The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 12, 1895, Image 3

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    .1 f
xbanon Express.
Chriatmus Is near.
Subscribe for the Express.
New furcupes ul Reud, Peacock 4Co.
The Expkkss four mouths for 25ul.
Attorney Burnetii, of Albuuy la In
the city. '
T. J. Gore in repuring and flooring
lib burn.
Old papers tor mi lo here at five oeuta
per down.
Everybody Is getting ready for
Mrs, S. M. W. Hindimiu in vUltlug
In Albuuy.
A. E. Davis ho a flue line of dulls
for Christinas.
Dr. J. L. Hill, of Albany, was In the
elty this week.
N,W. Smith's Is headquaiters for
Christ mus goods.
J. C, ltllyeu was doing business Id
Albany Kuturduy.
Dr. 0. W. Cheudle, dentist. Offloe
over Oily Drug store.
t.eorge Dodge and family are spend
ing the winter In I lie city.
Mm. Dr. L. Foley and llltle daugh
ter are visiting In Albany.
If you want to sell property list It
with Peterson 4 Andrew.
"W'all and examine Miller's Immense
JJ,'k of goods without delay.
Just arrived, an Invoice of ladles One
dhoee 26 per pair at Butters
Try nchunuoon the0 album in the
window ut Smith's drug store.
Miss Emma Burkliart left JJouday
on a visit to frleuds In Albany.
Ladles and ehlldrens Jackets of new
est designs at Bead, Peacock & Co.
Mr. Ed Kellenberger Is U1I feeding
a large number of cuttle at present,
Complete line of pocket books, blank
books, etc., just received at Miner's.
Buy you tickets East over the N. P,
XI. II. of W, C' Peterson, Local agent.
No old picked over goods at Smith's.
Everything new and the very latest.
Miss Lucy Gurd, of Albauy, is
upending the week here with relatives,
You can get sieelul bargulus in
Christmas goods of Smith, the druggist.
Hay bova, have you seen those gold
A. K Duvis has a flue line of candles
for Chrlstmus. Call aud see bis
Steve C'o.; le now drives one of the
freight teuius btjweeu here aud Wa
J. M. Settle Is trying the experiment
of raising aud preparing chicory for
B. M. Garland left for Portland to
duy ou legal business. He returns
Superintendent Fields of the South
ern Pacific, made an official visit here
this week.
The trial of Lloyd Montgomery, the
triple murderer, will begin at Albany
next Tuesday.
On to Miss Dumond's for millinery,
She Is selling ut cost, and wants uo
goods left over.
E. O. Carr bus quit the hotel busl
iiess and rented two rooms lu me oia
Exchange hotel.
IiiJTvou will save money by getting
It t Bach & Buhl.
Miss Stella Bunken, of Albany, who
waa visiting Mif Crouch, returned to
her home Monday.
Sir. William Uuger and wife were
treated to a serenade by the baud boys,
last Saturday night,
If you want to get vour money's
worth lu gold Hatches, cullut trench's
Jewelry store, Albany.
Now, If you want a genuine bargain
'In the way of a present, why notoall
on Miller, the druggist.
With every fifty cents worth of
goods you buy at h'mith's, you get
ohunce on the tl album.
The social dance Friday evening
was a very pleasant aflulr. A large
crowd was lu attendance.
I have several hundred dollars to
Idim, for clients, ou good first mort
gages. Sam'l M. Garland.
Mrs. VV. B. Donaea and little son
left yesterday for Albany on a visit to
ber daughter, Mrs. Homers,
j,l.!Mtf oi) 'sjapues moj; instead
fnmi)s,iu,3 0 nq pus oil )wi(1 )no(9q
-no.ij i,uop ini tiAoptpsdn s sqx
The moon gets ou two sprees this
month. It will be full twice, a re
niarkable thing for the uioon.Ex,
Mrs C. D. Montague will leave for
her home In Portland Saturday. She
will stop wffat Sulem for a few days.
Mr. James Boyd Intends to open a
photograph gallery at Sodavllle and
It through the holiday season.
ti t viiAwlntf lhumalvtfl tn ha In,
.1.(1 to the old di m of Guy Mayer,
Irsquestvil tu call aud settle it euot,
A Home Forum lodge was organ
ized in Harrlsburg Wednesday even,
log with a membership of about fifty.
T. A. Cox, who had charge of the
depot In the absence of Agent Hlckok,
reluaued tn his home In Grants Pass
The very latest In walking hats, sail
ors and dress bats, cheaper than ever
liefore. Call aud be convinced. Miss
Call and examine Miller's display
ABC blocks, scrap books, photo
graph albums, picture frames, toy
books, etc.
The Albany Public school football
eleven and thut of the Albany College
will play a game of football in the
near future.
Call aud examine my Immense
stock of Christmas novelties before
purchasing elsewhere. N. W. Smith,
the druggist.
Buy your father and mother a pair
of gold spectacles for Christmas.
French, the Albany Jeweler, has ihim
from $2.50 up.
to to W. E. Cnundler If you want
tinning or plumbing work done. He
works ul haidtime prices, and guaran
tees t II work to lie
Rev A. Melvin Williams has been
troubled with hemorrhage for the past
few weeks, which his many friend
will be sorry to bear.
Some of Lebanon's boys are wearing
beautiful black eyes, the result ol foot'
ball. Jl Is becoming a fad in Leb
anon as well as other dill's.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity. Call :iKn or write to 8. N.
Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon.
J. V. Vaughn, wife and the young
man whom he hud helping him, left
yesterday for Eugene, having closed
their photograph gallery here.
Word received from Springfield
states that Mri. A.J. Roberta Is dang
erously ill, which her n any friends at
this place will be sorry to bear.
Mrs. C. L. MoMahau, who has been
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Owen, left Monday for Portland,
where she will make her home.
An agency has been taken by some
Albany busiuess men for a high grade
bicycle to sell at $46. The '9(1 season
promises to be the year tor wheels.
Messrs. Parker k Matthews will
have a "Pig Koast" In the Gem Sam
ple Boom on Christmas, to wliica they
invite their friends and customers.
James Boyd returned borne Satur
day from Harriaburg with the photo-
Mrs. A. M. Stewartdled at the borne
of Mi. Rl lea's in this city last Mon
day nt the age of seventy-four yean.
Uev. Harmon conducted the funeral
service on Tuesday, after which she
was burled in the Masonic cemetery.
Manager Lawler, of the Quartzville
mining district, came down from there
the later part of last week. The
raaohinery is being rapidly placed in
position, and the prospects are that In
a few days all will be in running
Mr, James R. Dalgleiah, brother of
our fellow townsman and councilman,
N. S. Dalgleiah, arrived in Lebanon
last Saturday from British Columbia,
on a visit, fie Intends to spend the
winter here and may locate perma
Services at the M. E. church next
Sunday as follows: Sunday school at
9:45 a. m., preaching by the pastor,
Rev. C. G. Harmon, at 1100 a. m., and
7:30 p. m. Junior League, 3:00 p. m,
Epworth League at 6:30 p, in. All are
made welcome.
At the meeting of the Lebanon
Lodge No. 47 I. O. O. F., last Saturday
evening the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: 8. A.
Nlckerson, N. G.; J. C. Allen, V. G.;
A. A. Kees, Rec. See.; J. G. Boyle, Per.
Sec.; A. E. Davis, Treasurer.
The members of Pearl Rebeckab
lodge held a reception in their ball last
evening in honor of the newly mar
ried members of the lodge. The time
was passed in conversation, music etc.,
after which a nice lunch was served.
A delightful evening was reported by
those present.
' The new city council have an im
portant and difficult duty to perform
In their management of the city's
finances and other question". Good
citizens should render them all the as
sistance lu their power, and should
refrain from harsh criticism. Give
them a fair trial.
At the last meeting of the Junction
city council ordinances were passed us
follows: Prohibiting cows from run
ning at large between 9 p. m. and 4 a.
m.; prohibiting the keeping of hogs in
the corporate limits; licensing the sel
ling of cigarettes and tobacco in the
sum of (10 per annum.
The subject for debate at Tallman
last Saturday evening was: Resolved
that liquor is a greater curse than war.
It was ably aud eloquently discussed
by Prof. F. M. Mitchell, aud Will Bar-
nett representing the affirmative, and
Charles and George McKnight the
negative, Decision in favor of the af-
a good busiuess this past summer and
Remember that yog can buy stoves
and tin ware of W. E. Chaudler at
prices never before heard of in Leb
anod. He meets and defies all com
petition. The Lebanon Firemen's Band will
give a grand ball In the opera bouse
Christmas night. Everybody go and
have a jolly time, Grand march at
half-past eight,
The charter of the Home Forum
Benefit i.rder still remains open. If
any one wishes to Join under the
special rates, they should no so by
Monday evening.
The Y. P. 8. C. E. of the First Pres.
bytertao church will give a (C) sup
per tomorrow evening, lu the room
under the J. 0. 0. F. hull. Every one
go and have a mi supper.
Ou ai count of the sickness of Rev,
A. M. Williams, pastor of the C. P.
church here, there will be uo preach
ing Suuday, but r people's service will
be held, to whiuh all are Invited,
At F. M. French's Jewelery store,
Albany, you can buy Initial pins for
Hie, belt pins 10c, C. E. plus 10c, silver
plu cushions 10c. Write for them and
Inclose amount in postage stamps.
The Cumberland Presbyterian, Pres
byterian and Methodist Su nday
schools each intend having Christmas
trees for the lltte people. An enter
taining program will lie rendered at
each church.
The flue farm residence of D. H.
Pierce, near Rowland, this county,
was destroyed by fire last Thursday
night with all the contents, at about
twelve o'clock. The origin of the Are
Is not known.
Frank Tivey had the misfortune to
get Ills right hand badly torn, while at
work in (lie excelsior factory last
week. One finger was nearly cut off,
but Dr. Foley, who dressed It, thinks
it call he saved.
William J. Davenport, commonly
knowu as 'Doc," went to Portland
Wednesday to plead to the Indictment
fouud against him for alleged counter
felting. He take his Indictment coolly
and seems anxious for trial.
Mr, and Mrs, F. U. Hlokok returned
home Saturday from their bridal trip,
aud will make their borne with
Fred's mother, Mrs. McLean, in one
of the cottages formerly owned by Mr.
J. A. Beard, on Main street.
The Sodavllle Concert Baud wiil
give a concert and eutertalnmeut at
the public aohool building at that
place next Saturday evening, Ad
mission IS cents. Children 10 oenti.
A good program hat been preperedv
The marshal, in his recent investi
gation of the recent firing of guns,
late at night, In the northeastern end
of the city, discovered that some ma
licious persons have been annoying
families In that neighborhood by
scratching the doors and windows and
throwing stones against the houses.
This is malicious mischief, If nothing
worse, aud the guilty parties will soon
be caught and punished. A few bird
shot under their thick skius would
give them a more convenient place for
The statement has been printed that
Mrs. Haunah, now confined in the
penitentiary, is the first Oregon wo
man ever confined there for murder.
The statement bus caused the Salem
Post to say that old timers, hawever,
wiil remember the case of Mrs. Charity
Lamb, of Clackamas county. One
morning lu 1857 she got her husbaud
his breakfast, and when he sat down
to partake of it she slipped out tn the
woodpile, secured the ax, and, coming
up behind him, split his bead open.
She was sentenced to the penitentiary
for life, and, it Is said, died there.
The penitentiary gates opened Mon
day for the reception of Willis and Al
len Jordan, the well knowu culprits
who have terrorized the residents of
the Willamette valley for several years
past, says the Salem Statesman. They
came from Polk county and will be
wearers of the stripes for Ave and four
and a half years respectively. A few
mouths ago tbey committed highway
robbery by holding up a pig-tailed
Celestial on one of the roads of Polk
county. Allen's sentence was made
lighter by reason of bis having plead
guilty to the charge after his brother
was convicted. Another one from
Polk county was Jim Conlee, who not
long since stole a lot of bacon from bis
neighbor. For this he was tried, con
victed and sentenced to two years aud
a half by J udge Burnett. Edward S,
Stneltzer was brought over from
Washington county on a four years'
committment for burglary. John Do
man was given his freedom, as hie
two years' term for forgery, committed
in Marion county, had expired.
Thomas Kay, the Salem woolen
mill man, is a deacon of the First
Baptist church and the story told dn
him at the meeting to raise the sub
sidy the other night must be apocry
phal. But it runs like this: He had
taken a lot of Salem Woolen M.IU
samples into a San Francisco whole
sale store and the buyers thought they
would have a little sport guyirg the
otherwise good natured but red-beaded
Oregonlan. Tbey said there was
John F, Miller W. R. C, held their
annual election last Friday. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Mrs. Anna Reed; Sr. vice-president,
Mrs. Hattie Crueon; Jr. vice
president, Flora Brown; treasurer,
Mrs. Alice Hyde; chaplain, Mrs. E.
Hosier; conductor, Mrs. Faitha Rey
nolds; guard, Mrs. Etta Cochell.
The "Shasta Flyer" went through
this morning in two loug sections. In
order to keep people from getting on
or ofl here, they run through Rose
burg, bavlug sent engines out ahead
to Greens where they change. One
man jumped off a mile outoftowq
and came back in a dilapidated con
dition. Several got off at Greens and
walked back to town. Roseburg Review.
; Mrs. Elizabeth Gentry died at her
home In this city at three o'clock this
morning, after a lingering Illness of
several mouths. Mrs. Gentry bos
lived In and near Lebanon for about
twenty-one years. She lived to a good
old age, aud was loved and respected
by all who knew her. The funeral
will be held tomorrow at ten o'clock.
She will be burled In the Mason lo
The Southern Pacific made another
important move in its fight against
the Oregon Railway A Navigation
company between Albany and Port
land Monday. The tariff from here tn
Portland and Albany will be IS) cents
per 100 founds for the first four classes
of freight, aud ten cents for the re
maining six classes, From Portland
and Albauy to San Francisco the rate
will be from forty to twenty cents per
It has beeen stated that the Southern
Pacific officials will soon take the
passenger coach off the Lebauon
branch aud put on a caboose in order
to cut down expenses, us pussenger
coaches are charged milage, while the
cabooses are not. If our citizens don't
want to ride in a caboose every time
tbey go to Albany, now is the time to
kick, and commence circulating a peti
tion to the contrary. It Is bad enough
the way it has been without making it
Mr. A. W. Rose, says the Corvallis
Gazette, leaves shortly for St. Louis,
for the purpose of disposing of a large
quantity of dried prunes. Prune
growers will watch with interest the
result of Mr. Hose's trip, He will not
have a oar load of the fruit, henue his
freight rate will be (2.20 per hundred
pounds. Could he take a oar load the
rate troutd be tl 20 per hundred. Mr.
Rose has an exteusive acquaintance
with the business meu of Ut. Louis,
and thinks he will he able to secure
loud result .
the threads all out and showed tbey
were all wool. They then said the
colors were not fast and he demon
strated they were solid colore. Then
they said tht Oregon could not grow
wool and the Salem Woolen Mill
could not make cloth. Thomas Kay
pulled off bis coat, rolled up bis sleeves
aud began to execute a war dance on
the floor, saying: "Gentlemen. I don't
think I can demonstrate to your un
derstanding what h'is woolen goods
but I can lick every man in this 'ouse
from the proprietor down, in ten min
utes." He was finally pacified, got a
big order and gained the custom of a
firm that baa stayed with him ever
since. Salem Journal.
Waterloo Rumors,
Express on time.
Christmas draweth nigh and prepar
ations are being made to welcome
The weekly (but by no means
weakly) dance ooourred Saturduy
night. Go it ye cripples (crippled
under the sweat baud of their hats.)
It makes no difference who shuffles
off this mortal coil, the dance must go
on. We ask Providence as u special
favor that we die aud be buried the
sameday and that day be Sunday; as
it is the only day we have any assur
ance uo dance fiend will get in his
work, and one dance was given ou
Sunday night iiere to our certain
, The election is over and only one or
two dissatisfied aud they are among
the unlucky who were elected. That
puu about the "Jay ticket" was stolen
from our office In the absence of our
"devil" and as it wus the only breuk
of the kind we ever committed, we
trust it will be pardoned.
Wool, mill hands and orders con
tinue to arrive dully. A large store
room is being erected und it is slowly
dawning upon the mind of the croaker
that there is a big business being con
ducted in this quiet country village.
We are lu need of a weekly paper to
inform the world of our doings. We
would add that a doctor would be ap
preciated but fear it might precipitate
upon us one of those soulless ghouls
who nurse a Job for the money there
is in it. It will be only a few years,
when Waterloo will cease to be a hole
in the ground, but -'Jaggeru" mid the
other old fossils who have plodded
aloug living on hopes and Soda water
may have Joined dm silent bevoud the
river (not across the S uiiam for they
are not wilent to uuy alunulug extent)
and not of the greatness we helped
create; but lha new ooiikt will In the
course of human events, and twenty
fetn, take notion to buy property
Our shelves are now filled
with the choicest line of
Dress Goods, fresh from the
looms. Not an unstylish
piece in the lot, and at prices
to suit your pocket book.
departmont was never so full
of stylish made shoes as at
the present time.
We would be pleased to
show you through our stock
wether you are a" purchaser
or not.
Read, Peacock& Co.
nd honnme citizena: tbum-iunl unttH
then will the place be worth a pint of
peanut hulls. As things are, only a
few have homes and the trash seem
to care only to criticise the bent efforts
of the citizen toward civilization.
Friends, this ought not to be, put
your shoulder to the tail gate of this
machine and give us a lift; if you
think your interests are eleswhere, for
Heavens sake clear out, go back where
you oame from. If you are going to
remain here, get a move ou and don't
make faces at those whose shoe buck
les you are not worthy to gold leaf.
Bible reading and dance Satur
day night. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening. Song service Suuday
night. Preaching every seooud Suu
day. Sunday school and moss meet
ings intermediate ought to satisfy but
we still hanker after an old time spel
ling bee, and a revival of the literary.
What is the matter with Waterloo?
Waterloo is O. K., but it lacks Parker.
Speaking of the state maters, whut
has become of "Granny Sundown"
and the great horde of aspirants for
literary honors in days since past? If
they are not defunct Grnver's message
will finish them.
We understand Mr. Millard, the
road "boss" has not only summer fal
lowed the road between here and
"Soda" but has also been working ex
tra time trying to drain a few neigh
bors' farms into the highway. The
only reason we can give for his gentle
manly talk and actions Is that he Is
trying to stop Sodavilllaus from coin
ing to Waterloo to buy Chicago goods.
A little more gravel and not so much
"chin" Is what the roads need. Next,
We are reliably Informed that a
certain gent has not been looking af
ter the widow aud fatherless in the
true spirit. We will Investigate IIiIb
matter and if the report is verified it
is our Intention to devote one-half of
our allotted space to adjectives befit-'
tiug tile occasion and circulate a paper
asking that worthy to withdraw from
society and dwell with his kind the
There may and may not he a Christ
mas Ire tn Waterloo. If there ae
any who have been living so far back
you don't know what a pole of that
kind is you are excusable, but those
have taken part in Christmas exer
cises and are verged In that way, if
you are human you will assist in mak
ing the holidays pleasant for the
children. If you desire to stund back,
amen. We will not know bow cute
you are aud as Joaluh Allen remarks,
we will consider you "Dumb Idiots."
Gentlemen, call and see the new fall
tea winter llotulut at Bash Buhl'i,
-"C" Supper,
The following Is the bill of fare
given nt the "C" supper tomorrow
evening by the Curlons Cartring Com
Chopped Commontaters,
Cold Carved Creature,
Cured Cucumbers,
Cold Curd,
Country Cousins' Comforts,
City Cousins' Comforts,
Cook's Curious Composition,
Comminuted Commodities,
Churned Cream,
Cereal Compound,
Crystal Clear,
Country Cream,
Convenience of Cider,
Supper served from five to nine.
Price fifteen cents.
Highest Honors World's Pair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Eight to
Twen ty .
Dollars each are the prices of the
sixteen new fur capes received Wednes
day at
S. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or.