VOL. IX. LEBANON, OREGON, JANUARY 30, 1896. NO. 49. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. nevoer ..... (If paid In advance, II Ik, per year.) Hx months 1 JJ Thrno months.. ...... . .. W Single copies.... ... - w STATE OFFICKHS. Oeo, V. MBri.li ; geor, John H, Mitchell, I , Mlngor Hermann Congressmen William P. Lord, Governor H. H. Kincald Secretory of State Phil Motsohnu, Treasurer li. M. Irwli Supt. Public Instruction H. W fowls State Printer It. 8 Moan, I P. A. Moore, Supremo Judges. C. 10. Woolvortou.) 'iOVNTV OFFICERS. J mine, J. N, Duncan Clerk K. Needhsm Itecordor, D. F. Hardmen Sheriff, J. A. MoKeron Rnhrml Huitnrihtjmtlnnt A. It. Uotharfltrit Treasurer, P. 0. Morris dnTnor W- F- D1''"" " irvi "" s- T' T' Vu,,m JCroi" R.A. Javne I , i I John Pugh n.nnilssloners j j.M. Waters , ' l CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR R. B. MONTAGUE RKCOUDKll W. M. BROWN CITY ATTORNEY B. M. OAKLAND TREASURER J. F. HYDE MARSHAL 0. W. TAYLOR 'V. S. DALfiLElSH, C. E. I'liOM, B. BAKKK, A. IJMPH1IKY, COUNC1LMEN J. R, MI1TH, . N. It. HliAMAM, City Connolt meets on tlia Ant and third Tuosday evenings of each month. Seoret Sooletlee. LINN TENT, No. 7, K, 0. T, M.-Meeta to 0, A. B. Hull on Thursday evening of eacb week. Transient Htr KniithM are uonllally Invited to visit tho runt meeting. C. W. Btoisj, Com, O10.W. Bics.R.K. flONOK L01XIK, No, 38, A. O. U. W .-Meets very ruesday evoiilna at U. A. R. Hall. O. W. CBUSOH, M. W, A. W. Minxs Hoc. LlCHANON LODUK, HO. 47. I. O. 0. F.-Meeta very Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, t 'oliK3k p. m. ' A. K. DAVIS, . 0. w 0. J'ETKRsON, aeet'y. ,1'KAHI.ItEHKCOA LOWE, MO. 7. 1. 0. 0, F. tsloetsat I. U. O. F Hall ant and third Wednes day ovontngs of eaoh month. BAHA11 BAI.TMAKSH, X. 0. HATTIK A. CBUSON, Deol'y. LKBANON LODGE No, M A. F. A. M.-MeeU Saturday evening, on or before the full moon la aeh month, at Masonic Hall, Cw. Main and Grout its. Sojourning brcthem oorulally Invited to attond. X. E. Uaimacx, W. II, 8. 0. War ace. Bee. JOHN F. MILLER W. R. C. No. 16, meets 1st ami 3rd Fridays of each month at S:80 p. m. Aunts B. Rssn, Dollh E. 8ALTVAaaH, Pres. Sec'ty. OKN'LMK,l(IOBCAMP,No. l, Division of Ore ; ( ton, Hons of Voteroan-Meet ma. A. B. Ball, very Batunlay evening, except tlie third eatnruay oi euun iuuhmi, mumms day tmitead. AU brothers of the Sous of Vet arans and oomradeiiof the (1. A. B. are cordially Invited to meet with the Camp. K. 0. CASS, Capt. A. Tmniev, First Pogt. BINA M, WKST HIVE, NO. 1, L, 0. T, K. Hoots an the id, 4th and nth Friday evening of aeoh month at 140 r, . at a. A. B. Ball. Tren lout Udy Maccabees are cordially invited to attend. Hattik Swah, Lady B. K. I'oi.uk Biiaw, Lady Cum. PROFESSIONAL. Sam'l M. Garjvand. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON, 0RX40N. . Weatherford ft Wjatt, ATTORN EYS - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W. R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W, M. MOWJf, AttorneT-'' '-OS. LEBANON, OREUv Dr. H. L. Parish, PEYSI CI AN AND S UBOEOJf, Office Id Bt. Oharlea Hotel, OFF10 HOURS - r 10:00 to 12 M A.M. , 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. 6:30 to 7:80 P. M. Rsildenct on Brldg Avanu. tJUXett. a . . . MMMt. 'Y Or GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Altnott tvarybody Ukat mow Itutlvt wdicina o claanta tbi lyatem and katp th blood tura, Thaae wha tak SIMMONS Liver regulator (Uouid or iwwdtri Eitall Dm btnnti tf t mild and pleaianj natlra and Ionic that purrftaa tha blood and itfanithani tha wkol ayafem. And mora than this: SIMMONS Liver REGIN LATOR ragulatis tha Uvar, kaapi it acMva and healthy, and whan tha Liver la ! Sood condition you find yourattf fraa (ran lalarla, BlUouinesa, Indlgastlon, Sick laadacha and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated ratline. Tbaae ara all cautcd by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stonndt troubles will only bs had when the. livai la properly at work. It troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. T-EVEBT PACKAGE-, aa tha Z tamp In red oa smppasi J. M. Eeilln Co. Pbihk, Pa. Albany Steal Laundry RICHARDS 1 PHILLIPS, Proprs, JLlbany, Oroffon AH Orders Receive Prompt Attention, ial Rates for Satisfaction Guaranteed pr Money Refunded. J.T. HYDE, Agent, Jtelanon. - Oreiton. East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE , OF THE Southern Pacific Co, Expreae trains leave Portland daily: 8:60 r. m. 12:10 a. . 10:46 A.M. Lv...Porlland Ar. Lv... Albany.. Ar. Ar.Ban Francisco Lv 8:10. 4:60. u 7:00 P. M The above trains stop at East Port laud, Oregon City, YVnodburn, ftalem, Turner, Marion, Jcft'einon, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent, Shedd, Halsey, Harrlshurg, Junction Oily, Irving, Eugene, C'mtwell, Drains and all statiiine from Knaeburg south to and Including Ashland. Rosoburg mail doily : S:S6"7i. I LvT.TPortiand ...Ar. 12:26 r. a. Lv...Alliaiiy Ar. 6;Spr-. . I Ar...Ko8nl)tirn,.Lv. 4:40 p.m. 1 :16 P. M. :00 a.m. Local passenger trains daily (except ouiiuay. 8:20. M. 8:10 . St. 4:30 p. M. 0:20 P. M. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar...Lelmnou....Lv. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar...Lebanon....Lv. 10:40 A. M. 8:40 A.M. 6:46 P.M. 6:60 P. M. Dining Can on Often Route. Pullman Buffet Sleepers Second-Claes Bleeping CarB At tached to all Through Trains, . West Side Division. Bnwtix Pohilasd axd Cobvaujs. Mall train daily (except Sunday ) : TiM A. at. I Lv.Portland...Ar. I 6:20 a. m. 12: 14 p. M. Ar,..Corvalhi..Lv. I 1:86 p. u. At Albany and Corvaltls oonneot witb trains of O. 0. & K. railroad. Express train dally (except 8unday)i 4:40 P.M. I Lv...P6rtland ,Ar. ! 8:26 A. M. 7:36 P.M. Ar.McMinnvllleLv I 6:60 A.M. THROUGH TICKETS T0111"'" in'h' Ida and Europe oan be obtained at lowest rates from , V. Hlckok, aitent, Lebanon. R, KOEHIEK, Manager. - F. BOQERa, Asst. 0. f. A Pass. Agt, Notice. All persons knowing tUemael ln rjebted to me will please call ana aetue at onoe, either by oash or a note, aa I have sold o,t and wish to close up my SS KMUMkKMItlti STATE AND COAST. Clipped from our Exchanges Throughout the West. 1 here are 888 convicts' in the pent tentlary. An original pension baa been issued to James Price, of Albany. The populists of Eastern Oregon talk of Dr.O. W.King, ef Pendleton, for congress. The north end of the covered bridge, about a quarter of a mile north of Eu gene, haa fallen about Are feet. The Weekly' World, a paper devoted to the Interests of the colored citizens of Portland, will make Its appearance about Feb. 1. Sheridan has two saloon men, and both were arrested last week. Each was fined $22.60 for keeping hia saloon open on Sunday. The Puyallup Commerce saya quite a number of hop yards will be grubbed up around Puyallup In the spring, if the price does not advance by then, The board of regents of tbe Agricul tural college have declined the $2,600 annually appropriated by statutory provision for the maintenance of the Institution. Judge A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, and R. P. Boise, of Balem, may again represent tbe democratic and populist parties on tbe state ticket for judge of f)e supreme oourt. A small run of smelt lias riiade its appearance in the CowliU and tha fishermen are looking forward to tbe time when a netful of the fish ean be secured at one dip. Tbe county onurt and clerk of Lin. county have agreed that tbe clerk'a salary shall be tbe fees be collects. The but legislature left Lincoln county out of tbe salary law. 4 A fine horse belonging to Walter Hayward was run down and eaten by coyotes near Ellensburg, Wash., last week. Hayward saya tbe coyotes are numerous In that vicinity. ' Tillamook was visited by another electric storm the other day. Electrie light poles were shattered, many lights were burned out, and tbe telegraph operator was knocked dowa ao4 Ms -telegraph Instruments melted. Tbe hanging of Charles Aeimua at Kalama, Wash., January 81, will be strictly private, says the Cowllti Jour. nal, and few, if any, invitations will be Issued. This is ln accordance with tbe Instructions of tbe court Mayor Furnish, of Pendleton, la taking steps to eoforoe the law agalnstr lliug liquor to minora, Th.e plan h) to make out a list ot all the boys who are ln the habit of buying liquor, and give It to all saloon keepers. Woodburn will soon vote upon the subject of electric lights and water works to be owned and operated by the city. A canvass results In a desire for such Improvements. It will ma terially lessen the insurance rates. Tbe town of Hood River, with its population of 400 people, can boast of 13 secret societies in flourishing condi tion, 8 churches, and tbe best public school building In the county, and no saloon, says the Hood Elver Glacier. The council of Dayton has passed an ordinance to levy a poll tax of $1 on every male and female within the cor porate limits, between 21 and 60 years of age. It also ordered a 3 mill tax to be levied on all taxable property with in the corporate limits. The siheme lor fusion In Taooma between the democrats aud populists is not as vital as it was a short time ago, and life may leave It entirely, as four wards out of five de clined to endorse it at the populist meetings last Friday ulgbt. Beferee Woodcock has made Applica tion to Judge Fullerton, at Corvallls, to bave the time for the return to the court of the final report, as to what disposition should be made, of the pur chase money for the Oregou Pacific, extended until February 3d. The slashing of rates that has been going on between tbe boats en tbe Hood canal route culminated Friday in the Banier giving passengers a free ride from Seattle to Port Gamble, tbe other steamers, the Oeorge E. Starr and the Delta, charging the small sunt of 10 cents. ; j The Maaamae have decided to make Crater Lake the object of their annual outing for 1896. The present plan la to leave the railroad at Metlford and re turn to Ashland, thus traveling one route to the lake and another from it. It is thought there will be from 400 to 600 people who will visit tbe lake. A tramp wa ISm a dinner In the himant of tha university at Eugene , 4ky last weak, and while eatlug it had to stand a severe cross-fire of ques tions from the cook. After finishing (he meal, the tramp quietly pulled a 44-caliber revolver and chased the eook upstairs. Tbe Register does not say whether It was because of tbe quea- Rons or the cooking, Kittitas county, Wash., haa a com- miasioner to be proud of. The Ellens- barg Capital says: "Although Com missioner Pitcher traveled nearly 800 miles in (omitig from Wenatcbee, and returning to attend the meeting of the commissioners, he put in no claim for mileage, but imply aked for his fare. This is economy that counts and bis action will Iw appreciated." 'r The recent decision of Judge Han ford, of Washington, lo the effect that tlie Northern Pacific Ilailroad compa ny was not ll it.le for taxes on its unpatented lauds In that state, will prolialily pause the Oregon & California Rullftiad company to refuse to pay Its taxes oil similar lands in Oregou this j,rx says the Jackson ville Times. In several counties they paid them last year under protest. Science News. 4 j 1 From "Popular Kcience." , )t hits been claimed that tobacco is one Of the prime causes of color blind ness. In positions where it is neces sary to distinguish colors its use should be avoided. 4Jln.ce the beginning of this century no tower than titty-two vulcanic islands bave risen out of the seat nineteen dis appeared, being submerged, tbe others remain, aud ten are now Inhabited. It is claimed that the perfume of flowers disappears as snort as the statQb l(r t) petals is exhausted j and it may, it is said, be restored by placing the flwtrer in a solution of sugar, wheu tbe Mutation of starch ami the emission of fragrance will be at onoe resumed. The latest triumph of Yankee inven tive genius Is au India rubber fiih worni. It Is said lo be a remarkablv good Imitation of the common earth worm, la indestructible, aud in actual ase proves as alluring to the fiihes as the genuine article. The latest application of paper pulp is ln the construction of artillery. The material, when hardened, is well suited to the purpose, being more elas tic than metal and equally tenacious. U is used for the body of tbe gunthe core being nf metal, like that of an ordinary field piece aud la wound around witb several layers of copper, brass or steel wire. Bars are laid lengthwise over these, and are kept in place-by hoops. "In a recent Interview Dr. Cornelius Hers declared that he would leave a great, invention to be patented and; developed. The gist of the Invention is an enormous improvement In tel egraphy, by which more than 1,000 words can be transmitted by long sub marine cables in the same time that twenty words can be seut now. Tbe Invention, the doctor claimed, would allow of cabling fifty words at a cost of rive cents. He dwelt upon the influ ence that tbe Invention would have upon the newspaper of the future, and said that be intended, jn granting royalties, tn reserve an rights as far as they applied to news. Tbe invention, he said, would render submarine tele phony aud multiplex telephony feasi ble. . Probate Matters, In estate of L Uerbard, application made to sell note and mortgage. In estate of Alonzo Ames, petition to sell real property filed. Citation is sued for March 2. Tn estate of Pearl and Brandon, per sonal property ordered sold. In estate of W F Lillard, a minor, final account filed and guardian dis charged. in estate of J F Craig, $86.50 ordered set apart for widow anil ohlldreu. In guardianship of Ira C and Oscar Grlsham, Inventory filed. Real prop erty, $1199.32; personal, $699.36. In estate of Lewis Long, adminis trator discharged upon full settlement. Jn estate of Marv A Holiuan, final bearing aet for March . In estate of Hannah Peacock, will filed for probate. Probable value of personal property, $a000. Entire es tate left to her son, W B Peacock, who Isrppointed executor without bonds, Money to loan. A limited amount of money to loan ou good farm secur ity. Call upon or write to 8. N. Steele A Co., Albany, Oregou. More new carpets and 6ft. and 12ft. wide Llmnleum. Just received by the Albany Furniture Company, Balti more Block, Albany, Or. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely puiie 80DAVILLE NF.W8. . Soda ville, Or., Jan. 23, '90. We have had quite an epidemic of sore throats and bad colds, but at the present It la declining. Our leading mercbaut, R. W. Fisher, has been quite ill with ulceration of the stomach, but hopes are now enter tained for his recovery. There has been quite an amount of improvements, in town the last few weeks In the way of sidewalks, eta In fact, Sodaville Is on the look-up generally. Mr. Boyd, the photojrapherof Leba non, has been here for some time, and is doing quite a good business. Many of the pretty faces of this place are be ing spread on paper, and look better almost than the obect Itself. Prob ably Mr. Boyd's "Trilby" photos are in great demand in Sodaville. Eo. Express. The Mineral Springs college contin ues to galu ground in tlie addition of students aud interest about 115 stu dents on the roll, aud still they come. Tbe indications are that there will be 150 by the first of March, Tha man agement of this college under the wise guardianship ef President Geddes is, perhaps, not excelled in the state. Hon. O. T. Porter, ex-U. S. marshal of Alaska, a few eveuinga ago deliv ered a lecture to the school, on Alaska, which was a rare treat to all. He pic tured out tbe magnitude and beauty of those wonderful glaciers, Ibe minerals, the products vegetables, grass, tim ber, etc., aud its valuable furs and fisheries. We did not realize the great achelvement of Alaska to the U. S. Until we beard Mr. Porter's address on (bat country. But one of the most wonderful and exciting features Is tbe customs aud habile of the natives of Alaska. Bex. HAPPY HOME ITEMS. Happy Home, Or., Jan. 22, '98. A large amount of young timber was broken down by the recent sleet storm. A The general health lu this section la good.' There la none of that dread disease, diptberia, Our school has progressed nicely under the guardianship of Miss Baahor, of Sodaville. Mr. Ide, who has been east of the mountains for several months, la ex pected home very soon, Harry Rollins informs us that ft tbe time of the sleet here, he was up near Cedar Flat and there was no sleet nor snow there, Grain looks well, although tbe great er part was sown late. It Is gradually growing, and unless we get a hard freeze it will come out all right. Rev. Norton has not as yet returned from his trip to Sulem, Portland and Iiood River, where he went to explain the scriptures as viewed from his standpoint. Jas. Lane and family, who arrived last fill from Oklahoma, have rented Mrs. Caldwell's ranch for one year. We welcome Mr. Lane and family, aud hope our wet Oregon winter will not bave a bad effect on their views of this land of perpetual summer and eternal winter. Bedrock. A Clubbing Offer, A great many of our readers Linn county like to take the weekly Oregon ian. We have made arrangements whereby we can furnish it at a reduct ion from tbe regular price to those who want both the Express and the Oregonian. The regular price of the Orcgoiiiau Is $1.50 per year, and of tbe Exi'Hksh $1.50 when in advance. We will furnish both for $2. per year in advauce a saving of one dollar to the subscrlper. The Oregonian gives all Ibe general news of the country once a week, and the Express gives all the local news once a week, which will make a most excellent news service for the moderate sum nf $2. per year. J'hose who are at present subscribers Uf tbe Express must pay in all arrear ages and one year in advauce to obtain this special price. When you want to buy a suit of cloth ing you will .save money by getting ItofBachABubl. ' Sp TENNESSEE HAPPENINGS. Annie Blacklaw Is attending school at Sodaville now. Mrs. Josle Swink is waiting on her sick mother In Lebanon. C. N. McKnlght and wife were to Tennessee several days ago. Thoa. McKnisht was vlsitina- at Knox Butte a week ago Sunday. John Swlnk la grubbing a piece of land, which he will prepare for Dota- toes in the spring. James Blacklaw and William Fronk attended a dance at Knox Butte Wednesday of last week. Nellie and Helen Wallace, of Leba non, who were atavlni at P. L. Wal lace's during the dlptheria scare, left tne nrst or last week for home. Tbe dlptheria scare caused the di rectors of the school to close it It will be finished by Miaa Anna Blacklaw, who will teach the spring term. The renort has been nlronUtal through the country that Tennessee had several eases of dlptheria and scar let fever, but I wish to state that it is a mistake. Caesar. Pioneer Stone Selected. A dispatch received in Albany last Friday, by W. F. Crosby, manager of tbe Yaquina-San Francisco steamship line, states that Pioueer stone bom the quarry near Yaquina, has been select ed for the big Union depot in San Fraucisco at tbe toot of Market street. The contract was awarded because the Oregon stone stood the tests and was considered the beat In competition with stone from the quarries at Red ding, Colusa and ln Colorado. About 12,000 to 15,000 tons of stone will be used. Tbe price will be about $13 per ton. Pioueer stone Is becoming popu lar in San Francisco and Is declared to be tbe best ever used In that city. As the quarry at Pioueer is a very large one, this promisee to become an impor-. taut industry. CITATION. In the County Conrt of the State of Oregon ior uim mjuoiv 01 una. In the matter of the estate of I nuu Alo.iju Ames, Deceased. ( UUUon. To Lowell Amea. John T. Amai. Andtow J. Ames, Joseph 8. Ames, Annie Ames, Susan Ames, John T. Anies,Evaline Amea, Charles Ames. Mrs. Dora Hoggs, Eden Ames, Mrs. A. Morris, Mrs. Zillah Keeney and Zones Ames, and to all others, known and unknown, interested in said estate, Greeting. ; In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited aud required to appear in the County Court of the Stateof Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room there of, at Albany, in the county of Linn, on Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1896, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show caiiBe, if any exist, why au order of sale should not be made author ising Hester Ann Ames, administratrix of said estate, to sell the real property belong-' ing to said estate aud described as follows, to-wit: Beginning tn the north-east quarter of Section 31, Tp. 13 8., It. 1 B., Will. Mer., (2at) two hundred and twenty-three feet west of the south-east corner of Lowell Ames, Jr., Donation Land Claim, Not. No. 7618, and Claim No. 47, in said Tp., and running thence west 81 feet; thence south, 16 degrees east, 6 86-100 chains; thence north, 74 degrees east, 60 feet ; thence north, lO.degrees west, direct to the place of be ginning, containing acre, more or less, situate in Linn County, Oregon; and Also beginning 711 H feet north, SO degrees E., of the south-west corner of a piece of land sold and conveyed unto M. Q. Moss by Hugh Harris, and running thence N., 80 degrees K., 70 feet; thence N 10 degrees W., 129 feet; thence 8., 80 decrees W., 70 feet; thence S., 10 degrees E., 126 feet to the place of beginning, containing acre more or less, all situate in Section 32, Tp. 13 8., It. 1. E., Will. Mer., in Linn County, Ore gon. Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan, Judge of the County Court ol the t , ui State of Oregon, for the County of I ( Linn, with the Seal of said Court affiled, this 0th day of Jan'y, A. D. 1800. Attest; N. Nixohau, Clerk. ByF. M. RioniLD, Deputy. Have you seen the new line of drees goods at the Racket store, All wool serges, put up at the factory in dress patterns. Bright and new goods at re duced prices. Have also received many other new goods, such as dress flannels, casai meres. A large lot of outings. Remnants of oassimere, boys' suits, overalls, men's boots and shoes, ladies' shoes, plain and needle toe, umbrellas, ourliug Irons, cultlery.and spoons, (nice spoons for loo and up.) A new Slid fine line of corsets, corset steels, dress stays, ladies hose and men's socks, yarn, cotton-batting, table linen and towels. These are all new goods direct from NewYork, and sold at thf lowest poselbls sash basis,