The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 30, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
As tilings go, syndicate should be
spelled sindicate. New York Re
corder. -
The militia board has decided
that the Oregon militia will not
participate in a $20,000 picnic this
year. . " V" " ' ''
Th editors of the country, as
well rs the soldiers,, are prepared
forwat.. One thirsts for new, as
the-other does for fame Ex .
'.. ' ( '' ' ' t- '';.."''-'
: A" genuine love never stops to
measure the service which it ren
ders, but gladly, gives ull it .can.
and is sorry that it has no -more. -
! When Eugene V. Debs, :told tr
laboring men of Milwaukee to.-buy
more books and less beer, he struck
a bit of advice that laboring men
everywhere, can safely follow.
y-Medford Mail. ,'
,, The Camegies lost in a recent
tost ot the armor plate for the bat
tleship, Iowa, and the cruiser,
Brooklyn, when the plate tested
was not only cracked, but broken
into three pieces.
The Salem State-man declares
that it has no enemies to punish
but simply gives the news. Even
its so-called news is completely
punctured with hatred for individ
uals. Florence West.
Uncle Sam has at last captured
one poor Chinaman away up in
Vermont, is being in this conntry
contrary to law, and is deporting
him via JTiicoma'. It takes two U.
S. marshals, and will cost about
$6,000. : .
It is confessed by Republican
organs that the republican major
ity in the last legislature was too
I .- f r the public good; yet next
. . . ,t i,riy will insist on the elec
tion uf ilupublioans only. Sunday
A New York bill fixing charters
lor cities oi first and second class
proposes to make voting compul
sory, and provides that within
ninety day after election the
names of persons not voting sli-ill
be published in the city papers.
The newspaper reporters and cor
respondents have, at least to their
jown satisfaction, arranged the mar
riage of Ex-president Harrison
and Mrs. Dimmick. They should
now stand back and give the ex
president and Mrs. Dimmick a
. It 14 said that Governor Lord is
waiting to hear the opinion of "the
people" before-deciding whether or
nat to.Call a special session of the
legislature. . Very well; but he
should understand that the desire
of a few ring politicians and their
organs is not the wish or will of
'"'the people." Ex.
If John Bull doesn't want his
lion's tail twisted he should avoid
throwing it in people's faces. No
body wants to injure the king of his
menagerie. They are even willing
to admit "he is a noble beast," but
no circus rights will be granted on
this side of the ocean. John has
-more .territory .on this side now
than he tan take care of.
A California exchange says: "It
now appears that H. H. EI. .lines
of Philadelphia, who wasconvicttd
of the mur ler of number of people,
will after all succeed in estnblish
ing his innpoence.. A . detective in
Chicu jo. claims to be in possession of
fHCts thatlmked together wiil prove
'".v"i'd a doubt that Haines did
not 'ommit a 'single murtter. and
' ihnt besides some of his allege!
' Inns are olive and ell."
i every man lit- w.i, k." Ynu
"' ' ' t .-ailed to -be a general ad
t ., X'-'-' :rf,lil'f' "f the universe;
,,. :. . -c iiiyiHir.uighbir'r
i ' J ' in- world is disturbing
it verylwdy else in a
i"--11 tii" affair of
lis utlier half, fly idleness, b
carelessness, by gossip, by slander,
by meddling, by trilling of every
sort, you are getting' into the other
man's way. - Keep to the right.
A California woman writes Gov
ernor Lord to be sure undimt
suffer Lloyd Montgomery to be
hanged. If the sovereign people
of Oregon desired a woman to
ruu their gubaruaturiul business,
they would have selected a webfoot
maid or ' madam for the purpose.
In view of the fact, therefore,- the
governor should kindly request his
$1,800 clork to write the California
female to mind her own business
and let the Lord attend to his.
Corvallis Times.
Oklahoma is the next candidate
for statehood. It claims to have
energy,, population and money
eiiough to make an acceptable sov
ereign state. It will probably have
opportunity, however, to grow used
to territorial honors before assum
ing state responsibilities. It -has
at present an irreconcilable quarrel
on hand as to the location of its
oapital. Perry, Guthrie and Okla
homa City are jealous rivals for
this honor, ?nd each is ready to
bluck the movement toward state
hood until it gets it.
It has often been said that na
tions arc developed like individ
uals, passiug through the same
successive stages of infancy, vo:th.
maturity and old age. This theory
receives support from what is his
torically known respecting the
evolution of the color sense in the
infant. According to recent obser
vations, the process is as follows:
At first it has only the perception
of light, but soon learns the differ
ence between black and white, then
begins to notice objects and appre
hend their movements. At about
six months tiie sensations of red
and green take their rise in the
central portions of the retina, and
are perfected at the end of the sec
ond year. During the third year
the child becomes acquainted with
yellow; during the fourth, with
orange, blue, and finally with vio
let; the chromatic sense lis thus
fully unfolded at the age of five or
six. Within another year he forms
the habit of distinguishing the
above-named colors in his talk.
The Annamites, we are told, are
able to discern (aside from Mack
and white) only red, green and
yellow; hence the intellectual
growth of this people, so far as
vision is concerned, may be com
pared to thit of a two-year-old
child. Popular Science.
It is generally admitted, that
the last Oregon legislature was by
far the most inefficient in the his
tory of the state, and did more to
pile up burdens upon the tax
payer. The democrats and popu
lists very naturally take this view
of the matter. But they arc not
alone. A large number of republi
cans, heided by the Oregonian and
other papers, are as firmly con
vinced of the entire uuv orthiness
of this legislature, as a whole,
admitting, however, the honesty of
many individual inembtii. So
strong and general is this belief,
that the next legislature may pas'
from the control of the republicans,
and a senator bo elected who will
be of different politics. With this
end in view, a move is being made
throughout the state to nominate
men for whom all parties can vote
and whose personal integrity will
insure a clean and economical ad
ministration, and thus relieve the
over-burdened people. The- time
has come when we must look no
longer to republicans for relief.
Tney had the power, but they used
it to oppress, not to relieve the
people. They were elected .tion a
solemn pledge to cut down i:e:!css
expenses: they nave ii)c:ca?l our
burden and violated their pledgee
ine people ucneveu their proi-iscs
and gave them the power for good:
the people have been deceived
their burdens have been iueiciiwd
the innocent lambs on .-the canvas
turned to ravenous wolves on the
floor of the house. There is a re
ward for wolf scalps, and the
paopls are training for the hunt.
Tiro JVMt Vlrtl Umm Slid a Ok
One morning recently a yoanfrcoijpla
appeared In Welsh, McDowell county,
W. Va. They were Miu Carrie Cotte, a
pretty, peaehy-oheeked wmatry dam
ad at seventeen, and Bandy Johaaotv
o tall, stalwart, (rood-looking moaa
taineer of twenty-two yean, Thaf
had traveled all nlirht from the bridVa
home on Ground Hog creek tn order I
olude the obdurate father ot the (irl
Thetrtrl was riding on the bank of
di-mifled spotted steer, and Sandy '
walking by her alda. The unusual
sight soon drew a crowd of people, and,
as everybody lovmalonr, half aaoaea
hurried off after a magletratt or
preacher. Unluckily for the low,
no official could be found who would
marry them, on account of the flrl1
Hire. When the eouple heard of thie
they both broke down and tried, the
girl sobbing at it nearly heart-hrokeei
The tears of the pretty young girl
brought about a determination oa the
part ot the epeotatora to Be Una
through in some way, and one u
gested that they take the train, the
nearly due, for Briitol, Tena., where
they would find no dIMculty Is getting
married. Thie propoeltian ehaagei
the tear of the bride into (mil t
joy and Bandy'a lea apparent grief
into open-mouth delight tor
until he thought of the annas
one in the crowd, however, antieierai
the young man and proposed that Da
crowd pay all expeoaes, amd la lata
time than It takes to write It
books were out and anougb money was
contributed to carry the eoupla
through, with a souvenir left over to
the bride. i '' v
The spotted steer waa atallai It
front of a pile of oate aad com-to
ruminate in peace and plenty petit
the return of the couple, aoifi f
cession headed tor the plaMnnv
Neither of the eouple had w am
train before, and wbm It rUitM
they got on the platform astwrn t
engine and the baggag ear. :Jft0,
sponsors soon remedied this mliauy
ana luui tnera eonauetea lata a laaur
car. where the conductor waa exama
ly charged to see them eatery through,
The last eeen of Carrie and Gaady a,
the train waa whirling out of sight
they were folded in each others
laughing and straining their sn
they looked out of the window. CU-
eago Times.
auilral Headline of a Rae
Rapid lattw.
"Among other exhibition oi their
skill given by the detaahmamt at
British soldier that visited thie
try hut year," said an uptown reaMaml
to a. New York bun mi
driving of a piece of light artlUarf
with the horses going at a gallop
twecn obstructions that were acareaT
farther apart than th wheel ar
snort, out soma of his methods warn
peculiar, fie evidently kept
call in the winter naton. On eareral
occasions, the gentleman says, com
pany came in from Bawror uneznaatol-
ly late in the evening. But they only
iiaa w say trout to mono, toe nuttfen,
and he would start off in the wood to
return in fifteen minute with a kaaeV
aome string ot fish, apparently ut
taken from the water, lie would bring
in deer in winter in much the tamp
Bis manner of doing this, say tja)
(.nicago limes, the gentleman
plains, tor he went with himonet
learned the secret Bo took th
sled out to bring in the game, and tin)
workman went along to help haul 11
They did not go very far into thf
(ureal, wnen tuey came to a lot OT
green boughs heaped upon th
Here stone stopped. Lifting the
he tipped the pile over, and the lookao
on, who wondered what he was up to
was scared nearly out of his
when a big buck bounded up out of
the hole and fell flat on hi aid. Hfe
feet were tethered so he could not
stand. Stone had caught him, tethered
him and buried him alive under the)
brusb and snow airainn futur
gencles. This was his system of
A Problem ef area latofet a
In African encampment th
tion of food is a burning one. How to
obtain provisions, how to cook
when procured these an problems
of absorbing interest In a on
camp. The author of "Adventure a
Maehonaland" say that It ia orion
and interesting to watch the prooaa
victualing new country. The trader
throws the most eeoentrie provudona
on the market. At one time, the tuthet
says, nothing but tinned lobster cvubl
be purchased at their settlement:
at another time the whole ot Maul
breakfasted, dined and supped an foio-
Our cooking utautk eousietcd ot
three-legged pot and a frying-pan.
11 ow were we to create a dinner? We
boiled the ox-flesh in the three-legged
pot, whence it issued in th conditio
of shoe-leather. Mixing the meal with
water, we made th most horribly hab
cooked fiat cakes by heating the dough
on hot stone. There was neither aak
ing powder nor yeast in the country.
One day we received a protest at-
venison, shot by a Mr, Tal. How I
had from time to time nved ap
: small quantity of sardine oil, baliovinf
, myself to be a famous houeekeeper. Ia
a moment of vain alt conn dene 4
undertook the dinner that night.
we invited Mr. Champion to com gad
eat venison steaks. '
1 fried those steaks In my sardine at)
and served them proudly. They
tively looked like real steak, suh
people would at at horn. Bntalaat
scarcely had two mouthful be
eaten when everyone Bed from the)
table, and my wonderful dinner waf
abandoned to the little native waa
waited on us. He certainly njovd It
immensely, so even that 111 wind btv
somebody good; butitwaaunanuaauslft
decided that henceforth J waa novar to
b trusted with tad prsparaU eg
ItfWfiiwi Ctcry WMi.l
Ottowta to 16o
Hy-3 to IK per ton-Klour-W
TSao, per eaok
Chop-t0 80 per owt.
Bran 6So par ewt,
Mlddlln-7oprcwt .
'lottor-h:. -Appr-DrM,cnrlt'
IMunw-Brlefl, io,
'Onion 2u,
Iteef Droned, 8) to 4o; '
Pork-Drewed, 8,.
Hams 10 per lb,
Bldoa-lOeper lb.
Crasao H 6 per doa.
Duoka 1)2 3 per dot.
Cbleksua-Sl 602 26.
Turkeys 8o per lb.
Eggs lOo ner dox.
Buttr-16 40c per lb.
Hide Green, 2e; dry, 4o.
Notice tor Publication
Luto Office at Okiuoh Cm, Oa,,
January 16, 1890.
Kottce Is hereby given that the following-
named Mttlsr bus tiled notice of liU Inten
tion to make ttnal proof In support of hit
claim,!' that mid proof will be made lie.
fbwUwtlmuty Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Ifar. 10, 188S, vis :
B.I.KimtorthS. t. X,
., U 8, IB.
II aaitofUowlntWrtneeees to prove
ii eeatinnous tonMent upon sndcultivs-
mU land, vhu Minoii Yeoman,
4hMM iLIaahu W. W, Buidsrs, lten-
VhiM,UfUeomb, Or.
j m ; t Konar A: Miller,
" Register,
fNstlo for Publlosttlon.
. tan Omo at Oasooa Cm, Oa., .,
January 18, 1886.'
Kotiee I hereby given that the following
lamed mttler ha filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support ot his
claim, and that mid proot will be made be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linn Co., t Albany,
Or., on tUrah 10, 1896, vis :
B. E. No. 8260, for the N. W. K Hee. 32, T.
IIS., R. IE.
lie names the following witnesses t
prove his ccotinueus residence upon tnd
ulUvtlon of, aid Und, vis: W, W. Ben
ders, Milton W. Yomn, lhivid Myers,
Chulty Clark, sll of Lacomb, Or. .
' Rosnr A. Millie,
Notice iorCPutlloatloii.
Lsbb Ornci at Objwos Cm, 0.,
Jan. 16, im.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
nsraed settler ha Died notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support o( his
alaim, and that aid proof will he made be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linn Co. at Albany,
Or., on Feb'y 28, U69,vis:
H. E. 7786, for the N. X of N. E. , on. 12,
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, aid .land, vit: L. M. Tay
lor,' J, M. Undley, Fred Brampton, J. C.
Stior, all of Ubsnon, Or.
Kobsht A. Millu,
IVotloe for Publloevtlon.
Laxo Ornci at Oasooa Cm, Oa.,
Jn. 16, 1886.
Notia Is hereby given that the following-
named Mttler hu tiled notice of his inteu
Uon to make final proof in support ol hi
claim, and that aid proof wUl be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Ogn on Feb'y 29, 1896, vis:
Hi E. 79W, for the K K of B W yt and W
oft) E H, Sec 32, Tp 12 8, R 1 E.
I names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, aid land, vit: William
Allphin, Gov Gaylard, Htephen Powell,
Sylvester Burrell, ell of Lebanon, Ogn.
Rossiri A. Milled,
Legal Blanks
For Hale at
Thie Office
Insturtly Relieves
tnd Permanently
Knife or 6prtion.
Tmtment Absolutely Painlest
from Thro to Six Weeks.
i Keems 7H7, ataraaaas slliUi
New Goods, New Goods,
s Hiram Bakoit . lias a large
stock of New Goods,- Every
body is cordially invitod to
come in and inspect them.
Clothing. 4 , '
i Baker has the larcost-and
most complete assortment of
men's, boys'- "and youths
clothing ever brought to Lob-
anon.' If you want a cheap
suit go to Baker's. Jf you
want a medium suit, Isakor
can please you. : If you want
a fine suit, linker s is the
place to go. In fact, Baker's
is the place to buy clothing.
Boots and Shoes.
Baker's stock of boots and
shoes for men, boys, ladies,
Misses and children, in all
grades and styles, is very
complete. If you need any
thing ' in foot-wear go to
Baker's, and you will got what
you want at the lowest cash
price. Among other standard
makes of shoes, Baker carries
the famous
Dress Goods.
Baker has a great . variety
of dress goods, and the best
value in fine black dress
goods he has ever offered.
Baker has a fresh and woll
assorted line of groceries. The
good quality and low prices
make it to your interest to
buy your groceries from him
Baker's store is the
place to buy' your goods. He
has an immense stock and an
endless variety of everything.
Pays the highest market price
for all kinds of country pro
duce, and gives as good value
for cash us any store in the
shoe 0 mA
WRRMfTlDitttF f ' ''t
Mo i i ar v i
l'liif, Z, .1. 1'nrvlu, musical Director
furmrrly of Wlllunictte University, has
heuu elected Ulrcoliir for thti ouinlng
soliool ycur,
Full Courses in the Importiint
branclies of Music. "" '
Lulcst uiethinls,
Fluoniuslo riKiiui,
I'rlces low fur gmde of work,
Dlplmuu ootifcrt'd on onniiltitlon of
oouim, 'l'urm begins Hcpti'inlier lllli.
Scud forclrculurniid ciitulngue,
W, H, LEE, A. M l'r
Allmiiy, OrcBiui.
J. W. CUSICK&CO., Bankers,
Triiiisnct ii gcniM'ul Bniildug kiislums
CulleolluliH nmilc at ull points on
fnvornhlo ttirniH,
DruflB drawn on New York, Hun
l''niiu!lco, 1'ortlniid, Siilcm, Eugtino
mill (.'orviilliH.
lltisliicsN sent by mull will receive
prompt utteiitinn.
Interest allowed mi time deposits.
Prof. A. STARK
Of WIII&Hlurk, Jeweler-
Optical Specialist.
(Irntluule of the Clcug i OpIliuliiilK
I tim prepureit In exiiinltie Ki'lenlifl
cully null uciiurntly, !)' the IiiIchI iinri
illiprovcMl inetlinils nf iiinilerii seleliee,
tiny who ilenlre tn liuve their eyes tes
ted. Cuslok lllnek, Aliiany, OitKoiiN.
All Kinds of Fresli.Corned
; and Smoked Meat.
RnusuKes and Lurd
Always nu Hnixl.
S, A- Cain, Propr.
In Old liuuk lliillillng. Lelmiiun, Or,
SEASON OF lft-ls'.m.
Will Kun
San Francisco
M Orleans
Over The U rent
Tuesdays and. Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. C , j 'sVS.
The most complete, imxlorii, ele
gantly equipped mill perleetly iiitwwiI
VeHtli uled 'I'riiiiHCuiitlnetitiil Tniin In
America, New Equipment, enpeelnll.v
designed and built for this servlee.
, Direct connections in Kew Or-,
leans for Eastern points. Quick.