The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 21, 1895, Image 4

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    wheels and puffs.
Vast,. . I
The OmnW Of path frSB by Woo- pannm tm rmrinK tkr Mlntat.r.
motive always depend upon the dr- MicUV-rs declare that In nine easiw
eumferenoe of Its dririnf wheels and teB tiridei u maeh more self
the nte of ipced st which tte engine Is possessed thaa ere bridegrooms when
moving. For every one round of the e marriage ceremony to being per
driving wheel a locomotive always lonned.
gives forth 4 puffs 1 oat of each cylin-; A ,hTi modest looking little creature
der, all such cylinders being doehle. Ibed la whjte will, stand perfectly
. ' T&esTs ns) vhesli Him 'wtswm erect; looking the minister calmly and
greatly on different patterns of en- i tqmrely in the eye without for an In
irines, they being from Is to H feet in! (tut Vounr her self poise, while the
diameter, the general ran, however, blnnt six-footer of a bridegroom
being 18, IS or SO feet five engines , - er tide Is pale and nervous and
out of every 1 may be set down as . trembling. Bis angers are likely to
having driving wheels N feet la diem-
The apeed of the average express
train varies from M to M miles per
hour. Taking the average etremnfer
enee of the driving wheel to be Mfeet.
and the averese speed per hoar at 10
miles, a locomotive will give, going at
express speed, 850 puffs per minute, or
KI.800 mm per nour. imnng w
time the wheels will revolve U.M0
times, which will erase the loeomotive
to irlvc 1.0M Duffs to the mile. There
fore an express train going from Lon
don to Liverpool, a distance of aMX
miles, will throw out S1I.B48 puffs be
tween the time when It leaves the Lon
don depot and that at whtea i arrives
at its gemmation.
During the tourist season of UN the
journey from London to Edinburgh
was accomplished in leas than hoars.
the distance being 401 miles, giving a
speed throughout of SO miles per nour.
Accordinir to the figures shown above,
a looomotire making such a journey in
the time stated most have given forth
upwards of 100,000 puffs, or say i,4M.
aaa Inters several Fuels
Two elephants fought over a peanut
and nearly scared the life out of fifteen
thousand people at Lewrenoebnrg, loa
the other day.
It was during a dress street parade,
says a local exchange. There are six
elephants in the show, and one of the
two big ones, named Prince, was
off end a peanut by a bystander. In
stantly his mate. Diamond, rushed at
him, trumpeting wildly. Prinoe
knocked Diamond down and the tan
twitch nervously and he may even
hitch athstrsaser leg or twist a oar-
asr of his seat skirt .
1 was cose "nest man" to a stalwart,
middle-aged bridegroom, noted for his
id feats of daring, says a
writer la the Philadelphia Call, and
when the time cams for as to go down
stairs to meet the bride and her attend-
eats as nearly had a fit, and he looked
Uke a walking corpse all through the
esrsasoay. I had to keep saying: "Brace
an, old boy," and "Uvne, come, vou rr
got to go down." to get aim started at
all, and at the door he was idiotic
enough to ehrteh at me and say!
"Bay, Fred, bow would nave
Mary and the preacher slip in here and
have it all over with before we go down
stall? I eaat go through it before all
that crowd.'
"Idiotr I said briefly and pointedly
enough to leave no doubt as to my
aissniag "Mary wont come in here
and you will go down this instant."
He get through at last without doing
sr saying anything ridiculous, la which
respect he was luckier than another
stalwart bridegroom of my acquaint
ance, who was so dasad and overcome
that he held out one of hi own fingers
tor the ring when the minister aakk
"With this ring 1 thee, wed."
Another bridegroom I know tost his
head to such a degree that when H
time for him to nay: "I, Horace,
tslnithsa. Annie, to be my lawful wedded
srife," he said, m an unnaturally load
L Annie, take thee. Horses, to
be my lawful wedded wife," and whea
the tone esses for him to introduce his
Mas to om of hi friends who had
not yet seen her he did it by saying,
awkwardly: "Ah. sr Miss Carter, this
is my wife. Miss Barton," calling her by
Catarrh i
1 !S 4Tf 1
' ..i. iv y-n-T J
tfeMtrrpvusrlsBiorsentDTmaU. m,tt
sns i guperpecttr. Bemrmepsa,
IfATffft The Faroill WCTi WWTJl
r'or sale by N. tt . S.i.i li.
Bss ttoealfd sm tor U ratss. I ears
taksa teat settles etMeedtaamattna
ad em eeriest cares. I shank Has
Isratssrllbi ha aw steal, sad sellmlssl
mar was era In peer rUt ewi have
a.i hesmtossdta
geed health if the? weald easy give
Hood's Sareaparilla
stair trial." Wa J.Bamcw, AMowi,,
Hood's PjTia-!
It Unenterprising
Business Man . . .
The fix-era, lion and hyena added
their outcries and beat the bars of their
cage. Patsy Forepaugh and Johnnie
Kelley, the elephant keepers, rushed
on the big beasts. Diamond caught
Forepaugh and threw him thirty feet
away against a box car, rendering
him unconscious and braising him
terribly. Kelley was knocked down by
Tot four other elephants were then
called in to capture the two rebels.
Thev crowded upon them, and after a
terrible struggle, knocked the offend
ers down and held them until they
were chained. They were punished in
the most severe manner for three hours
before they cried for relief,
tteverai people were bruised and
knocked about in the melee. One
circus man had a leg broken and was
hurled seventy-five feet la the after
noon the parade was held as usual, the
elephants being entirely subdued.
Few awa say "my wife" easily and
stonily the first time they use the
words m public
A funny case was that of a badly
rattled bridegroom who stared blankly
at the minister until asked If he took
"this woman to be his lawful wedded
vife," when he started suddenly and
nastily, sad said, in the blindest man-
"Ah! beg pardon, wars you speaking
A villas preacher earl that he once
married a rural couple at the home of
the bride's parents in the presence of a
Isrn company of invited guests. The
ihrijjiwt was a hi, bonv. red-faeed
IvMnirfiiUaw who looked sb thourh be
vrtuld have felled en ox with his fist:
nut he shivered sad turned pale at tar
beginning of the ceremony, and at its
sloM he tell down in s dead faint, tot lie
siiTirfrl anaovanee of his bride, who
seen as cool as a eaeumbertlmengn-
wt the emsenmy.
A Ckleaeeea Apsrsdatef the Oaaas
ears a Wase at Bis Pram.
It ia br bo means the worst thing in
the world to be called a crank. I find
as I prowl up and down through the
earth that wherever I meet a man with
sufficient individuality to take a stout
stand against impurity and shams of
every kmd, toe honest to get rich by
underhanded methods and too brave to
be a cowardly conformist, he a called
crank. Wherever a worn as is found
km thinks more m aer Drain wan oi
A Few
The most remarkable ammunition
ever heard of was used by the cele
brated Commodore Cos, of the Monte-
vidian nary, who, in an engagement
with Admiral Brown, at the Buenos
Avrean service, fired, every shot from
his lockers. "What shall we do, sh-T"
asked his first lieutenant.
It looked, says the Pittsburgh Dis
patch, ss if Coe would have to strike
his colors, when it occurred to his first
lieutenant to use Dutch eheese a caa
mnn Iwllt Them hannened to be a
large quantity of these on board, and ' the hat that surmoimUit she is a crank,
ina few minutes the fire of the old; says a writer in the Chicago Herald.
w.ri inne'a shin), which had Wherever a man is found who hon-
eeased entirely, was reopened, audi estty believe life hold better things
Admiral Brown found more shot flying ! for him than to become a daneing pop
over bis head. Directly one of them I mjav and a aocial suoceea by reason of
Lumber Cheap
(Two Uiilee west of Waterloo)
The nearest mill by eight miles to any point in the Valley.
Lumber at bottom prior?, with liberal discount for cash
Will fill orders at once.
Save money, time, your wagon and team by buying of
Yon can haul 1500 feet at a load an the road is good to
this Mill.
Uses a small amount of Print
ed Stationery and other Ad
vertising matter, and at a
consequence his bueineM diss
away and he ii then like the
man wnoee picture appear
The Enterprising
Business Man. .
Uses a great amount of Adver
tising matter of all kiadt.
Consequently hie Business In
creases and he becomes a
hai.pv as the individual who
is represented by the jiicture
just above.
iivpd vintr i in rnit'TiDii'inii
lUinn, uiliai na wunuiua.iu. J Wo T.APfiP STOCK nfRXilCV fnr not- at m.
17 J il t U. .f I A. CI.. .1 t) VI.
r'TTTt7 tiru. Ill tilt) buuui u oi ueuauun, rvi caic oi iit-artuuaiut
n- -eve.-. t-.. n j f i. .1 ...:.i. ..,. !
guttCB. au jliiju ui mamfij e uu uiur niiu uraturee uni
i -i. t-v vt ti nnrti
PWftnt tr, take bv old or aesPBM!n- U. W . flAKlJIllN .
young. JNo griping.
The root of the Liverine
plant is extensively used in
Korway for the cure of Piles.
Sold by all first class drug-
Wholesale Manufactures.
Aschob S Chemical Co.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Job Printing
ct All Kinds
fine clothes and socirtj manners, whs
would rather wear a shiny seamed coat
and an unfashionable hat, and thus
struck his mainmast, and as Hdidsei
shattered and flew in every direction.
nn..t k iI;1mm fa the enemv
flringr asked Brown. But nobody , gam the means to cultivate hi. mind
m t.n Trtw .nntw aune ia! and enlarge ha soul, he is a crank.
through a port and killed two men who Wherever a young girl is found whe
were near him, and then, striking tos,ngh at fashion aim wears a gown to
mmosite bulwarks, burst into pieces, i please kerselt ratber man to conlorm
Brown believed tt to be some new-; s passing style, who stands by s
tangled paixhan or other, and as foar ' friend at the risk of becoming unpopu
or five rorToftnem came slap through lar.endwho ia a Uw unto herself by
his sails, be gave orders to fUl away.J he dtetsSes of her own pure.".
and actually backed out of the fight,
receiving a parting broadside of Dutch
cheese. '
Womanly heart, she is a crank. Dis
coverers are cranks. Philanthropists
and poem are cranks,
Christopher Columbus wss a crank,
and yet Chicago, after foar hundred
years, la turning itself head over heels
to do him honor. Ahl well, my dear,
when you coast on your fingers the
world's most famous cranks and note
the outcome of then- crankiness, who
would not choose but go down upon the
daeptssd list?
Kswi scsiss from Bussia that mors
than one hundred persons were pot-
soaed from drinking koaaryss, a fer
. , J A 111. TL.
bony hand and clawed at his whiskers memeu unna r"l " ' the other ss he ordered the wS-tOsieagsotwas tyretaarlln , j Jrtomains
in a Market street restaurant to give! "blch is developed ia Bilk and its
a . m tnffif Th" waitiM: product.
r.mtrht it with some breed end butter : OnAXOZ growing Is the tending In
. -i iaiil down o check for ten eenta. ' durtry of J aft (the ancient Joppa),
-v. .mid vou give me an extra phv-h.r- and the bnatnes has doubled ia ea
. ntbt th mn au. "rii tent duriDr the last fifteen years. The
, ailer brought it.
The champion mean man paid 6aa
Francisco a visit the other day , say the :
Post of that city. He was a big, long
legged, raw-boned fellow, with a nose
like the blade of a hatchet. His eyes,
like little black beads, were set within
half an inch of each other and glistened
and gleamed at everybody and every
thing at once. He clutched the arm of
a sod-faced little woman with long,
Is done at this Office in a
Workmanlike Manner, and at
Prices to Compare with the
Times. Your Busioean will be
Increased by haying Your Job
Printing done at this UCice.
Best Buavet;, Hair Cut or Shunio al
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Kotloe of A.dnlaltjr 1
Notice is hereby given, thst, by onkn
tbseounly court of Linn county ,Oiaen,tk
underaisiMd bss been duly appointed sas
iiov, is the duly quslilied and acting ad-
miniatrator oftbc estste of Nanoy Mars,
deceased. All parlies hsving claims
sea inn said estate sre hereby required I
present the seme, properly verified, with)
six months from the 12th day of July IMS,
tbs dste of the first publication hereof, t
the undersigned at tbs office of Saa'l at
Garland, Lebanon, Oregon.
ion H. Max.
BaS'l M.Gssuss, Adniinisl rater.
Atty. for Admr. Estate of
Ksncy Msrks, deeesssd.
;iot water, will you, please?"
Tbs waiter brought it and watched
the mean urns curiously. lie poured
the cream into the hot water, pat a lit
tle sugar in It, shoved it to his wife and
flung one slice of bread without butter
in her direction. The little-woman at
it hungrily and the waiter added flv
tents to the mean man's ebeck. r "
The row was beard -three block -up
.Market street. He declared lie wo be
ing robbed because h was from thd
suuatry, but hs fAJ 4I m
OregocCentrali Eastern R.1CI,
Connect at Yaqolna Bay with Ike
en Francisco and Yaqulna Bay Stseav
bip Company
SteanjsMp "Faralloa"
A 1 and firstclas In every reepeel.
Sails from Yaqulna for Ban Frauds
about every 8 days.
I'HKwiiucr nw-iiniiiodutloiif unsut hi route uetwteu Uw
entire plain on the land side of Jsfls Is yvillaaiette Vulley and California. '
Fare fnim Albmiy or poluis wt
Yes, by the way, give me a cup of covered with orange groves, tits total
Bill me. nUuif - - area being l.TW sere.
Thb cultivation of Jalap has beet
undertaken In Madras, and other part
of India, with eminent success. It is a
convolvulaceous plant, resembling
sweet potato in it manner of growth.
The medicinal Jalap powder Is prepared
from the tubers, . .
Tbi pastoral astate of Bollnde Vale,
Victoria, Australia, comprise om acres, i owned by Bir W, J.
Clark, and term ealy a part of hi
jNlJiWj& .v
Ban Fruiii'ist.'o:
Cabin, 112 00
Steeraee '8 00
Cabiu.roundtrip.60ds. 18 OC
For sailing day apply t
H. L. Walukm, Ag tit,
Edwix ftruNE, Ms'ger.. AHwuy,
Corvslll, ()r-gou.
Cess. &.ABK, Bupt ,
Lea ding- Ilumber find Tinner.
Sto that wajra
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
Albany Steam Laundry
Albany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
1,000,000 People Wear
$30, $20. $2,00,$ J. 75 Fw
... ' v - i i
Ww W. X, BeslM Sims an J
aavstraaSl.M taea.Ma
8 tM of snnr
M. tat ttM analltv maA
anas of w. i immiIjis
For Sale by Hiram Baker, Lebanon Ov.
aa raH-a are .g
Zi , A ' Bl I V 1
5 1 T1 Wa
vj im-lr -vx Ta
I s aa
I "TTill ii"i." I - VV.1
iZMfo a. w.i.Bocia.
'tygljrtw saas. nus.
Special Sates for
Family Washings. JjMjr
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
XjStbsmon, - Oreiron.
King of Bicycles,
rw s
mil i raTRKTf
Niaar sU)f! fstl BAtitMt rMvtnbrrn. f
LHW aV (JO.. Wbnaa hawl raauaa-l t Hf tr wsaaraf
'aifffft mm) bow ifi ot
ua tAM vtnt rim
ntnf Pi
itttt boftfu M
iktfl ihn.naii Utma V ffW - -
mtul MrtifwlntrTenliflc Amtrirn. tn4
WOUatbt ndt heflMlh mihlU'trith.
al eocrt to tbe, invpftior. thif aDktidid mm,
iaui: 17 iiirawtrBtrq,
RMBan riniMiiiiiu in mnr ciein
Vbrio. wStjMt. 8i(ipi eopi
lalldlfaif Lillian, monthlv m?L
SBtrUstm. UK flemta. Kiea linmLf mrar.. . itaa
Four Hedels-f 85 and w.m
mm MCNINS WUT QUMMNTEED. W. I.CEin r, ra. e. nana-
r Monarch Cyci p f!n
Ty.c Main OfflrfMLak) and Hilst-' gt.. CHIC Ann
- xj-TT-'- v"-fr-M'-:. . ' n