The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 05, 1896, Image 1

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    , P.. Vk... - . ....... ; t . v b .', .
e . fiw ii i 11 mm mm mm . if ; i r iji ;7 1 7 .
iv imt -........$1. 00
tir pultl In Klvanru. 1 eu iwr rautc.)
Hi a iiiuiitlih ... 1 0
Three nmiith, .......... jw
John H. Mtiilicll.i
Blugor Hermann t.-ongrcsatc an
William P. Lord Governor
H. K. Kl'icuiil,.. Snorntiiry u( Stale
Phil Metsehan I'roKiurer
4;. M, Inriii, erupt. iilllil liittriii.tior-
ll. VV Lecl Htalni'rinlcr
"- I:. Milium, ,
F. A. Moore, rfnprnut JucIh
, t;. k. WodiviTiM 1,1
Inline,. .'. - J.K. Dumiai
-Ork. N.Xeedhan, .l). F. HwilitiUi
Sheriff, J. A. McFeron
. Hi'linnl Hniorlnleiilent,.....A. K. Itiitherford
Treasurer P. 0. Morrla
; -Hi.iir '. W. F. Drnkfcw
$9 Surwwr E. T. T. Fisher
0' .. ..rur.T...,,. R. A. Javne
J" i , . j , I John Fugh
V: i:iiIn.I"-.M l.M, Water
....It. II. M'iKT.MirE
W. U. P.ltuWN
J. IIYIir?
0. W. TAYLilli
H. liALfibF.lnll,
;fY .-vnouMSV
;.r ,:s,;iiti KR
.,:i . itsiiv- i . -
I '. I-., li.'iiil,
; ,,: , , .. , II. li,Ki:i.,
" "" ' . I'VI-III-KY,
i.I. i:. .-M II H ,
1 s. It. Hli..VHS'.
in i au.ii-; I u'c'imiii lirM ami tlnrtl
' :i -ill.r I'll' i' R iif'-iull 1-1(1 III'.
!.,,.-, 1 151. S'.i. ; K, (I I'. M.-SICii'W m II.
:i h,l, .ri Tl:in"l'iv in'imltlK of t-alh nvek.
t t-l mi- Kmt:l.i ftri.' ciiHllaUjr Invllod u
C. IV. tluKHl. OilDI,
,.,, V., r... k.
.1'., Nn. m. A. 0. 0. W.-IKM
'ri'iiliw ill G. A R Hull.
.1 . K. H in, tlM.
i.r.SiNuN IAIIX.K. A'O. . 1. 1). 0. r.-Mwt
, r; HtnMf rvenluir al (KM Mlt Ball, ai
VU, - p. m. K wm M u
PEAltl REBI'l'CA .'CO""1' 0.
,let)... t. 0. 0. t Hall '"""
laravonlnaii or canb month.
LEBANON LOlKiK Nil, 41 A. T. A. M.-M!
Haliinray.evcnIilK.onorlfoitli ftiB BO '
wihuimlb. M"10 HaU, Cor Bald and
Oram an. Bnoumlii brctheni oomlallj larlWI
J. Wuaon. W. U,
. E. Kacic, Boo.
JOHN'F. MILLER W. K. C. No. 16.
moeu lirt and 8rd Friduj-a of each month t
S: i p. m. i Aiisii B. !!.
Bollu E. SAUKkEBU,
: : Boc'ty. -
wu at VeuruuM-Ma tad. A. Uu
ou' luardar wtaliif. aacntil Ik IMW
i ct,UWiili. maaUut tha thli Fa)
j.lurday oi Umtim oj ,) 8uua YV
j.y 'MufOwa. fixlUllr
srana and oomrau. hg ranwK
Invltad Uimeet with i , K,'fl, Cafcli iQaal.
A. Tlnkit, Flint Bt.
0, T, M
each miHUh at 1s p. at 0. A. ft. HaU-
iout Urty Muonaliooa are eordlally torttao
tllouil. I
Uattu 8Aii, Lady 1. K.
'.Puum tut, UHtr Cam.
.lii J A.k KtU riAu.V
Sam'l M. Garland.
Wcatherford & Wyatt,
k juirEU,
ALBA.N'Y, 0E(10N.
" H"," M. BROW"'
Tejinl Blnnks
For Sale at
1U Offloii
a t , ,r, : rT. -r
wwm. ."KW!S-!'
it Simmons Liver Regulator don't
forget to fake It The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumuuited waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it it also
regulates the Liver keeps It properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You g.t TJ IE BEST BLOOD when
your system is In Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is krpt active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
LIVER REGULATOR which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
pawdirj lnittiilieSlMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOK. You'll find the RED Z on c nry
pacU,v;i!. I nok for It.
J, II. 2llin Co., Phlialidp.'il Pa.
Albany Steam Laundry
Albany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guiirnntcerl or Moiiey
J. F. HYDE; Agent,
leliutifiti. - Oregon.
East and South
Sontbern Pacific Co.
Eipresetraiiia leave Portland daily:
B:i p. a. i I.v...I'trt.uiid Ar.
8:10 a. a
:M) A. a
f :00 P. a
12:10 A. u. Lr...Alhany.. ..Ar.
10:41, A. a. Ar.Siiii Francisco W
f'l... Aui.a lMUlr u at 17,iut P,rl.
kiirt, Orexoii City, Wnoduuru, Balem,
TurtH-r, Msrlon, Jett'erson, Albany,
iilLaiiy Junctlou, Tuni;ent, Khedo,
Hulai-y. Harrialiurir, Junolion City,
Irvlnir, Eugene, Crtwwrl). Drains and
sthllons froai Bonehurg BoutU tu
idlliidii; Ablud.
V.cnfldini mall dally;
11:30 A. M. I Lv...Fortlatid..r.
tt:' p. a. L...Alhany.,....Ar.
b;ft) p. a. I Ar...Koaeburt;..Lv.
.V-rtr"- . '" J
4:40 P. a.
1:15 P.M.
8:00 a. a.
.trains daily (except
tsMi. a. ! Lv...AHian Ar.
8:411 a. a.
6:45 p. a.
5:50 P. a.
i:UIA. a. A r...Lehanon....Lv.
:S0 a, Lv...Alruny r.
:2u p. a. I Ar.Lehanon ...Lv.
piling Cars on 0$4w Route.
'Pullman Bc'Ff st Sleepeks
SticondClaaB Sleeping C?r At
tached to all Through Trains.
Wpat Side TMvlnion. .
Mull train-daily (except 8undv;
7:S0 .'m. I L...Porllanil ..'.Ar. I o:S0 a. a.
12:15 p. a. I Aj.jrjorvallui, .LyJ .JiiJ!-
At Alhan" and rorvallis connect with
trains of 0. C. 4 K. railroad.
Kxnrejw train.dily (cxceiit Sunday):
4-40 p M. I LvT..Porlliuid Ar7r B:9B A. a.
"SB p. a. I Ar.MrMinnvllle Lv I 5:60 a. a.
1nndFrmcnnhP ol l""""
r-a from F. V. TMckok. i,eh""
K p RWIKHH. Asst. (1. F. Pn. Ast.
Bond. Ppncnek A Co. arc clnsine nut
(''etnck of gooda at Imlh A'hany
wd' A '""""
ri'rpp' if"nf'i flnp quality for a littla
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West.
Rosalia, Wait)., Is without a barber
Mallicur hat a echool district named
"Flglitlnn Si-ven."
Sheepmen of Grant county are tak
ing their sheep to the hills.
There are now five oases of dlptheria
in and about Coburg, say the Eugene
A. M. Eelaiiy, of The Dalles, will
commence work on an artesian well
on hla place, near The Dalles.
Grant county stockmen have a num
ber of fine, large haystacks untouched,
and spring is Inund to come soon.
Buperintendsiit Gilbert, of tlie pen
itentiary, says "Bunco" Kelly eats bis
regular rallonu and la iu g-iod health.
Nhie men mid two women have
been busy at the Eugene eannery pack
ing prunea for shipment to the east.
Theatoreof E. Bauui, a clothier of
Eugene, was closed laxt Friday under
attachments made by Portland' par
ties. D. Ott, a saloon keeper of Port
TowtiM-nd, VVwh., was arrested last
week, ,:hi rgid with selling liquor to
small boys.
Borne Cnlilornia parties are carting
itlmiees In the direction of Lskeview
as a ku i i libit- location for an electric
light plant.
The young men of Pilot Rock have
"rgHMB-ri a minstrel troupe. Over $100
has been Invefted by them in musical
Fishermen predict there will be no
hiirn water in the Columbia this year,
and anticipate a poor fishing 8aon In
It l staled that the Oregon Pacific
will build a branch line one and one
liillf tnilep. Ioiij, from Kingston to
Klnyton, In th" aprine. "
Bo far the work of expertingthe tax
roHs of Lane county, that were re
Inmed to the county clerk to he
corrected, hae not disclosed tnany
Heriou- errors.
The Eiicene Guard aaya that the
memhers of God's Regular Army in
that eity after the free fight among
themselves, have disappeared, leaving
their creditors In the lurch.
A petition was circulated and signed
in Bt. Helenp last week, and forwarded
to Senator McBrlde to he presented to
congress, asking for an appropriation
for the Improvement of Scappnoae bay.
The fire which recently destroyed
the Hoxle sowrnill, on Williams creek,
in Josephine county, recalls the fact,
that this was the fourth time this saw
mill has beea destroyed within 16
A. J. Rhelton, of Elgin, waa sur
prised the nfber day by receiving a
letter containing 11.60, which sum the
writer said was payment? for a ball
ticket that Mr. Bhelton had sold him
on credit 18 years'befbre.
People of Orook'and K'amsth coun
ties are working for a mall route to
run between Prinevllle and Klamath
Falls, six tiinei weekly. It la hoped
by the prelectors that they will haye
the matter accomplished by July 1.
Charley Fix lost a horse in a rather
novel manner a short time ago. Hiss
EDa Clark ai fidlpg the pony, and
while traveling along the road near
Condon the hnrge suddenly dropped
dead, scarin" Ella out of about a year's
growth, the Globe says.
After anolhea year's cruise In tli
South 8ca islands, John Chilton is at
home on his annual visit to his parent
at Chitwood, Benton county. The ahlo
on which Mr. Chilton sails is a gospel
ship, and does not carry whisky, to
bncoe or ciWVfifds, so the Corvallls
Times BayS.
The Reattle Time i authority f"'
the statement that one-half of the hop
acreage of YaHms will he plowed up
t.hls spring. A Pnyallup paper con
tains a list of several yards, amounting
to CO or 60 acres, near that place that
will also be plowed up. Many Bola
fort farmers have had enough and are
going to quit.
Bpokav.e's offered bounty for squir
rel tails la nrt exaetlv munificent.
During the month of March s bountv
of one cent will he given, and In April
and May 1 cents. This bounty is for
tails only, the former system o' paving
upon the presentation of scalps having
proven an incentive to fraud rather
than encouraiienient to exterminate
the destructive varmint.
. All' city officials of Tncoma were,
last Friday, advised by City Attorney
Wiiikershnm to Issue no more war-
ruu, Mi TrMww out utri
ed to pay no moi-o warrants for current
expenses, excepting a few now out
standing, pending a decision by the
supreme court, which shall b'iow
where the eity Is now "at" und which
way It shall proceed to get any farther.
A singular accident hapiemd to P
D. Hlnrichs, at Hood River, the other
day. One of hla horses died, and he
dug a pit in wbiub to bury the carcass.
While engaged in digging, the horse
rolled In the pit on top of Mr. Hiu
rtcbs, and he waa struck ou top of the
head by one of the horse's hoofs, which
cut a gash six inches iu length. Mr.
Hlnrichs is now getting along all
right, but it will lie some time before
be fully recovers from the kick of the
dead horse.
, Alex. Ireland killed a bear on the
Applegate last week, aaya the Medford
Mall, and, speaking of bears, reminds
the Mall, that lust week Mr. Ireland
killed three of them, and it wasn't an
unusually brisk day about the bruin
household, either and during the
same length of time he killed seven
wildcats. Since the "th of last April
Mr. Ireland has killed 41 bears and 17
panthers, and besides this the number
of smaller animals is enormous so
much so that he could not think nt
keeping tally.
Harrison on Civil Service Reform, i
In none of his papers upon "This
Countrv of Ours'' has ex-President!
Harrison delivered himself with such
vehemence as he has in the one In the
Mnrnh numher of the Ladies' Home
Journal, "The President's Duties."
Beside commending one nf'Mr. Cleve
land's acts, and censuring ambassa
dor fop making political aneeches. he
talk of presidential appointments in a
Tiot feeling and an almost pathetic
wav. TJnon the lattr theme, in giv
ing endorsement to Civil Service Re
form, he says, "In spite of all the diffl.
eiiltle that beset the question of
removals and appointment it must he
conceded that much progress in the
direction of a betterment of the service
has been made. The Civil Service
Rules have removed a targe number of
minor offices in the department at
Washington, and. In the postal and
oilier services, fern the aoramhle of
politics, and have given the president,
the cabinet officers and the rremlwrs
of congress great relief: but it still re
mains true that "in the power of ap
pointment to office the president finds
the most exacting, unrelenting and
distracting of his duties. In the na
ture of things be begins to make ene
mies from the start, and haB no way of
escape it is fate; and to a sensitive
man Involves much distress of mind.
His only support is in the good opinion
of those who chiefly care that, the pub
lic business shall be welljdone, and are
not disturbed br the consideration
whether this man or that man Is doing
it; but he hears very little directly
from this class. No president can con
duct a successful administration with
out the support of congress, and this
matter of appointments, do what he
will, otten weakens that support. It
Is for him always a sort of compromise
between his ideal and the best attain
able thing."
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of "our readers Linn
county like to take the weekly Oregon
Ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduct
ion from the regular price to those who
want both the Express and the
Oregnnian. The regular price of the
Oregon Ian is $1.50 per year, and of the
Exprrsh $1.60 when in advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance a saving of one dollar to the
suhncrlper. The Oregonlan gives all
the general news of the country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local news once a week, which will
tnnke a most excellent pens service
for the moderate sura of $2. per year.
Those who are at present subscribers
f the Express must pay In all arrear
ages and one year In advance to obtain
this special price.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity. Call upon or write to 8. N.
Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon.
Men's first grade, oil grain, plow
shoes reouced to fl.50 at the Racket
store. Many other shoes are reduced
In price.
In this Issue vou will find an ad of
the City Bakery and Grocery. Read
George Rice represents some of the
best Insurance companies in the world.
Goods away down, at Read, Peacock
Q,'ivwtaf 4ta ro4u-
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
IX V v $OEr3i
Corbett Still Claims the Championship,
James J. Corbett baa sent Fitzaim-
mons the following challenge:
"To Robert Fitzslmmons: When I
retired from the ring it waa with the
distinct understanding that if the
championship was won by a foreigner
I should reclaim It. I hereby claim
the title, and, as you also claim It, wish
to direct your attention to the fact that
I have deposited $1000 with Will J.
Davis, of Chicago, for a match with
you. Please cover it at once, and by
so doing show that vou are not again
avoiding a fight with me, as you did
at Hot Springs. I will gladly meet
you before any reputable club In this
country or any other that can guaran
tee a fistic meeting between us for as
much money as you can raise or for a
purse alone, immediately or in any
reasonable time, but in any event you
must deposit a sufficient monetary
guarantee to insure your appearajee
in the ring at the time agreed upon, I
doing likewise. Now let us have a
nieetiiig,f.ahd no more recriminations
or newspaper talk. You are the one
man In the world I especially desire
to fight, and I will meet you at any
place you may name to arrange for a
match. If you really believe you are
my fistic equal, prove it by your fists
and not by bombastic newspaper talk.
(Bigued) Jajies J. Corbett,
Champion of the World."
Probate Matters.
In estate of John Settle, J M Settle
qualified as executor. Will admitted
to probate. Bond of executor, $20,000;
approved. Appraisers, N S Dtlglelsh,
W Cruson, W M Brown. Inventory
filed; real property, $12,138 33; person--al,
Final account Hied In estate of Geo
In estate of John Doane, Henry Ly
nns appointed administrator; bond
In estate of John McKinney, 17th
annual account filed.
In guardianship of McCormiiik
et al, guardian discharged. Final ac
count filed.
In the estate of J B Morgan, A C
Morgau and F B Jeuks appointed ex
ecutors. Bond of $3,000 approved.
In estate of Hugh Nlckerson, insane,
Inventory filed: real property, $8,476;
personal, $3,022.85.
In estate of N P Payne, application
for sale of real property filed. Citation
Issued for March 7.
First account filed in estate of May
Van Hagen.
Final account set for April 6, in es
tate of Mary J Hyde.
In guardianship of Lucille Hart, ac
count filed.
In estate of OTCntft, bond filed for
J2.000, and appraisers appointed.
In estate of W O Cooper, personal
property reported" sold. Resignation
of administrator accepted.
. . .i. .
SQKtoe for Pultlloation.
Laud Onto at Obiook Citt, Ob.,
February 4, 1806.
To WHoa it may coacran:
Notice is herehy given that the Or
egon and California 11. R. ('o. has
fled n this office a list of lands
situated in 1.16 townships descrihed
below, and had annlied tor a patent for said
lands; that the list is open to the public for
inspection, and a copy thereof, by descrip
tive subdivisions, has been posted in a con
venient place jn this oltlce,, lor the inspec
tion of all persons interested and the public
Part of north half of Seo 1. A II of Sec S,
S, 7 and 9. Part of north half and pa.rt qf
south half of Seo u. All of Sec 15. 17. 10
and 21. Part of north half of Sec 27. The
east half and part of west half of Hec 29.
Part of north half of 31. Part of north
half of Sec 33. All situate in township 13
south, ranee 3 east.
Within the next sixty days following the
date of this notice, protests or
contests against the claim of the
company to any tract or subdivision
within any section or part of section de
scribed in the list, on the ground that the
same is more valnalile for mineral than
agricultural purposes, will be received and
noted for report to the General Kand Offica
at Washington, D. C. ,
Robert A. MiM,sa, Register.
Petek Paqcet,' Receiver.
Cahot W muslin, 18 yards, $1. Cabot
A muslin, 17 yards, $1. Hope muslin,
bleached, 12 yards, SI. Other goods In
proportion! al M, Fm4o)I flV.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
8now-Storm at San Francisco,
cJan Francisco, March 2. There
was a full of snow in this city this
moruiug for the first time In 10 years.
The fall wits quite heavy while it cob
tinned, but it melted as fast as. It fell,
and at the end of 10 minutes turned to
cold rain. The last snow-storm her
occurred during the winter of '88-'87,
when the ground was covered to the
depth of several inches.
With the exception of a narrow strip
of the coast of Southern California and
southern portions of California and
Arizona, tho entire country 1b at freez
ing temperature or below.
There wan a heavy fall of snow Iu
Sacramento this morning, lasting for s
couple of hours.
A dispatch from Chico, Calif., tha
same day, says: "It has been snowing
heavily here for the past three hours,
and the ground Is white. The storm
still continues, and seems general
throughout the northern part of tha
state. Unless a freeze follows no dam
age to fruit will be dene. It Is very
beneficial to grain."
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the oo
partnership heretofore existing be
tween G. M. Weatfall and A. TJmphrey,
nun Known as vvesuau et umpnrey,
and engaged in a general livery anil
feed stable business in Lebanon, Linu
county, Oregon, has this day been din- j
solved by mutual consent. All parties t
having claims against the nartnership i
will present them at once to the under-
signed, and all parties indebted to tha , -partnership
are earnestly requested to
settle nt once with the undersigned.
G. M. Westfall, i
A. TJmphrey. I
.Lebanon, Or., Feb. 13, 1898. f
INotioe for Publication i
Land OrncE at Oatoox City, Oh.
February 24, 1S!3.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made lie
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Or., on May 2, 1808, viz:
H. E. No. 7870. for the N. E. y. N, E. V,
Sec. 28, T. 11 8., R, 1 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of. said land, viz: William W. San
ders, Milton W. Yeoman, George A. Down
Ing, Bennie White, all of Lacomb, Or.
Robskt A. Maui,
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby Blven, that, by unlordar of tha '
County Court of Linn amnty.'Oremm, tliehinder. '
signed has been duly'appointed.'and now - -m 1
duly qualified and acting KxeciUoYot t- a$h
or John Batlta, deceased. All parti oi, having
claims annul said estate ate hereby required M.
present the aameTproperly verMca, within ifx
monttufroi the 30th day of February, 11. Uiaf
date of the flrat public V Ion hereof, tolheknirir r-l "'
limed at tho office of Sam'l U. Garland, Leb
anon, Linn county, Orwda.
j. M Sirrui. Kxecutor,
SAa't, II. Sakiabd, Atty. for'betutor.
Latter List.
Following Is th list of letlera roJ,
mninlng uncalled fnr in the Lebauoq
postofflce, for tha month ending Fub
ruary 29, 1896:
Bnvlea, Harry
Corless, F. T.
Foster, Miss L. E,
Han lev, John
Hall, Harry
Miller, Miss Emma
Russell, Lewis
Stephen, David BJ.
Tullis, Mrs. E.
0. A. Smith, P. M.
A ?
Our Shoes Have the Mrlt. ;
Our Shoes are Up To D, ate.
Our Prices The LovVe"
Buy Now, and .luoed to f
Save Moni" thle f
Yours For Businets,' ; 1
New York Cash Stow,6:,.
1 f i
It !
' if
"T -.