The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 13, 1896, Image 4

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ffort of PMBMst Jfwr Tartaw
In TbU Dtnbtlm
..t M la Uepiato
IHeaa Uw Ta Bo
Kew York propoaai to Mimaa tela-
iw the yntm of oorporal panlah
ment for certain aliam of offender.
At least oertain people in New York,
led by Elbridge T. Gerry, will try to
, have the following made a law at tat
next Meaion 01 the leguiatora:
"Whenever a mala peraon ahall b
convicted of a felony eonalatina; of ar
accompanied by the infliction of phya
ical pain or Buffering upon the paraoa
of another, the court may, In it die
oretion, in addition to that penalty
now preaoribed by law, impoee an ad
ditional aentenee of corporal jranlaa
ment to be initiated upon the offender
In the prieon to which ha ahall be at
tenced. Such corporal puniahaunt
hall be inflicted in private In said
prison, in the pneene of the warden
and mngeon thereof, who shall aartity
the faot to the court wherein it was
- Imposed." :
. earnest in the matter, and in an inter
view with a reporter for the New York
Recorder stoutly defended the plan on
the ground that it provided for the
only punishment that la really feared
by the brutes that it is intended to
'Crime," said he, "of the more brutal
and fiendish character is frightfully on
the increase, especially in the seas
where children of both sezea are ths
victims. Instances in whish lifelong
injuries have been inflicted cat girls
and boys of a tender age are becoming
so numerous that it is time ""Mpg
was done to strike at the very root of
evil, and I am sure the only weapon
that can be effectively used sgainat the
brutes who, in their passions, exhibit
no thought or feeling for their victims
is the lash.
"Once let the brutal element of the
community know that the pain and
suffering inflicted by them on others
will be meted out on their own bodies
and the shocking state of affairs now
existing will be to a great extent
wiped out I am thankful to say thai
the creatures responsible for the of
fenses are foreigners. The grade of
crime against which the resolution is
aimed is peculiar to men from other
countries. And the only way to show
these wretches that they cannot in
dulge in such things in this continent
is the crack and the sting of the lash.
"It has been erroneously stated that
wile-beaters are included among the
creatures against whom ws are fight
ing. This is not so. We are only ad
vocating the lash for felony committed
.by men. Wife-beaters belong to an
other class of animals which may or
may not deserve a good thrashing.
They, however, do not enter into the
discussion. Burglary with violence, as
sault of any brutal nature those sre
the offenders who, I maintain, should
fcel the sting of the lash. A conviction
of twenty years, reduced by good be
havior to twelve, has no salutary effect
on the callous element with which I am
"As an instance, you, a law-abiding,
peaceful citizen, are enjoying a well
earned rest; a hardened brute of a bur
glar, not satisfied with plunder, delib
erately knacks you over the head, puts
your eye out, crushes in your skull,
maims you, beats you, and for this he
gets twenty years, . I that any satis
faction to you? Do-yoa get a new eye
or another skull or a clean skint Ho!
Then I say let his punishment be pro
portionate in some degree to the of
fense. ,
"Formerly crimes of which I specially
speak were punishable by death. But
experience showed that the elass of
people- that commit these crimes of
personal violence don't dread death.
Nihilists, anarchists, atheists and the
more degraded classes scout the idea.
Corporal punishment is the only thing
the scamps and rarcals are afraid at
A few years in prison doesn't have any
deterrent effect A man comes out of
prison and he immediately perpetrates
a similar crime, but if hs understands
that he is going to get a dose of that
which he inflicts on other people, 'he
thinks twice before he runs the risk. '
"It is nonsense to play the fool with
criminals and say that corporal punish
ment is degrading and a revival of the
dark ages. Are ths abuses inflicted on
little children degrading? Was there
anything in the dark ages mors debas
ing than the revolting acta which oc
cur to-day? There ssems to be a mawk
ish sensibility in the opposition to cor
poral punishment It is the oldest
form of punishment known, and it is to
' be found in the Mosaic law. There
can be nothing brutal in it, provided
yon don't make the exhibition public
In Delaware they have a curious meth
od. A felon is sentenced to thirty
lashes, fifteen of which are adminis
tered. He is then told to get out of the
state, and if he is found there after ths
lapse of a week the be lanes of the
thirty lashes await him.. The plaa
worm aomiraDly. . , ,,-
"Again, in London, when the garrot-
era were terrorung toe city, the cat-o'
nine-tails was brought into play with
such effect that garroting was un
known in a very short space of time.
Would I suggest any particular mode
o' iinrmsterine the Dunishment? No.
' -l ordinary lash on the back would
.wit nil wwtn Mnunti T U
snd if I live long enough the advisabil
ity of its legalisation will come before
the next session of ths legislature."
Normit Big Uuahar MIIL
It has been generally supposed that
the largest lumber mills in the world
were located on Puget sound in this
country, but such is not the fact The
largest mill, so far as known, Is in
Christianis, Norway, where a million
feet is produced daily. There are
about thirty gang saws and six planing
and matching machines, the latter of
the massive Norwegian design, which
feed at ta tate el tlt M M aU
WHAT A "Tt AM'il IB.
It lns a Wast rati f the Cwany
Tee are Is.
What la a "tram?" Is Iran animal
hitched to a wagon, or two or more
auiiualsaud a wagon, or simply two
animals harnessed up together? Does
the word include the vehicle? Ah ex
cited Bostonian, writing from Nebraska
10 a ronton paper, confesses his humili
ation when, upon remarking that
"team" had been left in the street, he
was told by a cowboy that he meant a
wagon. Be admits, aay Harper's
nseaiy, mat the cowboy was right
and so it seems here. In the state of
New York, when a high standard of
language prevails, "team" properly In-
enuiea we animals, a more than on
which haul a vehiclej but not the ve
hicle itself; hut improperly it is used to
designate any animal or animals
hitched to any vehicle. It Is not used,
however, to designate ths vehicle with
out the animals, as seems sometimes
ths cast in New England. A synonym
for team in it degeneratessnas in New
York state Is "rig." In the moreob-
SUonable phrase of newspaper Eng-
a acne and baggy are invariably
a "rig,'' and livery stable-men and
farmers' bovs apply ths same brief
and tompreheasiTe term to almost any
vehicle drawn by anything as tour
togs- '
A recant visitor to Nevada, aeoordlnf
to the Northwest Msgsirirte, says
one of the strange sight he saw in
Lincoln county was the cowboys kill
ing wuo norsss. "one morning," he
said, "I saw five going forth well
mownon ana armed with tremendoualv
big revolvers. I asked them where
they were going. 0h, out to IdU some
horses,' they said. Well, they did kill
them. They had a sot to chancre
horses and rid round and round in s
circuit miles in extent after them. As
the wild horses would come around the
cowboys would bang them over. I saw
horse after horse great magnificent
stallions of all colors killed in this
way. They would come around on the
dead run. Thar would be a shot, or
rTooaciy a natuade or shot The horse
would take a leap into the sir and come
(wwaaaafj. It looked ashsme tokill
sues, saagnlfleent brutes, but the cow
boys shot them down without the least
compunction. "
Thar ar thousands of these wild
hone In Nevada, and about the only
xeuse given for shooting them I thai
ths stallions entice away the domestic
mares, which then become a wild a
la ether horses.
wjy of Gnat fl sinlal
At Bradford, England, silk has been
made from wood pulp so much like the
real thing that it bids fair to occupy a
place in commerce and use. It is pro
duced by subjecting vegetable fiber to
the action of various acids, the re
sult being a product said to be identical
with the filament of the worm, having
its lightness, luster and all its qual
ities, including that of durability.
Commercially speaking, says the Phil
adelphia Ledger, the importance of the
discovery can hardly be overestimated,
and it is possible that It will produce
the most revolutionary consequence in
the trade in that commodity every
where. The world's stock of silk, both
woven and raw, is immense and has al
ways held a staple value likely to be
much shaken and disturbed by the in
trusion of a new supply which. eon be
cheaply and abundantly .produced.
Samples of yarn, fringe, braid, gimps,
sewing silks, handkerchiefs; bro
cades and other fabric, dyed in vsri
aDunoanee, modern society will doubt
less take on a style of splendor hither
to unknown, outshining the courts of
Solomon or the qneeri of Bheba or the
retinues of Mahmoud or Haroun Al
1 isSiris Ms f she
reaper Talaf.
A good story wss told bv a Beaton
man who was in Antwerp while the
preparation were in progress for the
exposition. Representatives of all na
tions were there preparing exhibit
from their respective countries. In the
vening, says the Washington Star, all
the visitors were in the habit'of
ring in a large hall on the grounds to
usien to we nana play. Out of com
pliment to the visitors the national
airs of the different countries wen
played, and received an ovation from
the group of that nationality in the
haU. The night that our Boston friend
attended the band performance this
playing of national airs wss on the
programme. u were played, but not
a thing that could be twisted into an
air for the bird of freedom. A delega
tion of the American went up to the
leader and told him that they felt
slighted that their country had not
Been recognized. With profuse apol
ogies the leader said it was clearly nu
oversight, and promised to give them
the American air at once. He distrib
uted the music, and. wavinir hia hatm,
ths band broke loose, not with any fa
miliar' patriotic air, but "The Man
That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo."
Amazement among the Americans final
ly gave away to visions of "Old Host"
Hoey and his song, and when the band
finished the tumultuous applause from
th American delegation elicited a
A South Aiouucax paper ssya there
lea wide difference of opinion among
mporters a to whether it pay, better
lnUlon- bribe the officers or
pay the duties.
Tax provlnee of Buenos ataw'iafo
olt;it is being sued for a debt of
SM.OW, which has U,n owing for tour
eara The budget of MH has been
put in force for lm.
A international journal for African
taagusges has just been started in Ger
many, aided by liberal subvention
mm the s-ovsrament. Th. .
Is Your
Blood Pure
It It la, you will be strong, vigorous,
fall of lite snd smkition ; you will have a
good sppetlte snd good digestion;
strong nerves, sweat sleep.
Bat sow taw can ear that their Used
fc parol How nuay people era suftsriag
dally from the eoneequenoec of Impure
alood, Barotitis, salt rheum, rheumatism,
eatsnh, aervoueneaa, eteeplseeaeae, aad
That Tired Peeilng,
Heed's Barsaparllle purifies, vitalises
sad sarlehae the blood. Therefore, It Is
the aasaieiae for roa.
A will give you pun, rich, led bleed
aad strong aervas.
ll will overcome that tlnd feeling,
create sa appetite, gin letreahtng slsap
sad msk you strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It the Only
True Blood Purifier
froatlnenUy ta the public aye today.
Hoodj Pills
Bread Makers,
Attention! . .
If you want
A Big White Loaf
...Lebanon Flour
Every Sack Guaranteed
I) lret-UJass. ... i
For sale by all the lead
ing grocers of the city.
Call for it
80 Gents per Sack
the Best.
Is Your Child
Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Thourough prer oration for
all collegiate courses.
Certificates admit to the
leading Colleges on the poast.
Normal Department gradu
ates obtain State and Life di
plomas. Music, Art, Book
keeping, specialties, healtn
ana outdoor life, small clas
ses and instruction for the in
Winter term opens Sept 23.
Tuition $6.50 and $10.00 per
term. Send for catalogue.
S. A. RAXDLE, A. M.,
Oregon Central Eastern R. R. Co.
Connect at Yaquina Bay with tbe
San Francisco and Yaquina Bay citeam-
bip Company
Steamship "Farallon
A 1 and flratclass in every respect
Bails from Yaquina for Ban Franclieo
about every 8 days.
fasaenger accommodations unsur
passed. Hbortest route between the
Willamette Valley and California.
Fare from Albsny or points west to
Ban Francisco:
Cabin,.... $12 00
Steerage, 8 00
tabin,roundtnp,60ds. 18 00
For sailing daysapply to
H. L. Waldbn, Agent,
Edwin Stone, Ms'ger., Albany,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Chas. Clabk, Supt.,
lOT lnfoTaOtfton aa trm Handbook writ it
nuaa c w- mi bsoaowat, niw toil
OldMt bonta for mcqhak pcumu la Ajutrlet
Xvi- patent faUtn oat by oi Li brought befoi
rrxn i
Xthb I
Itls sold on a guarantee by all drusv
For sale by M, . B.nitli.
Pleasant to take by old or
young, JNo griping.
The root of the Liverine
plant is extensively used in
Norway for the cure of Piles.
Sold by all first class drug
Wholesale Manufacturers.
Anchor S Chemical Co.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Best Shaves, Hair Cut oi Shumpoo at
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty,
ftittore. Invention,-
News ."'Kaas. Health
Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry
Enlarged and Improved
Contains a larpe numlwr of Hlinrl,
Easy, Practical, Imorv Htinc and Pop
ular, BeienliHc article", that can If
Appreciated and enjoyed by any intel
ligent reader, even thnugii he knen
little or nothing of Hcience.
Profusely Illustrated and Free
From Technicalities,
Newsdealer, 10 cent. 91.00 per yaat.
ay-Mention this paper for a fcamplc cop,y."a
Largest Circulation of any
8olentlflo Paper In the World
The Express is in grwit
need of money at present, mid
if you are in arrears on sub
scription or otherwise we
would esteem it a great favor
if you would pay up. Pay us
what you can, if it is only
25 cents.
The ' Tangent Prune Nursery,
a O a "
I linve a ve-y fine stock of fruit trees yet for sale. A
gnud assortment of Aple best winter varieties; fine stock:
of one and two year Cherry trees; fine one and two year
Pear; s few (1000) Prune; also a good stock of Ilaspborrii'S,
Blackberries, I.uerotia Dewberry, Gooseberries, Currants
and strawberries. I will take in exchange for trees 3U0
bushels of good oats, 1000 pounds drossod pork; also will
trade for one good young now. For particulars address me
at Tangent, Or., or Andrews
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, ote.
Pictures and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Specialty.
A Baboon . .
In Bloomers
on a crowded street wouldn't excite a tithe
of the interest among the people that an adver
tisement in The Lebanon Exmiess would,
Nee what we have to say
Here about Job Printing.
Ilave your Stationery and
Your Hand-Bills in fact, all your
Job Printing done here. All
l'l'inliiig- will be on good material and
Doiie in a workmanlike manner
very reasonable prices.
This department of our
Olliee is equipped for neat work.
The Lebanon Express.
factory and Main Offliei-Lakc
r orster,
& Peterson, Lebanon, Or. .,
of Bicycles.
Cycle Co
. Helsted Sis w .
fata ti pit
tuiwimtiia, Ma autni w iu mti