The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 06, 1896, Image 4

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North Dakota Is Being Overran
'v. -:,,! ftwm-ni Orar tha
Ohio a lUnioe to the Oivilliation
Of' All Lands.
1 -W getting to be nearly u
.... . 'ia.uico as tlie Russian ceotus,
s tiw ! iirjo Argns. Thoy are raul
; u'.jisna increasing with daruror-
rapidity. You can scarcely throw
itouo lojr without running tho
v. .:. of accidentally hitting a colonel.
Col-meh in mufti, which may be broad
e.Jlhcr corduroy, in stable frocks or
JnrKcepers aprons, taking orders for
Ivioks or rubber stamm m. .n.
mi m.l;..:n
w piiuuero, are as com-
mon as straight whisltv In. c.i.h.1,.
or us new theories of government in a
i.-i.u..u maas-meoung. n was onoe
proposed to raise a regiment composed
cuiuirea xne trouoiesnow-
Ut'.aVU W.mlfl , .
i . 7 ",Kobwj regimens,
luit to select from enough applicants for
an army corps. Fargo alone could nrob-
.-.uuw uturv cuioneis man there
are in the active list of the army-and
Mmo of largo's colonels are men who
v uure served in the army, which
uishnguishes them from the colonels
... communities. The "captain "
the "jedge" and the "major" are not
to be mentioned in the same day with
-'" -inese oia relics of south
ern barrooms &m aD4i i k-
. ...j iu uic minor
ity, and the day of the colonels is at
Like the Ulics of Egypt they throngl
congregate. Prom every station in
lite, from every profession, of every
age and condition, there are colonels
to the right and left, colonels ad lib
itum and ad nauseam. From whence
T K"r,jwogationof eolonelistic
talent? Where hnva h...
eagles that have swooped down and
u uiesesnouiaera? Home
of them were infants in arms when the
, sea. some of them were
manipulators of hotel registers and
concocters of the tittilating cocktail
while the war raged, and some have
been tenders of equestrian steeds since
thoy have been high enough to reach a
stirrup. How come these to be dubbed
Faithful and persistent inquiry
among the colonels themselves throws
little light upon the subject. Some
cannot claim anything better than
that their wives' people kept a hotel
where the soldiers boarded. They do
pot claim, even, that they themselves
kept the hotels. There would seem to
be a shadow of reason why the ma
jestic creature, in a dean, starched
Blurt and Alaskan diamond pin, look
ing complacently to heaven as he
balances a wlfl. ii .
. . i uw hps ana
thrusts a penholder at a gnest, should
be called by a high-sounding military
title, but to dub a man colonel only be
cause his father-in-law's brother kept
a boarding-house seems to be strain
ing a point. Another colonel, when
asked as to tus command, hemmed a
little, nut on . fmm . .
, . ----- - - aupiJuaca U) DS
uerce, .pulled his shirt collar a little
higher, and replied that he had for
gotten the number of hi regiment.
It was so long eo, you know, and I
have always had a bad head for fig
ures." Another explained that hav
ing formed a partnership with a major
who was a junior in a concern, it be
came necessary, as a matter of disci
pline to the help, that he should rank
his partner. The fact remains, how
ever, that the colonels are overrunning
the AArth anil .i .
. -- ."""ug- me suMiance
thereof. Privates are as scarce as the
teeth of hens. Most nnmilitary people
think that corporal is the higher offi
cer, and whoever hears of a sergeant?
ltiere is a general impression abroad
that a colonel has something to do
with horses-something between a far
rier and a veterinary surgeon-and the
real colonels. th, fn hA i .
. . . L, , ""v iwiuj oore
uncle Mam's commission as such, are
'" " ne country where
mock colonels constitute a majority of
the male population over the age of
j .
Japan vTttkto Bar Klghta la n Effort
tm MilsIn m Hold vpoa con
Nstlouutr of
SIT Edwin Amnio1 la a urn,
of the Japs, but he had the privilege of
witnessing the grand army maneuvers
! Of SOmfi twn m frivaa vantw !.(...,
no one will deny to him a knowledge
m.o iiiwuur rcuuomy 01 UK eOUUtVV-
Sir Edwin Arnold, says the London
Daily tlraphio, will not countenance
uie neiier oi Mr. Vurion that the Jap
anese government is desperately occu
pied with domestic noHt.i
"I am surprised that so intelligent an
observer should nnt Kan, ..,,....., i
little the Japanese houses of parlia-.
. cuuut aociauy or politically
against the policy of those ministers
whom the emperor appoints and whom
he removes at his sole pleasure. When
the deputies make themselves impossi
ble they are simply sent home; when
thev refuse annnHaa nuMi.. n,nn
taken quietly on account; and when
thev brinff thinm fj a ilanlw.1,
" n T. -- ui uii.uL. ilin
enipMor and hia advisers carry on the
business of the country, after dissolv
ing Darliamimt. whih smM u
vatrarimthA I.taIw armii. i
. w.j nwnuijj Ul UCW
and generous wine remains steadfast-
'j UJ"" mraenuy patnotic."
That the twn mmtriao rar1 .n,,.)
- UBU cuai
rights in Corea, and that when one in
creased Its fmVA tha ntha.wanK j
ivtao WUUU
to do the same, was the writer's con-;
lenuon m snort, that Japan has done
and is doinir
would have done under the same cir
cumstances. "In the present struggle
Japan unauestionnhlvtn,i ,h
pion of progress, of justice, and of in
ternational dAVnlnnmnnf n .i..
r.v., w vuu uw
partisanship shown in certain quar
tern against tier Has in it an element of
uumitY which cannnr fhamfnu
easily emused." Mors interesUng than
Mis, though, is Sir Edwin Arnold's re
minder Of One Of fh tLiu
more potently tends to hold China to-
Kcuiermuer intense and exclusive na
tionalitv." namnlir fha
iety of the Celestial to be buried at
home. "Rut If
utsu wuiesms-
tical authority, or the Vermillion Pen
cil itself, should decree as they well
mizht. that RnnfiiKlna l,u i .
isfledif a pinch of Chinese dust were
" "im me loreign grove then
the flooda-ates would h nnnn in a
eral Chinese immigration into all lands.
perceives now neavy the obliga
tion is, and at the same t.imo i, i,i
Jng, when again and again, at San
Francisco and other ports of embarka
tion, Chinese passengers an stopped
carrying in a carpet-bag or a hat-box
the bones of their ralntivaR n.,t .i
any such general emigration of China
men occurs as that whii.1. t Bm
casting, it will be a social and industri
al deluge. The markets of the world
will be literally swamped with the
moat industrious, persevering, fearless
and frugal specimens of mankind wno
will everywhere underbid labor and
mononolizA trail -. i, ; . ,
I u. - uone in
I Singapore, Penang and many other
l"" uaurer W CIVlIlznt.inn
WTA V 1. U
Catarrh .
Ha troubieu me for 11 veers I
Ween four of HoodCr,."
aud sm nrfetiv m tL. T
. -v av-, minxiioou'l
"ny who are in poo, . ;lth fl
become dicouril. ..ik .
good heslth U they would L
's Sarsaoarilla
afafrtrial." WM. Jlnwnj.,.
Bread Maters.
Attention! . . '
If you want
A Big White Loaf
M. L. Forster,
The Tangent Prune V Nursery,
iaaluinj, - -..OREGON.
or ulo hy N. ,, . B. .th.
..Lebanon Flour
Every Sack Guaranteed
For sale by all the lead
ing grocers of the
Call for it.
, rUViT T.H1S10M Foi! WALK. '
I IlilVe II ve"V Run. utiwh fiPfmiU r, if.. ..i. - .
I.j ' , ' " " ' I'Vrn XH I'M BUIH, !
PIT i n TuJX tll,,nT Um' "u "m two
Pear; a few (1000) Prune; also a good stock of Raspborri, ,
io.,j t i V ... "-""ji """BuuuiTiuH, murrains
landBtniwbomps. I will take in exchange for trees 3(H)
' f , ' " I"'"""" UIWMIU iioik; aiHO will
t ade tor one good young cow. For particulars address me
.1.1 I nntrmit t ii. .... A p. t. . . .
inu.iuwj, tt ruiorson, Jjeuanon, Or.
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK,-Albany, Oregon.
xuiniuire, Larnets, Linoleums, nmtting, etc.
lectures and I'icture molding.
L nuenaKin"- a JSpecialtv. l
70 Cents per Sack
the Best.
Tha SlsmlSawaa of Hur at TkaB thrnt
What the learned Dr. Alices one
called "A Vialhle Ima T
. . uiTiaiDie
Thing," in iaet the emblem, has so Ut
tle record in modern times, that even
the encyclopedias give concerning- it
only the dictionary definition. Yet
.nU vcuvuim sg-o it lormed the subject
for the work of tome of the best
writers, painters and engravers of Eu
rope; while antiquity has illustrated it
in a myriad of forms, the meaning of
which is in thousands of instances lost
tO US ill tllA mvatorv am A 1 n .
j j mm. uarxunBlOH
overshadows the history of so much of
Ann l.ln.A L
j vhjw wmcn presenai at a
Kiuce a meaning beyend its mere ap
pearance is an emblem. The torch for
Illumination, the scales for Justice, the
lur npe. me owl tor Wisdom.
the DUttArflv Trw 4ha Bl .L- . ..
.j i. . . eevine
and hour-glass foi-death. The first at-
" V wrllm(f emblematical,
and Chinese wriUng is so to this day.
eo were the Egyptian hieroglyphics
m our own
Indian picture writing.
.1? ??m!?e; lTOm tbe Hebrew
shekel to the last American dollar; aU
the flags of all nations; all state or na-
T, " are emniematicalof some
thing. The cross, the crown, the scep
ter, the miter, every church steeple in
, every land, mosque, minaret and pago
da, wimple and shrine, idol and fetUOi
all are emblems.
Every letter in every language, every
ure, the sign of every tradTand pri
feision, the roses of EngUnd, the lilies
of rranee. Tnnlaniit. .1
' " - aiiauirocK ana
bcotland's thisUe, are U emblems.
And yet, strangely enough, it is only
by persistent search that one can find
out even the least about the origin of
this class of art, the meaning of iu
varied forms, the hidden sense beiur
oftentast uttetlf wMi, tmj, mtg
Is Your Child
Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Thourough preiieration for
aU coll egiate courses.
zr- "-jsw w civiiizauon tnat1 ""... iu iud
than in" her unwield7 W al S a8t-
lothfui resourcea, the inoCkaey 0f I ormal Department gradu-
nu.tu lur acmai service Japan has al- of i . 1 t . ..
ready exposed by the brLliaat ZZ. ! ateS ebtain and Life dl-
mencement of the present campaign. plomas. Music. Art. Book
theniLliitieping, Speeialties, health
China should not become more homo-
i and outdoor life, small clas-
geneousoranv lanrAr than 1 a cao ami !..i-..n.. r... a.
ore-,,,!, .nil .I..".. " " - " iiioiiuuuuil 1UI tne in-
not intrigue with the second colossal I Ulv 'ual-
standiniT ntMOM r . I Winfor f.tuvi r,-. C a no
- uiumi progress, t " iiiu uwviib ctMU. o.
HO.00 per
nal had the true instinct in scientific lerm 0end lor Catalogue.
war just declared, the sympathies and u ' 1
goodwisliesofcivUizationvredueen-l Principal.
ueiy 10 ine side of Japan."
Pleasant to take by old or
young, No griping.
The root of the Liverine
plant is extensively used in
Norway for the cure of Piles
Sold by all lirst class drug
Wholesale Manufacturers.
Anchor S Chemical Co
Lebanon, Oregon.
m is: tvr tr.
'r&r.fjj.j .... . ;
Than Tkaj Split.
"Woaaao play odd trickn on one an
other sometimes," said a at.m-t Amer
ican woman; "but the quMv.t I sv,.).
heard at wu tw.rtw.,t-o...,i k.. .
r-"l vn hijvi-ii
uor western city np;n another.
They were rivals, and hatml eih oth"r
aocordimrlv. thnnl,
preserved the semblance of pleasant
relations. Every chance that either
got to aive a rlicr at tl, ,-n,.
eagerly seised, but the final nd mast
effective stroke, after which ro k.IIs
wereeachanged, was delivcrc.! l.y Mrs.
h. She sent out cards for 11 jfrand cn-
tertainmwiL aail fnAn tl.
wu. ...viji hU
find out what Mrs. B, her comiwtltor.
wassMhur tn
" " f,:;iuua uiij-
eaded utinwiu iha mafe.:,i .r
wurauai j jyris.
flffown, It was awertoiucd. AceonI-1
1 "w WIUJ IU
Mie dry-(foo(U bxwinese, obtained sev
eral hundred yards of the Kami iden
tical stuff and draped the wwlls, of all
the rooms on the lower fl.xr of her
koasewUh If v
fetthaya of Mrs. F. on arrive , in her '
1 , niucu Niartuie. filiwi.v Wtdne Al .' 1.1-r ah
Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Co.
Connect at Yuquina Hay with the
San Francisco ai d Yaquiua Buy flteam-
uii i.unipany
Steairslilp "Parallon"
A 1 and firslclass III pvurv n,H..iit
Bails from Yaiiuiim for Han F,.i.i
about every 8 days.
r'assengiT accoininodations nnanr.
passed. Hhortfst roate lietween th
Wlilamelie Valley nntl California.
Fare from Alliunv
Bun Francisco:
aljin. $12 00
Steorage, 8 00
Cabin,roundtrip,()0dfi. 18 00
For dulling iliiysapply to
Beat Shave, Hair Cut or Siianip,)oat
Shaving Parlor,
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
A Baboon . .
In. Bloomers
Ladies Hair Druasing a Specialty.
. .mutn.nj, anv
vratna her cama? and droye away
0r Turn of Fortune. -A
certain Mr. hnL m.
--- -i vr.sw MuKau me ,
aa a aawyer and carpenter, and whose i
noneatv and indiiKtt-v .v,:,.,i t.:
to wealth as a railway coiitmutur, sank
all ULH lllOnPV in hr Snrv f ... 1 .
coal being found. Then t3 called a
utrffe meetiupof his miners, and told '
them that lie hnH inonf r),
bis life in the speculation ami would
have to abandon it. lioldm;; up u half
crown, ho declared that t.'iat was ail
hrtliad loft of forty thousand pounds, i
which ho had sunk in tho A fel
low called out: "And we'll have that
i you sna"' crwd Jlavies, !
and threw tho coin among- tlwicwTiiis
bit of desperation so delighted the
men that they straiffht-.vay deter
mined to go to work njrain, wages
or no wages. In a few days thcy.found
attUent soal, and ptenty of it, and
aaMwMitaia.tiaaMa, ' j
CiiAH. Clark, Kiit.t
Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry
Enlarged and Improved
Contains a luice mnnlier of Rli,lfi
r.HHy , rranifiii, inieivHtii HnI p.
II lir. Hc i'lllll i. urtl.,1 l,, ,'.
Apprwlmwl and cn vi hv anv inl. l.
Ki'iil rt-Hder. ..v..n ihiiK, i, Kpl
Utile or noihlim ofSci-mv
Profnsely r( Illustrated and Free
From Technicalities.
Hwilea,r, lOornln. Dl 00 raryuai.
V-Miiilii ilil. ini pr f.,r a nmle miiy.-M
Largest Clroulition of anv
Sclentlflo apor In the World
on a crowded ptivt-would. i't rxci',.
of the interest un.on the ))....',! j h..t an i..U
tiwumntiirTiiK Lkkaxm.n Km,;, w.,id '
Nee what we have to Bay
Here about Job Printing.
Have your Stationery and
Your Hand-BillB-in fact, all your
J ob Printing done here. ' All
li-intiug- will be on good material and
Xone in a workmanlike manner
.A.t very reasonable prieos.
'X'ltiw department of our -Olliee
is equipped for neat work.
rFliG Lebanon Express.
yEolentlfio Amwlcui Tt.K xim I - i,, ..... i
Kins' of Bicycles.
llVfl flu ns...i
9or Inform.tlnn ami "iT.!"'?"",. J
MUNN CO.. 861 bSvTnsw "
01det torem for KCUrtait patcnu Tin Aaurlca.
the putlki I), a aotloe sltTOlrioorSSJri. la Si
finest n'rr
would em em :i i i ,
if you would pay up. 'u m
what vou can. il it. iu ,,l
25 cents.
,"iSSLES,a listed