The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 01, 1895, Image 2

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    Lebanon - Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
The present indication isthatths
long expected war is not for dill-
ayt. Russia and Japan are on the
verge of hostilities over the division
of the spoils' in the latten war with
China. Japan wai strong enough
to gain all her victories, but. sh
unjt not be stronj enough to bold
her .legiimate fruit. - Americana
who love psaoe should be thankful
that our country M not mixed up
in the Eastern quarrels. A general
war is to he deplored, but America
would reap men financial bless
Tbs supreme court has rendered
a decision covering in part the
question of taxing church property,
As the .Express predicted, tn
court holds that the law does nut
. exempt that class of church prop-
erty which produces a revenue.
- In other words, when a church or
other JHke society owns and de
rives real from any property, that
. property must, bear its .proportion
of taxes, just as property owned by
. individuals. That property actually
Used for church purposes only,
must not pay taxes under the
present law. The justice of this
': decision, as far as it goes, will be
patent to every one, when it is re
membered, that, In Portland alone,
. millions of dollars worth of such
property has heretofore escaped tax
ation, and the burden of Uxee thos
' -shifted has been borne by the poblio
at large, who have received little
or no compensation. The spirit of
our constitution and laws demands
the complete divorcement of church
and state. Anything thst savors
of a connection between the two
should at once cease. Experience
of all ages and all nations demands
that we should guard this point
above all others, and put a quietus
' upon all attempts to ally the gov
.eminent with aqy one or all of the
many religious institutions of the
land.1 - There is -but little choice
between them." The opportunity
is all tnat is wanting. If given
the power.any denomination would
soon smother all Apposition. The
goverment, ' yielding once, could
'never shake off the tightening coils
of this dominating influence, but
would weaken and decay, unable
to stem the tide ol prosecution and
'murder Wat lias always followed
in the wake of such mUallianot,
J M. Ruktoo ft N G Rice, reo of
money. Settled.
O J Bwltser vaL C Famuli, ree of
Hooey, attaebmeut. Judgment by de
Buell, Beltabu 4 Woodard Co vi, G
C Stanard, ree of of money. Judgment
by default.
Elans Bras A Co, a corporation, va
Uormley et al, res of money, at
tachment. Settled.
Henry Lyons vs O'Couner & Burr,
ree of money. Continued.
May Senders vt Red Crown Hills,
eonflrniation. Confirmed.
Knapp, Burrell ft Co v James H
Johnson, confirmation. Confirmed.
B Froman BF Mellwulu, as ex
teuton, vt A. Haeklemau, "reo of
money. Settled. '
8 Froman AHFMcIlwalu, at ex-
ecu tor, vt Oluey Fry, jr, ree of money
S Froman iHF Mollwnin, as ex
teuton, vs D B McKnight, ree of
money, attachment. 8ettled.
H Bryant vt J M Keeney and C L
Beach. Continued for service.
The following eases are drawn for
trial; Casey agt F A M Ins Co, Rails
agt F H Im Co, Weaver agt Hohu,
Bbieldt agt Young, Laue agt Lawler,
Holater agt Bmlth, State agt Boulin,
State agt Isont, State agt Reed; two
and UcFarland agt Johnson,
Capital National Bank vt W F
Croaby, nonsuit by plaintiff.
Sarah M Bhieldt vt A M Yonng, et
al Trial by ury. Nousult gmuted
on moUon of deft at close of plaintiff's
Robert Crawford vt Linn County
Agricultural association, ree of money.
Judgment by default.
Sol Abraham vt W Achison A Co,
rac of money, attachment. Settled.
Q Bell vs E W Achison A Co, rec of
money. Attachment. Continued by
F.mll Schneider vt J 8 Raines, rec of
money. Continued by consent.
Oregon vt Arthur Johnson, obtain-.
lug money by false pretenses. Dis-
listed ou motion of district attorney.
David Carey vs F A M Ins Co. Jury
trial. Judgment, upon nonsuit fur
plaintiff for Km. Bill of exceptions
to be filed before Dec 2.
O WBmitn vsFAMInsCov Jury
trial, verdict for plaintiff for toU.tSO
attorney fees and 1716 principal.
U B Haigbt, admr. vt B M Payne,
admr, Dv-Boula-non, Trial set tor Nov
13. -.
W A Lane wWB Lawler. Settled,
fleets J fhillipt vt H Barnes et al,
ree of money, attachment. Nonsuit
at to Parker. Default Sarah O
Barnes and H Karnes.
Albert Riggs vt John Leedy, rec of
money, attachment. Settled.
State of Oregon vaJU Boulin, tell
ing malt liquor without license. Ver
dict of guilty after trial. Will be seu
Ituiotd Nov. 2, at 8 a. m. i
jDepaj unent No. s. '
Circuit court convened Monday
morning with Jndge Burnett on the
bench. Bailiffs: William Tweedale,
and W. H. Werner in the courtroomi
A. B. Woodin in charge of the grand
lory. ... - -
The grand jury was selected as fol
lows: M. C. GUI, foreman, P. A.
fnindexter, Thomas Hopkins and C.
F. Moist. i ,.,
The following business was Iran
.acted., ..:-K.,, .
Mary Cougill vs Farmers A Merch
ants Ins Co, recovery of money. Non
suit on motion of defendant.
Topliti A Co vs Mary Cougill, recov
ery of money. Dismissed as to garni
Q J Barnner vt Mary Cougill, ree nf
money. Dismissed ss to garnishee.
Moonoy, Valentine A -Co vt Mary
Cougill, ree of 'money. Dismissed at
to garnishee. ;
M Casey vs Jacob Thompson, mo
tion to correct judgment allowed.
;. Sarah J Elder vt J A McBrlde, con
tinued. . .
Jus Nanny, et al, vs Louisa D gettas
tuire el al, continued.
Laura A Caldwell vs 11 C Cald
well, etal, continued. -
Will A Link v W HAH J Maple,
J B K Irvine vs Michael McTelgh,
H M Stone vs School Dist No 109,
8 Z Taylor vs R C Roller Mills et al
Nonsuit as to deftt Btockman, Itom
and Pfeifffir. . ......
Farmers A Merchants Ins Co vt
Henry Gerhard et al -at admr. Bet-
tied. '
Esberg. Baobman'A 'fM vt Harrlaw
burs Mercantile Co, ree of money, at-tsliuieut.-'eitlfd
' "
. Jlenry WKingACo vsHarrtaburr
Mercauliie fo, reo.of juoaey, tlaoli-
ment, .Continued,. . U .,;" ...
..iitewart. A Sox, a&W Morrs, rec .of
.W9W, ettashBieiifc. Settled. . ..
LspoldBJrsch vt Harriet if U
tm!l Co, rvjj afstaaa'Vflt'
Pinal Account,
Nonce hi hereby given that tin unilsr-
Dry goods are arriving almost daily
at twKere
If ynu want to buy nronertv eall on rimed administrator of the estate of John
or write Peterson A Andrews. at. J. hnmell, deceased, has Sled his anal
Just arrived, an invoice of ladies fine ,fn'll,h 3tnied estate, with
h,w, ti K n.i. u.i. . " 0,"r 01 wranvy omm oi unn conn-
u ouaesire to purchase property at day, the 12th day of October. 1880. at 11
a bargain, call ou M. A. Miller. ' o'clock a m., at ilie county court room, at
IjuIIm ami childreue Janets of new-! Albul' Jjlm ""IV. Oregon, as the time
est designs at Read P.v,k x l v " P' """"f obJ!tioi.s, it any, to
trwaavwiiw viu iirv cnttreiucill Ul Mill
weorge iue writes ait Kluds 01 In- aatatt. J. H. Lovaux,
suranee, anil sullen, a share of your This 2nd Sept., 1890,
Atty.tor Admr.
patronage. ,
The Ladies Basar at Albany are
showing the finest line of fall and
winter wraps ever carried before the
public. Call and get their prices.
You can earu IS each day "glvlug" j
our absolutely indispsnslble household
article away. New plan of work, mak-
A.dmlnlntrlotrlx'a Notlrn.
Notice is hereby gWtit, that by order of
the county court of IJnri county, Oregon.
tut uiidenignsd has been duly appoint!
and is new tht duly qualified sctingsdmln-
lllHtilinflhiHtateArW A ni.tuti. nf
...B uuiinniar, aim s ld countv. decameed. All barliM havln
ccceriaui loreimer sex in any tee- olainis against widtstott art hereby re-
lion, earnpie aoten free. Credit given. I quired to present the asms, duly veriiied,
Freight paid, Address, Melrose MTg.
uo., 41 Melrose Park, 111.
Kline, Duhruille A Co., sold last (til
ana winter, sou pairs of boots an a
warrant and they are proud to say
not one pair came back, They tarry
the same boots this year and have on
band a very large stock. Asa all
kinds of shoes. Their children school
Bhoesarethe very best. Their ladies
flue shoes are the finest and np to
date ou styles. They are the only
exclusive boot and shoe store In Al
bany. Give them a call
There will be a local Institute at Lt-
oomb, Or., Friday p. m., sod Saturday
Nov. 1-2 '96. Teachers and parties in
the viciuity are earnestly requested to
to be present and take part iu the dis
cussions. A. B. Rcthewobd.
County Superintendent.
to the undersigned, within six months
freai the l'ith day of July, 1S98, tht first
publication of this notice, at the office of
Hani'l M. Osrland, Lebanon, Oregon.
Hakkah R. Bisuor,
Btt'iM. Gain Administratrix
) Alty. lor Admr1!. of the Estate of
W. A. Bishop, deceased.
Oliver chuleb piQWS
Extras and Repairs
float on te Knapp, Barrell a Company
Sob, Annti Tor n..n. o, ,
Oliver Callled Plows, '
narrows, imus.w, Albany, or.
Fetherbone Corsets
Better Than All Other
1st. They Fit Bolter
2d. They Wear Better.
8d. They are More Stylish.
4tb. They are Cheaper.
5th. They are More Comfortable.
New Model.
nerchanu are
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will A Stark, Jeweler
Optical Specialist
The Champion
Do t Geasnl Exchange Business
CHvm I , K
Cr- A to
4 Style. , ' -( money
Short ' wtwks'
Leagths. ft trial If not
Best Msya"'"!'-,, Sstlsfac-
terUU. V lWv.
Graduate of the Clcago Opthalmlc LMn ?lb,.bMt FI, ,
College. - lurW lbs. 2nd grade " (lbu.wueat.
I am prepared to examine tolentnV
Always prepared to give
the highest cash prices for
wheat ou wagon or wheat
eally and accuratly, by the latest and
improved methods of modern acisnee,
any who desire to have their eye ta
ted. ' , -
Cuaick Block, Albany, OrsoOhI-'
K I I Pi I I P P Seed wheat' cleaned
Instantly Mere, I T Tr ,6 '
j y i toe vee '
(U1U X tVUiWlDlUlT
(CkaiKed Srenr Wsei.l ,
Wheat 40c.
Oala12 to 15c
Bay S3 to(6 per ton.
FlourlO 75fi0- per tack.
Chop SO 90 per owt,
Bran 66c per cwt.
Middlings SU 76 per owt.
Potatoes 2c
Apples Dried, 4c per lb
Plums Dried, 6c
Onions lc
Beet-Pregsed, Si to 4c
Pork Dressed, 4.
Lard 10.
Hams 10 per lb.
Bboulders 7c
tudes-lOc per lb.
Goese ti SS per dog.
JDucks-2 S8 per dot.
Chickens-Si S02 25.
Turkeys fie per lb.
Eggs 20o per dot.
Butter-16 20c per lb.
liides-Green, 4c; dry, Sc.
Notice of Administration.
Notice is hereby given, that, by or
der of the county court of Linn county,
Oregon, the undersigned has been duly ap
soiuted and now is the duly qualified and
ting administrator of the estate of John
fl. atoa, deceased. AU patties having
claims against said (stale are hereby re
quired to present the same, properly veri
fied, within six months from the 2Stli Oc
tober 1895, the first publication hereof, to
toe undersigned, at the office of, Sam'l M
Garland, Lebanon, Ore. B. BtmaassAw,
Adm. Estate of
John O. aton,
Stu'i II. Oaaunp, deceased.
Atty for Admr.
Retail dealers should call
nd get our lowest prices on
flour and feed.
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weak.
Oman : Itoomi 706-707, )Urqaui BnUsttif,
Consryeatory of Isic
Prof. Z. M. Parvlu, musical Director
HTIII ... TT..1 .
iwnuBiij ui iviiraiueiic LuiverHuy,aasi 11 . ,
been elected Director for the coming " colleSlate COUrSeB.
school year.
Full Courses In
branches of Music.
' Latest methods.
Fine music rooms.
Prices low for grade of work
Ib Your ChQd
Going to College?
Have him fitted at the
Thourough preperation for
Certificates admit to the
the ioiportaotll,.j;.p,.ii .... t
Normal Department gradu-
peatherbone Corset Cot
Sola Manulaalurrtt, ;
The Leading Doulor In
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
. Shoes, Notions, Etc
ates ehtaio Stale and Life di
plomas. Music, Art, Book
Bend for circular and catalogue.
W. H.LEE, A. M., Pres..
Albany, Oregon.'
Tlinlnn.aa .bul , f I V'
course. Term begins Beotember 11th. wpng- PPecilUUeB, neaim
ana outaoor me, smau cias
see and instruction for the in
Winter term opens Sept 23,
Tuition 6.50 and $10.00 per
term, bona lor catalogue
8. A. RANDLE, A. M
Final Account.
Kofiee is hereby aiven, that tiie under
eigited execntor of the estate of Moses
Klaod, deceased, has filed, with the clerk ol
the county court of Linn county, Oregon,
his final awoum in the above named estate;
and that the judge of ssid court has fixed
Hoadey, the 4th day of November, 1SSH, at
11 o clock a. m., of said day, at the county
ourt room of said county, ss the time and
fleet for searing objections, if any there
ae, to said account and the settlement of
aaidtatts). Gtoaot H. Buss,
TbtsitttMey Xuculorofestattof
f kept, JIM. Motts eUud, Otc'd.
' ti. Dtauss,
2 2. '
so ip i1 ...
Power & Tomlinson
Having consolidated the
two entire stocks of E. L.
Power and J. L. 'J'omlinson.
Now located on Second
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc. '
Pictures and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Parties desiring lumber can jret
all kinds at short notice, and at bot
tom prices, of Humphrey & McNee,
on Hamilton creek: or at $, A. JNick-
erson's planer at Lebanon. Oregon.
A large stock of all kinds always
on hand at both places, except black
walnut. Humphrey & McNee.
41iMs Pa tfiiaiicofiiiiii c Jo ilmim,