r VOL. IX. LEBANON, OREGON, NOVEMBER 21, 1895. NO. 39. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ma your - OS ;if tM la advanva. II (u tr P.".) it mnmnh.... ........ .,......- 1 j Vhn.e month. ....'...... 41iiKliiupu4..-.... STATU OFFICERS- H,r"u i.itor Jolin H. Mitchell,! BInfrer Hermann,.. Oonaressniin William P. Lord Governor H. R. Kincaid, Secretary of 8fii Phil Metsnhsn Tmaaurst 0. M. Irwin,.. Siipt ?ublic Instruction H. W. Leedi Bute Printer K. 8 Bun, i . . F, A. Moore, V BuprenieJudgaa. C, K. VYoolverton.l XHJNTY OFFICERS. Indue Clerk,. Recorder............. J.N. Duncan ...............N. Keedhsin .....D. t. Hardmsn ,.......J. A. McKeron Sheriff,. School Superintendent,. Treasurer .A. R. Rutherford P. O. Morrh W. F. Deakii Assessor........ - Surveyor,.. ............. Ooroner,... .............. ......... ..E. T. T, Fialn R. A. Jtyi John Push J. M. Wmen Coram iationera, ...... , CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR IZ......M.A. MILLER RECORDER W. M. BROWN. CITY ATTORNEY...... M. GABLA.Nll. TREASURER J. T. HYPE. MARSHAL. P. W. MORGAN. ED. KRLLESBEKOSK, K. 8. DAUiLEEl&H, OODHCILMEN i; ;Vt DSP 8. H. MYERS. 0. W. RICK. , City Council nieete on the Brit and third Tuesday evenings olesca monin. Secret Societies. LINK TINT, Ko. 7, a. 0. T, M .-Keeta In O. A. S. Ball on Thunder evening of each week. Tranmnt Sir Knifbu are cordially Invited tt TlaR the lent meeting. ;. A. ljmrwnn, Cum, an.W.Sioa.K.K. RONOR LODGE, Mo. SB, A. O. V. W.-MaeU verr rueadav evenlni at S. A. R. BalL fl. W. CRl'SOH. M. W. A. W. aunu Bee. J,BAl(OL0I)OaK0.. I.O. O.F.-JIl frtrf suurday eveutns at Odd Fellow. Ball, at ;0.v-tock.i. 0 w. . rrXHSON, Sect J. PEARI. RK11ECCA lLl sru sal:. M. G. HTTIE A.ClirBlrS, Beot'r. LEUANUN UUiINo,4 A. F.A A. M.-." amnlaj-evening. iiaotl(OT the fall awm " muuth, at mmi.Ic HaU. Cor. aialn ai,o Utant . omuumtaui bitttteni eotnlaUr lavlu-0 to attend. K g. Haaxicl, W. M, S. O. WtU aee. itc. JOHN K. MILLER W. R. C. Ko. IS. mean 1st and Srd Fridays of each n,onth At 1:90 p. m. Dolus E. SALTHAaaa, 'Missis Missis, . Sec'ty. UEN'L RKKXM CARP, Re. U. DivlKkw ofOnv g oa, tons of VeMraani-Ueet In 0. A. R. HaU. j Saturday evening, eacapt the thirfl at pt each month, neetlng the third Frl alliru. bnjUlM1 tt, nan of Vet- ') P wtwoflbea.A.R.aR eordlallj . Ti . ' Ite Camp. Invited to meet . I. Q. Cima, opt. A. Tassst, Fitil vegl. . U O. t. M - BIAAH. waeri nitB, w. a, tfanittg of eeHUD IUBVU, .Ml muv vu ""-J ., fy... . . . . u U . " eacnmomnansair.n.Mw. . . lent Laoy Haonarjeea arc wjiwauj attend. Haras Swan, Lady R. K. Poixis Shaw, Ladr Con. PROFESSIONAL. Sam'l M. Oakland. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON. ORBXIOM. Weatierlord 1 1 jatt, A.TTO RNEYS-AT- LAW, AlBASY. OEEOON. W.R BllYEU. tVTTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY. OREGON. W. M. BROWJf, Attorney.at-Law. LEBANON, OBEQON. Dr. H. L. Parish, TV YSJ CIAJfAXD S URGE ON, OfBi In rtt. Charles Howl, VWW U0UR8 10:0) to 12iCC A. M. J:00lo 4:00 P. M, 6:80 to T:M :tt P, Mi Ke.ldvi.oe oa Vrtdft AVMUt, GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost cmrybody takes soma Isxttiva ettdldne to dtanse the syitem and keep the blood pure. '. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant Uvatlv anrt tAnlr that nurinea the hlmwt and strengthens the whole system. And '; making another Issue of bond. The Bore than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU- Washington authorities are already In IATOR regulates the Liver, kseps it active ' and healthy, and when the Liver Is In j correspondence with New York bank- 5 sod condition you find yourself free froB , niMn to the issue, Bnd It la prob lalarln. Biliousness, Indigestion, Side- ' v leadach and Constipation, and rid of hle that the hankers will accept their XJSAS&Si. Moa- Here " he Good digestion and fteedom from stomach ' When the gold reserve fall to $75, troubles will only be had When the Uver 000,000 the banks shall deposit $25,000,- REGULATOR. The King of Liver Modi- j "l take in return 4 per cent bonds on class, and Better than Pills. ST-EVERY PACKAGE- so tba Z SSMsp ta red oa wrapper. jr. B. eUta Co, PhlU, Psw A Clubbing Offer. A great many-of our readers Linu county like to take the weekly Oregon IsHf - We bav made srrangetuenta whereby we can furnish It at a reduct ion from tbe regular price to those wbo want . both the Exprkss and tbe Oregonian. Tbe regular price of the Oregnnian Is f 1.60 per year, and of the Express $1.50 when in advance. We will furnish both f r fi per year in advance a saving of one dollar to the Mitweriper. The Oregonian gives all the general news of the country once a week, and the Express gives all tbe local news once a week, which will make a most excellent liens service for the moderate sum of $1 per year. Those who are at present subcriuen f tne Express must pay In all arrear Kes and one year in advance to obtain this special price. East and South VIA THE SHASTA RODTE OF THE Southern Pacific Go. Kiro train" leave Portland daily : BiSOr. . 12:10 P. M. 10:lf . Iiv... Portland Ar. Lv... Albany.. -Ar. Ar.San Francisco Lv 8:111 A. i ')k. 6:0(1 P. n The above trl s Hop a! Eot Pirt lain), Oreiiou City, Woodhurn, Kalem, Turner, Murioti, jeflrmnn, Albany, Allwny Junction, Tangent, Khedd, Halaey, HarrUIur, Jnl.i-lioli City, Irvlnir, Eugene, Creawell. Drttins and all etailona from Hoxehurg south to mid iiieltiding Axhluiid. Roaehttrg mail daily: TWaVai. I I ,v ..Portland"r.A r. I 4:40 nu. 1:26 p. at. Lv...Alliany Ar. 1:16 p. a. 8:60 p. a. I Ar.,.ItuaeburgLy, j 8:00 a.m. Lous) )saen)rer trains daily (except ounuay. 8:20 a. a. ! Lv...Albany Ar, 10:40 A. H. 0:40 A. M. :1U a. M. 4:S0 P. X. ' T, . Ar...Ijehanon....Lv. Lv...Alhaiiy.t,...AK Ar...lebanoi) ...Lv. 6:4 P. H. 6:50 P. M Dinli Cart en Ofitn Route. Pullman Sleepers AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trains. -Vett Htde Division. BlTVfSni POHTLAND ASS COHVAIXIt. Malljraln daily (exceptSunday): 7:0 A. M. I LvIP"rtland.,Af. l 0:20 A. U:16p. x. I Ar...Corvallla..Lv. 1:36 p. u. At Alhanv and Corvalils connect with trains of O. C. 4 K. railroad. Exuraet train-dally (except Sunday): 4:40V. X. I t.v... Portland ...Ar. M A. 7:86 p. x. I Ar.McMltmvllle Lv I 6:60 a.m. THBlclCltETSl" ana and Europe can he obtained at lnareet rstea from F. U. nioltok. aeent, Ihanon. R. KOKHLPK. Manaier. K P, ROORRH. At. O. F. Pa. Alt. Notics. All persons knowing themselves In AWtA a ma will nlsaae call and aettle at once, either bv cash or a note, as I have told out and wish tt close tip my NEW ISSUE OF BONDS i CLEVELAND WILL NOT WAIT For Action by Congress. Negotiation An Now Said to Be Pending With New Yorkers for Bonds at Three per Cent. . NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-Presidcnl Cleveland has decided that lie will Hot wait for action by congress before a $ per cent basis. Tbe decline of the gold reserve to a danger point last spring forced the government to pay 3 per cent for gold procured (rem tbe Belmont-Morgan syndicate. Credit baa been re-estab lished by that operation and tbe ad ministration desires to take advantage of the better business confidence pre vailing to secure tho gold at tbe low rate of 3 per cent. The Stanford Suit. NEW YORK. Not. 15.-Mrs. Le- land Stanford, of California. Kt at the Fifth-Avenue hotel. 8he talked of the university founded by her husband in memory of their son, and of the gov ernment's suit which has tied up the funds formerly available" for carrying on tbe university work. She said: 'The suit of the government against the estate of my husband, involving as it does the very life of the university founded by him, has caused me the deepest trouble and anxiety, nud no one but myself knows what I have undergone in mental worry for the past two years. You see, I have not been my own mistress. I have been a creature at tbe mercy of tbe courts and subject to their beb st day and night. Drawn out and (Tolongcd hss been tbe con tent. I now have hope that in three months the final decision will be ren dered, aud the matter be settled for all time. A favorable decision means a limit deal to the people of California. "The naming of this early ante for a bearing Is due to the attorney-general alone, and I am grateful tu him. Had tbe esse been obliged to await Its turn on the docket, I am sure tbst I do not know what I would have done, as there are fully 800 rases ahead of It. If the ease be decided against the estate, I shall have no alternative but to close tbe doors of Stanford univers ity ties I June, when tbe college year ends. I Intend before returning to California, to vllt Niagsrs to ex amine into those wonderful operations wbicb are In progress there to turn Its tremendous power Into a benefit to the cities surrounding It. An Infant Incubator. BAN FRANCIHCO, 15.-An Oak laud infant is belpg raised In an oven from which an Incubator has been ex temporized by Dr. F. E. McCullougb, the physician wbo atteuded the mother. On Wednesday a girl waa born to a young couple living at pied mont Heights, but tbe little stranger did not get as fair a start In life as lt- ;! ones should, bavlng put In an ap- pearanot prematurely, and In consequ ence It is weakly. Dr. McCullougb law that tbe only hope for It was arti- fiiilal nursing and hastened into town where at a stove sp.re he picked out au oven used ordinarily for blwMits, pfea, etc.. and from It constructed a warm abiding plaoe for the baby. The walls of the oven were lined with cotton ana the baby was placed therein. A ther mometer was ttched to the top of the oven an that til utei(lapt Ifllght readily note the temperature, and with aslrady-burnlng lamp beueath.it Is expected the baby may be nursed to strength, Tltn Inoubstor l watched incessantly by a nurse as the tempera ture must not be allowed to fall below blood heat, for fear of chilling nor to rise above that point for fear of over heating. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great Blood purlUe' gives freshness ! "d clearness to the OoroplsotUm and euo Constlpstlon, ii w , .. II. A Bank Failure, HALEM, Nov. 14. The Williams A England Hanking Company closed hs doors thit morning, with (lie follow ing notice poted: "Having reitsou to expect unusual demands from deposi tors, aud In order to treat all creditors fairly and equitably, this hank is closed for the present. It is my opin ion that all depositors will be paid In full.' H, P. McNarv, Cashier." The bank was the dposltnry of the city treasurer, and aim of IheHlutc In surance Company, the Young Men's Investment Company, and it is said thai . Wells, Fargo & Company had some money in it. The belief is that all claims will be liquidated. The SSNPtfl arp nhnnt. 000 nnrl fit deposits (120,000. The bank held the principal stock of the State Insurance Company, and It is thought this com pany will go to the wall, Its business has been in a tottering condition for some time, ami the failure was not wholly unexpected. Suicide of Clay Humphrey. PORTLAND, Nov, 16.-This even ing Clay Humphrey, ol Eugene, com mitted suicide at the St. Charles hotel in this city by taking laudnum. The deceased was for several years engaged in the banking business in Eugene, in company with A. O. Hovey, Since the failure of their bank a couple of years ago, be has been speculating in hops and prunes, and It is said had lost considerable money in ibis way, also in gambling. It Is believed he had become despon dent over business reverses, and com mitted sulcideln&fitofmelancholly. He was aged about forty-two, and leaves a wife and child in Eugene. A Quick Arrest. DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 14. Mrs. Daisy Ortleib, wife of Alex Ortleib, a prominent merchant, while out walk ing with her six year old son, was at tacked by two negroes in the residence district. She was knocked down and robbed of her purse, containing three diamond rings worth (600, a pair of earrings worth (150, $15 in money, a $90 dcpetlt check and other valuables. Citizens and tbe mounted police were notified, and in half an hour had the negroes in jail with the stolen goods fcund on their persons. Thanksgiving Proclarostion. SALEM, Or., Aov. 13, 1805. In acknowledment of the, manifold mercies vouchsafed by Almighty Hod to our state and people during tbe past year aud in accordance with the proc lamation of the president of the United States, and In compliance with a time honored custom, I, William P. Lord, governor of the stale of Oregon, do hereby designate and set apart Thi'rs day, the 28th day of November, A. D., 1895, as Thanksgiving Dsy. Let,us on that day abstaiu from our usual occu pations, and In our homes and places of worship, offer praiw and thanks to tbe Giver of All Uood for muny bless ings conferred upon our people. Let us also devote it to tbe enjoyment of hospitality and tbe reunion of families; to tbe doing of charitable deeds and strengthening tbe bonds of friendship; to awakening sentiment of patriotism and respect for social order; to cull Ivatiug a high sense of duty, f nd to relieving the waiitsof the needy and distressed. Done at the cupitol, in Salem, Ore gon, this 13th day of November, In the year of our Lord, 189!). W. P, Lord, Governor. Ry the governor: H.R. Kinoaip, Secretary of State. The Stats Insurance Co. Failure. As a sequel to the bank failure In Salem, the following announcement was posted on the door of the State in surance oSlce at the closing hour by Edmond C. Oiltuer, manager. "Owing to the closing of the Will iams 4 England Bunking Company's bsuk, lu which our funds are kept, and to lack of iivi,i,iiile funds to meet the claims now 1'couiillig due, and iu order to ruled Hie intercuts of policy holders, the State Iimuiui.ce Company will suspend I ueim ss and auk for the appointment of a rtcoivi r." Tli6 liiaTiranue company lei an ap. plication lu Hie circuit ooiii i fur the ap pointment of a receiver, unit' E. C. Cf tit tier, the secMuiy and manager Wits apmiii.ed, The liuhiUtlt "f 'In State Insurants Company, ul ie from lliecapltalstock, amount lo $176,000; a-scU, $374,000. The bunk wus not one of general co n n.uilul ri t-!t, stid will not aflect general business of Hie city. Ex, , All knowing themselves ludsbtsd to us. Will please esll aud sell It at Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report m&Qumix pure Her First Appearance. Mary Anderson do Navarro In her stage career memoirs, which will be published In The Ladles' Home Jour nal (the cpeiung chapters in the De cember Issue), gives the publio a most interesting and entertaing view of the trials and hardships she succesefuly combated in following out her con viction that tbe stage presented to her the opportunity for a splendid career. She exultantly refers to her debut iu Louisville, Kentucky, on Saturday evening, November 27, 1872, upon which occasion the "bill shy and awk ward" girl of aixtoen interpreted Shakespeare's love-lorn "Juliet." The performance was arranged upon two days' notice time far but a single re hearsaland the aspiring Kentucky girl was lubilant when the theatre and a stock company were offered her, upon condition that she play without pay, Her happiness, however, was not unclouded, for of tbe event tbe writes with touching pathos: "That Thursday," (tbe day that her first ap pearance waa arranged) "was one of the happiest days of all my life, filled as it waa with the brightest hope and anticipation. Only one black cloud hung over tt: the thought of Nonie and n y grandparents who were alt very dear to me. Had I known then that I would never see tbe face of tbe former, that he would die, my mother and I far away from him, and that almost until his death be would refuse to forgive or see me unless I abandoned tbe itage-llfe' which he thought so injurious nay sinfull I would even then have renounced what was within my grasp. This estrange ment saddened many years of my life, and has cast a shadow over all tbe otherwise bright and happy memories of him who was the father, friend and playmate of our childhood days." ; Mrs. de Navarro evidently did not suffer from stage fright, tbe crushing terror of degutantes, for she writes that she stood impatiently waiting for her "cue" to go on. At last it came. "Then, in a Sash, I was on the stage, conscious only of a wall of yellow light before me, and a burst of prolonged applause." Tbe performance was filled with rather depressing Incidents; one of the players forgot his lines and bad to be prompted by tbe youthful star; "Romeo" neglected to bring his dagger, and "Juliet" had to per form her dispatch with u hairpin, while the lamp that hung iu "Juliet's tomb, fell and badly burned her hands and arms. "Despite of these," she writes, "the night was n success, and I knew that my stage career hud begun in earnest. Northwest's Timber Resources. Washington and Oregon have more standing timber than all the test of the United States put together; they have more than ten times as much as Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota (the white pine states) combined; more than 400 times as much as the great lumber state of Maine, and more than 600 times as much as New York. The nine largest lumber states of the South have only one-third as these two forest kings of the North west. The woods of Washington and Oregon weuld make a girdle 'rontid the earth three miles wide. If all the I other forests of the Union were to go up in smoke these two slates could meet the present demand until forests were regrown'. At tbe present rate ot consumption, and not allowing for new growth, the forests of the United States will be exhausted 120 years. The woods of Michigan, Wlsoousin, and Minnesota will be exhausted within ten years. Then Washington and Oregou will be tbe chief source ot supply for the whole Unlun, The prediction It made by U aulhur. ity that fur both quality aud quantity, the rent of the world will look to Ore gon tor Its chief source of supply and this supply Is osttalo to steadily be come more valuable In a few yean. Therefore, the lumber Industry may be fairly said to be in Its Infancy as yel, CAPTAIN SWEENKY, U, 8. A, San Dleirn. Cal. savst "Hbilnh's Ca tarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever fouud that would do me any wd, Pries tut. Isold by N, W. PMtM Oregon Ahead, Mr. J. C. Mackcy, of Detroit, one of the best posted timber rren on the coast, who has been through the Olym pic rauge between Puget Sound and the ocean looking up the timber laml, having just returned from the ti lp.was In Albany Thursday on his way home. He traversed the entire region, and speiiking of the lately reported voles. noes, says be saw them and that at present they are inactive, but that several years ago they must have been in a state of eruption as the track of the burning lava can be plainly traced on one of them. He soys that Linn and Marion counties, in Ibis state, leads the entire coast in the extent and value of forest lands. Ex. ' Business Locals. Go to Baker for your hate and caps. For pure linseed oil, call on M. A. Miller. Dry goods are arriving almost daily at Bakers Gents' shoes. A full line at Read Peacock 4 Co. Tablets, peuoils, slates, books, etc., etc., at Smith's. H, Baker carries the largest line of boots and shoes in Lebanon. You can save money by buing school supplies at Smith's drug store. If ynu want to buy property call on or write Peterson As Andrews. Ladles and childrens jackets of new est designs at Read, Peacock 4 Co. Gentlemen, call and see the new full and winter clothing at Bach & Buhl's. Anyone wishing well seasoned rustic and flooring, should call on M. A, Miller. , Ladles should Inspect Read, Pta cock i Co.'s new stock of jackets and cloaks' before purchasing. More new carpets and 6ft. and 12ft. wide Limoleum. Just received by the Albany Furniture Company. Balti more Block, Albany, Or. The Ladles Baiar at Albany are showing the finest line of fall and winter wraps ever carried before the public. Call and get their prices. F. M. French, leweler Albany, has cut the price of watches and clocks way down this full. A good 8 day clock, with alarm, for $4. Call and see them.. Notloe-AII , parties are hereby warned, that I will riot be responsible for, nor will I pay any debt contracted by Fannie Williams, my wife. A. E, Williams. Insure your property with Peterson A Adnrews. They are audits for the Old Reliable, Home Mutual, New Zealand, Springfield of Massachusetts, Continental, and other good, reliable companies. Yemnke a special rale of twenly flve cents for this paper for four mouths to new subscriber. We do this In order to put it in homes not now taking It. We make the same oiler to regular subscribers who wish to send It to friends for four months. This offer will be good for this month only, Kline, Dubrullle A Co., sold last fall and winter, 850 pairs of boots on a warrant aud they are proud to say not one pair came back. They carry the same boots this year and have on hand a very large stock. Also all kinds of shoes. Their children school shoes are the very best. Their ladies fine shoes are the finest and up to date on styles. They are the only exolusive boot and shoe store in Al bany, dive them a call. : The trusts are beglnlng tn full. The whisky trust has been ordered sold by courts. Pbe oorilage trust is broken up and now we ure making wur upon the thread trust. From now on we will sell first grade six cord thread for 4u a spool, seven fur 26c. Three cord, two for 6c. At the Racket store. We also have overalls for 46, 60 aud 6"o. Engineer's overalls 46, 06 and 90. Men's Jean pants 80c. Ladles' ahoea from $1.10 to $2.76, Meu's wc.nl hatt SO fo 80c. Fur hats $1 to $1.76. Cow boy hats T6c and $1.60. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your Blood, clear yuur com plectlon, regulate Jour Bowels and make your bead clear at a bell. 26o. lM.,to4ll,tu, S44 kjr V, W, tBltl!i t,