The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 02, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
Lebanon needs a bank, and needs
it badly. A good bank here would
be a paying; investment.
This week will complete the
county tickets. All three will be
put in the field and then the vari
ous candidate .can get .down to
work in good shape.
Today the republicans of this
county nominate their ticket and
tomorrow the democrats will nom
inate their's. Of course, only good
men will be nominated.'
: The notorious Rev. L D. Driver,
of Eugene, is announced as the
A. P." A. republican candidate tor
senator from Lane county. The
A. P. A. is not in politics! Roee
burg Review.
England can raive an army to
reconquer Upper Egypt, but it
could not lift a finger to prevent
the massacre of 40,000 Armenians.
Yet she c lls herself the foremot-t
nation in Christian civilization.
After the hattle, dearly Moved
brethren, and when all the great
reform republicans are elected
if they should be wen ill hear
very little of lower taxes until a
year from next winter. Sunday
' The Express is no party organ.
We are independent in politics and
propose to support only good men,
those whom we believe are best
qualified for office, let them be
democrats, republicans, or popu
Morris B ay, of Ansonia, Conn.,
who slipped on a sidewalk and
broke his knee, is going to have a
Roentgen photograph made of the
injured leg, to use as evidence in a
suit for 110,000 damages, which he
has brought sfrainrt the city.
Durrant will very likely be
turned loose at last. 'The court
officials who are responsible for (he
murderer still being alive, should
form a new church and appoint
" Durrani to preach to them. Tbey
should also introduce him to their
wives and daughters.
Rev. L D, Temple, pastor of the
First Baptist church at Lansing,
Mich., is credited with saying, in
regard to bicycles, "The use of the
wbeel allays the passions, elevates
the imagination, and applies ani
mal energy in wire and improving
ways." Wonder what effect the
use of a buck-saw would have- on
the reverend gentleman.
..The A. P. A.'s at Selma, Calif,
are turning their attention to rab
bits. They advertise in the Selma
Irrigator that they will have a
rabbit drive on April 4th. The
pope himself would probably not
object to the A. P. A.'s amusing
themselves in this wav.
An Ohio legislator recently in
traduced a bill prohibiting ladies
from wearing high hats in theatres.
Another member ,id the ladies
hould be protected from being
annoyed by the men going out for
a drink between acts, wberetipon
the former stated that his bill was
a temperance measure, as the wear
ing -of high hats drove men to
drink. "
Tue little town of Rosebarg en
joys" a free delivery mail service
while the Willamette river remains
. -M difficult of navigation as it was
in the days of the Hudson Bay "Co.
' piognee-. oseburf ie'the home of
'.the congressman while the illam
.'. ette valley is 'not, is the difference
with a., distinction. Portland Die
patch. . '
What fools we mortals must be.
We ean't appreciate the blessings
jf the . republican party, or we
-would embrace it as lovingly as a
. wants to get back into power in
' Order to raise more money for the
government to squander and to
ay off .the national debt. That is
iuat .wbat. they promise to do if
Hlt 5f U. ibi would M
very desirable, but how is it pro
prosed to raise the money? By
the simple process of taxing the
people. Every dollar roiscd by
the government comes as a tax on
the producers and consumers of
this country. If not by a direct it
must be by au indirect tax. .This
is an undeniable feet and accountV
for the people not being anxious
to reinstate the g. o. p. Portland-
Dispatch. - - .-
--la Sheep's- Clothing.
Such a farce as the trial of "Rev. C.
O.- Brown,' of ti prunciBoo, does
more injury to rliiistixnily thn jtlie
rood ot a hoot of earnest tutil true min
ister can accomplish. In the factor
undeniable (Inciiuieulnrv evidencethe
verdict of the council was "truiltv of
unchristian and uugeiitleiuanly eon
duct." The licentious hypocrite is
highly pleased with the verdict, and
the Bulletin nays that "lie will resume
the pu;pit and continue to mold the
mnralB of his flock at M.otXI per annum.
His protege, the intellectual Mattie
Overman, who schemed to blackmail
him and lied to save him. as the
council admits, may now retort) to
the parsonage, and who, always ex
cepting the public, shall say that her
relations with the pastor are not pla
tonic, or that the iwociation of the
two is ndt appropriate and entirely'
satisfactory to the church? Mts. Tun
nel may come bark to 8an Francisco
and the old life of the trio may be re
sumed without fear of further, question
hy a too inquisitive press or objection
by oversensitive members of the
flock." A congregation that will re
tain such a man has little respect for
either religion or itself. Portland Dis
patch. ; Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby piveu that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. (..'. Mayer and l.'. H. . Kini
hrough and known Raiuyer.4
Kirnbroueh, and enemred in a general
grocery business in Lebanon, Linn
.county, Oregon, has this day Keen dis
solved hy niutua! consent All parties
indebted" to the partnership are earn
estly requested to settle, at once, all
accounts to be paid to J. D. 'Slayer".
J. C. Mayer,
C. H. Kimimougu.,
Ibanou, Or., March li, m.-
Groceries quality excellent prices
low at Bach & Buhl't.
We solicit a share of your patron
age. Pdoh Mrxcy.
Country produce of all kinds taken
at the highest market price, at Pugh 4
Dalgleisb & Everett carry a full Hue
of agricultural implements, prii-es
that will suit you.
. Dalgleisb & Everett will make it to
your ad vantage to ctifl atid.see them if
you want agricultural implemeuu,
Oue-half wool drees goods reduced to
lO cts., and bleached, all liiieu table
cloth for 35 eta. a yard, at the Backet
The best dressed men iu Linu county
are ; those who bny their clothing
from-Bach & BpuJ. tiixid suits for
low prices.
Hen's first grade, oil Brain, plow
Bboesreauced to $1.50 at the Kacket
store. . Many other slices are reduced
in price.
Call and Bee the new patterns of
wall paper at Dalgleisb & Everett's.
They have some elegant styles at about
half the price of hist year,
The Cumberland Presbyterian
church will hold Easter . exercises at ;
j their eleven o'clock service on Easter
Hundoy. A gKl ptograin is beior;
; gotten up. All are invited to attend.;
We have the largest uiid beet selected j
( stock of furniture and hardware ever;
brought to this city. It will be to your !
interest to call and see our new goods, j
DALOLEistrd Everett.
...OUR m bML
ftcenea and Ihciderrts are
connected wii'i C.-.l :r;)iaand
tbf War of tlie Iktijsliion.
Willi fcEUh SOON,
. Chanied Kvttj Week.)
Wheat 60c ., . .
' Outs 14 to, Ifio .-'
Hay-tS to5 per ton. ,
" Flour-$0 SUSitK). per sac.
Chop 40 &i per cwt. ,
Brim 75c per cwt, ,
Middlings rt 75 per cwt
-Potatoes-iaic. - - ,j .
A pples-J)ried, 8c per It ,
Plums Dried, 2e." . '.
Ohlohi-aj: ' .-?! : . .. iTi
Beef Dressed, 3 to 4c."-;
Veal S4c, ;
Purk Dressed, 3j. , ,
Lard-p'j. .. , " '
Hams 8 per lb. ;
Shoulders 6c , , i.
Bides 7e per lb. . .
Geese (3 SO $4 per dor. '.'"
Ducks-$S . $4 per doc. )
Chickens ! 002 SO.
Turkeys 8 per lb. .,
Eggs 7c "r doi.
B tter IS 20c pr lb.
Hides Green. 8c; dry, So.
Notloe for rublloatlon.
Jjixb Orncs it Okioos Crrt, 0..
February 34, lRfc.
Kotice it hereby given that the following
named settler has. Bled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proot will be made be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linn Co.. at Albauy,
Or., on May S, 1888, vii: . ,
H. K. Xo. KMO, for Uie K. W. Sec 23, T.
tl S., It. 1 K.
He names the following witnesses to
prove uis roimnuous residence upon and
cultivation of. said land, vixt William W.
SaiKleis. Milton W. Yoeman, David 8.
.Myers, Charley E. Clark, all of Lacomb, Ur.
Kobekt A. Millxs,-'
- Wot let- for Publication. ;
1-ano .OrncE at Ukeuoj Crrr, Oa.,' '
.- j y Sl.rch 1886.
Notice is hereby given that tlte following
named settler has filed notice' of bis inten
tion to inuke final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proo! will be made be
fore tlie Co. Clerk of tinn Co. at aJbany,
Or., on May 4,188, via:
H. E. BUS for the W K of K TT X, W K of
8 ' of Sec. 32, T. 12 8, -U. I E.'
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence- upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: M. A. Fits
pater, Sieave Powell, Frank McXiney, Bud
Omanpver, all of Lebanon, Ogn.
JIobckt A. Mnua,
JVotloe for XuUlioutlon.
Lixi) OmcE i flaaooa Cat, Oi., .
February, 1886.
, Notice i'heivby giventbat tlte following
named settler has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in sunnort of bis
Pclaim. ant) that said proof will be ojule be-
-tore th Conmy Clerk 'f Lhiii' Connty, at
Albany, )r.. on May 2, 16. viz :
' JlltTOK :-0EMaK,- - -
H E So. 8251, for the K E Sec 22, T 11 8,
11! IE; -
He names the following witnesses to
j prove bis continuous -residence upon and
cultivation of, .said lana, via: W. W.
;8anilers, Ben. White. G. A. ltowning, D.
B. flyers, all of Lacomb, Or.
Robbbt A. Millbb,
Bread Makers,
Attention! . .
If you want
A Big White Loaf!
... Lebanon Flour
Every Sack Guaranteed
For'sale by all the lead
ing grocers of the city.
Call for it
80 Cents per Sack
The Cheapest
and the Best.
Fire Insurance. )
) (
Jiwure Ynur Property with
! :
ifeVovn, 7'
J Hartford,
V . Phoenix, )
At) IIiiiiiturjf.Itremen, (
reinan'tt ITumd,
vv ewtern,
f'liuhte old line comoan
nlee )
"7 (
- in- rcr'-M-iitH, ah liumtiew
" tila'd with him will lie at
(J IiiiiImI to pniiiiitlv. OIHe
i y
The Express from now until July
1st for only 2b Cents.
New subscriptions for the Weekly
Orvgonlan taken at this office,
The opening chnptets of an Interest-
lifg aerial story will appear In this
paper toon.
Money to loan, A limited amount
of money to loan oil good farm secur
ity. "Call upon or write to 8. .
Bteele & Co., Albany, Oregon.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will Stark, Jewekmi
Optical Specialist
Graduate of the Clcago Opthalmle
I am prepared to examine scientifi
cally and accuracy, by the latest and
Improved methods of modem Bcieuoe,
any who desire to have tbelr eyea tea-
Cuslck Block, Albany, Orkqon.
Oliver mm Plows
Extras and Repairs
BucceMors to Knspp, Burrel & Company.
Sole Agents Mr Ponrpo P-l'lf
Oliver Clulled Plows, 1 eiCe J1 K,
Harrows, Prills, Ac. Allany Or
Ciseryatory of Music
Prof. Z. .1. Parvlti, musical Director
formerly of Willamette University, has
been elected Director for the coming
school year.
Full Courses in the Important
branches of Music.
Latest methods.
Fine music rooms.
Prices low for grade of work.
Diplomas eonfered on completion ol
course. Term beginB September lltb.
Hend for circular and catalogue.
W. H. LEE, A. M., Pres.,
...... Albany, Oregon.
BEABOK OF 18S6-1S96.
Will Run
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over The Great
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895,
The most complete, modern, ele
gantly equipped and perfectly arranged
Vealit-uled Tranecontiiienlal Train in
America. New Equipment, npeciully
deaigued and built for this service.
Direct connections in New Or
leans for Eastern points. Quick
Instantly Believed
and Permanently
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weelu.
Orrioss; Room 706-707, Marqtum BttUdlM
save money by buying from me.
Closing Oat Sale
Boots and Shoes, aid Dry Good
Is still going on. Come while these
Great Bargains
I want to call your attention to my
That has just arrived. The Buits are heauties and pr
away down. GOOD MEN'S SUITS for
$4.50, $5.60, $7.00, $9.00.
The $9 00 suits are equal to many that you buy fron
other places and pay f 10.00 or $12.00. You are bound t
Lebanon, - - Oregon.
Days till spring. Have you
thought of what you'll wear!
Every one answers "clothes"
of course.
Then you will appreciate
the masterpieces of the tailors'
art which we have had made
especially for our customers.
Ready-made suits with all
the marks of style and worth
about them
The prices,
$5.00, $6.00, $8.00,
get choice of lines worth
But the real BREAD-AND-M
EAT part of them
are the many lines at
You'll think they're worth
more, but they go at that.
Albany Mills Suits, Worsted Dress Suits,
Fancy Checks and Corduroys.
We won t say more about
them they show up best
when seen and worn.
L. E. Blain Clothing Go.
Albany, Oretfou.