The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 12, 1895, Image 2

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Lebanon Express.
tCditor - and - Proprietor
Dr. J. L. Hill, talked of m a
candidate fur congress on the pop
ulist tbket, run for mayor of Al
liany, and received thirty-four
voles out ot a total of 604.
Providence, R. I., will have a
democr ttic mayor for the first time
in many years. Edwin I. McGin
niBS was the democratic nominee
and he was elected a few days ago
by 600 majority.
The republican national conven
tion will be held at St. LouiB June
16th next. That wa the decision
reached by the republican national
committee after spirited ballotting
lasting two hours, at Washington,
last TueBdav.
Io wonder Salem wants to re
build her woolen mill if the follow'
ing figures taken from an exchange
are correct: During five years the
Salem Woolen Mill Company ex
pended money as follows: Wages,
$151,221.20; wood, $15,300.32;
wool, $224,791,32; other expenses,
$33,91 3,38; total outlay in five
years, $422,935.22.
A man and his wife are both lia
ble for the payment of a newspaper
which is taken and read in a fam
ily. An Iowa judge lately gave a
judgment to the Germania Publish'
ing Company against Mr. and Mrs.
Dire Raying for a subscription bill
of $20 on the grounds that a news
paper is a household necessity.
The credit system has had its
day and never again will it prevail
to so great an extent It ought to
end, the sooner the better. It is
better to learn to pay as we go. If
we can't pay, then don't buy. Had
the credit system not prevailed in
this country no one would now be
oppressed. When people can get
out of debt, and pay as they go,
there will be prosperity such as
the country has never known.
Oregon Scout.
The election showed that the
city was in favor of restraining
cows at night. To prepare a suit
able ordinance, that will not be
costly to execute, will tax the in
genuity of the council. It would
be cheaper in the end to buy up
and "beef the few cows tnat have
been doing all the damage. It is
right to restrain such cows, but
the practical application of the
ordinance in all cases will cause
much trouble to owners of home
less cows and entail costB on the
Assurance given tbe country by
his intimate personal friends to
the effect that President Cleveland
is serving his last term in the
White House, is superfluous. Mr.
Cleveland probably does not want
a third term, and il he did, he
could not get it. No man will
ever serve a third as president,
especially one over whom bis own
party iB divided. In fact the coun
try has not degenerated to that
point where there is but one in
habitant in it fit to serve as chief
magistrate. Ex.
The succew attending advertise
ments in Sunday papers has been
recognized and utilized by the
Portland preachers. They de
nounce tbe Sunday papers as un
holy, but they fill the Sunday
Oregon with "catching" notices of
their intended sermons. These no
tices remind us ot patent advertise
ments, that start out with interest
ing news, then a beautiful piece of
fiction, and wind up with "St.
Jacob's Oil" or the like. So these
ministers of the metropolis adver
tise themselves as intending to de
liver an interesting discourse on,
for instance, "Cuban Struggle for 1
freedom," "Thomas Carlisle," "Tbe
Turkish Question,' etc., etc,, and
wind up with a dry old sermon, re
christened for the occasion. When
a moral divine goes to Portland,
he toon begins to advertise him
self and furgaU "to preach the
f jtytli" tujuyd by Christ, ,
Th Feat of Rldlaff Around the
World os a Elayoie.
nr It to fwfuiuicd ThM Dayi by
Wheal raj BadHHlairta Hair Ri
Int SlortM Told by
the H
A traveler just back from Japan snys
that the passenfrera on the Pacific Mail
and Canadian PacifUs steamships get
mucn amusement from seeing the niar-
veioua exploits of the darine men and
women who are now maktnp their per
Uoua ways around the world on bicycles
in great numbers. Every ship takes
several or these heroes and heroines.
On the way to Asia the passengers do
not know the heroes, or even suspect
tnem. As the wheels are stored in the
cabin bagfrage rooms, it is impossible
for the rest of the passengers, looking
on at a pallid boy who turns ill at the
smell of a cigar or a girl who lies uext
to death's door in her atateroum, to
dream that these are the people who are
going to write home to the papers that
they have been chased by Persian
bandits and lunched with Kaffir kings
aa they annihilated Puck's record round
the globe. When the ship stops at
Yokohama out come the wheels, and
the heme ride the full length of the
Bund a commercial street about a
mile long. The rest of Yokohama is on
a hill too steep for wheeling. At Kobe
and Nagasaki the town sites are more
nearly level and the heroes ride perhaps
two miles, having their wheels lifted
back aboard the steamer as she voyages
from place to place. Having done
Japan by going ashore at three points,
they forge fearlessly ahead on the
steamship, yearning to brave the ter
rors of Chinaon their flying tires.
China they discover to be one of the
finest fields for this phase of reckless
deviltry in all the world. The shirt takes
them to Shanghai, where the llund is
nearly two miles long and all lined with ;
churches, clubs, banks and brokers' and
chipping office as safe and occidental
a Broadway. They hear that they
can ride five miles on the Malooand the
Bubbling Well road before thev come 1
to tbe muddy towpaths that form the
actual roads of that part of China,
along which no wheelman can ride.
With their hearts in their throata, fan
cying every poor devil of a coolie thev
meet to be a murderer fresh from sack
ing a missionary's house, they pedal
onward. When they come to the tea
Mmrdeiu, whose gateways swarm with
Chinese, they all but faint, and could
the Chinese dandies and courtesans nl
tnese gates read what the bicyclists
afterward report of their experiences
at the time they would ami themselves'
described as an undisciplined mob of
soldiers and lawless retainers in front
of a mandarin's palace, with this ad
ditional statement: "They scowled so
fiercely and made such threatening
features that only the swiftnet of my
wheel prevented another massacre be
ing added to the list of crimes against
foreigners in China,"
Hack to the ship the wheeling hero
mes and writes notes of his hairbreadth
escapes in central China until tlie ves
sel passes Woosungg and begins to rack
him back into seasickness. Hon? Kong
is tne next place at which the bicycle is
takenout a British iosses&iun no more
to be regarded as dungeroua for a for
eign lady of the most timid temuern-
meni to wain auout alone in than is the
European republic of Shanghai or the
haunt of mountain desperadoes in N'ew
Jersey called Tuxedo. So tiic fuuriwr
around tbe world continues aboard
ship with the historic wheel safe in the
baggage room and only an occasional
chance occurring to take it out in places
line Singapore, Aden, Port Said, Alex
andria and the rest of the desuerale
lurking places of European merchants
on the way to Europe. Terrible mo
menta are experienced aud recorded on
the way. For instance, on the Jted sea
notes are kept of the ferocious charac
ter of tbe inhabitants of the dark con
tinent. On the Mediterranean the ship
passes Greece, with its pirates, aud
Italy, with its banditti, each of which
mvuge and relentless bodies of nconle
Is worked Into the wheelman's or wheel
girl's diary in such an effective way as
to almost make the diarist turn pale ns
be or abe reads over what has been writ
Finally comes Southampton.or Liver
pool, or Havre, and there the now world
famous wheel makes its last spin so
that its owner can truthfully say it has
"done Europe" before being hoisted
aboard a steamer homeward bound for
new York. N. Y. Sun.
gondnsss of Vice tat Mtule.
A nice little animal atorv is given in
this month's Nature Notes, which raises
the interesting question whether mice
have a fondness for music. It is con
tributed by a musician, who sayai "One
evening I was somewhat aturtled at
hearing my pianosuddenly giv ing forth
sweet sounds, apparently of its own ac
cord. A mouse, o it proved, had got
inside tbe instrument, and was making
music on the wires, Whether this was
intentional on mounie'n part or not I
cannot say; perhaps he was trying to
make nest for himself there. Some
years ago, however, while a piano was
being played in the dining-room of my
old home, several mice came out upon
the hearthrug and began to jump about,
apparently with delight at the sound of
tbe music, and one was either so ab
sorbed or overcome by it thatbeallowed
himself to be carried away in a tongs by
the housemaid." After this, ladies
ought to lose their antipathy to mice;
indeed, we may soon expect some hu
manitarian dame to commence musical
parties for their delectation. It would
bs amusing to see them dance, and
would torn a really humane method of, Ve""' ult'tl Transcontinental Train In
catching them. Loudon News, America. New Equipment, especially
tJ , . , designed und built for this service.
Bngga "I see you are calling on -,
the daughter of the head of your firm Direct connection in New Or
"Tf i wr?v'" ! th wl Wni for Eastern point., Quick
ifhtt.'rteflew up, Mint.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with I.OCAI, APPLICATIONS, ns they
cannot reach the scat of the disease. -Ca
tarrh is a blood or constitutional dlmsse,
and in order tit cure it you must lake inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not a quack nienielne. it was prescribed
by one of the beat physicians in this country
tor years, and Is s regular prescription. It
is composed of the best tonics known, eoni-
bined with tlie best blood purifiers, acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The per'
feet combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results hi
curing Cautrrli. Bend fur testimonials, free
V. J. CUEXEY Jl CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c,
fChanged Every Weok.l
Wheat 42.)e.
Oaut 12 to loo
Hay 13 to$ii per ton. i
Flour-40 7580. per suck. .
Chop $0 00 per ewU
Bran 05c per cwt.
Middlings to "o per cwt.
Potatoes 20c.
Apples Dried, 4c per lb
Plums Dried, 2c.
Onions lu.
Beef Dressed, 3 to 4o.
Pork -Dressed, 8J.
Lard 10.
Hams 10 per lb.
Shoulders 7c.
Bides 10e per lb.
Geese 14 fj per do.
Ducks $2 3 per do.
Chickens tl 60SS 25.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
Eggs 221c oerdoi.
Butter 16 20c per lb.
Hides Green, 4c; dry, 8c
lHE Express is in great
need of money at present, and
if you are in arrears on sub
scription or otherwise we
would esteem it a' great favor
it you would pay up. ray us
what you can, if it is only
zo cents.
Sunset limited
Will Run
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over The Great
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895.
The most complete, modern, ele
gantly equipped and perfectly arranged
J. W, CUSICK & CO., Bankers,
Transact a general Banking business
Collections made at all points on
favorable terms. -
Drafts drawn on New York, Ban
Francisco, Portland, Bulcin, Eugene
and Corvallis.
Business sent by mail will receive
prompt attention.
Interest allowed ou time deposits.
Oliver " Plows
Extras and Repairs
Succours to Kuapp, Bumll Jt Compny,
, Pole Aaeivtt For PrAnrrRi'ir
Oliver CiiHed Plows, rEABCE tsh !
Harrows,Drilla,c "Albany, Or.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will 4 Stark, Jewelers
Optical Specialist.
Graduate of the Clcag.i Opthalmlc
I am prepared to examine soientlfl.
cully and accuratly, by the latest and
improved methods of modem science.
any who desire to bave their eye tes
Cusick Block, Albany, Oreoon.
Is Your Child
Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Thourough preperation for
all collegiate courses.
Oorfcificobw TKlmifcttr'" lilts
leading Colleges on the coast.
Normal Department gradu
ates ebtain Stale and Life di-l
plomas. Music, Art, Book
keeping. Specialties, health
and outdoor life, small clas
ses and instruction for the in
dividual. Winter term opens Sept 23
Tuition $6.50 and $10.00 per
term, bend lor catalogue.
Conservatory of Music
Prof. Z. M. Purvin, musical Director
formerly of Willamette University, has
been elected Director for tbe coming
school year.
full Course In tbe important
branches of Music.
Latest methods.
Flue music rooms.
Prices low for grade of work.
Diplomas eoufered on completion of
course. Term begins September 11th.
Hend for circular aud catalogue.
W. H. LEE, A. M., Pres.,
Albany, Oregon
The Champion Mills
Do a General Excbange Business
(living 40 ib. best Flour I . , . . ,
Or 60 lbs. 2nd grade " Korlbu.wheat.
Always prepared to give
the highest cash prices for
wheat on wagon or wheat
stored. I
wheat cleaned or
chopping done on any day in
the week.
Retail dealers should call
and get our lowest prices on
flour and feed,
LKftAtiOff tJKjftfoit,
M. L. Forster,
The Tangent
I have a very fine stock of fruit trees yet for salo. A
good assortment of Apple best winter varieties; fine sjtock
of one and two year Cherry trees; fine one and two year
Pear; a few (1000) Prune; also a good stock of Raspberries,
Blackberries, Lucrctia ltewhorrr. Gooseberries. Currants
and strawberries. I will lake-
bushels of good oats, 10UU pounds dressed pork; also will
trade for one cood vounc cow. For nartieiiliire mltlmHS mo
at Tangent, Or,, or" Andrews
This space belongs to
The Loading Denier In
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Notions, Etc
Insist on
Costs no more than inferior package soda
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is unl
msaHy acknowledged purest in tbe world,
fcule onlj by CHURCH fc CO., Hew Tort
ala r crm mrjrwhet.
,y fct Aim art law loak M nlutu alpaanin
A 1
Prune Nursery,
in exchange fur troes 300
& Peterson, Lebanon, Or.
Of Imitation
trade mark
and label.