The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 23, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor and - Proprietor
"Sixteen to One" is published
Weekly in Highlands, Colorado.
The prion of wheat is steadily
increasing good news for the
farmer. .
"The Court Index," A daily paper
in Cincinnati, Ohio, consisting .of
four pages, each 12x15 inches, and
giving legal news, costs $15 a year.
The Salem Post, Independent
says: "The conduct of the last leg
islature has sickened 'and disgust
ed the taxpayer. A more incapa
ble, indifferent and reckless lot of
men never got together. Of course,
there were some honorable excep
tions, but they were mighty few,
Speaker Moores says the last
Oregon legislature is a "sample of
past republican legislatures and
what the people may expect in
future republican legislatures
Now in the face of these facts will
the people vote for republicans, or
for somebody else, to go to the leg
It seems that Congress is bound
to keep up its former record, and
not give the people any wholesome
legislation. Instead of all parties
uniting on tome good law that
would alleviate the sufferings of
the masses, they are content with
quarreling and wrangling among
A short time ago we noticed in
the papers the statement that sev
eral sheriffs were claiming to be
falling behind with the running
expenses of their offices, on account
of the law making them pay their
own mileage. It is certainly strange
that these sheriffs would want to
be re-elected.
Some of the big papers are al
ways printing some big war scare
and putting it before the people.
Enterprising papers seem to be
trying to see who can tell the big
gest war lies. The latest is that
England is going to buy Cuba of
Spain and that the result will be a
big war. In fact, some of the
papers say that soldiers are already
being gotten together for business.
All of which probably is untrue.
Such reports beting published so
often are getting to be monotonous.
The Salem Statesman, republi
can, says: "The last legislature
had a duty to perform, but that
duty it failed to comprehend or
execute. An extra session now
would simpfy mean the coming to
gether of the same men who frit
tered awiy forty days last year,
the same men who failed to reme
dy the laws of assessment and
taxation, who failed to abolish the
useless commissions. It would
bring the earns men who added to
the burdens of the people by en
grafting large and small sums here
and there in the fixed appropria
tions, the payment of whioh now
makes the taxpayer squirm." .,
H Mom a Stan WiUnnt IMp aMI Willi
. mt Making Mlntalm.
White in the employ of the Now Jsrso-
iBqiitaero railroad a fow yoar ago Charic
mi vwwiuiurai vi s aruuugAuuv, uau mi
; misfortune to lone the tight ol one eye, t tli
result of getting a hot cinder from the locu
motive in It, Mrs the New York Sun. Abou
jnrafterwrj, while working In a mar
pit at Lower Squunkum, he got a ttnul
harp pebble in the other eye. He was
taken to an infirmary in New York, where
every effort waa made to tavo the tight, but
ho became totally blind.
Revolving in hit mind various project! tor
the support ot hit family, he determined to
try keeping a country store. Bis friendt
endeavored to dissuade him from the under
taking, but he was resolute and opened a
small store in Lower Bouankum. thmenllea
from Ifarmingdale. Be soon showed an ap-titude-for
the business, and accomplished
things whioh seemed marvelous.
Bis dwelling-kousa is over a mile distant
from his store. At first his little daughter
. regularly took him by the hand at mornii'f
J and evening and conducted him to and f mv ,
his occupation. A little later he said hi
could go alone, and has done soever siiu-i
Hit method it to count the steps from tit
front of his house to his ore, and he he
experienced no difficulty In reaching otl
in safety. Be looks and unlocks the doo.
and opens and closes the shutters without
assistance. Bis son sweeps out and dusts
the store, but he expects soon to do this
without assistance.
His sense of touch and memory are simply
wonderful Every sort of goods put up in
packages is so arranged under his direction
that he can deal out any thing in his stock
that is called for. This he doss by counting
uro wt icvut eiuier ena or tno counter,
and the number ot shelves, benimiintr with
number one at the bottom, and enumerating
vu ui.MMUK tiMvoi uum eiuier ena oi the
lows of shelving.
He weighs accurately any thing from a
qurwr oi a pouna oi tea to twenty-five
pounds of flour, being guided bv touch in
arranging the weights and the tipping of
UK, KNn,
His memory of voices is so sensitive that
he has never been known to make a mistake
m a person's name. As a test a stranger to
him was sent to the store. He was a fair
mimic, ana endeavored to personate a man
well known to Mr. Fennlmore. He signally
failed, the blind storekeeper interrupting
u wuo maa saying : "1 aouti Know Who
you are, out you are not George Brower."
Perhaps Mr. Fennimore's greatest evi
dence of an unfaltering and accurate mem
ory ia the facility with which he mukos
hsnge. Every morning Mrs. Pennimoi
arranges his wallet for him. Thn a. nm,.
are placed in the bottom, the 12 notes in tin
middle, and the SI notes on the top of th; .
package. He always knows to a penny how
much chance he has
bag, and can tell the Instant he touches anv
piece the value which it represents. Thn'.
equipped he is ready to give a customer
change for a note or silver currency, and
his accuracy in makine chanm w,nau h.,
of any merchsnt mall the country roum'
Tried one day with a K gold piece which
was laid in his hand, he looked toward the
owner of it as if he could see him, smiled,
rang the coin upon the counter, and said:
"This is a fo gold piece; what did you wish
to buy!"
He u expert at addition and i,hi,i
readily keeping in his mind a rimon .i..
ad their price, and telling a customer the
moment the last article is
erred. He is nleased with hi
ad has made his business a modest ,'
Changed tvary Weak.'
Wheat 48)0,
Oats 18 to 15o
Hay $8 to $6 pertou.
Flour (0 7076. per aaok '
Chop $0 80 per ewt.
Bran 660 perowt.
Middlings to 75 per ewt
Potatoes 20c.
Apples Dried, 4c per lb
Plums Dried, 2o.
Onions 2u.
Beef Dressed, 3J to 4c.
Veal 8J4c.
Pork Dressed, 3J.
Lard 7.
Hams 10 per lb,
Shoulders 80,
Bides loo per lb.
Geese-4 to per dos.
Ducks (2 t3 per dos.
Chlokens-tl 60a 25. V '
Turkeys 80 per lb. . "
Eggs 18o nerdoa.
Butter 16 20c per lb. -
Hides Green, 2oi dry, 4o. '
If the change could be - made
from the system of standing armies
to that of a true militia of the Swiss
type, a long step toward enduring
peace would be made, says the
North American Review. In a mili
tary system of this nature the sol
flinr and the citizen wnnld ha irlan.
tical wiien put in the field; the
men would take with them that
quality of the household which
makes the Swiss soldier an admir
able home guard; but not to be
considered for distant aggressive
warfare. In such a condition the
military motive in its dangerous
form would speedily die out; all
danger of its leading to wars of a
political nature could be left to the
ever-incre-ising development of the
domestic spirit, that humor which
makes men very willing to
sacrifice for their ideals, but ex
ceedingly indisposed to die for pur
poses which they do not value. If
the armed forces of governments
should be brought to the admirable
state in which they are established
in Switzerland, the discreet phi!
PoOHD Cum (measured in cun. and
always reliable). Two cups butter,
three cups sugar, three cups flour,
eight eggs, rind and juice of one lemon.
CocoAirtrr Cake. One cup butter, two
enpa sugar, whites of six eggs, one-half
teaspoon soda, one teaspoon cream ot
tartar, three cups flour, one cud milk.
one small eocoanut, rind of a lemon.
BPOKoa Cakje. One pound esrgs. one
pound sugar, one-half pound flour,
rind and juice of one large lemou.
Beat, thoroughly the yolks and the
sugar; then add the whites of eggs,
and beat for fifteen minutes no less;
then the lemon and flour. Bake very
Silvkb Chocolate Cam. One-half
nip butter, one and one-half cups
sugar, whites of four eggs, three
fourths cup milk, two and one-half
enpa flour, one teaspoonful of aoda,
two of cream of tartar. Bake in three
layers. Filling: One-fourth cake
chocolate mixed with the whites of
two egga well beaten; confectioner's
sugar sufficient to stiffen it.
Compositiok Cam (an old-fashioned
receipt). Three-fourths pounds but-
wr, one ana one-fourth pounds augar,
one and one-fourth pounds flour, four
eggs, one pint sweet milk, a level tea
spoonful of aaleratus, two pounds
raisins, one-half pound citron, three
tablespoonfuls cinnamon, one large
tablespoonful of cloves, one of mace
nixed in a wineglass of wine or bran
dy, one nutmeg. Harper's Bazar.
Mas. Ellen Sfincih Massy suc
ceeded to the law practice of her late
husband. Gen. Massy, and is one of the
most successful lawyers, in Wash
ington. v
Mas. E. D. Watt, of Omaha; has been
elected supreme oracle of the order
known as the Royal Neighbors of
America. A woman orator in such an
order ought to a success.
Miss Ella Jackson, the daughter of
toe proprietor 01 the Belle Meade stock
farm, manages the dairy on the estate,
which yields a profit of sbout eighteen
thousand dollars a year..
Miss Nellie Bass, heiress to the al
most fabulous fortune made in Bass'
ale, has never had a black velvet dress,
and that luxury she insists mint ha in.
eluded in the trousseau now being pre
pared for ber.
Mas. Maby Walker, of Atlantic
City, N. J., recently applied to the city
council for permission to work out the
amount of her taxes in doing city work
on the streets, in company with her
husband. The request was granted.
Bholabd's chief maker of playing
cards, Qoodall, has died, leaving SHOO,
000. a
Notice for Publication '
Land Ornca. at Ubiuon Citt, On.,
January 16, 1SB0.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler has filed notice of his inlen.
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that laid proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, si
Albany, Or., 011 Mar. 10, 1896, vis;
H. E. No. 7870, lor the N. E. N. 1. K,
Sec. 28, T. 11 8., K. 1 E. '
He names the following witnesses toprovs
his continuous residence Upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vis: Milton Yeoman,
George A. Downing, ff. W. Banders, Bon
nie White, all of Ucomh, Or.
Hosiar A. Milub,
' - Register.
Notloo for Publication.
Lasd Orncs at0soo City, 0.
. Jan. 16, 188(1.
- Kotlce Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler lias filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of
hit claim, ami that said proof will be made
before the county clerk of Linn county,
at Albany, Oregon, 011 February 29,1896,
H. E, No. (MM, lor the K. X N. W. W, B, W.
K N. E. , and N. E. B. W. H, Beu. 12,
T.12S., K. 1. W.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, vis; 1.. M. Tay
lor, of Lebanon, Or,, Jacob Fltswater, of
Lebanon, Or,, David Sylvester, of Lebanon
Or., J. C. Prior, of Lebanon, Or.
Thos. K. Oakes, Henry 0. Payne, Henry 0,
House, Receivers.
1 Ik
Notloo for Publication.
Lano OmoE at Obeoox Citt, Oav,
January 10, MB6.
Notice is hereby given that the following.
namea settler has Hied notice ot his inten.
tion to make final proof in support of his
Claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linn Co., at Albany.
Or., on March 10, 1898, vis:
H. E. No. 8260, for the N. W. H Bee. 12, T,
US., K.1E. :
He names the following witnesses t
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, vis: W. W.Usn
ders, Milton W. Yoeman; David Myen,
Charley Clark, all of Lscomb, Or. ; i.
Robert A. Mails, ,
Register. -
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
( St. Paul
Uraiid Porks
3d otloo tor Fublloatloat M-.
Laud Ornci at ObeookCitt, Otf.,'
Jan. M,lrt.
Notice is hereby given that the fullowfiia;.
named settler has filed aotioa of lusUnten-
tion to make final proof in support oi . his
claim, and that said proof will be nude be
fore the Co. Clerk of Linn Co. at Albany,
ur on Jfeb'y 29, 1896, vis:
H. E. 7796, for the N.'jfof N. E. )i, Ber.'lJ,
T. 12 S., R. 1 W. y-X'.i
He names the following witnessss'ta
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, vis: L. M.Iay.
lor, J. M. Lindley, Fred Brampton, j. C.
Prior, all of Lebanon, Or.
Hobut A. Mules,"
Helena and
Mym York
aiiun .nd all
Folflto Knst and Snath
Tor information, time cards, maps and
acksts, call on or writs
v i W. C. PETERSON, Agent,
;. ok
l; D. CHARLTON, l3St.Genl.Pisi.Agt,,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice tor Publication.!
Land Orncr at Oeiook Citt, On., ,.
Jan. ia, lane.
Notice is hereby given that the following.
named settler has filed notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that ssid proof will be msde be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Ogn., on Feb'y 20, 1898, viz:
H. E. 7902, for the E X of B W and W
of 8 E H, Sec 32, Tp 12 8, R 1 E.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, vis: William
Aliphin, Guy Gayiard, Stephen Powell,
Sylvester Burrell, all of Lsbanon, Ogn.
Robebt A. Miiais,
At a recent race meeting In Manches
ter, England, three horses which ran
in one race were named Tranbv Croft.
anthropist might .ill be satisfied J o'w." i,t
to go no further. Tn Mtjrste km kwiki kWratth
Notloe tor Publlcotlou.
Laud Orrics at Obsoos City, Oa
Jan. 10, 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the following.
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County, at
Albany, Ogn., on Feb'y 29, 1898, viz : ,
H. E. No. 7615, for the 8 W N E N W
KBEJiandNKS W , Bee 4, T 10 S. B
3E. .
He names the following witnesses ta
prove his continuous residenoe upon -and
cultivation of, ssid land, viz: Richard
Mayo, Laun Sheppard, Joseph L. Turn,
adge, Frank Horam, all of Mill City, Ogn
Robebt A. M,
'.I- 1
Natatw, ItiTcntlan,
lew 2&ssx& Heal
fonneriy Boston Journal of Chemistry
Enlarged and Improved
Contaiosa laree number of Short.
Easy, Practical, Interesting and Pop
ular, Scientific articles, that can lie
Appreetatea ana enjoyed by any Intel
ligent reader, even though he knew
little or nothing of Bcienee.
Profusely Illustrated and Free
From Technicalities.
newsdealers, ,10 cents. aU.00 per year
AWMentlon this paper for a sample copy.1
Largest Clrouiatlon of any
Bolentlflo Paper In the World
The JixPREss is in great
need 01 money at present, and
if you are in arrears 011 sub
scription or otherwise we
would esteem it a great favor
it you would pay up. Fay us
what you can, if it is only
io cents.
Notice for Publication.
Laud Oiticb at Orioox City. Ob.,
January 10,1998.
Notice ia hereby given that the following.
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make Anal prool in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn Connty, at
Albany, Ot., on March 10, 1X86, viz ;
HENo.8261, fortheNEXSec 22.THB.
R1E. .
He names the following witnesses. e
prove his continuous residence .upon ang
cultivation of, sold land, viz: George A.
Downing. W. W. Sanders, David Myers,
Beniiie White, all of Lscomb, Or.
II0111T A, lluus,
Btltiltfi 1
Instantly Believed
and Permanently
tukZ Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
from Three io Six Weeki.
Sctussi Reoau ttt-77, ltara.aast lalitiaa
New Goods, New Goods,
TT" . 1 1
niram uaicer nas a large
stock of New Goods. Every
body is cordially invited to
come in and inspect them
Baker has the largest and
most complete assortment of
men's, boys' and youthB
clothing ever brought to Leb
anon. If you want a oheap
suit go to Baker's. If you
want a medium suit, Baker
can please you. If you want
a fine suit, Baker's is the
place to go. In fact, Baker's
is the place to buy clothing
Boots and Shoes.
Baker's stock of boots and
shoes for men, boys, ladies
Misses and children, in al
grades and styles, is very
complete. If you need any
thing 111 foot-wear go to
Baker's, and you will get what
you want at the lowest cash
price. Among other standard
makes of shoes, Baker carries
the famous
$3.00 J
J J l Ml
l hi
V t-
Dress Goods.
Baker has a great variety
of dress goods, and the best
value in fine black dress
goods he has ever offered.
Baker has a fresh and well
assorted line of groceries. The
good quality and low prices
make it to your interest to
buy your groceries from him
ConseMtory of Music
Prof. Z. -I. Purvln, musical Dlrootor
formerly of Willumotte Uulverslty,has
been elected Dlreotor for the coming
school year, '
Full Courses lu the important
branches of Muslo,
Latest methods.
Fine muslo rooms.
Prices low for grade of work.
Diplomas ctinferetl on ouiuplotlon'of
oourse. Term begins September 11th.
Bend for olreulnr and cutnlnguo,
W. H, LEE, A. M Pres.,
." Albany, Oregon,
J, W, CUSICK&CO, Bankers,
Transact a gmicrnl Dunking business
Collections niiulo nt all points on
favoralile tonus.
Drafts drawn on -New York, Sun
Franclsoo, Pnrtlnnd, Salem, Eugene
and Cnrvnllls.
Business sent by mall will receive
prompt attention.
Interest allowed on lime dopoalts. 7
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will & Stni-k, JvwvlorH
Optical Specialist.
Graduate of the Clcugo Ontbalnilo
I am prepared In exiimlne sttlfittlfl-
cally and aoeuratly, by tin, hilfst unci
iniirovcd nictbnds of modern mik-nee,
any who desire to have their eym les-
Cuslck Block, Albany, Okkqiin.
... .tifflSMISsStfgS
.., -FOR
All Kinds of Fresh.Conied
and Smoked Meal. '
Buusuges and Lard
Always on Hand.
J. A. Cain, Propr.
In Old Bank Building. Lclmtiu, Or,
Sdnset limited
Will Kun
WICEa week
Baker's store is the
place to buy your goods. He
has an immense stock and an
endless variety of everything.
Pays the highest market price
for all kinds of country pro
duce, and gives as good value
for cash as any store in the
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over The Greot
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1895.
The most complete, omdurn. cIik
gantly equipped and perfectly arranged
Vestlbuled Transcontinental Train In
America. New Equipment, especially
designed and built for this service.
Pirect connections in New Or-
lsans for Eastern points. Quick