The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 28, 1895, Image 4

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    - r.AiJ IT DCiVN FINE.
V. Lr.. th Ji'ST 'in tl 1 Tt Mlta Mlffe M
a Nomas! iwttnmMU.
Tho mm tisd jost tavken over th tops
01 1.1" liTari:tonc warm ftommfrin July,
MhtoatfoIlraalA. The mitt that
culca thickly mr thaw aaU
.:, with the nlfht-tall wit ff
i. . phot nd disappearing- u IBS
s;.- ilrkor, leaving the green ana
d .!.!, i .ire heavy and wet with tha
eti v. . i : a oozy nook, on a log Qtst
haticitur the IM ! stream that
da--i'd down from a (rushing1 sprinf
abov a native was seated, earnestly
pla -ic a jt'wsharp. He twamred the
Till v I il with his thumb, keeping
til. : ..-.Miuuroneof hiabareteetin
Hi- . . uuer below. After ten mis
mi. ni'W which time the sun had got
high rnoterii to shine straight into nil
ryi-N. h- t'Mik the harp from his mouth
and. "rii:jiton the leg of his trousers,
exi-l;:..i. d:
-1 i.arl Ef that don' aettl' 'er, what
Bf rt he had spoken another word a
strrnv r straped from behind a big tree
aim .. "s.-xd him: . .
"In .; .was the bout tune I erer heard
plavt'd ou one of those instruments. "
Tbo mountaineer looked at the
stran! r a moment, and then, drawing
himw If i' p in a knot on the log, said:
'D'yt m.ian it, misterr"
"Mean it? Of course. Why do yon
"It's lak this, mister. Tr see I her
been jest on the aige o' Jinin' th'
Simpson gal, orer n th' holler, far
more'n it yar, an' when th' poppln' time
kem she up an' says thet I kaint hev er
'less I kin play tber jews'a'p. I bin
practicin' hyar on this log for nigh a
month now, I reckon, every day In th'
morn in' fore sunup, an' I wus thinkin'
er I mv hyar, ex ef I didn't git th' ha
o'itprrr soon, it'd be good-bye, 8a,
But j ke me feel better, stranger,
an' im ; r round these parts nez week
jes'd , rat on tber slope 'cross th'
way an y. Lin be my best man.1
As tin stranger moved on down tho
path i t ' mountaineer struck np his
tune a Tain and played with a vim that
was evidence that the stranger had been
telling the troth.
Along with the fiddle, the jewaharp
still ranks high as a musical Instru
ment in the mountain regions oi Arkan
sas and Missouri A nstive who cant
play the jews harp is looked upon as
having very poor prospects.
Baair WattofoooB AasoSola ef sat flssV
Tim atoataskjr OSBklac
It is related of Chunky Towles, says
Henry Watutrson in the Louisville Cou-rier-JournaL
that in 1853, grown weary
of for the coming of the latest
intelligence from the Kstional Demo
cratic convention, then sitting in Balti
more, he retired to his bed. An hour or
two after tidings of the nomination of
Franklin Pierce arrived, and Bamuel
Hug!, (.'hunter's political guide, philoso
pher and friend an earnest Democrat
withal, and a gentleman of extensive
knowledge proceeded at onoe to awek
en the sleeping sportsman, "And who
in tSnnif Franklin Pierce?" savs
C. . . . uy, says Mr. fingg,
"Franklin Pierce is the son of General
Kcnjamin Iierse of revolutionary fame.
He was a distinguished Representative
end Senator in Congress from Kew
Hampshire; he was offered a seat
in ill. 'Polk's cabinet and de
clined it; and he fought gallant
ly in Mexico - as the youngest
and most brilliant of Kew England's
I!ngadi"n!" "In that ease,' says
Chunky, with decision, "I'll get np and
dress." De did so, and came down to
the City Hotol. in front of which a good
ly company was enjoying the summer
night in uiMjusainfr the news. As Chunky
approached a leading Whig exclaimed:
"Here is Chunky Towles now, and I'll
vet him one hundred dollars be never
heard of Franklin I'ioree in bis life, and
can't toll who he is, or where he's from."
Chunky pansed a moment, gased eom
psssionatelr upon his interlocutor, and
then, with an air of composure and
authority, said; "Put np your pocket
book, Colonel. It ain't good sporting
rules to win on a certainty. Franklin
Pierce, sir, is a son of General Benjamin
Pierce, of revolutionary fame. Be was
a distinguished Representative and
Senator from New Hampshire. He was
offered a seat in Mr. Polk's Cabinet and
declined it. And be served gallantly in
Mexico as the youngest and most brib
liafit of New England's Brigadier. Bo
is the very men we wanted. I was for
hint from the Hist Hurrah for Fiarotl"
Dan Bice, the old-time clown. Is pass,
ing his summer in New York, and looks
as young and fresh as aboy from school.
He lectures some nowadays, and knows
how to give an interesting talk, says th
Kew York World. Occasionally he meets
a venerable person who laughed at hi
)okes and grimaces nearly fifty year
sco, and who recalls his grand old edu
cated hone Exoehuor, var which
Dsn himself has shed many
tear. One day United State
justioe shook hand with him on
the rear of is Broadway car. "Unci
fan," said the justice, "you dont know
me, and this is the first time in my life
that I have ever spoken to yon, but
when I was a boy I crawled under your
tent to see yon, got caught by a canvas,
man, and had powdered resin sprinkled
all over my hair." The justioe and tb
ex-clown had a gnat laugh over th in
cident. . FOUND OF LATE,
A hbtt of explorers have recently
. iOTcredaaiixunenss forest of India
bertwn-tttb, tafcr, of tp,
I Jb pockets of dotting dsoaried
by a burghs, fa IndiaaTwTreTd .
translation of Cesar's Commentaries
and a problem in algebra.
Taxa i, new eh,,,, j mineral
discovered isr the Boioo mLesTut,
wmaosed of eubie crystals of a fine
CrorALira 8co wnO. exploring a
cavern in the peak of lenarifto found
skull which must hav Moon tea
man MM ,., a.., i-mJ t .
Ms Bmm Jtot tavant by Accident or With
at Bard Work.
aVlUonHt genius comes sear to justi
fying that definition of the word
whloh makes it an infinite capacity for
taking palna, says the Beview oi Re
view. "Are your discoveries often
brilliant is tuitions? Do they com to
yon whila you are lying- -awake
"I never did anything worth doing
by aoddent," he replied, "nor did any
of my inventions come indirectly
through aooident, except the phono
graph, Ko; when I have fully decided
that result is worth getting' I go
ahead on it and make trial after trial
until it comes. I have always kept
strictly within the lines of commercial
ly useful inventions. I have never had
any time to put on electrical wonders,
valuable simply as novelties to catch
the popular fancy." And he named hi
distinction some noted electricians
who had made their reputations
through the pyrotechnics of the pro
fession. "What makes you work?" I asked,
with real curiosity. "What impels
von to this sonstant, tireless struggle?
You have shown that you care com
paratively nothing for the money it
makes, and you have no particular en
thusiasm in the attending fame."
"I like it," he answered, after a mo
ment of puzzled expression, and then
he repeated his reply several times, as
if mine was a proposition that had not
occurred to him before. "I like it I
dont know any other reason. You
know some people like to collect
stamps. Anything that I have begun
is always on my mind, and I am not
easy while away from It until It is fin
ished. And then I hate it"
"Hate it?" I asked, struck by his em
phatic tones.
"Yea," he affirmed, "when It Is all
done and is a success I cant bear the
sight of it I haven't used a telephone
in ten years, and I would go out of my
way any day to miss an incandescent
sssaaat Wants Be Tooth Pulled With,
at Any Cbargs far Sympathy.
She was a mature woman, with high
cheek bones, a dappled face and red
hair, ssys the Chicago Herald. Fling
ing aside her bonnet she got up into the
dentist's chair, leaned her head back,
opened her month, and pointed to a
tooth on the lower jaw.
"I wish you'd see what Is the matter
with that grinder," she said. .
"Yes. ma'am," replied the dentist in
a sympathetic tone. "Has it beenrhurt-
ing you long?"
"Who said it had been hurting me?"
"Beg pardon, ma'am. I inferred"
"Well, yon dont need to infer any
thing. If you're ready to look at that
grinder, doctor, I'm ready to open my
mouth again." And she opened it
"The tooth, madam," he said, after
a brief examination, "is a mere shell.
I regret "
"What occasion is there for you to re
gret sny thing? Whose grinder is it?"
"1 wss going to say it is too late to
save the tooth. It is too far gone. If
it's troubling you any it will have to
come out"
"Well, that's what I'm here for."
"It will be hard to get hold of with
the forceps and I am sorry to say it will
"Does it hurt you to poll a custom
er's tooth?" she demanded.
"Of course not but"
"Well, then, yon needn't feel sorry.
I sm here on business. I don't need
sny sympathy. Yank it out."
The thoroughly-bumbled tooth artist
wasted no more words. He produced s
pair of ugly-looking forcepn ar.u ex
tracted the offending molar wittiout de
lay. "What's your bill?" inquired the
"Fifty cents."
"That's the regular price, is it?
You're not charging any thing for sym
pathy?" "It is the regular price, madam,"
"Here's the money. Good-day!"
After she had gone out of his office
the dentist went and sat down by the
front window to rest "If I had that
woman's nerve," he said to himself, as
be wstched her striding down the
street "I could be an a.dernian and
pwn a whole ward in less than three
roar Very Qaser Pigs,
William Hoffman, of Sebewaing, Pa.,
has four pigs thst beat any thing ever
seen in that locality. One has no trace
of hind legs, another has no hoofs, but
claws take the place of the generally
thought necessary porcine appendix,
and the two others have claws and toes
and pretty nearly every thing else that
pigs can very handily get along with
out Bar-Blags la AU Aim.
The atraiure lashioa of mutilatine and
adorning the human ear has been prac
ticed and has been is vogue all over the
world. It has especially enjoyed great
favor among the Orientals, and' by Per
sians, Babylonians, Lydians, Lybians
and Csrthagenians the ear-ring was
worn as commonly by men ss by women.
Ik activity we must find our joy, as
well as glory; a'.d labor, like every
thing else that is good, is its own re
ward. E. P. Whipple.
Mimobt is the cabinet of imagina
tion, the treasury of reason, the regis
try of conscience and the council cham
ber of thought Uasil.
Hotrsss are built to live in, more than
to look on; therefore let use be pre
ferred before uniformity, except where
both may be had. Bacon. j
ViK soraetimeseongratulate ourselves ;
at the moment of waking from a
troubled dreanji it may be so the mo
ment after death. Hawthorne.
Tu ouuninatiug power of adminlst
tratlon is to well know how much pow.
er, great or small, we ou?h. to use in
all circumstances. Monternciu.
lirPAlrruL is the highest order of wit,
as it bespeaks the coolest yet quickest
to Your
BSood Pure
If U f.i, you will t ttrong, Tigoroui,
full utliJct .il ambition; jouwUl liana
pood iv -vti: md good digMtio.;
limn-; i?rvs, cvt?;t aiecp.
But h rv !?w can say that their Wood
U avcA How maitjr poopte an aiiffarlnf
u.uiy from tho conseqaenctri o( iaitmw
bl 'oil, bom tl, wit rtioutu, rhtiniMiiam,
eaiana, liwoejoeM, aloiiltnsncu, and
That Tired Fooling.
Tocd's bars'j;iarilU purlfiea, Tltaltaaa
and enriches tho blood. ThonIon,Uli
bhs nvxticuiB for yon.
It will giva tou pore, rich, red blood
and eUoup nerve.
It will overcome that tired fatling,
CT-wt an appnMte, give ntraahiug aleep
and make you itroug.
Hood's Sarsapari'la
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the pobllc eye today.
Hood's Pills SLV'i'uS''ii.'
The Unenterprising
Business Man . . .
I'pcs a small amount of Print
ed Stationery and other Ad
vertising matter, and as a
consequence his business dies
nwny and he is then like the
man whose picture appear
The Enterprising
Business Man . .
Itrr a great amount of Adver
tising matter of all kinds.
Consequently his BuMiness In
creases and he beaomeg a
happy as the individual who
is represented by the picture
just above.
Job Printing
of All Kinds-
Is done at this Office in a
Workmanlike Manner, and at
Prices to Compare with the
Tiuien. Your Husiiiess will be
Increased by having Your Job
pMiting done at this Office.
?VoUc? of A.imtnlfttrutlon.
Notiwia hereby Riven, that, by order o
tliecoun.y court ol Linn county, Urefron, the
Mirierciigiit'it hat been duly apitointefl anc
mis is the duly ualitie'l and Si'ting S1-
mhiitftrator of llie estate ol Kam-y Marks,
teeeaed. Ad purlieu having- ciaiuit.
against said estate are hereby reifuired to
present the name, protcrly veritied, withn:
six monthfl from the 12th day of July 1896.
the date of the first publication hereof, to
the undersigned at the office of Bam'l M,
Garland, Lensnon, Oregon.
Jobs Jj. Mats.
Bmi'i M.Oabi.and, Administrator.
Atty. for Admr. Estate of
ancy Harks, deceased.
Oregon Central EasternR.R.Co.
ri,nwt a' Yuquina Bay with tbi
wii Francisco ai d Yuquina Buyrlteaiu-
'l:ip t.'iiiiuiiy
Steamship "rarallon"
Aland firl' I mm lit every renpect.
ml- from Yiijuiii for 8an Fran cist
"lit ev ry 8 dtiy.
" - ' t'HMKl-itf'Hin unmii
"It UtU'it'll tit'
. iliaiiK.i- V.ititr; ami ('Bllf.iruia.
-l" 'in ' y or jioitim west ti
..; Ki'Jiit'-.thr'-:
Cabin, f 12 I.
teerajie, 8.0'
'".! ui d i i, ,C ds. 18 '
i' e ') v h . (5 lo
III tVAl,l,;.v, ,()flrt,
v t.i k VI 'Ailnlir, .
I'ivhIIU. Oregon.
II .. ...
II i K Mui I .
Cwlv- lilt.
. An aareeebls laisttve and RnrrsToirro.
sad tLOO pat pic tags, gsmnlas trsa.
ITft WnFsvrjrttsf!SIWTOB
for woe by .s. u,.
Pleasant to take by old or
young. No griping.
The root of the Liverine
plant is extensively used in
Norway for the cure of Piles.
Sold by all first class drug
Wholesale Manufactures.
Aschor S Chemical Co.
Lebanon, Oregon
Beat Shaven, Hair Cut or Shampoo at
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated. "
tjhdicR Hair Dressing a Specialty.
Albany Steam Laundry
Allmiiy, Orogfon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
' J. F. HYDE, Agent,
Lebanon - Oregon.
Prmnpt n.w auid tn bim.t ofilnlon, rlt to
al I. Ml sV til., wbo hs.e bud pwtr flftr rwtf
s.prlnc In the Mtmtt buiiBMS. Commlinlc.
JlonailrlcUramllKiilul. A ll.nSU.ok of lo.
ii ""' am now ui ts
ICS) and Klentlftf! book. Mnt frwT
I'11'.nU UlUtrn, Mn,.n A ttt
jroal ooll,lnlbo Srlwnlllic Anirlran, .nil
pot cort to tbe,r. Thl. noieiKltd Doner,
luued Mir. elism i, I lln.l r.l"u or ft? tJS
laruoM j,;ll:tm ot onr KieMiflc ,,rk to lot
Hulldltui KnltiiM)Lnimitblr,riUATftr. Slnsts
IW?? ".,U- n1"' WOUIDJ boiu-
Ual ploles. Ill oolor., nH iiTuv
poiuok. witb pl.iu, mmbliiur Dullilw. to .how loo
. A I.
The nearest mill by t'ia'.i
LumWr at bottom j.r!;.-r. with lit -s-rnl tlsw-. tit I r rwl
Will till ordiT al ..on.. ' !
Save lll()ll(;y, tilllt', iunl U'aiM liv MiV l! oi j
You ran haul 1500 fi'-t at a bnnl as I'.'i,.! is p.. i! t, !
this Mill.
MtmtlllHIHHHMMIHIHrnHwmr, '
I have a LARGE STOCK of JU.'ICK. lor sal.. ..i,,, ,
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, lor ale at JieasonaMii
Kales. All kind of mason's
deBPatch- D.
Parties desiriiio
all kinds at short
tom prices, of Humiilirey & McXee,
un naniuion creek; or at S, A. i ick- 1
i , .
erson s piaiier at Leoanon, ( )reon
iiro ctnflr nf.ill 1-IswL, -l..r.. I
on hand at both places, except nlack '
wainut. lJUMiiiiaEV&3lcNKii'
Literal discount for teams coming 1(I)g dibt(mre- ;
sm thnt KAJca
I'isIS 1,000,000 People Wear
3 TUT T 17urZTT7
stainiMd oa
I V. f XiT! $C.00.S.nn.Ji"I Wl ten r
ForSale 'Hiram
ff'r -
sToT akV-M,7,. r ms Al
f Monarch
Ffry and Main Office :-! a-M
I i i i .
s to iiy point in 1
c XiM A
woi k done with neatness atnj
- 1 II 1)1 1 KM' mil trM
notice, nnd :if uit.
ji oil iviniin .nil ii'c (
V Any SOU, A 11 Sias, Ev-
it? in, .
wniiT inrii inoet ton
pair. OTWl.tM iutu.ti
w '"'""""iwiii itniiitr iiu
tnflJte. btit tlM m.aiiitf .nil
"w remam tut iumt.
KliMtHni U xSL
Baker Lebanon Or.
of Bicycles.
ram im "Bl, ig, I
Cycle Co JL
r - ,1 '-t.f...X.l,7l
raw, i, gwwwa IUUISVU1 WtHHI I
Ipsavaissa-Oerrswi 1