The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 23, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
beat now bring 48 cent.
n. F. A, Nlokerron 1 quite III.
Thorn left Saturday for the
Rev. Brampton left yeiterday for
B. Hlatt was doing business In Al-
lany yesterday.
J, C. Moseholder la quite 111, at fata
Vionw in this city,
Dr. 0. W. Oheadle. dentist. Offlot
over City Drug store.
W. J.Iioveel expected borne tills
wwilt from California.
Jim Mot'urdy returned leat Saturday
'rom a visit to California.
tt W. Cruson was doing business In
Iclo yesterday and to-day.
"Doc" South has recovered suffl-
it'iitly to be able to go home.
dm. Rice has been suffering oonsld-
JJmlily lately, with rheumatism.
Hon. M. A. Miller has been confined
to the bouse this week with la grippe.
ilentlomen, call and see the new fall
1 winter ololhing at Bach A Buhl's.
May Zaun has aooapted the po
, ' of cook at the St. Charles hotel.
Vllbv" nhoto's reduced to 11.00
,lozen, at the Lebanon Art Gallery.
'. .T. Guv and family returned Mon
day from a visit to relatives at Dallas.
. George Rice represents some of the
' bent lusuranoe companies in the world.
Alty, Frank Bklpworth returned
Tuesday from a business visit to Eu.
Messrs. O'Neill 4 Peterson shipped
a carload of excelsior to San Franolsco
"The Hay-makers" at Albany, Jan.
81 and Feb, 1. Price, gallery, 85 ct.;
down stain, 80 ota. -
Mrs. S. P. Baoli and little daughter,
Bessie, returned home Tuesday from a
visit to friends In Salem.
When you wan t to buy a suit of cloth
ing you will save money by getting
it at Bach A Buhl.
"UnolcJackey" Settle is quite III.
As he Is now in his 88tta year there Is
eome fear that lie will not recover.
Miss Fanny Orlgga returned to Leo
non Wednesday from a visit of several
weeks In Albany and Junction City.
The city has levied a 8-mill tax for
generil purposes and a lj-mlll for
tract purposes the same as last year.
Drs. Parish and Foley successfully
performed quite a painful operation on
E, Springer, on Tuesday. Mr. S. Is
; doing well.
Go and see "The Hay-makers" make
; hay at opera bouse, Albany, Jan. 81
and Feb 1. No extra charge for re
nerved seats.
J. 0. Muyo, traveling freight agent
of the 0. C. E. (the old 0. P. road)
;was In the city this week, In the In
terest of hie road.
Mltis Eva Soott, who has been visit
ing Mrs. Everett and Miss Leila West
full, of this city, returned to her home
In Albany Tuesday evening.
I'M Ki'llenberirer has bouibC T. C.
f Peubler's little ranch on the side of
' Rldgeway's butte. Ed. bought it for
a friend who lives at Aurora.
The mother of Daniel McKerohei,
1 the man killed bv Lloyd Moutsomery.
C!bas been paid the 82000 due ou his
death from the A. O. U. W. order.
Parties that own bicycles are trying
to get the city council to pass an ordi
nance oermlulni blovollsts to ride on
the sidewalks on the back streets of
the city.
The beautiful operatlo oahtat. "The
Haymakers." will be given IB the
opra Jiouse at Albany, JaniU and
Feb. 1, vf te oest musical wieui in
tho city.
MrrM. on Jan. 19. 1896, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents on Mc
Dowell creek, Mr, O. H. HCKens ana
Miss B. T. Guylord, A. 0. Buck, J. P.,
J, A. Powell bad the misfortune to
-NMtnive r kink from one of his horses
last week. Mr. Powell was on the
' street yesterday for t he first time since
the accident.
Wa FAnnivfld two communications,
from Hndavllle and Happy Home, this
urii avhlnh were unavoidably orowd-
ed out. However, they will appear In
our next Issue.
Twenty thousand dollars' worth of
boots and shoes are thrown on the
market at the closing out sale of Klelu,
Dubrullie & Co., of Albany. See their
ad In this Issue. "
The city attorney has boen Instruct
ed to draw up an ordinance In regard
to keeping cows up nights. Till or.
dlnaiioe will be Introduced at the next
regular meeting.
Married, on Sunday, January
. 1800, at the residence of A. J. Zlimoer
mun, at Millers, by Rev. Thomas, W
Jefferson, Mr. Ed. Zimmerman and
Miss Phoebe Alpbine. j
-Mlns Joule Cullen who has betn mak
ing her home with Ziin Reynolds and
ln for Hl unit three fears, left to
day for Lamar, Mo., where she will
live With ber grandparent. :,i
Mrs. May Zahn and little daughter,
Mamie, arrived last Saturday from
Grant Paw, where they bave been
living the past year. They will make
their home In Lebanon for the preterit.
The nubile schools will not be
opened for a few week. The dlpthena
I about over, but the directors are
taking extra caution In the matter.
Henoe the scholars will have a little
larger holiday.
There Is no longer any danger of
a further spread of the dlptherla. All
the old cases are well. Only two pee
sons now are affected, they havlug it
In the mildest rorm. Our country
friend can safely come to town ,
Judge Burnett has stated that he
would not render a decision upon the
bill of exceptions for an appeal of
the Lloyd Montgomery case until
the attorneys on both sides have been
heard. Jan. 29 was set for t lie Inuring.
Wheat is selling for 48 rent M the
Lebanon warehouse this week. Whvat
has had a tendency upward for s ii'e
time, but farmers should usellioir u,yii
Judgment about selling, and shmiVl
study the situation well hernre hoMiuy
Obes. Johnson, cook at the St.
Charles hotel for some time put, lel'i
Monday for his farm, this side of Sweet
Home. He expects to leave soon f.r
Glen wood Springs, Colorado, in hopes
the climate of that section will cure
bis rheumatism.
W. W. Brannln, Past Grand Master
of the A. 0. U. W of Portland, will
visit the A. 0. U. W. lodge at this
place, uext Tuesday evening, and will
Install the officers. It Is earnestly
requested that all the members be
present that evening.
There Is an ordinance before the city
council wtaioh baa passed to the second
reading, in regard to lioeusiug dogs. It
will undoubtedly pass at the next
meeting, and then the people living
within the city limits will have to pay
for the pleasure of keeping the canines.
Cba. Stoke and family left last
Monday for Berry, on the 0. C. 4t E.
railroad, where Mr. Stoke has a per
manent position with the Enterprise
Mill company. A. W. Marks ex
pect to move up there In a couple of
week and will work for the same com
pany. Dr. H. L. Parish has returned to
San Francisco to reside. The doctor
lived here a few months, where be
wa recognized to be a physician and
surgeon of uuusual ability and skill,
and a gentlemau of high character and
pleasant manners. He and his estima
ble family carry with them our best
A letter received by President W. H.
Lee, of the Albany college, from Presi
dent E. N. Coi.dlt. of the Occidental
oollege at Los Angeles, statee that hi
library and all of Ills household ef
fect were destroyed by the recent
burning of the oollege. About one
half of his loss was covered by Insur
ance. There was 110,000 Insurance ou
the college building and $1600 ou the
college furniture. The oollege will
probably be rebuilt. The school has
been re-opened for the present In an
other building.
S. M. barlaud, of this city, is being
urged for the nomination of county
Judge on the democratic ticket. Mr.
Garland is well qualified to fill the
position, and would poll a large vote.
Our populist contemporary, the Ad
vance, makes kindly mention of the
fast in the following paragraph: "The
Albany papers say that S. M. Garland,
of this city, is mentioned as the demo
cratic nominee for county Judge at the
coming election, We think that party
cannot make a better nomination for
that office. He Would be a popular
candidate and If elected would conduct
the county's business in the best possi
ble manner."
Dr. J. A. Lambereon returned yes
terday from Salem, where he had been
to attend the (olut public Installation
ojxilh tents, the Sir Knights aud the
Ladle of the Maccabees. The doctor
aay he never had a better time nor
wa treated more royally iu hi life.
In half-column write-up of the affair
the Statesman gave Dr. L. the follow
ing notice: "Dr. J. A. Lamberson, of
Lebanon, as orator of the evening, de
livered an entertaining and earnest
address elucidating the merits of the
order of Maccabees, and the desira
bility of a membership therein. The
doctor Is well Informed, la zealous In
the work and ha a Jolly way of pre
senting things.''
C..B. Montague Is mentioned for
congress by the populists. There Is no
wan In the party better equipped for
the place nor more deserving of the
honor. If elected, he would make a
representative of whom noue need feel
ashamed, He Is likewise generally
mentioned fur the nomination of oouii.
tyolerk, W unheeltatliitly say that
there is no man In the county better,
Umd but few so well qualified to fill
till position, .lie wiHild run like Pen
noyer in bis palmiest days wlien he
wa a democrat. We are not giving
advice to any party and we do not ex
peot the populist to take our advice,
but here Is a man to nominate for this
Mmn 'f hi (nwpl want him,
' A ease of flogglnj in the sohool-room
has resulted in a neighborhood quarrel
at Crabtre. Prof. Swank, tt appears,
whipped a son of Marian Crabtree for
some misdemeanor. Clay Conrpton
made is remark about It which the
father did not approve of, and be un
dertook io give Comptona thrashing.
It is reported that Mr. Crabtree called
Mr. Oompton from tfhe (tort at Crab
tree, and upon his coming out spit in
his face and then attacked bin with a
cane which Compton took away from
him, then Crabtree drew a knife but
did not use it a by-ttander Interfered.
Mr Crabtree wa arrested and arraign
ed before Justice Jarnlgan and wa
fined $10. He says the case will be
Resolutions of Condolence.
At a'regular meeting of John F. Mil
ler Post, No. 42, G. A. R., the follow
ing resolutions were unanimously
Whereas: The Great and Supreme
Commander of the universe has, In his
Infinite wisdom, removed from among
us one of our worthy and esteemed
comrades, Martin Hickman, and
Whereas: The long Intimate rela
tions held with him in the faithful
dlsoharge of his duties In the Post as
cbaplalii makes it eminently befitting
that we record our appreciation of
hlmjlherefore, be it
Resolved, That the wisdom and
ability which he had exercised in the
aid of our organization, by service,
contribution and counsel, will be held
in grateful remembranoe.
Resolved, That with deep sympathy
with the bereaved wife and family of
the deceased, we express our hope that
even so great a loss to us all may be
over-ruled for good by him wbodoeth
all things well, and that the charter of
this Post be draped for the period of
thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be spread upon tbe record of
the Post, and a copy printed in the
local papers, and a copy forwarded to
the bereaved family.
Grace Baltmabsh, 1
J. F. Hyde, Com.
E. Boslab, J
At a regular meeting of John F.
Miller Corps, No. 16, W. R. C, the
following resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted:
Wherkas: It has pleased tbe Su
preme Ruler of the universe to remove
from our midst our late brother, Mar
tin Hickman; therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death of Mar
tin Hickman this corps laments tbe
loss of a comrade who was ever ready
to proffer the hand of aid and the
voice of sympathy to the ntedy and
distressed : in the fraternity a friend
whose endeavors were exerted lor our
welfare and prosperity. Therefore be it
Resolved, That the heart-felt sympa-'
tliyoflhis corps be extended to our
sinter, Mrs. Phoebe Hickman, and her
family in this their hour of bereave
ment. Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread on the secretary' book, aud
that a copy be furnished each of tbe
Lebanon papers for publication and a
xipy be the bereaved family.
Flora Brown, )
Alice A. Hyde, Com.
Her Barnstorming Tour.
Mary Anderson de Navarro looks
with evident enjoyment upon what
she calls the "barnstorming" period of
her stage career, which, however, In
her case was short, beneficial and
pecuniarily profitable. Of her experi
ences In Owensboro, a small Kentucky
town, where she and her little band of
actors played for a week, Mrs. de Nav
arro writes in January Ladies' Home
Journal: " I was a tall, slender
Juliet' and my 'Romeo' proved to be
a plump, pleaBaut little woman, prob-
bably the mother of several would-be
Rotueos' and 'Juliets.' Tbe moon she
('Romeo') swore by we found to be the
headlight of a railway engine hired for
the occasion. This was held by a small
negro boy perohed upon a ladder, who
was so amused by the play that he
laughed until he shook over the most
tragic scenes. His mirth, as may be
imagined, was not conducive to tbe
moon's sieadiuess. At one time she
was shining In an upper box, at an
other on the head of a bald musician,
often blinding the unfortunates in the
front stalls, here, there, everywhere
save ou the face of her ('Verona' love
ly flower') she had been especially
hired to illuminate. The conductor of
the orchestra was a carpenter by trade,
and sawed away as lustily during the
day at the boards he was converting
into profile statues of 'Evadue's' noble
ancestors as he sawed upou bis violin
at night."
W. R. C. Installation.
The officers of the Woman Relief
Corps were installed last Friday by
Mrs. Sarah Saltmarsh. Officers for
tbe present year are: President, Annie
B. Reed; Sr. Vice Pres., Hattle A,
Cruson; Junior Vice PreB., Flora L.
Brown; Secretary, Dollle Saltmarsh;
Treasurer, Alice A. Hyde; Chaplaiu,
Mary Boslar; Conductor, Faitha Rey
nolds; Guard, Etta Coohell; Assistant
Conductor, Polly Shaw. Delegates to
Department Couveutiou (which meets
at Independence), Hattle A. Cruson,
0. J. Crandall, Polly Shaw; Alternates,
Lizzie Swan, Mary Boslar, Faitha
Remember we print oalllug card at
the SstMlH offlos,
Sam Boots.
Rubber Shoe.
M veintoabea,
Capea and Jacket, at
S. E. Young's.
flur OiM. iibaiHilitH
can tmic.
Caroet taeks are not naerauv renrded
as a hssltnful kind of diet, says the
aelphia Beoora, but many men have taken
tnem into tneir stemsons in varying doses
without sut ering any injury rom tnem,
kul even deriving benefit from this
Soulier article of food, If the word of
romtnent physicians is to be believed, in
addition to the many carpet-layers who fill
their mouths with tacks while st work, and
aow snd then slip one down their throat by
accident, (here are three colored man on
Lombanl street who are able and willing to
startle a spectator by swallowing a handful
of stiuiv pointed iron tsoks with the great
est onchalsnoe, as it they were the most
nutritious , morsels. These men have
neither leathern Intestines or copper-lined
stomachs, but tbey are able to take oara of
a prodigious quantity of carpet tacks with
out any spaarent discomfort or ill-effect
Medical authorities assert that there is
far less risk attendant upon swallowing a
tack than is generally supposed, and that
such a performance is sometime! product
ive of beneficial results. The freak who
swallows a single tack or a handful of them
is soiled with an abnormal desire for food,
and it is to this fact that the harmlessness
of the swallowing of tacks is ascribed.
Curiously, the tacks invariably pass through
the stomach with their heads "bowed down
in" and placed in the center of
the food so that they do not touch the walls
of the intestines. Even when the points of
the tacks penetrate inclining ol the stom
ach tlie result is not so dangerous as would
be supposed.
The reason was explained ina very simple
manner by Dr. T. B. E. Morton, who said:
"These tack Swallowers generally have very
strong stomachs and the amount of rastrto
juloe in them dissolves the iron and the re
sult is a nonlaser mass similar in enaracter
to toe oiid of Iron which we prescribe to
sick persons as a tonic Really there is a
certain amount of benefit attached to the
swallowing of tacks and yet there is always
danger ota serious result in eonsequenoa
such an act. I have never known ot any
person who Sad been compelled to go to a
hospital from such causes, however.
"But I remember tbe case of a horse that
Swallowed large-alied tack. After bis
death we eat open uisstomsch. We found
then a solidified mass of a stony nature.
When till hard aubstanoa was spilt open we
found that uie tack constituted it nucleus.
A similar effect would take place la a per
son's stomach If the tack should happen to
stick for any length ef time m the walla of
A '!! ii i i i n '
Cousin Said to Have Been Married.
-?1. '!-.
. -
It Is reported to the Salem Slates-
man that a young couple In Marian
county who are full cousins were re
cently united Iu wedlock. They are
excellent, .people, too, but they have
taken a step that la liable to lead them
into serkais -difficulty, By an act of
legislature of 1893 marriage are pro
hibited among other cases, "when tbe
parties are' first cousin or any Bearer
ofkiiito each other, whether of tbe
whole ortialf-blood, computing by the
rules of the civil law." The punish'
ment for a violation of this law la
found in 'section 1873 of tbe code of
1887, which sayB. "If any person, be
ing within the degree of consanguinity
within which marriages are prohibited
by law, shall intermarry with each
other, or shall commit adultery or for
nication with each other, such persons,
or either of them, upon conviction
thereof, shall be punished by lmprls
ment in the county Jail not less than
three month nor more than one year,
or by fine of not less than 1200 nor
more than $1000." It will be seen the
offense is a serious one.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O'
We the undersigned, have known F. J
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West a Truai, wholesale druggists,Toledo,0,
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and raucous
surfaces of the system. Price; 76c,per hot
tie. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Hlihet Honors World. Fair,
Qold Modal, Midwinter Pair.
Most Perfect Made.
4a Vein the StandarA.
For just a little money.
Try . . .
20,000 worth of Boots and Shoes
thrown on the market and will
Are Positively Going Out of Business in Albany,
and will sell their Large and Extensive Stock of
This will be a Rare Opportunity to Obtain
Bargains, as broken lots will be sold
at fifty cents on the Dollar.
Wiuiiiiiuiii'ii'i'iiiii'iiii'ii'niiiiiiim -TfTTv
Call and Examine Our Slock.
and Cnildren s
Fine Shoes.