The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 01, 1895, Image 1

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    i r ? m i '
.1 1 f !l I Ik I 1 fc. -7
NO. 35. ,
(II paid In ailveuoe, II i per year.)
ox mantle. ..- - " "
rtmw mouth..,. .. - "" ;
i amirleoapieft.... ""
Cleo. W. McrinilBi Senators
Julm II. Mitchell,! '
Dinger Hermann -aTeaeroaa
William I'. Lord Governor
II, It. Kimuiid,......... ...Becretary of State
J'lill Melneliaii, .......Treasurer
0 M. Irwin, ift. Public Instruction
JI. W ld State Printer
II. 8 Hum. ' I . , ,
F.A.Moor., j Supreme Judges.
U. K. Woolvortnn.l
I , J. N. Duncan
ler, ' , K. Nee dham
Reiionle'r,... D. F. Hnrdmari
Sheriff,... A. Mcr ernn
School tMiH!riiitendcut,....A. It. Untlieribrd
Tnumr P. "rr;
AnnenKor W. F. Deokln"
Surveyor, E- T. T. KWior
Coroner A- J "J'"
QoinmiHsiouors, .....
.lolin riurn
i J. M. Water.
;BaYOK ."M- A. MILUil
..RumnnKit V....W. M. DISOWN
.J.F. HYD14.
a 11 i.hN'ii.
it. H. II Y KK8.
W. HICK. :
Cltj Council iiib."ln 'lie llrst and third
Tuesday evening, ui' cat n'"tn-
Secret Societies.
LI . H TENT, No. 7. K. 0, T, M.-Mooto in Q. A.
R, 11.11 on Tliiimliy evMilng t men
TnitMMM Mr KniKliM awlilly Invito to
visit the 1'eiit wectliv.
;. A. UMnuiKiK, Com,
Uw. w. niir., It. K.
ltONOK LOME, Nil; US, A. 0. 0. W.-Meiitl
-very ruowl.v .toiiIhb til 0. A. ft. Hail.
a, w.crubom, m. w.
a. w. un."
ttiHANON L01I01S, KO. 47. 1.0. 0. K.-MouU
,eryHtiirilny evealiutat Odd, t
A. E. DAVI6. N. 0.
Iff. C. PETKRSON, Soot'y.
... '.lRKB;i-A LOIKiE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.
. .oo liull tint mid third WediiM
Jl.t.H, "'JL-1th.
d.,.v.l0Bl ;XsAWAR8H, N. G.
F.4 A. M.-Moeti
A.I, mn.,1. In
Haturdy tivenitig, on or bufor. tliL 't m.Ib and
iuh mouth, at Miuumc Uull, Cor. jnv)Ad
Oraut u. UtounUng cornlai.,
to attend.
I. E. TIahXACK, W. M,
b, u. tvai fioe. hoc.
. JOHN F. MILLUll W. K. C. No. 16,
nioutK lHt and lird Friday, of each month at
2:30 p.m. Dollik K. Saltuakmh,
MlNBir, M kneik, Fres.
.' Her'ty.
UKN'L MKIIKiH CAMP, No. IV, Clvialou of Oro
gou, Hon. of VotontaniH-Mcot lu 0. A. K. ilatl,
...-very tiotiinl&y cveniuK. except tlie thinl
.', iiCtiitday ofottoh inontli, meeting the third Fri
t.y instead. All brother, or tho Hunt of Vet
Jraiw .d eoniradoauf tho 0. A. R. r. oordlally
anrlioil to ioet nlthtlui Cami.
. . a. Carb, Cant.
KA M. WJWT HIVE, ."O- - E,
Mmiurni th.2d, 4th and 6th ev(U,ln? of
ili inniuli it 7:90 P. it. at 0. A.
U, Hall, Tran-
hmt Lady M.uonboel .re oordla. ""ii in
U.mtK Su-an, Lady R
Pou.i haw, Lwlr Com,
Sam'l M. Garland.
Weatherlord ft Vyatt,
W. M. BROWN, '
Dr. H. L. Parish,
Ottlce iti Ht. Charles Hotel,
... Ill fk; nouns
10;00 to 12:00 A.M.
' ' 010 4:00 P. M. , . ;
, 0 to 7:110 F,M.
IWriui,. - on Brld.o Avenue.
Almost everybody takes some laxative
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder)
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxative and tonic that purifies the blood
and strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
and healthy, and when the Liver is In
good condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Skk
fieadache and Constipation, and rid of
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
Is properly at work. If troubled with any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi
cines, and Better than Fills.
Baa the Z Bump In red on wrapper.
J, H. Zellin Co, Phluu, Pa,
A Clubbing Offer.
A grout many of our readers Llim
county like to tnlic the weekly Oregon
Ian. We have made umtngruieutx
whereby we eiui lurnlsh it nt a icduet
iou from the regt'lnr prier to those who
want both the Extkimh and the
Oregoulaii. The regular price of the
Oregonlttli 1b $1,611 per year, and of the
Exi'UKHB $1.50 when In vlvanue. We
will fu nils I) both f-r $1 per year In
advHiitfe a saving nf one iMInr to the
aulMCrlper. The Oregonlim gives all
the general news of the country mice a
week, and the ExFKHHS gives all the
lucid new. fliicis a week, which will
make a iuot excellent news Service
for I be moderate sum of J!2. per ear.
TtutM) who liro at preceut aubucrluer
fttie ICxl'KKSB tiiunt pay In all anear
am. and one year In advance to obiuln
this Hiwcial price.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co,
Hitiriu train, leave Portland daily:
. r.iOa.
:SOr, J l,v"Allmv.. -Ar. I 4:51) A. t
12:10 P. M. .,iti,n ,'ra'eisLv ! (1:00 r.
lu:iiiA. . i. ,, . .
J ., tw stop n!. J!al Fort
'llienliovetru. M'wjlliurii, Biilem,
liniri, Oregon Utl.v, 4, AlhaiiV,
Turner, Muiioti, Jt. Wit'dd,
Ailany Junction, fui.. nj,, j;ity,
Hnlney, Hnri'iKburg, Jul.- ,,,Jd
Irving, Kuireue, v:n'weii. ur- .(,
air eumoii. irom jumhuik bou
unci including Ashland,
Ttoscl'iir tnail tlaily: : .
TniOTipX'ftirtlan'd".A r. I 4 :40 "r. .
12:26 r. m, Lv...Alhaiiv Ar. 1:1R r. M.
6:60 e. M. ! Ar...KofrlMirj.JjBjOO A;M.
Lical paamnger trains daily (except
7ar Lv...Albany Ar. 10:40 a.m.
OilO a. M. Ar...Lebanon....Lv. 8:40 a.m.
i-Mr.u. Lv...Alliany Ar. 0:46p.m.
t:SQ P.M. Ar...Ilianon ...Lv. 6:60P.M.
JHnin? Oars on, Ojiden Route.
Second-ClaBe Sleeping CCri At"
tnclied to all Through Trains.
West Side niviBlon.
Mail train-daily (excopt Sunday):
TH 7 m I i'.v.."Port.lnnd ...Ar. i :20 a. m.
12:16 p. JJAr...l'orlliLylMJP'"
At Alhaiiv and Porvnllis ennnect with
trains of 0. 0. & K. rnijroail.
Ejcpresb train daily (exceit Sunday) :
T40Jr7iTf.T...Pnrilaiirl ...Ar.i 'Zi.
7:06 P. M.I Ar.MeMinnvillo l.v JBjB0 AM.
irUBfllirn TIPVPTI 'l'o rt Ktinta in the
i -l l!nlern HlatcH. Can
ada and Europe eon be ohtuinwl at lowest
rateB from F. U. H iek"h. npent, Leijanoti.
v 1 R. KoKHUOR, Manager.
F. . BOtlKHH, Aat. " F. & Fans. Ant
' Notice.
'All pemons knovinir themselves III
dented to me will plense cull and aetHe
at onoe, either by eaah or a note, n I
have aold nut and wish te clow up my
Jury Brought in a Verdict After
Twenty-four Hour.' Delibera
tionInsanity Was
the Defense.
KALAMA, Wn., Oct.-In the case
of the Btate of Washington vs. Charles
Aslmus, for killing Jack Greenwood
September 21, near Buslies' .sliding,
the jury brought iu the verdict this
uflernoon, after twenty-tour hours' de
liberation, Sndlng the defenduntguilly
as charged, which was of murder iu
the first degree. Hie attoneys will
move for a new trial, bnt there seems
to be very llltle hope of getting it.
Animus I. a hunchback, and the.
question of hia sanity was raised on
the ground that the injury to his
spine, which deformed his back, also
a flee led his mind; but there was no
evidence to show thut he was not sane
when he committed the murder. Sen
tence was not passed and court ad
journed until November 27. Judge
Miller left tonight for Vancouver.
Aslmus obtained a judgment for s
small sum of money against Green
wood, and been use he could not collect,
went In Greenwood's place, demanded
his money, and, not receiving it,
opened fire on an unarmed man, shoot
ing several times after his victim had
fulleu. The hunchback has never
seemed to realize the euormity of his
To Name M'Kinley.
CHICAGO, Oct. 25.-A special to
the Tvews from Washington says that
Senator tiheimati, di spite his years,
will in all pioUaUility. be. an active
participant in the republican national
convention of 1896. The role will be-'
a new one for the senator. Iu the con
ventions of 1880, 1864 and 1888 of Ills
party, he was a candidate for presi
dent, either active or passive, and of
necessity did not tittend the conven
tions. Ills was a silent figure In the
proceedings of 181)2. His announcer
uient now that he is not a candidate
on account of hia years; that he has at
last given up the ambition of his life,
and is now outspoken for McKinley is
made for a purpose. The senator bad
been asked by friends of McKinley to
become a delegate at large at (he next
year's convention, and will, In all
probability, be requested to present
the name of Ohio's favorite son. The
iutoriuiilipfl comes from a friend of
McKinley. , ,
The McKinley boom lias always
carried a long line of spectacular fea
tures, but this luttst, of. honest John
Bheriuau holding 1 he ribbons over the
fj'Hrlii'Uii aiifl spirited Ohiu republican
learn and keening the skitlish Furaker
, iii in,,.. u hetM tlie lnlerent of not-
in . . ,i.
. fjlain.'g Daughter,
NCJHCO, Oct, g6.-A
iiiys; Withie In
Washington apecia.
xrouable that-a
.. .A it ia
, .7. T,, i .. i. '.n.-U-'d hy Mrs
lliVlrlUC BUI. WJ.I . . m
Truxton Bealn.nee Blaine.du vm'
the late James G. Blaine, a gain
it tier
huUnd. Vdey have separated,
Beal la In Kurope, and his wife ie in
Auuusta, Me., with her mother.
During the past year runiora uave.
freouentlv circulated in Washington
that Mr.andMre. Beale were not living
happily. More than six months ago a
a story was sent out from Washington
that they had separated and that
divorce suit would follow. MUls story,
however was denied. It cannot be
iitjiiiied from any source iu WasU'
n in whether suit for divorce will be
' Hute4 by Mr. Beal or his wife.
The a '"""d" "P0" wulch P1,060"1
will pro Wily 18 K'OowptW
biMr- "b.IuT''1 00 M 0feBent trip
totlleth-eult for divorce. It to not
believed that be4wi In any y in
terferewitb the pi-.edings, andlf the
, ) m. onon an nao ute divorce
courts decide upou una
It would n.,tiau Ir. JSeale to enter
You can" pet W' 1)lelul "
Waver & tnitroui,'iii"
ivi T H. HawkliisC'tattttiioog
SAUU!.V.i ,ii, vstem I
best, ri uieuy i" " fi. at
. . .. ..a!i io,,r DvsteiJiia, Wver or
K ,7TnCtett ejcel.. l-rioe7,c...
Close Call for Camps,
HAVANA, Oct. 5.-Cplalu-Gen.
eral Martinet de Campos arrived heie
shortly before noon from Cieiifuegos,
In bis journey from Ciegolde Anlla to
Santa gplritus he was escorted by only
100 cavalrymen and was attacked by
the insurgents, whom he routed after
a sharp light. The cuplaln-gcneral's
cloak was pierced by eight bullets and
a bullet went through his saddlebags.
Havana, Oct. 25. The Spanish
gunboat Carldad has bceu sunk off
Cardlnas, In the piovince of Matanzas.
The ciew escaped in boats. The gun-
.boat will be floati d as soon as neces
sary assistance can be sent her.
Washington's Centennial. '
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.-The sug
gestion that a great exposition, mark
lug the close of the present century,
be held in Washington, m 1900, is
meeting much favor. Besides com
memorating the close of a century,
such an exposition would mark the
centennial anniversary of the found
ing of the seat of government in the
District of Columbia. In June, 1800,
the public offices were transferred to
Washington and opened on the 15th
of that month.
A citizen of Washington suggests to
the board of trade that It would be
fitting, as this is the capital city, thai
each state composing the union should
have a permanent exhibition located
here, showing its resources as. to com
merce, transportation, mining, etc.
Added to the national exhibit and in
dividual state exhibits there should I
exhibits of the nation, of North, Cen
tral and South America.
A Finger In The Cuban Pie.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 26. A mem
ber of the Cuban junta, now in the
NorUiwent, today declare there was a
secret compact between Spain and
England, which, accounted for the
eeteure of. the fillibustering ex perdi
tions in the liadama islands, by which
Spain is to turn over tbe Island of Bos
Finos, at the southeastern point of
Cuba, to England's promises to pre
vent the fitting out of expeditions from
West; Indian dependencies. The isle
of Dos Pinos would give England au
immensely valuable naval station com
manding the only channel to the
Nlcaraguan canal not now controlled
by England. He also asserts that
Cut a will soou have a modern navy of
five vessels under the command of
Admiral de Mellow, a Brazilian sailor,
two ships to come from Brazil and one
from Chill. He admits an effort will
soon be made to float an issue of $20,-
000,000 Cuban bonds.
. Hops.
-SALEM, Oct. 26. The movement
of the hop crop in this vicinity is not
yet very brisk. There have been
about 10,000 bales sold this season.
About the same amount has been de
livered on cuntracU. It ia generally
conceded here that the shortage is not
so great as was feared during the pick
ing season. The output of tbe state is
now estimated by Halem buyers at
about 100,000 bales. The dealers esti
mate that about 20 per cent of the crop
is extra choice, 25 per cent choice, and
the remainder medium and print"
The prices quoted range from five to
six cents. It is known, however, thut
as high as six and three-quarter cents
baa beep offered privately, and some
inferior hups have sold as low as four
and a half cents.
Speed of a Tram.
BUFFALO, Oct 24.-The world'
reixird for railroad speed over a great
distant was broken today by a special
train on t.' Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern rallrfad, which ran from One
Hundredth street, Chicago, to Bufialo
.reek. Buffalo, 410.1 miles, in 481 mill'
utes and 7 seconds, at an average speed
nf8.6 miles ner hour, Tins lime in
eludes itops. Exoluslve of slop the
run waa made 47U minutes ai.u u
seconds, an average speed ofGi98mll
per hour.
The New York Ceiiteral's ncord of
September II was an average speed of
62.01 miles per hour, including stops,
and 64.26 mile, per hour exclusive of
'" Important If True.
Tli. AsforWi furnishes the follow
ing intt resting bit of gossip:
'H wns .laud yctenlay on good
authority I but Georgf Gould, the New
York railroad rongu. to, with a special
party of olb"r mpliullats, will be ill
Astoria ubuul I be nine Mr. Hammond
returni", to look over Astoria's facilities
for basduexs.", ' ;
' Puuh t Munpy will Hive you money
on buots and shoe., Me litem and be
i ganvlanatd,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
The Sale of Came Birds.
Game birds arc plentiful now, Many
Chinese plieasant) are being sold In
this city for twenty-five cent! each.
The open season for grouse, pheasants,
quail, Mongolian pheasant and simi
lar birds in this stole is from Septem
ber 1 to December 1, but the birds ca
be killed for the market and oltlerer)
for Bale only during the period be;
tween October 15 and November 15,
and dealers having birds in their pos
session five days after November 15
are liable to fines. In the wording of
this statute, the fruitier was careful to
be clear and specific as to the meaning
of the act, and the law expressly pays
thai It shull be unlawful to have the
birds in their possession after Novem
ber 15, even in cold storage, Gfvme
Protector McGuire has referred this
section of the Oregon game laws to
to Attorney-General Idlemau, to de
cide whether It be constitutional, and,
if the attorney-general is of that opin
ion, Mr. McGuire will stop absolutely
the sale of birds after the time specified
by law. Of all the game birds in Ore
gon none equal tbe Chinese pheasant.
Many of them are being shipped alive,
for breeding purposes, to every state in
the Union. They bring, usually ,'10
per pair. Hundreds of these birds
have been shipped from the Willam
ette valley during the present season,
and tbe sum realized from their sate
amounts to a neat sum. Albany
The Nonpareil, (
Jack Denipsey, the Nonpareil, who
won and defended his title to the
middle-weight championship of the
world in seventy-one hard bouts inthe
ring, and from whom finally Fiizsim
mous won his title as middle-weight
champion, is dying of consumption at
his home ir this city. It can be said
of Deirpsey that while he fought
many hard battles in the ring, he
uever forgot to be a gentleman and ex
hibited none of the brutal traits of the
average prize fighter. He has an
estimable wife and two pretty girls
who are deynted to htm. It is thought
DempBey cannot survive more tuau a
few days perhaps only hours. Ex.
Santiam Mining Machinery.
The big bpljer for the Santiam mines
as started on it way to the mines
Thursday of last week on heavy trucks.
It was taken safely across the 'bridge
at Gates, but a short distance on the
road the grade gave way and the
boiler and trucks tailed to slide down
the mountain side. Luckily tt logcd
against a tree, or It would have gnuo
down the mountain side into the can
yon. Jack screws and block and
tackle will be used, in raising the boiler
upon the grade again. ' The other min
ing machinery will be tak.n In as fast
as possible and it. is expeotcd to have
it all into the mines before snow; falls,
Murderer Fleeter.
Flester, the copdemned murder, say
the Grant's Pass Cuurier, ia alone In
his cell these days and seems to feel
sure of a successful appeal and a new
trial that will result either in (he suc
cessful plea of insanity or a term lu the
"pen." The time set for hia execu.
Hon is not very far offthe day after
Thanksgiving and Sheriff Hiatt hat
already began plana for the scaffold,
which will be erected alongside the
jail building, unlesB some hitch in the
proceedings occurs,
To Convict Wood, ... '
U. S. Deputy Collootor Barlow, hi
tompuny with Deputy Sheriff Cath
cart of Koschurg, took a trip out in
the Kerby country this week, hunting
up evidence to convict Wood, theCoos
Bay stage robber arrested In this
county a few weeks ago. The United
States authorities have taken I lie mat
ter iu hand and have ample evidence
to convict. Grant's PaB Courier, s ..
. ' 1 "LI-,.
. At f. M. French's jewclery: store,
Albany, you ran buy Initial
JOe, I elt pins 10o, C. E. pins lOe, silver
pin cushions 10c. Wilte fdr them hhd
Inclose amount h' postage s'timVpi'
. V-- --f, -'. - r .
SHI LOU'S CUBE, the .giefltiSuugli.
anil Croup Cure, in-in g'nJ ileluaiid.
Pocket size eonliilns -twenUvflve only
85c. Ch iliireu love It. Sol, by N, W
Latest V. S. Gov't Report
OS' ;
Mr. John Sturdivan of Lebanon hsi
been sawing wood In Tennessee day
and night.
Chas Hwlnk had the misfortune of
having his left band sawed. "
Mr. and Mrs MoKnlght visited rela
tives in Tennessee tut Thursday and
Friday. Thursday tiiglit chivore at
tended, consisting of about seventy-five
boys and girls.
Martha Crowder left last week for
Albany, where she will work for the
rest of the winter.
. Monna Frouk will stay in Sodavilte
this winter.
All the lib bave been sold fur (lets,
except three crops.
Rev. Mol luy preached an Intereating
sermon Sunday.
Mr. Mike Bhare and Mi.s Kth.l
Woods were untied In marriage Is. t
Wednesday at 10 o'clock a. m. In the
evening the chivore was preearnt
with their music. A fine supper w.s
spread. ( All of course done Juatlue to
the supper. We wish I hem much Joy
and that they' might live a long and
happy life. "Caesar."
.... Notice.
Water consumers must notspriukle
their lawns after 8:30 p.' m., on ac
count of fire protection. Patrons vio
lating this notice, will He shut off.
N H. Allen.
, ' Notice to Shippers.
Effect Aug. 21st, 1895. The rate on
oats from Lebanon by rail to San
Francisco; Oakland wharfs, Port
Costa and Sacramento, Cul., will be
13.00 per ton in Carloads of 40000 lbs.
F. U. Hioock,
Agt.8.P.B. R.C.
Busineu Locals
Mayer 4 Klmbrough want yojr
produce. " i
Gen tB' shoes. A full line at Bead
Peacock dc Co.
Chandler carriea a complete line of,
stoves, tiu an granite ware.
Something neat and nobby. Bee
Chandler') heating stoves.
All knowing themselves indebted to
me will please call and settle at
owe. M. A. Millki.
, More new oarpets mm) 6ft. and 12ft.
wide Limoleura. Just received by the
Albany Furniture Company. Balti
more Blook, Albany, Or. :
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity. Call upon or write to 8. N.
Steele A Co., Albany, Oregon.
Insure your property With Peterson
A Adore wa. They are agenta for (he
Old Reliable, Home Mutual, New
Bealaod, Springfield of Maasachusetta,
Continental, and other good, reliable
companies, , ' ,
The trusts are Iwglniug to fall. The
whisky trust has been ordered .old by
courts. The cordage trust is bmuen
up and now we are making war upon
the thread trust. From now on we
will sell drat grade six cord thread for
4o a spool, seven for 25c. Three cord,
two for So. At the Backet store. W
also have overalls for 46, 50 and rVki.
1 Engineer's. , overalls 45, 65 and 90.
Men's Jean pants 80c. Ladles' alinea
from SLI0 to 2.76.. Men') wool hala
aOfoSOc. Fur hats U to 11.78. Row
boy hats 75o and 11,50.
" Final Account.
Notice Is hereby glvea, that the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
Jacob Newman, deceased, lias tiled bet
Anal account In said estate, with the cieik
of the county court for Linn' county, Ore
gon i and the judge of said eourt ha. fixed
December the 2nd, 1M, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of Bald day, at the county court
room of Bald county, as the time and place
for liearing objections, it any there I.e. to
said uccoimt, end the sotllemriit of tl.e .aid
estate, Hasar F., Ktanta,
AdmiiilntrBlrlx of estate of
Jacob Newman, dfcoased,
Kati'j.M.UAM.A.11, ' "
Ally for Adnu., .
SHILOH'fl CUBE fa'aolrf "iiir a
(lutittitee'. I. cures JtielpWut-Cnn
sumption. jh (It. wt ;nir.ii cure
Only on wnt a Ata iSJela v, Won.,
and WteV1 Hold Vjr . JI, W i(lli