The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 16, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
The Oregonian lias already near
ly wiped England off the face of
the earth.
The Oregonian makes a good
second to Grover Cleveland. Which
is the republican, anyhow?
The United States has uever been
nreoared when a war broke out.
Neither has she ever been worsted
at the close of hostilities. 'Hills
boro Independent
Mr. Charles A. Dana is undoubt
edly the most conspicuous exponent
of American Journalism to-day; it
is, perh ips, not too much to assert
that he ib the most interesting
figure that journalism has yet pro
As a consequence of the plight
ot Kev. Dr. Brown, of Ban Fraiv
Cisco, several pastors' studies, in
that and neighboring cities, will
hereafter lie closed to female par-
lshonere unless eccompanied by a
male relative as a guarantee of
good faith.
Advertising has become, in these
latter days, a science, and a science
that has received eaci year increas
ing attention. Men are in business
for businesp, and advertising brines
it; so everybody is advertising, and
naturally everybody is studying the
BUbject. Ex.
As a rule, the beBt business men
are those who commenced their
mercantile career in a very subor
dinate position, and, by steady
application and attention to the
duties that devolved upon them,
worked their way upward into a
place of prominence. A close in
quiry into the careers of many
business men reveals the fact that
the most of them began business as
poor boys, and, by energy, industry
and economy, acquired wealth and
influence. Instances are rare in
which a young man has begun
business at the top and has made
a grand success of it. Such in
stances sometimes occur, but not
with great frequency. The quick
est way in the world in which a
young man can get rid of a fortune
is to embark in a business of which
he knows nothing and attempt to
run it on a large scale.
The education of most of the
prominent business men began in
small country stores, with which
they remained until their growing
ambition brought them into a field
where they had larger and more
splendid opportunities. We know
there are thousands of young men
who are disheartened and dis
couraged at the humble position in
life which they are filling at the'
present time; but we sincerely
believe there never was a better
time for young men to rise in the
world than exists now. There is
always a demand for young men
of the Tight stamp. It takes pluck,
perseverance and persistence some
times to gain the ends desired; but
few really fail in finding recogni
tion iu the business world who
are reallyjworthy of it.
As water will always find its
level when left to its own control,
so will a young man find his level
in the business world. He cannot
hope to reach a high position ex
cept on his own merits, and if he
has no ambition to attain anything
beyond mediocrity, the world, as a
rule, will estimate him at the value
Hiiuh he places upon himself.
The above article is well written
and we endorse all of itwith the
exception of the statement that
there never was. a bettor time for
young men to rise in the business
world. Depend upon it, in this
day of great corporations and
trusts, when money rules the
world, the young man who rises to
a great height in business will be a
hustler, and no mistake.
Miller lias the finest lin
ever lirnuglil to Legation,
of bibles
If you waut to sell property Hal It
with Peterson i. Androwt,
Sultan, or In its Dlder form, solden
was first adopted , by Bajant. .The
older title of the chief Mohammedan
ruler was oallph. commander of the
Tug Greek emperors of Constanti
nople called thatusoWes "Holy," and
one ot the official title by which they
insisted on being addreuedwu: "Your
Count dates from the later Roman
empire. Before the evacuation of
Britain by the Roman a count of the
Saxon shore was appointed to prevent
Saxon invasions. t
Among the titles of the Roman em
perors were Augustus, Cesar, Dlvus,
l'lus, Felix, Clemen, Tranquillus,
Sanctis&imus, Altisstmus, Domlnu and
others ot similar ponderosity.
Tax title of Illustrious waa never
formally bestowed aa a title of honor
until the time of Constantlne, and waa
then (riven to such princes as had dis
tinguished themselves in war.
The quaestor was a Soman official
found in two or more departments.
In one he fulfilled the duties ot a pub
lic prosecutor, In the other he had
eharfra of the pnblio revenues.
A LOCOMOTrvi requires fuel and labor
to the value of three thousand dollars
in the course of a year.
Thi railways of Ena-land and Scot
land derive a larger revenue from
their (roods than from their passenger
lit every mile of railroad there Is
seven feet snd four inches that is not
covered by the rails the space left be
tween them for expansion.
Thi Victoria railway bridge over
the St. Lawrence, at Montreal. Can..
contains 8,000,000 oubic feet of mason
ry work and 10,600 tons of iron.
MosouiTOBia were nnlrnnwn In Allan.
ta, Ga., before sleeping cars were run
rrom savannah into that city. This Is
evidence that mosquitoes travel first
THE nldar M twrnim tUa mm 41.
wheels of time seem to have been oiled.
Wa cannot all be the niclcal-nlitail
parts ot the machinery. Endeavor
THE man who sxnecta tn nntvnn a lla
had tetter not start with lams feet.
.Jam's Horn.
Tin: man who uts nut tn
former will never get to rest a minute.
-Kam s uorn.
Job was, I admit, a fairly patient
man, but he never tackled the task of
pr.tting up stove pipes. Endeavor
DE3 Cartes' famona remark. T
think, therefore I am." fa annnlj. mint
ed by Phillips Brooks' "What I believe
that 1 become." Chicago Standard.
AMoralac to the Popular ataadsrd Thar
UMTV MM cam.
To female AntrlnmnninAa .a fnllnw.
log description of the English girl will:
be interentinfr. mtb th riinim f?aall
although perhaps disheartening, for
who can hope to imitate it? It is taken
from an article going the rounds:
"me aristocratic English girl has a
face of remarkable shape. The letter
her position, according to 'Burke's
Peeraire.' the lonmr In hAPMirnitnnRnM
An expert might distinguish an honor-
note miss rrom booy Mary, daughter of
a hundred earls, and Lady Mary again
from her grace bv the simnle nroeeaa nf
measurement The face is not oval, it
is merely elongated, and the chin is apt
to be minted. The more marked thi
characteristic In the individual the more
certainly is the hair pinned high on the
head, tilting the stiff sailor hat down
over the evea and uvunrnMlmv It...
n n - - -- - ".
northeast to southwest diagonal.
"in evening dress a bunch of plumes
or a tall Din is thrust into the hair
the very crown, producing the same ef-
lect. una eyes are rather long, and
often, in proportion, narrow, the neck
extensive and made much of hv the
tight, high-dress collar.
"An English girl's shoulders are broad
and square, arms long, waist long, gen
eral effect In the tailor gown angular,
only partially redeemed by the clear red
and white complexion and general air
of health and Wall.hainir Na 1
-. f. ' WVUW1
woman in Europe has her physique, but
measured from Greek standards she is
far from beautiful."
Weight of the Bo4.
Quartelet obtained some weight rec
ords of note, but no reliance can be
placed in them in the light of modem
observation. He concluded from such
statistics as he could get that a new
born infant was, on the average, one
twentieth the maximum weight in
middle life; that during the first year
after birth the increment of weight is
about one-tenth of all that is added
subsequently, and that between the
fifteenth and twentieth years more is
added to the weight than during any
other flve-year period of life. How
ever, Individual instances differ so
widely that very little reliance can be
placed in the results he obtained.
That Quartelet's statistics of weight
were incomplete and unsatisfactory is
shown by the fact that he did not de
tect the interesting la'w reeAntlv Mn.
ognized, viz., that the weight increases
slowly, or even diminishes, when the
height is increasing very rapidly, but
increases ranidlv when the
mains nearly stationary. Detroit.
Free Press.
SWITZERLANn niv law unj. AMnt.
ards to inebriate asylums.
Tesla, the electrician, thinks he has
solved the problem of transmitting
electricity to a distance with little loss
of power.
The destructivenesa of a new Gatling
gun may be imagined when it is stated
that it fires 8,129 shots a minute. When
operated by an electric motor, it fires
6,000 shots in a minute.
Samuel Lxpfkbs, an aged resident
of Moraine, N. D., who has been a
great sufferer from rheumatism for
OVST twentv VAftra haa 1
and, it la thought, permanently ar4
iy lllg at link ti Uuaii . j
In the County Court of the State ot Oregon
' iui uhj .uunty 01 lllll.
In the matter of the estato ofl ,.
Alonni Ames, Deceased. u,"'
To lawell Ames, John T. Ames, Andrew
J. Ames. Joseph a. Ames, Annie Amos,
Sussn Ames, John T. Ahies.Evallne Ames,
Charles Ames, Mrs. itora Hour. Eden
Ames, Mrs. A. Morris, Mrs. Zilluli Keeiiev
ami Stenos Ames, and to all others, known
mm uiiKiiown, inieresieu in sum estate,
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are herehy cited and required to annear in
the County Court of tlie tjtaleof Oreimn, lor
itm ..r i.:.... .i.
... wu.j .iiiiii,dimivu,ui,iwiii Mianr-
of, st Albany, in the county of Mini, on
Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1WKI, at one
u I'luva 111 uie uiwrnuou ui mat (my, uien
and there to show cause. If anv exist, wliv
an order of sale should not be made author
ising Hester Ann Ames, administratrix of
aiu estate, to sell the real property belong.
Ins to said estate and described as follows,
Beginning in the north-east quarter of 91 Tn 1.4 H II I U U';il klAr
(223) two hundred and twenty-three feet
west oi win souinea3i corner ui loweu
Antes, Jr., Donation Land Claim. Not. No,
7818, and Claim No. 47, in said Tp and
running thence west 61 teet; thence south,
16 degrees east, G8u-100 chains; thence
north, 74 degrees esst, 60 feet; thence north,
16 degrees west, direct to the place of be
ginning;, containing ft acre, more or less,
situate in Linn Countv. Oregon ; and
Also begit ting 79K feet north, 80 degrees
E., of the south-west corner of a piece of
land sold and conveyed unto M. ti.-Aloss
by Hugh Harris, and running thence N.,
80 degrees E.. 70 feet: thence N.. 10 deorees
W., 126 feet; thence 8., 80 degrees W 70
feet; thence B., 10 degrees E., 126 feet to the
place of beginning, containing acre more
or less, sit situate in section rc, rp. is b.
K. 1. 1., Will. Mer., in Linn County, Ore
Witness, the Hon. J. N, Duncan,
H Judge of the County Court ol the
L Bf w UI urugoii, lur me i. oumy ui
smxed, this 0th day of Jan'y, A,
D. lXi.
Attest: N. Niidhah, Clerk. By F. M.
iiKoriauj, ueputy.
Changed Krery Week.
Oats-13 to lSe
Hay $3 to $6 per toil.
Flour 10 70(3,75. per sack
Chop JO 80 per owt.
Bran 65c per owt.
Middlings $0 76 per owt
Potatoes 20o.
Apples Dried, 4c per lb
Plums Dried, 2c.
Onions lu.
Beef Dressed, 3J to 4c.
Pork Dressed, 8.
Lard 7j.
Hams 10 per lb.
Shoulders 6c.
Hides 8c per lb.
Geese f4 5 per doa.
' Duokn $2 $3 per do.
Chickens (1 502 25.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
Eggs 16c nerdoz.
Butter 16 20c per lb.
Hides Green, 2c; dry, 4o.
Oum Boots,
Rubber Bboesi,
Capes and Jacket, at
8. E. Young's.
ill Ms of Meat,
At Reasonable Prices.
Hams, Sausages and Lard
..Always on Hand.
J. A. Cain, Propr.
In Old Bank Building. Lebanon, Or.
Instantly Believed
and Permanently
. W I 1 La laa
V tat JSI 1-1-
fty vv 1 1 nuu I
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks.
Ornowi Iioomi 706-707, Utrqiuin Building,
" (i 1
S. fT w
J. W. CUSICK&GO.. Bankers,
Albany, Oregon.
Trtiitsaet a gonurul Dunking business
'CnllpctltuiH nittde at nil pnimstin
ravoruhlu terms.
Drafts drawn on New York, Ban
Friiiiuiscn, Portland, Salem, Eugene
and Corvallls.
Business sent by mail will receive
prompt attention.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Oliver- Plows
Extras and RopairB
Go to HOPKINS I It O 8.
Successors to Ktiupp, HurreH & Company,
Solo Agents For ' Prinnif Rt'v
Oliver (.'allied Plows, 1 'Aliijt' K.t
H arrows, Drills, dec Albany. Or
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will & Stark, Jewelers
Optical Specialist.
Graduate of the Clcug.i Opthalrnle
I am prepared to examine scientifi
cally and accuratly, by the latest and
improved methods of modern science,
any who desire to have their eyes tes
Cuslck Block, Albany, Oregon.
The Expukss is in great
need of money at present, and
if you are in arrears on sub
scription or otherwise we
would esteem it a great favor
if you would pay up. Pay us
what you can, if it is only
25 cents.
Conservatory of Music
ProdZ. M. Farvln, musical Director
formerly of Willamette University, ban
been elected Director for the coming
school year,
Full Courses in the important
branches of Music.
Latest methods.
Fine music rooms.
Prices low for grade of work.
Diplomas confered on completion!
course. Term begins September 11th. I
Bend for circular and catalogue.
W. H. LEE, A, M., Pres.,
Albany, Oregon.
Sunset limited
fcKASOS OF 18S0.189C.
Will Hun
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over The Great
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1893.
The most complete, modern, ele
gantly equipped and perfectly arranged
Vestlpuled Transcontinental Train in
America. New Equipmeut, especially
designed and built for tills service.
Direct connections in New Or
leans for Eastern points. Quick
Umii -,
M. L. Forster,
The Tangent
. s O '
I have a very" fine stock of fruit trees yet for sale. A
good assortment of Apple -boat winter varieties; fine stock
of ono and two year Cherry trees; fine one and two year
Pear; a few (1000) Prune; also a good stock of Raspberries,
Blackberries, Lucretia Dewberry, ; Gooseberries, Currants
and Btruwborries. I will take in exchange for trees 300
bushols of good oats, 1000 pounds dressed pork; also will
trade for one good young cow. For pai'ticularsaddres8 rne
at Tangent, Or., or Andrews & Peterson, Lobanou, Or.
This space belongs to
The Leading Dealer Iu
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Notions, Etc
ht trim
ltd 1'KICK mtm
and fHlVE an -Jm
a SUWnpaq aaiag jr- ':"-fM.
1 Inn n 1 1 W
- 'iwfifiaiiiir I.. t vhmtwl iHaiiHiMi
h 'the whole story
ol Ifflltstlim trcids
larks snd lilMls.
Ill 3 mnflripftr' Costs no
a IU viK,VJ. Bour-1uuvrsallyc!:i:uvW(' Jpu.. ult 1 hi
HaleonljbyainRCns:COIfewYork. Soilfc br)au tt n -
Write tor Arm sad JTuussr Boot ol vnJoaio '.(n ' .
Prune Nursery,
1,000,000 People Wear
.5.00, $4.00, SSO, $2-50, l2-2
F W. I Boiwlaj Ma tat
ara ! .
pair. tiMadvuMlnlaUlMr M
miwajMa IM prM ol albar
bat UM siMlllr m
Stim ot w. I.. Uoiinlno
more tlianct!iei'p,u !t