The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 26, 1896, Image 4

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"The Bad Landa," aid HonttoQ
rett, one of the most earnest rooa! del
vers of the party tram Prineetoa col
lege that recently riaited the Bad
Lands of North Dakota and alontana
to collect f os&ila, to a northwest naga
riue representatira, "are a etrangv
combination of desolation, horror and
incomprehensible freaks of the prime
val world. There'ixe lofty peaks, ban
and brown baked into spires of burn
ing rock by the hot sons of millions of
years. The valleys between are white
descrta, covered with bitter, dusty and
blinding- alkali that has made all that
country a desert worse than Sahara
ever was said to be.
"The rivers run wide or turbid
jawith this alkaline concretion in win
ter, and are dry and dusty channels in
the summer. The peaks, the valleys,
and every f eatnte of the whole region,
in fact, seems to be thrown down upon
the earth in nature's angriest mood a
nideous conglomeration, in which ei
the geological strata aredisplaoed and
entangled. This strange region i
once the salt-washed bottom of a sea,
and the traces of the needing waves
are visible on every band. The fossua,
which were ndw our main pursuit, art
mostly aquatic animals. Few birds,
and those mostly of the eeml-reptiliaa
character, are found among them,
while innumerable bones of gigantic
saurians dot the sitale and sandstone of
the valleys. Mingled with them are
remains of bear, antelope and buffalo.
and relics of an intermediate age, the
bones of the mastodons and elephants
not mammoths and of a three-toed
equine, one of the ancestors -of tag
. present horse.
"Some of the saurians of the eocene
and miucene periods were indescriba
bly hideous. Looking upon the n
nants of these monsters and gazing on
the awful scenery of the conn try, a bit
of hades upturned to view, one might
say is it any wonder that the Indiana
shunned the Bad Lands and said they
were the haunts of ghosts and the
home of evil demons."
Beau&raabta Hcitf af M Wlrmmt SU
kn'. teartai aB.
The household of the Emperor of
China includes thirty umbrella-bearers
and seventy-five astrologers. The as
trologers, who correspond to the signal
serrioe bureau of this country, pre
dict every day the weather for the
morrow. If they predict rain the umbrella-bearers
take a day oft ' If they
announce fair weather, on the other
hand, the umbrella-bearers, mandarins
of the overshoe and mackintosh an
report at the palaoa at 1:10 a.
The Emperor of China may be a
heathen Chinee, but be knows enough
to copper his astrologers and matsor
ologera. As an Instance of the sagaci
ty of the Chinese Imperial family la
this regard we may mention the sig
nal refutation of judicial astrology
made by Hung-Beef-Tung, a grand
uncle of the present Emperor. Chow
Cbow, president of the Imperial Col
lege of Astrologers, came to Prince
Hung'g palace one morning and (aid:
"Scion of seventy thousand genera
tions of Hongs, your poor servant ha
dreamed a dream, lieeeemed that
thou and I were transformed into
great black dragons. Our wings were
of equal length, and with equal flight
we soared through the upper sir."
"WelL" asked the Prince, graosfttlly
polishing his middle finger-nail with
the flat of a dagger of the first dynas
ty, "what of it, young feller'"
-This, my puissant and graceful
lord, that thy life and mine shall be
long and of equal length. Astrology,
Colonel Hung, is infallible."
"You are a liar!" cried the Prince,
und slit the astrologer's weasaad. And
it seems that Cbow was a liar. For
Old Hung survived him twenty-eight
years and would be alive now if he
had let opium alone. Binoe Chow's
death the Chinese astrologers have,
by Imperial order, confined their pre
dictions to the weather. If they make
a correct prediction they are executed,
but thus far none hare incurred the
penalty. The American signal-service
bureau has still something to learn
from Chinese methods. N. T. Boa,
How He Lost Tims.
Pedestrian B-b-boy, can yon t-t-teB
me how f-f-far it is to the pc-po-post-
Newsboy What d'ye say. mister
Pedestrian I-I reckon yon-yon heard
me. How f-f-far is it to the po-post-
Kewsboy Only half a block, mister.
If you hadn't a-e topped . to ask nu
jou'd a been there a' ready. Life
Substitute for Window Sums,
A peculiar substitute for window
(t!;::. known as "tectoriam," is stated
to have been-for some time employed
in Austria. Italy, Germany, Bwitzer
land and Russia, as a covering for hot
1iohb ranrqrtces. verandas, windows
f (.i jioricii. roofs of stores, etc It is a
tywAui, insoluble, bichromated gelatin,
ttv.rx-lucent as opal glass and ineor
jwratcd in wire gauze. It possesses,
wc arc toid. tbe translucency of opa
fl.iKh. i t'luh and flexible, bends with
out breaking, does not dissolve in
water sn;t h not injured by frost It
ii a bait ent-lnetorof heat, andbseoniaa
stronger, it is stated, tbe longer it It
expohed to the air. ,
A Om rLaae far Eultn.
Judging from late statistics, India
e'-iil remains a magnificent country for
frrorttanen. In itwi il.'jm human before-
arid 81.608 head of cattle were
jailed by snakes and wild beasts, the
fiiiof human .nortality 19,025 having
l.ecn due to ;,nz'.:c bite. Tigers claimed
i'!T human victims, leopards 200, wolves
-, lars 141, and elephants 73. On
t m oilier hand, whereas only 4,498 cat
Us were killed by snake bite, no fewer
t.'.aa 20,9C9 were devoured by tigers,
lio.oH lif leopards, and Hal if toawtt
Ooaatrj ut ? Be Mad. Xm Laherirral
av a Kew Aocy.
Part of the growing 'difficulties oc
casioned by the b- ertioii rf the eoun
try and the arowding of the cities will
be remedied, pcrliap.s by six years
hence in that wonderful year 1900,
which electricians set as a mile post of
human progress by the crowning of
steam's rival, says the New York Press.
Machinery is rapidly taking the dead
ening drudgery out of farm work when
conducted scientifically and on a large
scale, and is causing it to attract the
attention of city people who long for
the healthful fields. Only the bodily
diseomforta of farm work have pre
vented an exodus from th aity to the
country. Already electricity la turn
ing its attention to the long neglected
farm work, and has discovered profita
ble results to be had by subjecting
crops to currents of electricity. It is
beginning to simplify the ponderous
farm machinery, and as soon as the
storage battery has received its finish
ing touches and can be applied to light
ening the farmer toil and increasing
his profits the fanner will be looked
upon with envy by the prisoners of
city streets end counting house walls.
Those particular effects of electricity
upon tana machinery and farm life
are, however, visible chiefly in the im
agination at present, and are not at all
likely to be realised In six years; but
one great change may be looked for in
this direction in the Immediate future,
and that la the improvement ofnthe
farmer condition by means of good
roads and the rapid transit which
electricity is almost ready to bring,
thus greatly enlarging his market and
bringing him higher prices for fresher
products, and also bringing him closer
to the life and pleasures and stimu
lating effect of the city. There is to
be a wonderful change in farm life in
the mora thickly settled parts of the
country in a very tew yean, and rapid
transit will be largely responsible for
it. The cheap transmission of electrical
power must bring soon many changes
that will be felt in the city household,
and perhaps the chief of them will be
the abolition of the cook stove as it is
known at present. The small electric
beater baa already begun to take its
place, and it is aim net certain that even
in six years coal will be banished from
a majority of the kitchens in cities ad
jacent to water power from which
electricity b) generated. When heat is
wanted for cooking purposes it will be
had at a moment's notice by the press
ing ui a duiwu.
Faro la the SaaM as i
atBBMB Bye,
The pnpQ of a cat's eye ordinarly ap
pears aa a long, narrow -oval, or
straight, vertical black line. Tbe ani
mal seems to be looking through mere
slits in tbe iris of its eye, especially
when it faces the light. In semi -dark
ness the pupil widens into a beautiful
ovaL One is accustomed to regard the
narrowness of the pupil as the distin
guishing peculiarity of the eyea of cata.
All animals of the rat family share this
And yet, according to the results of a
scientific investigation of cats' eyea re
cently made in England by Lindsay
Johnson, the natural shape of their
pnpila at circular.
By varying the quantity of light en
tering the eyes he has seen the pupils of
cata and tigers change from straight
lines to perfect circles, sad while un
der the influence of atropine, which
suspends fern time the muscular con
trol of the eye, they arc always cir
The normal form of the cat's pupil is,
then, the same as that of the human
pupil, but when submitted to the influ
ence at light its behavior differs. In a
bright light pur pupils become very
small circles, while those of a cat turn
into ovals or narrow slits. The general
effect is tbe same in either case nai
ly, to diminish the quantity of light
naming into the ays.
Curiously enough, is the larger ank
mala of the eat tribe, such aa tigers, the
pupil sometimes behaves exactly like a
unman eye, ana when brightly illumin
ated contracts into a minute circle in
stead of becoming linear. In the case
of domestic eats the older the animal
the mora frequently does the pupil of
mo ajs asaiimi a circular lonn.
. - sj .
aasOklaao Siaf Man
Mvtss a auaaard.
Aa far as herself wss concerned she
held the storm lightly. She had on a
little jacket not longer than a reefer.
Her eyea were nprateeted, and bar
ring a pair o hid glove bar bands were
uncovered. It was in a drug store on
the north side, says tha Chicago Trib
une, when abe came in evidence. There
was a crowd inside the door waiting for
a ear. twa was out of sight behind a
big sltoweaas wing the telephone. Aft
er ordering .oilcloth for a room three
and three-fourths yards wide by four
yards long, and having forgotten to
ring oar, u waning ssaengers heart)
her say:
And was sit sweet darlinr eold? It
ia too bad, dear, aa cutter, wo will
soon be home."
Tough weather tor a babv to be
out," thought the par waiters in cho-
Than an amataaad around tha
showcase and put a bundle on the cigar
stand. Tram tbe folds of the envelop
ing wraps waa poked the nose of as
thoroughly an unattractive dog as ever
tookspriie for ugliness in a bench
show. Tbe outer covering of the ani
aal was a heavily quilted and em
broidered wrapet" dark goods. Under
this them was delicate white flannel
offering worked with silk thread.
Both wen of extent enoughlto go
around the dog twice. She adjusted
Its wraps carefully, so that not even
the tip of He Uil was earposed, and
aaadcovt into the atom regardless of
bar ears wnproteeted tsea, cars and
Red Blood
la the Foundation of the Wonderful Curat
by Rood's Sarsspsruls.
That fa Why the auras by Hood's 8sr
aanarUla are Ctraaa.
The la Why Hood's BareaperUia eurss
the severest easss o' Sorolula, Salt Rhaum
and other blood d.Vasas.
That Is Why It overcomes That Tired
Fealing, strengthens -the nerves, gives
energy la place of exhaustion.
That la Why the sales of Hood's Bar
aparlUa have increased year after year,
nntU It now requires tor its production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
la tha only True Blood Fmifler proml
aently In the public eye today. Be sure
to get Hood's and only Hoed 'a.
Hood's Pills ZZZ&rsZZ
Is Your Child
Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Tt ourough preparation for
all collegiate courses.
Certificates admit to the
leading Colleges on the coast.
Normal Department gradu
ates ebtain Stale and Life di
plomas. Music, Art, Book
keeping. Specialties, health
and outdoor life, small clas
ses and instruction for the in
dividual. Winter term opens Sept 23.
Tuition $G.50 and $10.00 jer
term. Send for catalogue.
S. A. HANDLE, A. M.,
Connect at Yaquina Bay with Ibe
San Francisco and Yaquina Bay riteatn-
sbip Company
Steamship "Farallon"
A 1 and firstclase in every respect
Balls from Yaquina for San Francisco
about every 8 days.
Passenger accommodations unsur
passed. Shortest route between the
Willamette alley and California.
Fare from Albmty or points west to
Ban Francisco:
Cabin, $12 00
Steerage, 8 00
tabin.round tnp,00 ds. 1 8 00
For sailing daysapply to
H. L. Waxdes, Agent,
Edwih Stone, Ma'ger., Albany,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Chas. Clark, Bupt.,
J. W. CUSICK&CO., Bankers,
" 1ynsact a general Banking business
Collections made at all points on
favorable terms.
Drafts drawn on Kew York, Ban
Francisco, Portland, Salem, Eugene,
and Corvallis, and all puinU in Eu
rope. Business sent by mall will receive
prompt attention.
Kotloe for Publication,
liisn Omit ai (kio Cm. On.,
I'cbruorv 21, 1866.
Koiice is hereby sjven that the followinit-
named settler hsa lileil notice of liit inlen-
lion to make final proof in nuppurt of his
claiir , and that taid proof will he n,ade be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Or., on May ?, lti, viz ;
H E Xo. 8251, for the X "s Stc 22, T U 8,
He names the following witnesses to
prove hu continuous residence upon end
cultivation of, said land, viz: W. W.
Banders, Ben. White. G. A. Downing. D.
8. Myers , all of Lacomb , Or .
IIobbst A. MllddtB,
jS Kegfgtcr.
George Rice represents some of the
beet Insurance companies in the world.
Shoes away down duality awav uu
at tbe closing out sale of Bead, Pea
sock at Co.
Bee the ad of the L. E. Blaiii Cloth
ing company on another page.
Closing out sals at Bead, Peacock &
Bread Makers,
Attention! . .
If you want
A Bur White Loaf
... Lebanon Flour
Everj' Sack Guaranteed
For sale by all the load
ing grocers of the citv.
Call for it " .
80 Gents per Sad
The Cheapest
and the Best.
? Fire Insurance. )
0j Insure Your J'roperty with
9) Ilnmiiurjr-ltreiiien, (
Fln'mau'a Fnad,
(9 Reliable old line enmpnuies 0)
x he repriveuts. AH business
w rtlafwl u-itli him lrf nt.
,( tended to pninaptlv. Office 0)
x on Main St.. LKBAXON. Or. el
Thos. F, Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C.
House, Receivers.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Grand Forkt
Ulna and
JSf-w York
VnatoB and all
Folnte Kant and gnuth
For information, time cards, inapt and
tickets, call on or write
W. C, PETERSOH, Agent,
--on :
I. D. CBABLTOH, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt.,
Portland. Oregon.
Katur, Invention.
Hfttaiijr, JtlKetriclty,
C'heiulitry, AIe.iciu,
Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry
Enlarged and Improved
Contains a hriu numlier nf Hhnrl
Easy, Practical, lnierestinir and Pnn-
ular, 8cienlillc article", Hint can lie
Appreciated and enjoyed by iiny Intel
ligent reader, even though he knew
nute or miming or fec-ieiicu.
Profusely Illustrated and P
From Technicalities.
ttetradealern, 10 oanu. a 1.00 per year.
aVUentlon thh paper for a sample copy.-ia
Largest Circulation of any
8oientlflp Paper In the World
MJ L1LUKD, New Yaf,
Altai ssa at aStraaL
fetaiOU MTIHT1.
tlsWMIafillTA. aJ
.rirr lniurmsuina ruta rroe nanuoouc wriir w
MI NN C CU, all Bao4wn. NBW Volt
Old bureau for MeurlOR pwnie) tn AnuiTlct,
F.err tmttmi ukon out by u U brouirtit Mam
too puliUu banoUcglen frMalsUieluUM
facutific mmtf
Lamm drmTatliw of anr pcliraUBo pawr ta tha
wuna. ttllondttllr UllutfahML Mo !uulllinDt
man itinuld I without It. Wwklr. fts.OOa
Kar: tlju six month. Addma, anVlT a GO
lauausuaat Urusdwv.llaw YurkOlir.
I-iejinl Blanks
For Sinle at
This Office,
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets; Lindeums, matting, etc..
Pictures and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Speciality.
. M. L. Forster,
The Tangent .Prune Nursery,
I ha'e a very fine 'stock of fruit trees vet for sale. A
good asfortnieut of Apple best winter varieties; fine stock
of one and two year Cherry tre'es; fi,iie one and two vear
cui , o- ii-w iuuu) i rune; also a good stock ol Jiaspberrics,
Blackberries, Luci(:tia Dewberry, ' Goostiberries, CurranU
and strawberries, I will take ia exohiinim fur irau 5iki
j bushels of good oats, 11)00
uaae.ior one go)a young now. . itor, particulars address me
at Tangent, Or., or Andrews & Fetereon' Lebanon, Or.
31. I.'KOItHTI3I.
Some Men ;
Try Advertising
As the Indian tried feathers. Ho took one
feather, laid it on-aWrd and slept on it all
night. In the morning he remai ked : "White
man say feathers lieap,s(iift;,i-white man d
fool." sr ; : ' ' ' ' '
You may start in a small wa;(l)St of ,tbe large adver
tisers haje), but by keeping pme'u Jiie public
you cannot faO of success. 'An article of merit advertised"
in the Lebanon Expiikss is 8ure;'tt find plenty of cumomers'
among the many .people who read'Hfiese columns regularly '
Headquarters ''1mmm .
for Sweet Peas: '"dV
thboto' ''Md""nu- P.,
;9) Truetonarr.A fftcket 2 of- , r'EA Bride of Niagara P.
I . Wer Rose , g "
. , . omatp iflm , ' ,w-w
feS Ml list '"""PldandBew.
Rtnl SlmvuH, Hiiir Cut or Shiuiipnn at
. B.-P. KIRK'S
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
. i' .-
uudit's Hair DrtwBing a Specialty.
poundB dressed pork; also will
wniio. vicks anv Leader. tr
new York. f'
n,,,ug .v iWf WIXU CO