The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 26, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
"To be or not to be? That ia the
question" which the populist
candidate.'! at Salem to-day are
asking themselves.
a The Chicago News any that "it
ia getting so that the average citi
zen aBsuines an apologetic air
whenever any stranger begins to
speak to him about the 61th con
Uon. Tiluian Ford has been en
do.sed by the Salem republicans
for congress. The contest will be
exciting. It is Hermann against
the field, with the chances in favor
of Hermann.
Ex-President Harrison is said to
be bitterly opposed to McEinley.
It is said that he has virtually said
that the Ohio statesman lacks the
necessary qualifications for the po
sition. Correct you are, brother.
Portland Dispatch.
Those of our subscribers who
like to read novels of a good class
will be pleased to know that the
Express lias made arrangements
for an interesting serial to be pub
lished in its columns. It is written
by Bret Harte, the famous novelist
John M'annamaker, was recently
fined $1000 for importing alien
labor. As the Philadelphia papers
refused to publish the item on ac
count of Mr. Wannamaker being a
big advertiser, and as Mr. Wanna
maker doesn't advertise with ua
we send it broadcast to the world.
At a recent stabbing affair in
Jackson county, when the marshal
of the town where it occurred at
tempted to arrest the offender,
some of the fellow's friends tried
to prevent the arrest. The leader
was afterwards arrested himself,
but at his trial the deputy prose
cuting attorney placed himself on
a level with the prisoner, by mak
ing a motion that he be discharged,
which was done. Any person who
tries to prevent the arrest of
criminal should be punished to the
full extent of the law.
The democrats of the county are
awakening from their slumbers
and are now effecting a strong or
ganization. Much enthusiasm is
being everywhere manifested. The
unsavory record of the but repub
lican legislature and the extrava
gances of the county officials have
convinced them that the people
demand a change. The republi
cans are now upon the defensive,
with many very weak places to
defend. The democrats have a fair
chance to win, and their success is
probable if the proper efforts are
vigorously made.
Don't crawl. Stand erect at all
times. When you must apologize
for a blunder whatever the sbame
and mortification you are put to,
don't crawl when you make your
apology to the offended person,
Say yon are sorry, and say it in a
manner which carries conviction
of the sincerity of your regret, and
offer whatever amends lie within
the limit of your self-respect; but
don't debase yourself. Don't add
the person's scorn to bis present
indignation. Be dignified even in
your humility and repentance.
Keystone. -
aMtalfck uleDMMiaa
km Tn as raku. aaam.
A aorner of the veil which screens
tht tamer liie at royalty from the
moa m was raised the other day by
Mr. Ben tool, 11. P., at a meeting ot la
die in support ot the women's suffrage
movement, says the Westminster tia
aetta. Mr. Bentonl laid his idea had
always been that the qneea was .a.
merely ornamental aort of personage,
who sifrnad aneb documents as were
submitted by her ministers, and was
nstrained from doing- any harm by
sonstitntional safeguards. Be had,
however, recently made the acquaint
ance of two lords in waiting, who have
been in attendance on her majesty for
many yean, and the information he'
had obtained from thia source had oom
pletely altered his views as to the in
fluence exercised by the queen in mat
ters of domeatia and foreign policy.
Be had learned that ahe is proficient in
eleven European languages, and that
ahe has during the last four or five
yean aompletely mastered Hindu
tanee, in which ahe converses with
great correctness and fluency with any
of her Indian subject who are pre
sented at court. Her majesty frequent
ly writes to every important sovereign
in Europe, and her influence on the
ride of peace ia said to have been very
beneficial, her knowledge of foreign af
fairs being most intimate and accurate.
At several critical atagea in the rela
tions between European nations the
queen's personal influence has been suc
cessfully exerted to prevent war. It ia
even alleged in court circles that her
majesty would have been able to pre
vent the Franco-Prussian war if
Emperor Louis Kapoleon had not pre
cipitated hostilities on the Rhine be
fore any opportunity was afforded for
How's This!
We oiler iHie Hundred Dollars liewnrd
for siy rjm -m iiitirrh Hint earning he
cured ly Hall's Catarrh tCure,
F. J. I iiaskv ,V Co.. I'M). Toledo. (I.
We. thi usuersiiiuoJ. have known F. J.
Cheney iur the last 5 wars end believe
him riicily honorable i ml tmsiiiew
transaction- ami imnneiunv aoie to carry
out any ol'lu-ntuiits mfttte lv their linn.
West A Trimx, Wholesale DroppiM,,, To
ledo, tl.
Waloiiif Kitiuan it Marvin. Wholesale
Drturv'isil. 1 OltWO, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken ' interna)!.
auiiua uirmuty upon fee bi,Hl ami iuucuus
aurlaces ot' tne system . Trim, 7i eta: per
Dome, -soot uy an rntitsis. 'testimo
nial frw.
Kew subscriptions &r llifl Weekly
Oregonian taken at this office,.
Meu's first gram', nil Brain, plow
shoes rwiueed lo 11.50 at ;lie liackct
store. Many oilier shoes are reduced
in price.
Those who linve bought giaals from
Bnker during his ctairnner sale, and
know the great value of the goods,
should notify their friends at ouce
and have them save money by buying
linker is a large and extensive shoe
dealer. Styles and fashions will change
and there are always some a little out
ofatvle, and these, with many new
kinds, KnkoriliarnbiOBd on sale at
loss In him and a great gain to the
Inn er Buy now and save moiety by
this huge sale that is uow nn at Bak
OihhIs away down, at Read, Peacock
& Ui.'a for cash or produoe. , M
rai Btok ataa-i ruT to arm
1 1 Vmmm r-rpanw.
'There are two things that I will
anw do again," said a physician the
otherday. "Commit myself by giving an
opinion in regard to the death of a pa
tient and advancing money to defray
funeral expenses. I swore off on these
two things years ago. When I first
started I waa so tender hearted that
every ume i was asaea by the anxious
trtendsof a patient if I thought death
imminent 1 always responded that the
patient had a very alight chance to get
'.veil. I suppose most physicians err
aiora in giving opinions as to death
vhan any other. One case 1 had h
'ermined me never to prognosticate
ieath again. A member of a prominent
irish family was very sick with fever.
Ilia relatives asked me candidly what I
thought of the ease. Without knowing
the consequences, I told thorn he would
die in twenty-four hours. The family
sent for the priest, had him shaved and
even ordered refreshments for the
wake. To my surprise the patient per
vuted ia getting well, which so ilisap
pcinted his friends that they never for
gave me, and never have sent for me
-tinea, thinking I did not understand
my business.''
w Is at flmettecj by Slocntaln GnldM
la Albania.
The people of Albania are said to
The Portland Dispatch says: "If
this thing keeps on, Gov. Lord, like
the governor of Kentucky, may be
compelled to order out the militia
and declare martial law. The re
publican factions in this county
are on the war path. Tbey have
jointly been plundering the people,
jtnd now they are at war to contest
the question as to which faction
hall continue to do so. They find
little left in the hands ot the pub
lic to take so they have started in
to steal the republican clubs from
each other. The meanest tramp
in the country is hardly sufficient
ly depraved to commit such a
crime, nor would be take it were it
offered him as a free gift any more
than he would willingly do a day's
hard work. Reoublican uolitieians
practice long-distance talking without
the help of the electric '.'.irro::i. In
their mountainoro country Lux pa?s
along the word fromsnraasi'. t-; . r:.';it
by the unaided strength it int.- i:i..r s.
Regular relavc are said, t r: u.b-
lished for receiving and t't:;-?.''.-1?:!?
news. This U patterned a'i'-r i'.-.:- ujo
of couriers in more level ennnrrt"-.. Thrj
author of "The Cruise of the 2. V. -J.
Eva" speaks of this habit cf the Ailxc
niansaaa national peouiiarity.
They oannot say teir sr? v.-ber. they
are near each other, but mir.t always
wait till they get to the top. of t-.vo
I ills to begin to talk. Yon march afcttjr
after your Albanian guide and meet
another; they may perhaps kH,
hands, mutter a few words and pn-s
on. or. not unlikely, they pas v.-i:ho:;t
the slightest notice. On yju e;o and
forget that yon met asyheuj-, vrh.-n
suddenly, on arriving at the t :p oi a
hill, your guide turns round and ;:i;rrb
out: "O Georgio, Georgio-iWMi! or
whatever his name may be, r.rlnising
rut the last syllable to gni&t h r.j;:h.
The echo has hardly died mvuy lie
fore you heartbe answer. Tali; l;r...
gun,and youhad better si; dov. u.iLsfi
fan do not mind proceediujri j : s, ijt
move they will not until their n::y is
over, and you may have tc exercise your
patience for half an hour. at
There is no question thr.t thi long
tadking propensity is a pzt r. -re. not
only for the loss of timj it r-e.-i.rfon,
but because the noise in rr.-)::ii to dis-'
tnrb avery head of game in the coun
Am Ontaaiaa's Orast Schema.
A young man who not lontr since
found the pleasures of city life pall on
nun ana went out into Washington
county to be a jolly farmer ckims to
have discovered a method of milizinr'
oak grubs, which, if it works, myl
the Portland Oregonian, will prove the
greatest discovery of the age. as far as
farming in Oregon is concerned Every
one who has had anything to do with
farming in the Willamette valley
knows what a nuisance oak grub are.
Tbey are young oak trees, w hich in
many places cover lanre tracts, and
are called grubs because the only
way of getting rid of them is by
ambbtmr them nn. T!,f.o !,, ....... .i
more backache unri
the use of more profanitr than nnv
other kind of grub in the state, though
the grub furnished in some olaces ia
enough to make a saint swear. Well,
(Us genius of a farmer has irraftil all
his oak grubs with chestnut scions, and
says tbey arcdoing finely, and in a few
years as will be tatteuinp vast drov.
of- nogs on chestnuts, and he can af
ford to laugh at farmers who raise
waeai to latten hogs.
,-1 wish te propose for the hand of
four daughter.'! "Which or man).
oongmiuir nutcnoi mom.
I don't know, Kow. in confldoncc
'(Mb. el tbaa wauid you aavu a
ICIiangvd tverjr Wcek.l
Oats 14 to Hie .
Hay $3 to $ per ton.
Flour-.) aH0. per sack
Cho 10 80 jicr cwt. .
Bmn 75c perewt.
Middlings il 75 per cwt
Potatoes 25c.
Apples Dried, Sc per 11- ,
Plums Dried, 2c. '
Onions 2c
Beef Dressed, 3j to 4c
Veal 3;fi 4c. .
Pork Dressed, 3J.
Lard 71.
Hiiuts S per lb.
Shoulders (ic.
Bides 10c per lb. '
Geese $3 50 IX; $4 per doz.
Ducks 13 g ti per doz.
Chickens ?2 0( M 50.
Turkeys Sc jier lb. ' .
Eggs-t7r ler dos.
Better 15 20c pr lb.
Hides Green, 3c; dry, 5c.
- Btottoe for PuWttuit loll.
Lasd Orrt 4T Oasuos Citi. Oa.,
February 21, 1S90,
Notice is hereby jnven that the followiug
nanied settler has filed notice of hit inten
tion to make tiual proof in support o( his ! brniiclies of Music
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will & Stark, Jewelers
Optical Specialist
Graduate of the C'icag.i Opthalmic
I nni prepared lo examine scientlfl
rally and accuratly, by the latest and
improved methods of mnderu aoience,
any who desire to have their eyes tes
Cusiek Bhwk, Albany, Okeqon.
ExtruB and Repairs
Sureeann to Knapp, Burrell k Company.
Sole Ap-ntt For p.lml TilTr
Oliver t'lulled I'kwt. 1 CarCC "i i
Harrows, Drills, ic Albany, Or
Conseryatory of Music
l'rof. Z. .1. Faryiu, musical Director
formerly of Willamette Uulverslty.hat
been elected Director for the coming
school year. --
Full Courses in the important
claim, and that said proot will be made be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linu Co., at Albany.
Or., on May 2. Vm. viz:
H. E. No. KS0. for the N. W. Sec. 22, T.
U8., K.1E.
He names the" following witnesses to
prove his comiioious resilience uikjo and
cultivation of. said land, viz: William W.
Sanders. Hilton AV. Yacnian. David 8.
Myers. Uhariey E. Clark, all of Womb, Or.
1 - Jiegister.
BTotlee for 1'uolloa lion.
Lass Orncs it Oseook City, Oa.,
March 2. IK.
Notice is liereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to mate final proof in support of his
Claim, and lhai jaiil proof will be made be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linn Co. at Albany,
Or., on May 4, lm. viz:
WB. M. lit KKFTLL.
H. E. 8115 for Hie W of X W . W )J of
8 ft- of ticc. 32. T. 12 8, K. 1 K.
' He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: M. A. Fitz-
water, Steave Powell, frank MtKiney, Bud
Umauover, all of Lebanon, Ojtn.
Latest methods.
Fine music rooms.
Prices low for grade of work.
Diplomas eonfered on completion ot
course. Term begins September 11th,
Bend fur circular and catalogue.
W. H. LEE, A. M., Pres.,
Albany, Oregon.
Sunset limited
. CL'it f ill 'ii 1 Oiii .
WiU Run
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over The Great
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, A'av. S, 1S9S.
The most complete, modern, ele
gantly equipped and perfectly arranged
Vestii uled Transcontinental Train In
America. NeurSKqulpment. eaneciallv
designed and built for this service.
Direct connections in New Or
leans for Eiie-tcrn points. Quick
Closing-Out Sale
Scenes and Incidents are
connected Colirnla and
the War of the Kteiiiun.
Legal lilmikH
For Kale at
Xhi omu.
Instantly Believed
and Permanently
llITl I I , -r-
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeki.
(miam : kooma 'oc-707, Kstausm BulUUst
Boots and Shoes, and Dry Goods
. Is still going on. Come while these
Great Bargains)
I want to call our attention to my
Tht has just arrived. The suits are beauties and prices
away down. GOOD MEN'S SUITS for
$4.50, $5.50, WO, $9.00.
. The $9.00 suits are equal to many that you buy from
other places and pay $10.00 or 1 12.00, You are bound to-
save money by buying from me.
Lebanon, - - Oregon.
Days till spring. Have, you
thought of what you'll wear!
Every one answers "clothes"
of course.
Then you will appreciate
the masterpieces of the tailors'
art wliich we have had made
especially for our customers.
Ready-made suits with all
the marks of style and worth
about them
The prices,
$5.00, $6.00, $8.00,
get choice of lines worth
But the real BREAD-AND-MEAT
part of them
are the many ihies at
You'U. think they're worth
more, but they go at that.
Albany Mills Suits,' Worsted Dress Suits,
FancyChecks and Corduroys.
We won't say more about
them-they show up best
when seen and worn.
L. E. Blain Clothing Go.