Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK, h, iitor - and - Proprietor Tho quiok and the dead the ad vertiser mid the non-advertiser. Representatives Herinunn and Ellis voted against the passage of the republican financial bill. What is the Oregonian going to do about it? This financial scheme iias been one of its hobbies, and both of its congressmen voted against it.- Ex. Gen. Miles is probably a great Boldior but he has evidently not learned the first duties of a soldier keep his mouth shut. He has been talking too much and the war department hinted that much in a recent order. He is ftvideutly anx ious to boom the business interests of some ordnance factory. The toiler and consumer reads his paper in the evening; that sug gests that there's a difierenoe be tween the merchant who does not advertise and one who floes. One closes his store at night and its dead till he gets back. Not so with the advertiser. The news paper starts in when he leaves off. The New Ye? r's issue of the Ore gonian is a magnificent number, in many particulars the most complete single issue that ever eminated from that office. It is a splendid New Year's souvenir to send East to your friends, as it gives descrip tive articles from all over the state exploiting the country's great nat ural resources. There were two full moong dur ing the month just passed. One was in view on the 2nd and the other on the 31st. It is stated that this is the first December since the birth of Christ in which there have been two full moons, and some of the superstitious pre sage that it heralds the end of the world. Ex. When the world ends depend upon it it will not be be cause there are two full moons in the month of December or any oth er month. Albany Domocrat. NEARLY SPOILED THE BANQUET Mtifortuns to a Vrlittar UudikI Confusion at a IMnnsr tilvon to Stanley. Mention of tho present visit of Henry M. Stanley to this country brought uhout the narration of an amusing, though somewhatannoyinfr, incident in connection with the American dimier' that was given to the explorer in Loiv don on his return from the Emin Pasha relief expedition. The incident also serves to show how a very slight accident may precipitate confusion in a dinner party. The American dinner to Stanley was the idea of Henry 8. Well- tome, an American business man of London, who was not only a personal friend of Stanley, but a member of the firm of druggists who fitted out the Erain Pasha relief expedition. Through Mr. Wellcome s energy almost every American in London subscribed for tickets to the dinner, and on the night it came off covers for over three hundred people were laid in Evans' assembly- rooms. One table, on a dais, was re served for Stanley and the more dis tinguished guests, and there were a doien other long tables facing this one. Mr. Wellcome attended personally to the arrangement of the seats, and each man who had subscribed to the plate that was to he nresentori to t.hn mmG( of the evening was given a place at the How's Tiiisl WcoiTei Olio Hundred Hollars Howard for uuy Catarrh that -cannot be cured by Hall's I'utami Cure. P. J. (SHENUY & CO., Props'., Totaloo. We the undersigned, have knowli K, J. Cheney fur the last 16 years, anil believe lilm perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially ublo to currv out any obligations made by llwir iimi. WesUTmax,wttolmlodruRgists,Toledo,0, Wnlding, Kimian fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. - : Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surkices of the system. Price. Tftc.par but tie. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. .i w (wimh Runtm u, ii i vuuiuu u. vvij vuunuiuj ALBANY, OREGON.. Trammel a general Hanking business Colhrtiiiim made at all polniMio favorable terms, Drafts druwii on New York, Han Kinhuiseo, l'lirtliind, Salem, Kugene uml Corviillis, i ' -iiuslin.vsm.Mit by mail will receive prumpt. intention. interest allowed on lime deposits. Probate Matters. In estate Horace Farwell, bond of Admr approved. In guardianship of Leaian Orlshnui et al, appraisers appointed. Final ac count as to Leniau approved. In guardianship of J. N. McNeil bond of $2700 approved. In estate of J. P. Craig, bond of $600 approved. Appraisers appointed. In estate Chris Hardniau, inventory end of one of the subsidiary tables, and filed; real property, $7737.60. norsoual others were given seats near each other property $1206.21. Total, $8043.71. Or- One special reason why local papers are the best advertising mediums for those who want to reach the town and country is that the women are bargain hunters. They are also the closest readers of local papers. Town papers are made up of personal, local and social matters. They are exten sively, carefully and thoroughly read by the ladies of the vicinity, bath town and country. Those who are using the local papers have a distinct advantage over those who do not. It is not strange that there should be a sympathetic feeling for Great Britain developed in New York city. The place has become a kind of a suburb to London, and trouble ith England stocks would be effected. who hod expressed preference. Mr, Wellcome gave minute attention to these details, and, the first thing on the morning of the night of the dinner, he took his completed plan of the tables and seats to a printer in order to have the usual diagrams ready for the guid ance oi tne diners in taking their places. When the hour of 8:30, which had been fixed for dinner, had arrived, the E-00 hundred guests were assembled in the reception-room. Stanley was there, and so was Consul General John C. New, who was to preside, and so were tome of the most distinguished men in England. But there was no diagrams of the dining-room, and the reception committe were anxiously waiting for Mr. Wellcome to arrive with them. At S: 35 o'clock Mr. Wellcome flew in, in his business clothes, with a smndire of printer's ink on his nose and more on ' his hands. Heagonizinly informed the reception committee that the printers uau piea tne type or the diagrams of the tables at the last moment, and that tuey would be compelled to do without them. It may Beem an easy matter for 300 men to find their places at tables, when their names are at their plates, but it brought about so much confusion that everybody was turned from the dining room back to the reception-room and a brilliant scheme was suggested. There was the original list of the names of the diners, with their respective places, that Mr. Wellcome had rescued from the printer, in the possession of the re ception committee. The toastmaster was stationed on a chair at the door of the dining-room and instructed to read the list of names, each man to pass out nnu lane nis place at the table when bis name was called. The toastmaster was a "fine, big Englishman, with a stentorian voice. He did as he was told. "iew Consul (ieneral John C," he shouted, and Mr. New went through the door. "Stanlevrr-Henrv M" hol lowed the toastmaster next. There was a roar of laughter and that scheme for seating the guests was Uropped. Finally everybody went in again and searched for his place and found it or otherwise, as best he might. Several of the guests designed for the principal table were rescued from Inferior nosi- tions below, and some ambitious ones were degraded from the table of rank; but the dinner went on merrily and ended similarly, though itbeganan hour later than the time it had been set for, and all because of the accident to the diagrams. N. Y. Telegram, Don't Write Whan Angry. Never write a letter to a man, wom an or child when you are angry with the person in question, or perhaps, 1 had better qualify my advice by bee- ging you, one and ail, never to send un der to sell personal property granted In estate of Horace Farwell, inven tory filed; real property 1100, personal, $2455.62. Total, $3555.02. In estate E. Goan, citation for sale of real property to be heard Feb. 8. Iu estate of A. B Mollwnin, petition for sale of real property filed. Cita tion issue for March 2) 1896, at 1 p. m. Iu estate ofnmuel O. Burkhart, re port of sale of real property confirmed and guardian directed to umke deed. Letter List. Followiug is the list of letters re maining uncalled for In the Lebanon postofflce: Bailey, L. Y. Davis, Mrs. Alice James, Mrs. Amelia Parsons, J. B. Robinet, W. C. fiud, Mrs. Jiuimie FOR GENUINE 01iverLM-Plows Extras and Repairs Go to HOPKINS UK OS Successors Iu Knapp, Burrcll & Company, Koto Agents For , PpAnnir T!i V Oliver Cuilled Plows, ' llAKt'fc aL km Harrows.Drills, An, . Albany, Or. Thealmiehtvdollartakes thler1 of agry letter for 48 hoBrsaftcr you have intaimigntyaoiiartaKes tneieaclot, written itj and then j wou)(1 American citizenship in New York. They had a little touch of Black Fri day, but it did not last long enough to harm the stock gamblers ety much, which is a pity. Should war come, these fellows would be the first to find a speculation on the misfortunes of the country. Dis patch. : '' " President Cleveland's second administration will go down in his tory as the greatest national debt contracting era in America, since the civil war. A third bond issue of $ 100,000,GOO is now being nego tiated with the banking firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., of New York. The syndicate agrees to furnish 11,500,000 ounces of gold, about 200,000,000,thegovernmenttotake half of the sum first, and to have the option of taking the other half and deliver i per cent 30-year coin bonds at about the same price paid for the last issue of bonds. The managers of the syndicate are to rotain a commission of 1 per cent. : It is expected the government will make a formal acceptance of the offer in a few days. Whenever the government or nil individual per mit their finances to get iu a bad way they always have to pay sal vage for the privlege of borrowing iaoiiev.-E. reading it carefully, and, as the irish man said, "burning itbefore sending it." We have many of us exhausted all our rage in the fire of the letter-writing, and have felt all the delights of a battle won by the prowess of our pons ivithou t the hackneyed formality of posting tho epistle. Who is there Who has not written his anger out in this wholesome way! Do not, 1 pray, send a cruel let ter to anyoae you have over loved. You will but live to regret the act, and pos sibly with the pallid silence of death between you and the wounded one. If mortals were, in these prosaic davs. gifted with invisible powers, I would wish to be that spirit endowed with a force which would arrest every angry word at the tip of each sharp-pointed, heart-breaking pen. St. Louis Kepub- LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. ' . IChangcil Every Vt'eeJf.l Wheatr-43e. Oats-13 to 15c Hay $3 to $5 per ton. Flour-$0 70(3175. per sack. Chop $0 80 per cwt. Bran 65c per cwt. Middlings $0 75 per cwt. Potatoes 20c. Apples Dried, 4c per It Plums Dried, 2c. Onions lu. Beef Dressed, 3J to 4c. Veal-3j4c, Pork Dressed, 3J. Lard 7J. Hams 10 per lb. Shoulders flc. Bides 8c per lb. Geese $4 $5 per doz. Ducks-$2 $3 per doz. Chickens $1 50rS;2 25. Turkeys 8c per lb. Eggs 16c ner doz. Butter 15 20e per lb. Hides Green, 2c; dry, 4c. Prof. A, STARK or .-Will A Stark, Jewelers Optical Specialist. Graduate of the Clcago Opthalmlc College. " . - I am prepared to examine soleutifl- cally and accuratly, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who desire to have their eyes tes ted. Cusiek Block, Albany, Oreook. M. L. Forster, PROPRIETOR OF The Tangent Prune Nursery, TANGENT, - - OREGON. ii o . - . FRUIT TBEEH FOB SALE. 1 ' I have a very fine stock of fruit treos yet for sale. A good assortment of Apple host winter varieties; fine stock of one and two year Cherry trees; fine one and two year rear; 8. few (1000) Pruno; also a good stock of Raspberries, Blackborrios, Lucretia Dewberry, Qoosoberrios, Currants and strawberries. I will take in exchange for trees 300 bushels of cood .oats, 1000 pounds drossod Dork: also will trade for one good young cow. For particulars address mo ut Tangont, Or., or Andrews & Peterson. Lebanon, Or. m. Tj; FORSTER. i he Express is m great need of money at present, and ifyouarein arrears on sub scription or otherwise we would esteem it a creat favor if you would pay up. Pay us what you can, if it is only 25 cents. Legal Klauk For Hale at This Otti-e. Polats In flood HumeliMplDg, ' A woman who looks well to the ways of her household should know hqw long, under ordinary circumstances, certain supplies, such as ten, colloe, butter, sugar and coal should last. It is by no means a propf of a niggardly house wife to do so, but ft is her duty to liei self and family to know what use in made of those articles which she pro vides. This duty may be done so tact fully that no maid could dream of tak ing offense, or in a way to antagonize. When accounts are kept, that is. when the mistress Wfifeg down in her order ing hook the exact quantity aiie wishes, with the date of the order, the matter is easily managed, N, Y, 1'ost. Umbrella. i am BooIh, JlublH'l' Hliocru, VXanlntHli?M, CnptiM ll-lMl tJlK'fK'tH, lit W. 13. on ii a 'k. A Lit ANY, OR. Tie Champion Do a General Exchange Business lliviiiR 40 lbs. best Flour I Or 50 Hjs. 2nd grade " ( For 1 bn.wheat. This space belongs to HIRAM BAKER, The Loading Dealer Iu Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Etc Lebanon. Oregon. Always prepared to give the highest cash prices for wheat on wagon or wheat stored. neea wneat cleaned or chopping done on any day in the week, Pietail dealers should call and get our lowest prices on flour and feed. G. W. ALDRICH LEBANON QJiHOQN. Rpset' limited DRA80S OF 1WM890. Will Run TWICE A WEEK lIKTWl-UiM m Win KAMI) unti I'UIDK nre 1,000,000 People Wear L. DOUGLAS SHOE;" AW Style, All Sims, Every Width. San Francisco New Orleans and m i) are -fl ' jOt$3 i9 fiEf S ' X- ... .. VA CAN FIT ANY FOOT, 1 ThbbiheIfS Weir W. I. Itmwiai Hio i .nB"l,B loaju.ova '""""l Jl" Wl ot otlier mkm, bat the quAla, nad Wicw of W. V. lonlui W.I..DOIiei.Aa, Bsoonoa, Uuk Pudding Sauce. Four tablesnoons of fine, white sup;ar, two tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of flour, stir them together to a crenin, bent the whiu of an eirir to a stiff froth and add it, then pour into tho dish a trill of boll iny water, tlrrlnfl' very fast; flavor tvikkemmfiriitilllnlMinsfonUlel)ai Conservatory of Music ALBANY COLLEGE, ALBANY, OIIEUON. Prof. Z. M. Parviii, musical Director formerly of Wlllarnette Unversiiy,has oeen elected Director for the coming school year. Full Courses in tile important' branches of Music. La lust method. Fine music room!!, Prices low for grade of work. Diplomas eonfered on completion ot course. Term Ueijius Bepteuiber 11th. bend for circular and catalogue. W. H. LEK, A, M., Pies,, Albany, Orton Over The Great SUNSET ROUTE LEAVISQ KAN FRANCISCO Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tuesday, Nov. B, 1895, 'I'lie most .complete; modern, do- Kiiutly Mjiilpptrl and perfectly nrranued Vestiiuled TraiiBwiiitiiiental Train In America. '.New Kqulpmcnt, especially dculgiieil and hunt for this service. Direct con mictions in New Or leans for. Intern points, Quick W"w . a-v.-waw I l Imltailiiii into I OMlES bail UM13, mm sopa 111 Coste n more than other packngesoda never spoils iu pttVaCCva, tour-HiraversaliyacknowlodKcdPttrestlnthewoi'iiL Made oalrfcyCHnRCHt CO.. ttm TQrlt. Solbyerw:er$weryvherc, jfUE I Write tat Ixm and Bummer Book af cai.i.M. ft i . . art ,, w t-4'f VI 7 hi 1 ,