The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 27, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Closing out sale ut Read, Poucnoh &
Co.'.. -
Social dance at Union Hall to-uior-row
N. H. Allen, of Albany, was In Lcb
anou Tuesday.
Dr. J. L. Hill, of Albany, was In
thin olty Monday.
We are glad to report L. C. Rice, of
Lacomb, convalescent.
If you want the newa you ahould
subscribe for the Express.
Bob Miller, of Halsey, visited rela
tive! in Lebanon this week.
New subscriptions for the Weekly
Oregoulau taken at this office, '
John G. Reed Informs ire that he has
good seed wheat (sprinj) for sale.
Remember that the dog tax ordi
nance will be enforced after this week.
You can save money by buying o'
Buker during bis great clearance sale.
Gentlemen, call and see the new fall
and winter ololbliig at Bach & Buhl's.
In this Issue you will find an ad of
the City Bakery and Grocery. Road
The finest line of dress patterns In
the city is to be found at the Racket
J. B. Marks olosed his school at Ilol-
ley last Friday, and is now staying in
Ladles cloth, all wool, SO inches wide,
29 ot. per yard cash, at Read, Pea
cock & C'o.'s.
Hiram Baker received another In
Tolce of the celebrated Douglas shoes a
few days ago. ,
If you think we are joking, come
and see. We mean business. Read,
Penoock & Co.
Mrs. L. Foley and little daughter,
Winnie, aro visiting relatives In Al
bany this week.
Attorney Ham'l Garlaud and Hon,
M. A, Miller were doing business In
Albany yesterday.
Jaoob Am has sold bis buggy and
harness, and cow, but still has his
household furniture for sale.
8. . Young, the Albany merchant,
has an ad in this paper this week
whloh will Interest the ladles.
Hiram Baker is not aiming out, but
clearing out his stock of goods. Call
and tee some of his great bargains.
Get you a uew pair of shoes quick,
while they still have a good assort
ment left at Read, Peacock & Co.'s.
Rev J. H. Cornwall was quite 111 the
first of the week hut we are glad to re
port him able to be out on the street.
H. C. Klepper found a lady's breast
pin to day, and lett the sume at the
poetofflce, where the owner can get it.
Attorney John M. Somers, formerly
Of this city, J spoken of as a candidate
for legislature nu the republican ticket.
One-half wool dress goods reduoed to
10 its., and bleached, all linen table
cloth for 85 eta. a yard, at the Racket
O. W. Howard, manager of the ex
celsior factory at Oregon City, was In
the city the first of the week,, ou busi
ness. Miss Mary Roberts returned to her
.'home In BpriugSeld Tuesday, after a
visit with her sister, Mrs. K. A. JSick
erson. J. F. Perkins, travelling for the
Bradstreet mercantile agency, was In
(the city Monday, getting statistics for
lb is firm.
Men's first grade, oil grain, plow
ahoes reduced to II, So at the Racket
store. Muuy other shoes are reduced
lu price.
Granger McCune, who Is attending
the Oregou Agricultural College, spent
last Sunday lu this city with ills
Mrs. M. Lonsherry and children re
turned to Lebanon last Thursday after
a several mouths' visit with her sister
In Portland.
Read, Peacock & Co. have a uew ad
In this week. It says they are not
Joking, and gives a tew prices to prove
their statement,
More new carpets and 6ft, and 12ft.
wide Llmnleum. Just received by the
Albany Furniture Company. Balti
more Block, Albany, Or,
There will be a sohool meeting next
Monday, for the purpose of eleotlng a
school director. Every sohool voter
and patron should turn out.
Hiram Baker has a new ad this
week, telling bow much money you
can save by buyiug your goods from
him during bis clearance sale.
Dr. Booth returned Monday from
Portland where bad been called ou
account of the Illness of his son Willie.
, He reported Willie much better,
Cabot W muslin, 18 yards, $1. Cabot
A muslin, 37 yards, It. Hope muslin,
Meacned, 12 yards, $1. Other goods in
proportion, at Read, Peaoook A Co.'s.
J. 8, VauWlukle, of Albany, was lu
-our otty a couple of days recently. Mr,
VauWIukls is spoken of as a saudl-
the republican ticket. He would be a
good man for the office.
.There.wlll be-a social dance at Union
hull to-morrow evening to which all
are Invited. The best of musio will be
In attendance and a good time Is prom
ised. The Home Forum Benefit order of
Mils illy is now working under a spec
mi dispensation and is taking in mem
bers for 13.00, including medical exam
ination. Rev. Walton Bklpworth. Is In the
city on a visit to his parents. Rev.
Bklpworth will leave In a few days for
New Jersey, and will unite with the
New Jersey conference.
Parties desiring to send money to
any place In Europe can do so safelv
oy applying to the reliable banking
nrm or j . w. Cusick & Co., of Albany.
See bis advertisement in this paper.
Died, on February 21, 1893, lu Oak-
vllle, after a week's illness, of pneu
monia, Robert Farrar, at the age of 32
years. The deceased was a luun high
ly respected. He leaves three children.
Married, at the residence of "the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Glthens, on February 19. Mr. C. H.
iSinithand Miss Nellie Glthens, both
of Llun county, Rev. H. L. Hood offi
ciating. Edgar William Nye, the great Amer
ican humorist, died at his homo near
Ashevillt, N. C, last Saturday. He
was so well known that we do not need
to mention bis abilities and good qual
ities. Suffice it tu say, he will be great
ly missed by the American people.
At the meeting of the Lebanon re
publican uluh, held Friday evening,
the by-laws were revised and the fol
lowing officers were elected: D. An
drews, president; A. J. Crandall,
secretary; Hiram Baker, treasurer. The
meeting was quite enthusiastic and
several earnest speeches were made.
The en tertaln men t at the opera house
last Saturday evening, given by the W.
R. C. of this city, was a success In ev
ery respect. All who attended enjoyed
a delightful evening. It is said that
the new recruits' drill, under the com
maud of (.'apt. Montague, was the best
feature of the evening. The proceeds
were something over 130.00.
Mrs. J. H. Conrad, a sister of Mrs
R. Hull, has located iu Sodavllle to do
drese-makiug. Mrs. Conrad is a first
class dressmaker lu every respect, hav
ing worked al the business for over 2
jcuio. jura, uooraa tescnes cutting
nud fitting and has dress systems for
sale, and makes dressmakers of those
who purchase a chart from ber.
It is said the republicans of Harris
burg are talking of presenting the
name Of H. R. Bherrll, of Harrisburg
to the republican convention for re
corder, H. L. Laselle, of that city, Is
spoken of for representative and E, E.
Uprueyor for county commissioner.
Perry Carter, of Halsey, it is said will
be added to the list of caudldates for
clerk, and B. M, Stafford, of Halsey,
for assessor.
C. I. Hood &. Co,, the great sarsapa
rilla manufacturers, have published a
handsomely lithographed advertising
map of "our country," each state con
taining the portrait of a m?n or wom
an cured of some afiiiotlon by Hood.s
Sarsaparllla. Among the ladies' pic
tures is that of Mrs. E. B. Crouch, of
Lebanon, Oregon, and she Is the pret
tiest woman iu the batch. There is
not a product of nature iu which Ore
gou does not excel. Welcome.
The teachers' examination held in
Albany last week resulted in one, Miss
Amy Collins, of Albany, securing a
flist grade, one, Mrs. Jackson, of
Brownsville, a second grade, and six
third grades, 29 either falling to ad
vance or to pass. Htate certificates will
be grauted the following if the report
is confirmed by the state board as cus
tomarily is done: Misses Mary Wil
liams, Ollje Baltimore and Nellie
Colby, of Albanyi Mlas Carrie Royal,
:)f Halsey, and Mr. George Howe, of
Brownsville. Deinoorat.
Nothing now has developed In the
Mills Wagner tragedy. The coroner
held an inquest over the body of Wag
ner and the Jury brought In a very
queer verdict, so we understand, which
rend about as follows: "We, the jury
summoned to enquire into the death
of James It. Wagner, find that he came
to his death from a pistol shot fired by
Isaao W, Mills and we And Mills guilty
of murder in the first degree." The ev-
idence and verdict would be published
but the officers refuse to let us have it.
Mills is not able to leave his bed but
ne soou as the doctors think he can, hie
preliminary trial will take place. -Priuevllle
An exchange tells the following good
story: "Two tramps beat a saloon
keeper in a western town out of sev
eral drinks of fine whiskey by a queer
trick recently. They passed a gallon
jug over the bar and asked to have It
filled with whiskey. After It bad been
filled they tendered a dollar in pay
ment. The bartender said the whiskey
was of W kind aud refused to take the
dollar, The tramps declined to pay
more, and the bartender emptied the
liquor back Into the barrel and handed
back the jug, After going some dis
tance the tramps smashed the jug and
squeeied several good drinks of rali
k t i two M gwfu k & jjt,u.
A fight Is now In progression for the
post office, but it will terminate like
the war between England and the
Waterloo has a flourishing C. E.
society, Home Forum and A. P. A.
lodge, and will probably get up a peti
tion to have the county seat here in
the future.
The town will be quieter this sum
mer, under the management of Frank
Gleason as marshal, Frank having
made a record before.
We would like to see a band organ
ized here, as there are plenty of people
and money this small town rivalling
Albany in trade.
Boys that tear up song books, just
for meanness, seem to be preparing
fuel for themselves elsewhere in the
If the populists that were not nomi
nated for office at the convention have
changed their minds, like one we
know, the democrats will poll a strong
Being a new recruit, we will only
ask for a small space iu the Express
now, and that in a comer, but about
election time we will petition for a
whole page to hold our cablegrams.
We will not begin our weekly mes
sages with "Rain," "Snow," "Fog"
or "Frost," because we kuow that
people in this part of Oregon see such
things about the time we do, and of
tener than sunshine. We will not
offer a tin medal to anyone for sorting
out our grammatical errors. We do
not write for educated people, but for
fern diggers, hayseeds, etc. Having
given our constitution, we will now
proceed to find out all the happenings
and record them in black and white,
so beware of McGinty's Ghost.
As predicted by the Express a few
weeks ago, the Southern Pacific Co.
has taken off the passenger coach on
the Lebanon branch, and in its stead
has put on a regular, old-fashioned yel
low caboose with seats running along
the Bides, This throws the passengers
and baggage almost together. In the
first one put on there was no partition
between whatever and as there is a
great deal of poultry shipped from this
place the passengers, baggage, poultry
and all the express had to go in the
same caboose. It is said it .was a queer
combination. The people are Justly
indignant at such treatment and if the
company keeps this caboose on, a
great many people will go to and from
Albany by team when the roads get
good, instead of riding in. this car.
This car is very little ahead of the old
stage Hue.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
By local applications, as they canuot teach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
wbj- to cure clearness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafuess Is caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tubo. When this tube gets lullauicd
you have a rumbling sunnd or imperfect hearing,
and when It is entirely closed deafness is the re
sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to Its normal condition ,
hearing will be destroyed forever: nine eases out
of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars lor aoy case
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be
curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars,
f. . CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
49-Sold by Druggists, 75 ets.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that, by an order of the
County Court of Linn county. Oregou. the under
signed has beeu duly appointed, and now is, the
duly qualified and acting Exceutor of the estate
of John SeUe, deceased. All parties having
claims against said estate are hereby required to
present the same, properly verified, within six
mouths from the Hutu day of February, im the
date of the liret publication hereof, to the under
signed at the office of Som'l M. Garland, Leb
anon, Linn county. Oregou.
J. M. 8ETTLE, Executor.
Sam'l H. Garland, Atty. for Executor.
When you want to buy a suit of cloth
ing you will save money by netting
It of Bach & Buhl.
A Chli araan with a while wonmn
for a wife passed through Lebanon
yesterday, ou his way to Foster.
County Commissioner John Pugh is
iu the city. Mr. Pugh is spoken of as
a candidate for sheriff, on the republi
can ticket.
Revival meetings are still in progress
at Loth the Methodist and Baptist
churches, Willi good attendance and
considerable interest at each place.
Rev. Walton Bklpworth will not
preach at the Jt. E. church Sunday
morning as heretofore announced, but
will preach to-morrow eveniug at 7:30
An emigrant by the name of M. L,
Co, and family, arrived in Lebanon
this morning from Dea Moines, Iowa,
and will take the stage to-day for Fos
ter, Mr. Cox says there are about
thirty families iu his neighborhood
who intend .corning to Oregon this
Mrs. Geo. C. Davis died at her home
north of Ibis eity last Tuesday, after a
short illness, and was buried In the
Masonic cemetery yesterday. Mrs. Da
vis gave birth lo twins last Friday,
both of which died before her death.
Mrs. Davis was a sister of Mrs. Har
nett and tha Rldgeway boys of this
city. She leave a husband, twelva
children and a largi circle of relatives
toil ttWfia. ( ttofttf Lit fairt,
... .JUhangl,liisj'.Wcea .. ...
Oats 18 to 15c
Hay-3 to IS per ton.
Flour-K) 85(811)0. per suck
Chop $0 80 per cwt.
Bran 65c per cwt,
Middlings $0 75 per cwt
Potatoes 20c.
Apples Dried, 4c per It
Plums Dried, 2c.
Onions 2c.
Beef Dressed, 3j to 4c.
Veal 3j4c.
Pork Dressed, 3J. . '
Lard 7.
Hams 10 per lb.
Shoulders 6c.
Bides 10c per lb.
Geese $4 $5 per doz.
Ducks-$2 3 per doz.
Chickens $1 60g2 25.
Turkeys 8c per lb. ' , ...
Eggs 8c per doz.
Biitter 15 20c per lb.
II Ides Green, 2c; dry, 4c,
Notloo for IMibllouUon.
Lasd Office at Oueuox City, Qn
February i'. MM.'
Notice is hereby ivcn that the Or
egon and California R. K.- t'o. has
filed in this office a list of lands
situated in tie townshms descriheil
below, and had applied tor a patent for said
lands; that the list is open to the public for
inspection, and a copy thereof, by descrip
tive subdivisions, lias lcn posted in a con
venient place in this office, lor the Inspec
tion of all persons interested and the public
Pan of north half of Sec 1., All of Sec 3,
5, 7 and 9. Part of north half and part of
south half of Sec a. All of Sec 15, 17, 19
and 21. Part of north naif of Sec 27. The
east half and part of west half of Sec 29.
Part of north half of See 31. Part of north
half of Sec 33. All situate in township 12
south, range 3 east.
Within the next sixty days following the
aate ol this nonce, protests
contests against the claim of the
company to any tract , or subdivision
within any section or part of section de
scribed in the list, on the ground that the
same is more valuable for mineral than
agricultural purposes, will be received and
noted for report to the General Land Office
at Washiugton, D. C.
Kobeet A. Millee, Register.
Peteb Pahuet, Receiver.
Hotlco for Publlfntlon.
Lasd Office at Okegok City, Ob.,
Jan. 16, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the t'o. Clerk of Linn Co. at Albany,
Or., on Feb'' 29, lHKi, viz:
H. E. 779(1, for the X. yt of X. E. Sec. 12,
T. 12 8., K. 1 W.
He names the fallowing witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon an'd
cultivation of, said land, viz: L.M.Tay
lor, J. 51. Limlley, l'rt'd llrnmpton. J. C.
Prior, all of Lebanon, Or.
Notice lor Publication
Lino Office at Obimok City, Ob.,
February 24, 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Or., on May 2, 1806, viz:
H. E. No. 7870. for the N. E. w N. E. M.
Sec. 28. T. 11 S., It. 1 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: William W. San
ders, Milton W. Yeoman, George A. Down
ing, Bennie White, all of Lacomb, Or.
Rohebt A. Mili.eb,
Notlt-e for l'ubltmitloii.
Land Office at Obeook City, Ob.,
Jan. 10, 189(1.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tinai proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Ogn., on Peb'y 29, 189(1, viz:
H. E. 7992, for the K of S W V, and W X
of S E X, Sec 32, Tp 12 S, R 1 K.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: William
Allphin, Guy Gaylard, Stephen Powell,
Sylvester Burrell, all of Lebanon, Ogn.
Rohkut A. Mii.leb,
Shoes away down quality away up
at the closing out sale of Read, Pea
Cock 4 Co.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
4 Years tils gtkucutrU,
What if
What difference does it make
if you can get
18 yards Cabot W Muslin,
17 yards Cabot A Muslin,
. . -or-
1 pair Ladies' Grain Shoes,
1 pair Ladies' Kid Shoes,
. SLOG, . . I .
And anything else from 25 to 50
per cent cheaper than any store in
ABurwfi am nnt lrwino-
Come and See
Read, Peacock & Co.
Klein, Dubriiille & Co.
Only about
30 Days More.
; Hundreds Have -Bought Their' Shoes for Sum
mer at Their Closing Out Sale. If in Need of
Anything in foot
Now is the Time
, Get Them
Buy Your Groceries
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Fine Teas, Coffees and Spices,
And eai'rv a lull line of firnrpi-ipa nf tl,o
Of tile llUbllC. All ni(lers remtlvp nrntnnl o.iH ,Uhf.,l .1 .1,.., f,...., .1.1
for ciiickem. Mayer & Kiinlirnmrh'u
Hiram Baker Informs us that lie
never sold a corset that gives as (food
satisfaction as the Featherbnne corset
does. Every one that has gone out
has given good satisfaction. These
corsets are, warranted, and if one
should prove not to be good, Mr. Baker
will reftiud the money or give the
customer another corset.
Read the ad of Klein, Dubiuille &
' Dr. O. W. Oheai: dentist.
only Joking?
at Factory Prices.
i,Qui r.,,iu., v nni ,k
niri r..k.nn. i- ' v
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing bt
tween G.M. Westfall and A. Umphrey,
and known as Westfall & Umphrey,
mid engaged in a general livery and
feed stable business in Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon, lias this day been dis
solved by mutual consent. All parties
having claims against the imrtnershlp
will present them at once to the under
signed, and all parties indebted to the
partnership are earnestly requested to
settlejat once with the undersigned.
G. M. Westfall,
i i iii aA' .Umphkev,
' IrtbsnoD, 0t., Feb. it, MM,