The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 30, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Wheat l 62 oeiita lo Lebanon
Caleb Harnett Is quite 111 with lung
Ed Kellenberger lias been aultealok
this week.
Mr. T. J. Planter Is visiting friends
In Alhunv.
B. W. Flalier. of Sodavllle. Is dan
gerously III.
Remember we print calling cards at
the Express office.
Dr. G. W. Chcadlo, dentist. Offlot
over City Drug store.
Mrs. A. E. Davis Is visiting in
Brownsville this week.
If you want the news you should
subscribe for tlio Exi-rkss.
Gentlemen, cull and see the new fall
and winter clothing at Bach & Buhl's.
Horn, to the wife of John Moist, Hull'
uay, uuiiuury fiu, a uuugmur.
"Trilby" photo's reduced to $1.00
per dozen, at the Lebanon Art Gallery.
George Blue represents some of the
best lusurunee companies in the world,
Atty. J. M. Homers, of Albany, was
doing business In this city last Satur.
'nl' One of Lebanon's piiyelolans intends
furo"S) witness tno execution of Lloyd
. The ExxREaa Is glad to announce
tliat the dipt herin bos about all died
j out ill Lebanon,
'I'iim Hiiv.muuni'B" nr. a htnv. jmm.
M and Feb. 1. Price, gallery, 38 cla.;
down stubs, 60 cts. .,, , i
Otto Murtiu baa moved luto the
Mills house the one; recently mow
ailed by Mr. Hlcksli.' ' "
Mrs. J. V. (Jusick and little boy, of
Albany, visited relatives iu tills olty
Friday and Saturday. -
W. J. Boyce returned borne Hiaday
from an extended visit trltb friends
and relutlves In California. ' -
We have been Informed Ihat'tne
hour for Lloyd Montgomery'! umo
tiou Is 7 o'olook in tiie morning, .. .
W. E. Chandler, of Mils city, iim
been appointed a deputy to uaaiat ,1m
the execution of Lloyd Montgomery.
U. J. Hrulth, of Salem, was id tbe
-oil y a couple of days this week visiting
Ills brother, J.B. Hmlth, and family.
Miss Fannie Griggs returned
"Wednesday from Brownsville, where
elie went to visit wlt Pror."MTobeer
and wife
The regular services will be held at
the M. E. church next Sunday, but
no Sunday school. Epwortlt" League
at 0:80. tl t ,
On and see "The Hay-makers" make
bay at opera house, Albany, Jan. II
and Feb. 1. Mo extra charge for re
served seats.
At a meeting of the Ministerial asso
ciation Tuesday, they decided to re
sume thulr regular church services
next Sunday.
W. L. Simpson and family have
moved in one of Mrs, F, M. Miller's
residences the one recently occupied
by Bev. Latum-.
Prof. J, U. Marks, who Is engaged in
teaching the Holley school, was visit
ing old friends In Lebanon last Satur
day and Sunday.
License have been Issued for the
marriage of Asderv FlUwater and
lulu Edwards, and H. K. Kriens and
.Nettle MtiOuno.
A sheepbuyer, utter riding over most
KlfLane county In search of mutton
heep last week, found only enough to
make half a carload.
The regular services will be resumed
at the Cumberland
Pr?.l'ytei.?u i
oliurcli next Htiuday. Preaching both
morning and evening.
Jas, Sharp left Tuesday for Prine
vllle, after a week's visit with his
family, Mr. Sharp has a position as
violinist In a FrliiovillelRloon.
Prof. Louis Bnrstoe, principal of the
Drain normal schisd, passed through
Lebanon, last Friday and Saturday,
on his way to and from Sodavllle.
Hev. C. B. J .uninr returned home
last Saturday from nr extended Visit
to relatives iu Tennessee. Bev. La
mar reports a most enjoyable visit.
Married, ut the residence of Mrs.
Punnlo Williams, January 29, 1888,
Mr. K. K. Krieu and Mrs. Nettle
McCune, Bev, ('. B. Lamar officiating.
E. CI. Carr and wife left yesterday
for Salem, where Fd has tuken a con
tract to do clear i nt;. They 'will prob-
ably move back fo Lebanon this ,
Albany's best musical talent will be
heard at their best,ln "The Hay
makers," Jan. 81 and Feb. 1. Pluo to
go aud heur It. Price, gallery,' 8b ots.;
down stairs, 511 cjpj !
The Albany creamery is now filling
an ordur for 1500 pounds of butter for
Alaska. The demand for the butter
la Innwiualntf autt tn f.llu MITA. lion. If
J , without wanting it again. ...
Lloyd Montgomery will Undoubted
ly hang to-morrow. He says be Is
jready to die, aud b says "No man oan
say that I am a coward, I will go to
the gallows and die like a man."
Every one that has heard the boautl
fill music In "The Hay-makers" will
want to hear it again. At the opera
house, Albany, Jan. 81 aiyl Feb. 1.
Price, gallery, 86 cts.; down stairs, 50
J. P. Oalbralth, who filled tbe office
ofoountyolerkso efflolently, li being
mentioned for the position of county
recorder on tbe democratic tloket, and
will probably be a candidate before
the convention.
On Feb. 7 at the college chnix'l in
Albany, A. W. Foshay, Bert Wlrut
and Jos. Sternberg will compete for
tbe position of representative to the
annual state oratorical contest in be
held In Portland.
Died, Jan 22, 1890, near Tangent, of
diabetes, J. B. Morgan, at the age of
about 80 years. Tbe deceased was a
pioneer of this county, ami was highly
respected. He leaves a wife un.l sev
eral grown children.
The Ladles of the Miicculk-es ! ihls
city irill glvea public insinll iil ui lo
their ball Friday night, ll I- to !.,
Invitation affair, each member lelmr
allowed to Invite two lady fri n I .
Only ladles will be preen.
One of the signatures lothvil. A. It
resolution of condolence, pu'i!Mi,i 1 1
(his paper last week, was iiimltvrt.n!
ly changed. The slgiialur.- u print-d
was "Grace Saltiuarsb," but
have been "Isaau Saltiuarsh."
Misses Annie Dumond and llda Kb
kins and Mrs. G. W. CriMon wem
down to Albany to-day, for a vlsl.
with friends and relatives fur a lew
days. They Intend to attend the per
formance, "Hay-makers," before their
There will be preaching at the Bap-
M church next Sunday at 11 a.m.
and 7;80 p. ill. Morning auhfitot.
nine;" evening subject, "our .rip
East" Covenant and buslnets meet-
flag Saturday, at t p. m. A cordial In
vitation extended to all. U. B, Lamar,
lAt'Uie next meeting of the populist
club lo this city, to be held lo Miller's
(lull Saturday availing, Feb. 1, there
Will he a debate. Subject: "Resolved:
That populist principles must prevail
or revolution will result." C. B. Mon
tague tke tbe affirmative, and C. D.
flteeh tbe negative.
One night last week a man riding
through Halsey, evidently imagining
himself in Cripple Creek, drew his re
volver and Bred directly through the
yindnw of-the Viiiard House. The
ullet went near the stove, where tbe
guests generally sit; but fortunately no
one was In the office at tbe time. Who
the offender was has not been learned.
J, B. Irvine, state organizer for the
Knights of the Maccabees, stayed over
Friday night in Lebanon, with rela
tives. Mr, Irvine had Just organized
a tent at Seet Home and one at
Sodaville. He succeeded iu getting a
nice charter membership at both
plaoes, and got both tents started off iu
Sue order. Mr. Irvine went from here
to Scin, at which place he Intended to
organise a tent
Bull Hiatt has perfected au Inven
tion to run a bicycle by compressed
air. Tills does away with the chain on
bicycles, and runs the wheel by an air
engine. Mr. Hiatt has been working
nu this about six months. Joe. Han
sard has also Invented a steel Tim for
bioycles, which is overlaid with sh-fltH A uwtion to lay the petitiou upon
steel springs. Mr. Hiatt and Mr. Han
sard have gone into partnership nnd
had a model made which they sent on
to Washington, D. C, about two weeks
ago to have putenled. The application
is for a patent on each, the rim aud tbe
air appliance.
A. W. Marks received a letter this
week from C, W. Stokes, now at Berry,
iu wblob Mr. Stokes says: "We Br
rlv,!lJ here " rlsjlit, nnd went to work
the next day. Snow Is about a loot
deep now, but it Is not cold here. We
like It better than we expected to.
There will be lots of work here ns soon
as the sunw goes off. We are getting
out tees and mud sills to set the mill
on. It will be 64x200 feet. The first
story will all lie hewed timber, mid
they have to build three-quarters of a
mile of railroad before they bring the
machinery in. Wo are -nil well and
doing finely. "
A telegraphic dispatch to the Ore
gouian, dated at Boseburg, Jan. 26,
reads as follows.: "News was received
here to day of the death, ou the 23d
Inst , of Frank, the 19-year-old son of
Jesse Clayton, an old aud respected
pioneer of Douglas county, living on
the Utnpqua river, 25 miles from Oak
nd. Frank, while hunting on the
opposite side or the river from home,
met Ills sister, who wished lo ! a ten
across l he fiver. He rowe l !. uci -.n,
and, on returning for his coinpiiili.;, In
the hunt, c.iughi his riflj ny hi" iiv.:-1
ale to lake it .from the ..Jjkat, who;, It'
was nccidejitully discharged, me , I' t
strilting mm in the right arm, m.1i ii
up the arm and pHiiet.m'lng: Mil .'l.u'lit.
breast near the ..nipple. Hi.' l-ler
heard the report of the rlfl , iui ocd
undsaw her brother fall I'ueo down
ward In the : boat. She says no re-,
matiied ITierC half nil hour before
asslstuncs caiiie, noil ulien found he
was dead." , , ,
No Stay of Execution Grimed Lloyd
From Albany Herald, Jan. 29. .p
N. M. Newport, one of Lloyd Mont
gomery's attorneys, returned last night
from Salem, where he has been trying
to secure a stay of execution and a new
trial for the condemned murderer, but
he has been unsuccessful. . . . "
Mr. Newport and bis colleague,
Judge Wnituey, bad prepared a bill of
exceptions upon which they wish to
take an appeal and Mr. Newport pre
sented them to Judge Burnett, who
was the trial judge in the case. Tbe
latter signed the bill of exceptions, but
did not recognize them as good ground
for a probable successful appeal, and
declined to order a stay of proceedings
or Sign a certificate of probable cause,
Mr. Ns wport then presented the bill
of exceptions to tbe supreme court and
falling to obtain a stay of execution,
appealed to the governor to grant a
respite until the appeal could be per
fected, but be was unsuccessful. Mr.
Newport considers now that as attor
neys for the condemned murderer he
and Judge Whitney have done their
full duty. Being appointed by the
court to defend tbe accused, they have
performed that duty faithfully and can
only let tbe sentence take Its course.
Montgomery will undoubtedly be
I hanged on Friday. Tbe exact hour
will not be known until Sheriff Mo-
Feron Axes it, which will probably not
be done until late Thursday night,
Montgomery is losing much of bis
bravado, and the lively strains of bis
fiddle are not heard so often in his
cell. He begins to realise that he is
about to face the most miserable death
that could fall to the lot of msn, and is
growing very nervous, with frequent
tits of weeping. Last night he had a
violent and prolonged spell of this
kind. He told tbe sheriff that he did
not believe he could live until Friday
and said he felt as If he were going to
die. He said he could see his father
aud mother, and they were begging
the officers not to hang him. After, he
became quiet, he asked the sheriff to.
send for bis little brothers,
wished to see tbem -once more. Sber
10 McFeron has notified ; them of bis
request. " - '
Two men are kept constantly With''
tbe doomed man, to prevent' any at
tempt at suicide.
Tbe preparations for the execution
are nearly completed. Tbe scaffold Is
all framed at the Santlam Lumber
company's yard, and is ready "to be put
in place. Workmen will commence
to-day to erect the enclosure, Iu tbe,
ail yard. It will be 16 feet high, and
about 40 feet square. Sheriff McFerou
has issued part of tbe Invitations to
those who will be present,' and will
issue the others to-day and to-morrow.
Brownsville's Mayor Asked to Resign
At a meeting of the olty council, qi
Brownsville, recently, a petition signed
by fnurcouncllmen was presented, as
"To the mayor of the city of Browua
ville: In consequence ot the gross
misconduct, ta wit: Drunkenness, aud
disorderly conduct on the part of the
mayor, Uie highest official of the city,
we, the undersigned oouncilmen of our
respective wards, do hereby demand
your resignation, to take effect forth-
the table was lost, says the Times.
The mayor's resignation, to take
effect on tile second Monday In April
was read, aud a motion that the same
be accepted was lost. The mayor
called Councilman Brown to tbe
chair, and taking the floor made a
lengthy speech acknowledging that he
had done wrong and telling how the
terrible habit had followed him all
through life; how he bad strive to
sever Its clutches, but how at times he
was forced to succumb. He said be
did not ask leniency from the council,
a.ul only desired that tbe councllmen
live up to a standard of morality that
would be consistent with their action
iu this regard.
There is very little hope for the re
covery of "Uncle Jacky" Settle, from
his dangerous illness.
Services in the First Presbyterian
church next Suuday, moroing and
evening, but no Sunday school.
J. H. Cornwall, Pastor.
A. D. Barker, a very enthusiastic A.
O. U. W. man of Albany, was in the
city last Tuesday to attend the Instal
lation of officers of that lodge. He
acted us Installing officer of the
evening In the atwence of Past Grand
Muster llieniian.
.U ssr,, Ruirribttl. W. B. Donaca
Allien Craudail, I 'nil Uaslai, J.;C,
M.i.'.' J. M. 8ni(.ra have been
oti c;: as lU'li'alcs from (his city to
lb. r, .I'l.i.icnl Kifil;' 'invention, whWl
in el.- in Portland next wet k, ..Tilt;
l;-l,- .ib'S expect lo leave here Monday,
for ihi'l eliy.
Alls- Mary shi'ridt.n, who has be n
vl-lllug hor sister, Mrs. 8. P. Bieb, re-
turned to her li. me in Salem last Sat
Public school will open Monday.
A Democratic judge aad a Populist
,:. , v..-.: Commissioner,
" v WAtSrloo, Or., Jan. 27, 1896,
air. cuicor: 1 am not tmmh on
ntwpaper writing and am no hand at
talkipg, but I have been doing right
sort thinking about cur June elec
tion; I can't say, Mr. Editor, what
party! claim, but I am more of a pop.
uRie than anything else, but I am not
oJe.(ntbem kind that won't take four
brjf .because I can't get a dollar. So I
doyt believe we liad ought to fight
rorever for the whole cheese and then
dM't get none at all. We had ouirht
Wtake what w can get and then keep
mm until we get all. Now, it
don't. like that either the popu
lists .or democrats can elect their ticket
tbis time, but both together can Just
taliethe whole cheese and then divide
It. The county court Is republican all
over and they would not give the pop
ulfst a fair shake. It will be the same
UiBig the next time, if we don't
change things some. Why can't the
populists put up a commissioner and
the -democrats name the Judge and
then we can have all three parties in
the court. We can elect a good square
democrat, if we can find one, to be the
Judge; and we can elect au honest pop
ulist lor commissioner.
I don't be so particular as I used to
be, and I am willing to help the demo
crats if they will treat us fair, which
cne republicans won't do. That Is
what I am iu for, Mr. Editor.
Yours for a square deal,
Fair Shake.
An Ashland Man's Invention.
Joseph Lomas, of Ashland, has been
issued a patent for an improved device
for felling trees and log-sawing. . The,
aevice is an iugenius one, aud is
worked by compressed air after (be
manner of the Burleigh drill. Till-
air Is -compressed by an engine nr other
poer and conveyed by a hose to the
machine which may be carried about
from tree lo tree. It will weigh about
lHHpeunds.-- If may be quickly at
tached to a tree or log and runs a saw
with ease and without choking. It is
claimed that four men with this ma
chl8e'an cut from 75 to 100 cords of
wood per day.. They can also dear 10
acne o .timber, sawing up every stick
on ItiWltlrone setting of the engine,
Hr,AAmu has received a lelterfrdm
thaA8soclatioh; of American Inveu-
tonfiif- Plfilaiielphla stating that "he,
uau,iei,Tiveu, a patent, on an invention
of ujuiijaj, merit." Lomas, who has
beeujLresktent of Ashland for a num
ber f years, is a blacksmith, following
the trad now. From observation of
thetfarkihg 6f the machine and the
Wrr$?fSOTdeijce. be has received iu re
"rrtot,' it'Vbuld seem that lie is
fmtrfcffy'aii invention which may
projtror great utility and will be very
lucrative "in the timbered districts of
Suggestion From Brownsville.
Asletter published iu the Albany
DeutoCrat reads as follows:
JlfcoVfisviLLE, Or., Jan. 27, 1896.
iter Democrat: Mr. B. F. Bamp's
lettwviu-the Scio Press reads a little
like iue' gentleman was in favor of
making concessions and doing some
thing. Buffering humanity.
Now we have a oouuty court in this
douityy that is so partisan In IU make
up that it would not, In the appoint
ment of olerks and judges of elections,
recognise all of political parties.
Now What's tbe matter with demo
crats' and populists agreeing upon a
good man for county Judge aud com
missioners. Besides this the county
court has been very extravagant. It
now costs the county about twice as
much as., it did during democratic rule.
! Independent.
How's This!
We ofltet One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any $atrrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrn Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, ()
We tlvs" undersigned, have kuowb F. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transa'ctiotls and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West Tniai. wholesale druggists.Toledo.O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, .Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces, of the system. Price. 75c,er bot
tle. Sold Jy .all Druggists. Testimonials
Hlthesf Honors-World1! Pair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Mott'Parftct Mad.
an s
Im .
i it v
t '
i .'ill'
, .1;is s.:-
l'' ,
itxwtr u .
JtM.ll 01 .
'j!tl ltr
li3 '
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o,h irtfrurK
- Kiw.j?it 'ilutitj ?
x' i .itinofl.
X isi.v-!t9C; I iiVXc
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Fjptjust a little money.
Notice for rublloutlon.
Land Office atObeoon City, Ob.
.' Jan. 0, 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler lias.i led lts in
tention to make finji,, proof .in 4yppeHf4K
ins claim, and that j$td,prop; ili be naiae'
before the county clerk of Lum cotiHty';
at Albany. Oregon, .on February S9r ISflU,"
viz: - . v ,
J. M, 1JKDLEV, ( ' ;'.
H. E. No. M29, for the E. N. Wj X,WV
M N. E. and N. E. K 8- W H, Set'Bi
T. 12 8., R. 1. W. '.- :
He names the following wit&essM" w'
prove his continuous rendenc 'aporf and
cuutvtttxoil oi, vuiu iuiiu, via; u. m. infy -
lor, 01 Iuanon, ur., jucorj r nzwaier, or
Ubanou, Or., David Sylvester; offUwmbti,
Or., J. C. Prior; 6t Lebanon, Or."'' . ,
.;;RoBEBT:,A.'Siki.sft, jj
Notice for IubU'eatloiiV
..:':''Jan., 18,1896
Notice is hereby given that the fjollojnj-1
named settler lias hied notice 01 tits uiteivt
Hon to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be nude be
fore the County Clerk of Lhm County, at
Albany, Ogn., on Feb'y 29, 1806, viz:
H. E. No. 7015, for the SWXSKJj.SW
KSV.y, and N S W t, See 4, T 10 8. R
He names the following witnesses to
provs bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, -viz: Richard
Mayo, Latin Sheppard, Joseph 1.. Tnrn-
stlge, Frank Horam, all of Mill City, Ogn.
C li m Ilootn,
Itn bliei' Hhocs,
Capes and ajaclto
H. 13. Young'.
, . A LISAS V, OH.
K '
Thos'. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C,
' Rouse, Receivers.
itxel tt iai ,., , ..
a tjfi lisunotlar; 8
;!W..Ur.u Mi'Uli
i.'oilw lull ;
:af.Io,v:,ijiK. M i
Slceping Cars
Ln f
-UH (St --i.wi
Sleeping Cars
M InueapoHt
OrAud Fork!
HaleDft Riid
New Tork
B8tn snd all
Point! Bat and South
For information, time cards, maps and
tickets, call ou or write
; V. C. PETERSON, Agent,
A.D. CHARLTON, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agl,
Portland, Oregon.
rotloe for Publication.
Land Office at Obioos Cut, Ob.,
' January 18, 1896.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-nanie-t
settler has tiled notice of his intet'
tion lo make Until proot in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made bet
fore tbe County Clerk of l.inn County, at
Albany, Oi., on March 10, Wttj, -vi ;
r MlliiOS W. YOKMAN, ,
It K No. 8251, tor the N E M Seo 21, T 11 8,
lie names (lie follow! hk witnesses to
prove lits. coiitli'iuous residence umi and
cttltivHtkm of, aid land, vise : (ieorne A.
W'.. W. Sanders, David Myers,
FeaiJe VLii, allon.aconib, Or.
Koaiar k. Miller,
and Children's