The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 26, 1896, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
la Ibe time to buy your summer
dresses, have them mad an4
ready for the MMon
My itock of rammer goods t
now on sale the moat complete
Hue brought to Linn oouuly for
Dimity, organdy, percale, lawn,
Swiss, gingham, orepon and
Gome and aee the goodi If possi
ble; If noi Mud for aumplea. ........
S. E. Young,
A.Umphrey was to Albauy Tues
day. Social Saturday evening in Millar's
All goods aa represented at PoKb it
Mm. C. E. Pugfa ia viaitlng friends
i Albany.
,Gonrt clothing at a low prtoe at
Warti A Buhl's.
J. M. Mettle was doing UuiotM la
Allniny Monday.
Candidates are thicker than hope
around Lebauun.
E. M. Boalar baa moved into one of
Dr. Foley's bouses.
Dr. 0. W. Cheadie, dentist. Offlw
over City Drug alore.
The Expkkss from uow until Jul)
1h( for only 25 cents.
Next week Milk the candidate
question in tut county,
Mrs. J. C. Bllyeu kit thlj niarning
for Scio, to visit relatirea,
Ice cream aud bot cocoa sooisl, Sat
urday night, at Miller'a hall.'
There la anrue talk of a Dew livery
table starting op In Lebanon Uiorw
The finest llni of dress patterua In
tiie city la to be found at the iteokeit
. store.
Country produce of all kinds taken
at the higbeet market price at Pogh
The opening chapters of as Interest
ing aerial story will appear la this
pater soon.
Mrs. Jane Bulstou aud ahiidrtn toft
yesterday for Portland, whore they
will reside.
H. A. Miller has rented the Ballard
property, aud will move thereto in the
.near future. (
License baa been Issued for the mar.
jlage of Frank W. Thompson and
If you think we are Joking, oome
aud aee. We mean bu tineas. Head,
Peacock & Co.
fi. W. Fisher baa sold hit store at
Sodavllle to Ills two brother, Hugh
aud Eugene Fisher.
Ladies, be prepared to tuveat in a
bran new Easter bonnet. t Mia Du
mond baa all the latest f
Get you a new pair of shoos quiet,
vlu"' they atill have a tA mmrn-
incut le 1 l raaoof ;o.-s.
. pm( jj "orber, professor of nwtbe-
matlcs in the
W R.rrfv In .' -
jeweler, Albany, for a Vrf,
pin, or 16 ota. for a Jersey .'"a r'"
J. C. Booth, of Kewton, I..'
Visit to bla brother, Dr. W. H. Boo.'!'
One-half wool dreaa goods reduosd to
lOcte., and bleached, all linen table
loth for 86 ot. a yard, at the Backet
It is said that seven candidal, i
various ofHein, attended the republic?
club meeting at this plana last Friday i
night. , . ; i
Mrs. I. A. Davenport and daughter
left Monday for. Calhoun, Mn., and
will make tbeir future hnu at that
Hiram Baker and Head, Peacock A
Co. have new ads this weed. "You
pays your money and you takea your
fi. M. Caldwell, of Lebanon, wal
In Albany yesterday and aotd 70 sous
if baled hay to J. A. JbbiMtoll, of
Port hind. Xv x
The best dreaaed men In Linn cotrutj
tire those wbo buy their olotlitug
from Bach A Bubl. Good nulla for
low prices.
Coiuty Treasurer Morris, Blwrill
McFeronand Assessor Deaklns were
out to the republican eluti jt Friday
Mrs. May Zabn iiat opined a con
fectionery store In the Klrkpatriok
building the one which was formerly
the Express office.
0. VV. Blinpaou baa ereoUsJ a small
.PWIdlng near tht Lebanon warehouse,
it wUUl M m ttot
where the farmera can get their screen
ings ground Into chops. This will be
quite convenient for the farmers.
Mrs. Haokleman and children, who
have been visiting the lady'a mother,
Mrs. Hlndman, returned to their borne
iu Albany yesterday.
The L. E. Blaln Clothing company,
of Albany, have a large ad In this is
sue. They are talking about good
clothing aud low prices.
More new carpets and 6ft. and 12ft.
wide Lhnoleum. Juet received by the
Albany Furniture Company, Balti
more Block, Albany, Or.
R H. Armatrong, of Duluth, Minn.,
arrived In Lebanon yesterday on a
visit to bis sisters, Mrs. F. M. Miller
and Miss Ollle Armstrong.
The many frlenda of Hon. M. A.
Miller would like to have him run for
the legislature, but hie busiuess inter
ests demand most of hia time.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity. Call upon or write to 8. N.
Steele A Co., Albany, Oregon.
Rev. J. H. Cornwall returned home
Tu'wdty from a several weeks' visit at
Portland. Rev. Cornwall Is much bet
ter in health than when he left.
Bishop Dubbs, of Chicago, will
preach at Waterloo April 11, at 730 p.
m.; also at 11a.m. April 12, and at
Hodarille the evening of the 18th.
W. D. Hardin, C. D. Steen and R.
R. ITmphrty are at Balem, in attend
ance upon the populist state conven
tion, which meets In that city to-duy.
0. M Westfall came over from his
farm near Peoria last Friday and
spent Sunday iu Lebanon with his
daughters, returning to hla farm on
The ladies of the Cumberland Tres
bytailsn church will give a social,
Saturday evening, in Miller's ball, lee
cream and hot cocoa will be served..
Ail are Invited..
The quarterly union service will be
held In the Baptist church next Sun
day evening at 7:80. (Subject for dis
cussion, "Mutual Helpfulness." All
are cordially invited to this service.
The Cumlierland Presbyterian
church will bold Easter exercises at
their eleven o'clock service on Easter
Bunday. A good program ia beinpi
gotten up. All are invited o attend.
The remains of the Infant child of
Dr. and Mrs. Courtney reached here
yesterday, and were met at the depot
by C. & Montague and family, and
vert Interred in the cemetery at this
We have been reliably iuforuied that
Rev. WaltouHkipworth has returned
from New Jersey, baviug formed a
very unfavorable opinion of that state
after arriving there. He only stayed a
Atty. John M. Somers and wife
came out from Albany Friday evening
and etayed several days with relatives.
Mr. Bomers la prominently spoken of
fur the legislature on the republican
Lebanon has been peculiarly favored
by republican aspirants iVr office.
Hardly a day goe by but that some
visiting gentleman ia hand shaking,
It llvent up things a little and helps
the hotel.
C. B. Montague le growing lb popu
larity. Hia vote when it la counted in
June wll be a surprise to many per
sons, who think he will not be In it.
He will get there wltb both feet aud
don't forget It. 8clo Press.
The Ladles' Bazaar, of Albany, Or.,
will send a fashion plate, of the latest
styles, to all persons who write to theta
mentioning the Express. Their stncK
of goods ia better than ever this year.
Call on them wbeu in Albauy,
Young mau, you are thinking some
thing about your sweetheart, and you
will wut to look nice when in her
presence, so buy ibe latest styles of
Nothing at Baker's. He has the prices
we down to auit your reedy cash.
."be editor of the Portland Dispatch
has k.'"' forde tor us, as follows:
"Th LB7AN0N txPKKfM lias entered
on Its tenth year. It la a good paper
fw a country town, and appears to bejj
vail patronized by the people of that
i H Thompson has been circulating
" ... L - ,l .1...
a petition lH K'U8 ",r ""'"'
court to help ,u """" -
road fr.n F.t,.-tothertaiillaiu mines.
The petition was sig",y "'
to whom It was present"'
few exceptions.
Geo. McKnlght pussed through i-
anon Monday on his way to Mclo. 'lL'
is making a strong pull for the nomi
nation for sheriff ou the republican j
ticket. We believe George is the
atrongett man the republicans can
find for that office. ,
"Clarence," a story by America'"
great novelist, Bret Harte, will be
published in tills paper, commencing
anon. Those who are not subscribers
of tht Express should send iu theli
attbauriptlona now, and thus have the
reading of this Interesting story.
The Bapvlat church wiu,' crowded last
Bunday evening with an expectant
audience, to hear the pastor, Hev. La
mar, discus "Tbe worst tiling In
Lebanon." The preaoher's auuject .waa
"ail." f iiiMM in in ItatKl
Bird no one sin in particular. He
handled theaubjoflt well, and the au
dience was well pleased with the dis
course. T. Graham, a prominent cltlien of
Corvallis, who for 27 years Mat been
engaged in the drug business (here,
died Monday after a brief illness. The
deceased was aged 66 years. He was a
prominent Mnson and also a member
or the A. 0. TJ. W. Hie wife and two
sons survive him,
W. R. Barrett, formerly of this place
but now of Medford, and member of
the contracting firm of Butler, Barrett
A Stewart, has about completed ar
rangements for opening up a brick
yard on his 10-acre tract of land In
northwest Medford. He will com
mence making brick in a abort time,
and will put up a kiln of 100,000 brick.
The democratic and republican pri
maries will be held to-morrow, at
which time delegates to the county
conventions will be chosen. The re
publicans seem to be divided among
all the candidates; each having his
following. Hie democrats have no
Vahdidutes in the field, except Mr.
Garlaud forjudge, who will have the
united support of the two Lebanon
precincts, and a large vote Iu the
neighboring precincts.
The way some hoodlums misbehaved
at the Baptist church last Sunday
night is a shame and disgrace to a civ
ilized community. The good people
of Lebanon do not have to stand this
misbehavior in churches. If It Is con
tinued all they will have to do is to
swear out a complaint, and the officers
of the law will do the rest. The Ex
press hopes to see some of the boys
that misbehave in church given the
benefit of the full extent ot the law.
Hirum Baker told ua yesterday that
he has made a very large number of
sales of the Fcathcrhone ccrsets lately.
Mr. Baker said that he was satisfied
the cause of so many sales was the ad
vertising of those ennuis in this paper,
thus letting so many people know the
value of these popular corsets. Tnc
manufacturers guarantee the corsets,
but out of all these sales only one has
been returned, aud the house refunded
the money to Mr. Baker at once. This
shows that the manufacturers are re
liable. J. Bouse, a miner near Gold Hill,
was hung in effigy recently, by his
employees, for not paying them. He
has 80 to 100 men constantly at work
but had failed to settle, hence the
trouble. Last week the citizens of
that place found an effigy of J. H.
'iriffls, their town recorder, hanging
in the place where that of Bouse was
suspended a short time before. Mr.
Urlffis armed himself with a rifle and
cut it down as soon aa the discovery
was made. It is claimed that persona
incensed over bis conduct in the Bouse
affair did the work.
Oregon Presbytery of the Cumber
laud Presbyterian church witi convene
iu this city April 9, at 7:30 p. m.
The opening sermon will be preached
by the retiring moderator, Rev. I. M.
Boyles, of Wilboil. Ministers and
elders will be present from thecburches
of the Presbytery. Woodburn Is the
northern limit and Sodavllle the
southern of this presbytery. On Sat
urday delegates from various C. E.
societies will be present, and the even
ing will be given up to a Christian
Eudeavor rally. An interesting pro
gramme is being arranged.
C. B. Montague's lecture on Shak-
speare, last Friday evening, was much
enjoyed by those who heard it. The
audience was not a large one, but it
must be remembered that the more
ignorant classes do not appreciate lit
erature of such a high order aa Shak-
speare'B writings, and therefore, with
others who stayed away for other
reasons, were not present. The audi
euoe made up iu intelligence what It
lacked in numbers. Mr. Montague is
thoroughly familiar with the writings
of the famous author, as many of our
citizens well know, and he handled
the subject iu a masterly manner,
Quite a large number of democrats
met at Union hall last evening, at the
n eeting of the democratic club. Hons.
Wuitney AllA j. p. Oalbraith,
and Matt Scott, of Albany, were pres
ent and all made very interesting
speeches, dwelling on the extravagance
of the hist legislature and also In coun
ty affairs. Judge Whitney deserves
speciul mention, a id he received many
compliments on the excellent speech
that he delivered. Mr. Whitney Is
spoken of for the lcglslutue, and the
Fjji'itKBS would be glad to see him
elected to that position, us we believe
he would be the rlht mau in the right
-dace. After the visiting brothers bad
spok,"". Hon. M. A, Miller aud Atty.
Gurlanii both delivered short but in
teresting speeches
I have a few well rooted plants of
that grand rose, Paul Neyrou, which I
will sell for 20 cts. each.
Hattib A. Cbuson.
Groceries quality excellent prices
low-at Bacb A Bulil'i.
We solicit a share of your patron
age. Pooh A Mitncy.
We have the latest stylet In shoes
and sell them at bard-tlme prices.
We are informed I hat the "Parson's
scalp Is about to be hung In the war
lodge of the town council.
The drug store at this place Is doing
a rushing business in the perfumery
and face whitewash trade.
Home good ex-champion is wanted
to "coach" the new council so they
can hold their meetings in harmony
with the rules of Hoyle.
The ladles of the Evangelical churoh
at this place gave a supper Saturday
night. About $16 was the result of
the feast, which was very good for a
small village. Everybody that par
took was satisfied and all enjoyed
Run Over by a Steer.
How a beef steer, being driven
through the streets ran over a little
girl, and considerate u of what a nar
row escape she had, has been much
discussed In town a lew days past, says
tbe Corvallis Times. The child was
the ten-year-old daughter of William
Brlscow, and waa with other children
in the vicinity of the public school
building. When near the children
the steer made a dash for a band of
cattle 111 the vicinity, making straight
for the children. Tho little girl tried
to escape but the boviue ran directly
over her. She waa knocked down,
her face was covered with mud, but
she was not injured. One of tbe feet
of the crazy brute struck the ground
within an Inch of her upturned face,
making her escape without injury al
most a miracle.
At Horae.
An amusing story is told of the late
Principal Pirie, of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Just after "at home" cards became
fashionable, one of tbe driest speci
mens of the old professional regime
was surprised to receive a missive
which read as follows: "Principal and
Mrs. Pirie present their compliments
to Professor T., and hope he is well.
Principal and Mrs. Pirie will be 'at
borne' on Thursday evening at eight
o'clock." This was something which
evidently required an answer, but the
recipient of it was quite equal tn the
occasion. He wrote: "Professor T.
returns the compliments of Principal
and Mrs. Pirie, and Informs them that
be is very well. Professor T. is glad to
bear that Principal aud Mrs. Pirie
will be at home ou Thursday evening
at eight o'clock. Professor T. will also
be at home." New York Tribune.
A Jolly Good Time.
John P. Miller W. It. C. participated
in another one of their aeries of bean-
bakes on Friday last, which resulted
in the members of Post and Corps hav
ing a lolly good time, especially when
the old soldiers were turned loose to
help themselves to baked beans, and
all other good things which help to
make the inner man feel good natured.
There were about 50 of Post and Corps,
who partook freely. One feature of
the supper was a cake of red, white
aud blue, with "Old Glory" on the
top, made of frosting.
One that was there
and k.nows.
Boys, Take Warning.
The conduct of some boys at the
Baptist church last Sunday evening
must not be repeated. There is a law
to protect us in our worship, and It
will be strictly enforced hereafter.
A Memuek.
J. Irvine, of Corvallis, is visiting in
the city. . .
Asa Baker has sold his wlieckjnd
Will soon possess a new one of lalest
Get our prices and quality of stock
before buying your groceries, boots,
shoes or gents furnishing goods else
where. Plan A Mu.nsky,
Mr. Morris has rented A, E.
Williams' house and expects to move
there tn a few days. Joint Nichols
will move back Into his residence near
the Baptist church, where Mr, Morris
has been living.
Ladles, I Invite your attention to
my new and extensive line of flowers,
fancy straws und beautiful ribbons.
Opening day about the first of April,
Miss A. DuM'j.xd.
Highest Honors World' Fair,
fluid Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Mat 1'erfet-i Mud
r r tM aundsrtt,
We don't blame
them for kicking.
It's a trifle hard on our
competitors, but it's a
great thing for the buyers.
Why that Closing Out
Sale at Read, Peacock &
Co.'s, Lebanon or Albany.
Terms, Cash
Buy. Your
Staple and Fancy. Groceries. ; -
SFine Teas, Coffees and Spices,
And carry a full line of Groceries of ihe best quality. We solicit the patronage
of the pulillq. All orders receive pronipt and careful attention. Cash paid
for chickens. Mayer & Kiuibrough'a old stand, Lebanon, Oregon.
Shoes and Notions.
Having again opened up ii general merchandise stove in Lebanon,
I respectfully solicit the patronage of my friends and former customers
and the public in general,
Terms strictly cash or produce.
i "I confess I was startled," alild a
j man from another city. "I wanted to
j ask a little legal advice, and I stepped
into the first law office 1 came to In a
building I had been told. was. full of
good lawyers. A plensant looking
woman, wearing a shirt waist, was
writing at a deBk. I was about to ask
if her employer was In, when she
rose, bowed gravely, put on, her coat,
and then said, with professional
seriousness, 'Do you wish to consult
me?' I was so rattled I stammered
about having made a mistake and
I backed out of tb room. Yet my own
: sister has Just taken an A. M., too," he
added pensively. Boston Trauserlpt.
! Those that need a pah' of shoes, suit
' of clothing, a nice hat, a nice dress or
j a cloak, should now grasp the golden
opportunity while .tills clearance 'sale
MOt. . .';.
or Produce.
I. .A-iuIreiAvs.
To The Mothers.
You have nlao children, von know.
and nothing pleases tlumi heller than
a nice nobhv suit of clothes that keens
tbiiin warm und healthy, lluker has
them and for hut little inonev. Can
you stand $1.00 for a suit of clothes, or
up to $4007 All these low prices you
ill find at Hlruiu linker's.
Thoroughbred Poultry.
White and Brown Leghorns, Ply-
rnouth Bock, Black Minorous, Lung
shans, Silver Hpangle Hamburg,
Golden Crested Polish, (James and
Game Bantams. Eggs, $1.00 per 15.
Lebanon, Oro.
Presbytery of the Cumberland Pres
byterian churoh will meet In tills city