The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 19, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
NO. 3.
' (ir"pid'iircivioi.l ''' I') ...
l i month!. 1 rj
rlini.i motiitis - T?
(loo. W. MrRndiv Senators
John H. Mitchell.1
Htnpi-r Hcrn.ann iloiignwtircan
William P. Lord Governor
It. It. Kincaid, Seerttaryof Stste
Pliil Metsohan Tmaimrer
it, M. Irnit Sui t. Public Instruction
II. V Lee Is Stat Printer
li. 8 ttllUII, I
!'. A. Moore, . Hiinitit Jml(re.
( K. Woolverion.l
I, ... J. H. Ilium-
I ..-; . N N'etclii
l .--i r.fc D. P. Mtnlt-iM-
I ni l . J. A. Morin-i
n l- 1 1 mi .-iii.'li'i ml ' . 'I. lUttMrft-n-. P.ll. M. Itl -
. -. t. .. . . ...V. V. r-i-iikiii-
... , . . .. V.T.K.-r
.; ' .F . A. Jtrtl"
. . , l.ihti l'uili
1 1 '" '' , .1. M. Wtrn
II I CI.Lt-.
... r. ii. MDNi'Mim.
... m. iincws
M. UARI.Aril'
.(!. W. TAYUIK
.'. i. HUGH,
' ' . liHII.KY,
I J li. SMITH,
nin. 1 1 1 I ri ai. -I
i. l- i :li ii-c-l.l L.
..loin' l.ccletllt.
. A - Ml Ii b. .
t 1 - W " I i !
rj-il i i 1 nil-id u j
.cn. i "til,
M.-.-i i
Sulir I - el 1
;1 .i. lit.
I'll Cl 'llil., j-
A. I. 3.VH. N. '1.
0 IMTUXi.V. Snl'l
l l..l.Ui.llll) A M:.I,N0.47.I.O.O .
ieu ill I. II. 0. f Hall Inn unl IBM tMmi
Hv eveiilai-iiorsat'li month.
sAiuii iai.tmaiwu, c a.
luriii a.oawoN, tta'i.
LEBANON WMi: No. II A. t. A. U.-Meea
tvurlay-ivenlnn, nu or tutor tf full row In
niot;lii, at MbMriit- Hill, Cur. Msln and
iir,uil sin. Sojourning brttliem corr-lullr InviUO'
Ui attend.
J. Wawoh.W. M,
E. It. II.ummx, Sc. '
JOHN fTmIlLkR K. C. No. O,
nii-trts Ht and Srd Fri-leys of ea-:li moiitli it
2:.t p. m. AMI B. Kl:i.
UouLir K. 8i.tmo, Pres.
UKS L MK1GUSCAMI', No. IK, DlvMuo ul Ore
gtlti. Son ill YeluuiaDil-Meet ltU. a. U. Ball,
vorj HatunUy ivfolnj, ettxft tot third
tlutunla)' ul ewb luoutli, aieetiiiic tb third Fri
liiy luKtuad. AU brotlidr of tl K4m of Vat
tirans and (Hiinradciiof the 0. A. R. ara cordially
lorlted to meet with tat Camp.
I. U. Oi, Capt.
A. TiNHKV, First vtft.
IllNA M. WKsIT HIVE, NO. 1, U 0. T, H -MeeU
on th.-ud lib and Mb Friday kciiIuk ul
tub mouth it 7SK) i-. u HQ. i. It Hall. 1an.
lent Lady Mac-atixt an oonllally lUTlltd 10
lumi BMH, Lady S. K.
iOLUI Hhaw, Lady (:ou.
Sam'l M. Oakland.
Weatberford A Wjttt,
WM. ""BROv'jf,
Cahnt W muklln, 13 yards. 1. Cliliol
A iiiunllii, 17 ynrdB, H, Hope uiutlln,
lilt-ached, 12 yardi, $1. Ot ir gaud in
proportion, nt Hmd, Peacock dtdi.'t.
During our ulualnK out m le do iroodi
1U U told (iceiit for pot cli.
Is Simmons liver Regulator dont
forget to take IL The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
your system is In Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
rr.vder; buttakeSlMMONS LIVER REGU
ATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it.
if. Ii. Zollin & Co., l'biiaiUlpui Pa.
Albany Steam Laundry
A.tlaiiy, Orogoii
Ail Ord jrs Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
iiilirhntjim 1 1 iiiirn ii t t-t-f I
or Mtiiiey
East and South
Sontlierii Pacific Co.
Exprt-Hs tr;iii,8 Uiavt Puriliinil iluily :
8:50 P. M. . J .v...l-orilai.d Ar. : P:10 A. M
12:10a.m. I.v...AJIuuty.. ...r. 4::-U.i.M
10:45 a. u. j Ar.Wii'i l-'nim -i.Hcn Lv i 7:00 v. N
. Thf Hhive'lriH-:M Htnp ul Kasl l'nrl
laud, OivKiin i'ity, W'-Hiill urn, Kali-m,
Turner, Mttiinn, JcllV-rKoii, Alburiy,
Alliaiiy J unction, TuiiK-'iit, SS h t-dd
HhIhi-v, HitiriMliurL', .lum-lioo t 'it v.
Irvinir, Kuki-mp, t'ri-wi ll I;ruins anil
nil KlullmiH friini )-!.i liui'B wiutli to
mid ioi'ludin Ablilunil.
Kubobtirf; niuiliiaily:
"8:30 a. ." I.v ,.1'orllancl ..
12:26 P. M. I.v... Alliuny
6:60 K. M. S Ar...Ko(bilrl.'.
I I:40p.M.
1:16 P. M.
I 8:1X1 A.M.
Local iahseiiKor trains daily (except
:20 A.i. Tf.Y A I I)h7i v7. A r. j 10:40 a7m.
fl:10 a. h. I Ar...l.plMon....Lv. 9:40 a. m.
1.30 P. M. l,v...AJhany Ar. 8:4.5P. M.
6:20 P. M. I Ar...U-lianon ...I.v. j6:S0 p. M.
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman Bi'ffst Si.kepkhs
Kecond-CluBS Sleeping Cars At
taeht;d to all Through Trains.
Wat Hide Division.
Mail truin daily (i-xtni t
'7:30 A. M. I l.v...l',,rllniid...Ar. ! :V0a. M.
12:16 p. M. ! Ar...('orvalli..Lv. M :.1S P. M,
At Alha'nv and Corvallm contitct Willi
traiimofO. C. & K. railroad.
Kxpn-Hb train iluily (exoept Silncluy):
"4740 pT h . p. .7. PiirTlmid A r." j " 8 : 2S a. II.
7:36 P. M. I Ar.MrMiiinvilli- I.v I 6:60 A. M.
Kaslrrn Stotrp. Can
da and Eumpp pun be oiitaimid at lowest
rates from F. I Ilickok. a-ent, I,t'l,nnon.
B. KOKHI.KIi, Manatn-r.
R. P. ROGERS). Asl. fi. V. .V Puss. Art.
Read, Peacock & Co. art- l-wlntr i-ul
tlielrjHloi'k of goods tit Imlli Allmny
and Lebitiiou,
Drum OoodH, Hue quality for n
7 1
Clipped from our Exchangee
Throughout the West
The Gernmn resident! of Pendleton
ave , rganiieil the Elntracht Beclety,
will) 42 nicinbi rs.
S. Mertoti, of 8t. Paul, Marion coun
ty, has contmcted 10,000 pounds of
liopa at 8 cents per pound for five
It Is proposed in Pendleton toorfan-
ize an "artesian water" club, to raise
funds to bore for artesian water ill that
Harney county sheepmen will drive
a great many hands of their sheep to
the railroad before "hearing, and thut
save freight money on the wool.
Captain Waud has informed The
Dalles Chronicle that the dredger will
open a channel entirely through the
locks within two weeks, bo that boat
may pass.
The first number of the Oregon
Woodman, V. P. Fisk, editor, has been
Issued from Dullas. It is a monthly
publication, devoted to Woodcraft in
the stile ol Or- gon.
Carl Albrecbt, whoso hrutally mur
dered bis wife iu Marshfield, recently
attempted to commit suicide in jail by
hanging himself. The watchman,
however, interfered.
Several counterfeit $5 pieces that
have been in circulation in Baker City
have been turned over to Deputy U.
8. Marshal Comle by the business men
who look them in the course of trade.
There was a jail-break at Moro, Sher
man county, last Thursday night
Three prisoners escaped, tine of whom
us P;it Homao, who was arrested last
winter at The Dalles for stealing
Al. P. Isenberger, of Hood Eiver,
says the outltsik for Hood river straw
berry growers is flattering, uud he
uniiciiMtett a verv large crop. The
acreage is larger this year than ever
Turner Callindcr, of Canyon City,
s ,, ueiiius of no ituoll oaliber, says the county New... Hie latest in the
line of inve.nion is a sail, which he
ii.v s to propcll his bicycle to good ad-
Cliarles Cunningham, a Umulilla
sheep raiser, ooiuini-uced last week to
shear bis sheep. Mr. Cunningham
has been accustomed to begin shearing
eat Her than the majority of sheep men
in Umatilla county.
A lot of salt tuarsh lands In Warner
valley, Lake county, waB sold recently
under the saline act, and purchased by
David R. Jones for 11460. He. will
erect a refinery and mauufacture salt
of a first-class quality.
Out on the farm of J. D. Smith, In
Polk county, Monday of last week,
John W. Green and Thomas W. Shel
don quarreled over a tent and the
former stabbed the latter in the face
and arms with a pocket knife. Green
w as arrested and held for trial.
The Astoria & Goble Railroad com-
pany put 12 men to work grading
through the marshes below Bureau's
mill, near Clalskanle, recently. This
is an experiment which the company
is trying in older to know if the road
can be put across the flat at that place.
One hundred and eighty-seven of
the 1700 taxpayers in ilentou county
have so fur paid their taxes for 1895.
It is asserted by officials that penalty
is to be added afu-r April I, and that
after that dute county warrants will
not be accepted iu payment of taxes.
The Grande Honde Lumber compa
ny, at Perry, has received orderB for
lumber from the Cripple Creek milling
di-trict, which if it could fill according
to the dimensions desired, would bike
every stick ot tlmlier in the company's
yards, and that would be several mil
lion feet. The company can fill part
of the order, however, and has already
forwarded three carloads.
Jerome Palmatier, of Reedville,
Washington county, reports to the
Hillsboro Iudeieiideut that his spring
seeding of clover is all to do over again.
He had sown 1T)0 pounds of seed, which
wusjust peeping through the ground
when the cold night of March 1 heaved
up the field and pulled every spear out
by the roots. His last sowing of wheat
was treated the same way.
An unusual and unfortunate acci
dent happened to Joseph Pitman, a
farm band on Joseph Hunter's place
on Muddy, last week, says the Corval
lis Times. He was duck-hunting on
hoi si hack, and raised his gun In shoot.
At the same moment his horse stum
bled and fell, and In the fall the
hummer of the gun struck Pitman In
the right eye. The eyeball wan torn
MSU, Mid kurUub i Ult lt fcf tl
eye escaped. Pitman has not since
been aide to see out of the Injured eye,
and possibly never will.
The (Sugar Pine correspondent of the
Roseburg Plalndcaler says: "Who
says that the deer don't know of the
Portland Rod & Gun Club law, when
they will deliberately come out of the
brush and watch one make garden,
and stamp their feet at you, defying
you with the law?"
On Monday of last week a novel
sight was affords d the people of Flor
ence. It was the moving of the house
of Captain Cox on a scow from West
Florence to Acme, a distance of three
miles. The bouse was moved about
500 yards down an abrupt incline and
successfully placed on the scow on Sat
urday evening previous, and on Mon
day morning, the tide being high
enough to float it, the steamer Lillian
towed scow and house to Acme.
During the past week an immense
And has been made within a stone's
throw of Grants Pass, says the Oregon
Milling Journal. It Is a quartz ledge
eight feet iu wldlh and so enormously
rich that a chunk of the ore the size ot
a teacup, pounded up with a hammer,
yielded almost a teaspoonful of gold,
The discoverer is an old prospector
and has been for three years iu search
of the ledge, of the existence of which,
by signs well known to the craft, he
has long felt satisfied.
Where is Wm. S. Jones?
John W. Coots, attorney-at-law, In a
letter dated at Platte City, Missouri,
March 7, and addressed to Secretary
of State Kincaid at Salem, Or., says:
"One Thomas Jones, late of Platte
county, Missouri, died at this place
about five years ago, aged 104 years,
and left several hundred dollars for his
son, William S. J mes, in his last will.
William 3. Junes was here about ten
years ago, but returned to Oregon,
where he had been residing for many
years. He has not been heard from
since his return to Oregon, and there
has been no one to claim the money.
It Is still safe and will be paid to him
or his children, If he left any, upon
pnsifof his o.- their Id nilty. All the
required legal publications have been
made in vuin; but as such publications
are usually mude in papers ot luc il cir
culation, they were not calculated to
reach him or his heirs In Oregon.
Thomas Jones was a soldier and a peti
tioner of the war nf 1S13. If you will
kindly give this matter to the press of
your state I feel that it will be gener
ously published, and might be the
means of helping some worthy ami
needy citizen of your state very ma
terially. Very truly,
Jno. W. Coots."
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers in Linn
county like to taketbe Weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduc
tion from the regular price to those
who want both the Exprkss and the
Oregonian. The regular price of the
Oregonlau is f 1.50 per year, aud of the
Express $1.50 when in advance. We
will furnish both f ir $2. per year in
advance, a saving of one dollar to the
subscriber. The Oregonian gives all
the general news of the country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent news service
for the moderate sum of $2. per year.
Those who are at present subscribers
f the Express must pay In all arrear
ages and one year in advance to obtaiu
this special price,
Notice for Publication
Land Omci at Obbuon City, Ob.,
February 24, 180(1.
Notice is hereby given tlist the following,
named settler has nled notice of his inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of his
claim, and that said prool will be made lie
fore the bounty Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Or., on May 2, 1890, viz :
H.E.Ko. 7870. for the N. E. N. E. 4,
Sec. 28, T. 11 8., R. 1 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hia continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: William W.San,
ders, Milton W. Yeoman, George A. Down
Ing, Bennie White, all of bacomb, Or.
Executor's Notice.
Notice li-bereby given, that, by au order of the
County Court of Ltun couuty. Oregon, thelnnder
ilsnnd hail beeu duly ai!xlnted,'and now 14, the
duly qualified and actiitR Kxeeutor of the ettate
of Joha Settle, deceased. AU parties having
claims against said estate are hereby required to
present the same, proiierly verified, within six
months from the aoth day of February, ISI16, the
date of the tlrst publiculion hereof, to the under
signed at the office of Saoi'l M. Garland, Let),
anon, Uun county. Orceou.
J. M. Settle, Kxeeutor,
Sax'L M. Oakland, Alty, for.Exeeutor.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
iNTcs Powder
Absolutely pure
Attempted Murder.
At an early hour Sunday morning
John Pentnger made a murderous as
sault upon James G. Elliott, at the
front entrance of tin) hotel in Central
Point (Jackson county).., A dance had
been Iu progress during the night iu
the hall at the hotel and had just
broken up and the participants were
in the act of leaving the building and
when young Elliott, who bad just
come down stairs, started to go out of
the door, Peuinger put bis left hand
on Elliott's shoulder and without a
word of warning plunged a dagger In
to his breast. Thero were several per
sons standing near, among whom was
the town marshal, and as soon as lie
realized what had taken place he ar
rested Penlnger, but in doing so was
obliged to call for assistance, as Pen
inger's friends' soon gathered around
him and had not assistance arrived
the arrest would have been prevented.
As it was, Barton Patrick, who the
marshal claimed was the leader pre
venting bim from arresting Peuinger,
was arrested as an accessory to the
The knife used by Penlnger was a
two-edged dagger with a three and
one-half inch blade and it entered the
breast at the juncture of the sixth rib,
aud must have ranged downward. As
soon as possible Dr. Patterson was
called aud rendered medical aid, and
by daylight the patient was consider
ably improved, and lias gained rapidly
since and is now out of all danger,
Penlnger was arrainged before Jus
tice Jacobs and waived examination
and was held without bail to await the
action of the grand jury. Patrick also
appeared before Jusl ice Jacobs and had
his bearing postponed tin 111 Monday,
at which time he was discharged by
motion of Deputy Prosecuting Attor
ney A. N. Soliss. Wm. M. Colvig ap
peared as Patrick's ttttorney,
It was rumored that the crime was
carefully planned, and that S. P. Con-
roy, a traveling salciman, had heard
the pluns laid, but when placed on the
stand could not Identify the prisoners,
and his testimony w is not admitted.
Elliott came to this valley about two
years ago from Canada, and worked
for Pcnlngcr's father, David Peuinger,
until last August, when the yiung
men got into a dispute, and Peuinger
attempted to stab E.llott with a pocket
knife, and succeeded in cutting a gash
six inches long across his abdomen.
Elliott has since worked near Tolo. He
Is a well respected young man, twenty
years of age aud bus no relatives in
tills country.
Peninger's plea will be insanity. He
has been subject to epileptic fits for
eleven years past, and this, it Js
claimed has greatly affected his mind.
His father has been a resident of Jack
son county since '62, and Is a well
respected citizen, and his many friends
very much regret the action of his sou.
-Medford Mall.
Notice for Publication.
Laud Orrtci at Oitiaon City. Ob.,
February 4, 1806.
Notice is hereby jtiveti that the Or-
efon and California U. K. (0. lias
died in this office a list of lands
Bituatcd in tne townships described
below, and had applied for a patent for said
lands; that the list is open to the public for
inspection, and a copy thereof, by descrip
tive subdivisions, has been posted In n con
venient place in this olllce, for the inspec
tion of all persons interested and the public
Part of north half of See 1. All of Sec 8,
6, 7 and 9. Part of noil ! half and pnrt of
south half of Sec 11. All of Sec 16, 17, 10
and 21. Part of north naif of Sec 27. The
east half and part of west half of Sec 20.
Part of north half of Sir .11. Part of north
half of Sec S3. All situate in township 12
south, ransje S east.
Within the next sixty days following the
date of this notice, protests or
contests against the claim of the
company to any tract or subdivision
within any section or part of section de
scribed in the list, on the ground that the
tame is more valuable for mineral tlinij
agricultural purposes, will be received and
noted for report to the General Land Office
at Washington, D. O.
Robert A. Mll.l.m, Register.
Peteb Paqcet, Receiver.
Men's first grade, oil grain, plow
shoes reauced to $1.50 at the Racket
store, Mauy other shoes are reduced
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Phosphorus in War.
The Cuban Insurrectionists are de
termined Unit the planter shall not
grind his sugar cano whilo the war Is
and if he attempts to do it his
plantation is to be burned. The Idea
is to paralyze trade, show the powei
they wield, nnd perhaps secure the
intervention of a strong power. Under
any circumstances it means ruin to
most of the planters, whose crops aro
now ripe for cutting and very com
bustible, But the Interesting part is the meth
od the Cubans are said to have adopt
ed, which is distinctly novel. A small
piece of phosphorus coated with wax
is fastened to a snake's tail, and tho
creature let loose to make Its way
among I he cano. The sun melts the
wax and ignites the phosphoius, and
the business is done. Military protec
tion or oilier efforts are claimed to be
unavailing in the face of such a for
midable foe. Popular Science News.
U. S,
Official Postal Guide,
Just Issued.
Very few of our business nr;n kuow
that the Post (Office Department at
Washington issues in January of each
Post Offices in the United States, ar
ranged alphabetically, all rules and
regulations, money order offices and
rulings of the department on postal
matters, time of arrival nnd departure
of foreign mails, and much valuable
Information for tho public on postal
The book is exceedingly valuable to
those using the mtula. It is the Ltuide
for every Postmaster in the country
and is sold to business men by tha pub
lisher, Geo. F. LtiBher, 147 N'. 10th St.,
Philadelphia, Pa., in cloth cover, $2.50
or paper cover, $2.00. Can be or-
and every business man should secure
a copy.
Oilers, princely iu their nature, are
repeatedly being made to Mary An
dersou do Navarro to return to the
stage, writes Edward W. Bok, in
March Ladies' Home Joum tl, but she
turns a deaf ear to them till. Only the
past summer overtures catuo to her
front an American manager which In
sured her a big fortune if she would
consent to return to the stage for a
brief period. There were six figures
Iu tho amount stipulated, ami the first
figure wits equal to the total number
of numerals in the whole amount. But
It had no effect upon her, She turned
away from it easily and without an
effort. "No," she said, "I am through
with the stage." And that was all.
Notice of Dissolution,
Notice Is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween G. M. Westfttll and A, Uniphrey,
and kuow n as Westfull & Umplirey,
and engaged in a general livery ana
feed stable business in Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon, has this day been dis
solved liy mutual consent. All parties
having claims against the uartnersnip
will present them at once to I lie under
signed, and all parties indebted to tho
partnership aro earnestly requested to
settle nt mice with the undersigned.
G. M. WkstvaMi,
A. Um I'll HEY.
Lebanon, Or., Feb. 13, 1HMU.
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 els., and bleached, all linen table
cloth for 35 cts. 11 yard, nt tho Ettcket
Leather Stockings
Not Made of Leather,
But Wear like Leather.
Ask to See Them.
New York Cash Store,