The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 20, 1896, Image 1

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    NO. 52.
One your .....MOO
(If paid In ailvaiiuo. l per yea:.)
Mi month 1
Three months JV
flco. W. Midlridei Senators
John H. Mltcholl.1
Blnper Hermann Congressman
William P. Lord aovornor
It, n, Klncaid Secretary ot State
Phil Motsohau ..Treasurer
U. M. Irwin, Supt. Public Instruction
H. W imia State Printer
Il.Sllcnn, I
V. A. MiMr, Supreme Judges.
C. E. Woolverton.l
Indue J. N. Duncan
(llcrk N. Ncedhain
Recorder I- F. Hardnisii
Sherlir, . J. A. McKcron
School Nn,ariiitendent,.A. K. ltuthorford
Treasurer P. O- Morris
Assessor W. F. Doakins
Surveyor F.. T. T. Fisher
Coroner K. A. Javno
. . i John Pugli
Commissioner j j M Waters
,,',-rv' ATTORNEY 8. M. UAR1.A)U
1fs,7UK1: J. P. HYDE
'S, H. DAI.I.I.EI8H,
I t, iTtia,
ii i"M''R.
j.'ii. smi":1'.
In. n. uiiai-A-
City Council meets m the first art third
Tucsilay evenings uf eaeli inontll.
Ssorat Booletlea.
LINN TUNT, No. !, K. 0. T, M.-Meets lu 0. A.
II. Hull oil Tlmnday evenillir of each week.
Transient Blr KiiiBhw are cordially Invited to
visit the Tent meeting.
C. W. Btokb, Com,
OHO.W.ltlOtl.K. K.
HONOR I.01IUK, No. UK, A. 0. D. W.-Meotl
ovory Vuoduy ovenlns at 0. A. K. Hall.
J.T. HvnK, Koc.
NON I.OIKIE. NO. 47, 1,0. 0. F.-Mocts
tday evening at Odd Follows uall, ai
every But,.
o'clock p. ul.
A. E. DAVI8, N. 0.
, 0. 47. I. 0. 0. F.-
ud third IVediies-
Moots at I. O. 0. F Hall tint
iiav nvonlmrs of each month.
HATT1K A.CIttiaON, Buol'y.
LEBANON L0K1K No, 44 A. F. A A. M.-Meot
Saturday cventus, on or before the full moou In
imoli miilllh, at Masonic Hall, for. Main and
lirant its. Hnjournlng brothem eornlall; luvllml
to attend.
J. Wasboi', W. M,
E. E. Uammaok, Bee.
JOHN F. MILLER W-R. C. No. 16.
meets 1st and 3rd FridayB ol each month at
2:110 p. m. Annie B. Kuan,
Donuis E. Baimaium, Pres.
" .!, MEIIKIS CAMP, No. U, Division of Ore-
of Volonians-Moot In U. A. K. Hall,
,0"' ' , -day evening, except the third
"" """"W "'" ",lnl Ftl"
Saturday of o.c , , ot Vol.
Instead. All ,
tana and comradese.
Invited to meet with the Q Cu)ti
A. Tknnky, First Hcgt. '
, , 0. T, M.
Meets on tho'id, 4th and Sth Friday e '"" "
each month at 7:ao f. H. at U. A. k. iiu.
lent Lady Maeoalioes are cordially invlu
Hat Divas, Lady R. K.
Fount hiiaw, Laxly Com.
Sam'l M. Qarland,
eatuerlord 4 Wyatt,
Albany, okeoon.
' w7m. BROWJf,
JLegral Blauks
For Sale at
b Simmons liver regulator dont
forget to take It The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator to do It. it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body Invigorated.
You get THE BESX BLOOD when
your system is In A1 condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator It is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take It In powder or In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder! tut take SIMMONS LiVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for It
i. H. ZeUin do, PbiUdelplii , Pa.
Albany Steam Laundry
ii.lba.ny, Orogon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
Jjohnnon, - Oretron.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co,
v.m.a tin' leave Portland daily
.. i i... k inland Ar. I 8:10 a. m
.:. .' ' i"'aii,miv.. ..Ar
4 :50 A. M
10:46 a', m! I Arisen Fn. "'''"I"1
7:00 P. M
,T .: ...., at, Bant Port-
. . j n... U'rll.'ini. iNlll'UI.
Turner, iMurion, JcflVreon, A'""l'
Altiany .lunciioii, iu"k-"i -";r"
HalBcy, Harrialiurir, Junction I H.V.
Irving, Eujrene, Oreawell, Drains and
all millions from Eoaeltutg soullt U
and Including Aahland.
RosehurR mail daily :
8:80 A. H. Lv... Portland ...Ar.
12:26 P. M. Lv... Albany Ar.
6:60 P. M. I Ar...KosemirR..Lv1
4:40 p. H.
1:16 p. u.
8:00 a.m.
Local iiassonger trains daily (except
8:20 a. m.
B:10a. m.
4:S0 p. m.
5:2fj p. M.
Lv...Alliany Ar.
Ar...ll union ...Lv.
10:40 A.M.
O:40 A. M.
6:46 p. M,
6:60 P.M.
Pining Carson Ogdcn Route.
Second Claea- Bleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Twins.
West Side JMvlslort.
Between Portland anp
Mail train daily (except Sunday):
T-30 A. j Lvi. Portland .".Ar. (1:20 A. .
12:16 P. M. 1 Ar..,Ciirvallis. ,U. 1 1:86 P. m.
At Albaiw and Corvallis connect with
trains of 0, C, & E. railroad.
Express train-daily (except Sunday)!
T-40 p75Tl'..PorM"l"-A"r' ! sTMaTm.
I-Slip M. I Ar.MrMiiinville Lv I 6:60 a.m.
"j ' and F.nroi pan bo obtained at lowest
ada . ., ,.,.., ., ii,
8 Ii. KOEHLFK, MnnaKor.
E. P. RiEh'H. Asst. 0. F. Pass. Act.
All persona k.wlntr (IwiiwIvhs In
... . ,.Vnsc enll and settle
at once, either l,y Mt r a note, as I
have Bold nut nnd ivl-h "-l""y
book.. Eh KBLL"",lt'
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the wast.
There are 421) inmates of The Walla
Walla penitentiary. '
Clamming parties are now fashiona
ble at coast points In Curry County.
There were 103 applicants for teach
ers' certificate at the recent examina
tion In Eugene.
Salem has Its four hundred, the
Btatemnn says. There are Just that
many In the penitentiary.
The K'amath river is full of fine sal
mon, and great quantities are being
oaught and marketed every day.
The snagboat has been at work on
the bar In the river at Junction City,
bloating out and deepening the chan
Medford'eschoolhouse when opened
will have a new $60 American Sag, a
subscription being circulated to raise
the money.
The city council of Albany estimates
that it will cost $14,000 to run that city
this year, and the resources are esti
mated at "$15,850.
Portland's new union passenger sta
tion which cost $300,000 was opened
recently and trains will hereafter ar
rive and depart from it
The (i)ieiilng of the school library at
Medford, February 22, will be "book
day," when every one who attends is
expected to present a book to the libra
The residence of K D. Jones, of Tan
gent, burned last week. A sou of Mr.
Jones, who was the only one at home
when the fire occurred, barely escaped
with his life.
A gravel trair, of 19 cars has been
working between Merlin and Ashland,
filling In depressions with decomposed
granite obtained from the cuts north f
Grant's Pass.
Heattle has offered Magnolia bluffs
to the federal government as a site for
an army post, with an offer of reduced
rates for oily water and transportation
on the electric road.
The Oregon City Enterprise saj-a
that It is quite probable that nearly
ouMhlrd of the hop acreoge of Clack
amas couuty will be either plowed up
or abandoned this seasou.
The city council of brants Pass has
passed an ordinance prohibiting boyB
from smoking u the streets; also, one
forbidding the posting of obscene post
ers or pictures in the city.
Charles Fleeter, the wi e-murderer
who Is in jail in Grants P iss, under
sentence, will not eat, unless fed by J.
H. Colby. Fiester Is suffering from
paresis, and la lu a bad way.
A La Grande man has discovered au
ingenious Aevlce for clearing the side
walk of snow. It is simply a lawu
mower, with a box attached behind to
lutch the snow and it is said to work
to perfection.
Juhn Fawk, while apparently in his
usual good heulth, suddenly dropped
dead the other day while talking to a
neighbor at his home near Oak Grove,
lu Douglas county. Heart disease was
the cause of death.
Forty-nine people Joined the First
Presbyterian church at Brownsville re
cently as the result of revival work.
One of the converts is Orvllle Mont
gomery, a brother of the recently
hanged Lloyd Montgomery.
' Work preliminary to building the
government torpedq boat and the
revenue cutter Golden Uate lias been
beguu by Moran Bros., of Seattle, and
will be well along when material be
gins to arrive from the East.
Ex-Chief of Police Taylor has pre
sented a bill to (.lie fJoryalJIs oounc(l
for $147 claimed as back salary, because
the city reduced his solary by resolu
tion instead of by ordUiauce, which ac
tion the o-chief claims was illegal.
The city oouncil ut Aiilihiud has a
cuse!uralutt''!5e"tofa sewing ma
chine company, who, It is claimed, has
violated the ordiuanoe against ped
dling. The sewing machine company
will probably make a test of the mat
There is quite a rivalry among the
towns of Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington fortheplaueof boMing the next
firemen's tournament. Pendleton has
aecured a pledge of $300 of the neces
sury $n00 to entitle it to a ehauoe for
the honor.
A cow belonging to A. Terwllliger,
pf Elgin, was recently accidentally
shut up ill an unued barn, and re
mained there eight day. When re-
I leused, alie made a bee hue tor home,
j anil seems to be little the worse for her
i Involuntary fust.
i H, K. Huntley, while puttlug a
blast In the bank i.i the Bent-Alexander
mine in Josephine county re
cently, was struck by a slide and com
pletely covered tip. It waB thought at
the lime that he was killed; but he
was dug out and will recoyer.
Arrangements ai'j being made
whereby water will be taken from the
Snake River, in Eastern Washington,
to Irrigate 1000 acres of Franklin coun
ty land. It is expected that the canal
will be completed in time for the
ground to be seeded in the spring.
Grandma Wright, of McMinnville,
who is in her 78th year, Hon just com
pleted her 22nd patchwork quilt, all of
which have been made by her In the
past two or three years. This quilt
was set together by her ready for quilt
ing, and donated by her to the Ladies'
Aid Society of the Christian church of
Two hunters, Harley Wilson and
Henry Benton, went out in the hills
near Sheridan the other day to test
their new guns. By accident, Wilson
got in range of Benton's gun and re
ceived five buckshot in the scalp on
the back of the head, produclnga pain
ful, but not dangerous wound. The
shooting was accidental.
Judge Thomas Smith, of Boseburg,
has in his possession two gold coins
called the "Beaver," on account of the
beaver on the obverse Bide. These
coins were struck by a firm at Oregon
City In 1849. They are of gold and of
the nominal value of $5, but they could
not be purchased of the judge for "five
times their weight in gold."
The weather the past week gives ev
ery Indication of i fast approaching
spring, says the Weddtrburn (Curry
county) Gazette. So does the vegeta
tion. At points close to the coast wild
flowers are In bloom, and leaves are ap
pearing on trees and brush. Back a
few miles from the coast salraonberry
bushes are in bloom, and in sheltered
spots cherry trees are showing blos
soms. "j At the state university at Seattle,
Mr, Gatch lias organised a mock legis
lature iu connection wilh the depart
ment of political and social science,
airi! the counties of the state have been
grouped Into 20 legislative districts and
uasigned to t lie members of the class.
Dr. Gatch is speaker. Edmund 8.
Meauy has been elected governor and
will send a message to the legislature.
Bills will be regularly introduced, re
ferred and discussed, special attention
being paid to the parliamentary drill.
Wednesday of last week there was
Bled in the county clerk's office a hop
contract covering a period of three
years between L. Q Bower, of Silvcr
tou ' precinct, and the Pacific Hop
company, of Seattle. By its terms Mr.
Bower is to furnish the company
15,000 pounds of hops raised bv him
during each of the years 1800, 1897 and
1898, they to be delivered on board the
cars at Sllverton. The price he is to
receive is 6, 7 and 8 cents, respectively.
On the first of September of each year
he will be entitled to receive an ad
vance of 3J cents if he desires. The
provisions of the contract are quite
extensive and, as usual, plaoe the
buyer in position to take the hops at a
price below that of the contract should
they not be of the quality specified.
The Quartzville Mines.
Mr. (Jeorge Seller, who is employed
as chief oook for the English syndicate
working in the Quartzville mining dis
trict, lias gone to Portland and will
return In a day or two with more help
In bis Hue, Ife reports that the' 40-
stamp mill of the company eommenoeq
work crushing some very rich ore last
Tuesday, and is now running regular
ly. There are from 7b to 80 men em
ployed in the mines, and the vein of
ore l)e reports is uexnnusuoie. or.
Sellers, while not a miner, declares
that from what he has heard stated by
miners daily eating at his table, the
belief Is general that there will be a
great boom lu the Santlam district the
coming spring, and that the oqtput of
gold from those mines will be great,
and the Quartzville company will lead
in the production of the precious
Miners are being paid $3 per day,
and are furnished with the best of
hoard ud other accommodations. Tl)e
houses of the company aud its mines
are- lighted with electric lamps, aud
the work on the mines is Mug con
ducted with all modern improvements.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity. Call upon or write to S. N.
Steele $ Co., Albuny, Oregon.
George Rice represents some of the
best luturauos oompanles In the world,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1MM Povvde!
Absolutely pure
Force Exerted by the Jaws.
From "Popular Hcience News."
Dr. V. G. Black has recently made
experiments upon the force exerted by
the human jaws In chewing food, and
also the greatest force which the jaws
are capable of exerting.
By means of a spring instrument
provided with a registering device, he
took records of about 150 "bites" of
different persons. Of these, fifty have
been preserved as characteristic of the
ordinary man, woman, and child. The
smallest pressure recorded was 30
pounds, by a little girl seven years old.
This was with the incisors. Using her
molars, the same child exerted a force
of 65 pounds. The highest record was
made by a physician of thirty-five.
The Instrument used only registered
270 pounds, and he simply closed it
togethei without apparent effort.
There was no method of determining
how far above 270 pounds he could
have gone. This test was made with
the n olars. Several persons exceeded
a force of 100 pounds with the incisors
and 200 with the molars. The physi
cal condition of the persons experi
mented upon seemed to have little
bearing upon the result. Dr. Black is
of the opinion that the condition of the
peridental membranes is the control
ling factor, rather than muscular
Dr. Black found that, in the habitual
chewing of food, much more force is
exerted than is necessary. In chewing
a piece of beefsteak, the crushing point
of which was front 40 to 45 pounds,
from 60 to 80 pounds stress was actual
ly employed at each' thrust of the
teeth. The principal articles of food
tested had crushing points as follows;
Steak, 40 to 45 pounds; mutton chop9,
35 to 40 noutuls; broiled ham, 45 to 60
pounds; roast beef, 45 to 00 pounds;
pork chops, 20 to 25 pounds, and the
choicest parts of cold boiled beef
tongue, 3 to 5 pounds. The tougher
parts of beef and mutton required a
crushing force of 90 pounds in some
Bad Man from Bitter Creek.
The Medford Mail publishes the fol
lowing itemi
Some individual, who has allowed
his thoughts to be plunged deep into
wormwood and gall, and who appar.
eutly possesses more bluster than sense
or courage of conviction, lias fallen
heir to an Idea, as evidenced by a
postal card which was addressed to
this office, upon the message side of
which is a crude design of the skull
and cross-bone order, underneath
which is the very cheerless message,
In the way of apology for the author,
we will say that his education as an
artist has been as sadly neglected as
his acquaintance with Webster, the
dictionary man. Avaunt, ye howling
Ignoramus, your name shall be Dennis.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our ' jailers Linn
county like to take the weekly Oregon.
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduct
ion from the regular price to those who
want both the Kxi'kess and the
Oregouian. The regular prioe of the
Qregonlau Is $1.60 per year, aud of the
Express $1.50 when in advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance a saving of one dollar to the
subscriper. The Oregouian gives all
the general news of the country once a
week, and the Express gives at) the
local news, ouoe a week, which will
niake a most excellent news service
for the moderate sum of $2, per year.
Those who are at present subscribers
ef the Express must pay In all arrear
ages aud one year in advance to obtain
this special price,
Important Notice.
All persons are hereby notified that
the city council has passed an nidi,
nauoe providing for the taking up aud
killing of unlicensed dogs. Ill order
that the public may have due notice,
the undersigned is directed to defer
the execution of said law until March
1, 1896, on and after which day the or
dl nance will be rigidly enforced.
Geo. W. Taylob,
Marshal of the city st Lebanon,
Note and Comment.
The supreme court of the United
States lias decided that a worn or
abraded silver coin "is legal tender a.j
long as it bears the semblance of a
coin." The decision affirms a judg
ment for $315 damages against a street
car company for rejecting a slick dime
and ejecting the parties offering II.
It 1b claimed that the population of
San Francisco's Chlua-town is 10,000
less than it was eleven years ago.
A German novelty Is neckties made
of aluminum, which are said to re
semble silk, the metal being frosted br
otherwise ornamented.
The restriction of the coal output by
the coal trust has already thrown 20,
000 men out dT employment in the
state of Pennsylvania.
Hoke Smith, secretary of the inte
rior, advocates foreclosing the gov
ernment mortgages on the Pacific
railroads, and the re-sale of the roads.
A new invention is the hlppocyele,
or horse cycle, which is nothiug more
or less than a four wheeled vehicle
propelled by a treadmill run by a
Benjamiu Badchff killed a whole
school board (three) in Colorado, ou
May 6th of last year, and paid the
death penalty at the state prison on
Friday, Feb. 7.
The bill of the Kentucky legislature
to repeal the charter of the Southern
Pacific has been reported favorably by
the Judiciary committee, and Its pns
sage recommended.
For four years they have Btored con
traband whiskey in the cellar of the
courthouse at Topeka, Kansas, but
when some official went a short time
ago to invoice their stock they found
nothing to invoice.
The Albany Democrat suggests a
law o prohibit Lane county men from
carrying guns. In the face of the very
large number of accidents brought
about by gun carelessness in that
county, this doesnot seem to be what
might be called a far-fetched idea.
Probate Matters.
In estate of Horace H Hunt, bond of
guardian filed.
In estate of Gale and Emilv Hill.
bond of guardian filed.
In euardiaushln of Gen N Drlnkard.
final account filed, anuroved and
guardian discharged.
In person and estate of liuirh Nlcker-
son, W H Goltra was appoiuted guardi
an. Bond, $2000. Approved.
Iu guardianship of Archie C Wilson.
first account filed and approved.
In KuardianshiD of John N and Gen
E McNeil, Inventory filed; personal
property, $1333.33.
In estate of W P Smith, distributive
receipts filed.
In the County Court of the Btate of Oregon
for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the estate oil
Alonzo Ames, Deceased.
To Lowell Ames, John T. Ames, Andrew
J. Ames, Joseph B. Ames, Annie Ames,
Susan Ames, John T. Ames.Evaliue Ames,
Charles Ames. Mrs. Dora Hojigs, Ellen
Ames, Mrs. A. Morris, Mrs. Zillali Keenev
and Zenas Ames, and to all others, known
and unknown, interested in said estate,
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are liereby cited and required to appear in
the County Court of tlie Stateof Oregon, for
lie unuuy oi t,inll,atineeourirooui mere-,
of, at Albany, in the county of Linn, on
Aionoay, me zna nay oi Aiarcn, ism,, at one
o'clock in the atternoon of thut duy, then
and there to show cause, if any exist, wh V
an order of sale should not be made author
izing Hester Ann Aines, administratrix ot
saiu estate, to sen tne real property oeiong
ing to said estate and described as follows,
beginning In the north-east quarter or
Section 31, Tp. 13 W., K. 1 E W ill. Mer.,
(223) two hundred and twenty-three feet
west ot the south-east corner ot Lowell
Ames, Jr., Donation Laud Claim, Not. No.
7618, and Claim No. 47, in said Tp., and
running thence west 61 feet; thence south,
16 degrees east, 6013-100 chains; thencu
north, 74 degrees eust, 60 feet; thence north,
16 degrees west, direct to the place of be
ginning, containing H acre, more or less,
situate in Linn County. Oregon ; and
Also beginning 70 feet north, 80 degrees
E., of the south-west corner of a piece of
laud sold and conveyed uuto M. O. Moss
by Hugh Harris, aim running thence N.,
80 decrees E., 70 feet; thence N.. 10 degrees
W., 126 feet; thence 8., 80 decrees W., 70
feet; thence 8., 10 degrees E., 126 feet to tin,
place of beginning, containing acre morn
or less, all situate in Section 32, Tp. 13 8.,
R. 1. E., Will. Mer., in Linn County, Ore
Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
Judge of the County Court ol tho
estate ot uregoo, ior tne t ouniy oi
Linn, with the Seal of said Court
afflxed, this Utu day of Jan'y, A.
D. 1896,
Attest: N. Nexbhix, Clerk, ByF. Ut
Kserisu, psputy,