The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 27, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX.
NO. 52.
Onayear .....BOO
(If paid In advanoe, 11 o per year.)
IX montlM 1
Three raoDthe,. Jj1'
gliiKleoonlei... "
Ge. W. MoBridei
John H. Mitoliell,!
Binder Hermann OonRrcisman
William P. Lord Governor
H. E. Klnoaid, Secretary of State
Pbll Metachan,. Traaaurer
O. M. Irwin Supt. Public Instruction
H. W. lJieds State Printer
R. 8 Bean, i
F.A.Moore, Supreme Judges.
,0. E. Woolvorton.l
Judge, J.N. Duncnii
Clerktj( N. Necdhani
Recorder I). F. llardman
Sheriff1, J. A. McFeron
School Superintendent, A. K. Kutlierford
., Treaaurar P. 0. Morris
" t Assessor, W. P. Deaklna
i Surveyor,... E. T. T. Fisher
C' I . Pnvnnai II. A. .Tiil'iiP
John Pugli
J. M. Waters
City Council meets en the lirat end third
Tuesday veniiigs of ea(h month.
Secret Societies.
LINN TKNT, No. 7, If. 0. T, M.-Meol III 0. A.
U. Hall on Thunulay eTlns of each week.
Traillfnt Sir Kuujhu are ordial'.y invlied lo
visit the fif paeotliig.
C. W. 8T0KM, Com,
Quo. W. RICB,R. K.
ttOUOH L0IKIK, No. SB, A. 0. V. W .-Meats
every Tlioaday ovenliiR at 0. A. K. Hall.
J. F. Brill, Bee.
LltBAMON L0D0K. NO. 47. I, 0. 0. F.-MmU
ever; Saturday evening at Odd Follows Hall, al
tf'olook d. m
A. E. DAVIS, N. 0.
W. C. PETERSON, Seot'y,
Mints at I. 0. 0. F Hall Oral and third Wedncn
day evening of each month.
LEBANON LOIIUENo, 44 A. F. A A. Jl.-Moott
' flalurday evenliiK. ou or before the full moou iu
, acb month, at lliuonic Hall, Cor. Main and
Grant slh. Sojourning brottieru cornlally invited
an attend.
J. WaHSOK, W. X,
lE. t. Uahxaih, Hoc.
: JI01IN F. MILLER W. K. C. No. 16,
' -eui la( and 3rd Fridays of eaoh month At
, , in, An B. Ukbii,
2:80 K, Salthaiwb, P
D0M.II glfy,
. , . jj plvjulon of Ore-
gou, Bom of VetcnmiiH S. fop third
Javery (Saturday owning, et s Fri
SaturUny of oach month, meeting t. - yt
day lniteitd. All brothel of thu 8oiu
i trtuu and comrades of the G, A. K. are coru.
Invited to must with the Camp.
E. G. Cam, Capt.
A. TkNNEY, Firnt Best.
Meetion thnal, 4th and stli Friday evening of
eaoh month at 7:30 r. it. at (1. A. K. Hall. Trim
lent Laily Haowhooi are cordially invited to
Hattik 6wa, Lady R. K. Shaw, Lady Com.
Sam'l M. Oakland,
Attorney-at-Law. .
Legal Blanks
For Sale at
Is Simmons Liver Reoulator-hIobI
forget to take It The Liver (ets iluuhk
(luring the Winter, just like all nature,
md the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Llvtr
now, but be sun you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it. it also
regulates the Liver keeps It properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body Invlgoratei
You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active
Try a Liver Remedy once and note tha
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator -it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. ' Look for It.
J. H. Zeilln St Co., PhiUdelpJiir, Pa.
Albany Steam Laundry
Albany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
' Lebanon, Oreiron
East and South
Southern Pacific Co,
Express trains leave Portland daily:
:)!'. M.
12:10 a. M.
10:46 A.M.
Lv... Portland Ar.
Lv...Allany.. ..Ar.
Ar.Sun Francisco Lv
8:10 A. at
4:00 a.
7:00 Ml
The nbove trul'is atop at East Port
land, Oregon City, Wnodljuru, Salem,
Turner, Marion, Jeftereon, Albany,
Alliany Junction, Tangent, Bhedu,
Hulaey, Harriobury, Junction City,
Irvlnir, Eugene, Creswell, Drains Mid
all Btutidim from Koeeburg south to
and including Ashland.
Rose-burg mail daily:
t :M a" u. i Lv..,Portlanrl ...Ar.
4:40 r. at.
1 :16 r. at.
8:00 A.M.
-!), d. iv.,.a.tie.ny Ar.
la. M. I .r.;.K6sebi)ra..Ly,
6:60 "
"ogur trains daily (wept
Local pas.
?"n(lyj Ar, 110:40 A. K.
8:20 A. K. LV...AIM... ..,l,v, :40 A.K,
Lv...Alba. . ..Xir,
9:10 A. M.
4:.'1 p. M.
6:20 r. M.
Ar...l.ohanmi.. v, 6:4Sr.
Lv...Albanv u ' I:MI. u
Ar.. . Lebanon ...Lv. j "-iir-
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman Buffst Sleepers
Second ClaBS Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
West Wide JJlylslon.
Mail triundaily(exceputiday)j
"7 :S0 A. M. Lv..ortiand ...Ar. I 6.20 A. M.
12:16 r. m. Ar...Oorvallis. .Lv. I 1:86 p.m.
At Albanv and Corvallls connect with
tim of 0. C. & E. railroad.
Eiprei train daily (exoept Sunday):
T3rrr"Ml '.v.. .Portland ...Ar. 8:28 A. .
?i86 p. M. I a, McMinnville Lv I 6:60a. at,
Eastern States, Can
ada and Europe can be o.'lfl 'o""
rotes from F. U. Hickok, agM Lebanon.
E. P. ROGERS. Asst. G. F. A 1
All persona knowing tliemselvm in
debtod to. me will please call and Mttl
at once, either by cash or note, ail
have sold out and wish to, clof up WJ
Clipped) from our Exchanges
Throughout the West
A labor exohange has been organized
in Salem.
A street-car Una is being talked of
for Harrisburg.
Medford will soon have a pottery
manufacturing establishment.
A band of 800 sheep was sold the
other day in Baker county at 11.60 a
The Mail fc the name of a new week
ly paper started at Stayton by E.G.
' There is a movement among the
farmers of Douglas county to establish
a co-operative stare. -
Philomath has a newspaper. It is
called the Philomath Journal, and T.
G. Bobison Is at the helm.
The municipal ticket of the inde
pendent populists In Seattle is said to
have the Indorsement of the A. P. A.
A clever pickpocket in Seattle has
been taking purses and watches from
tbe outside pockets of women riding
on (be streetcars. '
Pendleton has been Compelled to get
out her street sprinklers for the season.
Mud and disagreeable weather are not
now known there.
J. A. Hewitt is still anxious to put
up a sorghum mill in Eoeeburg, if the
farmers in that vicinity will agree to
raise 50 aores of cane. .
Charles Hubbard, who committed
suicide near MoMinnville last Wednes
day, was 64 years old, and had been a
resident of Oregon for 40 yearp. ,
A carload of horses passed through
The Dalles Wednesday of last week,'
from Pendleton en route to the Sound,
for use in the lumber wills and camps.
Mrs. J. P. Craig, of Albany, has
been paid (3000 by the Knights of the
Maccabees, for the certificate of her
husband, who was a member of the
There will be a matoh game of foot
ball in Asli land Feb. 29, between the
Ashland Dude team and the Butte
Creek Cowboy team, of Eagle Point,
for the championship of Southern Ore
Some one burglariously entered
the brewery at Boseburg one night
Isat week and tapped 18 burets
of beer, thus ruining about 1160 worth
of the liquid. It was evidently spite
ShermsB county farmers are prepar
ing to put iq larger crops of grain this
spring than fqr many years past. Tbe
favorable weather for plowirjg is en-
oouraglng to farmers all through East
ern Oregon,
A Tillamook dairyman has inade in
experimental shipment of butter to
China, Under perfect conditions the
butter was lsnded in fair shape, and
was sold so as to realize a better figure
than If marketed at home.
The board of directors of Milton have
decided to ooulioue the school two
months longer than was originally In
tended. This will make a full eight
months' term, the longest held by any
town in Umatilla county this year.
A report comes from the East that
D. B. Wortblngton, formerly of the
Klamath Falls Express, has come lu
possesion of a o( of mqney, and In
tends coming out to the coast to start a
dally newspaper, says the Ashland
Word has been received frorn Bel-
Mum, says the Pendleton East Ore-J
--n. mar. tfnivnn MnAni wnn
Shinned o.'lUrvhor'"'rom Um'"!
oounty to that c"""'1 " TT
aooounu and finds b lo"
money on the deal.
Last Monday P.J. Kelley, of
went to Justice Esgan and swore out 5
charge of grand larceny against Martin
Campbell, a well-known farmer. The
complaint alleged that Campbell had
killed a number of horses belongiug to
Kelley aud fed them to Campbell's
It Is estimated that the milk from
fully 1000 aows Is delivered dally to
the three creameries at Tillamook, to
say nothing of the milk used in private
oreameriee and dairies. A total of
30,000 pounds per Af for tbe three
creameries is about the highest reoelpla
for last season,
Medford's fire-bug seems to be still
lu busiuessat the old stand. Au at
tempt was recently made to burn the
flour mlU at that place. QulUauau,
tltyofsoiwol furniture was stored In
tha building, and It Is thought by
many that tha fiend's object was to
ttwtrW the iuruituw,
same near being cremated last week.
He waked in the night, found his
house ou fire and the flames all around
Kliu. He succeeded In rescuing his
wife aud children without injury, but
was himself severely burned about the
head and neck.
f One day last week Herbert Shannon
and another young man were throw
ing and catching a cannon ball, at the
Ibany Iron Works, and young Shau
ueu had the misfortune to let it drop
upon one of his Angers, erushiug the
end of his finger. The Herald thinks
that he is probably the Only member
of the militia of Oregon who has been
wounded by a cannon ball.
' Jakey Smith, who seems to be a
kieptomaniaOi was arrested last week
on a charge of having entered E. C.
Brooks' residence In Jacksonville,
through one of tbe windows, and
alistraoted (3 from a drawer. Some
time since he stole $10 In money and
two pistols from a miner ltvlug on
Jackson oreek, in Jackson oounty, but
was allowed to go upou reluming the
property to the owner.
Mrs, Orson Lewis, of John Day, is a
grand-daughter of the brother of Gen
eral Montgomery, wbo fell before Que- j
beo during the revolution. Part of
General Montgomery's estate consisted
of the grounds of Trinity enure!. New
York city. The lease at the property
for a term of 99 years has expired, and
Mrs. Lewis expects to come in for a
handsome dividend when the estate is
settled, as she is one of tbe heirs.
George M. Stroup has made applica
tion In tbe circuit court in Portland for
a divorce from Jane Stroup, to whom
he was married Oct 7, 186$, in Musca
tine, la. j He accuses the defendant of
infidelity, and alludes to a particular
Instance said to have occurred at Al
bany, this state, Silas Qilmore, Dr.
G. A, Whitney and George Weet-
brooke are named as co-respondents.
Vvnitney ds Newport, of Albany, are
attorneys for Mrs. Stroup. The first
two men named as co-respondents
have been dead for several years.
The council of admistratlon of the
department of Oregon, Grand Army
of tbe Republic, had a special meeting
on Thursday last, at department head
quarters in Portland, says the Orego-
nian. Tbe special business was the
fixing of the date for tbe holding of
the next department encampment.
Independence was selected as the
place by the last encampment, but the
date for holding It was left to the
council of administration. - After a full
discussion of the different dates sug
gested, June )1, )2 and 13 were selected
as those which would best accommo
date all concerned. The attendance at
this meeting was the largest ever held
of the council at any call-id meeting,
department Uomtyander Alien re
ported the work of organization in
this department as being in a good,
healthy condition, notwithstanding
the hard times. Assistant Adjutaut
General Morse reported a gain of four
posts, two by muster aud two by re
instatement, since tbe June report,
and a total gain of membership of 120.
Jt is now confidently expected to make
a gain of at least 200 before tbe bolt
ing of the next encampment.
O. P. Payments Not Satisfactory.
The Corvallls Times says there is
likely to be a spirited contest over the
confirmation of Referee Woodcock's
report next Tuesday, when Judge Ful-
lerton will sit n special session to bear
arguments pro and con of the several
attorneys interested. Objections to
the report have been filed by Nash
and Booth, as attorneys for Wm. M.
Huag, Qeq, 8, Ppe, trustee, T. Hogg
and W. H. Bums, et al Johnson A
Huffcrdand Snow t MoOamant for
insurance companies, who claim pri
ority of payment on their receiver's
certificates; and L. Flinn for D. B.
Moriteitb, John A. Crawford, W, L.
Vance, First National Bank of Alba
ny, and L Fllnu. Wilson and Huf
ford ask for conflrmatlou of that
portion of tbe report relating to Bentou
oountj's tag laiin. J. N. Duncan,
attorney for Linn county's tax plaim,
and John Burnett aud J$. p. Wilson,
representing the claim of school district
No. , also ask that the report be con
firmed. Weatberford A Wyatt ask to
have the report modified so as to allow
Lincoln county $3,334 claimed as taxes
for the yearly
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity, pail upon or write to 8, If.
Steele Co., Albany, Oregon.
George Bios represents some of the
best Insurance companies In the world.
.Uoodi away down,. at Mi
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Note and Comment.
William Waldorf Astor. nronrletor
of the Pall Mall Gazette, London, has
dismissed his editor for sneering at
America, and proposes to procure the
services of an American for that posi
Chicago druggists have formed a
syndicate to fight the manufacturers
of proprietary medicines on account
of cut rates in department stores, and
propose to duplicate every tiling in the
patent medicine line with eouallv
good and less expensive preparations
or their own.
Not content with nanerinor the In
side of the trolley cars with advertise
ments, tbe enterprising advertiser now
charters a car complete, and covers the
outside with posters and streamers il
lustrating any particular class of goods.
They carry no passengers, but a band
of music serves the purpose of attract
ing particular attention to the car and
its advertising legends. This practice
bas been popular in Philadelphia for
some time. .
In England tomato plants have been
grafted on potato plants, giving a crop
of tomatoes above ground and potatoes
below. Potatoes grafted on tomatoes
have produced flowers, tomatoes and a
few tubers. An experiment In this
direction waa made during the past
season in Wisconsin. Two tubers were
planted in separate pots in March, and
when about 5 inches high the plant
waa cut off half an inch from the level
ot tbe soil and a graft of a tomato In
troduced. The result was that the
potato, nourished by the tomato plant
above ground, produced a crop of po
tatoes in tbe pot, and also the tomato
plant above ground produced a fairly
good crop of tomatoes, nourished by
the potato roots in tbe pot.
The Surety Company and ita Spotters.
The following la taken from (he Ash
land Tldlngsi "The dismissal of Con
ductors W. H. Jamieson and Jack
Andrews from the service of the
S. P. Co. has been considerably
discussed in railroad cl roles the' past
week. The Kansas City surety com
pany, which furnishes bonds for all
tbe S. P. conductors, is said to be the
cause of the trouble, with which the
railroad company Itself is not interest
ed. The surety company' is an arbi
trary cold-blooded association, and one
of its 'spotters' checked up Jamleson's
train and reported two fares trom
Eoeeburg and one from Phoenix to
Ashland short. The surety company
Withdrew from bis bond and of course
the railroad company could not retain
according to, its rules a conductor who
coUjld no.t furnish bonds, although
Jamlssons numerous friends maintain
that if he were given a hearing he
could easily vindicate himself. Con
ductor Andrews was desirous of retir
ing from railroading, anyway, and the
loss of his position will, not Inconven
bim, it lasatd.U ,
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers Liuu
county like to take the weekly Oregon
ia.ii. We have made arrangements
Whereby we can furnish it at a reduct
ion from the regular price to those who
want both the Express and the
Oregouian. The regular price of the
Qregonlau is $1.60 per year, and of the
Express $1.60 when In advance. We
will furnish both fur 2, per year in
advance a saving of one dollar to the
subscriper, The Oregonian gives all
the general news of tbe country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local news once a week, whioh will
make a most excellent nens service
far the moderate suit) of $3. per year.
Those who are at present subscribers
ef the Express must pay in all arrear
ages and one year lu advance to obtain
this special price.
Fitzstmmons knocked Muhsr out In
the first round, in the fight for tbe
championship which took place on
Mexican soil last week. Fltzsimmons
is now champion of the word. (l) the
heavy weight alas.
During our closing out sale no goods
will be sold except for spot cash.
Bead, Peacock 4 Co,
Dress Goods, floe quality for a Utile
mooef si Jke, Ms CpVi. ,
is. 0 f 1
Jury List.
Following is the list of Jurymen
drawn for tbe term of court convening
lu Albany March 9.
J E Bosseman, farmer, Harrisburg.
A I Crandall, mechanic, Lebanon.
A J Jenks, farmer, Tangeut,
J M Miller, farmer, Halsey.
A T McCully, farmer, Lebanon.
W C Cooley, merchant, Brownsville.
Frank Nlckerson, lumberman, Leba
non. J B Cornett, farmer, Shedd.
Henry Freesksen, farmer, Shedd.
D,H Bodlne, farmer, Albany.
A 8 Stone, farmer, Oakville.
W A Sharp, farmer, Albany.
Ubbe Peters, farmer, Albany.
Geo Stanard, farmer, Brownsville.
J F Dayls, fanner, Harrisburg.
A J MoClure, farmer, Sweet Home.
W G McDonald, farmer, Sclo. .
J W Gaines, farmer, Scio.
Eobt Carey, farmer, Solo.
Geo Cochran, farmer, Tangent.
A 8 Blevins, farmer, Tangent.
Grant Bellinger, farmer, Waterloo.
Chas Everett, farmer, Orleans.
W E Potter, farmer, Fox Valley,
Edward O'Neill, manufacturer, Leb
anon. R H Liggett, farmer, Tangent.
W B Morganson, farmer, Shedd.
Geo W Hochstedler, manufacturer,
M A Miller, druggist, Lebanon.
Alex Kirk, farmer, Halsey.
G W Phillips, manufacturer, Scio.
A telegraphic disnatch from Pmvi.
dence, R. I, dated Feb. 21, reads as
ronows: "Fire was discovered iti thu
big brick nassenirer station nf th
York, New Haven 4 Hartford railroad
at l a. m., and it spread rapidly that
in 15 minutes the buildine waa rinomnd.
Tbe train dispatchers and many em
ployes in tne omce had barely time to
escape, and all records of tbe road
were destroyed. The building was
leveled within an hour, and many fire
men bad narrow escapes when the
walls fell. The loss is unknown, but
will exceed $200,000." This depot was
a union depot, and there is no other
depot of any size In that oity.
, Important Notice.
All persons are hereby notified that
the city council has passed an ordi
nance providing for the taking up aud
killing of unlicensed dogs. In order
that the public may have due notice,
the undersigned is directed to defer
theexeoutionofsald law until March
1, 1896, on and after whioh day the or
dinance will be rigidly enforced.
Geo. W. Taylor,
Marshal of the city of Lebanon.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the estate of I ,.
Alonio Ames, Deceased, f u,tM,n
To Lowell Ames, lohn T. Ames, Andrew
J. Auies, Joseph B. Ames, Annie Ames,
Susan Ames, John T. Ames. Evaline Ames,
Charles Ames, Mrs. Dora Bogga, Kde
Ames, Mis. A. Morris, Mrs. Ziltali Keeney
and Zenss Ames, and to all others, known
and unknown, interested in said estate.
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon
are herobv Cited and rmntred tt HMiuu.iik
the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Coun ty of Lin n , at tha court room there-
oi, at Aioany, in the county of Linn, on
Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1896, at one
o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then
and there to show cause, if any exist, why
an order of sale should not be made author
iiing Hester Ann Ames, administratrix ot
said estate, to sell the real property belong
ing to said estate and described as follows,
Beginning In the north-east quarter of
Section 31, Tp. 13 S., R. 1 E., Will. Mer.,
(223) two hundred and twenty-three feet
west of the south-east corner of Lowell
Ames, Jr., Donation Land Claim, Nut. No.
718, and Claim No. 47, in said Tp., and
running thenca west 51 feet; thence south,
13 degrees east, 6 93-100 chains; thence
north, 74 degrees east, 50 feet; thence north,
16 degrees west, direct to tile place of be
ginning, containing i acre, more or less,
situate in Linn Comitv, Oregon; and
Also beginning 7 feet north, 80 degrees
E., of the south-west corner of a piece ot
land sold and conveyed unto M. U. Moss
by Hugh Harris, and running thence N.,
80 degrees E., 70 feet; thence N.. 10 degrees
W., 126 feet; thence 8., 80 degrees W., 70
feet; thence 8., 10 degrees IS., 126 feet to the
place of beginning, containing acre more
or less, ail situate in Section 32, Tp. IS 8.,
B. 1. E., Will, Mer., in Linn County, Ore
gon, Witness, the Hon. J, N, Duncan,
Jude of the County Court ot the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, with the Seal of said Court
afflxed, this 9th day of Jan'y, A.
Clark. By t. H.