In tliie
eily .in Tiio-da.v, April 7.
Mm. John All If left bint. HntUKlay
for Oakland, Oregon, to visit w ith her
son, Go, Heitle, nf that place.
Mrs. K. LeviK, who haa been visiting
relalivra In Lebanon, returned to ber
borne In Harrlsburg Tuesday.
yj, F. Cotton, w bo haa been In Walla
Walla for the past six weeks on bus!
neat, returned home Monday.
A lurge delegation from Lebanon
went to Albany thia week to attend
the various county uoiircntiona.
Five thousand roll 1890 atylea of
wall paper cheap for caab at Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon.
Mm. W. A. Banders left Wedneaday
for Corvallis where alie expects to visit
' with relative about two weeka,
James Boyd la building a photo
graphic ear in which he expects to
travel and do photographic work.
Are you looking for an engagement
or wedd'ng ring? French the Jeweler,
Albany, has some handsome ones.
Get you a new pair of shoes quick,
while they atlll have a good assort
ment left at Read, Peacock A Co.'a.
Asst. Bupt. MoGulre. and Traveling
Freight Agent P. B. Whitney, of the
B. P. Co., were in Lebanon yeaterday
on buelneea.
H J. Boyd and wife left Friday for
xluiTlKiturir anu riUgeoe w viru won
rehitivea and friends. They ei peel to
return thia week.
Messrs. O'Nell A Peterson shipped
two carloada of exrelaior thia week,
one car going to Ban Francisco and
the other to Lm Angeles.
Measure your rooma accurately and
bring size In feel and Inches with you.
It coats you nothing to have your car
pet sewed by hand by the Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon.
Gen. J. B. Weaver, the populist can
didate for president of the United
Stales four years ago spoke to a large
crowd In Albuiiy Irat Monday r.ight,
Preiichlng at the Baptist church
next Sunday at II a. M. by the pastor.
Huljeot, "The Resurrection.'' Busi
ness covenant meeting Balurdsy
at P. M. '
G. H. Wheeler's two children, avho
Have been visiting their grandparents,
G. W. Wheeler and wife, expect to
leave tomorrow for their home In
Everetts, Wash.
tienerul Munager Kruttaohnltt and
parly, of the 8 P. Co., whose head
quarters are at Han Friinelsco, it Is
reporti-d, will be through onau Inspec
tion tour of tills coast soon,
Buker Newman and J. B. Kelsey
were yeaterday soliciting funds for a
jtU It Willi ffbis so MS to, tut)
develops their copper mine above
Sweet Home. They succeeded fairly
well and expect to start today.
The Ladles' Bazaar, of Albany, Or.,
will send a fashion plate, of the latest
styles, to all persons who wrfle to them
mentioning the Express. Their stock
of goods Is better than vcr this year.
Call on them when in Albany.
Young man, you are thinking some
thing about your sweetheart, and you
will want to look nice when In her
presence, so buy the latest styles of
clothing at Bakei 'a. He haa the prions
way down to suit your reedy cub. I
Mr. C, B. Montague received a letter !
from Dr. Courtney, of Lafayette, this
week In whlrh he said that hi whole
family had been sick and all in bed at
one time, but at the time of writing
were much better.
"Clarence," a story- by America1'
great novelist, Bret Harte, will be
published in tills paper, nommencing
soon. Those who are not subscribers
of the Express should send in theii
suhacripllms now, and thus have the
reading of this Interesting atory.
Charles Stokes and little daughter
came down to Lebanon Monday from
Berry where he haa been at work on a
sawmill. He says he haa had steady
work ever ainoe going up there. He
returned home today.
The Ice cream and hot cocoa social
given by the ladies of the Cumberland
Presbyteriau church last Saturday
evening was well attended considering
the evening. The proceeds amounted
lo something over 110.
The Sunday school of the Baptist
church la preparing a good programme
consist hut of mnsld and recitations
which will be rendered next Sunday
eyeuing, commencing at 7:80. A cor
dial Invitation la extended to all.
J. A. Cain has sold his butcher ahop
to J. L. Porter, of Monroe. Mr. Cain
left Tuesday for Albany, but expects
to go to Portland Monday where he
has accepted a pewltirn in ashop. Ben
Cain will still work in the shop at this
Services in the Presbyterian church
next Sunday morning and evening.
Subject In the morniug.Eaater Lessons
and in the evening, Are Theatricals
merely an Innocent amusement or are
they out of harmony with a healthy
moral and religious sentiment? Young
people's meeting as usual. Come and
From Wm. Wigle, who runs the
stage line between Priucville and Sis
ters, we learn that Mr. Joseph Clay
pool has returned from his place at
Kih Lake, on the Sautlam route. He
reports aoout two feet of snow at the
lake, anil eight feet on Maud mountain.
Mr. Clin pool is of the oplni, n that the
rond will lie opened for travel about
the first of May. Piineville Review.
A distinguished gentleman from
P rtlniidwlll address the members nf
tin- republican elub and all members
l ihe republican party on the even
ing of April Ulli at Union hall. By
order of elub.
Someone by mistake or otherwise
carried swsy a lady's umbrella from
the Ice cream social at -Miller's hall
Jast baltiMay evening mat did net i
belong to them. The owner of said I
umbrella will appreciate it if said per
son will return said umbrella to this
Max Friendly, running a Baloon in
Portland, committed suicide last Mon
day afternoon, by shooting himself in
the head, while in the rear of his saloon.
Mr. Friendly formerly resided In Cor
vallis, and It was undoubtedly owing
to his financial troubles in that city.
Lust Sunday as John Young and
family, who live aeven miles east of
this city, were on their way to bury
their six-months-old baby, a team In
the procession became unmanageable
and ran into Mr. Crabtree's hack, caus
ing a general smash up. As a result,
Mrs. Young's right thigh was broken.
Dr. Foley was called to attend the
Injured lady and she Is doing nicely
onidering the seriousness of the In
Jury. -
Mr. Albert Savage died very sud
denly at tils home seven miles east of
this place on Sunday, March 29, at the
age of 75 years. Mr. Savage was the
father of W. E. Savage, deputy asses
sor of Linn county, and was born iu
Augusta, Maine, and was at onetime
chief of police of Chicago. He was a
highly respected and revered citiicu of
.Lliiu county, and was in his usual
good health uutll the very moment of
bis death, having dropped dead from
heart failure.
About fifty days ago M. D. Wheeler,
of Lebanon, went to tho bank of J. W.
Cuaick & Co., of Ibis city, and cashed
a draft on L. Berg & Co., of Portland,
i for $112 36 I'lie draft wua sent to
I Portland and dishonored. Mr.
i Wheeler refused to relund the mouey
'or give security, or do anything in the
mutter at alt. After waiting In the
hopes of having the mat ler settled,
Monday J. W. Cuaick 4 Co. bad Mr.
Wheeler arrested. He waived exam,
iinilion and wna lield for Ihe grand
Jury. He la now hunting for bail.
Albany .Democrat. Mr Wheeler vave
bonds und is now nt home. Hisj
frienos think he will be able to settle
up all right and the matter will be
.dtufbsd. J
The Albany Democrat publishes the
following, which has created much
comment. Mr. Van Winkle, a candi
date for the republican nomination for
clerk, has disavowed any sympathy
with the article:
"Editor Democrat:-
The Albany republican primaries
were carried In this city .on Saturday
last 'by ways that are dark and tricks
that are vain.' Hermann republicans
were roughly lundled, most of them
who were on the ticket in the different
wards were bei ten, and others ware
notified that they could take no hand
In the republican county convention
or republican district convention.
A reign of corruption was inaugur
ated by the bowis, the aull-Hermann
mar plots and t'le McFeron-Needham
combination Joining hands to carry
the primaries, else the McFeron-Needham
combination would have bean
beaten two to onel
Now this arilt le serves notice on the
anti-Hermann, McFeron-Needham
combination that no maa this year in
Linn county can ride Into the office on
the backs of Hermann republicans!
This nice little game has been sprung
by men who do not bold a single win
ning card.
If Hermann republicans are pros
cribed, refused their share of represen
tation at the republican district con
vention that .convenes in this city on
April 7th, look tut for snakes! After
the June election there won't be
enough left of tbe McFeron-Needham
combination to make a decent fair
sized procession. Clubs are trumps
this year and its a square dice or a free
fight to a finish! Stand up and act
like men or take your medicine!
Many Hermann Republicans.
Mr. J. C. Booth, of Iowa, has been
hired to teacb tbe Waterloo school and
commenced teaching Monday.
Mrs, Kay, of Salem, is vialting at
The chorus to the famous song
"After the Ball" was well understood
by some of our young people Saturday
night If their loc ks were an index to
The umbrella Send we spoke about
in a past article, has made trouble.
Saturday tbe romantic episode came
to a crisis when two ladies engaged in
a Maber-Fitielinnions fight in the
woolen mill. We would advise the
youth to buy a half-dozen umbrellas
to settle the present trouble and pro
vide for future accidents.
The populist delegate from this place
was taking a prominent -part in tbe
republican primary last week. Also
one who used to be a democrat, then
a populist, and now is tracking the
republicans. Such men are kept busy
turning their cent so m to show tbe
ric,ht uniform. Arnold left his friends
fur an office and money and got It and
the contempt of everybody.
Delegates to tbe County Conventions.
Tbe following delegate were elected
from this place to ihe county conven
tions which meet in Albany today and
tomorrow. The democratic delegates
are;. South Lei)snon M. A. Miller,
S. O. Wallace, P. M. Smith, Col. W.
Matthews, J. C. Bllyeu. North Leb
auon F. Kibbler, E. E. Hammock,
Frank Sklpwortli, Fred Hickok, John
Burkbart. Tbe republican delegates
are: North Lebitiou A- A. Keen, A.
I t'randall, G. Lovelee, A. M. Wilson,
A. jJoslar, Geo. Ross, Sr., Lutber Wi
ley, J. C., D. J. Iiildretb,
John Buckuer. South Lebanon W.
H. Booth, F. A. Nickerson, John
Denny, W. M. Brown, Z. T. Bryaut,
N. W. Smilh, G. H. Bland, A. Tenny,
R. Hiatt, Asa iii ker.
H. M. Roberts, of Harrlsburg, was
iu the city yesterday.
M. A, Miller Is maving into the
Ballard property,
Recognition Social tomorrow even
ing, Friday, Apt It 3, at Mrs. Warner's-
Frank Wheeler, recently of Callfoi
nla, was visiting in Lebanon this
E L. Bryan, and wife, of Tangent,
were iu the city this week, visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Harmon.
A son of Mr. A. Gardner, who lives
near Plain view, had the misfortune to
get his leg broken yesterday. Dr.
Booth was called.
Dr. Laniberson left earls' this morn
ing to attend Mrs. C. A. Powell who
li ves on McDowell Creek and is report
ed dangerously ill.
The Epworih League will gives
recognition social tomorrow, Friday,
eveuiug ut the residence of Mrs. War
uer. Everybody eouie and bring your
Tne Oregon Central it Eastern rail
road company has put on a new river
boat that will run between Corvallis
and Portland and will make the trip
in a day. She is called the Albany
and is said to lie tbe fastest boat on
the river. She will leave Albany at
8:15 A, M. ai.d arrive in Portlaud at
0:30 P. at. Round trio fare from Ai
ken u gumi ell ttiMjU fete, Hit.
Monday morning Judge H. H. Hew.
Itt onuvened circuit court, department
No. 2, and the following business was
P J Porter vs John C Elder, parti,
tion; continued.
In the matter of the assignment of
Alhertlua Kriesel, assignment; con.
In the matter of tbe assignment of
The Oregon Metallo Paint Co, final
account confirmed and distribution
In the matter of tbe assignment of
rroptt 4 Butler, continued.
Anglo American Land Mortgage A
Agency Co vs J L Holllda, et al, fore
closure of mortgage, continued.
In the matter of the assignment of
R N Thompson, continued.
M J Cbutchlll vs George Finley fore
closure of mortgage, non-suit on mo
tion of plaintiff.
D B Monteltb vs E A Parker, city
treasurer, et al, injunction suit, contin
ued. W H Cummlngs vs Wm G Brown,
et al, foreclosure of chattel mortgage;
W T Cochran vs John Cushman,
foreclosure of mortgage, continued,
J K Weatherford, as administrator,
ts C G Burkbart, et nl, foreclosure of
mortgage, judgment for plaintiff.
In matter of assignment of A L
Lamb, Insolvent, continued.
P W Spink vs R B Vunk, et al, fore
closure of lien, non-suit on motion of
In matter nf assignment of F M Ki
ir, continued.
D H James assignee Bank of Oregon
vs E J Lanning, foreclosure of lien,
Judgment by default.
C E Pengra va A Blaker et al, fore
closure, Judgment ty default.
Board School Fund Commissioners
vs O Jennings et al, foreclosure, Judg
ment by default.
V H Caldwell vs David Scott, et al,
foreclosure, transferred to department
No. 1.
Board School Fund Commissioners
vs J W Swank et al, foreclosure, Judg
ment by default.
L E Somen vs John Christian and
Tbos LewiB, foreclosure, nonsuit on
motion of plaintiff.
M Mady vs Jas Muller et al, foreclos
ure, Judgment by default.
John Sommerville vs John K Jones,
foreclosure, Judgment by default.
W E Savage vs Lizzie Cooper st al,
foreclosure, transferred to dep't 1.
Charles Sutton vs Sarah Sutton,
divorce, nonsuit on motion of plaintiff.
Arnold Sommer vs J A Zeysett etal,
foreclosure, nonsuit on motion of
Bank of Brownsville vs R N Thomp
son et al, confirmation; sale confirmed,
Pacific States 3 L & B Co ys Horatio
Nelson, confirmation, sale confirmed.
Walter L Smith vs Christian M Jar-
sted, confirmation, sale confirmed,
J O Bushuell vs F D Woods et al,
on trial.
In the matter of the assignment of
If E Heam , con tin tied.
Pacific States S L 4 B Co vs John
Isom et al, confirmation, sale con
firmed. J K Weatherford, administrator, v
M E Farrell et al confirmation, ordered
N B Avery vs Claud Strahan et al,
confirmation, ordered confirmed.
Mary A Looney et al vs Clyde L
Looney et al, partition; partition or
dered. ETT Fisher, S Froman, and
H. Freerksen appointed referees.
Judge Blackburn guardian of Clyde
John Lantzy vs Geo H and Frankie
Jones, suit for deed; continued.
Assignment of Guseppe Matasce,
S A Nickerson vs C Eichler, sals
Hiram Baker informs us that ht
has made a very large number of
sales of the Featherbone corsets lately.
Mr. Baker said tbst he was satisfied
tbe cause of so many sales was tbe ad
vertising of those corsets Iu tills paper,
thus lettiug so many people know tbe
value of these popular corsets. The
manufacturers guarantee the oorsete,
but out of all these sales only one has
been returned, and the bouse refunded
the money to Mr. Baker at once. This
bows that tbe manufacturers are re
Ladies, be prepared to iuvest in a
bran new Easter bonnet. Miss Du
mond haa all the latest.
Hlfhtft Honor-World' Fair,
tiold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most l'eif.'rt Mad.
We don't blame
them for kicking.
It's a trifle hard on our
competitors, but it's a
great thing for the buyers.
Terms, Cash
Buy Your
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
SfFine Teas, Coffees and Spices
And carry a lull line of Groceries of tbe
of the public, All orders receive prompt and careful attention. Cash paid
for uhlckena. Mayer Jr Kiuibrougli's
Shoes and Notions.
Having again opened up a general merchandise store in Lebanon;
I respectfully solicit the patronage
and the public in general.
' Terms strictly
Executor's Notics.
Kolloe U hereby siren, Inal, by .a order of Ihe
County Court of linn county, Oregon, lh under
lined hu been duly appointed, and now ii, the
duly quaUfled and anting Uxceiuor of the estate
el Julia Settle, deceeeed. All panlot hiTlut
tUim ueiDil said eilate io hereby required te
pruit the same, property verltki, within ill
aunthe from the 20th dr of February, UW, the
date of the Snt publication lienor, to tho under
elfued at Ihe oftc. of Sun I St. Oarlani, Lcb-
aaso, Una county, Oregon.
j, H. settls, astauior.
lut'i at. GiSUHD, Ally, for Uxtoator.
Closing out sale at Bead, Peaoock A
, .
Ladies, I Invite your attention to
my new and extensive line of flowers,
faucy straws and beautiful ribbons.
Opening day about tbe first of April.
Why that Closing Out
Sale, at Read, Peacock &
Co.'s, Lebanon or Albany.
or Produce.
beet Quality. We solicit the patronage
old stand, Lebanon, Oregon.
of my friends and former ouetoinera
cash or produce.
D. A.ndrevr-8.
To The Mothers.
You have nice ohildrsn, yon know,
and nothing pleases tbsm bettor than
a nice nobby suit of olothts thatkauns
them warm and healthy. Baker haa
them and for but little money. Can
you stand $1.00 for a suit of, o
uptoM.OO? All tea low irloos yc
alii fluiNtf-Hlraai Baker's.
Thoroughbred Poultry,
Whits and Brown Leghorns. Ilyx
oioutb Bock, Black Minorca, wt
shans, Silver Hpangle Hamburg,
Golden Crested Polish, Oaint and
Game Bantams. Eggs, 11.00 ps 1J.
CHab&ir Ssimi,
Lebanon, Ore.