The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 23, 1896, Image 1

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NO. 48.
A (If pW In advance, II W per year.)
nvtt months...
line months ....
tult copies
uep. vr . Senators
YrJokn H. Mitchell,!
Blnaer Hermann,,,.. Congressman
William P, Lord Governor
H. K, Klncaid Secretary or Stat
Phil Metschan Treasurer
0. M. Irwin Snpt. Public Instruction
jSt,W Leeds State Printer
;ra,'f.IMoore, I .... Bupremcjudgos.
Hfi. Woolvertou.)
(i as, J.N. Duncan
g ltM w. necuuani
Jider I). P. Hardnian
, .Or J. A. Mcl'eron
'rllfSnporintondont, A. K. Rutherford
liojter,.... , P. Morris
isor "
E. T. T. Fisher
K. A. Javne
I ) . I John Pugh
JuubJtkuieM, j t. u. Waters
i. liTOK...... ...... H. B. MONTAGUK
Bmnnn ... W. 11. 1IK0WN
00UNC1LMKN 5.' SmPHiVkY.
i v. In. k. am an.
; "City Council meets an the llrst and third
v ; Tuesday evenings of ouch mouth.
' Secret Booletlaa.
. MHITTENT,No.7,K.O.T,M.-MeotmG.A.
fa. Hall on Thursday uvenliiB f e"h wk'
Transient Sir Knights are cordlullr luvlled to
jdsllihe Tent meeting. .
. .,; c.W. Btokw, Com,
Clio. W.HICI, U.K.
HONOB WVOK. No. 38, A. 0. tl. W. Meets
' ' Tew ruesjlay evening at 0. A. It. Ball.
U. W. CEtWOR, at. W.
A. Wi MiaM Ue.
LKBANON L0JX1I!, NO. 47, I, 0. 0. K.-Meetl
rr 8timUy ovolllng at Odd Fellows Hall, at
o'clock . as.
A. E. DAVIS, N. G.
TV. C.
PEAIll.ItEBKUCA I.OIIOE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. T.
Heels at 1. 0.0. F Hall llrst and third Wednes
day evenings of each month.
HA.TTIK A. CBliSON, Suofy.
LKIIANON LOIKIF.No, 44 A. F.4 A. M.-Moou,
atutdy evening, on or before the full moon In
aoh month, at Masonic Hall, Cor. Main and
Orant its. Sojourning lirothurn corulally Invited
to attend.
K. K. Hakkaci, W. M,
U. 0. Wallace. Bee.
a,.. JU
j I I1IC0I
! a;80
....... n i,m ir II P Kn 1A
ill nicots 1st ami 3rd Krldaya of each month at
Minis Mnnui,
rj OEN'L MEIOUB CAMP, No. 1, Division or ore
... ,. vUi..,u.nM,. In 0. A. K. Hall,
r- (Ull, mi" M" .
r Haiunlav evening, eioopt the third
aaturday ol each mouth, meeting the third Frl.
rf.v liiiuul. All brothers of the Sous or Vet-
aransaudcOmradusoIthoU.A.K.are cordially
j Invited to meet with the Camp,
'i K. 0. Cash, Capt,
' A. Tfcv, First Scgl.
niNA M. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.-
Keelson the'id, 4tu and 6th Friday evening o(
aoh month at 7:S0F. a.atG. A. R. Hall. Tran
alent Lady Maccabees are cordially Invited to
"xL .
Hattis Bwa, Lady R. K Biuw, Lady Com.
Sam'l M. Garland.
Weatherford & Vyatt,
Attorney. at-Law.
Dr. H. L. Parish,
Office In St. Obarlea Hotel,
MiM to 12:00 A. M.
.Ili4 liiOOto 4:00 P. M.
J 6:80 to 7 10 V. M.
Raiidtnot on Bridge Avenue.
.1AII0M a a . ORSaolt,
Almost everybody takes some laxatlva
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS '
Liver regulator (liquid or powder) ,
;et all the benefits of a mild and pleasant ;
axatlve and tonic that purifies the blood t
and strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REOU-
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it actlva :
and healthy, and when the Liver Is In j
good condition you find yourself free from ,
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- '
Headache and Constipation, and rid of i
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver,
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
Is properly at work. If troubled with any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi
cines, and Better than Pills.
Baa the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
J. H. Zcllltt & Co., PhUa Pa.
Albany Steam Laundry
Llbany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HVDE, Agent,
J'.jtilaiion. Oregon.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co.
Kxnross trains leave Portland daily:
8:oO p. H.
12:10 a.m.
10:46 a. .
I,v...Portlund Ar.
Lv...A.lliuny.. ..Ar,
Ar.Hun Francisco Lv
8:10 a. h
7:00 P. H
The above trni'm atop at East Port
land, Oregon City, Woodburn, Haleiu,
Turncl', Mm inn, JcII'ithoii, Albany,
Albany Juuctlon, Tangent, Shedd,
HalBi'y, Harrlaburg, Jutietion City,
Irving, Eugciie, Crcwell, Drains uud
all HtnlioiiH from llmeburg south to
and including Aabluix.1.
RoseburR nmli daily:
T:0 A. Hrri.v.7.ortluni.l ... Ar. I 4:40 p. M.
12:M v. M. Lv... Albany Ar. 1:16 p. m.
6:60p. M. I Ar...HoeburgLv. I 8:00 a.m.
passonger trains daily (oxcept
8:20 a. M.
B:1IIA. M.
4::lfl P. M.
6:20 P. M.
.Albany Ar.
, Lebanon. ...Lv.
Albany Ar.
. Lebanon. ...Lv.
10:40 A.M.
9:40 A. M.
6:46 P.M.
5:60 P. M.
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman Bcpfet Sleepebs
Second-Class Sleeping Cars At'
tached to all Through Trains.
West Side Ulvislon.
Bktwebn Portland and Oorvallis.
Mall train daily (excnutBunday ) :
7:80 a" if Lv...Portland ...Ar. f 6:20 a. m.
12:16 p. M. I Ar...Oorvulbs. .I.r. 1:80 P. M.
At Albnnv and Corvallis connect with
trains of 0. U. ifc K. railroad.
Express train dally (excopt Sunday):
4:40 p. h. I Lv... Portland ...Ar. j 8:25 a. m.
7:86 p. M. I Ar.McMinnvllle Lv I 6:60 a. m.
THROUGH TICKETS 'E0"'1 p!n'hn'
ada and Europe caii be obtained at lowest
rates from F. U. Hickok, agent, Lebanon,
R. KOEHLIiK.Manaaer.
IS. P. ROGERS, Asst. 0. F. ft Pass. Aajt.
All nersons knowing tUemaelvei In
debted to me will please call and settle
at onoe, either by cash or a note, as I
have sold nut and wish te close up my
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West.
There are many cases of mumps In
Oakesdale, Wash.
The work on Astoria's water system
is nearly completed.
A Mr. Kullz, of Portland, has
opened a cigar factory in Medford.
Tnlcnt, Jaoksnn county, was recently
made a domestic money order office.
Mrs. Kate Sexton has been appoint
ed postmaster at Wren, Rcntou coun
ty.. The weather observer at Nehalem
reports that the rainfall last year
amounted to 104.45 Inches.
The Medford City election just past
resulted In the re-election of the old
board with two exceptions.
Sherman county's taxes will be
about the same, proporl innately, thle
year ns last, says the Observer.
The cargo shipment of ten of the
lending sawmills nf Washington for
1895 amounted to 830,574,853 feet.
Four hundred dozen chickens and
geese were shipped from Eugene to
San Francisco Wednesday of last
Some of the hop raisers cf Washing
ton are trying to form a pool of last
year's hops, In hope of getting a bet
ter price.
The levy in Tillamook county will,
It is estimated, be 25 mills. The exact
amount has not yet been fixed by
the county court,
Ths Sitka Alaskan returns thanks
to the First Presbyterian church of
Portland, Or., for a box of clothing for
the training school.
Great excitement is reported around
Blaine, Wash., and across the Brit
ish Columbia line, over alleged rich
gold finds at Point Roberts.
R. D. Wilson killed two large white
swans on Moss lake, near Oregon City,
last Saturday. They measured over
eight and a half feet from tip to tip.
SherilTEllingsworth, of Walla Walla
county, Wash., advertises that he will
hereafter prosecute all persons who
volunteer their services to act as jurora
on any regular or special venire.
Lafayette now lias 11 secret societies, :
five of which are beneficiary orders.
This represents a total membership of
about 500. Of these, about 150 carry
beneficiaries representing $190,000.
Hood liver has been declared a pub
lic highway by the county commis
sioners of Wasco. This will give
anyone the right to float lumber, logs,
telegraph poles, etc., down the river.
About a mile of the Western Union
telegraph poles, from Hillsboro west,
were broken down by weight of the
enow last Thursday morning, and
during the day messages from the west
side to Portland were sent via Albany,
The Gold Hill Miner is agitating the
question of building a large canal to
take water from Rogue river, for the
purposes of irrigation, water power,
and last, but by no means least, for
the development of valuable mineral
An Indian confined In the Tekoa,
Wash,, city onlaboose last week set fire
to the door In order to burn bis way
out. The flame was discovered in
time to save the building from being
consumed and the si wash from being
The Eugene Mill & Elevator com.
pany is orowded with work, aud lias
been running day aud night sluoe the
beginning of lost week, and wll prob
ably novo to continue its night runs
during the remuiuder of the month,
says the Guard.
The members of the state republican
central committee will meet at Port
land, Wednesday, Feb. 5, for the pur-
pose of determining upon the time and
place for holding the state convention,
and to transact other business that
may come before the meeting.
W. Saunders, of Eugeue, swallowed
a small brasB screw last Thursday. He
had put the sorew in a glass in which
he afterward pjured a dose of medi
cine. In taking the tuedioine, he tor
got the screw, aud it went down. It
is not knowii how serious the result
will tie. -
J. G Pierce has straightened put his
Klamath Falls Express difficulties by
purchasing the Interest of G. J. Farns-:
worth. The latest number of the Ex
press appears with the first named
gentleman as editor and pub'lsher
and with a somewhat livelier appear
ance than it has had for several weeke,
says the Medford Mall.
During the sleet In Walla Walla one
night last week, the electrlo lights
presented a mmarkuble appearance.
fiery sheet of light was seen shooting
from each far up into the heavens, and
these sheets appeared to meet at a
point over the town. The appearance
was like that of the aurora borealis, or
of skyrockets fired off from many dif
ferent places toward a common point.
Such a phenomenon Is said to occur
only during a sleet in the night time.
, G. W. Rigby A Son last week slaugh
tered 150 hogs for bacon at their
reservation ranch near Athena. The
bacon brings about 9 cents, and a
larger profit Is derived from its dis
posal at (hat price than from the sale
of bogs on foot at the present low quo
tations, aays the Press. A cold storage
house will soon be erected on William
Rlgby'a ranch on the Umatilla, and
bacon will be kept on hand all season,
R. J. E!ilil of Hood River, last week
discovered that 76 of his best 2-year-old
prune trees had been girdled from the
ground up to the branches. He could
see no tracks, but concluded to look
for the culprit after night with his
dogs. Re found a porcupine, and,
after a .tussle, shot it. The animal
seemed to prefer prune tree bark to all
others. He had nibbled the bark on
some apple trees, but not enough to
damage them.
Another Rich Discovery in Alaska.
;;. From the Oregonian.
Edwin' Hofstad, a mining man, of
Alaska, tyho has been spending several
days in Portland, has left for his far
Northern home to continue work on
his claim ou the shores of the famous
"gpld lake," near Sitka. This myste
rious lake was known to the early
Russian settlers In Alaska, but was
Jealously guarded by the czar's officials
and but little of the gold was taken
out ' . According to the traditions of
Sitka, several enterprising miners in
early days established a camp near the
lake and secretly mined a quantity of
the precious metal, which they dis
posed ofin Sitka, but they paid dearly
for their venture, being arrested and
imprisoned for long terms in a Russian
prison. Miners paid no more atten
tion to the lake until after the Seward
purchase, and then the location of the
mlafis was forgotten. -;
Otlate years, Alaskan adventurers
Have been industrious in searching for i
the Eldorado, but their efforts were
never rewarded with success. It re
mained for Mr. Hofstad, who is con-
ted with the Sitka custom house,
to find the wonderful lake. An aged
Kussiau shoemaker of the town put
him on the right track, but it was only
after weeks of exploration that be bit
upon the spot. The shoemaker's sole
guide.' was the knowledge that the
"gold lake" lay immediately beyond
another lake of similar size, and that
both were within 12 miles of Sitka.
When Mr. Hofstad was assured of the
value of his.find, he returned to civi
lization j aud bonded a half-interest In
the miue to an eastern syndicate. The
gold is washed with little trouble from
the sands on the shore of the lake, and
assays all the way from $1.25 to $25
per cubic yard, according to Mr. Hof
stad. This, it will be seen, is exceed
ingly rich, when it is rtmembered lhat
the beat California hydraulic mines
pay but a few cents per cubio yard.
During Mr. Hofstad's slay In Portland
he became ' engaged to Miss Andrea
Niiseu, of this city, and the young
miner will return to Portland early in
April and be married.
Electrical Notes,
- ' t ' front-the Popular Hcleuce News.
'The first electric street railroad in
New Sork state commenced operations
I., loon
, A machine capable of washing and
rinsing 2,000 plates per hour by
electricity is now in the market in
Farts. I.
, Rustiau scientists report that the
white 'poplar tree aots as a natural
lightning rod, as the discharge seeks
it in preference to ether trees.
Nine trolley railroad companies re
port aii increase of sixty-nine per cent
in number of passengers carried the
year succeeding the displacement of
horses as motive power.
, A device has been lately inveuted
for useon poiesoarryiugeleclrical con
ductors. When a wire breaks and falls
the current Is automatically cut off
each of the break at the nearest
.Elestrii' heat baa been applied with
ageless to the thawing out ot frozen
er pipe, in England. A wire Is
nrif into Hie pipe until It meets the ob
struction and then the curreut is
turned ou. ,
The power of an electrical current to
produce muscular contraction in a
oorpse, oeoses about three hours after
death. Suoh fact affords a sure test to
prevent premature burial, In cose of
lutpsudtd animation,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
11 NX isssssa K
A Human Vampire.
From the Sunday Oregonian.
From out the wilds nf Montana
comes a strange story of n human vam
pire, who seeks, slays aud drains the
blood out of the cattle, especially young
calves. Like the man-eating tiger,
this strange being does not lacerate his
victims, his only object seemingly be
ing to suck their blood.
Equally strange is Hie story current
In the region infested by the monster.
It Is related lhat the man is an -sca;ied
lunatic, whose delusion is that he is a
vampire and that his mission is to de
stroy animal life by draining the
blood of all the victims bis cunning or
strength may place in his hands. Car
casses of cattle ai d sheep have been
found, but in no instance have they
been disturbed beyond the slitting of
the throat.
The wild man, for he has been seen,
Is of superhuman strength, as there is
evidence that he has caught and borne
heavy steers to the ground unaided
and has torn open the throat with bis
fingers or teeth. He is said to be over
six feet, of athletic build, and colored
as darkly as an Indian, because of the
exposure to the elements.' He is en
tirely naked, and possessed of marvel
ous speed.
A cowboy on one of the ranches says
he was awaiting the arrival of several
of his party, from whom he bad been
separated for some time, and was rest
ing himself by leaning up against the
side of his horse. Suddenly he was
seized from behind and thrown to the
ground with such- force as to almost
deprive him of his senses.
A hand-to-hand struggle followed.
The cowboy managed (o hold out till
the arrival of his companions, ..who
were much closer than he bad any
reason to suppose. As soon as the
lunatic caught sight of the other cow
boys he made a savage bite at the pros
trate man's ear aud fled, the bullets
from the guns of the party following
him. So far as known, the madman
was unhurt by the lead.
The vampire was first seen about a
year ago, but when the story was told
at that time there were few people who
believed it, nearly all discussing the
story as the creation of some one who
desired to start a sensation.
Three Prisoners Escape From Jail. ,
Three very bad men, Con Kelliher,
Mike O'Brien aud Frank Sands, in
jail for burglary and larceny, managed
to make their escape from the Multno
mah county jail in the most mysteri
ous manner, some time betweeu 7
o'clock Friday evening aud 8:15 Satur
day morning. Keliher and Sands were
locked up in the north corridor, and
O'Biien In a steel cell adjoining. The
inexplicable phase of this escape is
that when the jailer unlocked the cor
ridors Saturday morning, the looks
were in good condition, and in fact
there was no evidence that they had in
any way been tampered with. The
absence of the three thugs became
kuown only when breakfast was being
served. None of the other prisoners
professed knowing anything about the
manner in which the escape was er
fected. It is believed that they used skeleton
keys, lielllher had just been sen
tenced to the penitentiary lor 10 years
for burglary.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers Llun
county like to take the weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduct
ion from the regular priee to those who
want both the Exi-RKsa aud the
Oregonian. The regular price of the
Oregonian is $1.50 per year, and of the
Express $1.50 when in advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advuuee a saving of one dollar to the
8ubserlper. The Oregoniau gives all
the general news of the country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local' news once a week, which will
make a most excelleut uetts service
for (be uioderav'sum of $2. per year.
Those w ho are at present subscribers
nf tne Express must pay In all arrear
ages and oue year in advance to obtain
this special price.
Read the ad uf Klein,
Co,, of Albany.
Dubrallli A
Latett U. S. Gov't Report
In the Comity Conrt of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the estate ofl p)(.(1
Alonio Ames, Deceased. ( utatlon
To Lowell Ames, John T. Ames. Andrew
J. Ames. Joseph B. Ames, Annie Ames,
Hussn Ames, John T, Ames.Evalbie Ames,
Charles Ames. Mrs. Dora Boggs, Eden
Ames, Mrs. A. Morris, Mrs. Ziilah Keeney
and Kenas Ames; and to all others, known
and unknown, interested in said estate,
U reeling.
Jn the name of the State of Oregon, you
are heroby cited and required to appear in
t he County Court of the State of Oregon, (or
the County ol'Linn.atthecourtroom there
of, At Albany, in the county of Linn, on
Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1890, at one
o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then
and there to show cause, if any exist, why
an order of sale should not he made author
ising Hester Ann Ames, administratrix of
said estate, to sell the real property belong
ing to said estate and described as follows,
lleginning in the north-east quarter of
Section SI, l'p. 13 8., K. 1 K, Will. Mer.,
(223) two hundred and twenty-three feet
west of the south-east corner of Lowell
Ames, Jr., Donation Land Claim, Hot. No.
7618, and Claim No. 47, in said Tp., and
running thence west 51 feet; thence south,
16 degrees east, 5 96-100 chains; thence
north, 74 degrees east, 50 feet; thence north, '
16 degrees west, direct to the place of be
ginnuig, containing K acre, more or less,
situate in Linn Countv. Oregon: and
Also beginning 79H feet north, 80 degrees
H., of the south-west corner of a piece of
land sold and conveyed unto M. G. Moss
by Hugh Harris, 'and running thence N.,
80 degrees K., 70 feet; thence N., 10 degrees
W., 126 feet; thence 8., 80 degrees W., 70
feet; thence S 10 degrees E., 125 feet to the
place of beginning, containing acre more
or less, all situate in Section 32, Tp. 13 8.,
It, 1. E., Will. Mer., In Linn County, Ore
Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
Judge of the County Court oi the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, with the Seat of said Court
aoixed, this Oth day of Jan'y, A.
Attest: K. Needuam, Clerk. By F. M.
Ridhixd, Deputy.
Want Cheaper Funerals,
A recent telegraphic dispatch from
Allegan, Mich., reads as follows: "A
queer organization to fight a trust haa
been formed here. The name of the
concern Is the Allegan County Coffin
and Casket Co-operative Manufactur
ing association, limited. The majority
df the stockholders are old men who
have an idea they are' being robbed in
paying from $40 to $70 for a casket, and
they propose to turn out ust as good
an article for $20 at the outside. All
(be capital stock is paid in and if the
trust dealers refuse to handle the out
put of the new concern they will sell
coffins by agents. Burials will be
cheap if the new concern has its way."
Have you seen the new line of dress
goods at the Racket store. All wool
serges, put up at the factory in dress
patterns. Bright and new goodB at re
duced prices. Have also received
many other new goods, such as dress
flannels, cassimeres. A large lot of
outings. Remnants of cassimere, boys'
suits, overalls, men's boots and shoes,
Indies' shoes, plain and needle toe,
umbrellas, curling irons, cuttlery, and
spoons, (.nice spoons for 15n and up.)
A new aud fine line of corsets, corset
steels, dress stays, ladies hose and
men's socks, yarn, cotton-batting,
table linen and towels. These are all
new goods direct from NewYork, and
sold at ths lowest possible cash basis.
Say, do you know,
If trade Is slow
(The dull times may have killed It),
. You will be wise
To advertise?
For that will soon rebuild It.
A special school meeting is called for
one o'clock, Monday, the 27th, for the
purpose of considering the levying of a
tax to defray Interest on bonds, cost
of furniture, etc.
Klein, Dubrullle 4 Co., shoe dealers
iu Albany, have au ad in this issue
advertising their dosing out sale. They
have an Immense stock, aud advertise
that they will sell at factory prices.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan ou good furm secur
ity. Call upon or write to S. N,
Steele A Co., Albany, Oregon.
More new carpets and 6ft, and 12ft.
wide Llmoleum. Just received by the
Albany Furniture Company. Balti
more Block, Albany, Or.
Remember we print calling cards at
the Express offioe,
If you want the uowi you should
luUorlbs for the ExMM,