? V VOL. X. LEBANON, OREGON, MARCH 26, 1896. NO. V ,1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 15 00 (If paid iO 1VW1. im p rJ Hit mtiiHht. .. .....-' liree imli.-.- jj STATE OFFICERS. (in. W. Mctlridn Senator John H. Mitchell.! Binger Hermann Congressman William P. lord, ...Governor H. R. Khioald Secretary of Stilt Phil Metschan, Treasurer ii. M. Irwl dupt. Public Instruction H. W Lead 8tte Printer R g Item, i F.A.Moore, Supreme Judges. il. K. Woolverton.l BOUNTY OFFICERS. ludae, .. ...... J. N. Duncan Recorder, .0. F. Herdroitf Clerk.............. N. Needhaoi Sheriff,.. ... ......... 1. A. McKercn School 8iiierlnteiiilMitl.A. R. Kotharford Treasurer,.. ....P. 0. Horrll Awwtor ..W. r. Deskim 8u7tyur, ...; K. T. T. Fiaher CoroneT- - R- J"m t John Pufcfc Commission VI, ) J. U. Watera CITY OICIALB. BAYOU .Tit A. M0NT4.GUK ilrXORI'KK -W. M. B1IOV7N CITY ATTOl;NEY......S. M. GAULA.ND IttKASVKEK J.'. HYflh sURSHAL...'. 0. TAYllll fN. 8. DALGLEItH, C. E. Miojll, ;iltM ILMbJU A ujipuKKV, J. U. SMITH. IN. U. IlilAAl AK. Cily Council incetaiiii the Brat and third Tuesday evenings of each month. Secret Soclstlas. US TEST. Ho. J. K. 0. T. M.-Meett InO. A. UI im Thursday ennlag of eaeb week. M Mr Kiutbu an cordially turtle, to fbdi the TV-" CW.BTOia,a, 0o. W. Rica.S. K. honor lodge, so. m. J't srorj ruanday evening at 8. A.' B,u H V. Kuutm?' W" J.r. Hvnt. Km. LBANOXL0DOIS,l0., 1,0. O. I -Uti every Baturday evening ai Odd FtfloweHall, at o'oloo.p.m. a, DiVM, K. ft W. C. FETER&OK. SecTy. PEARLTtSBEOCA LODGE. MO. t. t 0. 0.'f. MU at 1.0.0. 'Ball krst and IWrt Wtdaes- lay evenings of eaeb month. BAKAH SALTalAJUlH, N. G. JSATTtE A.CBtWlS, Bwt'v. ,JE1A!0N LODGE No. A r. A. H.-MNB j,mrto) eulnii, on or before On tall mam la awatA. at Jlawnlc HaU, Ooe. Halo and Orant eta. Ma""tal otrtheni oomiaUf tartied to attend. ' . w J. WuaoK.W. M, K. K. HaM.'. TohFf. MIL.'-KR W. K. C. Va. IA meet, tat and Brd Fil ' ch m0"'l, ' 1:30 p.m. AmB.Ks, DoLLia E. 8Aitiia, "" Sec'ty. ' . UES t KE10UI1 CAMP, Ho. 1, Ullatoa ofCw fon, Bona of Veloraana-Mtet iuO. A. K. HaU, eery natunlay ovealna. etoept the IbW iaturdaj of each mouth, awetlna the thiid rrl' lay inatead. All btothen of UieSoai o Vet atani and oomndMof the u. A. R. ate ouidiAllr Invited to meet with the Camp. I. 0. Cau, Cast. A. Twr, Flirt Beit. BIN A M. WEaT HIVE, NO. 1, U 0. T, H. Xetuau thesd, 4th and Mb Friday eraulnf of aaeb uiouth at 7:30 r. M. at 0. A. K. Hall. Traa- H Laily Hacoabeei an cordially umua u Hei. attoud. Uvuii I. Mti.ua. Udy Oom. miw. Irti f If. Dou.lE hkl 'MQ.V4L. PROFEa 2 A li'f Kvf fl A U ftllUKHJlI-Al"A. LKBANON, OUCOS. Weatierford ft Yjttt, ATTORNEYS -AT - LAW. ALBANY, OEB005. W.RB1LTEV, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W. M. BROWJf, Attorney.at-Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Cabot W muslin, 18 yards, f 1. Cabot A UMatlin, 17 yards, $1. Uopa mualln, bletatwa, 12 yards, (1. Other goods In proportion, at Read, Peacock Co. 'a. During our cloning out sale no goods will be sold except for spot cub, . Id. THE BEST SPRING L1EDICINE I Simmons Liver Regulator don t forret to take It The Liver iet slujjlth durlnt the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps It properly at work, when your system will be free froo poison and the whole body Invigorated. You get TUB BEST BLOOD when your svctera Is in At condition, and that Will only be when the Liver is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note (he difference. But take only SIMMONS Liver Regulator -it is Simmons LIVER REGULATOR which makes the sUffeircnce. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the Kcder; but takeSlMMQNS LIVER REQl TOR. You'll find the RgJ) Z p every packacc. Look for It, I. EL iictlin Co., rbJkMkdpliir Itf. Albany Steam Laundry RICHARDS I PHILLIPS, Proprs, AJbany, Orogon All Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Special Rates for Family asbings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or jWoiify Refunded, J. P. HYDE. Agent, JLiebemon. Oregon. East and South r VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE 4 " Southern Pacific Co. Expreaa lrain leave Portland daily: 8:501". M. ; I.v...l'ort!and....Ar. 8:10 a. II -.60 a. at 7:00 r.n 12:1" . x. Lt... Albany.. ..Ar. Ar.Ban Francisco Lv W:U4.M. The above Iml'ill atop at East Port Inuri. Oreeon City. Wnodburii, Balem, Turner, Marlon, Jefteraoo, Albany, Aliiany Juoctios, Tanrent, eneati, Halsey, Harrislmrp;, Junction City, IrvtiiK, Kugttnti, Crmwell, Drains and all Million tram lioeeliurj eoulh to aod including Asblani), Honcburf mail dally: 8: a. M. I Lv... Portland ...Ar, S:26 r. M. L...AIuany Ar, SJlOf, H-1 Ar...Koaeltirft..Lv. :46r.M. 1:16 1. M. 8:00 A. M. Local pfustttiftf WlilH daily (except Bunttay. Xt... Albany.. ,...Ar, Ar...lbanon....l.v. Lf... Albany Ar. Ar...Ibanon ...I.r. ld:)4,M, 9:40 A. M, :4S P. u. 6:60 P. N. Dining Carson Ogden Route. PflLMAN Bl'FF?T Sl.KEPERS ASPr- Becond-Class Sleeping Cars At tfichad to 11 liirougli Trains. gtrSKM PoRtLANII AND C'OHTAM.11. v.h 'rain-"8"? (ieceitundn); "iT "Portland ;Ar. I 8: S A. H, 7 vn a. .nt.. 1 !2:lfIMI. J rnrvallia "OBBeCt it)j Al Aniens a . triiniofO. C. & K, llroaJ. Bxprew train-dally Bunday) : i . I. Ar.McMinnvilleL.T I 6:Wa,M. Sd..ndE.V'f 'f raafronF. V.- B1""'7S",'" t. P. BOOK KB. A"1' - iKtl DuA o v n. are closlnn out (helistock of good, at both Albany and Lebanon. Dress Goods, 0 W quality tor a UtlW, 8:20 a. a. 0:11 A. M. : P. M. 6: P. M. STATE AND COAST.. Clipped from our Exchanges Throughout the Weat. The duck st-ason closed on lb IStb of this month. Eugene school distriot has 1282 chil dren of school age. ... The first number of the Tillamook Herald was issued last week. The Presbyterians of Brownsville are making arrangements far a new church building. Walter L. Main's big three-ring dr cue will be in Oregon soou. This is Its first trip to Oregon. Goods roads on BL Patrick's day i rather unusual for Oregon; yet such was the case this year. The Odd Fellows of Lane county will celebrate the 77th annlvaraaiy of Odilfrlluwahip at Eugene April 26. The ouilnea around Brownsville) have been killing sheep, aa many as 60 having been killed within the past few weeks. A report Is current that a new morn lug paper will be started iu The Dalles April I tttlie enterprise is a go, it will be republican In politics. The buttle Mwcen the fruit growers and the fruit peits is now on In dead eerpmt n Jackson county, and "hot stuff" is being pumpud uto the ene my all along the line. " While filing the tetth of a horse, George Metlei r lost bis bold of the file and It went fawn the animal's throat The horse ia getting along nicely, and the file js out if sight. George Kykstra recently brought into Dallas 114 pounds of mohair, sheared from 40 goats, and sold It at 80 Kilts a poutid. The coating of each animal brought him 85 cents. Circuit court has been In session at Boseburg, The judge Instructed the grand jury to fully Investigate the es cape of murderer Bam Brown from the county jail, and to place the responsi bility where it belongs. Lieulleo HcDaniel, the last of ttm McDsniel brothers, died rather sud denly at hs bime in Jackson county recently. He was sjck pny a few hours, and acme seem to tbjpk (hat poison figured u bis death. The silver-tipped gray squirrels are occasionally aeen once more on the oak trees in Hood River. If these beauti ful animals could be protected from vandal hunters, tbey would soon be come numerous again on the hand some shads (roes of that town, says the Qlanier, Mr, Oilman met with quit an aopt- deiit recently while out hunting on Elk river, Id Coos county. He feu and bis gun was discharged. The bullet struck a rock immediately In front of him and rebounded, striking him In the shoulder and Inflicting a painful but not serious wound. The fact that the present jury in Douglas county is made up mostly of young men who have bad bqt ljttlc or no experience as jurors, it a matter of comment. Such a combination of "boy jurors" may never occur again In the pext balf-oeutury, if ever; but then It may occur again next time. The firm of Weeks t Qrr, of Med ford, has been packing 600 boxes of fine Newtown pippin appletior the London market These sre all four-tier apples .-which indicutea that they lack noth ing in slse. TUise gentlemen have 10 men busily employed spraying their orchards. They repoit the pests not near so plentiful as Isst year. In the bottom of the deep shaft at the Virtue mine, in Baker county, the water is hut. Too lint for a man to take 1 hptll. This Ed Borinan, the Eijfht foreman of the mine pan litify to. )r. porwau k&j opcaaiqu to go down the shaft las the cage, and, through carelessness or otherwise, the page was lowered into the sump. Be fore Mr- 8"T)ai) could signal for a bolst bia legs were burned by tJB t)0t water quite severely. Rev. Mr. Mills, of Tillamook, who has reoeutly closed a two weeks' aeries of meetings nt Thurston, In Lane county, has shown a very generous pirlt to the people of that place. Mr Mills came to that section to buy jer sey cattle for a creamery, and While at Thurston learned that the people at that place wer without a reguiariy appointed pastor. He Immediately tendered bis services for a short time, but was tpM Mit the people oould not afford to blr him. Kol dauuteo oy this, lie procured the use of the pburwi r'.n,iu.,; l.lrprl a laultor at bis 0U expense, to care for It, and held a two . a I u.tAla eauuul SUetl 1 1 1 SAllI wee as' servwr, wim -when he had finished, gave the con- .in iwah to "boost them along." Mr. Mllte 11 saw w aw wkHM(v . Attempted Suicide. The following is taken from the Solo Press: Tuesday afternoon John Patterson came to this oily In post haste after a doctor; stating that Elijah Willfong had attempted to hang himself, at the barn of hie son-in-law, Alex McDon ald. The facts, as near as we could get them, were as follows: Mr. Willfong is about 82 years old, Is quite deaf and has nearly lost his hind. He has been afflicted lately with erysipelas about the face and eyes, and has been frequently beaid to say that be did not want to live. In misequeuce of these threats he has been watohed to some extent. Shortly after he ate bis dinner Tuesday hs went to the barn and taking a ropa fastened one end to the joist overhead. He then, by standing on a scantling, one end of which was placed upon a box or something of tbat nature, brought his head near the Joist. He then tied the rope around hie neck, but not In a slip knot, aud stepped off the scantling. This gave him a drop of but four or five iuches, bnt be would have strangled to death In a few min utes. Some children happening on Ihe scene about this time, hurried to the house aud reported the matter to their father. Mr. McDonald went to the barn as quickly as possible and, putting the rope, laid (he old man down. He bad choked himself till he had quit breathing, but In a few min utes respiration was restored. When I Dr. Cole, of this city, arrived not much could be done, as he was by this time breathing regularly with the heart beating at about norotal rate. The doctor prepared a lotion for the eyes and face, which, upon being ap plied, soon soothed the old man to sleep. : Suicide at Corvsllis. M. T, Lindsay committed aulaida last Saturday, at the courthouse In Corvallls, by shooting himself. Ap parently Lindsey had seated himself against a pile of wood, and deliberately placing a revolver against his right temple, shot himself. The weapon used was a 44-csllber Colt's revolver, whip)) the dead man still grasped when found. His wife said he left home tbat morning, apparently feeling in good spirits. During the forenoon he spent a few hours at the store of Dunn A Campbell, leaving there about noon. As he went out be asked for his re volver, which he bad left there for sale. It was given him, and be casu ally remarked that be would take It -1 1 tr - . ! .. J T . L : . aiuux uiue. iy: wcriw) out uis. pur pose shortly after noon. Mr. Lindsey had been for years of a rather despondent disposition. His health was not very good and he was uuable to work. The largest part of bis income was his pension, which was Insufficient for the maintenance of his family, and it is supposed finan cial troubles added to bia despondency. ty?. Lmdsey leaves a wife and (hre children. He was a member of the O. A. R. and A. O. U. W. A Clubbing Offer. A great many of our readers In Ll'lh county like to take the Weekly Oregon- Ian. We have made arrangements whereby we can furnish It at a reduc tion from the regular price to those who want both the E,pr,ks8 and the Oregonlan. The regular price of the Oregonlan is $1.60 per year, and of the Exfrk88$10 when in advance. Wo will furnish both for 2. per year In advance, a saving of one dollar to the subscriber. The Orcgouian gives all the general news of the country once a week, and the FKftPW (jives, aj the tal news quo a week, which will make a most excellent nevis service for the moderate sum. of 2, per year. Those who are ut present subscribers f the ExRRBSS must pay In all arrear ages and one year in advance to obtain (1)14 special prlea. Notice tor PubUoatlon Laho Orncs at Osiuos City, Oa., February 24, 1808. Notice Is hereby xlven tbat the following psmad wilier has tiled notice of bis inten tion to make flnsl proof n anpport of bia claim, snd that sail proof will be made be fore the iJounty Clerk of Linn County, at Albany, Or,, on Mny2, 1896, Tit: DAVID S. MYEK8, H.E. No. 7870. for the N. E. K H. E. , Ike. Ut, T. 1 8., K. t K, He names the following witnesses topnov e hit continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, ssid land, vin William W. Ban ders, Hilton W. Yeoman, George A. Down ing, Beonis White, sll of Laoomb, Or. Bosm A. Miuta, - Kegurter, B. & B. are the initials of Bach 4 Highest of all in Uavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 4SSOLUTEIY PURE Reported Gold Find Is it True? McMinnville, Or., March 20. The discovery of a mineral lode is reported here; and If reportx be true it is the richest deposit that has been found on the coast for many years. It wns made by an old Cornish miner, Henry Sem mens, who has recently been over the gold fields of South Africa, aod is pres ident and manager of the Cook-Kitchen mine in Clatsop county, Wash. The lode is said to contain gold, silver, nickel and copper in great quantities, and lies in the foothills of thib place, extending up to and beyond the summit of the Coast mountains. Crop- pings of the lode have been found on about 20,000 acres, and is a conglom erate of twisted, gnarled and fragmen tary, dark brown and gray rock, both volcanic and sedimutary. It la said (0 he similar to that found In the Transvaal gold fields, and is contrary to all known mineral deposits found on the Pacific cuat, In its geological formation. Gold h:is been known to exist in small quantities in the foot hills here for years, but not in paying quantities, and the mother lode could not be located by prospectors, as they always looked for the common gold bearing quartz usually found In other mines of the coast. There are those here who profess to believe the whole scheme a hoax, got ten up to deceive and make money; but the men who live here, and are engaged in the enterprise are above reproach. It would take a vast amount of testimony to convince people here that tbey would lend themselves to perpetrate a stupendous fraud on the public. So there is 110 little excitement, among those who have been let luto the secret, and the continued favorable news received from the locators, who b,aye been, digging, blasting and pros pecting, makes the news to good to be kept, and it is now being told private ly from friend to friend. Later Since the above dispatch was first published, several newspapers have stated tbat it was a canard. The latter statement ia probably correct. v , Pissohitlen Notice. ' . , Notice is hereby given that the co- partnersnip heretofore existing be tween J. fj. Mayer and C. H, Kim brough and known as Mayer A Kimlirough, and engaged In a general grocery business in Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. All parties Indebted to the partnership are earn estly requested to settle at once, all accounts to be paid to J. 0. Mayer. . J. 0. Mayeb, C. H. KlMBBOUOH. Lebanon, Or., March 12, 1896. . ., Executor'B Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that, by an order of the County Court of Linn oonpty, Oregon, ttuftiuder ilsnad baibaen duly apifiintedsnd now la, the duly qualified and acting Executor of the estate of John Settle, deceased. All parties having clalml against said estate are hereby requlredto present the aame, properly verified, within six mouths from the 20th day of February, 1800, the date of the first publication hereof, to tho uijrier. slgned at theiolflue of Kam'l M, Qurlsndt 'Leb anon, Llnncounty, Oregon, - ; J. M. Settle, Executor; Sau'l H- Garland, Atty. for Executor. Notice for Publication. Lasd Orncx at Obsook City, Oh., 1 February, ltfV TO WllOU IT MAY CONORS; ' Sotice is hereby given that the Or egon and California, it. H. Co. luis filed In this office a list of lands situated In t'ne townships described below, and had applied tor apalent for sfiitl lands; that the list is open to the publlp' for inspection, and a copy thereof, by descrip tive subdivisions, nils been posted In a uii venent place n this ofnee, tor the bisec tion of all parsons interested and the public generally. Part of north half or Sec 1. All of Set S, 5, 7 and 9. Part of north half and part of south half of Sec 11. All of Sea IS, 17, 19 and ?. Fart of north half of Sec 37. The east half and part of west half of See 29. Part of north half of Sue 31. Fart of north half of Sec 33. All situate in township 12 south, ranee 8 east. Within the next sixty days following the date of this notics, protests or eontista against the claim of 'the eonipsny to any tract or subdivision within any section or part of section de scribed In the list, on tbs ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the Ueneral Land Office at Wasbiugtou, D. 0. Rossst A. Utuxa, lUflitar. Powder TENNESSEE HAPPENINGS. BY CAMAR. March 20, 1800. Prof. R. W. Swink was In Tennessee) last Sunday. Rev. Clnrk preached an excellent sermon to a crowded house last Sun day. B. P. Simons-uud family, aceoro pauied by Miss Mon'na Frank, were Visiting at this place last week, School U now progressing nicely under the management of Miss Anult Blacklaw. Thi.-ty-ono scholars art) now enrolled. . Ray Swink und family, of Minto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Swink last week. Saturday night a party was given them. The people of this vicinity wera frighteued limt Saturday evening, thinking that Perrine's comet had struck, but they were woud-rfully mistaken. On 1 investigation, it was nothing more nor lea than Sam Gen try and Ed. Allen, at Swink's party, trying to dance to the tune "Molly Brooks," sung by Charles Swink. ,. ...OUR-NEW SM. . CUKE BY BRET HARTE, IS ONE OF ... . THRILLING INTEREST. Scenes and Incidents are connected with Califorr.iuand . the War of the Rebellion. BE 5URE ND READ IT. WILL BEGIN SOON. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing ,bt tween G.M. Westfall and A, Uniphrey, and known as Westfall & Uniphrey, and engnged In a general livery and feed stable business in Lebanon, Linu county, Oregon, hue this day been din solved by mutual consent. All parties having claims against the partnership will present them at onco Hi the under signed, and all parties Indebted to the partnership are earnestly requested tu settle at once with the undersigned. G. M, Westfall, A. IIMI'IIKKV, Lebanon, Or., t'eb. in, 18U0. Ladles cloth, nil wool, 30 inches wide, 29 cts. per yard cash, at Read, Pea 'rwk eVCo.'s. . I Leather Stockings FOR BOYS. Not Made of Leather, But Wear like Leather. Ask to. See Them. , New York Cash Store, AijRpY, omm,