The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 09, 1896, Image 3

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7 'Lebanon Express
' .
. i .mmmm
C'onuoII meeting tonight.
J We are having itll kinds of weather,
J New fur capos at Road, Peacock & Co,
m L, M. Wheeler Is still dangerously ill
VU Charlie Donnca returned to Albany
ii ii ii i (-"
Dry eoods are arrlvlmr nlmnut. dniii
All or the mother a cases are m.
One 1 ported better.
Gents' shoos. A full lino at Read.
reaoook &Co.
KIHrHtllIL nfuiaf ...0 In V nlin
----- '"'vxvi, " w ill UVUW
uou lust night.
Bonieiulier we nrlht oalllnf " n.rd t
me iVAi'UKHS omce,
Dr. G. W. Chondle. dentist. nm
over City Drugstore.
Lebanon has quite a numberof grass
widowers at present.
Mrs. 0. G. Harmon Is visiting her
parents, nour Tangent.
B. Thorns Is down from the mines
on a visit to his family.
If you want the news you should
subscribe for the Exi'itm
J. B. Thompson has been quite sick
I , o","..!1'1'1 week with the grlnpe,
' STraiT eauoi Ainoiiy, was in the
j l'k.J:lV VestHrrinv nil himlneu.
yiirv Head the new ads of the Champion
t'JM Mill Cr, .,H r,,, tl i. t n'
j Llules and chlldrens Jackets of now-
vi, uinigiia ui iwiaii, roaoocK a, Uo.
Gentlemen, call and see the new fall
and winter clothing at Baoh & Buhl's.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Peebler are vis
iting relatives and friends in Lebanon.
ieorue Rice renresonts some rf the
, best Insurance companies In the world.
Editor T. L. Dugger, of Solo, was
1 doing business In Lebanon yesterday.
License hns been Issued for the mar
riage of Paul Valirlue and Dinah
' Rev. Martin Hickman Is still dun.
WouHlyill. His death Is expeoted at
nr.. ' Miss Pumond's for mllllnerv
Hheia m.1' at mi a"a want no
goods left
When you wu'ut 10 buy B 8Ult of oloth
lug you will save Wi",BV by Cftting
It at Bach & Buhl.
G. W. Harris, fustlee of t,,e Pe nt
Albany, was doing bualni"''" ,n Luua'
non lust Saturday,
Miss Elsie Martin, who has l"
stopping In Albany for some time,
returned to Lebanon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Boyd and Geo.
L, Alexander spent last Sunday In
Bodavllle, with friends.
It is reported that there is consider
able scarlet fever and dlpthena In the
Tennessee neighborhood.
Ladles should iuspeot Read, Pta
cook Co.'s new stock of jackets and
oloaks before purchasing.
I have several hundred dollars to
loan, for clients, on good first moi't
gagua. Bam'l M. Garland.
J. A. Nlohols, of Lower Soda, re
turned home Monday, after a visit of
several weens with friends in tills lo
Lebanon now has three marshals,
t twn evtrit iiollcamen hnvlno, been An.
, - - o v
pointed to serve during the diptlieria,
Dr. Prill, of Soduvllle, had a runa
way in this city lust Monday, which
resulted Jn IiIh buggy being broken
The very latest In walklnir hats, sail
ors and dress hats, cheaper than ever
before. Call and be convinced. Miss
Married, at the homo of J, K, Poster,
Deo. 80, by Rev. I. Carleton, Mlsi
Leona-E. Foster to Mr. F. L. Smith,
all of Linn county.
Married, at the residence of Q. W.
MoElhow, by Rev. J. K. Cornwall, op
the 7th Inst,, Mr. Win. I. Bishop and
Miss Anna E, MeJSlhoes.
Money to loan, A limited amount
or money to loan on good farm secur
ity. Call upon or write to 8. IS.
, Steele &5o., Albany, Oregon.
, 'to to W, E. .Cnandler If you want
(I,,,, tog or pluutlang work done. He
works ftfc"dtlme prloe. end guaran
tees til ''' ta fira''l-M'
A con t "WW in the Albany papers
has b.roufc"l.xt "W le fit that the first
- . tl 4in4.1 nil.. j4nJt
onuvort Ulu " """.T4" '.'"if who umil-
ca'.ed by tlit1 ltlitfMsts in 1869.
The regents m the state agricultural
rollV' t"!',,, nt Cfll'VJ1"11'. will hold
tnir.eml-mmuiii nfOi'tlng In the ex
ecutive flffW, I" RnleiS, January 8.
Joe Ke I"" lu,1 Tl"'s('ay f"
Albany w here they wpeot to remain
for several v. ',elt8' mi ,here Mra KeI
so will have an' opemtim prformed.
Hip county aquallza-
Dnllcs, where he had been working,
to Medford where his parents reside.
There Is some talk of the new ftnnn.
ell licensing the exoluslvo tobacco
trade of thlsoity. There Is oonslflnr.
able talk on the streets about the mat
ter, both pro and con,
Prof. W. W. White left Mondav for
Albany. He said he Intended to put
in me week visiting schools. After
visiting the Albany schools he would
go to Monmouth, then to Snlem. limn
to Halsey and other plates,
Mrs. Peacock, mother of W. R. Pm.
cook, was taken seriouslv 111 I n AMinnv
on Saturday with paralysis of the hruln,
and her life was despaired of fur some
time. Butnowsheisrenorled Is-itur.
ana it is thought she will recover.
The young men that were arrested
for giving a dunce in oontmvenlliui of
a proclamation by the mayor of Milton
had a trial, paid a lawyer J20 in defend
them, but were convicted. Onewived
two days In Jail, the four ii'Iim
five days each.
The Weber Dramatic com nun v Um
sent us an order for 18,000 programme.
The order was sent fiom Karrlaburg.
The ExrKM office Is the nluou tnmn
good work done at reasonable prims,
ana tne Weber Dramatic company ( i
dently found this to lie a fact.
P: M, 8mith left Monday for i lie
Santiara mines by way of Albany uml He will malcea thorough exuml
nation of the trail leadinc from iin.
mines to this city, by wuy of tjweet
Home, with a view to asci'i-talirt'lR.
probable costs of enlarging the trail.
O. H. ("Doc.") South was bronchi
down from the mines last week, where
he hud been taken seriouslv sink uiih
typhoid fever. He was brought as far
as rosier on a sleigh and then to Lei)
anon on the stuge. Thev have I
keeping him at the St. Charles until
wuiuy wnen ne was moved, to Mr.
Burtenehaw's. He Is now Improving.
A young man named John McDowell
was arrested I u Eugene on Mnmi
for trying to pass a forged check upon
me uunn, me oneck purported to
heve been drawn iu favor of Leslls
Haggard and was signed by C. H.
Matthews, with Leslie HauMrrt'. n.
dorsement on the back. McDowell
was forcibly detained in the hunk un
til a brother of Matthews could lu
sent for, who pronounced the check a
Kline, Dubrullle & Co.. sold last fill
and winter, 850 pairs of boots on a
warrant and they are nroud to nv
not one pair came baok. They carry
the same boots this year and have on
hand a very large stock. Also all
kinds of shoes. Their children school
shoes are the very beat. Their li.rti...
fine shoes are the finest and up to
uuia ou styles. Thev are the mil
muiusivo mini and shoe store In Al
buoy. Give them a oall.
At (he meeting of the Thos. K,iv
woole'i mill company yesterday after-
noon it i resolved tora unthammitni
stock from t75.000 to MOO.OOfl. The ht.i
of John Gray for the construction of
tbeurloltnuiWiiigtor 8,000, was ac
cented. The coi)trt, howevor. was not
awaraea to mm, its aansuinination
beluir defferrad until uhont Febr mrv 1
it being necessary that Thos. Kay and
son should go east to determine the
charajterof the machinery to lm lined
which will have an Important bearing
on the particulars of construction.
The dlptherla Is evidently on the
wane and every urecaution should
tlll be taken to thoroughly eradicate
tue Disease from tuis, place. There is
always groat damier aftjirwnitd in
spreading the disease from coutact with
clothing, furniture and he,litln rf ti,
sick. They should be destroyed or
renaered harmless. We think the di
rectors would do wisely to discontinue
the school for a month or ruore, until
all possible danger is over. Keep the
children out of dancer. The
V CllllVUHfl (lift filth.
Jcot liefore agafn ppsnlng the schools.
A milling deal of considerable le!
imporiunce nas ust been eiiiwinnmni.
ea at Ashland, M. A. Graham, of San
Francisco, a machinery manufuntmw
and capitalist, has bondud the entire
uoiaeu tJeene mlulng property, with
mc vitcpumi ui uie jiuna iiuui'u mine,
which Messrs Z. A. Moodv. R. A. i4lr'.
marsh and J, 8. Bolund will continue
to work, The price Is not made public,
but known, to be we fii(,o Ave figures,
with a good size sum mild down au a
guarantee. The nronertv bonded la
situated Just two miles nortb and west
or Asniand, and consists of 269 aores.
Mr. Graham will begin extensive oneru.
nuns hi once, ana Intends to erefJt a
milling plant, which will work from
100 to 800 tons of rock per day .
Lloyd Montgomery Pro and Con
In Monday's Oreinminn unnihai, in
torvicw With Llovd Montiromerv an.
peared. Montgomery Insisted stronger
wan ever mat he only killed Mc
Kercber. and declares that lie io(u
the confession of killing all because not
in his right mind, and because he
thought It would save his life. During
the interview he said:
"I'll not be punished for killing Mc
Kercher after lie shot my parents an 3
tried to kill me, too. My shot that
Another Pioneer Gone.
Mrs. Isaac D. Kees died at her rcsl
denco, In the suburb f T,..i,n.,
Saturday morning, the 4th Inst, Her
um.ucn name was Catharine R. Wll
son. She was born in Went viriia
in 1820, hence was In the 70th year of
her age at the time of her decease. She j
was married to John Lambert i. iori
They crossed the plains in 1852. Mr.
wuiiiwri, noweyer, died lust as th.v
were entering the valley. In 1854 she
marnea Isaac D. Kees. She nrofessed
, 1 1 ivees. one professed
killed McKcrcber sent him straight to religion iu early life and continued in
hell. Nothing stooncd him on the
way. uoa knows this and so do I."
The Oregonian savs: "Tlio Pn
boys, who are in the Albany jail for
ourglar us n? a store at. Crnvufonlnvllla
are old neighbors of Montgomery.
They think that lie is innocent, and
say that his storv. since he seemed t
runy realize bis position, has been ex.
aotiy tne same. The Fn hnva nv
too, that they know of a difficulty that
tne oiaer Montgomery once had with
McKcrcher at a school meeting, mid
that they believe the shooting grew
out or this.
"There is undoubtedly a ohanowd
feeling at Albany and In the country
aqjacent to the scene of t ie tmaeriv
The boy now has manv svnmathismrn
His story about McKercher killing his
parents is generally discredited hut
mere are agood many who are iuclined
to oeneve it.
"Montgomervhas manv avmna.
thizers because of his being deserted
oy everyone in his hour of need, and it
is generally believed that his execn
tion could be postponed if any effort
were made In this direction."
The Albany Herald expresses its
uenei in Montgomery's guilt and con
demns the usual "tender ol!nihid r,
a condemned murderer." Tho Herald
"This sympathy for criminals is
nothing new. It existed In the world
when Pope wrote the familiar lines:
Vice is a monster of such hideous mien
That to be haled need but to be seen ;
But seen too oft, familiar with its fuce,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
"It is the same sentiment wbleh
prompts weak minded women tnnlimy.
er flowers and attentions upon such
murderers as Durrant. but we are ir.
prised to see a great newsnaner like tho
Oregonian devote its columns to the
puoiicatlon of such flippant nonsense.
Such tender solicitude for a condemned
murderer, extended into a two-mlmnn
plea in bis behalf, is altonether out. nf
'Repeated excuses for nrlmo nd
outrages upon justice is what lend., in
Jyncbing8, mob law and disorder. If
tbere is any new evidence tending it.
establish the innocence of the con
demned man, let it be produced by all
means and let him have the full bene
fit of it, but If uot, mere sympathy for
uie muraerer should be overshadowed
by the fact that the neace and fi)i fW ti
of the community demand that the
laws ie executed.
" McKercher reallv killed Mr
and Mrs, Monlgomerv and hurt their
son then killed him. it would rti.,
ly have been a righteous act, and he
wouia not nave hesitated to tell just
how it happened at first, instead of
inventing so many different stories.
Mr. jn. jw. .Newport, one of Mont.
gomery'e attorneys, stated to a Herald
reporter that iu all probability the
execution would uot luke nlane on the
date fixed by Judge Burnett, as they
uau asaeo tor iurtuer time to prepare
a bill of exceptions on which to ap
peal the case to the supreme court. If
this is grunted, he thought a stnv of
execution would he granted until the
appeal can ue Heard."
The Express was Infoi 'ined hv mi
Albany gentleman lhat the general
sentiment of Albany citizei s was in
favor of Lloyd not bcini; hums. ph.
peoiully as leniently has been stiowu so
many criminals Iu this counlv. us well
as other parts of the slate.
We have also beurd that a petition In
being circulated, asking that the sen
tence bo Bomniuted to imm 'Isoimienf.
for life,
mat faith until death. Her fner!
servico, conducted by Rov. J. H, Corn
wall, at the family residence, was at
tended by a large number of relatives
and neighbors. J. H C
Who shall write the hhtnrv r the
noble pioneer women of flreo? th.i.
patient endurance under trials and
perns, tneir saer fleea iheir
and sufferings, their manv Hlaeniimna-
ments, far surpassing those under
which strong men have Iain down
their burdens in despair, but out of
which many or our pioneer women by
patient endeavor and tnifamitahln
courage have won victory?
Aunt Kate Kees' experience has been
that Of hundreds Of Olir nlnneer ,em..
whose ranks, alas! are sadly thin
ning as the years i?o hv. Hh u,nh
her young husband and her hake
Btai leu on tne long and weary journey
across the nlains some
years ago, their young hearts elate
wiui me mougut that in the far off
west a comfortable home could be built.
up. The year of 1852 is known to all
the early emigrants nf that, time n,
dreadful cholera year, bat the young
people passed through all the discom
forts and tribulations of that dream
journey until the Blue mountains was
reacilea, when their babe sickened and
oieo. sadly leaving the lonely little
grave, the bereaved vounir cmml.
pressed on towards their muith..
Willamette valley. The husband sick
ened on the way, and he, too, died just
as they were enterlnu the iie in
1862. The young widow, notwith
standing the loss of both child and
uusoana, with inv no b e omiriitro mnt
to woi k to make for -herself a home,
and in 1854 her Dersevemnee and in.
dustry attracted to her Mr. Isaac D.
Kees, to whom she was married that
year. Two children. Mr. Austin A
and Ella, survive as the fruit of this
union. Mr. leaao D. Kees died on his
farm near Lebanon. SOU ft thtrt.V Traoro
ago, and on Saturday morning, Janu
ary 4th, 1896, at the same nlaco the
faithful wife and mother, Catharine
Wilson Kees, bade a Inst ndien t
earttuy joys and sorrows and navA
over to join her beloved In that land
where partings never come and where
sorrows do not enter.
Old and young of Lebanon knew
and loved Aunt ir.,o n ..i
no one WU
familiarly called by every one. For
forty years or more her home has been
in our near neighborhood. Thrn,,i.
all these years Aunt Kate has lived in
tne respect aud esteem of her neigh
bors, aud her death leve ia i
the hearts of her relatives and friends
to whom she was endeared hi, h.
many deeds of kiiidiies and her un
swerving devotion to duiv amid n,e
joys and sorrows of life.
It will be a source nf imM
tntiid, Mr. A. A. Kees. to knnur rKnf
ins nilal love and affection for bin en
mother during these many years has
won lor mm tne respect aud esteem of
me citizens ot Lebanon and vicinity
C. B. M,
11 IMJ uvuuo,
Ladies', Gen
and Children's
Fine Shoes.
For just a little money.
to give their attention strh.n t ., I .
Quarantining of diseases in the 1.,!!!
mayor and miii , ,.i.. n.,.. . " "
abundant evidence of their ability and I 1,, Spl"!,'e nd let nl
PUrDosetonrner, " 'L'1' "nd c.''lu and dans drop this blind sel
purpose to properly manage and care
w C,0, B interest during their
n-i Ml m umce.
Albany's "400.'
9' Co!lfii
i,.., i,j able property of Ea
vi,, ii uiiniu nun tit A
s gene for oily purp ",s l.-t28,08S; for
'jolionl purposes, soln. 'm'M No' 4"
s Ji oris.ifii, -Randle
Barrett was In , few
days the first of the week, "M" W
Msnds, Hi was on hit w v fr0"
Cut k! Put,
II will oount vmi fiO cts. on inerv
$2 00 won b of Work, If presented nt the'
ueuuiinn Art Gallery any time he
tween this dote and Maroh 1st, 1896
H. J, Boyd,
Have you seen the new line of drew
goods at the Racket store. All wool
serges, put up at the factory In dress
patterns. Bright and new mods at, re.
duceij uriot. Have also revolved
many other new goods, such as dress
fiunuels, eussiuiei'es. A lur hit. f
outings. Remnants of Mission. bnv
suits, overalls, men's boots and shoes,
luoies' tio3, nlain und neeill,. i,,o
umbrellas, ourllng Irons, outtlerv. and
spoons, (nice spoons for 15o and up.)
. new aiionne line of corsets, corset
steels, dress stays, indies hose and
Hien a sqeks, jruru, collou-hattlug,
table linen und towels. These are all
new goods direct from New York, and
sold ul tha i, west possible cash binds.
(Julyr.v f.irsule or Ivnile (he Leliu-
IIOII Mom,, ,,iiriy ,l, flj,m,a
be glng tln-rein, uliuuli-d In the Kirk-
Call and examine Miller's fmnieiiHe
stock of goods without delay.
There are now twelve cases of dlp
therla and oue case of scwrlft boor 1,1
,th City. . I
puirick huilillng. One of the fln,.9i
biick "vens in the west.
L. & L. RhDBIDOli.
Lehuiion, Or.
, ...
Buy you tickets Kust over the N. P.
tt. R of W. C" Peterson, Local agent. '
Coiunlele line of noekei l,,l, i,a,,.i.
0 (His, etc., Just received at Miller's.
H, Baker carries thikrgust line of
bouts and shoes Iu Lebanou,
Tuesday night the council met. end
transacted the usual business. After
his was done, Mr. Miller, the retiring
'"V"', gave an ltHerestjiig mid de
lulled account of the work done during
uie year, and his views as to the pros.
poets tor the ensuing year. He made
a neut speech introducing hi o.
'sor, R. B. Montague. The new mavor.
... u ojiuioiiiinj aquress, expressed
ills appreciation ot the honor ennrerre.1
upon him by his electors, and dn-.lared
bis imrpose to so conduct the aflairs of
his lUgh position as to eiv nn
good grounds for complaint.
The mayor announced the following
,.m...' . ' '
Ordinance J. R. Smith. A rr,,.
phrey, li. Baker.
Ways and meaus-N. H. 'nliei.h
C JJ. Pugh, IV. li, Eeanmu,
Accounts and exnensea n. v.
N. 8. Dulgleish, A. Umphrey.
Streets and public property A. Um
phrey, N. R, Heuniau, J. R, Smith,
int-cuse-w. It, Beaman, J, R
Smith, H. Baker.
Health and police-H. Baker, C. E
Pugh, N. S. Dulgleish.
Mr. Garland, who for several years
hns held t,e offi,,,. . ...... .
tfiiiiere,) his ivsignution. which
accepled. Ills successor has not been
elected us yet.
I he ordinance eoverninm miitnim,.
uioeuses was discussed at lelmth.
council thought it defective aud in to pre
pare amendments and report on
Thursday night, to which lime 11, e
ooniieil udjoui'lled.
Ihe marshal auuolnted. nod the
council apnroved as hla ii,H.. m
Morgan and Mr. Retherford, Who are
From the Oregon Silver Imprint.
Albany, socially, is the ,nt .ij
- , " ... U1IACU
city on tile coast. Social AVn to ana
almost an impossibility on the account
of the divided classes, their nt ii
.. wci-jir
enough of any particular clan to make
a festive gathering with the richest
gifts of social life m,,,,,,. !,.. -,,,
- uiiou tW
eircle(?)-did we say "400?''-we meant
a "3QQ," as some o( the leading lights
have gone by the board -
one was tred before ti, tt
8, grand iurv for ninhe.,i,n 1 '
- - .,. unm
a Linn county bank, another stands
to-day sentenced to the inii.n
, " .v..,.ivii v
foi embezzling wheaj from the Red
Cuown Mills, one more Is now serving
a three veura term In n, ...,ii.i
... oiiuciiiiury
for embezzlement while county school
superintendent, aud still unotiier was
shot while robbing a store In Pnrti,,H
and now an Albany doctor, who is
un a ireniuer ot this gang, is about to
be pointed out as a ghoul In the recent
uouvsuatcniiigaliair. If the curtain
were raised and this ojonu
crew ujimasked, a scene would be re-
vraieu tuat would make a cast-iron
monkey blush. What points of supe
riority they have over Ihe "enim,..n
people, we are unable to conceive
'TIs not their beauty, for some nt n,i,.
faces would stop an eight-day opckj
'tis not thair fortune, for ni hv
not enough money to jingle on a tomb
stone; 'lis not their briliuncy, for a
more uneducated lot. of wn'i
congregated for a common purpose;
'lis uot their morality, for J
tnem are tit subjects for pirates 011 the
hsh ambition to outstrip the other, and
-'""" l"e,r mutual and reciprocal
benefit-both socially and morally.
There is some talk of diannnn..:..
our public school until next fall.
J. A, Dohkins liAmm, i.. -
t r cu llltU OHO Ot
Mrs. F.M.Miller's resident ..,
street. -," mum
T. L. Wallace has sold hi.
property on the corner of Seventh and
Ellsworth srteeta in hi- h.i..... .
p Hrn . xiutuor, Jjr. j.
y te'd wi oo" remove to
Han Dleeo. (at in, 1.1. ..
-Herald. ' " '"U1"y-
A 8tabbinnnfri.o 1 .. ..
... . o viv-uutiBU 111 r.hft
neighborhood of LacQmb, las tS Z
urday One of the Mills boys
ack l B0SUYick by
PaCK. Ihfi rennrt roni, 41.. 11 .
Howard filn.r.c...
old son of mml wyT
"'th Tt. about S
0 clock, with diptberia. This
Mfl- th6 th,ird Child Mr' 1
Wis. Simpson have lost within the
1 ll!0 ks With this
disease. 1W i.. i..
hon,.t c u J """"""y ve the
heart-felt sympathy of the entire
community m their ltd bereave-ment.
ftffhMi H.nors World's Fair,
aoia Msd.1, Midwinter Fair.
.p?i!lla9 rented! the okt
bank buildinn wl,o,e n m i
. - 0 jonuca
formerly had hi8 grocery store.
Mr. Cam has fitted it up and
onennl n Iminiie. .1... .t ' 1
ed today. Mr. C n'o .n) 1:....
at HJse.y, but he has recently
been runmmro .4 n
hn,. li,,4 " 5 ,4 ""T ' "ac&-
6i "i ouui it out. Mr. Cain is
a nioe appearing young man and
we wish him success iu his undertaking.
iMott Perfect Mad.
instantly Believed
and PflrniflnATirlw
11IITI lM t
vvi 1 nju 1
Treatment Absolutely Painless
unt trr-tUTED
From Three to Six Weeks.
THE 0. E. Mir F PR r.n
Owiojsi Eoonu 706-707, Msl'iuam ButUlnj,
U iff:
4eYWthi, audit,