The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 12, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
The Express is no party organ
it is independent io all things,
and neutral in nothing. We pro
pope to support only good men for
office this year, regardless of poli
tics or party.
The question of whether or not
stock shall be allowed to run at
large in Benton county is to be
Toted on at the coming election.
It ill be snpporled by farmers in
the thickly settled neighborhoods,
and those residing in the hills and
foothills and who depend io a large
measure upon outside rauge, will
oppose it.
The Express has entered upon
its tenth year. While the paper
is not what we want it to be, and
what we hope to make it, yet at
the present it is as good as our sop-
port justifies us in macing it, but
during this year we hope to add
several improvements to our office
aod give our readers a better paper
than we ever have heretofore.
In an article published recently
in the Scientific American is the
following statement, referring to
the people of the United States:
"We have grown and prospered as
no other nation has, until to-day
we do one-third of the world's man
ufacturing, one-third of its mining,
one-fifth of its farming, and pos
sess one-fifth of its wealth." The
reader will notice that the propor
tion of wealth is the same as the
- .farming, which proves conclusively
that the farmers of the United
States, should, in justice, own more
of the wealth than the other class
es. But is this the case? No.
Pernicious legislation has allowed
trusts and syndicates to rob the
farmers and also to rob the labor
ing men of all classes. We are a
great nation great in evil deeds
as well as in good. The political
parties most soon do more for the
people in general than heretofore,
if this country is to have prosper
ity in future.
There is one relic of barbarism
, that is being used in this enlight
ened age that should be abolished.
That is the grand jury. There is
no possible reason why this relic
of barbarism should be perpetuated.
In the medieval times when lords
and borons ruled and swayed, the
grand jury might have had its
place along with the rack and
screw and other method of torture,
bm it has no place in the present
enlightened age. This system of
the law permits not only prosecu
tion but encourages persecution. A
perfectly innocent man may have
his name dragged through the mire
of secret session of a grand jury
and have bis name befouled by
such suspicions that will all but
cause an indictment, and be has
absolutely no defense. There is no
reason for the existence of the
grand jury system. All cases which
are bound over by justices of the
peace had just as well be bound
directly over to the trial court.
There is no use in putting him
through the grand jury farce. A
person having knowledge of a
crime had just as well swear out a
warrant as to appear before a grand
jury and make a complaint. If
the magistrate finds reasonable
grounds for the belief of guilt he
could bind the prisoner direct to
trial without regard to the grand
jury. The only function which the
grand jury seems to perform to a
nicety is to pile up costs against
the countv. Toledo Leader.
How's This!
We offer Ohe Hundred Dollar Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured or Halt's Catarrh Cure.
K. J.'OHEiirr Co.. Pror., Toledo. 0.
We. the nndersie-ned. have kuotvii F. J.
Cheney for the lost 16 vearw, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all huainvsw
transactions and financially ahle to carry
out any obligation made by their rirm.
Weat Truux, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. 0.
V aiding, Kinnan 4 Marvin, Wholesale
l)niKfiAta. Toledo, 0.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting riirecttv upon tue blood and mucous
surfaces of the system . Price, 76 pw. per
bottie. Bold by all Druggisia. Testimo
nials free. .
Services will be held at the Cumber
land Presbyterian church next Hun
la, uora tug tad avulu,
Circuit court convened Monday morn
ing with lodge Burnett behind the
A (rand jury were drawn ai (ullowa:
Frank Kickerson, M Jl Miller, A J Blev
ins, Bobort Carey, J F IHtvti, W C
Cooley, (i W Phillips; foreman, W C
Sarah J Elder vs J A McBride et al,
partition ; continued pending reference,.
In the matter ot the assignment of
The Bank of Oregon ; continued.
James Nanny et al va Louisa D Bet-
tlemire, partition; continued pending
reference. "
Laura A Caldwell va Ella C Caldwell
et al, partition ; continued pending ref
erence. W Kails vs F 4 M Ins Co, recovery
money ; settled.
Will & Link va W H & H J Maple, re
covery money; default as to W H
JHH Irvine va Michael McTeieh. re
covery money ; nonsuit by plaintiff.
H M Stone vs School Dist No 109, re
covery money ; continued.
David Link va J J Duhruille, recoevry
money ; jndgment for plaintiff.
H B Kelso va J E Sioner. motion to
dismiss; nonsuit by plaintiff.
11 B KelBO vs J Sloper, w H Sloper
and L Kelso, motion to dismiss ; non
suit by plaintiff.
Hoyt A Co vs W H Hnston, recovery
monty; continued,
Robert A Crawford vs The Linn 'Co
Agricultural Asen, confirmation; tale
L E Blain vs H F Jackson, recovery
money; settled.
6 E Yonng vs 0 Jennings et al, re
covery of money ; jndgment for plain
tiff. 8 E Young vs J A Morgan, recovery
money; default and jndgment.
K Schnteer vs John Sclimeer et al, re
covery money, attachment ; settled.
John Denny vs R B Heal)- et al, re
covery nionev, attachment ; -settled.
Sugar Pine MiF Co, vs C H Lang
head, recovery money, attaenment;
H P Campbell vs Farmers & Merchant
Ins Co, recovery money ; dismissed upon
John R Pearl vs B F Shannon, re
covery money ; lodgment bv default.
D M Roberts vs U C Johnson et al, re
covery money, attachment; jndgment
by default, attached property to be sold.
J D Irvine vs P L Robinett, recovery
money, attachment; nonsuit by plain
tiff. M Payne vs W H Gaston et al, re
covery money; continued.
Farmers A Merchant Ins Co vs J J
Do braille, recovery money, attachment;
jndgment by default.
Ella H Mendenhall vs Harritborg
Water Power Co, confirmation; sale
S M Fletcher admr vs Frank Wheeler,
recovery money, attachment; continued.
J C Goodale vs J A Stevenson at al,
recovery money, attachment; settled.
L Bnrkhart Vs Jason Wheeler, re
covery money ; settled.
Frank P Kitchen was admitted in
open court to citizenship of the U. S.
Leopold Hirsch vs Harrisburg Mer
Co, recovery money, attachment;
judgment and order to sal attached
Emil Schneider vs James 8 Bains
et al, recovery money; jury trial; non
suit on motion of defendant Berry.
H Bryant vs J M Keeney and C
L Bsach, recovery money; nonsuit as
to deft Beach.
J PDuckett vs Humphrey 4 McXee,
recovery money, attachment judg
ment for plff per stipulation; at
tached property to be suld.
Oregon vs John Itom, wrongful sale
of grain in warehouse; continued by
FT Blount vs Lewis Owen et al:
motion of Waldalil to require plaintiff
to distribute proceeds of sal over
ruled. Considerable interest was taken
Wednesday morning in the sentence
nt Marshal and John Foi, and Wm
H Poole, indicted for burglary at
Crawfordsville; I W Elvers for
burglary in this county, and David
Black for burglary at the Bust House.
All the men plead guilty and ware
sentenced to two years each in the
penitentiary, the lowest limit.
A Wheeler, assignee vs J A Mc
Feron, sheriff, recovery money and
damages; nonsuit on motion of deft
at close of plaintiffs testimony.
l no Brandon vs J (j Cox, recovery
money, attachment; judgment for
plaintiff with order to sell attached
ited Crown Mills a corpora tiou vs
Wailhams & Co, sub for N Keedham
Co CI, action to recover books; tried
"V jury, which disagreed after beine
out all night; continued.
tarmers 4 Merchant Ins Co va
Mark Hulbtirt, recovery monev: non
suit by the plaintiff; settled.
Alariet Siixon, admr. anoel. vs Linn
Co and John Craft, reionilent, ap
peal irom county commissioners
court; settled and dismissed.
V H Caldwell vs David Scott et al.
foreclosure; default as. to David Scott,
Hannah M Scott and Alfred Beardsley,
uen tmu vs & w Achenon 4 Co. re
covery money; verdict for $51 50.
Jtlcury Lyons vs O'Conner 4 Co, re
covery money; continued by consent.
Everybody improve the onnortuuitv
of the leap year social, as there will not
be another leap year for eight year.
More new carpet and 6ft. and 12ft.
wide Limoleum. Just received bv the
Albany Furniture Company. Balti
more .Block, Albany, Or.
The bestdreseed incu in Liun county
are those v. ho buy their clothing
from Bticii A Buhl. U-hkI suit for
low price.
Those who have bought good from
Baker durlug hia clearance sale, and
know the great value of the goods,
should notify their friend at once
and have them save mopey b;- buying
VtM Animal Lnnwl tn Itapoct Hta for
am lorn.
In Mrs. Olive Thome Miller's volume,
"Our Home rets," Is told a avory of a
dear collie dog and his gratitude. The
dog, it upnoars, was a great put In the
family of a colnniul soldier, and was
particularly noted for his antipathy to
Indians, whom he delighted to track.
On one campaign against the French,
the dog insisted on accompanying his
master, although his feet were in a
terrible condition from hHring been
frosen the previous winter. During
the fight, which ended in the famous
Braddock defeat, the dog was ever be
side Us master; but when it was over
they became separated, and the soldier,
concluding that his pet had been
killed, went home without him.
Some weeks later, however, the dog
appeared in hia old homo, separated
from his battle-field by many miles of
thick forest. Be was tired and worn,
bus over his sore feet were fastened
seat moccasins, showing that he had
been among Indiana, who had been
kind to him. Moreover, he soon proved
that h had changed his mind about
hia former foe, for neither bribes nor
threats could ever again induce him to
track an Indian.
A suit in Concord. Mbh.: makes a
; living by raising English sparrows and
setting tneir neiuu lor tne uonutj. .
As Arizona former has a tame rattle
snake to guard his premise, instead of a
dog. The report does not say whether
the snake sleeps in the farmer's bots.
A JeSset Cm pawnbroker thinks he
will become rich soon enough without
availing himself of the full proflta of
his business; he therefore charges his
patrons only half the legal interest.
Westers WAsnrxoTox loggers tell of
an immense log. recently floated down
the Snoqualmie river, which five osen
had difficulty in hauling. It was a fir
log thirty-two feet in length and
eighty-nine inches, in diameter at the
largest end... i
The Y. P. fc!. 0. E. of the First Pre !
bylerian Church will give a Sociable j
social on Friday evening. March 13.
' Durina- our cloeiliu out Bale nniroods
will be sold except for spot cash.
ltKAD, Peacock & Co.
Notice for JfultllHitlon.
Land Office at Okkiios ('rrr. Oe..
February 24, 1SIC.
Notice is hereby given that the folion ing
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in suport of Im
claim, and that said proot will he made lie
fore the Co. Clerk of l.inn Co., at Albany,
Or., on May 2. ISsi, viz:
H. E. No. 82S0. for the K. W. Sec. ii, T.
118.. K. IE.
He names the following vitneswea to
prove Ins continuous residence timi ami
cultivation of, said land, viz: Vi!;;um W.
banders, Milton W. Yownsr:. Iavid ri.
Myers, Charley E. Clark, all of fi!.mo.' Or.
Notice for- lutll.-a; Ion.
Lad Office at Oukoos Citv. Oe.,
February 24. l?0ti.
Notice is hereby given that the lohowiiig
named settler has tiled notice of Jm inten
tion to make final proot in sui ort of his
claim, and that said proof will i n,ade lie
fore the Comity Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Or., on May 2, li. vii :
H E No. 8251, for the N E Sec 22, T 11 B,
fie names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence ujmmi and
cultivation of, said land, viz: W. W.
banders, Ben. White. O. A. Ifotvning, II.
6. Myers, all of Laconib, Or.
Motlee for Publlc-utloii.
Laud OrncE at Obeuok City. la.,
' March "lew.
Notice is hereby given that the foHotviijg
nanied settler has filed notice of Ins inten
tion to make final proof in support "of his
claim, and that said proof will he made be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linn Co. at Albany,
Or., on May 4, 1HW, viz:
It. M. EUKI'.ELI..
H. E. 8115 for the W of S W !, W '4 of
8 WtforSK.Sa.T. 12 K, It. IE.
He names the following tvdue.,es to
prove bis continuous residence uion and
cultivation of, said land, viz: M. A. J'itz
water, Hleave Powell. Frank MtKiney, Hud
Omanover, all of Lebanon, Oe.n.
Kohekt A. M111.EK,
Oliver chilled p1mrs
Extra and Repairs
Succeisora to Knapo, Burred & Company.
Sole Apmu For Poo wo Vl'fc
Oliver Chilled Plows, 1 CdlCC XjJ K,
Harrows, lirills. c. Alroy, Or
Instantly Believed
and Permanently
Knife or Operation, i
Treatment Absolutely Painless ;
From Three to Six Weeks. !
Ovruu : Bootm 7QC-797, Mar qua m Eiiikling, j
lultiiuged Kvury Week.
Wheat 62c.
Outs 14 to lOo
Hay $1 tufo per ton.
Flour-8i Stlfkm per sack .
'hop tn 80 per cu t.
Brim 76c per rwt
Middling $0 75 per cwt
1'otutnat ISu.
Apple Dried, 8c per lb
Plums Dried, 2.
Unions 2u.
Beei Dressed, 3 to 4c
Veal ,'tifi 4c.
Pork Dressed, 8j.
Lard 7L
Hams 8 per lb.
Shoulder fle.
Hides lttc per lb.
Geese $3 50 (?, $4 per dot.
Duck is (X. $4 per dot.
Chickens fci 00.2 30.
Turkeys So per lb.
l'"KSP c 'lerdoa.
Batter IS 20o per lb.
Hides Green, 3c; dry, 5c.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will A Stark, Jewelers
Optical Specialist.
j Graduate of the Clcugo Optlialmio
) I am prepared Io examine scientlfl--cally
and aucuratly, by the latest and
. improved method of modern science,
any who desire to have their eyes tes
ted. Cusick Block, Albany, Orkoon,
Conservatory of Music
j Prof. Z. .1. Parvin, musical Director
'formerly of Willnniette Uulversity.liaa
; been elected Director for the coming
'school year.
, Full Courses iu the important
! hruiiche of Music,
j Latest methods.
Fine niUHic rooms.
Prices low for grade of work.
j Diplomas onufcred on completion of
course. Term begin September 11th
j riend for circular and catalogue,
j W. H. LEE, A. M., Pres.,
I Albany, Oregon.
bE.taos or lsss-isw.
Will Run
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over The Great
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Xov. 5, 1895.
The most complete, modern, ele
gantly equipped apd perfectly arranged
Vestit ulid Transcontinental Train in
America. New Equipment, especially
designed and built fur this service.
Diroct. r'onnp.tinna in fif.
lean for Eastern points. Quick
TaDK aflaRtfat.
War iRfnraatlfmana trm Handbook write to
n;.sN a co., ssi Broadwav. nsw vokk.
Olilrtt bureau fiir leciirloa patenu In America,
Every patent taken out hy w la bronKbt befora
tte puulle ity a notloe atvan tree ol ooaiae la laa
lAttfMt drvmUtfrm of nnv wAnmXtto Mpr tfl tb
wuL hpxmmil tiiuitrated. No im-.-IHsrent, fhfKi.a be wlihout iu VtwYXj, feS.OO
rt-w: tJJOalxriMWHti. Arldrw, UvrUiTk 00m
i i Solentrfio Ansrieu
Not Closing Out,
The following list
below cost.
Regular Price Reduced, to
49 pairs ladies' French kid, plain toe $4 50 12 50
23 " " cloth top, patent tip 3 00 2 05
20 " " kid top, " 1 7 5 1 05
18 " " French kid, " 3 M 2 90
1" " " " 2 60 1 55
29 " " coarse, plain too 1 75 1 00
12 " " fine, " 2 00 1 25
14 " " " " 2 50 1 75
4 " " patent tip 2 00 1 25
17 " " low shoes 1 50 ' 1 05
22 " 1 75 1 15
42 " children's " potent tip 1 50 1 00
6 " Men's enp toe, liurtou Uros. 2 50 1 60
14 " " 3 00 2 15
10 " " jiluin toe, Kirkendalo 3 00 1 90'
6 " " cap toe, fitrton Bros. 2 50 1 55
6 " " " Smith' Wullaco 2 50 1 59
15 " " " Burton. ISrog. 2 50 2 Oft
5 " " " William Morris ' 4 00 3 00
10 " " IWton B,'oa. Kangaroo 4 50 2 GO
10 " " " " 4 50 2 75
2 " " " " 5 00 3 00
8 " " heavy tap sole, oil grain, plow shoe 2 25 1 25
Men's cotton punts, 1 So 1 oo
" " 1 oo 75
We have a good line of Dress
prices; also a line of Huts wliii'b
Lebanon, -
Days till spring. Have you
thought of what you'll wear?
Every one answers "clothes"
of course.
Then you will appreciate
the masterpieces of the tailors'
art which we have had made
especially for our customers.
Ready-made suits with all
the marks of style and w orth
about them
The prices,
$5.00, $6.00, $8.00,
get choice of lines worth
But the real BREAD-AND-MEAT
part of them
are the many lines at
You'll think they're worth
more, but they go at that.
Albany Mills Suits, Worsted Dress Suits,
Fancy Checks and Corduroys.
We won t say more about
themthey show up best
when seen and worn.
L. E. Blain Clothing Co.
Oat Sale.
of goods we are
Goods that we are selling at reduced
we are closing out at cost.
- Oregon.