The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 12, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
NO. 2.
)n year
...15 00
(If'paid'iii advuics, II to pet year.)
41c months ........
Slaglo copies . - 06
Three niontim
Oeo. W. MRBridei Senators
John H. Mitcbell,l
Binger Hermann Congressman
William P. Lord ......Governor
H. K. Klnoaid Secretary of Slate
Phil Metsohsn Treasurer
Q. M. Irwin Snpt. Public Instruction
H. W. Leeds State Printer
H. S Bean, I
Y. A. Mnora, Supreme Judges.
0. E. Woolverton.)
fudge J. N. Duncan
Olerk,. K. Keedliam
Itecorder,.... .D. F. Hardnion
Sheriff, J. A. McKeron
School Siiwrii)teiident,...A. R, Itutiierford
Treasurer , P. 0. Morris
Assessor W. F. Dcakins
Surveyor, E. T. T. Fisher
Coroner -...IS. A. Javne
- . . i John Pugh
Ooroinuaioiierj j J.M. Waters
:;. e. i'doh,
J R b1.
,k. k. blman-
City Council moots on the first "d ""rd
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Seoret tooletlss.
LINK TENT, Nu. 1, K. 0. T, M.-Meetf In U. A.
a. Ball uo Timrsdsy evening of each ink.
Truianit sir KnutliM are cordially luvlicd to
visit Vat rent meeting.
C. W. Broils, Com,
oao.W. K.
aONOE LODGE, No. S8, A. 0. V. W.Met
ittery faeHlay evening at Q. A. R. Ball.
n v ir...nH U W
J. f. Hva, Sec.
Lf.BANON LODGE, NO. 47, I.O. 0. F.-Mectt
every Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, at
o'clock p. m. A. E. PA VIS, K. 0.
W. C. PETERSON, Beet y.
Amts at I. 0. 0. r Hall Unit aud third Wednes
day evenings of each month,
- LEBANON LODQE No, 44 A. F. A A. H.-MecU
' 4tattttuay ewnlug. nu or before the full moon In
ach month, at Masonic Hall, tor. Main and
(Irani stl. sojourning kretaera corolally Invited
to attend.
J. Waiaeii, V. M,
I. K. Hasuuck, Bee.
V)HS V. MILLKR W. R. C. No. 15,
Ln and 3rd Fridays of each month at
'" , Al Krtn,
2:80 p. n. " . Pres.
Dolus E.
r, So. Is, Division or Ore
gin, Hone of Veleraans- asfyt the third
very Halurday ovenlug, aq yrl
Saturday of each month, nuwlit. to of Vat
nay Instead. All brothers of llu epfdudly
trans aud oomradesuf the (1. A. K. au
Invited to meet with the Canip. n,
X. (1. Cr.a, IX
A. TkNMV. First Bogt.
BIN A B. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.
Meets on the Id, 4lh and Mb Friday evening of
tacb month ut 7.M r. M. at U. A. R. Hall. Trail
slent Lady MaciuilHKa are cordially Invited to
Httii 8, Lady R. K.
JPowk Biiaw, Lady Com.
Sam'l, M. Garland.
. Weatherford & Ijktt,
W. M. BROWtf,
T-sejfal Blanks
For Sale at
Is Simmons liver regulator dont
forget to take IL The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR to do It It also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
your system Is In Al condition, and that
Will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take It In powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of tha
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for It
f. H. Zellin Co Philadelphia Pa.
Albany Steam Laundry
A-lbmiy, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
ljubanon, - Oreieoii.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co. ,
Express trains leave Portland daily :
12:10 A. v. Lv...Alhony... ..Ar- M:W
1U:40A.H. 1 Ar.ftiui r mnnstsu l,v i:wr
hind, Oreirnn City, Wcioilliurn, Biili-ni,
Turner, Jlarimi, Jefferson, Albany,
AII'Uiij' Jitnetlcin, TatiKeiit, Bhedd,
Hclsey, Huiriiliuru, Junction Cily,
Irving, Eugene, Creswell, Drains and
nil Kliiliiiiis from ltM-tliurg guutU to
mid including AhIiIhuU.
1'oschiirg moildaily:
8:80 A. M.'fi.v .jl'orlliind ...Ar. l" 4 :40 p. M.
12:26 P. it. Lv...Alliuii)' Ar. I 1:15 P.M.
6;S0 p. . I Ar...Uoselim-K..I. I : A. kt,
Local paat.nper traiiis daily (except
I I,v...AilYaiiy Ar. j W:40 a.m,
Ar...llianoii....Lv. 1 0:40 a.m.
I.u A ll.m.v Ar I ti-4A v. u
:20a. h
0:1(1 A. .
4 :) p. M.
r,,.jJ!l)anoii ...j,v. I 6:60 P. M.
6:20 P.
Pullman Bui'fst Sleepebs
Second Cliiss Sleeping CarB At
tached to all Through Trains.
Wfft Hide TMvlHlon.
Mail train daily (except -Sunday):
7:80 A.M. I I.v...P"l'tlil'Kl ...Ar. I 6:20 A.M.
12:16 p. x. I Ar...('"rvnlhs. ,Lv. 1:36 P. M.
At-Alhanv and Corvnlhs connect with
trains of 0. (.'. & E. railroad.
Express train daily (except Sunday):
4-4.0 "r. irn.rPort1aiwt lAr. '"SSsXTi.
7:86 p. M. I Ar.MeMinnville l.v I 6:60 a.m.
THROUGH TICKETS j'1" in ,!h!
, . Kaslern States. ( ap
Ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest
raws from F. U. Hiekok, agent, Lehanon.
P.. KOKHLRK, Manager.
E. P. ROOEKS, Asst. O. K. A Pass. Agt.
Read, Pencock & Co. are closing out
thelrfntoek of gnoda at both Albany
and Lebanon.
Urea Gonda, fine qualify for a little
toMtfJt, Ut4, laMOOLUk .'.
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West
Medford Is Bonn to have a pump fac
tory. '
A curfew ordinance lias been passed
in Astoria.
Oregon la I lie leading oat producing
state of the Pacific coast,
It Is expected that the Sclo creamery
will be in operation by April 1.
A. Mathews, aged 53, and Miss Ger
trude Davis, aged 18, were married at
Roseburg recently.
The demand for Oregon hardwood Is
making traffic lu logs brisk at different
points in this valley. .
Sunday of last week, at Philomath,
six young people were baptized In the
loy waters of Mary's river.
The Monroe flouring mill h to be
built this senaon. A bonus of $1,200
has been subscribed by the citizens of
that vicinity.
The council of Grants Pass has
passed an ordinance prohibiting noisy
parades through the streets by God's
Regular Army.
Thirty-one deaths occurred in Seat
tie during February. This Is the
smallest number of deaths In February
in that city since 1693.
The Dalles Chronicle Is Informed
that a coid-storaire and pork-packing
bouse on a large scale is Bhortly to ha
established in that city.
The order of the mayor of Milton,
closing churches and prohibitingotber
public gatherings because of scarlet
fever, has been revoked.
The material of the Florence Weat Is
to be shipped lo Baker City this week,
where Col. Alley will start a new pa
per, says the Portland Dispatch.
1 he Gervais Milling Company is in
the hands of a receiver. The princi
pal trouble is diBoord among the
stocklmlders und a small shortage ot
A Taconia hian has agreed to start a
co-nperatlVe pearl barley mill at Boea
er, Wash., providing from 25,000 to
4c,000 buihels of barley are guaranteed
for the first yeag.
O. W. Porter, a sheepman of Iiunt
Ingtnn, is in Morrow county looking
fur sheep. He wishes to buy about
10,000 ewes and wethers to drive over
to the Huntington country.
E. Boetlcher, who has been feeding
sheep near Pendleton during the win
ter, lost about 100 of them recently.
Fifty or sixty were killed by dogs, and
a number were wounded aud are dy
An ordinance has been Introduced iu
the Baker City council requiring the
doors of all saloons to be closed be
tween midnight and 5 a. m. Another
ordinance prohibiting music In saloons
passed the council.
Arrangements aro being made to
ship copper from Grant's PasB to Bal
timore, by rail. Jt will be hauled ln
from the Wulilo mines ln mattes, aud
the copper will be extracted when It
has reached Its destination.
K. J. McChinaliau, of Eugene, hag
received an order from a gentleman in
fjacraniento, Cal., for 20 pairs of Chi
nese pheasants. The birds will be
turnet) jnose near Red Bluff. Mr,
MeClanahan shipped several bund,
reds of the birds to California last sea
son ,
A petition to. the Umatilla county
ourtsets forth that Robert Kinsman
bus built a man-trap on the Wild
Horse road, in the shape of a tunnel
under l!e public highway for the pur
pose of allowing 1) is bogs to pass from
- field to another. Tt)e man-trap
will be h:-Wi,
a..., :nof Mr. Lepsbott,
four m les north of
. . lla left
tamed a compound fracture. 01 4
arm midway between the elbow anu
the shoulder. The little fellow was
riding on a w.igon loaded with wood,
aud, losing I1I.4 balance fell beneath the
wheels, one of which passed over the
Iu Coos county, several days ago, a
young man mimed Murphy was show
ing some companions the motions
through ulik'H 11 man would go If he
were going to commit suicide. The
revolver which he was flourishing was
accidentally discharged, seudinga bul
let through his head and killing him
Nets Johnson, a Norwegian, was ar
rested in Walla Walla last Thursday
UNd placed under bouds of $10 for ped
dling without a license. Johnson had
In bis possession about 70 silver spoons
aud several sets of silver-plated kuives
and forks. About 40 of the spoons
wtrs m4d ''TU bfokaM,;1 W Up
remainder "Mrs. Nellie McQuitie."
Johnson forfeited his bond and left the
spoons la the bunds of the police.
Fred Paul, the young man of Walla
Walla, who left that city last -week in
rather an abrupt manner in order to
keep from fulfilling a matrimonial en
gagement, aud whose whereabouts has
since been a mystery both to.the Inter
ested young lady and the young man's
parents, lias been found at lust on the
Umatilla reservation.
8am. Thompson, a well-known resi
dent of Elk Flat, Union county, was
probably fatally injured last Saturday.
He was holding a post that was being
driven into the ground by an 18-pound
sledge-hammer In the hands of an as
sistant, when the hammer flew oil the
handle and struck him on the top of
the head, inflicting a terrible wound.
On James Dlekerson's placer mine
on South Myrtle creek, about 15 miles
above the town of Myrtle Creek, there
was recently found a pair of horns
about 30 lncnea long and 6 Inches In
diameter at the base, in a petrified con
dition the remains of some prehis
toric mammal, as they were burled 18
or 20 feet deep In an old channel ages
A lodge of a new order assuming the
name of Patriots c-f America was
organized iu Hillsbcro last Saturday,
The lodge adopts the name of Hills-
bora lodge, No. 1, Patriots of America.
It starts out with 15. charter members.
The order .advocates the free and un
limited coinage of silver at the ratio of
16 lo 1, and Is organized to promote
that idea. This lodge Is the first to be
Instituted ln the state, though its char
ter is No. 94.
The coroner's jury decided that Mi
chael Murphy's death, at Haynes'
slough in Coos county, February 25,
was caused by Murphy accidentally
shooting himself. Coroner Howe says
that a great deal of dissatisfaction is
expressed in the vicinity where the
shooting occurred, regarding the ver
dict, a majority of the resident believ
ing that the unfortunate young man
did not fire the fatal alio, himself, but
that be was the victim of an accident.
A. Hodes, of Corvallls, Is In receipt
of a curious-looking letter from J, Dut
U'H, who left Corvullis last full for
British Columbia., The letter is writ
ten upon a strip of birch bark, and
seems to answer the purpose quite as
well as the best linen paper. Mr. But
ton states as bis reason for using it
that he is 40 miles distant from sup
plies, and on account of (he tyrcb, hark
costing nothing, he prefers to use it, a
be Is now practising the strictest econ
The seiirph for p. 4. Woodward, the
missing Bumnterville-Walla Walla
tnllgate keeper, has been abandoned.
His friends have concluded that noth
ing further can be done until the snow
disappears from the mountains. It is
the general opinion that Woodward
wandered (torn bis patli aud, was
frozen to death. A storm overtook
him in the mountains and he lost his
way.' As soou as the snow melts away
new searching parties will be organ
ized. County .Commissioner Hubor, of
Asotin couuty, Wash., is working to
have the unsutveyed lands ln that
county platted, so that settlers can ob
tain title. Home of these lands have
been occupied for 12 years, and valua
ble Improvements have been placed
thereon. He is in receipt of euoourag
ipg letterf front the surveyor's office of
that state, and the department at
Washington. Mr. Huber states there
are over 38,00Q spres of unsurveyed
lands in Asotin county, consisting of
agricultural, mineral, grazing and
H. C. Hintou, of Foster, laid before
the business men of Pendleton a prop
osition to manufacture there a ma
chine which be claims will add from
one to four bushels per acre to the an
nual wheat product from agricultural
lauds 1" Umatilla oounty. A year ago
Mr. Hlnlon haj .'f'"t' t0 ",e
tlou that whero the seedef Wheels
pressed down the soli, the wheat grew
to a greater height and plumper berry.
At the time he told a gentleman with
whom he was working that he would
patent a machine utilizing the tame
principle whloh will add from one to
four bushels to the acre of productive
ness. This machine he bus now per
fected. He claims that he cau send it
over land aud press down tightly the
subsoil so as to leave it olosed up iu
such a manner as to retatu all the moist
ure, but leaving the top loose and un
pressed. Read the ad of Klein, Subruille 4
Closing out sale at Read, Peacock
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
Lawler Interviewed.
Mr. William B. Lawler, managing
director of the Lawler gold mines, lim
ited, extensively engaged in mining op
erations at Quartzville, Linn county,
is a guest ot the Portland, accompanied
by Mrs. LawIeK" Mr. Lawler and his
wife will leave this morning over the
Northern Pacific for New York, and
theuce go to London, where he will re
main about six weeks on business con
nected with the further advancement
of mining operations iu the Santiam
and adjacent count ries.
Talking of the work so far progressed I
at Quartzville, and the' outlook, Mr.
Lawler speaks very enoouragingly.
The 20-stamp mill, set up under so
many difficulties, owiin, to the late
ness of the season, is crushing 60 tons
of ore each day auc meeting all expec
tations. The clean-up, after a run of
one week, proved entirely satisfactory,
and future results will doubtless prove
amply sufficient to justify the great ex
pense incurred In a practical develop
ment of the mineral wealth of the
country. , '
"Quartzville and the surrouuding
country Is rich in mineral,'1 said Mr.
Lawler, "but the character of the ore
Is such that it should prevent any
stampede to that section. It is not a
poor man's country, and the mines
must be operated on a large scale in
order to mpke them pay. The ore is
not free, and it will not only take cap
ital, but plenty of it, to bring about
good results."
Mr. Lawler has bonded a number of
properties in the Blue River country.
The mines owned by the Lane county,
Blue River, and I,u:ky Boy compa
nies, have each been bonded for $15,000,
the Turner claim for $6,000, and other
outside grounds at various sums. It is
the intention of Mr. Lawler to 00111
nience active work on these properties
early next June, and his London trip
will be made as eiieditlously as possi
ble on that account Oregnnlan.
A Clubbing Offer.
i( A great many of our renders Linn
seounty like to take the weekly Oregon.
Ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduct
ion from the regular price to those who
want both tho Express and the
Oregonian. The regular price of the
Oregonian Is $1.50 per year, and of the
Express $1.50 when in advance. We
Will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance, a saving of one dollar to the
subscriper. The Oregonian gives all
the general newsof the country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent news service
for. the moderate sum of $2, per year.
Those who are at present subscribers
ef the Express must pay lu all arrear
ages and one year lu advauce to obtain
this special price.
Notice for IMiliUfMitlon.
Land Office ax Oreoon City, Or.,
February i, 1896.
To whom it may cokourn :
Notice is hereby given that the Or
egon and California It. It. Co. has
filed in this office a list of lands
situated in the townships described
below, and had applied tor apalent for said
lands; that the list is open to the public for
inspection, and a copy thereof, by descrip
tive subdivisions, has been posted in a con
venient place in this office, tor the inspec
tion Of ail persons interested and the public
Part of north half of Sec' 1. All of Sec 8,
8, 7 and 9. Part of north half and part of
south half of Sec 11, All of Sac 15, 17, 10
and 31. Part of north Half of Sec 27. The
east half and part of west half of Sec 20.
Part of north half of Sec 31. Part of north
half of Sec 33. All situate in township 12
south, ratine 3 east.
Within the next sixty days following the
date of this notice, protests or
contests against the claim of the
company to any tract or suhdivlslon
within any section or part of section de
scribed in the list, on the ground that the
same is more valuable for mineral than
agricultural purposes, will be received and
noted for report to the General Kami Office
at Wsshiugton, D. 0.
Robert A. Millkb, Register.
Pitib Paqcht, Receiver.
George Rice represents some of the
beet Insurance companies ln the world.
Shoes away down quality away up
at the closing out sals of Read, Fea-
Six Miles from the Moon.
A voyage to the moon is the lati si
project which Is seriously put forward
as the crowning point or the Paris Fx- -position
of 1900. Monsieur Mantois,
Its author, does not propose to carry
passengers lo the lunur regions in ail
aerial car, but he expects to bring
down the moon to the reach ot ueoplo
whose vision extends, say, six miles)
from the earth.
The plan is to construct a telesonpa
nearly 200 feet in length. The objec
tive glass will have adiamater of some
thing over 4 feet 3 inches, the largest
in the world. The colossal lube will
be placed horizontally, and the imago
of the moon will be reflected bv what
Is termed a mirror plane, six feet in di
ameter, and 15 Inches thick. Tho
weight will be 8,000 pound-.. The sdo-
iul feature of the idea is that the Image
of the moon shall be thrown upon a
screen placed in a hall large enough to
hold 600 spectators.
Astronomers calculate that with au
apparatus of these dimensioned will b j
possible to discern easily objects of tho
size of the Notre Dame Cathedral tow
ers, and to distinguish tho evolutions
of a lunar regiment. Should the open
ing of the twentieth century be signal
ized by volcanic eruptions in the
mountains of the moon, visitors to the
exhlhitiou would have a grand specta
cle. Popular Science.News.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing bt
tweenG.M. Westfall and A.tlinphrey,
and known as Westfall & Uniphrev,
and engaged in a general livery and
feed stable business in Lebanon, l.lnn
county, Oregon, has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent. All parties
having chums against the partnership
will present them at once tnthn under
signed, and all parties indebted to the
partnership are earnestly requested to
settle at once with the undersigned.
G. M. Westfall,
A. Umphrey,
Lebanon, Or,, Feb. 13, 1806.
Notice for Publication
Lano Office at Oreoos City, Or.,
February 24. 1896.
Notico is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice of his inten.
tion to make dual proof in support of his
elaim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tho County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Or., on May 2, 1890, viz:
H. E. No. 7870. for tho N. E. y. N jj. L
Sec. 28, T. 11 8 It. t E. ' "
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, Bald land, viz: William W.San
ders, .Milton W. Yeoman, Oeorj-e A. Down
ing, Hennie White, all of I.ncomb, Or.
Robert A. Mii.ier,
Executor's Notice.
Nollee l hereby given, ttmt, by nn order of tfi
County Court of Linn comity. Oregon, tlielunder
slgneii bus been duly appolnlodflml now is, tho
duly qualllted and acting Executor of the estate
of John Helllo, deconsed. All parties having
claims asninnt said estate ara hereby required to
Iiresont tho same.l properly verified, within six
months from the 20th day of February, lsw, the
date of the first publication hore.of, tofhe'under
slgnod at thej office of Sam'l M. Garland, Leb
anon, Mini county, Oregon.
J. M. Settle, Executor.
Sah'lM. Garland, Atty. for'Executor,
Men's first grade, oil grain, plow
shoes reduced to $1.50 at the Racket
store. Many other shoes are reduced
In price.
In this issue you will find an ad of
the City Bakery 11ml Grocery. Rend
LeaHer Stockings
Not Made of Leather,
But Wear like Leather.
Ask to See Them.
New York Cash Store,