The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 28, 1895, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
fcCiltor - and - Proprietor
The wav to help build up your
town is to patronize hoice indus
try. . -Xbejoylor cjt to get factories
ie to encourage and patronise thoae
already in the town.
Let every voter within the city
limits turn out next Monday and
put only good men in office.
Each year, slowly but surely
tees more diversified fanning
among . Willamette valley farmers.
' It is as h should be.
Another little indiscretion in
Lane county has been settled in ita
best way, by the marriage of the
two parties implicated.
Thanksgiving is at hand. Wbila
prices are low and money is scarce,
still we have many things to re
turn thanu for. None of us are
. starviog,.but few are ill and all of
us are alire. -
It is said that there are in the
state of Kansas twenty well built
towns without a single inhabitant,
and that Saratoga in that state,
now absolutely uninhabited, hai
among other buildings a 130,000
theater. Ex.
As it is estimated that eitfOt
40,000,000 of American money
will be wedded to "tbe EngUnd
during the course of this month, it
ib evident engagement in high
life ought to figure be quota
tions of the money market here-
tifler. ". " -: '
Sm Francisco is getting hard
hit from the prlpit. Last Sunday
in that city Rev. W.W. Case de
clared that hell is only ' eighteen
inches below tbeir sidewalks. He
fuiled to add, as he should have
done, tbat thefiiewBpapers of San
Francisco are the devil's official
bulletins. Ex. :
The Atlanta Constitution very
truthfully remarks that the best
way to stop lynching is to atop
committing the horrible crimes
which provoke it It is the duty
of every negro preacher to talk to
hip race on that line. If a negro
wants to escape tbe danger of lyn
ching, let him keep his hands off
white women. Ex.
Cinn county received first pre
mium at the state fair. She will
likely receive as conspicuous
place in the annals of crime. The
recent murders and robberies in
this county have been unprece
dented in her history. Crime is
rampant and officers should be
vigilant. If this thing keeps np,
a reckless mob will lynch some
body. A speedy trial, conviction
and execution are demanded.
. Keit Monday is election day.
A complete set of city officers for
one year are to be eleeted. Elec
tion day is about the only time
that all can have their say. Tbe
rest of the time we have got to
grin and bear the ills our votes
have brought upon us. Let us so
cast our votes on next Monday
that we will have nothing to regret.
Elect honest and law-respecting
men to office, who have intelli
gence enough to know their duty
and firmness enough to do it
Stick to your own town. It it1
is only a collection of cabins, stand
by it. Your share of tbe universe
amounts to tbe place where your
days are spent Your city if the
beet of all cities, your people sue
the foremost of all peeple. Talk
it, preach it, teach it till the world
believes it, and if you're any my
doubtful you will soon get to ballet -ing
it yourself. Speak up for
yourself. Ko matter where you
are pull for tbe place where your
home is and your friends are. That
ie the secret of progress. You can
tell plenty of objectionable features
about any citv. Make yourself a
usarly ubllvlous si possible to tb4
Th Sin Indians and the Piutes
on the terj of Death valley.. The"vtreae ennoe, twentymo; those
Piutes an known as the white Arete j not alent any day during the month,
at the desert. Their staple food is Johnny Hoilaes, j: rtlui Davis, Lulu
UiardflvrhlohtheyeoBsiclurspTPRt I).,vi, Mnrv ' Baltimore, Mauri David
luxury and whioh they oatoh on the , wmia,. Alaont one day,
bordara of the valley. These lixards i, , ., .
ar. about two feet Zg. The Indians! ""'"Z -J
sail them "ehahwalla" and roast Uiem ! Alh'" J""'"1 ''. W nlier V inula,
iaa owl-hi between ici stones. White
men eat them, too, bnt dress them and
boil then over a sagebrush fire. They
are aaid to be very good eating and to
tastei quite like frog." legs. - -
There are no birds u this neighbor-
hood ve the weird, mvaterioua raven,
whose ominoua voice fitly oroaks the
fatal entrance of thoae who brave thc
terra of the valley. Howling coyotes
add their harah cries to the sum of
horrors about the place Curious rep-
creature next to the OUa monster is
what the natives call a "side winker"
snake, which Is peculiar to this
desolate desert It is a rattler
about twenty inches long, which
move, from s,de to side with a start -
ling spring instead of gliding along.
afflMmvv. It hnn tinms and I rfnnYi
know but hoofs, too. It is assuredly
of the evil one. Scorpions, tarantulas.
rata, horned toads and gnats lend their
aid to render Death valley the most ap -
palling place on earth. There are
mice, too mice which live upon centi
pedes and there are rats with huge
ears, a sight to scare the dogs.
k Urn InM hi a Nameltai Grave In
SmnHl CaaisMry.
Only thoae who are thoroughly con
versant with the innumerable high
ways and byways of Greenwood ceme
tery in Brooklyn know of a section
called "The Hill of Graves." The sec
tion, amy the Ladies' Home Journal,
derives ita name from the fact tbat
nearly forty thousand unfortunates are
buried there in rows of fifty. One
would never think of looking for a snot
of interest in that locality. To find
any particular grave in this public! will be placed in the bauds of an at
taining ground one needs the aid of a. turnev for (Mll -ction. Guv 4 Maver.
cenwxeiT gumc. una even sucn
guide has difficulty, since the graves
are known only by numbers. Cpon
looking at the records of the cemetery
it was found that the special grave de
sired in this instance was in public, lot
Ko.8,W, and that the number of the i
mound was 806. When the grave was'
found it was not unlike the thousands ;
around it The mound was sunken and
neglected; the grass, once green upon
it, is long since dead. A small white
marble stone stands at the head, upon
which is inscribed: "Mother and
Grandmother. " Nothing is there to
indicate the fact that underneath that
sunken mound lies all that is mortal of
beautiful Mary Duff, to whom the poet
Thomas Moore offered his hand and
heart, whose beauty he immortalized in
his verse, and who, m the maturity of
her career, won the applause of thou
sands upon thousands of people whom
her name attracted to all the great
theaters of Europe and America, as
one of the most gifted of actresses.
aw ft Islam ay CalakmMd German
It is much easier to acquire flesh than
to lose H. There is no royal road to
beauty for those inclined to plumpness, i
and many are the things they are!
obliged to do to scare off fat, says the .
Philadelphia Record.
An Englishman reduced his weight in '
one year from two hundred and two to !
one hundred and fifty pounds, and kept
it there. He lived on beef, mutton,
fish, bacon, try toast, poultry, game,
tea, coffee, claret and sherry.
Dr. Schweninger, the famous German
physician, who has established his rep
utation m a flesh-reducer through his
success in ridding Prince Bismarck of.
forty pounds avoirdupois in three
month's, without the slightest deleteri
ous effect upon his patient's physical
condition, restricts the consumption of
liquids at all times, and deprives the
patient entirely of fluids during or
within an hour of meals, forbids starch
and sugar, and advises most heroic
physical exercise.
Physical exercise will, we all know,
reduce flesh. The reason is that in un
usual exercise, such ss rapid walking,
horseback riding, gymnastics or bicy
cling the blood is more rapidly oxygen
ated and the result is tbe destruction
or burning out of the fat, and you may
have noticed tbat great walkers are
never fat, and that people who live in
high altitudes and mountainous coun
tries, where they walk a great deal and
consume quantities of oxygen, are al
ways slim.
Am OM Fhonofra pk
The antiquity of modern inventions
has often been the subject of remark,
by wsy of commentary upon the old
saying that "there is nothing new
under the sun." An extreme ease is re
ported by the London News. A peri
patetic exhibitor of the phonograph in
Holland seems determined to distance
all competitors. He wssexhibiting the
machine in the streets of Utrecht, uud
a number of customers were listening '
to a selection of tunes. Buddenly the
music ceased and there was a pause.
Then in a loud, clear tone was heard
the one word: "Halt!" "What is
that?" asked one of the listeners.
'That," was the reply, "is the voice of
Napoleon Bonaparte giving an order at
tbe battle of Waterloo!"
Tha laMUlg eat British Voter.
A correspondent of the British Week
ly had some odd experiences iu a county
soudcU election some time ago in s
rural district at England: "The names
of tbe sandldatee were Mr. Hook and
Col ttoUsnd. 'Ah, well,' said a man to
ne, after I had been expatiating on
tbe atarita of eae at them, 'I don't
luiow nothing about Ook, and I don't
k kwtbtog about Xilumdi but my
taw awtbtog about Xillaudi but my
fiA -weieje, IU sdl Mstt
hollowing 1b the report "f Iho Ten
ue'le school, district 102, for the
month ending November 22, 1HH5.
iW t ...
limited, thirty;
, ; -Davie Woods and Halite Wallace.
v lellors: .Ur. Blaekluw, aim. tt Ink,
(Mrs. Basilar, Ethel Davis, Charles
:jwj,ik, Mrs. Soberer, Viola Allen,
hn. Knox and AiU-eWa'laee. Friend,
, , ,. .. , , . ,
nutnuiscorluUly welcomed. Annie
Blucklaw, teacher.
j Have you seen the new line of drees
! goods ut the Racket store. All wool
UrRes, , ,,,, w llie ftlcll,ry , drw8
i "uv"' l"'""- "v"
many olher uew goods, such as drew
; flannels, ensai meres.. A large lot of
, outings. Reinnaiils of casshuere, boys
mU overalls, men's hoots and shoes,
;,,, , hl d
,,,., ,n,,u , , ,,,
' e ' ",
spoons, (nit spoons lor 15e and up.)
A new at.d One line of corsets, corset
r'p'ss stays, ladies hose and
socks, jiirn, cotton-batting,
1 meu
table linen and low, la. These are all
new goods direct from New York, and
sold at tlw loweat pos.duie cash basis.
. s- L
Thourougu Bied I'oulty for Sale.
A few choice liinU of the following
vatielies. Lit, lit Hnthmas, Lnnciihnns.
Games, Black Minoreas, S. S, Haw
Uurgs, Gulden Crested Polish, lly
lliutb liuot, Blue Andelti-lui, 8. C.
B. & W. Lcyhnriis and Game Bant
auis. Ei;gs for hatching lu season.
W. G. Smith, five miles uortlieast of
Lebanon, Oregon.
r -After 'oveuilsr 15. all our accounts
Subscribe for the Express.
ISHILOH'S CT11E, the great Chugh
and Croup Cure, is iu great demand.
Pocket size euutaius tweuty-ilve only
2oc. Children love it bold by fs. VV
Chundlcr carries a complete line of
stoves, tin all granite ware.
IChanipMt Every Weei.l
Wheat lie.
Outs 12 to loc
Hay -13 tola per ton.
Flour $0 "5(S,tW. per sack.
Chop $0 tH) iur cwL
Brau twe ir cwt.
Middlings 75 per cwt.
Potatoes !ihe.
Apples Dried, 4c per It
Plums Dried, oc.
Onions lc.
Beei Dressed, 3i to 4c.
Pork Dressed, 4.
Lard 10.
Hums lit per lb.
Shoulders 7c.
Sides 10c per lb.
Geese $4 0i .j per ia.
Ducks $1! fi ?3 per doz.
Chickeus-41 50 2 Si.
Turkeys 8c jier lb.
Eggs 21Je tot doz,
B .ttcr 15 ( 3ic pr lb.
Hides Green, 4c; dry, 8c.
$2.50 - $3.00
Specially fine line of ladies' shoes at
tbew pricits. Good dotignla leather,
solid throughout, newest styles too,
opera or needle toe, cloth or dongo's
toi,, and in the t!S line extra large but
tons and fancy ily. Beet lines of
ladles' slims at these prices I have
ever carried.
S. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or.
J. W. CUSICK & CO., Bankers,
Transact a general Banking business
Collections made at all points oo
favorable terms.
Drafts drawn on Xew York, Ban
Francisco, Portlaud, rjalem, Eugeue
and Corvallis.
Business sent by mail will receive
prompt attention,
tiilrfM sllnwetl uu tiars aVpieill,
Wutice of Aaministration.
Notice ia hereby given, that, by or
dnroillie county court of Linn county,
Oregon, ilie undersigned has been duly a
(oiiitcd now is the duly qtlitlllied and
actiinrmtiiuiiiHtrator of the estnteof John
G. hston, deceased. All patties having
claims siminst said estate are hereby re
quired to reent the same, jmiiwrlv ven
tied, within six months from the 2fitli tie.
toiler IN, the llrst niiliaitioti hereof, to
Hie timlwsisriieil. at the utile of Sam'l M.
(ttirlimd, U'baiion. ore. II. Dtwtwsutw,
Adui. Ktttate of
John (i. Ktiton,
Sah'i. .M. Ha ai.AKn, deceased.
Ally for Admr.
Oliver Plows
Extras and Repairs
Go to HOPKINS HliOfi.
snfimscro- te KoS)l. Itiirrell & Cnuipauy,
SoU' AutMits For A
OliverCnMed Plows.
Pearce IU.'k.,
Alliany, Or.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will k Stark, Jewelers
Optical Specialist.
Graduate of the C'icag-i 0ithulmic
I am prepared to examine scientlfl
cally and accurutly, by the latest and
Improved methods of modern science,
any who desire to have their eyes tes
Cusick Blwtk, Alua.vy, Okegok.
Is Your Child
Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Thourough preperation for
all collegiate courses.
Certificates admit to the
i leading Colleges on the coast.
Normal Department gradu
ates obtain Stale and Life di
plomas. Music, Art, Book
keeping. Specialties, health
and outdoor life, small clas
ses and instruction for the in
dividual. Winter term opens Sept 23.
'Tuition $6.50 and $10.00 per
; term. Send for catalogue.
i S. A. KAXDLE, A. M.,
! Principal.
jConsrveatory of Music
Prof. Z. M. Purvilt, musical Director
formerly of Willamette University, hua
lieen elected Director for the coining
school yeur.
Pull Course in the important
brunches of Music.
Lutest methods.
Fine music rooms.
Prices low for grade of w ork.
Diplomas eoufered on completion ol
course. Term begins Hcpteuiber 11th.
Mend for circular nnd catalogue.
W. H. LEE, A. M., Pres.,
Albany, Oregon.
The Champion Mills
Do a General Exchange Business
Oivine Ml lbs. Iiosl Flour i
Or 60 lbs. 2nd grade " f
For 1 bu.wlieat.
Always prepared to give
the highest cash prices for
wheat on wagon or wheat
Seed wheat cleaned or
chopping done on any day in
the week.
Ketail dealers should call
and get our lowest prices on
flour and feed.
f A Fcatlerbone Corsets
Better Than All Other
let. biVy Fit
Mf 2d. Tory Wear
4ltl- Tlicy are
Tith.. Tlici' are More Comfort-ul.ilc.
New Model.
Best Ma
rect leMfeJ RefsaW
4 Styles. I j . avestey
Feather-bone Corset (
Sots Msniitaqturwa.
res sals ev
The Leading Dealer In
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Notion, Etc
v rrr rrs ;?
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc.
Picture's and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Specialty.
r-!"V ft,
sVt.ts i
Kada nniv br Ollikm I PH.. H
MM llil
iavarilSIlBaV i
m. rlerchsnts are
1 aatborlasi
( ft trial H art
.un has.
v;hdlc stay
mtu sopa
Costs no more than other ptckaft soda never ipottj
floiirvetysdtaovrtidttdFuTeatla dtevsrU.
Turk. taU W . a..hiiSi
r r -